Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 Structuring Domain Knowledge by Semi-automatic Ontology Construction Bojan Cestnik13, Ingrid Petrič2, Tanja Urbančič2, Marta Macedoni-Lukšič4 1Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia,, 3Temida, d.o.o., Dunajska cesta 51, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4University Children's Hospital, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia, In this paper, we present a case in semi-automatic ontology construction from literature. For this, we concentrate on the articles about autism obtained from the PubMed Central database. Our motivation was to investigate how separate parts of articles, such as titles, abstracts and full texts, influence the constructed ontology. Our results confirm the intuitive expectation that constructing ontologies from abstracts is a rational choice when uncovering the structure of a given scientific field. In addition, when compared to general knowledge of autism, ontology concepts from abstracts show the highest similarity. Key words: Knowledge management, education, concept learning, ontologies, autism Strukturiranje domenskega znanja s pomočjo polavtomatske gradnje ontologij V ~lanku opisujemo primer polavtomatske gradnje ontologij iz literature. ^lanke, ki smo jih uporabili v opisanem primeru, smo pridobili iz baze Pubmed Central. Cilj naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako uporaba posameznih delov ~lankov - naslovi, povzetki, cela besedila - vplivajo na zgrajeno ontologijo. Dobljeni rezultati potrjujejo intuitivno domnevo, da gradnja ontologije iz povzetkov daje najboljše rezultate pri odkrivanju zakonitosti na izbranem problemskem podro~ju. Koncepti, ki smo jih evidentirali pri gradnji ontologij iz povzetkov ~lankov s podro~ja avtizma, se najbolj ujemajo s splošnim znanjem o avtizmu. Ključne besede: Upravljanje z znanjem, izobra`evanje, u~enje konceptov, ontologije, avtizem 1 Introduction Throughout each period of science, ontologies have been used as a means to organise scientific information and, more importantly, to provide a common vocabulary of concepts for educational processes. Until recently, the practice of ontology construction has relied mostly on the manual extraction of interesting concepts from scientific literature and their organisation in a suitable hierarchy. Nowadays, the largely increased amount of scientific publications requires automated support for such a task. With new knowledge technologies, selected scientific articles can be processed semi-automatically, and therefore, the process of ontology construction can be made more effective and feasible in practice. Ontologies play a substantial role in the process of education (e.g. Breuker et al, 1999). Although content has always been considered a crucial factor in education, the emphasis in educational research has also been on form. From this perspective, ontologies in education are part of the common-sense understanding of the world that define the concepts and structures in a domain. Thus, ontologies are particularly important when the process of education embraces not only skill acquisition but also insight and understanding. In information science, ontology is a data model that represents a domain and is used to reason about the objects in that domain and the relations between them. Thus, ontologies are capable of sharing a common understanding of domains and therefore of supporting research with the ability to reason over and to analyse the information at issue (Joshi and Undercoffer, 2004). In recent years, many tools that help to construct ontologies from texts in a given problem domain have been developed and successfully used in practice (Brank et al, 2005). Among them, OntoGen (Fortuna et al, 2006) has received notable attention in the text-mining community. Nowadays, researchers and students are faced with vast amounts of data when extracting knowledge from the rapidly growing volumes of databases. The situation becomes even more striking when a person wants to obtain an insight into a field that does not fall directly into his or her 233 Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 area of expertise. A special field of knowledge discovery in databases aims at supporting researchers and students for such tasks. Knowledge discovery is the process of discovering useful knowledge from data, which includes data mining as the application of specific algorithms for extracting patterns from data (Fayyad et al, 1996). In fact, important information hidden in huge databases could be revealed by data mining and knowledge discovery techniques. When databases contain bibliographic semi-structured data, text mining as a specific type of data mining can be used. When constructing ontologies from scientific articles in a semi-automatic manner, there is a decision to be made: which parts of the articles to include in the process. While some experts suggest that the more text one can obtain, the better the constructed ontology, others advocate a more systematic approach that relies on comparably balanced parts of explored texts (Cohen et al, 2005). With the experiments described in this article, we aim to clarify this dilemma. Thus, our main motivation was to analyse how separate parts of scientific articles influence the constructed ontologies. Initial results presented in the study by Petri~ et al. (2006) encouraged further investigation that enabled us to present our findings in a more systematic fashion. When evaluating