Paper received: 16.7.2007 Paper accepted: 28.9.2007 Examination and Modelling of the Influence of Cutting Parameters on the Cutting Force and the Surface Roughness in Longitudinal Turning Drazen Bajic1 - Branimir Lela1 - Goran Cukor2 'University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia 2University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Croatia This paper examines the influence of three cutting parameters on the surface roughness and the cutting force components in longitudinal turning. The cutting speed, the feed rate and the depth of cut have been taken as influential factors. Two modelling methodologies, namely regression analysis and neural networks, have been applied to experimentally determined data. Also, for both methodologies the ability of interpolation and extrapolation has been tested. Results obtained by neural network models have been compared to those obtained by regression models. Both methodologies give nearly similar results when interpolation is observed. However, regarding extrapolation neural network models give better results. In order to find the optimum values of the cutting parameters an optimization has been carried out. © 2008 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Keywords: longitudinal turning, cutting forces, surface roughness, neural networks 0 INTRODUCTION Chip-forming machining is a multi-disciplinary scientific area based on the theory of plasticity, thermodynamics, tribology and material science. Parameters that influence the machining process can be divided into two categories: - physical phenomena during cutting, related to influence of material structure, chip compression ratio, appearance of friction, heat development, cutting angles, etc., - technique of machining along with the belonging cutting parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate), cutting force, power, etc. Complex technological and manufacturing processes nowadays demand implementation of sophisticated mathematical and other methods for the purpose of their efficient control. Therefore a research is needed to obtain the mathematical approximations of machining processes and appearing phenomena as better as possible. Understanding the machining principles and mathematical relations among influential parameters is an important prerequisite for: - machine tool designing that corresponds to manufacturing optimum, - achieving product quality besides the evergrowing demands in respect to the accurate production and quality of surface roughness, - machine tool play an important role in the design of manufacturing processes, not only in fulfilment the demands for higher productivity, but also in the requirements for production economy. The goal of this paper is to obtain a mathematical model that relates the cutting force components and the surface roughness with the cutting parameters in longitudinal turning. In this search two different approaches have been used in order to get the mathematical models. The first approach is a design of experiment (DOE) together with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis. The second approach is modelling by means of artificial neural networks (ANNs). In the past, the DOE approach has been used to quantify the impact of various machining parameters on various output parameters at turning [1] to [7]. But in the last decade neural networks have experienced real prosperity in their application to various complex problems in different engineering fields. A review of scientific researches dealing with the application of ANNs to turning process can be found in [1]. It has been reported that ANNs have *Corr. Author's Address: University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval 322 Architecture, Rudera Boskovica bb, HR-21000 Split, Croatia, ability for mapping very complex and nonlinear systems. Turning process is an example of such a system and that justifies the usage of ANNs. 1 THE SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH It is estimated that of all machining processes about 40% pertain to turning. Turning is the most common way for processing rotational (symmetrical or non-symmetrical, round or non-round) surfaces with single-point cutting tool. Cutting force is the basic indicator of cutting process behaviour. Having knowledge of the cutting force it is possible to: - calculate the necessary power for carrying out appropriate operation, i.e. choose appropriate drive motor, - calculate systems of all main and auxiliary transmission mechanisms from motor to tool, - calculate and design the elements and parts of machine tools, - define the dimensions of auxiliary devices, - choose dimensions and types of cutting tool and verify the stability of tool in entirety, - determine cutting parameters and conditions in the design of economical variants of technological machining process, - perform the calculation of accuracy and the ability of machining of a workpiece at an appropriate machine tool, cutting parameters and conditions. On the basis of knowledge of the cutting force function, the rational construction and economical efficiency of production systems, the optimization of machining process and the development of particular concepts for adaptively controlled manufacturing systems are ensured. Surface of a workpiece can be obtained with various machining processes and various machining parameters and the roughness depends on it. Surface roughness is one of the most important criteria for the quality of machine parts and products. As the competition grows and customers have the increased demands for quality, the surface roughness becomes one of the most important disciplines in market competition. Optimally smooth surface is needed at seat surface where a certain machine parts are permanently or periodically joined with other parts (pistons and cylinders, bearings and trunks, slide guides, couplings, etc.), and at parts where the surface loading is pronounced. For the first it is endeavoured to reduce the friction between parts and for the latter the appearance of notch effect that reduces the strength of dynamically loaded machine parts is avoided. Optimum surface quality is therefore needed due to the improvement of tribological properties, driving strength, resistance to corrosion and aesthetic appearance of products. The excessive surface quality requires considerably higher machining costs. This has to be taken into account when the optimally needful surface quality of machined parts is determined and therefore certain machining processes should be used when there is a valid reason. The accurate estimation of machined surface roughness has been brought into the focus of research for many scientists during a few decades. 