Scientific paper Solvent-free Synthesis of Dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromene and Biscoumarin Derivatives Using Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles as a Recyclable Catalyst Javad Safaei-Ghomi,* Fahime Eshteghal and Mohammad Ali Ghasemzadeh Department of Chemistry, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, I. R. Iran * Corresponding author: E-mail:, Telefax: +983615912385 Received: 28-01-2014 Abstract In these research, an efficient one pot approach for the synthesis of dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes and biscoumarins as important heterocyclic compounds with pharmacological and biological properties have been prepared using nano-crystalline magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles were significantly catalyzed three-component reaction of aldehydes, ethyl cyanoacetate and 4-hydroxycoumarin in high yields and short reaction times under solvent-free conditions. Nano magnesium oxide as an efficient, available and cheap heterogeneous nanoparticles were used for several times in the synthesis of dihydropyrano [3,2-c]chromenes and biscoumarins. Keywords: MgO nanoparticle, Multi-component reactions, Solvent-free, Chromene, Biscoumarins 1. Introduction In recent years multi-component reactions (MCRs) have been developed to combine economic aspects for the synthesis of important medical and industrial com-pounds.1 Multi-component reactions are convergent reactions, in which three or more preliminary materials react to form a product, where basically all or most of the atoms contribute to the lately created product.2 Multi-component reactions have become an important device for the synthesis of structurally complex compounds in addition to drug like molecules.3 Choromene and couma-rin driveatives are an important group of heterocyclic compounds and have found much synthetic importance due to their biological activity that make them attractive targets for MCRs.4-6 In addition, dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromene and biscoumarin derivatives have various biological properties such as antimicrobial,7 antibacte-rial,8 anticoagulant,9 anticancer.10 Also they are used for the treatment of some diseases including Alzheimer,11 Parkinson,12 Huntington,13 HIV,14 Down's syndrome,15 and Schizophrenia.16 Recently, several methods have been reported for the synthesis of biscoumarin and dihy-dropyrano[3,2-c]chromene derivatives in the presence of diverse catalysts such as: ruthenium(III)chloride hydrate,17 various heteropolyacid,18 [BMIm]BF4-LiCl,19 silica-gel,20 H6P2W18O62.18H2O,21 tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB),22 and DBU.23 Many of these methods have some disadvantages and hardships including long reaction times, using toxic solvents and expensive catalysts. Recent progresses in nanoscience and nanotechnology have led to a new research interest in using nano-scale particles as an alternative matrix for supporting catalytic reactions.24 The chemical synthesis efficiency can be increased by nano sized catalysts because of their low size and high surface area to volume ratios.25 The use of environmentally benign nano catalysts represents extremely important green chemical technology procedures from both the economical and synthetic points of view.26 Among the various nano catalysts MgO find out extensive application as heterogeneous catalysts in diverse organic reactions. Lately nanocrystalline magnesium oxide have been used in different organic reactions as catalyst such as synthesis