04/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26. 01. 2014 3. NEDELJA MED LETOM 3rd. SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.com Hall rentals 905-518-6159 IT.NTAJK ( Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church »Gospod je moja luč in rešitev!« Vedno znova nas preseneča sodobnost božje besede. Tako danes poslušamo preroka Izaija, ki v preroškem božjem navdihnjenju gleda v mesijanske-krščanske čase. V duhu gleda ljudstva preteklih in prihodnjih časov in jih vidi, kako »hodijo v temi«, ker ne poznajo Boga in Odrešenika; istočasno pa vidi tudi luč, Kristusa odrešenika, ki edini prinaša pravo in polno radost in veliko veselje. V drugem berilu se apostol Pavel čudi, da se mnogim tako malo pozna, da so srečali to »veliko luč«, Kristusa.s Kristusom. »Razodeli so mi o vas,« piše, »da so prepiri med vami.« Da torej žive kot tisti, ki niso odrešeni, ki so sužnji svojih strasti, ki ne poznajo Boga, Očeta vseh, in ne Kristusa, brata vseh in Odrešenika. »Govorite vsi isto,« jih opozarja »in naj ne bo med vami razporov.« Tudi danes po več kot 2000 letih Kristusovega oznanila in odrešenja bi te besede marsikje veljale. Smo v svetovni molitveni osmini za edinost kristjanov in besede: »Ali je Kristus razdelje?« imajo tudi danes še kako globok pomen in spodbudo za večjo zavzetost. Evangelij današenje nedeljo se začenjo nekako nenavadno, namreč Jezus se je, potem, ko je zvedel, da so Janeza Krstnika vrgli v ječo, umaknil v Galilejo in tako omogočil božje delovanje. Sami včasih mislijo, da moramo vse samo storiti in to takoj. Po molitvenem premisleku bomo morda včasih pustili Bogu, da on deluje in nam jasno pokaže, kaj želi. Jezus tudi tokrat vabi k spreobrnjenju - včeraj smo slišali kako se je spreobrnil apostol Pavel - rasti v dobroti iz dneva v dan, v vseh okoliščinah našega življenja. Le tako bomo deležni največje, edine prave luči, pravega odrešenika - Kristusa. Jezus je to pokazal še na prvih učencih, ki jih je povabil, naj gredo za njim in ti so se velikodušno odzvali. Tudi za nas velja povabilo: »Hodi za menoj!« Veliki ribič ljudi, naš Odrešenik, hvala ti za veliko luč tvojega evangelija, za veliko družino - Cerkev. Naj bodo kmalu vse »ribe« v tvoji mreži ljubezni! Jealousy and Envy Opens the Door to Evil Jealousy and envy are the gateways to bitterness and gossip that sow division within the Christian community. This was the central point of Pope Francis' homily at Casa Santa Marta The Holy Father drew his reflection from the first reading, which spoke on Saul's jealousy of David. The joy of victory was transformed into sadness and jealousy after David receives praise for his victory over the Philistines. That jealousy that overcomes Saul, the Pope said, is the same "worm of jealousy and envy" that took over Cain. And just like Cain, Saul decides to kill David. "Saul, instead of praising God as the women of Israel did for this victory, prefers to close in himself, in regret and to cook his feelings in the broth of bitterness," the Holy Father said. "Jealousy leads to murder. Envy leads to murder. It was this door, the door of envy, through which the devil entered the world. The Bible says: 'Through the envy of the devil, evil entered the world.' Jealousy and envy open the doors to all evil things. It also divides the community. A Christian community, when some of its members suffers, from envy, jealousy, it ends up divided: one against the other. This is a powerful poison. It is a poison that we find in the first pages of the Bible with Cain." The Holy Father went on to say that there are two distinct reactions in a person struck with jealousy and envy: bitterness and gossip. A bitter person, he said, does not know joy, only concerned with what they do not have. The second attitude, gossip, leads one to debase others because "they cannot tolerate that anyone has anything." "Gossip divides the community, they destroy the community. They are the weapons of the devil," the Pope stressed. "A person that is under the influence of envy and jealousy kills, as the Apostle John says: 'He who hates his brother is a murderer. An envious person, a jealous person, begins to hate his brother." Concluding his homily, Pope Francis prayed that this seed of jealousy may not be sown in Christian communities. "It is a great grace, the grace to not fall in sadness, in being resentful, in jealousy and in envy," the Pope said. /Pope Francis, January 23, 2014/ 8. FEBRUAR 2014 PO VEČERNI MAŠI Na slovenski kulturni dan, 8. februarja 2014, po sobotni večerni