which parts of articles would be more appropriate for the ontology construction, we assessed two criteria: first, the pair-wise similarity of the constructed ontology concepts, and second, their resemblance to the commonly accepted concepts in a given domain. The set of articles for our study was selected from the autism domain. Autism belongs to a group of pervasive developmental disorders that are portrayed by the early delay and abnormal development of cognitive, communication and social-interaction skills of a person. Owing to its rather complex nature, the domain still lacks a thorough understanding of the underlying phenomena, and therefore, further investigations are needed (Persico & Bourgeron, 2006). Our team is active in investigations towards finding new methods for early diagnosis in autism. We are particularly focused on extracting knowledge from vast amounts of textual data and presenting it in a human readable form that will help us to gain a better insight into and understanding of the domain (Urban~i~ et al, 2007). This paper is organised as follows. First, we provide a short overview of ontology construction approaches. In Section 3, we present our studies on documents about autism. Section 4 contains the evaluation of the obtained ontologies. The most important findings are summarised in the conclusion. 2 Semi-automatic ontology construction Ontologies are used in information science as a form of knowledge representation of the world or some part of it. In general, ontologies include descriptions of objects, con- cepts, attributes and relations between objects. Traditionally, ontologies for a given domain are constructed manually using some sort of language or representation and rely on the manual extraction of common-sense knowledge from various sources. Recently, several programs that support manual ontology construction have been developed, such as Protégé (Gennari, 2002). Since manual ontology construction is a complex and demanding process, there is a strong tendency to provide a computerised support for the task. Based on text-mining techniques that have already proven successful for the task, OntoGen (Fortuna et al, 2006) is a tool that enables the interactive construction of ontologies from text documents in a selected domain. A user can create concepts, organise them into topics and also assign documents to concepts. With the use of machine learning techniques, OntoGen supports individual phases of ontology construction by suggesting concepts and their names, by defining relations between them and by the automatic assignment of documents to the concepts (Fortuna, 2006). Our main motivation for using OntoGen was to gain a quick insight into a given domain by semi-automatically generating the main ontology concepts from the domain’s documents. The semi-automatic ontology construction method implemented in OntoGen incorporates basic text-mining principles. The input for the tool is a collection of text documents. Documents are represented as vectors, which together are often referred to as a vector space model. Using this representation, similarities between two documents can be defined as the cosine of the angles between the two corresponding vector representations. When suggesting new concepts, OntoGen uses a K-means clustering technique (Jain et al, 1999) and a keyword extraction method (Brank et al, 2002). 3 Experiments on documents about autism For the purpose of this analysis, we decided to use professional literature that is publicly accessible on the Internet in the PubMed database of biomedical publications. In this database, we found 10,821 documents (up until August 21, 2006) that contain words in the form of autis*, which we used as the search criterion for articles about autism. Documents were prevailingly described with the titles, authors and abstracts. However, 354 articles were presented in the database with the entire text. Other relevant publications were either restricted to abstracts of documents or their entire texts were published in sources outside PubMed. From the listed 354 articles, we further restricted the target set of articles to those that have been published in the last ten years. As a result, we ended up with 214 articles from 1997 onward. To use these in our experiments, we partitioned them into titles, abstracts and texts. 234 Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 3.1 Design of experiments When designing the experiments, we had two goals in mind. First, we wanted to become acquainted with the domain in the sense that we understand better the underlying concepts. Second, we wanted to evaluate various ontologies constructed on various parts of documents, such as titles, abstracts and texts. In addition, we also tried to evaluate the content compliance between titles, abstracts and entire bodies of texts of the related documents. Finally, we also wanted to experiment with various values of the parameter k used by OntoGen’s .K-means clustering algorithm. From the 214 documents obtained by our search in the PubMed Central database, we created three input text files: a file with 214 titles, a file with 214 abstracts and a file with 214 bodies of texts without their respective titles and abstracts. Each text file was used separately as an input for OntoGen; in the process of semi-automatic ontology construction, we used OntoGen to construct several top-level ontology concepts and describe them with suggested keywords. The ontologies were built with two values for the