don Nosh Gjolaj Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Podgorica The history of one parish 1 INTRODUCTION It is not easy to write the history of a I tried to show the history of the parish in parish such as the Parish of Podgorica; it short lines, in a superficialand telegraphic has been an uncompleted process to this manner, starting from the first chapter: day. The roots of this parish originate from The Paleo-Christian Period; the second ancient Doclean archdiocese; other parishes originate from early Paleo-Christian chapter: Middle Ages, i.e. X-XV Century; period, continue in the Middle Ages, and the third chapter: The Ottoman Rule from from the Middle Ages to the period of the 1479 to 1879; chapter 4: The Resistance of Ottoman Empire. The ideology of Panslavic the Catholic Church during the XIX and XX propaganda, the monistic ideology of Century through the Franciscans; chapter communism, are harmful factors in the 5: The Arrival of the Salesians from 1966, history of the parish, that is, Catholicism, etc. Historians need to get rid of stereotypes, and the last chapter: The Contribution of ideologies, as well as chauvinist convictions, Religious Sisters (Nuns). which do not serve well the history as a science. The Church of the It has begun as the centre of the Franciscan mission since Sacred Heart of Jesus 1867, with the same protector. It was founded in 1903 and wasrestored and relocatedin 1966, in new premises – in Konik Borders of the Parish The Parish of Podgorica borders with the parishes of Nikšić, Cetinje, Tuzi, and Koći Deanery Podgorica Parish priest Don Janez Mirtek SDB. Chaplains Don Viktor Ganc SDB, Don Nosh Gjolaj SDB. Language Albanian (80%) and Croatian (20%) Believers More than 2.000 The Parish has got Kruševac – the chapel of “The Holy Heart of Jesus” several branches Omerbožaj – the chapel of “The Lady of the Crown” and “St.Anthony” Cemetery The Parish has got several cemeteries: Podgorica and Omerbožaj – two pairs of cemeteries in each place 2 I PALEO-CHRISTIAN PERIOD DIOKLEA, DOKLEA — DUKLJA Romanized Illyrians. Prehistoric settlements have been found in The town had turbulent history. It was de-these areas ever since the Stone Age. In the stroyed during the attack of barbarians (the Illyrian period, these regions were inhab- Avars) at the beginning of the fifth century, ited by the Illyrian tribes, the Labeates and then it was devastated by the Goths in 489, the Docleats. The Labeates stretched from and 30 years later, more precisely in 518, by Shkodra to present-day Podgorica, where the the earthquake, and was finally destroyed by famous fortress Medun (Meteon) was built. the Bulgarians (Samuel) in the X century. The Docleats, however,covered the area ofthe From the fifth century Duklja (Dioclea) was Zeta Valley,and the famous town was Doclea. a suffragan of Archdiocese of Shkodra, and During the Roman period, there were three the first known bishop of Dioclea was called urban centres in the vicinity of Podgorica: (Evander) Euander (450), one of the sig-Allata, Birziminium, and Doclea. natories of the Act in the Fourth Council of Doclea, Dioclea or Duklja is located 3 km from Chalcedon (451). Dioclea became an archdi-Podgorica, where the rivers of Morača and ocese and a metropolis, which had the fol-Zeta meet – the Morača River on the right side lowing suffragans under its jurisdiction: Bar, Ulcinj, even Shkodra, as well as countless and the Zeta River, and the Širalija Stream, on other episcopal centres, right until the de-the left. It was founded as the capital town of struction of the town. The names of the bish-Praevalitana during the Flavian period, in the ops,i.e.archbishops were: Maksim (451-458), first century. We find the name Diocleafor the bishop Paulus (Paul - 590), what we know first time with Ptolemy, in the second centu- from the letters of Pope Gregory the Great ry BC. The town was named after the Illyrian around the end of the sixth century, and tribe of Docleats, it grew very quickly and was Nemesion (602). Old metropolitans of Dioclea enclosed by thick and massive walls of 1.5-2 are also found in Shkodra. An evidence oft-metres in the form of parallelograms.It had he organization of the church or Christian bridges on the Morača River and the Širalija community in Dioclea in the middle of the VI Stream, and it represented the “bridge” of connection between Shkodra and Narona. It is believed, according to the oral tradition, that Dioclea was the birthplace of the famous emperor Diocletian, but clear historical sources about ithave not been found yet. Dioclea was the town and the ecclesiastical centre of the diocese, and then of the arch- diocese. During the Vespasian period, the town gained the status of municipium (it had its own statute and power) and became an important political and cultural centre. Apart from Roman citizens, the population also consisted of indigenous Illyrians, as well as 3 century is a signature engraved on the stone, For the needs of the townan aqueduct was found in a chapel at the cemetery. According built from the Cijevna River (Alb. Cemi), to the inscription, the chapel was built by passing through Dinoša, Omerbožaj, Vrela diakonisesAusoniaexvoto. As it can be seen, Ribnička, and the Zlatica field.One branch of the Christian community also had the order the aqueduct supplied the fortress of Allata, of deacons. Two letters byGregory the Great where the Ribnica and Moračameet, which and inscriptions engraved in the stone are was a caravan station,connecting Shkodra main pieces of evidence for Diocleauntil 602. with Naron, while the other branch supplied Later, during the period of Caesar Leon III, Dioclea with water. whohad separated dioceses of the Western The ruins of a basilica were found one or two Balkans and joined them to Constantinople kilometers north of Dioclea, in the Zlatica (732), Dioclea belonged to the Metropolitan field. There is a sarcophagus in the upper of Durres. Three anonymous archbishops, part of the basilica. It is estimated that this or under N.N. initials, were also mentioned. building was built during the Roman period. Around 877, Dioclea gradually extinguished According to the experts, it was coated with and the last archbishop was Ivan (Johannes marble tiles and decorated with mosaics. - 900) around 980, when the Bulgarians de- Some historians think that, after Dioclea was molished the town and Ivan moved to Ragusa destroyed by the Goths and later by a strong (present-day Dubrovnik). In the middle of the earthquake (518), the seat of the diocese was X century, Porphyrogenet described devas- relocated to Zlatica. Others, however, think tated and ruined town. the other way around: that the centre of the According to the British archaeologist Arthur diocese in the IV century was in Zlatica, and John Evans, who worked on research of the then it was moved to Dioclea, and after that town of Dioclea for seven years, only the in the town of Martinići. (In addition to ar-ruins of the walls, as well as palaces with a chaeological ruins, there is also a location large number of sarcophagi and decorative called the Bishop Valley). reliefs,and inscriptions of graves in Latin Not far from this location, there are ruins of have been preserved from the old city of a bridgebuilt, according to some historians, Dioclea.The sculptures and fragments of the in the VII century across the Morača river, old Illyrian-Roman town testify to the culture which connected Dioclea and Zlatica. The and ancient civilization of this placewhich, bridge was demolished during the Bulgarian according to some estimates, had between king Samuel’s war ofconquest. Some histo-40,000 and 60,000 inhabitantsin the first rians believe that the bridge served the be-century after Christ. lievers to come to the church, that is, to the The condition of Dioclea is also described by Benedictine monastery in Zlatica. Kotor historian Mariano Bolizza who, during Unfortunately, carved stones in the ruins of the visit to Dioclea in 1614, testified to the Dioclea were used for the construction of the foundations of monumental buildings, the Turkish tower of Depedegen, andfor the con-ruins of a Christian church, open fragments struction of many houses in the old city of of architecture, inscriptions (Emilio Paulo), Podgorica, as well as theGlavatović mosque. and the 12-metreaqueduct from Cijevna. He Not only thatthe treasure of the town of found some coins. He claimed that the Turks Dioclea was robbed through the centuries, but were building in Podgorica, carrying carved a railway connecting Podgorica with Nikšić stones and processed marble from Dioclea. was built through the centre of the town of 4 Dioclea during the period of communism. In MEDUN addition to this,the road was paved and an The famous fortress of the Illyrian tribe electric power station was done. Russian ar-Labeats, Medeon or Meteon, is located about chaeologist Kovaljevski was engaged inexca- 12 km northeast of Podgorica. It was built in vation of Dioclea ruins in the middle of the the III or IV century before Christby an alli-19th century, and the first history of Dioclea ance of Illyrian tribes against Roman dan-was published by Italian Mr. Piero Sticotti ger. It reached its power and the main boom (Vienna, 1913), entitled “The Roman Town of during the period of Illyrian King Gence, and Doclea in Montenegro”. it extinguished after the Turkish conquest during 1467. II MIDDLE AGES, X – XV CENTURY The old antique town of Birziminium, which that, from 1054, it was called Ribnica, by the was renamed Ribnica during the Middle Ages, name of the river Ribnica. During the Middle was located at the place where Ribnica flows Ages, Podgorica was under the rule of the into Morača, at the ruins of the old fortress Vojislavljevićs, Balšićs and Crnojevićs, until Ribnica. 