Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 86(december 2005)1, 39-47. Agris category codes: E10 COBISS Code 1.01 INCOME SITUATION OF AGRICULTURAL HOUSEHOLDS IN SLOVENIA AFTER EU ACCESSION: IMPACTS OF DIFFERENT DIRECT PAYMENTS POLICY OPTIONS Maja KOŽAR a), Stane KAVČIČ b) and Emil ERJAVEC c) a) Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Zootechnical Dept., Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia, e-mail: b) Same address as a), Assist. Prof., Ph.D. c) Same address as a), Full Prof., Ph.D. Received June 16, 2005, accepted November 22, 2005. Delo je prispelo 16. junija 2005, sprejeto 22. novembra 2005. ABSTRACT Paper investigates income effects of different direct payments policy options after the accession of Slovenia to the EU by application of a static deterministic total income model for rural households in Slovenia (TIM). Model is based on actual income data of 120 agricultural households in Slovenia. With respect to the baseline situation before the accession and accession agreement, income situation of analyzed households is likely to improve under all analyzed policy scenarios. The estimated benefits are highest in case of the standard direct payments scheme, followed by basic flat-rate area payment option (entirely decoupled). Model results reveal also that 2003 policy reform will have redistributive impacts in favour of agricultural households engaged in extensive agricultural production. Key words: agricultural households / EU enlargement / CAP reform / total income / income impacts / Slovenia DOHODKOVNI POLOŽAJ KMEČKIH GOSPODARSTEV V SLOVENIJI PO PRISTOPU K EVROPSKI UNIJI: UČINKI RAZLIČNIH SHEM NEPOSREDNIH PLAČIL IZVLEČEK V prispevku je prikazana primerjava dohodkovnih učinkov različnih shem neposrednih plačil za vzorec 120 kmečkih gospodarstev v Sloveniji po pristopu k Evropski uniji. Rezultati so bili pridobljeni z uporabo statičnega determinističnega modela za oceno skupnega dohodka kmečkih gospodinjstev TIM. Na podlagi modelnih rezultatov ocenjujemo, da se bo dohodkovni položaj analiziranih kmečkih gospodarstev v primerjavi z izhodiščnim predpristopnim položajem najverjetneje izboljšal v primeru vseh analiziranih popristopnih scenarijev. Največje koristi so ocenjene v primeru implementacije standardne sheme neposrednih plačil. Druga dohodkovno najugodnejša pa je v celoti proizvodno nevezana čista regionalna shema. Na podlagi modelnih rezultatov je mogoče sklepati, da bo imela reforma neposrednih plačil iz leta 2003 ugodnejše učinke za proizvodno ekstenzivnejša kmečka gospodarstva. Ključne besede: kmečka gospodarstva / širitev EU / CAP / skupna kmetijska politika / reforme / skupni dohodek / dohodkovni učinki / Slovenija 40 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 86(december 2005)1. INTRODUCTION Accession process to the European Union (EU) has significantly changed the structure and scope of agricultural support in Slovenia (Rednak et al., 2003). Direct payments (DP) became the most important element of agricultural policy with significant impacts on income of rural households. The accession process coincided with reform process of Common agricultural policy (CAP) of the EU. CAP reform, agreed in Luxembourg in June 2003 (EU News…, 2003), in terms of DP implies a gradual decoupling of support from production. In order to prevent short-term redistribution effects, member states can use various alternatives to retain part of this support production-linked. Thus, Slovenia had been faced with the decision which DP policy option to implement in i) immediate post-accession period (2004–2006) and ii) in period, when the 2003 CAP reform provisions should be enforced (implementation of CAP reform in 2007 at the latest). In the immediate post-accession period either standard DP scheme (actual CAP accepted for old member states for the period from 2000 to 2006), or “simplified” DP scheme (“Simplified area payment scheme” or “SAPS”), a production decoupled area payment, was an option for Slovenia (Treaty of Accession, 2003). Besides Malta, Slovenia was the only new member state to opt for standard DP option in the immediate post-accession period (Council Regulation…, 2003). As CAP reform DP policy new member states are obliged to implement “regional flat-rate payment” (based on regional reference quantities), with an option to retain certain elements of the standard CAP scheme, which is