SPOMNITE SB SLOVENSKIH BEGUNCEV S KAKIM, DAROMl AMEteŠKA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT—FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY DOMOVINA AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNJNG NEWSPAPER NO. 7 CLEVELAND 8, 0., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1947 LETO XLIX-VOL. XL1X Razne najoovejše svetovne vesti f«i med komunizmom rqj PROTI in demokracijo v boju COLUMBUS — Državni oddelek za žganje je odpravil kontrolo nad vsem žganjem, ki je zmešano z nevtralnimi špiriti. Ta- jg f|(i(ivldd0 ko žganje ne bo več racionirano. WASHINGTON — Ameriška vlada bo v kratkem vrnilg Italiji dve ladji, ki jih je zasegla v začetka vojne. To sta parnika Conte Biancamano m Conte Grande. 1 Mehiški državnik Padilla je včeraj to razlagal v Clevelandu Poslanec Case je vložil predlog proti delavskim unijam j Razne drobne novice iz Clevelanda in te okolice , LOKAR JE BIL IMENOVAN ZA KOMISARJA j Columbus, O. — Guverner Lauschp* je imenoval svojega _ j osebnega tajnika, John E. Lo- Delavakl voditelji snubijo I karja, za načelnika državne dir-! kongresnike proti spre- . I kalne komisije. Kot guvernerjev jemu krivičnih postav | tajnik je dobival Mr. Lokar Washington. - Poslanec'f’500."* te vec v spomin 2. obletnice nje- Francis Case, republikanec iz komlslIe 1)0 doblval P» ^3'600 na ne smrti South Dakote ,je vložil predlog, leto- Vendar pa.komisija sama Senator je vložil predlog CHICAGO —* Cena sirovemu maslu na debelo je zopet padla Več kot 1,000 gostov je bilo za odpravo kontrole S za 2 in pol centa pri funtu. • , včeraj v hotelu Carter, kjer je 1. februarjem V , * • » • clevelandska trgovska zbornica . ... ,----„ RIM — Italijansko časopisje poroča, da bo papež Pij odpra- Poredila zakusko v počast sveto- Washington. — Apel predsed- ki bi avtoriziral vlado prepove- dolocl plat0 č,an°In' Aa p aca ,ne vil sedanje vatikansko tajništvo in ustanovil papeško kanclerijo. vnim driavnikoin, ki so prišli v nlka Trumana, da se podaljša dati unijam stavke, ki bi ogroža-; Posegati $3,600 na leto. Za prvega konclerja bo najbrže imenovan newyorški kardinal Cleveland na razpravo za boljše '->?dna kontro,a nad najemnino ]e dobrobit dežele in ki bi posta-'^anj. načelnik je dobival $1,-Spellman. , r j spoznanje med svetovnimi naro- Čez JunlJ’je ^IV,(ln0 nalete- vil delavce kot delodajalce odgo-1 na leto* * $ , di. la v kongresu na gluha uSesa, ker vorne za vsako nepošteno akcijo.1 Lokarjev termin pri dirkalni COLUMBUS - Tu so prijeli nekega Bridgeporgha iz Chica-1 Med klavnimi govorniki je bil \ senatu f j,e poia''il prfdl°K' Poslanec Case je bil avtor' ko"’isi.ii 1)0 d° 2P- janua^a 1[®f°‘ ga, pri katerem so našli. 6,000 ponarejenih sladkornih znamk. Ez,lu:el Padilla, bivši zunanji da se ta kontrola odpravi s L predloga, ki ga je kongres spre-. Sedanji načelnik je bil Walter Federalne oblasti so mu bile že dlje časa na sledu. , "bister Mehike, ki je izjavil, da “W'V ;■ , . Jel prošlo leto, ki ga je pa pred- Michael iz Bucyrusa katerega . . . sta danes demokracija in komu- Senator O Daniel, demokrat iz sednik Truman vetiral, da ni po-! termin je zdaj potekel. CLEVELAND - Dognalo se je, da zahtevajo odvetniki, ki nizem v *»1» do samega koncu ^ atala postava- Nov Predlog, je re-1 ------fr it« obletnica— V pondeljek ob. 8:25 bo darovana v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za pokojno Jennie Debe- so vložili za delavce tožbe za zaostalo nadurno delo, ali takozvane za ^etovno nadvlado. Rekel je ”a vMdna kontrola odprav., do- kel Case, ima namen zbližati de- Angina vlada llkaZUje “portal-to-portal" tožbe, vse od 15 do 20"/, od tega, kar bodo do-1tudl- da kadar b° tajnost ““ “ Z' T 'n ,delf>daJalce- da bodo ži' viwnilmm frillzziv nai fa bili za delavce. Vsak delavec mora podpisati, da se s tem strinja:1 atomske bombe radi kakršnega kanc>. Wherry ‘Z veh v miru med seboj. t VOZBlKOm tTUKOV, naj ta- Ker je bilo samo v Clevelandu vloženih za $500,000,000 takih tožb, koh mednarodnega dogovora, bo , Tir!.u UKlanorne in fjU !lel< Predlog daje generalnemu zve- |(()i prenehajo S Stavko bo nekdo zaslužil lepe denarce, ako bodo tožbe dobljene. j to slab dan za vse ljudi na svetu. lz uaKote- . ... znemu pravdniku pravico izdati1 , , rvlo„«vn .... "Za nemirnimi debatami v or- Mnogosenatorjev.se je izja- prep0ved za stavko v vsakem! London.- Delavsko mimstr- HAMBURG - Tukaj vlada hud mraz in kuriva piimanjku- fi»nizaciil združenih narodov je ''‘ °’"“j.!1' Se| k°frola najem'!\ sl«čaju, Wer bi Stavka ogrožala! ifukmlow'doowiznikom^teu6 je. 17 oseb je že zmrznilo in 41 jih je v opasnem stanju v bolni- bll° vedno trenje med komuni- "* ,ladalj®vaa'toda POHOstnlki važno industrijo, ovirala trgovi- [ . d ’ , tk( hj špici zaradi mraza zrnom in demokracijo To trenje hlš n8J bl dobl,‘ dovoljenje za no na tak način, da bi bilo to v' .v T ’ • a v • . ------------ j b0 ju, naprej, dokler komunize; zvišanje najemnine kakih 15*. ** javnosti. Prepoveduje dJ a/tavko P""16:’0 “ de,°' Na — _______ ______ __ __ ______ | ne bo pograbil vsega sveta, ali Eer ie vlada odpravila s 15. iavskjm unijam in voditeljem^8 ax .,e. n,1 8 °r° VC3 nDORMC 1/CCTI 17 Cl 1C! pa bodo demokracije preobrazi, farjem najemninsko kon- kaznovati delavce, ali jih 4tl| . Z*. ^ Ir RwDIwE V E J I I I im JLU W till JE I,e komunistično diktaturo v so- tr“ ° P” oddajanju hotelskih od važnega dela, ali ukazati Minister je rekel: “Ta stavka '(Došle preko Trsta) do nedelje vsait dan krompir.” Kdor jp bral v novenjbru sloven- i ske komunistične lkjte, se jeiho-ral’rfato pesem spomniti. Vsaki ] | cialno demokratično gibanje,” je aob-,8.