1474, when the Turks conquered it. During the According to the tradition, Stefan Nemanja Ottoman Empire, Podgorica was an adminis-was born here and was baptized by Latin or trative, political, and trade centre. Catholic ritual (according to some sources, in According to Bogomile Hrabak, there were the Benedictine monastery of St. Michael in many settlements, as well as churches, in the Dinoša or Zlatica or, according to others, in narrower area of Podgorica. In the part of the church of St. George in Podgorica!). Doljane, called Lontodokla, there was a for- According to the archives of Ragusa and tress with several churches. Kotor, the name of Podgorica was mentioned Podgorica had several churches and mon-for the first time in August 1326, and accord- asteries. A religious monastery in Pobrežje ing to some other sources, the name can date is mentioned in old traditions, as well as the from the beginning of the XIII century. Before church of Durres; today, there are ruins of the monastery and the church at Đečevićahouse. There was also onenear the river Ribnica, called the church mahala (Kish mahalla, the term is preserved in Albanian version), a road leading from the Clock Tower to the bus sta- tion. Likewise, there was a church in Čepurci settlement, under the hill Ljubović. In a text published in “Glas Crnogorca” in 1886, Dr. Petar Miljanić reminds that in the house of Ujkaševićs in Pobrežjedozens of large boul- ders can be seen, showing that they originate from the former church in which there were engravings and icons. Of all the churches before the Ottoman peri- 5 od, only the church of St. George under Gorica and, on the other hand, the assimilation of was preserved. It seems to be built in the Illyrian-Albanian population, initially con-X or XI century, or maybe at the end of the verting to Orthodoxy and later to Slavs, start-IXcentury. According to Aleksandar Deroko, ing from 1611 – the tribes of Paštrovići, then the church of St.Georgehas got the style of Bjelopavlići, Piperi and recently, in 1713, Kuči. medieval Catholic churches, characteristic for churches in Dalmatia, very similar to the Church of St. Peter near Omiš. BENEDICTINES AND DOMINICANS Apart from the Church of St. George, theim- During the Middle Ages, according to Jeriček portant monumentsfrom this periodare and Shufllay, Benedictines and Dominicans the old fortress Depedegen (also known as played a very important role in these ar-Nemanja’s Town), the Clock Tower, Osmanagić eas. If it were not for Benedictines and Mosque, Starodoganjska Glavatović Mosque. Dominicans, the Balkan Albanians would be Podgorica had about 6 mosques.The Ribnica Greeks, or Slavs! They contributed not only Bridge, Vezir’s Bridge, etc. are well-known bridges of that time. During the period of the to Slavic Christians, but also to the estab-Ottoman Empire, Podgorica suffered devas- lishment and preservation of identity of the tating earthquakes, as well as two epidemics Illyrian-Albanian land. Here, in the area of of cholera and, on the other hand, the emi- Podgorica Parish, we have Benedictine mon-gration of Catholic population on the Adriatic asteries in Zlatica, as well as in the location coast from Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Makarska, to Kishzat (Albanian word with the meaning Istria, after the war for liberation from the –little churches) in a place called Tojeć, and Turks. On the one hand, we have a conver- St. Michael in Dinoša, while the Dominicans sion to Islam, (according to some sources, were in Old Kolašin. (They have not been suf-Podgoricians were rather religious fanatics) ficiently and adequately researched). III THE PERIOD OF OTTOMAN RULE (1479-1878) CONTINUITY OF FRANCISCAN MONKS AFTER extinguished. Their monasteries, a testimony THE DEPARTURE OF BENEDICTINES AND to Catholicism, became ruins under the feet DOMINICANS of Ottoman invaders. Only the Franciscans After the defeat in Kosovo (1389), andthe remained in this area, experiencing unscru-conquest of Shkodra (1479) and Bar (1571), the pulous and bloody suffering and attacks on entire Albanian area in which the Catholic the Church. At the same time, they were wit-church operated fell into the hands of the nesses of great apostasy of Albanian people Ottomans. On the other hand, the position of by the Church and their conversion to Islam. Venice weakened and retained its own inter- The position of Catholics radically weakened ests.It negotiated with the Ottoman Empire, after the Battle of Lepanto (December 1, 1571), to the detriment of the Christian world, and where the last Archbishop of Ulcinj and Bar, greatmonastic orders, such as Benedictines monsignor Ivan Bruno, Ulcinian by birth,fell and Dominicanswho were previously the in the war. The surrender of Bar to the pillars of the Albanian Catholic Church, were Ottoman conqueror was a moment when the 6 Turks began to destroy churches, as well as of Catholic priests, a part of the population to persecute Catholics and burn ecclesiastical converted into Greek or Slavic Orthodoxy, and goods, which influenced both the emigration the rest into Islam. and the conversion into Islam or Orthodoxy. According to Thalloczy, Franciscans were During 1633, there were 200 Catholic families those who, after the Turkish conquests, took in the Bjelopavlići tribe, while in the area be- over deserted parishes and Benedictine tween Zeta and Morača, in 1635, there were monasteries that remained abandoned; almost 1,000 Catholics. Almost all Piperiwere they resisted, thehidden guards of Albanian Catholics in 1610. According to Serbian his- “Nord”; even when Europe did not show any torian V. Ćorović,the Piperi were completely interest in this country and when Turkish Catholics until 1610, and most of the Piperi authorities did everything to diminish ev-transferred to Orthodox Church in the XIX ery sign of Christianity, they kept the Catholic century. According to the aforementioned faith alive to this day. historian, this was influenced by numerous The reports of Marino Bizzi (1610) show that battles against the Turks, such as that of 1732 some tribes were still Catholic: the Kuči, against Osman Pasha, and then those from Piperi, Bratonožići, Bjelopavlići. Thirty years 1788 and 1796 against Mahmud Pasha – later (1640), missionary Đ. Vušković said Bushatli, and 1810 against Tahir Pasha. that there were still 200 Catholic homes in It was also influenced by the lack of clergy, as Bjelopavlići tribe, and that most of the be-we read in a letter sent by Nicolo Mechaisci to lieverswere waiting for their priests in vain, Cardinal S. Giorgio, a nuncio of the Holy See, in so theyconverted either to Orthodoxy or to Venice in 1599, indicating that, due to the lack Muslims. 7 One document by Marino Bolizzafrom 1614 families of tradesmen, craftsmen, villagers in spoke about Skadar Sandžak, whichincluded Podgorica, but they did not have a place for Podgorica as well, and it was claimed in it that prayer. In 1865, Latin priest in Podgorica, Don Podgorica was a small fortress, surrounded by Nuo Šlaku (Shllaku), bought the house and a settlement of some 900 houses, and most land of Mark Ujka, who was originally from of them are Christians (Catholics). Podgorica, Grude and a resident of Podgorica, not far as such, was a city, town and village. from the old church (Durres), which served Another document by Francesco Bolizza, as a church and had one bell tower, where Kotor 7.12.1640, claims that the Parish of Catholic believers gathered. Grude (the Franciscan Mission) encom- The old church was probably administered passed the whole of the PodgoricaValley, the by Don Nuo Shllaku! The land was bought in hills above Shkodra, up to Drivast (Drisht in 1685, more precisely 21 Zilhidjein 1282, which Albanian), Hote, Škrelj, Kastrat, Kliment, and bordered with the house of Toko’s daugh-three or four Catholic villages in Kuči. ter, and on the other side with the garden Therewas no lack of persecution by the Turks, of Ibrahim Čabi, then with the river Ribnica, (1639 and 1643-1644), especially during the and on the other side with the road (today war between Turkey and Venice (1646-1649). the Funeral Home – ex Home of the Yugoslav Consequences of this war were also the National Army). Franciscan martyrs, such as P. Pali di Veglia According to the oral tradition, we have an-from Mantova and P. Salvatore di Offidawho, other small Catholic church in the settlement in 1646, suffered martyrdom on the Cijevna of Drač, also called “Cvjetni Brijeg”, near the River (Cemi in Albanian), in the area of house of Kol Gjyshit Pecaj, and that church Zatrijebač-Gruda; In 1648, Gjergj Jubani suf- was in the old Catholic cemetery in Podgorica, fered martyrdom near Bar; and P. Ferdinando which served not only for Catholic believers, di Albisola and P. Glacomo Zampa suffered but also for Muslims. This was confirmed by martyrdom in 1649; Fra Gjergj Suma and P. Mr. Kol Gjyshi Pecaj,who found the walls of Gaudenci from Grude near Tuzi (1688) and the old church during the construction of his P. Antonio and S. Jacobo went through mar- house, and some graves are visible even now tyrdom near Podgorica in 1693. It seems (now the shop - once a self-service office), that these lattermost were parish priests in but there are still no documents about this Podgorica. church, except that there is a Catholic ceme- According to the words of monsignor Petar tery nearby! Perkolić, we canassume that Franciscan missionaries from the Parish of Grude later Initially, the Parish of Podgorica belonged took care of Catholics in Podgorica. We still to the Shkodra Archdiocese, then to the do not have precise data about the man- Franciscan mission from Grude, and then to ner in which they did it and for how long. the Prefecture of Kastrat. The Franciscans However, Archbishop Zmajević did not men- came in 1867. Pater Ludovico Di Sasso (1867-tion Catholics during his visit to Hodo Beg in 1895) was mentioned as the first of them. He Podgorica (1702/03). served for 27 years and was a bridge between the Ottoman Empire and Montenegro. With the arrival of Montenegrins in Podgorica, XIX CENTURY most of the residents of Podgorica emigrated For Catholics in Podgorica there was silence to Shkodra or Tuzi, and Montenegrins came that lasted until the middle of the XIX century. in their place, thus changing the structure of During that time, there were several Catholic the population and ethnicity of this town. 8 IV THE PERIOD OF RESIDENCE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH DURING THE XIX AND XX CENTURY PODGORICA UNDER THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BAR – 1878 A new period begins with the entry of Montenegro, after the Berlin Congress in 1878, and this parish affiliated tothe Archdiocese of Bar, seceding from the Archdiocese of Shkodra, by the Regulation of the Holy See (Decree) dated April 24, 1887, or before the Concordat between the Holy See and Montenegro, 7 December 1886. This occurred during the pe- riod of Pope Leo XIII, on April 14, 1887, signed by Cardinal Joannes Simeoni, the Prefect of Propaganda Fide. The first notes on Podgorica from that peri- od were written by P. Anselm (P. Serma) di Pistoia (+1882), the parish priest of Šestani, during his visit to Podgorica in 1880, say-ing that P. Ludovico di Sasso operated in Podgorica,leading the parish for 27 years, until his death (1867-1895). Also, the previous bishop monsignor Karl Pooten (1877) remembered P. Ludovico, in a notice for the ShkodraArchdiocese and the parish reports of the Franciscan Mission, where he said that to Podgorica as a parish priest. Ludovico was P. Ludovico di Sasso, an old missionary and old (he was over eighty), he was not able to former prefect, operated in Podgorica, taking administer the