ANNALE S 11 /'9 7 original scientific paper UDC 582.542(497.4-14) THE HORDEETUM MURINI AN D LEPIDIO DRABAE-AGROPYRETUM IN THE COASTAL PART OF SLOVENIA Andraž ČARNI Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SI-1ÖÜ0 Ljubljana, Gosposka 13 ABSTRACT In ruderal places of the coastal part of Slovenia, two associations dominated by winter annual species, Hordeetum murini Libbeit 1933 (Stellarietea mediae) and Lepidio drabae-Agropyretum repentis T. Müller et Görs 1966 (Artemisietea vulgaris), were studied. Ke y words : ruderal communities, Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea, vegetation, Slovenia INTRODUCTIO N The aim of the work is to present two ruderal com­munities occurring in late spring in the coastal part of Slovenia. They appear close to each other on ruderal sites and are assigned to two different classes; the Hor­deetum murini to the class of weed communities Stel­larietea mediae and the Lepidio drabae-Agropyretum to the order of dry and initial semi-ruderal grasslands Agropyretalia repentis within the ciass of ruderai vege­tation Artemisietea vulgaris. Some investigations of this type of vegetation in the neighbouring regions have already been carried out: in NE Italy (Poldini, 1980, 1989), in the Goriško region (Seljak, 1989) and in the Koper region (Kaligarič, 1992). From the respective alliances (Sisymbrion and Con­volvulo-Agropyrion) the Erigero-Lactucetum serriolae Lohm. ap. Oberd, 1967, Bromo-Hordeetum murini (Al­longe 1922) Lohm. 1950 and Brometum sterilis Gors 1966 of the Sisymbrion and Brachypodio-Agropyretum intermedii Poldini 1980 and Conyzo-Cynodontetum (Felf. 1942) Eliaš 1978 of the Convolvulo-Agropyrion were indicated by Poldini (1980). Later he indicates the Urtico-Malvetum neglectae Lohm. 1950, Conyzo-Lac­tucetum serriolae Lohm. in Oberd. 1957, Hordeetum murini Libbert 1932, Bromus sterilis comm. and Mercu­rlalis annua comm. of the Sisymbrion and the Brachy­Podio-Agropyretum intermedii Poldini 1980 of the Con­volvulo-Agropyrion (Poidini, 1989). The Convolvulo-Agropyretum repentis Felf. 1943, Car­dario drabae-Agropyretum Muiler et Gors 1969 and Cy­ nodonto-Sorgeturn halepensisiLaban 1974) Kojič 1979 of the Convolvulo-Agropyrion were found by Seljak (1989). The Cynodonto-Sorgetum halepensis (Laban 1974) Kojič 1979 of the Convolvulo-Agropyrion was recorded by Kaligarič (1992), STUDY AREA The research was carried out in the Submediter­ranean part of Slovenia (Wraber, 1969). According to the phytogeographical division proposed by Zupančič et al. (1989), this region can be divided into the district of Koper and Šavrinska Brda and partly into the district of Karst and Vipava valley (only Sežana, Senadolice, Črni Ka! and Krvavi potok) of the Northern coast sector, Adriatic province of the Mediterranean region. The soil develops mainly over terra rossa and, above all, in the district of Karst and Vipava valley over lime­stone bedrock. The climate is under the influence of the Mediterranean sea and can be treated as Submediter­ranean (Ogrin, 1993). Some climate data for Koper are as follows: the mean annual temperature is 13.8°C; the mean temperature in the coldest month (January) 4.5°C; the mean temperature of the warmest month (July) 23.3-C, the mean rainfall 960 mm. The potential natural vegetation is the Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis (Ht.) Trinajstič 1974, METHOD S The relevés were made and elaborated according to 3 9 ANNALE S 11 /'9 7 Andraž C ARN!: THE HORDOTUM MURINI AND LinDiO ORABAE-ACROPYRETUM IN THE COSTAL CART O f SLOVENIA, 39-42 the standard procedure of the Braun-Blanquet method (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). The sample plots were visited several times during the year, in order to find also the species that did not blossom at the time when the relevé was made. The nomenclature of the plant species fol­lows Trpin & VreS{1994). RESULTS 1. Sintaxonomicai classification Hordeetum murini Libbert 1933 Sisymbrion officinalis R. Tx., Lohmeyer, et Preising in R. Tx. 1950 Sisymbrietalia J. Tx. in Lohmeyer etal, 1962 Steilarietea mediae R. Tx., lohmeyer et Preising in R. Tx. 1950 Lepidio drabae-Agropyretum repentis T. Müller et Görs 1966 Convolvulo-Agropyrion repentis Görs 1966 Agropyretalia repentis Oberd. et ai. 1967 Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. in R. Tx. 1950 Fig. 1: Localisation of the relevés. Numbers correspond to those in the Tab 1 (W\) and 2(\Â). Si 7: Prikaz lokalitet. Številke se ujemajo s tistimi iz tabele 1( W\)in2 ( S ). 2. Hordeetum murini Libber t 193 3 in April and May, communities dominated by Hor­deum murinum can be found in the region. Hordeum murinum forms almost monodominant stands with Bromus sterilis as codominant species. Since Hordeum murinum is a winter annual species, these communities disappear later in the summer. In the respective territory, the communities were found on the road edges, in parking places, in parks and in other similar ruderal places. They thrive in places where gravel is metaled and where only a minor quantity of soil can be found between stones. In the region of transitional type between central European and Mediterranean regions, it is also possible that, besides Hordeum murinum, H. leporinum occurs. The distinction between these taxa is rather difficult as differential characters were taken than those proposed by Pignatti (1982). The vegetation is classified within the Steilarietea mediae, the Sisymbrietalia and the Sisymbrion, the alli­ance of small, erect, winter annual herbs and grasses. These species are typical of the regions with mild sub­mediterranean climate in the south and southeast of Europe (Mucina, 1993). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y Ass, char. spec. Hordeum murinum 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 S 4 SISYMBRION & SÍSYMBRÍE TAIJA Bromus sterilis 2 1 2 •f 1 Silene alba + + + lepidium virginicum + + Sisymbrium officinale •f + Bromus tectorum + + Bromus borcieaceus + + STELLARIETEA MEDIAE Capsella bursa-pastoris 4-+ + + Chenopodium album + 1 1 + Avena barbata 1 + + Sochus asper + + + Faliopia convolvulus + 1 Stellaria media 1 4­ Picris echioides + + Other species Convolvulus arvensis + + + + •i-+ + Cichorium intybus -t-+ + + + 2 Taraxacum officinale + 1 + + + + Loiium perenne + 1 1 + 2 + Plantado lanceolate + 1 + + + Diplotaxls tenuifolia + 2 + 1 + Trifolium reDens + + + + As ropy ron repens + + + + Achillea collina + + + Plantago major + + 1 Clematis vitalba + + Dactylis giomerata + + + Arrhenatherum elatius + + + Poa sylvicola + •i-+ Rumex crispus + + Poa annua + 2 Artemisia absinthum + 1 Artemisia vulgaris + + Veronica asresils + + Polygonum arena stum + + Tab. T: Analytical table of the Hordeetum murini. Tab. 1: Analitična tabela združbe Hordeetum murini. 