parameter k: first, with k=8, which was automatically suggested by OntoGen, and second, with k=5, which experimentally turned out to be a well-balanced trade off between complexity and comprehensibility in this domain. Moreover, the results obtained with k=5 were more in accordance with the concepts found in the autism survey literature (Zerhouni, 2004) and were also evaluated well by an expert in the autism domain. In this way, OntoGen generated eight and five concepts respectively on the first level of domain ontology for each of the input files (titles, abstracts and bodies of texts). Each concept was described with the three most relevant keywords as suggested by OntoGen. Our evaluation of the obtained ontology concepts was first performed at vocabulary level by comparing keywords of various concepts and analysing the sets of documents that corresponded to each concept. Next, concept descriptions were presented to the medical expert, who also evaluated the concepts from her perspective. 3.2 Experimental results In this subsection we present the results of our experiments. Each table from Table 1 to Table 6 contains ontology concepts described using three keywords (labelled Keywords) and the number of related documents (labelled No. Docs). Table 1: Eight concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 titles. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 Root 214 1 preference, assessment, effects 31 2 reinforcement, children_autism, early 27 3 genes, susceptibility, specific 32 4 functioning, syndrome, analysis 26 5 autism, teach, child 25 6 vaccination, schedules, activated 24 7 social, evidence, chromosome 17 8 disorders, linkage, case 32 Table 2: Eight concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 abstracts. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 Root 214 1 sensory, sounds, auditory 2 stereotypy, behavioral, probl_beha 26 3 reinforcers, preferred, stimulus 41 4 teach, question, procedure 18 5 gene, linkage, regional 60 6 parent, mmr, vaccine 16 7 language, age, children 28 8 vaccine, mmr, mmr_vaccine 17 Table 3: Eight concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 bodies of texts. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 root 214 1 executive, nv, cortical 26 2 stereotypies, reinforcement, prob_be 27 3 reinforcement, session, aggression 38 4 prompted, script, teaching 21 5 linkage, family, gene 55 6 ht, secretin, legs 7 chemical, infant, sleep 14 8 vaccine, mmr, mmr_vaccine 25 Table 4: Five concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 titles. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 root 214 1 autism, children_autism, children 67 2 syndrome, detection, social 19 3 disorders, spectrum, neurodeve-lopmental 39 4 genetic, chromosome, linkage 50 5 reinforcement, effects, behavior 39 235 Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 Table 5: Five concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 abstracts. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 Root 214 1 reinforcers, behavioral, prob-lems_behavioral 49 2 language, foxp2, children 52 3 reinforcers, vaccine, aggression 46 4 linkage, gene, regional 55 5 virus, infection, trim5alpha 12 Table 6: Five concepts of autism ontology generated from 214 bodies of texts. ID Keywords No. Docs 0 root 214 1 reinforcement, session, trial 2 2 reinforcement, sleep, infant 37 3 vaccine, mmr, mmr_vaccine 24 4 linkage, family, gene 71 5 infection, pml, patients 10 4 Evaluation of the obtained ontologies In most cases, ontologies are rather complex structures. It is therefore often more reasonable to focus the attention on the evaluation of separate levels of ontology, rather than on the direct evaluation of whole ontologies (Brank et al, 2005). In our comparison of the ontology concepts from autism, built using OntoGen, we focused at the vocabulary level of the obtained concept descriptions and related concept documents. We observed the distribution of documents within individual ontology groups on the first level of each ontology model (first-level subgroups of autism domain), considering terminology that was selected by OntoGen for the presentation of concepts. 4.1 Ontology concepts from various parts of texts The distribution of documents among eight concepts of title ontology (Table 1) is fairly uniform. In contrast, the ontologies of eight abstract concepts (Table 2) and eight text concepts (Table 3) both show one major subgroup of documents that treat genetics and another important group that describes reinforcers or stimuli for autists. Document distributions in ontologies of five subgroups are a little different. There are two major groups of titles (Table 4) and texts (Table 6). The biggest group of titles describes autism in general, whereas the largest text group relates to reinforcement trials. The second major group in both cases (titles and texts) deals with genetics. The distributions of abstracts (Table 5), in contrast, show two very important groups that both treat differing aspects of genetics. While the first group is described using clear genetic keywords, the second group includes, among others, the keyword foxp2, which is a gene important for the development of speech. The evaluation of the obtained results show considerable differences between ontology concepts constructed from titles, abstracts and related bodies of texts. Figure 1 shows the result of the comparison of five ontology concepts generated from abstracts and entire bodies of texts. One major similarity is