
151 UNIVERZITETNA BIBLIOTEKA V LJUBLJANI: NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIŽNICA V OBDOBJU 1938 – 1943 Eva Kodrič-Dačić Pridobljeno: 25.03.2005 – Sprejeto: 02.05.2005 Izvirni znanstveni članek UDK 027.54(497.4) Izvleček V članku je prikazan razvoj Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice v času od leta 1938, ko je Državno študijsko knjižnico prevzela Univerza Kralja Aleksandra I. v Ljubljani, do kapitulacije fašistične Italije leta 1943. Knjižnica se je v tem obdobju formalno preo- blikovala iz študijske knjižnice v Univerzitetno biblioteko in s tem po več kot 150 letih izgubila status samostojne ustanove. Leta 1941 se je preselila v novo knjižnično stavbo ter se obenem začela prilagajati vojnim razmeram in zahtevam zasedbenih oblasti. Ključne besede: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1938-1943 Original scientific article UDC 027.54(497.4) Abstract The article presents the history of the National and University Library from the pe- riod 1938 to 1943. The period begins in 1938 when the former State Studium Library became a part of the University of King Alexander I and changed its name to Univer- sity Library, and ends with the collapse of the fascist Italy in 1943. After more than 150 years the Library lost its independent status and became fully subordinated to the University. At the very beginning of the Second World War it moved into the new library building. It had to adapt to the war conditions and cope with the requirements of the Italian occupation authorities. Key words: National and University Library, University of Ljubljana, 1938-1943 KODRIČ-DAČIĆ, Eva: Ljubljana University Library: National and University Library, Slovenia, in the period 1938 -1943. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 49(2005)1-2, str. 151-168