Parish of Podgorica, and the care of more than 60 Catholics who were in Montenegrin government did not issue the Podgorica. visa to him. However, in one letter, on April 30, In 1887, Podgorica, alongside Danilovgrad and 1895, P. Ludovico di Sasso asked to be relieved Nikšić, had 210 believers. However, in anoth- of his duties as a parish priest and replaced er document, from 1888, monsignorŠimun by P. Shtjefen Naletilić, who had assisted P. Milinović said: “Podgorica has neither church Ludovico a few years earlier (11.06.1895 - nor chapel, the Mass is celebrated in the hos- 1899). A tireless worker, he built a large house pice kitchen, and it numbers 230 believers”. (Ospicium Parochiele – Podgorica), which also According to a report by Bishop Šimun served to celebrate the Mass. On the basis of Milinović (January 21, 1894), P. Mariano di theArchbishop’s pastoral visit on May 15, 1897, Palmanova (known as Pater Pasha), who it was estimated that the Parish of Podgorica was able to take care of Podgorica, Rijeka had200 believers. Crnojevića, Danilovgrad and Cetinje, was sent In a certificate dated January 19, 1896, it is said 9 that P. Shtjefen Naletilić, the parish priest in Representative of the Ministry of Education Podgorica, testified that he was present when and Ecclesiastical Affairs, the Minister of Zatrijebač parish priest P. Secondiano died Justice - sent a letter to Archbishop Monsignor and that he left everything to Archbishop of Milinović on May 13, 1906. Heinformed him Bar, monsignor Šimun Milinović. that permission was granted for the recon- The earlier parish priest of Ulcinj, P. Anton struction of the Roman Catholic church in Campanella (from Naples, Italy) was ap- Podgorica and that the land for cemetery was pointed the parish priest of Podgorica (1902- required. 1940). He served, due to the circumstances of The Podgorica church, that is parish, is dedicat-that period, in three countries: Montenegro, ed to the Heart of Jesus Christ. As Monsignor Austria, and former Yugoslavia. In 1906, King Šimun Milinović claimed in 1905 or 1908, the Nikolaissued a permit for the construction of church was beautiful, but the inner part was the parish church in Podgorica. Although he still not completed, which would exceed the signed a concordat with Vatican in 1886, the figure of 30,000 crowns. Prince (King) of Montenegro, Nikola Petrović, In 1908, the Parish of Podgorica had 65 fami-was strictly against the Catholic Church. One lies and 240 believers. During the mandate of of the facts for such conclusion is the church P. Anton, a permit was issued for the construc-in Podgorica, for which he did not grant per- tion of a new church near the house, which also mission. In this case, he appeared to be forced served as a church (the Hospice chapel). The after the visit of Italian king, Victor III Emanuel. new church was dedicated in 1910, under the Italian consul in Montenegro sent a letter to name “The Heart of Jesus Christ”. It was blessed Monsignor Milinović on April 26, 1906. They by Monsignor Nikola Dobrečić. say that Prince Nikola gave 500 crowns for On April 17, 1906, a parcel for the cemetery was the reconstruction of the church in Podgorica, to be purchased. It was purchased in Durres the king of Italy gave 2,500 Italian liras, one (near the present-day church). However, it national association for the provision of aid to is not yet known how old this cemetery is. Italian Catholic missionaries gave 3,000 liras, The inscription on one grave says: “Bjeshke and seven advisors to the management of the BACJA - nëna e Zef Dodes Ivanaj 1833-1893” tobacco monopoly gave 900 liras. This was (meaning: “BJESHKE BACJA - the mother of given to P. Campanella. Zef Dodin Ivanaj 1833-1893”). On this Catholic 10 cemetery in Podgorica, or beside it, soldiers of the Balkan wars (1911-1913), mainly Catholic Albanians from Northern Albania, were bur- ied along with parishioners,and among them Zef Prek Ujka (Gjolaj) from Krševo, who was severely wounded in the battle at Dečić and died in Podgorica. Soldiers who fell in the First and Second World War rest here. In 1971, headstones from the graves were bro- ken in a barbaric manner, after some pam- phlets were issued. DURING THE PERIOD OF AUSTRIA (1916 – 1918) One detail from the period of Austria is known. It was requested to display the flag of Austria during the ceremony of confirmation in 1916, and Monsignor Nikola Dobrečić op- posed because he was the Archbishop of Bar and Primas of Serbia so the Serbian flag was displayed. First missions that lingered in the Parish of had documents about the purchase, but he re-Podgorica were recorded on 17.11.1916 by Jesus plied that Montenegrin laws did not make any Friars, Frano Genovizzi S.D. difference, and that the plot wasbeing sold for the period of 10 years. Then he explained in THE PERIOD OF FIRST YUGOSLAVIA more detail how the case came to court and (1918 – 1940) how Sokol Baci and his son reacted, as well as a saleswomanKalistani,who did not have any ap-A Secretary of the Archdiocese, Don Marko proved document that the plot was hers. Aškić, wrote to the parish priests of Podgorica, Campanella wrote to the Archbishop, monsi-Zatrijebač and Koće on March 13, 1923, asking gnor Dobrečić on November 21, 1927 – a report them to send data on children alive(how many of the visit to Deanery. boys, how many girls), who were born be- tween 1910-1916 as soon as possible. This was Campanella wrote to the Archbishop on requested from the Education Inspectorate in November 30, 1927. (The beginning is missing). Cetinje (dated March 6, 1923). He wrote about families and members, and he also wrote about Berane, Kolašin, Danilograd, Here is a content of the letters sent by about the number of baptisms, weddings, de-Archbishop P. Anton Campanella: ceased, confessed, and communed. He also Campanella wrote to the Archbishop on wrote about the piety of these people, and February 18, 1918. finally about charity. He speaks about the church plot in Podgorica, By the end of the term of office of P. Anton near the Ribnica, which was appropriated by Campanella, according to the scheme of 1939, Sokol Baci. He bought it for 12,000 crowns. If the Parish of Podgorica counted 1,876 be-they pay that money, they (the church) can lievers. According to the same scheme, there have a parcel. He told lawyer Zerović that they was don Marcel Dubravica, a military priest in 11 Podgorica, andalso fra Bono Šapin, who sent Podgorica remained without priests; the parish a letter to Rome, describing difficult situation house was seized, church windows and bricks of the Parish of Podgorica, criticizing parish were broken, and the church was emptied. In priest P. Anton Campanellafor being a scru- new Titograd, Don Bernard Austermann from pulant, as well as a bad organizer, especially Germany, a prisoner of war who served the during the Mass celebration. sisters of the Holy Cross, was a priest and he In a letter to Propaganda Fide, 1940, he wrote lived in Titograd from 1945 to 1948, when he about difficult position of the missionaries be- returned to Germany in May. Don Zef Demiraj cause they had little help. He asked for help. from Grude and Don Pavle Marvulić from the Parish of Tuzi knew him personally and visited him occasionally in Podgorica. PERIOD OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR With the departure of Don Bernard Austerman (1941 – 1944) for Germany, Archbishop Nikola Doberčić ap- Yugoslav authorities did not give permission to pointedparish priest Don Pavle Marvulić from P. Anton to stay in Podgorica, so he had to leave Tuzi (1948-1952), to take care of Sisters of the as soon as possible. His servant Kona, who saw Holy Cross.He celebrated the Massfor the first him off to Božaj (Hani and Hotit), had stolen his time in the chapel of nuns on January 21, 1948, bagwhere he kept money turned into Napoleon and then until June 1952, when the nuns with-gold coins. As a result, he had a heart attack drew from Titograd. and died in Shkodra. The last Franciscan parish The municipality of Podgorica, that is, priest, P. Engjëll Vjerdha (1940-1943), was ap- Titograd, carried out nationalization of the pointed instead P. Anton during the bombing Church and church estate, and ultimately of Podgorica, that is on May 5, 1944, when the gave it to the Yugoslav National Army. When church was damaged and the priest’s servant the church and the parish house were demol-Kona lost her life at the home door. Before the ished in 1957, the Army House - the JNA House bombing, P. Engjëll took the archives, which (1962) was built in that place. During the pe-were quite rich, as well as registers and library riod, Catholic believers carried out religious in the Parish of Bajza - to Albania. According to needs in the Parish of Tuzi, or in the parish-Monsignor Petar Perkolić, P. Campanella spent es from which they came, until the arrival of a long time in Podgorica. Apart from being a the Salesians in 1966. Also, P. Gjergj (Anselmi) priest, he was also a doctor because he studied Marstepaj (1960-1966) kept records of the medicine, so he established diagnoses to pa- Parish in Podgorica, where he registered more tients and gave them prescriptions. than 260 Catholic families, mainly of Albanian nationality. He also served and celebrated the PERIOD AFTER THE WAR: Mass to Sisters Servants of the Little Jesus in COMMUNIST YUGOSLAVIA (1944 – 1966) Kruševac settlement. He also carried out the blessing of homes of Catholic families. Immediately after bombing of Podgorica and Here is a testimony by Zef Ivanaj, an emigrant departure ofP. Engjell Vjerdhe, the parish re- from Albania who lived near the church con-mained without a priest (parish priest), so cerned, about demolition of the church: “The Archbishop of Bar, Monsignor Nikola Doberčić, church was in good condition, except for bro-named Don Josip Dević parish priest in ken windows and walls. It was built of stone Podgorica. Under the pretext that he did not and surrounded by yard, which was also made have a place to live, because the house was of carved stone. The house was filled with em-occupied and the church was damaged, he igrants and other newcomers to Podgorica, went to his hometown Srijem (Ilok), only to some of whom kept pigs, chickens and cows. return to the Archdioceseagain in 1956. The church was approximately 6 metres wide, After the Second World War, the Parish of 11 metres long and 9 metres high, paved with 12 square tiles in colour. It had a tall bell tower, gano); archives with church books: registers with positioned bell, bound with a rope that of baptisms, marriages, deaths, and the library descended to the ground, and an entrance which ended up in the Franciscan community from the inner side behind the altar”. in Bajza - Kastrat (Albania)with the