2 INFLUENTIAL FACTORS ON CUTTING FORCE AND MACHINED SURFACE ROUGHNESS 2.1 Influential Factors on the Cutting Force Figure 1 shows cutting force components during the longitudinal turning. The resultant force (cutting force) FR can be decomposed into: - tangential component of cutting force, F, - feed component of cutting force, Ff, - radial component of cutting force, Fp. Expression for the resultant force is: Fr = J[Fc 2 + Ff 2 + Fp 2) (1). Fig. 1. Cutting force components in the longitudinal turning process Fig. 2. Fishbone diagram with the factors that influence the cutting force The tangential force component Fc always acts in the direction of cutting speed vector, the feed force component Ff is opposite to the feed rate and the radial force component Fp is perpendicular to these two force components. The cutting force depends on: - workpiece: hardness, toughness, heat treatment, - tool: geometry (clearance angle a, rake angle Y, back rake angle X, cutting edge angle K, cutting tool nose radius r), wear and chip breaker, - size and shape of chip section, - cutting parameters: speed v , dept of cut a , feed f, - cooling and lubrication. Figure 2 shows fishbone diagram with influential factors on the cutting force. The values of feed rate and depth of cut define the undeformed chip cross-section. The larger chip cross-section follows the higher cutting force. The research [8] has shown that the cutting force is not increased proportionally with the increase of chip cross-section. The cause for that phenomenon is that lesser compression gives higher chip cross-sectional area. Apart from the chip cross-section, considerable influence has the depth of cut to the feed rate ratio. The cross-section with the higher ratio gives the larger tangential component of the cutting force. In the turning of steel it is observed that with the increase of cutting speed up to 0.83 m/s the cutting force rises a little and afterwards decreases. This phenomenon depends not only on the cutting force but also on the rake angle Y With the further increase of cutting speed up to the value of 3.3 m/s the cutting force experiences decrement. The cutting speed values within interval 3.3 to 8.3 m/s almost have no influence on the cutting force [8]. These results are obtained for f = 0.74 mm/rev and a = 2 mm. p 2.2 Influential Factors on the Surface Roughness There are a great number of factors influencing the surface roughness. The most important of them are: - machining parameters, - build-up edge, - tool geometry, - machining time, - tool and workpiece material, - tool wear, - dynamic behaviour of machining system, - application of cooling and lubrication agent. Fig. 3 shows influential factors on the machined surface roughness. The influence of cutting speed is closely related to emergence of build-up edge (BUE) and that implies its effect on machined surface roughness. At lower cutting speed (within interval 0.16 and 0.6 m/s) the generation of BUE results with grater surface roughness. Increasing the cutting speed the influence of BUE is reduced and that entails the reduction of surface roughness. But exaggeration in the increase of cutting speed does Fig. 3. Fishbone diagram with the factors not influence the further reduction of surface roughness because tool wear is simultaneously increased and it keeps roughness nearly constant. Feed rate influence is directly proportional to surface roughness with the power of two. Larger feed rate causes higher machined surface roughness. The influence of feed rate is closely related to cutting tool nose radius. The reduction of feed even if its value is very small, does not result with the further reduction of surface roughness. At some boundary feed rate, which depends on cutting tool nose radius, roughness remains approximately constant at minimum possible level. Cutting tool nose radius influences surface roughness inversely proportionally, i.e. its increment causes the reduction of surface roughness. This reduction of roughness is also limited with some minimum value because the further increase of cutting tool nose radius causes vibrations that influence negatively on surface roughness. From a geometrical point of view, the depth of cut does not influence surface roughness because it has no influence on size and form of bumps. On the other hand, the depth of cut has the influence indirectly through the BUE generation, deformation of separated chips, cutting temperature, cutting force, vibrations, etc. [10]. 3 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS The planning of experiment means, on the basis of present cognition from the literature, that affect the surface roughness [9] experience or expected aim, beforehand prediction of all influential factors and actions that will result with new cognitions utilizing the rational researches. The experiments have been carried out using the factorial design of experiment. The turning is characterized with many factors, which directly or interconnected act on the course and outcome of an experiment. It is necessary to manage experiment with the statistical multifactor method due to statistical character of a machining process. In this search the design of experiment was achieved using the rotatory central composite design (RCCD). In the experimental research, modelling and adaptive control of multifactor processes the RCCD of experiment is very often used because it offers optimization possibility [11]. The aim of this search is to find mathematical models that describe the dependence of machined surface roughness and cutting force components on three cutting parameters: - the cutting speed, vc, - the feed rate, f, - the depth of cut, ap. The basis of the multifactor design of experiment can be visualized in the form of "black box". Figure 4 shows a "black box" for the longitudinal turning. RCCD models the response using the empirical second-order polynomial: k k k y = bo + £bt • + £bj • • Xj + £bu ■ X2 (2), i=0 1