identified between the groups of genetic documents, which include the same 51 articles from the observed dataset. In addition, a relatively large similarity can be seen also between the text and abstract groups that deal with virus infections. Slightly less specific is the similarity between abstracts and texts from the groups: reinforcement, session, trial and reinforcement, sleep, infant. Although the concept matching presented in Figure 1 is not completely evident, a general tendency can clearly be found in the diagonal elements. Compared to the analysis of matching bodies of texts and abstracts, we observed significantly lower similarity between texts and titles of the related articles, as well as between their abstracts and titles. Articles about genetics are the only fairly important group of documents that apparently use more similar vocabulary in their titles and abstracts and in the entire bodies of their texts. The likely cause for this observation lies in the genetic terminology and in the genetic context itself, which is reasonably specific when compared to other fields of autism research. Figure 1: Comparison between the distributions of documents belonging to the ontology concepts of abstracts and bodies of texts. The obtained high-level concepts were presented to the expert in autism. She found the tables informative and in accordance with her line of reasoning in autism. In particular, the clustering of the selected articles was in most 236 Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 cases fairly intuitive, although the keyword description of some of the generated concepts was not so straightforward. An important confirmation of the resulting ontology construction is also the recent state of autism research as described by Zerhouni (2004), which summarises the main scientific activities of autism research in the major areas of epidemiology, genetics, neurobiology, environmental factors and specific treatments of autism. As advocated by OntoGen’s literature (Fortuna, 2006), we renamed the concepts accordingly, based on the suggested keywords. The resultant ontology concepts are presented in Figure 2. 4.2 Ontology concepts with various values of k Clustering algorithms, such as K-means clustering, are useful tools for data mining; however, when we have to cluster datasets, it is not always clear which is the most appropriate number of clusters (parameter k) to use (Jain et al, 1999). OntoGen automatically proposes the use of eight clusters as a default. However, it is strongly recommended to experiment also with various other values of k in order to determine the best result for the domain under investigation. Figure 2: Top-level autism ontology concepts as suggested by OntoGen and renamed according to autism survey literature. Original concept descriptions are included for easier identification. After experimenting with OntoGen’s default parameter, k=8, we also constructed top-level ontology concepts with several other values for k, ranging from 2 to 15. As a result, we discovered that the value 5 for k represents a well-balanced trade off between the complexity and comprehensibility of the single-level ontology concepts in this domain. Although the concepts generated with other values of k also revealed some interesting domain properties, they were either too broad when k was small or too narrow when k was large. Therefore, a careful selection of the value of k is a very important prerequisite when constructing ontologies in a semi-automatic way. 5 Conclusion Using tools for semi-automatic ontology construction from scientific articles can significantly speed up the process of becoming acquainted with the domain of interest. Instead of reading piles of literature, researchers and students can first generate top-level domain ontology concepts and thus obtain a general overview and understanding of the domain. After that, a detailed study of the concepts of interest might be in order. In such a way, semi-au-tomatically constructed ontologies actually helped us to review and understand the complex and heterogeneous spectrum of scientific articles about the autism domain. Our next motivation was to investigate how separate parts of articles, such as titles, abstracts and full texts, influence the constructed ontology. In this comparison, we decided to take into account only the top-level ontology concepts, mostly because comparing full-scale ontologies can become a very intricate task (Brank et al, 2005). Our graphic presentation of compared ontologies clearly exposes the main clusters of autism articles, which are shown as the highest columns in the graph in Figure 1. This therefore provides a powerful way to visualise the most important similarities between observed ontologies; it can be seen that the largest collection of autism documents always deal with genetics. Determining the proper number of top-level concepts (the value of parameter k) for a specific domain is very important when constructing ontologies in a semi-automatic way. The goal is to find a well-balanced trade off between the complexity and comprehensibility of the single-level ontology concepts in the domain. However, experimenting with other values of k may also reveal some interesting domain properties. The experimental results show that there is a substantial similarity between constructed ontology concepts from abstracts and full texts, while there is less similarity between ontology concepts from titles and abstracts and titles and full texts. These findings suggest that titles are not informative enough to be taken as the only source for constructing ontologies. Compared to general knowledge on autism, ontology concepts from abstracts show the highest resemblance. Our results confirm the intuitive expectation that constructing ontologies from abstracts is a rational choice when uncovering the structure of a given scientific field. The titles as well as the full texts are typically less useful for the given task. When dealing with full texts, some preprocessing tasks such as stemming and stopping can improve the utility (Cohen et al, 2005). 