intention In 1964, the Municipality of Podgorica entrust- to return them after the war. P. Kol entrusted ed demolishion of the church to Albanian em- liturgical vestments to a believer who lived igrant, Nicol Noci Guraj, the job for which he near the church, and after the war, P. Kol was received a prize of 42,500 dinars. authorized to take them with him in Hoti, to keep them, where they are stored to this day. According to Zef Ivanaj, Podgorica had 200 After the war, church bells were taken over by (Catholic) families, mostly of Albanian nation- a Montenegrin company and were given to ality, listed by Leka Marashov Pepaj. workers in Zeta. P. Kol organized several be- As for inventory of the old church, ac- lievers from Hoti who, without the knowledge cording to P. Kol Berishaj, before Anglo- of the company, took the bell and brought it Americansbombarded Podgorica, he had re- to the village of Rraza Qafes by the oxcart, and ported to the parish priest P. Engjell Vjerdha, from there to Traboin, where it still serves as a who took away with him: one harmonium (or- little bell even today. V THE PERIOD OF SALESIANS, FROM 1966 The Catholic Parish is located in the city of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. There are 185,937 inhabitants, out of which 110,664 Montenegrins, 43,248 Serbs, 3,687 Bosniaks, 28 Bosniaks-Muslims, 105 Bosnians, 4,122 Muslims, 56 Montenegrin Muslims, 850 Serbo- Montenegrins, 685 Egyptians, 85 Malisors, 9,538 Albanians, 664 Croats, 24 Italians, 310 Yugoslavs, 81 Hungarians, 30 Germans, 117 Slovenians, 350 Macedonians, 3,988 Roma, 135 Russians, 22 Turks, 8,892 those who will not declare themselves, and 1,222 others. From the religious aspect, there are: 14,575Orthodox, 7,947 Catholics, 16,275 Believers of Islam, 4,608 Muslims, 285 Adventists, 225 Gnostics, 3,698 Atheists, 52Buddhists, 568Christians, 90 Witnesses of Jehovah, 70Protestants, 1,961oth- ers, and 4,583those who do not want to de- clare. On the basis of blessings, we have more than 2,000 registered Catholics, 80% of whom are Albanians. The number of families is about 460. Surely, the number of believers is much higher, counting mixed marriages, as well as people of different nationalities residing in Podgorica. 13 During this time, signatures were collect- ed against the construction of the church. On the other hand, Catholics collected about 3,000 signatures for the construction of the church. For this reason, Kol Gjyshi Pecaj was imprisoned and the signatures were con- fiscated. However, the permission given by the President of the Republic of Montenegro Blažo Jovanović allowed the construction of the church, which began in 1967. JURISDICTION AND BOUNDARIES OF THE Podgorica is located near the old town of PARISH Duklja. While in the Middle Ages it was called Borders of the old Parish of Podgorica includ-Ribnica, the name of Podgorica appeared for ed, except for the city of Podgorica, the village the first time in 1326. After the Berlin Congress of Omerbožaj; the Cijevna River bordered with in 1878, it belonged to Montenegro. It was called parishes of Tuzi, Danilovgrad and Nikšić from Titograd from 1946, but after the referendum 1933, when it was established as a separate par-of 1992, it regained the name Podgorica. ish. By agreement between the Archdiocesan Podgorica is located 15 km north of Shkodra Ordinary of Bar and the Slovenian Inspectorate Lake. The rivers Morača, Zeta and Ribnica of the Salesians of St. Cyril and Methodius, go through the city, and the Cijevna and the parish was entrusted to the Salesians Sitnica near the city. It is characterized by “ad nutum sanctae Sedis” in 1968. The parish Mediterranean climate, dry and hot summers also includedRijeka Crnojevića, which once and cold winters. The average precipitation is used to belong to the Parish of Cetinje, then 1,554 mm, temperatures are above 25 degrees Spuž with Danilovgrad, as well as Zeta and Celsius for 135 days a year, while the average Omerbožaj. The present parish borders with annual temperature per day is 16.4 Celsius. It the Parish of Gusinje (Mojkovac), the Parish of has an average of 115 rainy days per year, as Koće on Kakaricka Gora, the Parish of Nikšić in well as about 60 windy days. Danilovgrad, the Parish of Cetinje near Rijeka The church in the capital of Montenegro, Crnojevića, the Parish of Šestani in Virpazar, Podgorica, is dedicated to the Heart of Jesus. the Parish of Tuzi on the Cijevna river, and with It is located in a plot purchased near the the Parish of Grudein Dinoša. City districts or Catholic cemetery in Konik, after a long battle settlements and outskirts of the Parish are: concerning the site, as the authorities initially City Centre, Preko Morače, Blok 5 and Blok offered a location near Dajbabe, where it was 6, Tološi, Momišići, Donja and Gornja Gorica, not appropriate for the believers, to the Mill of Zagorič, Zlatica, Masline, Konik, Vrela Ribnička, Petar Tokov. After three years of waiting, the Stari aerodrom, Drač, Dahna, Zabjelo, Tuški put, land was bought on January 31, 1964, under the Bioče, Rogame, Spuž, and Omerbožaj. number 05-6677/63. Friars who operate in this parish are: Salesian On January 27, 1965, approval for a new church friars of the Slovenian Salesian Province of St. was requested from the Bureau for Urbanism Cyril and Methodius, and nuns - the Franciscan in Podgorica. The land near the cemetery of Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the the old church was purchased. A fee for four Franciscan province, with headquarters in families in the amount of 5,600.000 dinars Cetinje. was paid. Bar, 03.06.1965. Preliminary design of the church was done 14 by the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, led by Prof. Eng. Zvonimir Vrkljan. The church was built by the “Prvoborac” company from Herceg Novi, and it was financed by Caritas International (International Caritas), led by Secretary General Carlo Bayer. The entire ob-ject with infrastructure costed 355,504.43 US dollars. The church has the shape of a ship and it is all made out of concrete. It is divided into two parts: a sacral part and a place for residence. The sacral space of the Church is in the form of a square of 22 x 22 metres. The presbytery is At that time, mons. Aleksandar Tokić made a large, while open space above the altar reach- promise to the president of Montenegro Blažo es 25 metres, from where the light that illu- Jovanović that Don Ivan Bušić, who did not minates the presbytery comes in, while the accept the Parish, would be appointed parish rest of the church is not well illuminated, be- priest of Podgorica. However, Gjergj (Anselm) cause there are no windows on the side walls. Marstjepaj demanded that this parish be-The church has a magnificent choir, which is long to the Franciscans, as it was before, but reached through the stairs. Tokić entrusted it to the Salesians. Salesians Paintings of the Stations of the Cross were came to Montenegro, Podgorica, for the sec-painted in 1991 by Albanian artist Martin Luca ond time on February 11, 1966 (Certificate of from Lezha (Albania). Appointment of the parish priest, No. 18/66, There is a large hall under the sacral space, Bar, February 11, 1966). Not only the parish was which was equipped in 1995for the operation entrusted to the former priest of Priština, Don of a youth centre: football, basketball, tennis Josip Bakan, but also the construction of the and volleyball. After 2010, the playground for church, that isconcathedral, the monastery of football was arranged and covered with pre- religious sisters and confession of nuns of the fabricated “balloon” construction. Holy Cross in Bar, on September 18, 1966, and so Residential part was renovated in 2003, and it on. Initially, administrative work was conduct-is also used as a school. ed by mons. Jakov Rendić, from June 1, 1965 The church has got a large bell tower (height until November 22, 1966, when competencies of 42 metres), with three bells. In autumn were passed to Don Josip Bakan(number of 2004, craftsmen from Slovenia electrified Protocol, Bar, 122/66). Apart from being en-these bells, so that the ring time can be pro- trusted with the parish, the Archdiocese of Bar grammed. Almost all parishioners took part in authorized Don Josip Bakan on July 13, 1967 as the financing. a representative of the Archdiocese, to sign an agreement between the Archdiocese of Bar, mons. Aleksandar Tokić and Entrepreneurship DON JOSIP BAKAN PERIOD (1966 – 1977) of “Prvoborac” from Herceg Novi, its director, Monsignor Aleksandar Tokić requested the Adjansko Vojislav, Titograd, July 1, 1967, serial Salesians to send a priest. Inspector Martin number 2750. Jurčak sent Don Josip Bakan (1966 – 1977), who Church “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” was com-was appointed parish priest of Tuzi as late as pleted and, at the same time, blessed on June29, 1957 (No. of the Certificate of Appointment 1969, in the presence of the Archbishop of Bar, 184, Bar, December 16, 1957), but the adopted mons. Aleksandar Tokić, an apostolic delegate certificate of appointment was not carried out. with headquarters in Belgrade, mons. Mario 15 Cagna, numerous bishops and priests, as well as the Salesian inspector Martin Jurčak.The parish was entrusted to the Salesians, as long as the Salesians and the Pope want it. (Ad nu- tum S. Sedis) Bar, April 8, 1968. According to the Yearbook from 1975, the par- ish had 3,000 Catholic believers, 500 of whom migrated to Western countries. During Don Josip Bakan’s term of office, the sisters Servants of the Little Jesus were in charge of the kitchen and religious education. After dissolution of the two congregations, the sisters Servants of the Little Jesus based in that believers go for Sunday mass, baptism, Germany, and the Servants of the Little Jesus first communion, catechism and other sacra-in Sarajevo, left the parish. mental obligations according to their wishes. Mass was servedin the parishes only in Pater Zef had also a room of the parish priest of Croatian, at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m, and Titograd (Podgorica) in the chapel in Kruševac, during the week it was served on Tuesdays taking care of the celebration of mass during and Fridays at 4:00 p.m. After the departure the week for the sisters of the “Little Jesus”. of Don Ivan to Priština, religious education was held only during summer, for one month, DON IVAN TURK (1969 – 1973), CHAPLAIN before the first communion or confirmation. Don Ivan, who was the assistant of Don Jože Note: Some believers, especially from Bakan, worked in the Parish of Podgorica, and Omerbožaj (and the petitioner was Nua later in Nikšić, but with a place of residence in Gorvokaj), complained that parish priest Don Podgorica. He left a very positive