of Bettibases,27polyhydroquinoline de-rivatives,28 flavanones,29 and 2,4,5-trisubstituted imida-zole derivatives.30 Considering the above mentioned topics and also in continuation of our research on the application of nanocatalysts in MCRs.31-35 We decided to prepare some dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes and biscou- Scheme 1. Synthesis of dihydropyrano [3, 2-c]chromene (4a-j) and biscoumarin (5a-j) derivatives. marins via reaction of aldehydes, ethyl cyanoacetate and 4-hydroxycoumarin in the presence MgO nanoparticles under solvent-free conditions (Scheme 1). 2. Results and Discussion In this research we decided to optimize the reaction conditions via three-component reactions of 4-chloroben-zaldehyde 1, 4-hydroxycoumarin 2 and ethyl cyanoacetate 3 (molar ratio: 1:1:1.1) as a model reaction (Scheme 1). We investigated various catalysts in this reaction for the synthesis of 2-Amino-4-aryl-3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyra-no[3,2-c]chromene-5-ones (4a-j). Nanocrystalline MgO showed the best catalytic activity in comparison with FeCl3 NEt3, HCl, CuI and bulk MgO catalysts (Table 1). Furthermore nano MgO was used in the model reaction to optimized different amounts of the catalyst, varying temperatures and different solvents and also under solvent-free conditions (Table 2). No yield was obtained in the nonattendance of the catalyst (Table 1, entry 1) and in the presence of the catalyst at room temperature (Table 1, entry 2), indicating that the reaction was occurred high efficient in the presence of catalyst and high temperature. The best results were obtained when the reaction was carried out at 100 °C and the optimum amount of catalyst was found to be 3 mol% of MgO NPs. Also under the same conditions the reaction was investigated with different ratio of starting materials. In the new model reaction 4-chlorobenzaldehyde 1, 4-hydroxycoumarin 2 with molar ratio 1:2 were used for the Table 1: Preparation of dihydropyranochromenes and biscouma-rins by different catalysts at 100 °C.a Table 2: Optimization amount of MgO NPs for the synthesis of 4a-j and 5a-j Entry Catalyst Time (min) Yieldb (%) 1 None 240 0 2 FeCl3 80 50 3 Et3N 120 45 4 HCl 140 40 5 CuI 80 45 6 MgO 60 62 7 MgO NPs 20 93 Entry (Mol%) T/°C Time (min) Yielda(%) 1 None 100 300 0 2 3 r.t 300 15 3 1 100 35 45 4 2 100 30 65 5 3 100 20 93 6 4 100 20 93 7 5 120 20 92 a Isolated yields. synthesis 3,3-aryl-bis-(4-hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones) (Scheme 1). We used the optimized reaction conditions in the presence of MgO NPs to produce dihydrop-yrano[3,2-c]chromenes and biscoumarins (5a-j). To study the scope of this procedure, we next used a diversity of aldehydes to investigate three-component Table 3. One pot synthesis ofdihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes (4a-j) and biscoumarins (5a-j) by MgO NPs. a The reaction was carried out under solvent-free conditions. b Isolated yields. Product Aldehydes Time (min) Yield (%)a MP [Ref] °C 4a 4-Cl-C6H4 23 87 191-193[37] 4b 4-NO2-C6H4 20 89 240-242[18] 4c 4-Me-C6H4 27 88 189-190[37] 4d 4-F-C6H, 28 90 223-225[37] 4e 4-OH-C6H4 35 70 259-260 4f 3- NO2-C6H4 25 86 247-250[21] 4g 4-Br-C6H4 25 93 193-194[37] 4h C6H5 27 91 197-199[37] 4i 4-OMe-C6H4 30 75 160-162[37] 4j 2,4-Cl-C6H6 44 25 88 200-201[37] 5a 4-Cl-C6H4 20 93 254-256[36] 5b 4-NO2-C6H4 20 92 236-237[36] 5c 4-Me-C6H4 25 75 268-270[20] 5d 4-F-C6H4 22 80 267-269[20] 5e 4-OH-C6H4 27 75 220-224[36] 5f 3- NO2-C6H4 21 88 247-250[21] 5g 4-Br-C26H46 4 23 90 265-267[20] 5h C6H5 22 88 