maši, bosta mezzo-sopranistka BARBARA Jernejčič Fürst in kitarist ŽARKO Ignjatović, nastopila s kratkim kulturnim programom. Barbara Jernejčič Fürst graduated with honors in choral conducting and performing arts and gained master's degree from the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Guitarist Žarko Ignjatović graduated from the Academy of Music in Zagreb (Croatia) under Prof. Darko Petrinjak in 1983 and from the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz (Austria) in the class of Prof. Marga Bäuml-Klasinc in 1987. BLED - Beamsville: V nedeljo, 19. januarja se je pri društvu Bled zbralo precej takih, ki imajo radi koline. Že nekaj dni prej je bila na delu skupina, ki je naredila koline. V nedeljo pa je že ob vstopu v dvorano dišalo po »bujti repi« in kolinah. Za prijetno vzdušje je skrbel z glasbo Branko Pouh, zato se je marsikdo zavrtel na plesišču. Izurjeni strežniki so hitro postregli na mize, pa tudi pijače ni manjkalo. New Year's Eve 2013 in Lower Hall Post event report Paid Attendance: 154 Hall Set-up: Father Drago, Milan Ferletic, Pamela Gosgnach, Heidy Novak, Emily Archer, Nancy Dundek, Jason Horvat, Steven Horvat, Tony Horvat, Sonya Podrebarac. Kitchen Staff and Server - KUMA Catering - Donna, Mihelčič Maja & Mirjam. Coat Room - Rachel Allen + friend Ticket Sales and Door - Heidy Novak, Marianne Skerl Bar: Josh Farkas with assistance of Ivan Krusic Photography and Photo Printing: Father Drago Bar tickets - Tony Horvat Band - ŠIBAJ Hall Clean-up - Josh Farkas, Nancy Dundek, Milan Ferletic, Karl Ferko, Jason Horvat, Steven Horvat, Tony Horvat Raffle Prizes: a. Donated From Credit Union $267 value b. Donated Cash by Parish Council Members : $100 Emily and Matt Archer, $50 Milan Ferletic, $56 Tony Horvat c. John Doma donated 5 Bulldogs Hockey tickets and 2 bottles of wine d. Frank Pavlakovic donated a Forman Grill e. Mr. Silic donated a soap gift bag Total Revenue: $ 11,553.18 Total Expenses:_$ 9,939.65 Profit: $ 1,613.53 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord is my light and my salvation. First Reading Isaiah 8:23 - 9:3 The prophet speaks of a light to enlighten the people. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. 17 Paul appeals to his readers to be united in mind and heart - acting otherwise would rob the cross of Christ of its power. Gospel_Matthew 4:12-23 Jesus says to his first disciples, "Follow me", and immediately they follow him. "And they left their nets at once and followed him." Illustration We are now well into 2014, and the celebrations that accompany the New Year are well and truly in the past. While the celebrations may be behind us, what about the many resolutions that were made at the start of the year? Some of us may be feeling a little embarrassed at this moment, realising that our enthusiasm for our New Year's resolutions has waned. Some of us may be feeling good, upright and virtuous because we have kept all our resolutions; but there will be only a few of us feeling that way, if we are honest! But in truth it's not our own resolutions that should be our focus, but rather the question of what God is asking of us. What has God created me for? What can I do for God? Perhaps these are questions that we don't often think about. This Sunday could be called "Everybody's Vocation Sunday". It could easily be called that because the Gospel can lead us to see that we all have a vocation, we all have a mission in the world. Certainly it's important to promote vocations to the priesthood and the religious life, but today is an opportunity to think about the vocation of everybody in a wider sense. Gospel Teaching Today's Gospel story teaches us how simple the whole notion of a vocation is. Jesus approaches the people he wants to be his followers, asks them a question, and their response is immediately to leave everything and follow him. He meets them where they are, in their everyday lives, in the workplace, and puts the question to them. Jesus does not ask questions about their background or education or social status. No, he only asks them to follow him. It is an invitation that requires a response and we see how Andrew, Peter, James and John all respond: they immediately follow him. There are no questions asked by the four men, no conditions laid down by them, nor is there any form of procrastination: "Let me sort a few things out first." No, they just follow, there and then. It is only when they follow Jesus that they get the chance to see what he and his ministry are all about. As