sign among Josip Bakan did not adhere tothe tradition of the believers and youth in an effort to create Albanians that the blessing of homes is done the parish identity. He was a hardworking and in the Albanian language. In the period 1976- tireless worker. He occasionally celebrated 1978, Archbishop of Bar, mons.Aleksandar Mass in Spuž and Bioče, where he conducted Tokić orally authorized P. Zef (Fran) Jankaj, for religious education as well, and also blessed the believers of Koće and Zatrijebač (1973- houses and apartmentsbefore the feast of St. 1978), and P. Anselm (Gjergj) Marstepaj for Nicholas. Omerbožaj, to bless the believers across the river, in Kakaricka Gora and Omerbožaj, and DON CIRIL ZAJEC PERIOD (1977 – 1985) In Don Ciril’s period, the rooms of priests and nuns were being renovated, the ceiling was laminated and various offices were arranged, as well as the parish office, and the wooden cross was placed in the church (presbitery) instead of cross-shaped neon lamps. During the period, the Albanian language was introduced into the liturgy for the first time. During 1982, Sisters of the Franciscan Order from Cetinje came to serve in the parish, and later a contract was signed between Don Ciril 16 gious education. The blessing of houses and apartments before the feast of St. Nicholas is introduced as a rule, etc. While Don Ciril was working in Podgorica, there was also a Salesian brother, Lojze Krese (1979-1980), who took care of the kitchen and the garden. Another Salesian brother, painter Ciril Jerič, who painted on canvas Don Bosco and the Lady of Prompt Succor, also came here on vacation. PERIOD OF DON NOSH GJOLAJ, CHAPLAIN AT Zajec and Provincial Mother Gregora Ketish. THE BEGINNING (1977–1985), PARISH PRIEST Furthermore, at the behest of the chief superi- (1985–1992) AND COMMUNITY DIRECTOR or Egidio Vigano, the canonical Salesian com- (1990–2001), NOW SPIRITUAL ASSISTANT munity “Sacred Heart of Jesus” was named (FROM 2006 –) in Podgorica on December 2, 1981, to which Don Nosh Gjolaj began his pastoral life as a Prishtina belonged, and Don Zef Gashi was ap- chaplain (1977-1985), together with Don Ciril pointed Director. Zajec (Certificate of Appointment issued in Bar, Religious education, which theretofore was on December 31, 1977, No. 142/77). He imme-diately devoted himself to pastoral “clinical” carried out only 20 days during summer, was work, visiting families and registering believ-now organized once a week throughout the ers, creating a parish file with 1,092 units. He whole year, where the candidates were divid- also initiated the third mass which would be ed into two groups. The first group consisted held at 12:00 noon but now, for the first time of candidates for the first communion, while in the parish, in the Albanian language, which the second group consisted of candidates for was a thorn in the eye of communist author-Confirmation, led by Don Nosh. ities as it was the only institution where the During this period, mass was occasionally cel- Albanian language was used. He organized ebrated in private houses, in Spuž and Bioče, the enthronement of Archbishop Mons. Petar and the same goes for confessions and reli- Perkolić, and later the ordination of priest Don 17 Nick Ukgjini. On April 19, 1984, he was elected to the Presbyterian Council. He was appointed pastor on March 1, 1985 (No. of Regulation 90/85). During the period when he was a pastor, the roof of the church and the house of a total value of DM 85,000 were renovated (1988), Stations of the Cross, with a value of $ 4,500, was made by the fa- mous painter Mr. Martin Pietri from Lezha, Albania. Three rooms for religious education, common rooms in the basement, a museum with elements from the Illyrian period, as well as from the Albanian past, and a library with an inventory of 4,855 books, as well as inven- tory of the house and church were decorated. All bedrooms and offices were decorated with new furniture, necessary repairs in the kitch- en were done, and new appliances were pro- vided. Mass is celebrated in Croatian at 9:00 a.m, in Albanian at 11:00 a.m, while the third mass is celebrated at 6:00 p.m, in Kruševac settlement. He regularly visited the sick and elderly, espe- cially on the first Friday in a month. DON JAKOB ŽALAR (1985–1986), CHAPLAIN He served in Podgorica as an assistant of the DON JOŽE ZABRET (1990–1992), AGAIN parish priest, who came from Nikšić, and his (2001–2002), CHAPLAIN Certificate of Appointment was issued in Bar, Don Jože Zabret, who was appointed chaplain on March 3, 1985, No. 91/85. He assisted in the on February 21, 1990 (No. of the Certificate of parish for confessions, the blessing of houses, Appointment 77/90) came after the departure conversations with the sick and elderly. The of don Franc Jamnik, who had injured his leg 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Invocation and left for Slovenia for health reasons. He was organized on his name day (July 25, 1986). operated during the disolution of Yugoslavia and the war in Dubrovnik. He also held the DON FRANC JAMNIK (1986–1990), CHAPLAIN same position in Prishtina (1992–2001), but He was appointed assistant of the par- he returned to Podgorica where he assisted ish priest on September 17, 1986 (under No. the parish priest Don Andrej Baligač and the 265/1988). Later, he was appointed confes- Salesian community. He also served in Nikšić. sor of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Bar on February 9, 1988 (no. 83/88), and then regular confessor of the Sisters Servants of the Little DON ANTE MARĐOKIĆ (1991–1993) Jesus in Podgorica, as well as of the Franciscan — KRUŠEVAC Sisters in Cetinje, after the death of P. Emanuel Monsignor Petar Perkolić, in agreement with Kljajić (1988). the parish priest, sent a diocesan retired priest, He made friends with the parish believers. don Ante T. Marđokić to Podgorica, i.e. in the Under the supervision of a regular parish settlement of Kruševac, on November 3, 1991 priest, he arranged the parish archives be- (No. of Protocol 418/91). He celebrated Mass cause Don Franc had beautiful handwritting. for the nuns during week, as well as confessed 18 them. The Franciscan sisters, who had just at the diocesan and inter-religious levels. arrived in Podgorica, took care of Don Ante’s In addition to this, Mass is regularly celebrated health until his death on October 29, 1993. in the settlement of Omerbožaj, as well as re- ligious education before mass during the year. PERIOD OF DON ANTON MAROŠ(1992–1994) Mass and religious education are also served At the beginning, from early 1992, he was Don during the year on Sundays in private houses Nosh’s chaplain, but without a Certificate of in Spuž. Every first Friday in a month he visits Appointment, which arrived from Prishtina the elderly, as well as the sick, confesses and just on August 29, 1999, when he was ap- communions them. He regularly takes care pointed parish priest (No. of the Certificate of of the blessing of houses and apartments. Appointment 265/2). He regularly supplies with candles not only He was quite involved with the parish Caritas, his own but also other parishes, especially as well as with the provision of aid to the poor. with those he brings in cups from Slovenia. He also visited the poor and elderly. Then Likewise, he supplies not only his parish but he was appointed confessor of the nuns in also Albania with calendars that he makes Cetinje (by the Certificate of Appointment No. himself. In 2011, he began publishing the par-360/92), on November 7, 1992. ish newsletter in two languages (Albanian - Croatian), and during the Christmas and Easter DON JANEZ MIRTEK PERIOD (1992–1994) holidays greetings are sent on behalf of the CHAPLAIN, 1994–1998 PARISH PRIEST, AND Salesian community and nuns in the parish. PARISH PRIEST AGAIN FROM 2004 TO THE Don Janez regularly organizes pilgrimages to PRESENT Lač and Međugorje. Don Janez came from Prishtina, where he was a chaplain and, at the same time, stud He partially resolved the problem of boundary - ied Albanian. His arrival was significant to of the parish in Kakaricka Gora, together with fill the gap regarding the Albanian language. P. Pasko Gjojçaj, parish priest of Koće, after 79 The Certificate of Appointment was issued to families had signed a petition on December 5, him on September 1, 1992, No. 270/92 and he 2005 that they wanted to belong to the parish quickly adapted to new environment. He be- of Podgorica. came a parish priest in 1994 and he ran the He also performs duty of a Director of the parish of Nikšić at the same time, until January Salesian community. 18, 1997, when don Milorad Defar replaced him. However, don Janez was relieved of his duty PERIOD OF DON ANDREJ BALIGAČ (PARISH of a parish priest on September 4, 1998, and PRIEST 1998–2004, CHAPLAIN 2004–2007, he then became a member of the Salesian DIRECTOR, VICAR AND FUNCTIONAL community in Shkoder and a parish priest in MANAGER) Brdica until 2004, when he was reappointed At the beginning, don Andrej Baligač was parish priest of the Parish of Podgorica by appointed parish priest by the Certificate of the Certificate of Appointment issued in Bar Appointment issued in Bar on September 4, on January 30, 2004, No. 02/2004, a duty he 1998 (No. 261/98), and then member of the still performs today. He was later appointed Archdiocesan Council (reference 132/99) in member of the Laity and Youth Council at the Bar, on May 28, 1999. He was also appointed di-Episcopal Conference of Cyril and Methodius rector of the Salesian Community in Podgorica in Belgrade on July 10, 2006, No. 52/06. (2000–2006). Before that, he was a vicar of Likewise, he is a member of the Youth Council Podgorica – Prishtina Community, and after of the Archdiocese of Bar. During don Janez’s that only of Podgorica Community. Afterward, term of office, many meetings were organized he was appointed Director of the Centre for 19 Education and Upbringing Don Bosco, as a founder of the school, so he was relieved of duty as parish priest and was appointed chap- lain on January 30, 2004, Ref. No. 01/04. The war in Kosovo occurred during don Andrej’s term of office. At the time, he worked a lot on the provision of food supply to ref- ugees from Kosovo. He even received believ- ers from the Parish of Glavičica led by don Tomo Petrović. During the war, he fenced the courtyard of the church to ensure greater se- curity for the believers. He provided funds to improve the road on Kakaricka Gora and he By permission of mons. Zef Gashi, Ref. No. fenced the cemetery, but this project remains 27/04, Bar, on March 30, 2004, he hired Mr. unfinished due to a petition from a number of Miroslav Kummer – Wenzel as an associate in believers, fearing that the Podgorica Salesians Don Bosco Centre