° zdfi še b°lj pritisnili or- 9tavko brez večine oddanih gla-I govoril mehiški minister. ganizirani hišni posestniki, ki sov pri tajnem glasovanju. Ome-VSAK DAN KROMPIR. Rovte dati 70.00Q kil krompirja,' “To pa še ni treba, da bi po- zabtovajo, da se odpravi vsaka jp bj mo8 unijam, toda jim ne bi Včasih so se delali norca iz sta-i če tudi je tam zemlja ilovnata in menilo oborožen boj, toda slep bi 'df|dna kontrola nad najemu no. Vze| pjfavice 4o stavk ali pravice uh avstrijskih vojakov, ko so je bil pridelek slab. Toda komu- moral biti ki ne bi videl da od- Sanator O Daniel je rekel, da piketiranja na miren način. k k? aarrtaeaiyjWf asawisaa. ■- o. Daj. In kmet je dajal, slo- boj se ne bo izvojeval na.sovjet-,;]un JA' '°1 govorne za eventflfilno povzroče- v-enija bo na pomlad trpela po- ^ ozemlju, ker je nedostopen f.° "ovr dšalerji končnega- ,io škodo, Zahteva M a^vski!) tuMijkanje ktoihpirja, zato pa za dpihokračijp. Rusija je ? odo- ?ledail svarilno pisavo na stem unij> da podajo v8ako ,efo svojim *#> tovariši želi pohvalo. Kaj^renjem velegil'dosegla največjo « odpravili vecrnoma vso #|tnom fina^na poročila o sta- ljeni pomanjkanje krompirji.ekspanzijo; ki jo pozna moderna kontro,°’. J« rfk«1 aenat“r- „ju unije. Prepoveduje unijam dan/po namreč bobnali listi o ngišlovenskem ve vsakdo, kdor zgodovina. V Litvi, Latviji, Senatu buncrn odsek bo šk e- denarne prispevke za politične krompirji'. Ni izšla številka, požna prehrano slovenskega pite- Estoniji, Poljski, Nemčiji, Ro- paI °‘eln’ f .f najcm"lnsko svrhe, enako prepoveduje to kor- “SloV. poroč.” ali “Ljuu. prav.”, bralstva. Ker bo sedaj prenc-. mUniji, Jugoslaviji, Ogrski, Bol- k«ntrol" Podaljša ali odpravi. poracijam in narodnim bankam, da ne bi bilo notri pesmi o krom-, hala tudi pomni UNRRA-e liftj-garfji in Albaniji — je dvignila fitanl'od8e*a 80 •vei,nom# *» p0" Dovoljuje državam pravico do PifJfc I kbr *e ie izvozn° »n°*» «**. v, tyoje pripadništvo zal80,00fl,000 dsUsanje kontrole, toda so za trn postaV) ki prepOVedujejo zaprte Letos je namreč pomanjkanje Albanijo, se mnogi boje pomla-| ]judi. Češka, Avstrija in Fin- da se dovolj večja najemmnamd delavnice krompirja. Zato mora Slovenija dl lakote. Tako bi mogla priti zk aka z 26,000,000 prebivalci — se 10 do 15^' I Case pravi, da je v tem pred- preskrbeti druge kraje po drža- Mtojsko, ki je toliko uničila in z» zvijajo pod kontrolo sovjetske t -°-— vi. 'Tisti, ki mora dati je sloven-[ dtaginjo, ki sedaj stiska ljud-! viade. Poljska vlada hOCC dati' ski kme^- Vsakemu okraju so >ttyo, Še tretja nesreča .... lakota.] "••• • ’ ■ ' • - • določili, koliko mora odati krom- Trel ja ' obletnica— V pondeljek ob 8 bo. darovana v cerkvi Brezmadež. Spočetja na Superior in 41. cesta maša za pokojno Johano Vi-dervol v spomin S. obletnice njene smrti. Na operaciji— Miss Joan Fink iz 16812 Fairfax Ave. sc je morala podvreči operaciji v Mt. Sinai bolnišnici. Obiski začasno niso dovoljeni. Za 25-letnico umrl— John Stebil iz 1256 Norwood Rd. je prejel sporočilo, da mu je na 1. jan. umrl v Go-wanda, N. Y. brat Frank, star 55 let. Podlegel je poškodbam, ki jih je dobil pri delu. Doma je bil iz Praše 9. pri Kranju. Zapušča ženo Mary, hčeri boljše delovne, pogoje in dva tedna počitnic s plačo. pirja, da bo še pravičen v očeh komunističnega režima. Kdor odda več, bo bolj upoštevan pri novih poglavarjih, In tako se je začela tekma med malimi komunističnimi poglavarji, kdo bo več - Poljski vladni ko- bo velika debata v obeh zborni- ja je prejšnji mesec dobila na ta tzz sz *- * "f n r “■ * r - ... .. . vala sčebrno poroko. Naj poči- Po trgovinah je posla skoro'va miru vsa zaloga živil, ker ni nove do-|. V, ? V avditoriju Vida bo ha borza, kjer so gosjmdlnje vie- v »cileijo zvečer ob S zopet varaj plačevale krompir po $2,rietna predstava*z naslovom: flint, |... jHoly Name Victory Variety Vozniki zahtevajo višjp plačo, i Review. Vsi farani so prijazno Ife Gasperi je dobil od ameriške vlade ček z* $50,000,000 Washington. — Italijanski mi-njstrski predsednik de Gasperi je prejel od zakladniškega tajnika ček za $50,000,000. To je del plačila Italiji za vzdrževanje ameriške armade v Italiji. Jtali- logu namenoma izpustil točko, da bi vlada posredovala pri sporih, „ j “Mi vemo-kak0 napreduje k0‘kafftllšlri fprkvi nftgphnp ker hoče, da prizadeti svoje pro- Th samo radi neumnega gospo-j muni8tična pro])aganda v zapade KdtUUShl teilVVI pUhCDHC bR,me aam. reSijo aarstva tovarišev ki delajo z no Evropo, Zadnji dogodki v pravice V Ustavi < 0 tem in podobnih predlogih gospodarstvom kot svinja z me- Franciji in Italiji nam kažejo, r VarŠ8va *'°m' ! J1?1!0 j® tje prodrl komunistični munistj4ni b]ok je izjavii, da bo cah kongresa in se še ne more rftčun že $51,450,000, UDARNIŠKO DELO. — Go-( blok, ki se trudi, & se ,e ° a - v novj ustavi, ki jo bodo sesta- vedeti, kaj bodo sprejeli. V tem Gasperi je rekel da od te- vorili smo zgoraj kako udarjajo; lantskega obrežja. Tako je go- ^ po voIjtvah 19 januarja za. 80 pa delavski voditelji v intim- ^ ” Prf-d h. Wreje kot navad?n delavec- E™nkKJ' Eausche' kl je Hlond. Toda Vatikan najbrže Včeraj je bil v razgovorih Phil- vrgli ha kmeta da mu pobero ho4ejo izčrpati ,z delavca, vao. stva, da se je izognemo. do< kongresnikov. William Green, toompirpomataAMtaheenrt njt*oVO moč in »ilo. Tako misli- Ahjned Emm Yalman, utedmk Komunisti b, radj „ tem ^ predsednik AFL, bo