Jesus goes through the region he preaches and teaches, and ministers among sick people. Once they see this, Andrew, Peter, James and John realise that they have given the right response to an amazing man. It is an extraordinary story and at the same time an exceptionally simple one. If Jesus were to come into your workplace and give you this simple invitation, what would your response be? What answer would you give to the Lord? Have we got the capacity to follow immediately when we hear the call? This is perhaps one of the most challeng- ing parts of living out our vocation in the world today. We feel unworthy or unprepared for the things God asks us to do. If we are feeling like this, we can remember the response of the first four disciples, their immediate decision to get up and go, to follow the Lord. Application The question is really not "What answer would I give to the Lord?" but "What answer have I given to the Lord?" If today were "Everybody's Vocation Sunday", what vocation would you be thanking God for at this moment? What vocation has God blessed you with in your life? What gifts has God put at your disposal to use for the bettering of the world? What opportunities and circumstances have you had in your life that have made you a better person, a more enriched person? It's worth giving time to think and pray about these questions. Let us all take time today to consider our own vocation, our own calling by the Lord. We may be amazed as we realise the many paths that the Lord has opened up before us. Perhaps we often think of our life as one where things just happen for no particular reason, but when we stop to think and pray we realise that the Lord has been there in the background directing all things. When Jesus invites us to follow him, he does not leave us to get on with things on our own. No, he remains close to us, gently guiding and directing our footsteps. The Lord never abandons us. Today each one of us can hear the Lord calling out to us, "Follow me." What will our response be? CANADIAN SLOVENIAN HISTORIAL SOCIETY 10th GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING AT DOM LIPA BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Drive Torotno ALL WELCOME! ♦ ❖ ♦ KANADSKO SLOVENSKO ZGODOVINSKO DRUŠTVO DESETI REDNI LETNI OBČNI ZBOR V DOMU LIPA, BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Drive Torotno Vabimo vse člane in prijatelje KSZD, da se udeležijo Desetega rednega letnega občnega zbora, ki bo v soboto 8. februarja 2014 v spodnjih prostorih Doma Lipe (Board Room), pričenši z registracijo ob 9:30 zjutraj. Odborniki vam bodo predstavili poročila o delu v preteklem letu. Ob tej priliki si boste lahko ogledali prvi Katalog, ki ga je v preteklem letu izdalo KSZD in obiskali Arhivsko pisarno. Le združeni lahko ohranjamo zgodovino kanadskih Slovencev. VSI DOBRODOŠLI! We are inviting all members and friends of CSHS to attend the 10th General annual meeting to be held on Saturday February 8th 2014, starting with the registration at 9:30 a.m. The executive members of the Board will present the reports of the activities in the past year. You will have the opportunity to examine the first CSHS Catalogue of the archival material published in 2013 and visit the Archives office. Join us and help us preserve the history of Canadian Slovenians. Obvestila - Announcements ZBOR - PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so v četrtek po večerni maši. Naslednjič zbor poje na Svečnico, v nedeljo 2. februarja. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ Nedelja, 26. januar: Lipa Park, Koline ♦ Sobota, 8. februar: Po večerni maši kulturni nastop v cerkvi: kitarist ♦ Nedelja, 9. februar: Maša pri društvu Sava in Triglav; v Lipa parku pa je »Talent show«. ♦ Nedelja, 16. februar: Sv. Gregorij Veliki -dvorana - General meeting; - Slovenski Park: Winter family Day. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Občni zbor po slovenski maši. ♦ Nedelja, 23. februar: CWL - Bazaar DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ Bingo smo zopet začeli v ponedeljk, 6. januarja 2014 ob 1:30 popoldne. - Monday Bingos was restarted on Monday January 6th at 1:30 PM Torkovi večeri druženja se nadaljuje v novem letu od 7. januarja naprej ob običajni uri. - Tuesday evening social will continue on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. OBČNI ZBOR DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA V imenu društvenega odbora vas vljudno vabimo na na letni Občni zbor, ki bo v nedeljo 23. februarja po slovenski maši v prostorih Ville Slovenie. Imamo tudi volitve za člane odbora društva. Kdor se želi pridužiti društvu ali predlagati kašnega novega člana, naj pokliče Franka Mramorja na telfon 905- 662-7438. CWL - KŽZ_ The CWL would like to remind everyone that our Parish Bazaar will be held on Sunday February 23rd. We will be selling Raffle tickets as well as Lunch tickets before and after Masses for your convenience. We will also be accepting Strudel orders and each order will be at a cost of $15. Your orders can be made by calling: Vera Gonza at: 905-560-0089. Remember to mark your calendars for our annual CWL Bazaar on Sunday February 23rd. We look forward to seeing you all there! HEALING OF THE FAMILY TREE_ "Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. The Hamilton Chapter of the Association of Christian Therapists welcomes Fr. Martin Bradbury who will celebrate a HEALING MASS on Monday, January 27th at 7:15 p.m. at St. Gabriel Church, 2261 Parkway Dr., Burlington. A freewill offering will be gratefully accepted. Refreshments to follow and the Parish Gift Shop will be open after Mass. For information call (905) 335-6902. POKOJNI_ V Sloveniji (v Gabrju, občina Dobrova /Polhov Gradec) je v četrtek 23. januarja 2014, v 107. letu umrla MARIJA RIHAR mati našega farana Franka Riharja. Marija je bila od leta 1986 vdova in je živela v neposredni bližini še ostalih dveh sinov in dveh hčera z družinami. Umrla je na svojem domu v prisotnosti svojih sorodnikov. Pogreb z mašo zadušnico je bil 25. januarja 2014 v farni cerkvi na Dobrovi pri Ljubljani. Tu je bila tudi pokopana v družinskem (Riharjevem) grobu. Iskreno sožalje Franku ob izgubi matere. V naši cerkvi bo sveta maša za pokoj njene duše v ponedeljek, 27. januarja. KRST - BAPTISM V soboto, 25. januarja 2014 je v naši cerkvi, ALEXANDR ANTHONY GIRDWOOD FERKO, prejel zakrament svetega krsta. Alexander je sin očeta Anthony-ja Ferko in matere Tare roj. Girdwood. Čestitke staršema ob krstu drugega otroka, naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov, da bosta dobre priče krščanskega življenja. CWL na delu ... OBLETNICE POROK - MAŠA V KATEDRALI Vsi, ki letos obhajate okrogle obletnice porok( 25, 40, 50, 60+), se lahko prijavite za mašo s škofom v katedrali, ki bo letos v nedeljo, 25. maja 2014 ob 1:30 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof, njegova ekcelenca Douglas Crosby, OMI. V atriju cerkve imate na oglasni deski plakat in tam odtrgate prijavnico, jo izpolnite in pošljete na naslov, ki je na prijavnem listku. Ne čakajte predolgo s prijavo, zadnji rok prijave je 2. maj 2014. •jt svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don BoSco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 26. 01. 2014 DO 02. 02. 2014 svete maše - masses 3. Nedelja med letom 3rd Sunday in O. Time 26. Januar Timotej in Tit, škofa Za žive in rajne župljane t Stane Napast t RudiHanc 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Frančiška Napast Ignac Horvat z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 27. Januar Angela Merici, ust. urš. tt Družina Pergar t Martin Glavač tt Josip in Juraj Cunjak t Marija Rihar 7:00 p.m. Margaret Pergar Žena in družina Sestra z družino Kapušin Sin Frank z družino Torek - Tuesday 28. Januar TomažAkvinski, cer.uč. t Ludvik Kornhauzer Za vse bolnike naše župnije 8:00 a.m. Gizela Hauzar N.n. Sreda Wednesday 29. Januar Valerij, škof t Tončka Demšar, 2. obl. t Alojz Šribar, obl. t Rudy Cortiula t Micka Ficko 7:00 p.m. Družini Demšar & Scarcelli Manja Erzetič Manja Erzetič Karl in Joanne Ferko Četrtek Thursday 30. Januar Marina, mučenka tt Frank in Vera Staniša t Frank Gimpelj t Ana Horvat t Ana Horvat 7:00 p.m. Elica Juršič Tony Letnik z družino Marta Hočevar in družina Štefan Hozjan z družino Petek Friday 31.Januar Janez Bosko, ust.salez. V zahvalo za zdravje t Frank Čurič t RudiHanc tt Pokojni Salezijanci 7:00 p.m. Gizella in Štefan Ray Veronika Čurič Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) SDB Sobota Saturday 01. Februar Brigita Irska, opatinja tt Starši, bratje in sestre tt Sorodniki tt Starši Vengar in sorodniki tt Jože in Marija Kuzma t RudiHanc 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Jožica Novak z družino Tilka Vengar z družino Tilka Vengar z družino Družina Kuzma Toni in Marija Franc 4. Nedelja med letom 4th Sunday in Or.Time 02.Februar Jezusovo darovanje -SVEČNICA Za žive in rajne župljane t Štefan Prša Bogu v zahvalo za 60 let zakona t Vinko Marinko 9:30 a.m. Žena in družina Franc in Ana Ferenčak 11:00 a.m. Žena in družina