4 0 ANNALES 11/'97 Andraž ČARNI: THE HOROEETUM MURINI AND LEPIDIO DRABAÍ-ACROPYRETVM iN THE COSTAt PART OF SLOVENIA, 35-42 Sites of the relevés: 1. Belveder, ruderai place, 21.5. 1997, coverage 80%, 3m2; 2. Cepki, road edge, 21.5. 1997, 90%, 7 m2; 3. Bertoki, road edge, 21.5.1997, 90%, 7 m2; 4. Sežana, 21.5.1997, on the railway, 100%, 2 m2; 5. Ankaran, road edge, 21.5.1997, 100%, SSW, 3°, 5 m2; 6. Dekani, road edge, 21.5.1997, 100%, 2 m2; 7. Senadoiice, gravel deposit, 22.5.1997, 80%, 3 m2; 8. Debeli rtič, foot of hedge, 21.5.1997, 100%, E, 2°, 5 m2; 9. Koper, in a park, 21.5.1997, 100%, 6 m2 . Less common species: 1. Lepidium graminifolium +, 2. Pastinaca sati va 1, Rumex obtusifolius +, 3. Cardatia draba +, D au eus carota +, Medicago sati va +, Dipiotaxis rnuralis +, Portulaca oleracea +, 4. Conyza canadensis +, Medicago iupuiina 1, Geranium rotundifolium +,5. Ver­bena officinalis +, Ca rex h i rta +, Lapsana commun is +, Potentilia reptans +,6. Mercurial is annua+, Allium rotu­nda tu m +, Foenicuium vuIgare +, Mentha sp. +, Sam­bucus ebulus +, 7. Picris hieracioides +, Chelidonium ma j us +, Pimpinella saxifraga +,8. Cirsium arvense 1, Rumex conglomérats +, Arctium lappa +, Euphorbia helioscopia +, Ranunculus acris +, 9. Bromus madri­tensis +, Torilis nodosa +, Aiopecurus mysuroides +. 3. Lepidio drabae-Agropyreium repentis T. Millier et Gors 1966 This association was found in the Goriško region, in Dornberg, Šmartno and Komen by Seljak (1989). It was established that these communities develop on the in­itial sites, mainly in renewed vineyards. According to Kaligartč (1992), similar communities do not appear in the vineyards of Koprsko gričevje, nor were the com­munities signalized from the neighbouring Italy (Poldini, •1989). The communities are very well recognisable in late spring when the dominant species blossoms. The sites are dry and warm and it is found on road verges and in similar ruderai places. Cardaria draba (syn. Lepidium draba) forms almost monodominant stands, with only a few other species, such as Convolvulus arvensis, Cichorium inly bus, Picris hieracioides, Agropyron re-pens, to mention only the most common ones. Th is assocaitîon is classified witin the Agropyretaiia repentis and Convoivulo-Agropyrion repentis, the alli­ance of species poor ruderai communities. Mucina (1993, 1997) defined this order as an order of the Artemisietea. These communities were considered as pioneer by Millier (1978). According to Mucina (1993) these communities are the next stage of succession of the Steilarietea mediae (e.g. in vineyards). This is also ihe case in our situation. In the course of a succession process on ruderai sites, the Lepidio-Agropyretum fol­lows the Hordeetum murini. 1 I 2 I 3 j 4 Ass. char. spec. j j j Cardaria clraba 4 j 3 j 4 j 4 CONVOLULO-AGROPYRION & AGROP>['RETALIA Convolvulus arvensis + + + Agropyron repens + -F DipSotaxis tenuifolia •F + ARTEMISIETEA Cichorium intybus + + •F + Picris hieracioides + -F -F Reseda lutea 2 -F Artemisia absinthum -F t Melitotus officinalis + •F Other species Piantago lanceolata 3 1 Verbena officinalis 2 "F Trifolium repens + -F Taraxacum officinale + + An'henai.herum elatius + -F PSantago major + + Lolium perenn e + Rumex crisptis 1 + Sochus asper + -F Calystegia sepium •F Bromus sterilis + + Bromus tectorum + -F Lamium maculatum •F -F Tab. 2: Analytical table of the Lepidio drabae-Agro­pyretum repentis. Tab. 2: Analitična tabela združbe Lepidio drabae-Agro­pyretum repentis. Sites of the relevés: 1. Ankaran, road edge, 21.5. 