M. AYBEY et al.: EFFECT OF HOLDING TIME ON THE PRODUCTION OF Nb-NbAl3 ... 55–58 EFFECT OF HOLDING TIME ON THE PRODUCTION OF Nb-NbAl3 INTERMETALLIC COMPOSITES VIA ELECTRIC-CURRENT-ACTIVATED SINTERING VPLIV ^ASA ZADR@ANJA NA IZDELAVO Nb-NbAl3 INTERMETALNIH KOMPOZITOV Z ELEKTRI^NIM TOKOM AKTIVIRANIH S SINTRANJEM Muhammed Aybey, Tuba Yener, Mediha Ipek, Sakin Zeytin Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187, Adapazari, Sakarya, Turkey tcerezci@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-02-05 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.179 A recently developed powder metallurgy processing technique – Electric Current Activated (Assisted) Sintering (ECAS) was employed to produce intermetallic Nb-NbAl3 composites. In this study, to produce Nb-NbAl3 in-situ intermetallic composites, Nb (99.8 % purity, less than 44 μm) and Al (99.5 % purity, less than 44 μm) elemental powders were mixed in the stoichiometric ratio corresponding to the Nb-Al phase diagram. The effect of different processing times, for (10, 30, 60) s, under maximum of 2000 A and 1.5-2.0 V, was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to characterize the produced samples. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the dominant phases are NbAl3 and Nb. Scanning electron microscopy examinations showed a dense microstructure with a very low amount of porosity and also a trace amount of residual aluminium. The microhardness of the test materials sintered for 60 s via electric-current-activated sintering was about 405 HV±46 HV0,05. Keywords: in situ composites, NbAl3 aluminides, electric current activated sintering (ECAS) Pred kratkim razvita tehnika v metalurgiji prahov: sintranje, aktivirano z elektri~nim tokom (ECAS), je bilo uporabljeno za in situ izdelavo intermetalnega kompozita Nb-NbAl3. V {tudiji sta bila za in situ proizvodnjo Nb-NbAl3 intermetalnega kompozita zme{ana elementna prahova Nb (99.8 % ~istost, delci manj{i od 44 μm) in Al (99.5 % ~istost, delci manj{i od 44 μm), zme{ana v stehiometri~nem razmerju, skladno s faznim diagramom Nb-Al. Preiskovan je bil vpliv razli~nih ~asov izdelave: (10, 30, 60) s pri toku maksimalno 2000 A in napetosti 1,5-2,0 V. Izdelani vzorci so bili karakterizirani z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo in rentgensko difrakcijo. Rentgenska difrakcija je odkrila, da sta prevladujo~i fazi NbAl3 in Nb. Vrsti~na elektronska mikroskopija je pokazala gosto mikrostrukturo z majhnim dele`em poroznosti in sledovi preostalega aluminija. Mikrotrdota preizkusnega materiala, sintranega 60 s, s sintranjem aktiviranim z elektri~nim tokom, je bila okrog 405 HV±46 HV0,05. Klju~ne besede: in situ kompoziti, NbAl3 aluminidi, sintranje aktivirano z elektri~nim tokom (ECAS) 1 INTRODUCTION Intermetallic compounds have been the focus of significant research and development efforts during recent years. Among intermetallic compounds, niobium aluminides are very important and attractive.1–3 Three intermetallic compounds are present in the Nb–Al binary system including Nb3Al (A15 structure), Nb2Al (D8b structure) and NbAl3 (DO22 structure, TiAl3 type).4–7 Among the various compounds in the Nb-Al system (Figure 1), NbAl3 with its high melting point (1680 °C), low density (4.54 g/cm3), is attractive as a potential material for high-temperature applications.6,8 The appli- cations of NbAl3 include its use in turbine blades in aircraft engines or in stationary gas turbines.1,9 However, despite its attractive features, its usage is limited by in- adequate ductility at room temperature. So, for optimi- zation of room-temperature toughness, microstructural modifications are required.1,6,10 In-situ toughening is an alternative technique to enable a combination of brittle intermetallic phase with a ductile metallic phase in one step production.11,12 Some conventional methods such as melting, casting and mechanical alloying techniques or self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)7–9 can be used for manufacturing intermetallics. A recently MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 55–58 55 UDK 669.293:621.762:621.79 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(1)55(2017) Figure 1: Nb-Al phase diagram7 Slika 1: Fazni diagram Nb-Al7 developed electric current activated/assisted sintering (ECAS) technique has been used in this study. This system enables the cold formed compact obtained from uniaxial compression to be inserted into a container, which is heated by passing an electrical current. In the present paper we prefer to apply the direct current resistive sintering technique to the Nb+3Al powder mixture in order to investigate a new route to determine the effect of holding time on the production of Nb-NbAl3 in-situ composites. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials and methods Al and Nb elemental powders with 35–44 μm grain size and purity of 99.5 % and 99.8 %, respectively, were mixed to give the nominal composition of Nb40Al60 (w/%) for the formation of a NbAl3 intermetallic based metallic Nb reinforced in-situ composite. The powder mixture was ball milled for 15 min then cold-pressed before sintering to form a cylindrical compact in a metallic die under a uniaxial pressure of 200 MPa. The dimensions of the compact were 15–16 mm diameter and 3–4 mm thickness. The production of Nb aluminide- based intermetallic compound was performed via the electric current activated sintering technique in an open atmosphere at 2000 A for (10, 30, 60) s. They are de- noted as C1 and C2 and C3 in the following section, res- pectively. Th eprocess parameters are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Process parameters for the samples Tabela 1: Procesni parametri vzorcev Sample code w/% Current (A) Holding time(s) C1 40Nb-60Al 2000 10 C2 40Nb-60Al 2000 30 C3 40Nb-60Al 2000 60 2.2 Characterization The morphologies of the samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) in terms of the resulting phases. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were carried out using Cu–K radiation with a wave- length of 0.15418 nm over a 2 range of 10–80°. The microhardness of the test materials was measured using a Vickers indentation technique with a load of 0.98 N using Leica WMHT-Mod model Vickers hardness instrument. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 SEM-EDS Analysis Figure 2 shows SEM micrographs of the elemental Nb and Al powder particles. As seen in Figure 2 the Al particles are rounded and Nb particles are angular and sharp cornered in shape. M. AYBEY et al.: EFFECT OF HOLDING TIME ON THE PRODUCTION OF Nb-NbAl3 ... 56 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 55–58 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 3: SEM micrographs of: a) C1 and b) C2 samples Slika 3: SEM-posnetka vzorcev a) C1 in b) C2 Figure 2: SEM micrographs of: a) Nb, b) Al powder Slika 2: SEM-posnetka: a) Nb in b) Al prahu SEM-EDS analyses of C1, C2 and C3 intermetallic compounds are shown in Figure 3. The microstructure in Figure 3a shows that the low holding time results in separately formed Nb and Al areas. Increasing the pro- cessing time from 10 s to 30 s in C2, (Figure 3b), it starts to form a new phase like NbAl3, but these micro- structures are still far from the desired stoichiometric composition of the main NbAl3 phase. When it comes to the C3 sample, as seen in Figure 4, increasing the process holding time to 60 s, the main phase in the microstructure is Nb and NbAl3. Besides this, there is also a little amount of residual Al phase and a little oxidation problem because of the open atmo- sphere sintering in ECAS. But that was not detected in the XRD analyses for being a small amount. In addition to that, a nearly fully dense microstructure was obtained after just a minute of holding process time, thanks to the electric current resistive sintering system. As can be seen in the SEM-EDS analyses in Figure 5, the reaction was also not completed in the C3 compound. It is assumed that the applied voltage or current is insufficient for the complete transformation of the NbAl3 phases in the sintering. 3.2 XRD Analysis The XRD analysis, Figure 6, shows that the main phase of the composite is NbAl3. The Nb phase is also seen in the XRD analyses, as desired. These results support the observations from the SEM-EDS analysis (Figure 5). This can be inferred from this result: Nb-NbAl3 in-situ composites can be obtained for one minute and one step electric current activated system; however, for eliminating the residual aluminium in the compact. It is obvious that, it can be optimized with some other parameters such as voltage or current. 3.3 Hardness The hardness values HV0.05 of the C1, C2 and C3 samples were measured as 165±20, 250±27, 405±46 res- pectively. The hardness of the intermetallic composites increases from 165±20 HV to 405±46 HV by increasing the holding time in the process due to the formation of a higher proportion of intermetallic phases. The hardness results for the NbAl3 composite is in agreement with the literature.13 M. AYBEY et al.: EFFECT OF HOLDING TIME ON THE PRODUCTION OF Nb-NbAl3 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 55–58 57 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: SEM micrographs of C3 Sample: a) 1000 ×, b) 5000 × Slika 4: SEM-posnetka vzorca C3: a) 1000 ×, b) 5000 × Figure 6: XRD Analyses of C3 sample (Nb-NbAl3) Slika 6: Rentgenogram vzorca C3 (Nb-NbAl3) Figure 5: SEM-EDS analyses of C3 samples Slika 5: SEM-EDS-analize na vzorcu C3 4 CONCLUSIONS Some of the results obtained from this study can be summarized as follows: • Niobium aluminide-based composites were fabri- cated by electric current activated/assisted sintering at 2000 A in only 60 s. • Under such conditions, the reaction is nearly com- pleted within a very short period of time and the end-product is consolidated to a nearly fully dense microstructure. • SEM-EDS and XRD analyses showed that 60 s are sufficient for obtaining Nb-NbAl3 phases. 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