imel podo-»etw b j°’ da b0d0 dyigniIi produkcii° 'z Thfcue Je povčdal navz^m, ^ ddbil, 0(1 katoličan0v zag0. bcn strategičen sestanek v par mumstjčmmaticu - in prekosili kapitalistične dgže- kako silno so bih ljudje po Tur- ()a 9e „e ,Kldo vtikali dneh. obe zbornici bosta po od- T k° Je morala-?.t!raka v-a3 , d* bi z njim lahko obkroži-mi nikdar. Vendar, Joe, prvih, li zemeljsko oblo 500 krat en sedemdeset iet je najtežjih. Naše čevelj na široko. ^ 1 AUGUST F. SVETEK POGREBNI ZAVOD 478 East 152ad St. Tel. fVanhoe 2016 BOLNIŠKI AVTO NA RAZPOLAGO tE VEBJaME|TE Al PA NE Iz skrajno zanesljivih virov Sem zvedel, da je za božične praznike dobil naš zastopnik Lud-1 vik Perušek na Willardu pismo od prijatelja iz Minnesote. Se reče, saj to ni nič čudnega. Koliko dobim jaz pisem vsak dan 1 Ampak v tistem pismu je prijatelj omenil Ludviku, da ga je ho-tjjl obiskati za božične praznike, pa si ni upal na pot. Vsak dan namreč bere mojo kolono in vidi koliko mora človek prestati če se poda na tako dolgo in nevarno pot. “Dva meseca in več je urednik Ameriške Domovine' na potu na Willard, pa še zdaj ni tam. Pa bi se jaz podal na pot tjo? i,Nikoli 1“ Tako je pisal Minnesotčan in je pristavil, da dva tedna, tako lepe počitnice je kar bom jaz napravil, da bom bo počakal, kako se bo stvar izšla imel. dal hotelu drugo ime. Imam navsezadnje in če bomo prišli To se mi je zdelo vredno ome-vsaj do prihodnjega prestopnega niti mimogrede. Ce bo šlo tako jeja tje i naprej, sem iz dna srca prepri- Kar ustrašil sem se, ko sem tan, da tisti prijatej iz Minneso-zvedel o tistem pismu. Ardigata, te letos ne bo še videl Willarda. saj sem nazadnje s tem pisanjem O, kje smo še! Saj smo jo komaj postavil Willard za fene onkraj pridrsali v Joliet in tam se bo sveta in morda oplašil ljudi, da pa tudi treba nekoliko pomuditi ne bo nikofAr več tje na obisk, pri našem prijaznem Gospodari-Možaki taibgori tega gotovo ne chu, ki je položil naše trudne gla-bodo veseli, bodo pa toliko bolj ve na njegove mehke postelje, willardske ženice. Saj veste, ka- France, predno pozabim: Bog ti ko je, če pride kak tak obisk daj srečo pri vsem, pri živini in moških, da ne prime potem no- na njivi in pri otrocih, če se boš ben domačin za kako pravdansko kdaj ženil, kar bi bila (mene po-delo. Kranjč Tone ni vesi čas, slušaj, France) zadnja neumnost kar sem bil jaz tam, prijel za na tem svetu, drugo delo kot da je nesel vsako Torej znašli smo se v lepem m jutro par kangelj za mleko do prostornem Gospodarichevem krav. Njegova Mpry ni sicer ta- hotelu, k^nosi na pročelju ponos-krat nič rekla, ampak kakšen no ime: Woodruff Hotel. Kaj obračun sta pa imela pc našem; vt Vaorčna krila • 1.19 do 1.69 Overalls in Coveralls 1 .00 vsako Skupina dražje obleke za deco in otroke—vsa po tej nizki ceni!* Mere 1 do l 3 in 3 do 6 v celotni skupini. Fine bombažne srajce za novorojenčka 39c Slipover stil in s trakovi ob strani, )\ nekoliko neregu-#*4 larne. Mere 2 do 6. Otroški 8.99 Snow Suits 6-" Stili dveh komadov iz toplega in twill blaga. Razne mere od 2 do 6. Otroški 1-komadni Snow Suits 3-" Nekateri z zipper-jem spredaj. Prijetni stili v raznih barvah. Majhne mere. Otroške boljše (jSŠfj vrste. Unibn //7\ !*» Suits M lil 79c Bombažni in deloma volneni union suits, brez rokavov in z elastiko ob sedežu. Mere 2 do 8. Nočne srajce ali kimone za otroke 39c Neregularne iz skupine dražjih flannelette k i mon ali srajc, bele barve in obrobljene z modro ali rožasto barvo. Pregrinjala, blanketi in odeje “Esmond” blanketi za otroško zibelko_____,___________ 2.99 “Esmond” bombažni blanketi za zibelko, 36x50 *„..... 1.24 Otroške odeje napolnjene z vato...........-...... ,2.99 Chenille pregrinjala za otroke (neregularna) .....-......-—2.89 ---------:------i---i---'--:------- "Esmond" blanketi Obrobljeni z rayon sati-nom — neregularni iz -■ boljše skupine. Modre I #4*7 ali rožaste barve. TaKof VROČA VODA za VSE ,‘5V. • '<■ . potrebe v hiši! Pomislite, en cel dan hišnega čiščenja, pranja, v j omivanja - in še vedno polna zaloga vroče vode za vsako pipo. To je vaša garancija v današnjih avtomatičnih, podkurilnih, insuliranih plinskih vodnih grelcih. Pa še več je k temu - prihranki pri plinu več kot zbrišejo kupno ceno, boljši izdelki vas zagotove dodatna leta popolnoma zadovoljive posluge. Obiščite svojega monterja ali trgovca brez odlašanja - oglejte si razne vrste teh boljših vodnih grelcev, ki so sedaj na razstavi. tbe EAST OHIO G AS company %. BANK of OHIO formerly THE MORRIS PLAN BANK Statement of Condition ... December 31,1946 ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Reserve Banks................... ¥ 2,898,426.09 U. S. Government Obligations........................ 3,169,389.15 County and Municipal Bonds........................... 135,120.87 Loans and Discounts............................. 20,852,346.28 Banking House .................-...................*i 110,821.47 Other Assets................-..........,-............ 44,608.79 Total..........¥27,210,712.65 A LIABILITIES Demand Deposits........It.........—.................¥ 5,589,051.82 Time Deposits..... ....a.............'.............. 16,207,651.78 U. S. Government War Loan Deposits................... 322,639.18 Asigned Deposits .........\......................... 2,211,050.83 t Security for payment of loans) Unearned Interest ..............................—- 600,151.21 I Paid in advance on loans) Accrued Taxes and Interest on Deposits.............. 247,425.83 Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities..,............... 