KAZALO — INDEX ČLANKI — ARTICLES Filo Breda: Domoznanska zbirka in domoznanske informacije — Demographic Collection and Demographic Inform ation . . . 171 Pintarič Ivan: U vajanje mehanizacije v knjižnicah — Introduction of Mechanization in L ib r a r ie s ............................................... 186 Jan Zoltan: M ikrofilmiranje periodike — Microfilm Reproduction of Periodicals .......................................................................................... 193 ZAPISKI — NOTES Reisp Branko: O razstavi »Zakladi Narodne in univerzitetne knjiž­ nice« — About the Exhibition: “Treasures of the National and University Library” .................................................................................199 Strgar Milica: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica v Ljubljani hrani tudi tisk s sovražno vsebino — The National und U niversity Library in Ljubljana collects and preserves also Publications showing enemity to the State * . ................................................. 203 Reisp Branko: Tri dragocene pridobitve knjižnice Narodnega m u­ zeja — Three valuable Acquisitions of the National Museum Library ........................................................................................................ 207 Smolik Marijan: Bibliografska zbirka slovenskega verskega tiska v Semeniški knjižnici v Ljubljani — Bibliographic Collection of Slovene religious Publications in Semeniška knjižnica in L ju b lja n a ........................................................................................................ 210 BIBLIOGRAFIJA — BIBLIOGRAPHIE Ujčič Majda: Slovenske bibliografije v letu 1981 — Slovene Biblio­ graphies in the Year 1 98 1 .......................................................................215 Ludvik Slavica, Spes Majda, Drofenik Helena: Literatura s pod­ ročja bibliotekarstva in inform atike v NUK in CTK v L jub­ ljani ter UK v M ariboru — Literature on the Librarianship and Informatics in the National and university Library and Central Technical Library in Ljubljana and in the University Library in M a r i b o r ................................................................................ 227