production-coupled (EU News…, 2003; Council Regulation…, 2003). Slovenia will implement this scheme by 1st January 2007 at the latest. This paper presents a comparison of economic impacts of different post-accession DP policy options on the level of agricultural households in Slovenia. Estimates were obtained by application of static deterministic total income model for rural households in Slovenia TIM (model TIM), developed by Erjavec et al. (2002), Oblak (2002) and Kožar et al. (2003). Taking into consideration the existing diversity of structure of total income of agricultural households in Slovenia (Erjavec et al., 2002; Oblak, 2002), income effects are investigated also by different employment types (especially full-time farms) and income groups of households. Paper starts with a short description of analyzed data, model and policy scenarios. Model results are presented for the whole sample, by employment types and by total income groups. Discussion chapter gives final conclusions based on model results. METHODOLOGY: DATA, MODEL AND POLICY SCENARIOS The model is based on the survey data from 120 agricultural households, complemented by selected secondary data (Statistical yearbook, 2002; Rednak, 2003). Households were proportionally sampled from four strata, i.e. employment types: full-time agricultural households (full-time farms), part-time agricultural households (part-time farms), self-employed agricultural households and non-agricultural rural households. Furthermore they were sampled from four municipalities, which lie in two regions different in terms of general economic standard and significance of agricultural sector in their economic structure: Pomurje (less developed) and Gorenjska (more developed) region. From each region two municipalities were chosen, one located in less favoured area for agricultural production. From each municipality 30 households were randomly sampled.* Static deterministic total income model TIM enables rough estimations of incomes by different sources and estimation of labour allocation on household level. It operates as a system * Further details on data collection, sampling procedure and sample features are described in Erjavec et al. (2002) and Oblak (2002). Kožar, M. et al. Income situation of agricultural households ... impacts … direct payments policy options. 41 of four sub models for estimating yearly incomes by their source (income from agriculture, income from off-farm activities, income from self-employment activities and income from other sources) with additional sub model for estimating labour allocation. Basic model assumptions are following: Years 2001 and 2006 are considered as base year and as simulated post-accession year, respectively. Only policy changes in agricultural sector are considered. They are based on the accession agreements for Slovenia, which entail negotiated reference quantities, production quotas and negotiated funds committed for DP and rural development policies in year 2006 (Treaty of Accession, 2003; EU and enlargement, 2003). Prices of agricultural products in year 2006 are set according to the expert opinion on the expected decrease of overall price level (Kavčič and Erjavec, 2003) and are identical in all scenarios. Income impacts are considered in terms of real prices. Investigated households are assumed to have received the entire set and amount of CAP aids within their production limitations and natural conditions for agricultural production in base year 2001 and in year 2006. Analyzed DP policy scenarios are in detail described in Table 1. Table 1. Scenario description (EU and enlargement, 2003; Rednak, 2003; Statistical Yearbook, 2002; Erjavec et al., 2004) Preglednica 1. Opis scenarijev Scenario - Scenario - Short description long name_________________________short name____________________________________________________ Base year scenario 2001 Estimate of base year (2001) income situation of sample households. Standard DP scheme EUo Standard CAP scheme as agreed for the period 2000-2006; different types of area and headage DP Simplified area payment SAPS Decoupled area payment - entire utilized agricultural area scheme (UAA) eligible. Value estimated: • 237 €_per hectare (ha) of UAA. Basic FLAT0 Regionalized decoupled flat-rate area payment, different for flat-rate arable land (area under potato, vegetables and perennial area payment scheme crops excluded) and for permanent grassland. Values estimated: • 289 € per ha of arable land • 243 € per ha of permanent grassland. Supplemented FLAT1 Regionalized decoupled flat-rate area payment, different for flat-rate arable land (estimated 235 €/ha) and for permanent grassland area payment scheme (estimated 198 €/ha), supplemented by coupled standard DP scheme measures: • 100% suckler cow premium and 40% of slaughter _____________________________________________premium.