229-231 [20] 5i 4-OMe-C6H4 28 76 244-246[36] 5j 2,4-Cl-C6H6 44 25 90 254-256 a Isolated yields. Scheme 2. The proposed mechanism for the synthesis of dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes catalyzed by MgO NPs Scheme 3. The proposed mechanism for the synthesis of biscoumarins (5a-j) catalyzed by MgO NPs reactions under the optimized conditions (Table 3). A plausible mechanism for the syntheses of dihydropyra-no[3,2-c]chromenes (4a-j) and biscoumarins (5a-j) using MgO NPs have been shown in (Scheme 2,3). We suppose that magnesium oxide nanoparticles behave as coordinate with carbonyl and hydroxyl groups to promote cyclization reaction, so interaction of nanocatalyst with reactants leading to speed up the rate of reaction. 3. Experimental 3. 1. General Chemicals were purchased from the Sigma-Aldrich and Merck and were used without further purification. All of the materials were of commercial reagent grade and were used without further purification. All melting points are uncorrected and were determined in capillary tubes on Boetius melting point microscope. NMR and 13C NMR spectra were obtained on Bruker 400 MHz spectrometer with DMSO-d6 and CDCl3 as solvent using tetramethylsi-lane (TMS) as an internal standard; the chemical shift values are in 5. FT-IR spectrum was recorded on Magna-IR, spectrometer 550 Nicolet in KBr pellets in the range of 400-4000 cm-1. The elemental analyses (C, H, N) were obtained from a Carlo ERB A Model EA 1108 analyzer. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) was carried out on a Philips diffractometer of X'pert Company with mono chro-matized Cu Ka radiation (X = 1.5406 Ä). Microscopic morphology of products was visualized by SEM (LEO 1455VP).The mass spectra were recorded on a Joel D-30 instrument at an ionization potential of 70 eV. 3. 2. Preparation of MgO Nanoparticles We prepared Magnesium oxide nanoparticles (NPs) in this study using ultrasound technique. A solution of 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide was added drop-wise to a solution prepared from dissolving 2 g of Mg (NO3)2.6H2O and 0.5 g polyvinyl pyrolydon (PVP) as surfactant. Then the reaction mixture was sonicated for 30 min ultrasonic power 90W. The prepared gel was centrifuged and washed several times with deionized water and ethanol, and finally calcined in a furnace at 600 °C for 2 h. In order to study the morphology and particle size of MgO nanoparticles, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of MgO NPs was presented in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 2. The crystalline nature of the synthesized MgO NP-s sample was further verified by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The crystallite size diameter (D) of the MgO NPs has been calculated by Debye-Scherrer equation (D = KX/ßcos8). The results show that hexagonal MgO NPs27 were gained with an average diameter of 18 nm. Nano-crystals of magnesium oxide catalyst has a multidimensional structure in three dimensions with a Figure 1. SEM image of MgO NPs; (101) m (Mi) m ,,,, . J W A I. .jJ 1 1 1 Figure 2. The XRD pattern of MgO NPs high level of edge and corner that caused by the inherent high reactivity. Moreover, nano-magnesium oxide has a network crystalline structure contain of Lewis basic and Lewis acid. All these factors cause that nano-magnesium oxide employs as an efficient catalyst. 3. 