in Podgorica. will assimilate! He did not get the school permit but he used the promised funds for radical renovation of the DON FRANC KUHAR (1994–2000) parish house. He renovated underground floor Don Franc Kuhar was relieved of duty of getting a big hall, and he also arranged and fur- Nikšić parish priest which he performed from nished four classrooms. In the basement, he ar- September 8, 1989 until August 18, 1994, and ranged storage rooms, laundry, central heating, was appointed spiritual priest of the Parish and many other maintenance tasks. On the first of Podgorica on August 18, 1994, No. 297/94. floor, a sacristy was arranged in two rooms, one He was a confessor of the nuns, as well as of as a “sacristy” and the other part as a room for the priests from the Archdiocese of Bar, and altar servers. Former garden became a meeting he was also in charge of Nikšić during 1997. room with audiovisual equipment, and a new He visited the sick and elderly in the parish, window was opened in the office of the par- assisting in the blessing of houses and apart-ish priest. The kitchen was newly refurbished. ments. On November 4, 1995, he celebrated Former library became a school office. One of- the 50th anniversary of his priestly vocation. fice was turned into a library and a community room. Rooms for priests were refurbished. The garden was elevated by one floor. In the part DON RUDI TISEL (2000–2004), CHAPLAIN of the house where nuns reside, rooms for the Don Rudi Tisel was appointed responsible nuns were provided, as well as a guest room. chaplain of the Youth Centre and Oratory, by Roof insulation was done and the rooms were the Certificate of Appointment Ref. No. 1/2000 air-conditioned. issued in Bar on January 14, 2000. He was a A church hall for sports activities was activat- tireless worker with both the youth and altar ed. Only foreign language courses and com- servers. A record number of altar servers was puter courses were carried out in the school, recorded in his time - over 40. He worked and as well as mechanics in the garage. Sports painted Don Bosco Centre himself, organizing activities were taking place in the gym, etc. the youth and altar servers. He was engaged in He has established good relations with the liturgy with altar servers in a concrete way, he Slovenian Embassy, as well as with business- established the Oratory, activated animators, men, creating a tradition of meeting every etc. Tuesday, etc. 20 VIKTOR GANC (2004 – TO PRESENT) contacts with the Slovenian Embassy and Victor Ganc, a chaplain, vicar (2004-2006) and Slovenian businessmen. He organized excur-Director of the Salesian Community (2006 sions/visits outside Montenegro for anima- - ), Director of the Centre for Education and tors and altar servers, as well as meetings and Upbringing Don Bosco (2007 - onwards), spiritual exercises in Slovenia, Italy, Spain, etc. functional manager, etc. After the departure of He also established NGO Don Bosco Centre Don Rudi Tisel, Don Viktor Ganc was appoint- which has recently become international-ed the Parich chaplain, Ref. No. 68/2004, on ly positioned and cooperated with a num-November 28, 2004. He took over the Youth ber of EU partners (Don Bosco mission, Don Centre, animators and the Oratory, as well Bosco Youth Net, Salto...). He is involved in as altar servers during 2012. He performs the Erasmus project (EVS), and internation-duty of a Vicar of the Salesian Community in al volunteer exchanges (30 - 40 exchanges a Podgorica. In 2006, he was named Director year). He carries out the oratory twice a year, of the Community, and after the departure of in the summer and in the winter. He orga-Don Andrej Baligač, he was appointed director nized joint activities with the Slovenian youth of Don Bosco Centre and the school, and also in Podgorica and beyond, cleaning the Cijevna a community functional manager. On Sundays River, marking some paths to Bukumir Lake, and for holidays, he acted as a chaplain of the and some other areas, etc. In addition, he is Parish of Nikšić. During his term of office, he an associate of the Vatican Embassy and rep-organized a room for animators, and a hall resents the nuncio at various diplomatic re-where music band, the founder of which is ceptions when the nuncio is not able to visit himself, would practice. The classrooms were Montenegro. equipped with video projectors and new tech- niques, confessionals in the church were de- signed, and he participated in their realization THE SALESIAN FIELD OF ACTIVITY IS as well. He adapted speakers in the church. DIVIDED INTO THREE DIRECTIONS: He managed to register the school, whose diplomas are recognized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social 1. THE CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF Welfare of Montenegro. He has written and JESUS prepared new projects. He has collaborated The Parish has got a church, which is in need with the Caritas of Archdiocese in Bar on the of renovation, both internally and external-organization of foreign language and comput- ly. Mass is celebrated every day, at 5:00 p.m. er courses. He built a gym. He also arranged according to the winter schedule, and at 7:00 some reception rooms. He has maintained p.m. according to the summer schedule, one 21 day in Croatian, another day in Albanian. On Sundays and holidays, mass is served in Croatian at 9:00 a.m, and in Albanian at 11:00 a.m. Occasionally, Mass for foreigners and dip- lomats is organized in English, on Saturday nights (by appointment). In addition to the parish church, there is a chapel in settlement Kruševac near Podgorica Hospital, where mass is celebrated every Sunday, in the afternoon at 6:00 p.m. in the winter and at 7:00 p.m. in the summer. There are also two chapels in the cemetery in settlement Omerbožaj, where religious education is conducted and Mass is – groups of confirmands. Each group has its celebrated on Sundays, Saturdays during the own class. Religious education is organized on school year, and on the Feast of St. Anthony Saturdays. Religious education is also carried and Our Lady of the Rosary. Mass is also cele- out in the village of Omerbožaj on Saturdays brated in private homes in Spuž on Sundays, and in Spuž on Sundays. Total number of par-and religious education is conducted during ticipants for the school year 2007/2008: 176 the school year, because there is a lack of reli- people, 2008/2009: 125 people; 2009/2010: gious facilities. 155 people, 2010/2011: 147 people, 2011/2012: 174 Lectures are occasionally organized in the people. parish: “Open Forum”. The group of altar servers consists of 20 Press: Yearbook of the Parish of Podgorica members. Currently, altar servers are led by 2000/2001, containing 64 pages, with many Don Janez. They regularly attend Masses on photographs, as well as the history of the Sundays, but also throughout the week. parish, was published within the parish. Then House blessing: We do house blessings on a we continue with the magazine “Don Bosco”, regular basis. The blessing included 548 hous-from 2002 to 2005 – a total of 14 issues in co- es and flats (2011). lour. The weekly, “Lymerens/Announcements” Devotion: Also, in the parish, on the first Friday has been issued since 2011, once a week, in in a month, we do adoration, and we visit, con-two languages: Albanian and Croatian. fess and commune the elderly and the sick. Religious education is conducted during the On Fridays, during Lent, we regularly organize school year and is divided into groups: I-II class the Stations of the Cross. – communion candidates, V-VI and VII-VIII Then there are devotions on the 24th in a 22 Register books have been kept since 1966, with the exception of the register book of confirmands, which have been kept since 1978. Register books of the old church are in Tirana!? According to the register book of baptisms, 1,372 people were baptized from 1966 to 2012, with an average of 29 children per year, with the highest number recorded in 1990: 52 peo- ple (the fall of communism) and the smallest number, only 13, in 1977. According to the register book of marriages (at month and the blessing of Mary the Helper, as church), there were 428 weddings from 1966 well as 13 Tuesdays of St. Anthony. Pilgrimages to 2012, or an average of nine weddings per are organized in Ljač and Međugorje. year. The greater number of weddings were Church Committee: The parish has got a in 1994: 20 weddings, and only one wedding Church Committee, which meets 4 times a each in 1966 and 2003 was recorded. year. According to the register book of confirma-Church Choir: We also have a church choir, a tions, there were 754 confirmands from 1978 children’s choir, run by the nuns, as well as a to 2012, or an average of 31 persons per year band. Earlier, there was a classical music choir. (not counting 3 or 4 confirmands during the term of Don Jozef Bakan). Caritas: Parish Caritas, which played a very significant role during the dissolution of According to the register book of deaths, Yugoslavia, during the war and after the war, which were kept from 1978 to 2011, there were also functions. The activities of Caritas are di- 106 deaths, or an average of 4 people a year. vided into two areas: working with refugees The highest number of deaths, 16 people, was and helping poor families in the parish. It had recorded in 2009, and the least number was good cooperation with Caritas Tuzi, in the pro- recorded in 1983, 1985 and 2001 - no person. vision of assistance to refugees from Kosovo. The first communion is done every year and In the local area, it still helps people with dis- the number of candidates varies from an av-abilities, the elderly, the sick, and poor chil- erage of 20 to 30 annually. dren. It helped build 3 houses and renovate 5 Files: There are 1,092 units of paperboard di-houses, and there is also a care for medicines, vided into 4 categories. etc. The Parish Chronicle has been kept neat- ly since 1978. We have only photochronicles from the previous period. 2. DON BOSCO CENTRE (Youth Centre) The structure of the Centre was formed by the arrival of Don Rudy Tisel in Podgorica, when a hall under the church was built and plastic floor was laid in the hall. He organized a team of animators, started up the summer oratory, organized various sports tournaments, as well as a daily oratory. 