237 Organizacija, Volume 40 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2007 For further work, we consider experimenting also with sources that are mixtures of titles, abstracts and full texts. Often, there are some articles available as abstract-only and some other articles as full texts. A practical question that we would like to investigate is the following: is it wise to join the two sets unaltered or is it better to include also the latter set in abstract-only form? 6 Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency programme Knowledge Technologies (2004-2008). We wish to thank Nada Lavra~ for her suggestion to use OntoGen, and Bla` Fortuna for his discussions about OntoGen’s performance. 7 References Breuker, J., Muntjewerff, A. & Bredeweg, B. (1999). Onto-logical modeling for designing educational systems, Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies for Intelligent Educational Systems, AI-ED 99, Le Mans, France, July 18-19. Brank, J., Grobelnik, M., Milic-Frayling, N. & Mladeni}, D. (2002). Feature selection using support vector machines. Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Data Mining Methods and Databases for Engineering, Finance, and Other Fields, Bologna, Italy, September 25-27. Brank, J., Grobelnik, M. & Mladeni}, D., (2005). A survey of ontology evaluation techniques. In: SIKDD 2005 at multicon-ference IS 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 17. Cohen, A. M., Yang, J. & Hersh, W.R. (2005). A Comparison of Techniques for Classification and Ad Hoc Retrieval of Biomedical Documents. 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Searching for ways out of the autism maze: genetic, epigenetic and environmental clues. Trends in neurosciences, 29(7), Elsevier Publishing: New York. Petri~, I., Urban~i~, T. & Cestnik, B. (2006). Comparison on ontologies built on titles, abstracts and entire texts of articles. Proceedings of the 9th International multi-conference Information Society IS-2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 227-230. Urban~i~, T, Petri~, I., Cestnik, B. & Macedoni-Lukši~, M. (2007). Literature Mining: Towards Better Understanding of Autism. In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine LNAI 4594 (R. Bellazzi, A. Abu-Hanna, J. Hunter, eds.), Springer Verlag, 217-226. Zerhouni, E. A. (2004). Congressional Appropriations Committee Report on the State of Autism Research. Report for National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Health and Human Service, Bethes-da, Maryland. Available from (Accessed December 2006). Bojan Cestnik is the general manager of the software company Temida and a researcher at the Department of Knowledge Technologies at the Jo`ef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana. His professional and research interests include knowledge-based information systems and machine learning. His research work has been presented at several international conferences. He has been involved in several large-scale software development and maintenance projects. Ingrid Petrič is teaching assistant for the courses of Computer Science and Business Information Systems at the University of Nova Gorica. She is also a doctoral student of New Media and E-science at the Jo`ef Stefan International Postgraduate School in Ljubljana. She received her MSc in Information Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, in 2004. As a research fellow at the Centre of Systems and Information Technologies at the University of Nova Gorica, she investigates available data about autism spectrum disorders through the use of data-mining and decision support tools. Tanja Urbančič is Dean of the School of Engineering and Management at the University of Nova Gorica. She is also a research fellow at the Department of Knowledge Technologies at the Jo`ef Stefan Institute. She received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana. Her current professional and research interest is mainly in knowledge management, especially in its applications to education, medicine and public health. She is a co-author of several book chapters and journal papers in IEEE Transactions on SCM, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, the Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, among others. Marta Macedoni-Lukšič is a developmental paediatrician at the Department for Child Neurology, University Paediatric Hospital in Ljubljana and a teaching assistant at the Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. She is also a founder and director of the Institute for Autism and Related Disorders, a non-governmental organisation. She obtained her PhD in child neuro-oncology at the Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. Her professional and research interests include autism spectrum disorders and child neurology in general. Her research work has been presented at several international conferences. 238