274,166.74 Reserve for Contingencies ......f.................. 417,397.55 Capital ...................-....................1,000,000.00 Surplus .....................-...................... 1,000,000.00 Undivided Profits ................................!... 341*117.71 Total.........¥27,210,712.66 1 ' v- United States Government obligations carried at SI,344,500,00 are pledged to secure U. S. Government war loan deposit account and other public funds as required by law. COMPUTE BANKING SERVICE FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND BUSINESS _______________________________» - 921 HURON ROAD \ and Neighborhood Branches Member Federal Deposit Insurapce Corporation - Cleveland Clearing House Association DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG AMERICAN SLOVENES The American Home IT 5 DEADLINE FOR ALL COPY IE WEDNESDAY NOON Secretary Has New Mrs, Mary Marn, secretary of the lodge Blejsko Jezero, has moved to 16008 Huntmere Ave., and may be reached for any information at KE 5934. Snow Dance Wedding Bells Tomorrow at 10 a. m. a wedding ceremony at St. Vitus Church will unite in marriage Miss Anne Habe and Mr4 Prank Luzar. The groom is the son of the well-known Luzar family of 1035 E. 69 St. The bride’s parents, who live to Marianne. Pa., will come here to attend the wedding. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the mass. The groom’s niece. Dolores Paik, will sing at the mass. Mr. in Mrs. Frank Godic Sr. of 1273 E. 55th St., announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Mollie, to Mr. Herman Meglich, son of the well-known Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meglich, of 1003 E. 64th St. The wedding will “VOVS”, Veterans of Victory are extending a cordial invitiation to all their friends and relatives and other Veteran organizations to attend their dance which will be held on Saturday, JANUARY 11TH., at the SLO-VEIAN HOME on HOLMES AVE. Qn the bandstand you’ll find the ev- ................ _ er-popular EDDIE HABAT and HIS take place this Saturday, Jan. 11, at MELODY MEN all ready to dish out the 9:00 o’clock Mass in St. Vitus your favorite tunes . . In the kit- church. Friends are invited to attend chen you will find some experienced the Mass. Congratulations to the new-cooks who have promised nothing lyweds. but the best in food and there will! Mr. and Mrs. John Simončič of also be plenty of refreshments for 3754 E. 77 St., announces the com-those thirsty folks. The committee • ing marriage of their daughter, Ber-in charge of decorations assurts you j nice, to Mr. Dan Dankoski, son of that the decorations will be such that; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dankosk ipr has never been witnessed before- So ,7410 Classen Ave. The wedding will don’t forget folks make JAN. 11th.,'take place this Saturday, at the 9:00 ; jmi. 11111., 1947, a MUST on your calendar for wtfll be looking for you at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. o’clock Mass in St. Lawrence Church. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. / Ameriška W Domovina AMERICAN HOME CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Cleveland, Ohio Friday, January 10, 1941 Madison. Wis. — Gov. Walter S. Goodland, 84, London. the oldest governor in U. ment official admitted Cleveland, 0. — The A govern- { newly-elect Gov. Herbert S. and a Republican, indorsed *the presidential candidacy cf Harold E. Btaswn. former governor of Minnesota. Detroit, Mich. — The Cadillac is the first of the General Motors Corp., to start making the new _________ _ 1947 models. During the attend West Point, last 14 months, the Cadillac firm has completed 29.000 autos. Their goal was 52,000 but strikes that England and U. S. have come to an understanding regarding their armies. They will use the same equipment and the; will be trained in such wav that they witt able to perform under one cammander. British officers are. expected to Washington, -t With the presidential announcement of the the and shortage of materi- end of hostilities, the al prevented the company smith-Conm.ly act ends from carrying out this within six months, which program. gave the government the • • • mm right to take over any North Madison, O. — company where there and was labor trouble* of Ohio has . called into his cabinet William Rogers, councilman of Ward 15, to be his director of Industrial RelaHoys. KITTINNG THE MAPLES ST. MARY’S DROP DAVE’S TWICE H. Kersman paced the Couuncilman by blasting 209-220-182*611 for a nice series. Gus Fortuna was high for the Shoeman with 197-172-221*570, and an equally nice series, ACME LOSE 2 TO NOTTINGHAM The Acme Cleaners lost twice to the Nottingham Cleaners as S. Robinheod hit 509 for the Acmes ant| F. MMahot, Jr. hit 507 for Nottingham. SVETEK TAKE TWO FROM ftOSCO’S ‘ Paced by B. Verhot 499 the Svetek Quintet defeated Don Bosco’s twice. H. Grosel’s 459 was hikh for the |os-j ers, ' ! ZLATE’S HIT ASSEGS 1 FOR TWO The Zlate’s Market came to life and finally won tw>o games. R. Sulak was high for Zlates as F. Ferra blasted 568 for the losers. Team Standings: W L GB ....Nottingham Cleaners ....33 18 — Asseg Grocers ...........30 21 3 St. Mary’s Council ......29 22 4 Zlate’s Market ..........26 25 7 Dave’s Shoes ...........24 27 9 Svetek Funeral JHome.....22 29 11 Acme Cleaners ..........21 30 1? Don Boscos ..............19' 32 14 It seems as though the race for first place in the League will be