1997, 100%, 2 m 2; 2. Črni kal, gravel deposit, 21.5. 1997, 80%, 10 m2; 3. Krvavi potok, road edge, 21.5. 1997, NNW, 10°, 5 m2; 4. Sežana, ruderai place, 21.5. 1997, 5 mh Less common species: 1. Bromus hordeaceus +, Poa annua -1-, Rumex conglomeratus +, Catopodium rigidum +, 2. Rubus fruticosus 1, Geranium rotundifolium +, Cle­matis vitalba +, Medicago lupulina +, Mercurialis annua 4-, Galeopsis pubescens +, Helianthus tuberosus +, Lac­tuca serriola +, Sanguisorba minor +, 3. Artemisia vul­garis 2, Achillea col Una +, Dactylis glomerata +, Silene alba +, Fallopia convolvulus Cirsium arvense +, Dau­cus carota +, Medicago sativa +, Euphorbia cyparissias +, Festuca rubra +, Galium mollugo agg. +, Trifolium pratense +, Viola arvensis +, Euphorbia pepius +, Salvia veiticillata +, 4. Capsella bursa-pastoris +, Poa sylvicola +, Trifolium repens +, Medicago falcata +. 41 ANNALE S 11/'97 % S-:'-:Aricfrai CARNii THE HORDBtTUM MU RINI AN C? LEPIDIO ORABAE-ACROPVRETUM iN THE COSTAl PART OF 5LOVEN1A, ».4 2 ZDRUŽB I HORDEETUM MURINI I N LEPIDIO DRABAE-AGROPYRETUM V OBALNEM DELU SLOVENijE Andraž ČARNI Bioioški institut, 2RC SAZU, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Gosposka 13 POVZETEK Združbo, kjer dominira mišji ječmen (Hordeum murinum), zlahka najdemo v aprilu in maju, ko vrsta cveti in gradi skoraj monodominantne sestoje na cestnih robovih, na parkiriščih, v parkih na podobnih ruderalnih rastiščih. Združba Lepidio drabae-Agropyretum repentis se prav tako razvije v pozni pomladi. Floristično revne sestoje najdemo na cestnih robovih, ob poteh in na drugih ruderalnih rastiščih. Združbi se razvijeta na podobnih rastiščih, vendar jih uvrščamo v različna vegetacijska razreda: združbo Hordeetum mu rs ni v razred plevelnih združb Ste 5­larietea mediae in združbo Lepidio drabae-Agropyretum v red Agropyretalia repentis, ki ga po nekaterih novejših raziskavah uvrščamo v razred ruderalnih združb Artemisietea vulgaris. Iz sistematske uvrstitve lahko sklepamo tudi na njihove singenetske povezave: združbi i Hordeetum murini) iz skupine enoletnih plevelov sledi združba (Lepidio-Agropyretum) iz skupine dvo do večletnih ruderalnih združb. Ključn e besede : ruderalne združbe, Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea, vegetacija, Siovenia LITERATURE Oberdörfer E. 1994. Pflanzensoziologische Exkursions­ flora. Eugen Ulmer, 1050 p. Braun-Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge Ogri n D . 1993 . (Sub)mediteransko podnebje v Sloveniji, der Vegetationskunde. 3. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, Wien, Časopis za kritiko znanosti 21(158-159): 25-34. 865 p. Pignatti S. 1982. Flora d'ltalia. Volume terzo. Eda-Kaligari č M . 1992 . Vegetacija plevelov v vinogradih gricole, Bologna. 780 p. Koprskega primorja. Annates 2; 39-52. Trpin D. & B. Vreš 1995. Register flore Slovenije. Pra-Mucina L. 1993. Stellarietea mediae: 110-168, Arte-protnice in cvetnice. Zbirka ZRC 7, Znanstvenoraz­misietea vulgaris: 169-202, in L. Mucina, G. 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