23 During 2002, classrooms were arranged, as with Slovenia, the Netherlands, Belgium, well as a small kitchen. Germany, Spain, Malta, France, Austria, Czech Animators Meeting Room, which is also Republic). used for the needs of religious education, is On February 25, 2011, the NGO Don Bosco equipped with audio and video equipment. Centre was established. During 2009, a music hall was arranged, for During September 2011, animators were pre-which the instruments – the guitar, drums, paring the hall for their meetings. etc. with the value of 5,000 euros, were pur- In 2012, for the first time, we were able to chased. It is used by the music band, which participate in a competition for EU projects, plays at the liturgy. Sometimes they organize concerts, both in the Church and in the hall, where we recorded success with youth pro-and cooperate with guests from Slovenia. grammes. The project was supported by the Fund for Active Citizenship (FAKT), funded by In 2010, an artificial turf mini-football pitch the European Union (EU) through mediation was made and the iron construction was cov- of the European Union in Montenegro. ered with canvas. Football is played every day on the pitch and is used by four clubs for regular daily trainings. Animators Since March 24, 2010, the Youth Centre has Animators are active in various activities, both joined EVS (European Voluntary Service). In in the Youth Centre and in the parish (3 ani-this way, we have been enabled to exchange mators for religious education and two for al-volunteers in the European Union (for the tar servers). We have more than 30 animators. time being we have exchanged volunteers Animators have regular meetings once a week. 24 - Formation of animators (animator school), Canyon, Treskavac - Bukumir Lake, etc. later various seminars also outside We have been cooperating for several years Montenegro. with the Celje Oratory, where we gain new ex- - Various European projects. perience. - Socializing. During the summer, joint vacations, walks, Animators participate in the Oratory project, camping, etc. are organized. both winter and summer. The oratory lasts 2 to 3 weeks. More than 70 3. SCHOOL: CENTRE FOR EDUCATION AND elementary school students participate. UPBRINGING DON BOSCO (COODB) Animators regularly participate in spiritual ex- Centre for Education and Upbringing Don ercises. They also participate in projects at the Bosco is very active in organizing courses in level of the Salesian Province (Inspectorate). English, Spanish, German, Slovenian, Italian, and Joint working actions are organized, main- Albanian, as well as a culinary course. There ly with the Celje Youth Centre. In 2013, our also used to be courses for electrical install-animator and altar server Pavel Koroš went ers and business secretaries. All courses are carried out twice a week and last two hours with a group of volunteers from Slovenia to each. These courses allow students, young Mozambique (Africa), and a year later to South people and adults alike to open up knowledge America (the Andes), where he helped chil- horizons in a variety of areas, as well as to pre-dren with Maths and English, and animated pare themselves better for the profession that them through play. awaits them. The courses are open to both Marking of mountain trails through Mrtvice young people and adults (seniors). 25 Centre for Education and Upbringing Don istration number 5-0297174/0012, in accor-Bosco began operating in 2003 as a language dance with the Law on Business Organisations school. In classrooms prepared solely for this (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro purpose, learning was organized in the eve- No. 6/02). nings, and in the recent years even before On 22.10.2008, Centre for Education and noon. Initially, the first participants were Upbringing Don Bosco (COODB) received young people from Don Bosco Youth Centre decision from the National Council of – Podgorica. Education and Science of the Government of In September 2004, services expanded and Montenegro. Finally, the licence was obtained two activities in parallel were conducted: on May 20, 2009. courses for electrical installers and business During May 2011, COODB collaborated with secretaries. Caritas of the Archdiocese of Bar in relation to Enrollement candidates have beensent to us education and upbringing in our programmes. from the Employment Agency of Montenegro. The school has 4 classrooms, a seminar room During 2004/2005 school year, 11 people at- and a round table. All classrooms are equipped tended the course for electrical installers, with the latest technology. The total number while 24 people attended the course for busi- of participants so far is 1,736. ness secretaries. On 17.5.2006, Centre for Education and Upbringing Don Bosco (COODB) obtained de- cision about rhe registration of the Centre as Ltd. in the Commercial Court, under the reg- 26 Monsignor Michele Cechini, happened on March 17-18, 1979, on the occasion of the or- dination of the new Archbishop, Monsignor Petar Perkolić. Ordination of Archbishop Monsignor Petar Perkolić took place on March 18, 1979, at 10:00 a.m. The Mass of ordination was led by the Apostolic Nuncio, msgr. Michele Cechini, Archbishop of Bar mons. Aleksandar Tokić, President of the Yugoslav Episcopal Conference, msgr. Franjo Kuharić from Zagreb. Msgr. Severin Pernek (Dubrovnik), msgr. Marko SOME IMPORTANT DATES, NOT ONLY FOR Jozinović (Sarajevo), msgr. Marjan Oblak THE PARISH OF PODGORICA, BUT ALSO FOR (Zadar), msgr. Petar Čule (Mostar), msgr. Pavel THE ARCHDIOCESE: Žanić (Mostar), msgr. Nike Prela (Skopje - The blessing of the church, or concathedral in Prizren) were also present. Podgorica took place on 29 June. The Apostolic On the part of Orthodox Church, there was the Nuncio, His Excellency Monsignor Mario Metropolitan of Montenegro, His Excellency Cagna, with many archbishops and bishops of Danilo, with 6 priests. former Yugoslavia, as well as clergy, not only President of the Islamic Community of from Montenegro but also from Kosovo and Montenegro, Mr. Idriz Demirović, accompa-many republics of Yugoslavia, numerous nuns nied by the Podgorica hodza, more than 30 and believers, about 5,000 people, attended priests, many nuns, as well as representatives the ceremony. The Mass was accompanied from the Government: Secretary for Religious by a choir from Kotor. Representatives of the Affairs Radivoje Radmilović, President of the Orthodox Church, led by the Metropolitan of Committee on Religious Affairs, Mr. Veselin Montenegro, His Excellency Danilo, accompa- Đuranović, and more than 1,000 believers nied by Orthodox priests, and the President of were also present. Islamic Community of Montenegro, Mr. Šukrija NB: Nuncio tried to merge two dioceses in Bakalović, etc. participated. Montenegro – diocese of Bar and diocese of Visit of the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Kotor, into one diocese based in Podgorica, Monsigor Michele Cechini happened on May which encountered strong resistance from 18-20, 1978. the clergy, both of Kotor and Bar, where Msgr. Second Visit of the Apostolic Nuncio, Perkolić was ready to step down from his duty as bishop. The death of the Archbishop of Bar, Msgr. Aleksandar Tokić, happened on May 6, 1979 in Podgorica. He was kept for one night in the Concathedral Church in Podgorica. Petar Perkolić led the Mass on 7 May at 11:00 a.m, accompanied by Don Josip Bakan (Nikšić), P. Anselm (Gjergja) Marstjepaj (Tuzi), Don Ciril Zajec, parish priest, priests, nuns, as well as more than 80 believers. Meeting with Caritas representatives, on June 28, 1979, at 11:00 a.m - Italian, Swiss, German, 27 Croatian Caritas. Msgr. Petar Perkolić (Bar), The visit of Nuncio Msgr. Gabriele Montalvo, Msgr. Severin Pernek (Dubrovnik), represen- from 3 to 5 February 1987, who was a guest of tatives of the Diocese of Kotor, as well as 22 the Government, was marked by an incident. priests from the Archdiocese of Bar and the The jubilee of the Parish of Podgorica is man-Diocese of Kotor were present. The issue was ifold: There was a Mass regarding the 120th about the construction of churches and parish anniversary of the parish (1867), the 30th an-houses damaged and demolished in earth- niversary of the arrival of the Salesians (1957), quakes. which, in the presence of more than 300 The visit of Cardinal Agnelo Rossi, Head believers, was led by the Archbishop of Bar, of the “Propaganda Fidei” (1970-1984), on Msgr. Petar Perkolić together with Msgr. Nike September 10-12, 1980, accompanied by the Prela (Skopje-Prizren), Salesian inspector Don Apostolic Nuncio Msgr. Michele Cechini. Anton Košir, along with 14 priests from the Ordination as Priest of Don Nikë Ukgjini (10 Archdiocese of Bar and 8 priests from Kosovo, June 1982) and Don Viktor Dedaj (2001). numerous nuns from Cetinje, Nikšić, Dobrota, The first ordination of a priest in the Parish Petrovac, Bar and Tuzi. of Podgorica was done by Monsignor Petar On January 31, 1989, Archbishop of Bar Msgr. Perkolić on June 20, 1982. Don Viktor Dedaj was Petar Perkolić formally proclaimed the 900th also ordained by Monsignor Petar Perkolić in anniversary of the Archdiocese of Bar, solemn-2000. ly, at the Podgorica Cathedral. At the end of the Celebration of the 115th Anniversary of the 100th anniversary of Don Bosco and entering Parish of Podgorica, on June 20, 1982. the 900th anniversary of the Archdiocese, On the occasion of the jubilee year of pilgrim- Msgr. Petar Perkolić concelebrated the Holy age and the meeting of monks and nuns in Mass in the presence of more than 250 believ-Podgorica on November 26, 1983, at the invita- ers, in two languages (Albanian and Croatian), tion of Archbishop Msgr. Petar Perkolić, 52 nuns with priests. Nuns from Cetinje were also pres-of the Holy Cross, Franciscan and Servants of ent, led by Provincial mother Gregoria Ketish, the Little Jesus, Provincial nun Gregoria Ketish then those from Nikšić, Dobrota, Petrovac, Bar, from Cetinje, and the Provincial Nuns of the Tuzi and Podgorica. Mr. Hajji Roman Šćekić, a Servants of the Little Jesus from Sarajevo monk in Dajbabe, was among other guests. participated, as well as the Franciscans from Msgr. Petar Perkolić appointed by the Tuzi headed by P. Gjergj (Anselm) Marstjepaj Certificate of Appointment the parish priest and the Salesians from Nikšić and Podgorica. of Podgorica don Nosh Gjolaj as organizer Two lectures were given: Sister Matej of the and coordinator, and in connection with the Holy Cross: Presentation of the Holy Year; and celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Sister Magdalena, the Franciscan: “Salvation Archdiocese it was decided that a symposium through the Sacrament of Confession”. should be organized and a monograph should The visit of the Apostolic Nuncio mon. be prepared. Francesco Colasuonno, June 4-6, 1686, ac- On Easter night 25-26 february 1989, a burglary companied by mns. Petar Perkolić. On the occurred in the church, that is the parish office, first day, at dinner, apart from Nuncio and the and it is suspected that the act had been com-Archbishop, the following people were also mitted by the secret police of Montenegro. present: P. Anselm (Gjergj) Marstjepaj, Don A group of