quite a scramble, the last place team is onjy 14 games out of first place. FREE DAY Vince Fortuna and Ed Grosel, took a day off and visited our neighbors at St. Vitus, taking in the St. Vitus show. It seems their teams could ! have used them as the Don Bdsco’s Variety Cast.” The officers and members of the Don Bosco Club would like to thank the membrs of the St. Vitus ‘Victory Varieties and also Rev. Vic Tome, for their wonderful courtesy shown them at the show Sunday eve. It was a grand show.and we enjoyed it. This is a show that we will long remember and he$e are a few acts that we think were outstanding. The Wie-gund sisters were every bit as good as the Andrew sisters. As for Fern Wiegund and her “Bubble Dance” it was beyond doubt Lausche Recommends Vet Bonus Ohio’s Governor Prink Lausche spoke to the Ohio General Assembly last Monday and called for a soldier’s bonus. He recommended that the bonus be financed from present taxes to be paid over a period of 25 years. Free Concert by Western Reserve U. Choir A concert bv Western Reserve University Choir under the direction of Russell L. Gee. associate professor of music.\is scheduled for 8:30 p. m., Jaunar^ 14. in Amasa 8tone Chapel, on the Reserve campus. The concert is open to the public free of charge. The University Choir of 100 voices will sing a cappella. The program includes a "Missa Brevis” by the Danish composer, Dietrich Buxtehude, famous organist who exerted a great influence on Johann Sebastian Bach. The title refers to the fact that the composition ber of the evening. That ‘Gal’ can really dance. The Four Steps of Harmony (we being followers of the Barber Shops Singers) rate among the ‘top’. Magician Frank Grdina and his slick tricks sure fooled us. Hats off to D. Hlabse and F. Grdina in that wonderful scene in Central Park. Dolores Paik, the vocalist wAs swell. We predict a rising star in the future. As we said before it was a fine show and once again ‘congratulations’ to a wonderful cast. We thank you for your kindness toward us. W071 try to take ip a repeat performance before it ends. To Rev. Fr. Vic Tome • . Nice going Father, it was a grand show and thanks for inviting us. Best wishes I for success. DON BOSCO QLUB. London. — Field Marshall Montgomery left for Moscow on the invi- .Hb? 2 rM-0ur loss was st-Vi- £ j”?* mu,Jal ’ a’bowling star derstanding and trust ipppARivp between the British and APPEARING r. Russian armies I Seems as though Rev' Vlc C,mPer' Russian armies | man is going t0 be quite a bowler. Chicago. - Butler deal- ’>" ,he firat he i,.**^n* 15 sometime in April. We will publish a year book for this occasion. All proceeds will be used to -buy athletic equipment for 'the club as well as other needed items. Next meeting will be held on Thursday, Jan. 2'3 at 8 p. m. All members are asked to be present at this meeting so we can make final preparation for the dance. ) ver ^ok ThlToath ^s^th'! Boscoite, Pvt. Frank Zrimšek, drop- governor of the^ng in for a little.chat with the boys, ttate of Michgan on Jan- |He sends his best wishes to all his nary 1. , • • • MHB Mr. and Mrs. John Sušnik of the Norwood j Appliance are in Chica- j go 'this week attending j the furniture exposition to select and order new furniture for their store J • • • MM Washington. — Government circles report that U. S. will begin to send radio programs into Russia beginning about Jan. 15. It will be in Russian to get' past the Soviet censor and wiil feature, news, music and other cultural programs. If successful, the Russians will be notified about many things, of which they know nothing. • • • MM Washingtqn. — Congress rushed around Monday to see who would introduce a better bill to help the veterans. Eighteen were received so far. DEATH NOTICES Dolgan, Anton — Husband of Alice (nee Kapudja), father of Mildred Perme, Eleanor Grdolnik, ria. the sections of the Roman Catholic service which Lutheran Liturgy preserved. This will be* the first performance locally of the entire “Missa Brevis”. si vitus hois name ‘Ufeeklg'fevtau r i** COMMUNION, BREAKFAST, MEETING THIS SUNDAY Sunday, January 12, will be a memorable one in the annals of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society. Members are to meet in Room 4 of the school at 8:30 to prepare to go in a group to the 11:00 o'clock Mass. Reception Since the reception of new members 5 and 6—Cimperman’s vs Brod-nick Bros. 7 and 8—Oraaem’s Conf. vs Amer. Home Pub. 9 and 10—Norwood Appl. vs Ma-jer Shoes II and 12—Oblak’s vs Clover Dairy THERE IS STILL ROOM Our JuniorHoly Namers put on their “Victory Variety Review” with c Am a “Ilmnh” Inct ^nnHav n i oh some “Umph” last Sunday night. Society fore ah enthusiastic capacity g Be- group, our guests when they become Candi dates for future membership. Communion All the members will receive Communion in a body at this Mass. Breakfast A delicious breakfast will* be served to all attending, right after Mass. A special treat is in store for the Senior and Junior members after the meal. Installation After the breakfast the new officers of the Senior Society will be in-Promotion of Fred F. Leustig, after Induced and installed, having charge of the trading depart- ,he installatio„ the new offic- will take place on this day, the ceremonies of admission to the Society „ will take place 5 minutes before 9:00 they performed marveously well. The o’clock. In addition to a group of three months of rehearsal were not Senior' candidates, the eighth grade in vain rather to their advantage in boys will be admitted to the Junior more ways than one. Holy Name Society. For the first Again this Sunday , Jan. 12th, the time, the seventh grade boya will be' lads will renew the she Moves Up Bache Ladder ment for 16 months, to a customer’s broker at Cleveland office of Bache and Co. was announced yesterday by Sam H. Sampliner, resident partner in the New York firm. Leustig started with E, A. Pierce and Co.