3. Preparation of Dihydropyrano[3,2-c] chromene and Biscoumarin Derivatives A mixture of an aromatic aldehyde (1 mmol), ethyl cyanoacetate (1.2 mmol), 4-hydroxycoumarin (1 mmol) and nano MgO (3mol%) were heated at 100 °C for 20-40 min. During the procedure, the reaction was monitored by TLC. Upon completion, the reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and ethyl acetate was added. The catalyst was insoluble in ethylacetate and it could therefore be recycled by a simple filtration. The solvent was evaporated and the solid obtained recrystallized from ethanol to afford the pure dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromene. Meanwhile we prepared biscoumarins via reaction of aldehyde (1 mmol) and 4-hydroxycoumarin (2 mmol) at the same as above conditions (Table 1). 2-Amino-4-(4-chlorophenyl)3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-5-one (4a). White powder; mp 191-193 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax 3415, 3334, 3215, 1685, 1650, 1601, 1247, 1003; ^NMR (400 MHz, DM-SO-d6):5 1.10 (3H, t, J= 7.3Hz, CH3), 3.98 (2H, m, CH2), 4.64 (1H, s, CH), 7.29 -7.95 (8H, m, Ar), 7.12 (2H, s, NH2); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 14.2, 39.2, 61.77, 74.9, 105.3, 117.5, 121.5, 125.5, 126.8, 128.4, 130.7, 131.3, 140.3, 150.2, 160.2, 162.2, 168.2, Anal. Calcd. for C21H16ClNO5: C 63.40, H 4.05, N 3.52, Found: C 63.38, H 3.95, N 3.63, MS (EI) (m/z): 397. 2-amino-4-(4-nitrophenyl)3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyra-no[3,2-c]chromene-5-one (4b). Yellow powder; mp 240-242 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): v 3430, 3312, 1714, 1690, 1660, 1611, 1500; NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 1.16 (3H, t, /=7.1, CH3), 4.08 (2H, m, CH2), 5.03 (1H, s, CH), 7.33 -8.13 (8H, m, Ar), 6.59 (2H, s, NH2); 13C NMR (100 MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 14.2, 42.3, 61.7, 75.6, 105.3, 117.5, 121.5, 125.5, 126.8, 128.4, 130.0, 145.4, 148.3, 150.2, 160.2, 162.2, 168.4, Anal. Calcd. for C21H16N2O7: C 61.77, H 3.95, N 6.86 Found: C 61.89, H 4.05, 1ST 6.76 MS (EI) (m/z): 408. 2-Amino-4-(4-Fluorophenyl)-3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-5-one (4d). White powder; mp 223-225 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax3433, 3315, 1710, 1687, 1657, 1609, 1579; 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): 51.09 (3H, t, /= 7.4 Hz, CH3), 4.19 (2H, m, OCH2), 4.83 (1H, s, CH), 7.46-8.06 (8H, m, Ar), 7.96 (2H, s, NH2); 13C NMR (100MHz, DMSO-d6): 514.2, 40.9 61.7, "75.2, 105.3, 117.5, 121.5, 125.5, 126.8, 128.4, 132.7, 135.8, 150.2, 159.9, 160.2, 162.2, 168.6, Anal. Calcd. for C21H16FNO5: C 66.14, H 4.23, N 3.67, Found: C 66.09, H 4.18, N 3.71, MS (EI) (m/z): 381. 2-Amino-4-(2,4-dicholorophenyl)-3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-5-one (4j). White powder; mp 200-202 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax3482, 3432, 3 371, 3 3 3 5, 17 1 8, 1673, 1607, 1506, 13*74, 1306; 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 1.09 (3H, t, /= 7.4 Hz, CH3), 3.98 (2H, m, OCH2), 5.06 (1H, s, CH), 7.47-8.18 (7H, m, Ar), 7.57 (2H, s, NH2); 13C NMR (100MHz, DM-SO-d6): 514.2, 41.0, 61.7, 74.9, 105.3, 117.5, 121.5, 125.5, 126.9, 128.4, 128.8, 128, 9, 131.9, 132.7, 135.8, 141.7, 150.2, 160.2, 162.2, 167.2, Anal. Calcd. for C21H15Cl2NO5: C 58.35, H 3.50, N 3.24, Found: C 58.25, H 3.40,N 3.345 MS (EI) (m/z): 431. 