Izgubljena vera. Nebeško sijejo oči, ko so sijale prejšnje dni. Rudeča lica zorno še cvetejo, ko so pred cvetle. Se usta smejejo ko pred. sladkost ni manjša z njih besed. Otemnil ni ga časa beg, nič manj ni bel prs tvojih sneg. Život je tak, roke, noge so, kakoršne so pred bile. Lepota, ljubeznivost vsa je, kakoršna je pred bila. Al ver'vat' v tebe moč mi ni, kakor sem ver'val prejšnje dni. Le sveta, čista glorija, ki vera da jo, je prešla. En sam pogled je vzel jo preč, nazaj ne bo je nikdar več. Ak bi živela vekomej. kar si mi b'la, ne boš naprej, Srce je moje bilo oltar, pred božtvo ti, zdaj — lepa stvar. ,,S. H. S.tt English Renderings, No. 51. France Preseren (Slovene). With Preieren dawned the first clear day in Slovene literature. Born in Vrba, near Bled, 3rd Dec. 1800. Died in Kranj, 8. Feb, 1849. Lost Faith. Still shine those eyes with heaven's light, As once they shone in days of yore. Still freshly blooms that ruddy cheek With bloom as fair as e'er before. Still smile those lips as e'er they smiled, While words as sweet from them do fall. Nor doth quick Time dark shadow throw Upon thy bosom's driven snow. The same thy form and curve of limb As once they were in days now dim. Thy beauty, sweetness, still are yet What once they were, when first we met. But I can never trust thee more With that same faith I had before. The glory holy, that pure light, Which faith had lit, are lost in night. One only look, and all was gone! All, all is gone, ne'er to return. If thou shouldst live, shouldst live alway, As once, thou couldst not with me stay! My heart, it was a living shrine For thee — fair thing I dreamt divine! J. W. Wiles