- in 1936 and later was with the North American Co. In 1941 «he went on active duty with the 107th Cavalry Regiment and served in the European theater as a commisioned officer. He remains a captain in the Reserve Officers Corps. Atfer discharge in the fall of 1945, Leustig joined Bache and Co. Engagements ers will conduct the business session of our January meeting One of the highlights of the meeting will- be the transfer of the 18 year old and older ;ow. Those who were unable to attend the first performance should make plans to be here this Sunday. Be on time for the beginning of the show which starts PROMPLY at 8 p. m. Your presence at one of the performances is necessary as an encouragement for the boys to continue utilizing their leisure time to some advantage; Ui this way you will aid your youth leadr ers in their strenuous task of guiding your boys. aper for the whole year. Thanjcing you Tor the enjoyment I get in the paper and for the splendid service in receiving it. Will close. Louis Prebil •It’s hard to save for when it’s always raining. a rainy day SChUOt? DAYS r? By DWIG Vi r\:> V v- i- 4 |i till o* y*t 1W> l* ■>!* * ^ r, Cleveland. O. — A fire, which started in the home of a ycupg married couple. Mr. and Mrs. William Jančar. 14914 Sylvia Ave. destroyed absolutely everything. They barely saved their lives, when his wife. Mildred, woke up .at 4:18 a. m. and found their room in smoke. • • • mm Cleveland. O. — A visitor at our office was Matt; Novak of Carlinville. 111., accompanied by his niece. Mrs. Josie Jazbec cf 73C5 Myron Ave. Mr. Novak is in the wholesale and retail meat business. gave permission to make two pair 'of pants with each suit, the manufacturers decided against it. But there was such a great demand from the customers for the suit w;th two pairs of pants, that the stores will have them for Easter. Ca'M fcu**' - tesAVtu* —h- t~t:.----1 , WuwV. '£t£**m* Jilt'll ! ATTENTION! This Sunday is Communion Sunday for al! men of the parish under the sponsorship of the Holy Name Society at the 9:00 o’clock Mass. 9 9 • ■■■. Hague. — Some 2.- > 000,000 persons or 22 j per cent of the popula- j tion of Netherlands wish ! to immigrate, because! they see no future in Europe, either for themselves or for their children. Greetings from sunn\ California have arrived _ ^ from Joseph Cekuta Sr. Cleveland, 0. — May-1 and son Edward, both of or Tom Burke nampd I Girard, 0. 32-year-old Wttltam F. | ••• mm Smith safety director to Washington. -- Sena-take the place of* Frank tor Wiley, Republican of Cdebrezze, who was Wisconsin, has intro-named municipal judge j duced a resolution to by Gov. Frank Lausche. throw out of the feder-Mr Smith is a former | al courts all portal-to. FBI man. ! Portal pay suits. • • t wm *,• • ■■ . is the-day set aside for f Feast of the Holy Family- On this day, it would be truly fining if each and everv family offered up their good works for the members of their family. The Clevealnd Sodality Union is holding a dance on Jan. 19 at the St. Wendelin’s Parish. All who are interested in going can o6tain tickets from the Social Committee Chairman, Esther Turk. Here is a brief schedule of other activities to take place later in January: JAN. 26 — ORPHANS PARTY to be held at St. Joseph's On the'Lake. Our parish along with Our Lady of Lourdes will be the hostesses. JAN. 29 - BINGO PARTY SOCIAL for the members of the parish. .PriUe 75c- Social to be held in St. Vrtus Gym Hall. ST. VITUS GIRLS BOWLING TEAM STANDING, AS OF JAN. 5, 1947 FIRST PLACE: Zakrajšek Funeral Home-v31 points. SECOND PLACE: Stampfel Dry Good—28point9. THIRD PLACE: Mar-ket Coal—27 points. FOURTH PLACE: Frances Grdanc Lingerie—20 points. FIFTH PLACE: J. Slapnik, Jr. Florist—19 joints. SIXTH PLACE: Don Bosco-18 points. Zakrajšek Funeral Home won two games from Don Bosco. High bowi-Fer for Zak’s was Carol Pribovec with 386 . ’.band highest for Don Bosco was Larry Per with 320. Mar-ket Coal won two gpmes from Stampfej Dry Goods with Dot Schwer-ko bowling 418 . . while, Vida Koprivec, high for Stampfel’s bowled a score of 464. Slapnik, Jrs. won three games from Frances Grdanc, Girls. Highest score for Slapnik, Jrs. was 403 scored by Justine Pekol . - and 317 for Grdanc made by Fritie Slustar. ATTENTION BOWLERS All bowlers are asked to be present at the alleys at 1 p. m. this Sunday, Jan. 12, 1947 because bowling will Also gaining were the Majer Shoes who trounced the Orazems for all 4 points to climb to undisputed 6th place, just one point behind the fifth place Cimpermans, who lost 3 points to the American Homes. The leading Grdinas took 3 from i the Hollanders who skidded to 4th j place in the standings. I The Clover Dairies pickecd up 3 points from the Brodnick Bros. The Oblaks and Gorniks split by each taking 2 points. Team scores: Cimperman ......770 803 769 2342 Amer. Home ....725 838 807 2370 Gus Škufca was high for the Grocers with a 573 series that included a 217 game. Joe Škrbec was high for the Printers with 508. Orazem Conf.....745 726 