charismatics from various Christian Štefan Zorko, SDB, don Ciril Zajec SDB, don churches from Australia, New Zealand, Nikë Ukgjini, the host, don Nosh Gjolaj SDB, South Africa, Nigeria, North America, South mother Gregoria Ketish, accompanied by sis- America, Bolivia, and from Europe: Sweden, ter Domitile, etc. Norway, Poland, Germany, France, England, 28 Ireland, Belfast, Switzerland, Greece, from The Parish of Podgorica was constantly at-Former Yugoslavia: Zagreb, Sarajevo, Mostar, tacked, especially during the war in Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Subotica, Novi Sad, Belgrade, and and the life of the church staff was in danger, Skopje, met at a church in Podgorica, on June both the lives of nuns and the parish priest 14-18, 1989. Don Nosh Gjolaj. The assassination attempt The closing of the house of the nuns Servants took place during the Mass on Easter Day of the Little Jesus in Podgorica - Kruševac. A with dum-dum bullets at the entrance of the council led by Msgr. Petar Perkolić (October 23, church and shots were flying overhead, at the 1989): Msgr. Mark Kolović, Vicar General, Msgr. seat behind the altar. Then at the door of the Simon Filipaj, and other priests were present. parish house, three bullets hit the wall next to A decision was made that day to evaluate the the body. During the Orthodox Christmas, on house, which was built mainly with the help of January 6, 1992, as soon as the Christmas tree Caritas, but ownership was not regulated on fire was lit near the churchyard, the church time and with an adequate contract. was under a salvo of weapons and bombs The Blessing of Oil, Holy Thursday, April 12, until morning. For New Year’s Eve, on January 1990. The Mass was led by Msgr. Petar Perkolić 13, 1992, around 11:45 p.m, there was a strong with the priests: Vicar General, Msgr. Simon explosion outside the house, making a hole. Filipaj, who commented liturgical symbols of According to experts, it was a vitezit explosive, the Holy Thursday, the nuns from Tuzi, Cetinje, and they missed by half a metre to tear down Nikšić, Bar, and more than 800 believers. the kitchen! There were threats to life so that Don Nosh Gjolaj SDB, the first Albanian priest the president of the Islamic Community, Mr. to enter communist Albania after the closing Idriz Demirović offered his house as a shelter of the borders, May 3 to 9, 1990. for the pastor and nuns, and he also offered his own defense gun. We thanked him and Meeting of the Salesians from Diaspora with stayed in the church bunker, but with the gun the Archbishop of Bar and Provincial Mother of a believer. Gregoria Ketish, on the occasion of the appoint- ment and oath of Don Nosh as Director of the On the occasion of Don Bosco holiday, January Salesian Community, September 6, 1990: What 31, 1992, the Stations of the Cross by the do they expect from the Salesians? Msgr. Petar Albanian painter Mr. Martin Luce (Ljuce) were Perkolic expressed his preoccupation: fear of blessed by Archbishop Msgr. Petar Perkolić various sects, which multiply like mushrooms and numerous concelebrating priests, as well after the rain. He expected the Salesians to do as 200 believers who were present. something about it. Don Ante Marđokić died on October 29, 1993 in 29 the Parish of Podgorica. A year earlier, on June Don Tomo Petrović, on March 31, 1999, when 28, 1992, a celebration of Don Anto’s and Msgr. the police guarded the church from surround-Petar Perkolić’s 70th birthday was organized, ing residents who were trying to attack it! as well as the 50th anniversary of the priest- On March 26, 2009, Don Milorad Defar died in ly vocation of P. Kola (Kolja) and Msgr. Stjepan Podgorica and was being kept in our church. Bulat. There were 69 confirmation candidates The Funeral Mass was concelebrated on March in the Mass and it was celebrated before some 27 by Archbishop Msgr. Zef Gashi, Mgr. Ilija Janić 700 believers by Msgr. Petar Perkolić, with nu- from Kotor, as well as numerous priests. merous priests for the occasion. The opening of the Apostolic Nunciature of- The reception of refugees from Kosovo in 1999, fice in Podgorica was planned. especially from Glavičica, led by parish priest VI CONTRIBUTION OF NUNS CONTRIBUTION OF RELIGIOUS SISTERS NUNS OF THE HOLY CROSS IN PODGORICA (NUNS) OF THE HOLY CROSS IN PODGORICA FOR THE SECOND TIME (1948–1952) (1912–1913) On January 11, 1948, the Ministry of Public During the Balkan War, especially in the war to Health from Cetinje invited Nuns of the Holy conquest Shkodra, there was no Montenegrin Cross to take up work in a newly formed hos-family that did not lose someone in the war pital. The job in the new hospital in Podgorica for Shkodra. Not only many people died, but was taken over by nuns led by sister Klara even more were wounded and severely in- Lucić and five more nuns, and later by sister fected. In such conditions, on October 18, nuns Pacis with seven nuns. Sister Pacis was the were invited, with the intervention and rec- head of this community. The hospital was still ommendation of the Bishop Msgr. Uccelini. under construction, with only a few wards in These nuns arrived in Cetinje on October 24, operation. The nuns had a furnished house 1912, and later in Podgorica, and were placed with a chapel, and Mass was celebrated by a in military barracks, where there were 1,600 German priest, a prisoner of war, Don Bernard severily wounded people. Also, the nuns from Austermann, who was doing carpentry work Podgorica went to Taraboš, where there were at the new hospital. On the feast of St. Agnes, 700 wounded and severely infected people. on January 21, 1948, the nuns celebrated Mass It was the time when Montenegro wanted to in their chapel for the first time. conquer Shkodra, regardless of the price. After the departure of German priest Don Initially, there were four nuns who went to Bernard to Germany, the nuns were left with-help the wounded: Sister Regina Summereder, out a priest, so they did not have mass every Sister Bonavita Cuconjić, Sister Lina Boshnjak day but once a week. Don Zef Demiraj from and Sister Bonaventura Mozolovski. King Grude Parish or Don Pavle Marvulić from Tuzi Nikola honoured them with the “Order of came. The communist government did not al-Danilo”. lowe a priest to celebrate Mass every day, as it They had completed the “Samaritan” mission was agreed in the treaty. They had problems on April 21, 1913, after which they returned to with the apartment, as well as with the peace. their province in Đakov, Croatia. Due to such conditions, nuns of the Holy Cross left Podgorica on July 2, 1952. 30 SISTERS SERVANTS OF THE LITTLE JESUS in Bosnia, Sisters Servants of the Little Jesus (1962–1991) sold the house to the Archbishop of Bar Msgr. During 1962, Dr. Eva Velimirović asked Sisters Petar Perkolić for DM 300,000, then moved to Servants of the Little Jesus to take care of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and some the Children’s Hospital in Podgorica, and to the province of Dalmatia. they were received by Dr. Boro Filipović. The first sister to come was Sister Arcadia, then SISTERS (FRANCISCANS) OF THE IMMACULATE Sister Damascene for the kitchen and Sister CONCEPTION OF THE PROVINCE OF CETINJE Crescence for the children’s ward. She was At the invitation of the Salesian Inspector, Don followed by Sister Nives, Sister Jelena and Rudi Boršnik, that he sent to the Provincial Sister Sekundina, respectively. Nurses had an mother, Gregoria Ketish in Cetinje, the sis-apartment in the children’s hospital, where ters of the Franciscan Congregation of the they had three rooms upstairs. With the in- Immaculate Conception from the Montenegrin crease in staff at the hospital, they were given province in Cetinje came to Podgorica. They a three-bedroom apartment on the ground came to serve in the Parish of Podgorica on floor, close to the children’s hospital, and January 27, 1982, and the first sisters who they turned one room into a chapel. Mass came were Sister Veronika Kočović and Sister was celebrated for them by P. Anselm (Gjergj) Bernarda Dani, who took care not only of the Marstjepaj, from the Parish of Tuzi. kitchen, but also of the garden, church, religious education and church choir. In addition to working at the hospital, the nuns also went to the field to visit the poor, With the departure of nuns Servants of the give them necessary medications, etc. Little Jesus, the Archbishop of Bar, Msgr. Petar Perkolić entrusted the house and chapel in With the increase in the number of nuns (re- Kruševac to the Franciscan sisters. The nuns ligious sisters), as well as excellent coopera- will play a significant role in the Podgorica tion with doctors and nurses in the hospital, hospital, especially in the oncology ward, the need to build a house for nuns was rec- where there once was the famous sister Silva ognized, for which a parcel near the tobacco Adžamić, and after that sister Lusha Bisaku factory was allocated to them, and the nuns continued her work here with a dedicated and provided 500,000 dinars for this purpose. tireless attitude. They began to build a house and a chapel, not only for the nuns but also for the believers. Nuns in the community in Kruševac decorated the house for the girls’ home. In that house, With the arrival of the Salesians in 1966, the nuns took care of Don Anto Marđokić, Don Jože (Josip) Bakan completed an unfin- the former parish priest of Štoj, and of Don ished house and a chapel for the nuns. They Milorad Defar, the former parish priest of were blessed by the Archbishop of Bar Mons. Gusinje, Bistažin, Škrelj. Aleksandar Tokić, and the chapel, which also served as the parish, was called “The Sacred Heart of Jesus”. In that chapel, the first child was prepared to receive the first communion, and then the confirmation, until 1969. The first parish priest, Don Josip Bakan, moved to a newly opened church on June 29, 1969. Along with Bakan, two nuns would also arrive, serving both in the pastoral and in the kitchen. After the beginning of the dissolution of Yugoslavia and at the beginning of the war 31 CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 272-774(497.16Podgorica)(091) GJOLAJ, Nosh Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Podgorica. The history of one parish / Nosh Gjolaj ; [translation Valentina Šaranović ; photos parish archive] - Ljubljana : Salve, 2019 Izv. stv. nasl.: Katolička crkva Presvetog Srca Isusovog Podgorica. Istorija jedne župe ISBN 978-961-289-049-0 COBISS.SI-ID 302022656 Nosh Gjolaj sdb Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Podgorica The history of one parish translation Valentina Šaranović photos Parish archive design issuer Don Bosko centar Podgorica publisher Salve d.o.o., Ljubljana, 2019 copies 1.000 print IVPE Cetinje, Montenegro 32