2-Amino-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-carboethoxy-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-5-one (4e). White powder; mp 259-260°C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax 3445, 3372, 3190, 1710, 1672, 1608; 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 1.09 (3H, t, /= 7.2 Hz, CH3), 3.94 (2H, m, OCH2), 4.46 (1H, s, CH), 6.87-7.89 (8H, m, Ar), 7.46 (2H, br s, NH2), 9.53 (1H, s, OH);13C NMR (100MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 55.90, 59.10, 105.13, 113.84, 114.71, 117.37, 120.18, 123.29, 125.47, 129.64, 133.66, 136.26, 152.94, 153.94, 158.79, 159.20, 160.38, Anal. Calcd. for C21H17NO6: C 66.59, H 4.62, N 3.59, Found: C 66.49, H 41.55, N 3.68 MS (EI) (m/z): 379.11. 3,3-(4-Chlorophenyl)bis-(4-hydroxy-2H-1-benzop-yran-2-one) (5a). White powder; mp 254-256 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax 3432, 3311, 3070, 3001, 1668, 1604, 1466, 1510, 1452, 1352, 1309, 1259, 769; 1H NMR (400MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 6.05 (1H, s, CH), 6.87-8.05 (12H, m, Ar): 11.29 (2H, s, OH, br s), 13C NMR (100MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 36.04, 90.02, 103.58, 115.89, 116.20, 118.26, 123.58, 123.60, 123.97, 125.62, 129.80, 130.20, 131.10, 132.81, 132.90, 143.51, 152.32, 164.56, 165.85 Anal. Calcd. for C25H15ClO6: C 67.20, H 3.38, Found: C 67.12, H 3.18 MS (EI) (m/z): 446. 3,3-(4-nitro-phenyl)bis-(4-hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one) (5b). Yellow powder; mp 236-237 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax 3482, 3412, 3080, 1660, 1616, 1600, 1566, 1518, 1450, 1348, 765; 1H NMR (400MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 6.13 (1H, s, CH), 7.26-8.22 (12H, m, Ar), 11.37 (2H, s, OH, br s), 13C NMR (100MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 35.68, 105.49, 115,41, 115.52, 116.39, 116.68, 116.72, 116.89, 124.41, 128.14, 130.84, 130.90, 133.01, 145.10, 152.29, 152.60, 160.30, 164.63, 165.03; Anal. Calcd. for C25H15NO8: C 65.65, H 3.31, N 3.06 Found: C 65.89, H 3.224, N 3.17 MS (EI) (m/z): 457. 3,3-(2,4-dicholorophenyl)bis-(4-hydroxy-2H-1-ben-zopyran-2-one) (5j). White powder; mp 254-256 °C, IR (KBr, cm-1): vmax 3462, 3351, 3072, 1668, 1604, 1466, 1510, 1452, 1352, 1309, 1259, 769; 1H NMR (400MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 6.09 (1H, s, CH), 6.98-8.22 (11H, m, Ar): 11.45 (2H, br s, OH); 13C NMR (100MHz, DMSO-d6): 5 36.08, 90.02, 103.96, 116.22, 116.40, 117.17, 122.93, 123.60, 124.88, 125.52, 129.80, 130.20, 131.10, 132.81, 133.58, 143.57 144.03, 152.87, 154.23, 165.10, 167.22; Anal. Calcd. for C25H14Cl2O6: C 63.03, H 3.03, Found: C 62.93, H 5.09 MS (EI) (m/z): 480.02. 4. Conclusions In conclusion, we have synthesized dihydropyrano [3,2-c]chromenes (4a-j) and biscoumarins (5a-j) using magnesium oxide nanoparticles with high yields and short reaction times. The reactions could be carried out in solvent free condition. This reaction conditions are environmentally friendly which makes proposed pathway a green synthetic method. 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Povzetek Raziskali smo učinkovit »one-pot« pristop k sintezi dihidropirano[3,2-c]kromenov in biskumarinov, kataliziran s pomočjo nanokristaliničnega magnezijevega oksida. Pripravljene spojine predstavljajo pomembne heterocikle, ki izkazujejo farmakološko in biološko zanimive lastnosti. Nanodelci magnezijevega oksida so imeli izrazit katalitski učinek na to trokomponentno reakcijo, ki poteka med aldehidi, etil cianoacetatom in 4-hidroksikumarinom, ter so omogočili visoke izkoristke, kratke reakcijske čase in uporabo pogojev brez prisotnosti topil. Nano magnezijev oksid, kot učinkovit, lahko dosegljiv in cenovno ugoden heterogeni katalizator, sestavljen iz nanodelcev, smo za sintezo dihidropirano[3,2-c] kromenov in biskumarinov uporabili večkrat.