842 2113 Majer Shoes .....770 835 773 2375 , Joe Marinko’s 529 included a 203 game for the Candy Men and F. Pa-veiich hit 530 including a 202 game. J. Polz also had a 208 game for the SShoe Men. Anzlovars ......805 775 797 2377 Norwoods1 ......875 791 861 2527 Ray Suhadolnik had a 487 for the Anzlovars. Ed. Kovacie had a 221 game in his 544 while Tony Urbas hit a 200 and dE. Koporc hit a 210 game to help the cause along. Clover Dairies 679 713 756 2157 Brodnick Bros. 569 722 781 2009 For the Clovers, H. Meglich had a 216 game in his 529 series. Smrdel was best for the Brodnicks with 432. Kollandqrs .....780 745 879 2404 Grdina and Sons 813 811 841 2468 ^ < ________ „... W. Plavan hit 518 for the Kollan-. wj|j start promptly at 1:15 p. m. Your ders, while Ed. Vidmar had a ZV co-operetion is desired. Thank you. game in his 557 series for the Grdi- ------------------------------------- nas. Oblak Furn......723 618 689 2030 Gornik Kabs .....707 728 687 2113 j Frank Launch’s 421 was high for, the Oblaks and C. Kukucka hit 515 for the Gorftik Habs. a Standing Jan.' 2, 1947' W L Ptsi A. Grdina and Sons .......34 20 47 | Amer. Home Pub.............32 22 46 Norwood Appliance ........33 21 45 Hollander Agency .........32 22 43, Cimperman Grocy. .........29 25 381 Majer Shoes ............ 27 27 37 Orazem’s Conf. .r..........25 29 33 Oblak Furn............»....25 29 33 Btrodnick Bros. Furn. ....24 30 30 j Airtlovar’s ...........-S-24 30 30 Gornik’s Hab. .............22 . 32 29 Clover Dliry .............20 34 26 Schedule for Jan. 16, 1947 1 and 2—Anzlovar’s vs Kollander’s Agency 3 and 4—A, Grdina nad Sons vs Gornik’s Hab1/ JOS. H. PERPAR Invite# you to try his SUPER SERVICE at 6S1S St. Clair Ave. MOBILGAS — MOBILOIL MOBILUBRICATION ST. CLAIR AUTO PARTS COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Replacement parts for all makes of cars 6009 St. Clair Ave. EXpresc 44M J. SPEH ■ ST i, J 1 U »• I '( * blTClAL INVITATION FEB. 1st: Winter Frolic of the lau- TONITE: Thy St. Lawrence PTA La- rentinn A. C. Coached by “Dolly" Kocianec, the and Bernard Cesar of Benedictine. FLASH St. Lawrence Cagers. are Tony Arko, Their scholastis records rate mention. n0 fear that the U. S. Army has Frank Globokar, Kak Godec, Ray Blat- A “ping pong" tournament will be forgotten our man, Captain Louis nik, Johnny Skerl, Kamm Zupančič, the feature recreational hi-light this Baznik! Father Baznik informs us Bill Turk, Buddy DeRigo, and Jesse month. Details will be posted later. that hf has been assjgned to his new Milcinovic. A1 “Yeben" Lekan is The L.A.C. Bowling competition is p08t and report for* duty within more or less the official score keep- winding into its seventeenth week with the nextfew days. Since your deer. the Hooligans and Begunces tied for stjnatj0n js rather close we expect to We II be looking forard to your vie- ist place with 34 points per team. FEB. 8th: Silver Jubilee Dance of torjesi i These lads are sponsoring a Winter of Queen of Peace No. 24, SDZ |j4\URENTIAN A. C. ' Frolic at the Nash on Feb. 1st featur- Lodge. _ ... After •the hol:day season the bas-1 ing Johnny Vadnai and his orches- dies extend a cordial invitation to all for another “LUCKY” Social which will be held in the Church „ .... ______f ______________ .„ Hall tonite a 8 p. m. Join your FEB. 15th: KSKJ Bowlerettes Valen- Netball squads, the Senior B and the tra. 1'riends for an entertaining evening tine Dance. Qt expect to rdsume their wnning DID YOU? and at the same time entitle your- FEB. 18th: Shrove Tuesday Social of ways again. Both teams are,credited —Did yb_ . self to the “cash pries” or take the Junior League._ with one win and one loss to date, (that benefit drawing sponsored by the make ticket returns on home with you the grand prize, an HOLY NAME SOCIETY , Games are played in high schools and electric mixer. Admission will be Recept:on into the Holy Name So- recreational gyms during the week, available at the door. Boost the ciety is scheduled for Sunday after- 7xhe l.A.C. lists quite a few “star” scholastic fund and patronize PTA noon at 2 p. m. Boost the English cagers^ from respective high schools, activities. .Section of the Holy Name Society, namely: Dick Jeric and Iibu Supan of SOCIAL EVENTS boys, and list your name with the Latin’s Varsity Team, Ed Globokar of The Slovenian National Home “The new members. > East Tech, Dick Tekaucic of South Nash” is booked solid with dancing It is the goal of every parish to entertainment throught the Pre-Len- , have one general organization — the Parish committee of Št. Judes? Remember, the 1947 Dodge will be given away to the lucky winner Friday nite, Jan. 17th, 1947 in the Sj. Lawrence Church Hall. Make your ticket returns now and entitle yourself to a chance on a grand pjize. see you while”, Captain! around every “once in a The SHADOW., Charles & Qlga Slapnik flower shop FLOWERS POL ALL OCCASIUN8 MM St. CUlt Ate. LX *194 ten Season JAN. 12th: The Thor Club Dance featuring Eddie Habat and his orchestra. JAN. 18th: The, Bowlerettes of SŽZ No. 15 Dance featturing Vadnal’s Orchestra. JAN. 25th: Thor Club Dance fpturing Vadnal’s Orchestra. Help Wanted—Female FLOOR SERVICE OR Counter Work GIRLS—18-35 Must be neat, active, of medium height and weight, Good salary. Excellent working conditions. Short hours available. 1.1 FORUM CAFETERIA 2050 East 9th St. NORWOOD THEATRE 6210 St. Clair Ave. .SATURDAY ONLY CONT- 2 I’. M. SONJA HENIE — JOHN PAYNE “Sun Valley Serenade” ERIC PORTMAN in “WANTED FOR MURDER” “SON OF GUARDSMAN” Matinee Only — SUNDAY — MONDAY — The King of the Plains “Wild Beauty” Jive on the Range KEN CURTIS — JEFF DONNELL HOOSIER HOT SHOTS — BIG BOY WILLIAMS “COWBOY BLUES” Pete Smith’s latest laugh riot “TREASURE FROM TRASH” also Musical Featurette in Technicolor “GOLDEN SLIPPERS" TUES. - WED. — THURS. 2 smash hits “The Bowery” “COCKEYED MIIRACLE” Holy Name Society — claim as members each and every young man' to promote a full spiritual, athletic, and social program throughout the year. This is an open invitation to the Catholic War Veterans, the Lauren-Lans, the Par A. C., The CYO and the j local units with male memberships-DRAMATIC JUORNAL After spending an evening in the St. Lawrence Church Hall with j MITCH ....:.... Tony Gliha j liss?.............- Mary Pucelli Al^N LUCASKY........j Bernie Supan WEBSTER .............. Tony Lekan | GRACE ..........:... Marion Mauer TWITCHELL ........... Ray Hrovat' PETER .......:..... Tony Perko ISABEL .......... Frances Adler I SALLY .............. Joan Zaletal BELLE ........... Terry. Planisek GURNEY ............ Lou Supan you’ll be ready to agree that it’s really “ALL IN YOUR HEAD.”! Purchase your tickets frtom any member of the cast fo rthe great, rollicking comedy “IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD” — a show of the season, featuring your favorite Characters, which will be presented in' the Church Autditorium, Jan. 26th'anJ Feb. 2nd. TEN. - PIN TOPICS The “Vets" decided to conclude an evening of league bowling with some keen competition so “KAK” Codec, LADDIE Trattar, and MOONEY Turk challenged LADDIE Mezgec, Stan Zabak to a match game. EDDIE rolling 204-213-235 was high for the winners with a sizzling series of 652, Stan held his own with 546 and Laddie Mezgec regardless of a 2C0 game totaled 487. Trattar led the losers .with a 534, Kak Codec running a cjose lecond with* a 530 series and Turk‘rolling “low” 502 series (Turk recently averaged 194® in an 18 game challenge. Did the losers lose bec#use if was i “off nite” for Mooney or the winners win because Eddie, was “in the “’y&KRTBALL SHORTS The Senior B lads, after 2 defeats, managed to nose out of the Immaculate Heart five by 25 to 23 points Tuesday nite. Tony Arko and Jessie set the scoring pace with 6 points! each. SLOVENIAN NiGHT WEDNESDAYS 9 P.M.-2 A.M. Music every Friday, Saturday. Sunday 9 P. M, to 2 A. M ENTERTAINED BY EDWARD GLIHA ORCHESTRA RALLIS CAFE E. 55th St. and Superior Ave. WHY PAY HIGH INTEREST RATES! YOU Will SAVE MONEY IF YOU ■ v REFINANCE YOUR HOME WITH US! . When Payment on Loan Is Made, Inierest Stops! «4 Ask for Information: THE SLOVEHIAH MUTUAL BEHEFIT ASSOCIATION EN 0886 You'll Bo Satisfied... IT’S DIFFERENT! APEX Guaranteed Electric Service For Clogged • SEWERS • DRAINS • SINKS • DOWNSPOUTS Better . . . Faster j . . More Economically NO DIGGING Work skilfully performed by competent men with the most modern electrical equipment L“rjrJ Call EXpress 7866 H. A. Brehm, Service Manager w Before you buy, see our wonderful ■ values in ' Convenient credit at Cash Prices Jan. 11 to Jan. 18 Gldina January Clearance f is% to 50% ROBES GLOVES / BLOUSES i SWEATERS PANT^j “HM1B COSTUME JEWELRY 1-4 off 'iiiluiiilMIllllilllMMUHlHHliHHUimillllllilllllinillHlMlllllllllllllllllimHIllllltiir Snow Dance I ELWITT Jewelers since 1912 690 East 185th Street sponsored by VOV’s Saturday January 11,1947 8:00 P. M. till???? Slovenian Home, Holmes Avenue MUSIC BY EDDIE HABAT ORCHESTRA Donation 65c = TlllllllllllllHlllllltliniMllllinMMIIHIIIIIHHIIIIIItIUlUHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHHMIllllHIUlUl«. Next to the assistance you can give your dear onea across, delight them with a photograph of yourself and family. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL— SILK HOSE REG. 2.95 1.95 First Quality L I' rf PURSES " SLIPS PAJAMAS' SNUGGIES GRDINA’S SHOPPE 6111 ST. CLAIR AVE. All Sales Final Subscribe lo the ■ SMEM SKA DOMOVINA" SNOODLES By Cy Hungerford FOR WEDDINGS AND ALL FORMAL OCCASIONS • FULL DRESS • TUXEDOS • CUTAWAYS ftwnife Vteiy rcuuaxvi PREJ3S SUIT RENTAL HEnderson 2396 11V .Bit! ■JLit RADIO SERVICE HOME - AUTQ - PORTABLES Tubes - Phonograph Needles Batteries Prijatel Radio Service 1142 East 66th St. EX 2680 EX 3985 Daily 4 to 10 dlosed Wed.—Sat. 10 to 6 _ V held by MID-WINTER DANCE ■<•>«»■ , l i l i II ,4♦+♦■*+++++■‘■++4 l ,+4+V++4-t.4.+4-4-4--t-l-F4-F4+4'4 l l4'44>44'4-4.H.44-H.4.t4-M-f I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I > ♦ i I I I I U4 WH I I'M.4 H I H I I V*I I 11 I ,I« Slovenian Home E. 80th St. off of Union Ave. 8:00 P.M. MUSIC BY EDDIE HABAT ORCHESTRA Cumtav JamiOrv 12 1947 Admission 75c. ■ • ....■». ■IhiiIIii I m 11 ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ >m; i j.... r, miTTi'n t r l.....■ ■ ■■ >■ 111111 ******* t.44 ti.«., 11 it* -4+++++M- TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ami DANCE DANCE Saturday, January 18,1947 sponsored by lodge Cerkniško Jezero No. 59. S. D. Z. SUNDAY JAN. 12. 8 P. M. at Slovenian Workmen Hall 15335 Waterloo Rd. Johnny Vadnal orchestra Admission 65c I4|| 11 II4H4HW »I M ST VITUS BOOSTERS NO. 25 KSKJ DANCE Sponsored by- GLASBNA MATICA Slovenian National Home—E. 65th St. A St. Clair SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME, 6417 St. Clair Ave. MUSIC BY PETE SRNICK ORCHESTRA Admiaaion 75 centa SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1947 Music by PETE SRNICK'S ORCHESTRA Admiaaion 75c