__________________________________________ RESULTS Aggregate income effects With respect to the baseline situation, income situation of analyzed households is estimated to improve in case of all policy scenarios (Table 2). Aggregate model results indicate that total income could on average increase by 3 to 7% and income from agriculture by 9 to 18% 42 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 86(december 2005)1. compared to base year 2001. In aggregate, standard DP policy scheme (EUo) is estimated as most income favourable, followed by basic flat-rate area payment option (FLAT0). Average total DP amount received by sample households is estimated to (almost) double, compared to base year 2001. Thus the inflow from direct payments could compensate the effects of the expected decrease of overall producer price level after the accession. Table 2: Aggregate income effects of alternative DP schemes Preglednica 2: Učinki različnih shem neposrednih plačil na dohodkovni položaj kmečkih gospodarstev (celotni vzorec) Scenario Unit 2001 EUo SAPS FLAT0 FLAT1 Budgetary support (BS) 1000 EUR 2.2 4.6 4.1 4.2 4.0 Index 2001 =100 % 100 210.8 186.2 192.6 180.4 Share of direct payments in BS % 77.4 69.7 65.7 66.8 64.6 Share of LFA payments in BS % 14.9 16.3 18.4 17.8 19.0 Share of environmental program % 7.0 14.0 15.8 15.3 16.3 payments in BS Income from agriculture (IA) 1000 EUR 7.4 8.7 8.1 8.2 8.0 Index 2001=100 % 100 117.5 110.2 112.1 108.5 Share of BS in IA % 29.8 53.5 50.4 51.3 49.6 Total income of agricultural household (TI) 1000 EUR 19.8 21.1 20.5 20.7 20.4 Index 2001=100 % 100 106.5 103.8 104.5 103.2 Share of IA in TI % 37.3 41.1 39.6 40.0 39.2 Average producer prices Index 2001=100 % 100 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Average size of sample agr. households (2001): UAA ha 11.3 Number of animals *LU 14.3 “Real” economic size, calculated from 2001 total gross margin from agriculture **rESU 10.6 *LU – livestock units; **1 rESU – 1200 euros of total gross margin from agriculture The main reason why the investigated households could benefit the most in case of EUo scenario could lie in specific structure and high intensity of their production, which both markedly differ from national average.* On average beef and milk production, favoured under standard DP scheme, contributed almost 50% of total value of agricultural production in base year 2001 (national average according to Rednak (2003) only 39% in the same year) and a half of the average total DP amount received by sample households (EUo scenario). Income effects by employment types of agricultural households Model results analyzed by employment types suggest that income situation is likely to improve after accession for all analyzed employment types compared to base year situation (Table 3). Comparing different policy scenarios all types could benefit the most in case of adoption of EUo scenario, followed by FLAT0 policy option. * Sample average in 2001: 11.3 ha of UAA and 14.3 LU (national average according to SORS (2002): 5.3 ha of UAA and 5.7 LU). Kožar, M. et al. Income situation of agricultural households ... impacts … direct payments policy options. 43 Table 3. Income effects of DP policy alternatives by employment types Preglednica 3. Učinki različnih shem neposrednih plačil na dohodkovni položaj kmečkih gospodarstev po zaposlitvenih tipih Employment type of Scenario BS IA Share of TI Share of agricultural households BS in IA IA in TI Index Index % Index % 2001 = 100 2001 = 100 2001 = 100 (1000 EUR) (1000 EUR) (1000 EUR) Full-time 2001 100 (3.37) 100 (14.10) 23.9 100 (20.79) 67.8 EUo 216.9 112.1 46.3 108.2 70.2 SAPS 180.3 103.3 41.7 102.3 68.5 FLAT0 191.1 105.9 43.2 104.0 69.0 FLAT1 172.1 101.4 40.6 100.9 68.1 Part-time 2001 100 (1.78) 100 (5.26) 33.8 100 (18.14) 29.0 EUo 238.6 129.6 62.2 108.6 34.6 SAPS 211.6 120.4 59.3 105.9 33.0 FLAT0 217.1 122.3 59.9 106.5 33.3 FLAT1 208.9 119.5 59.0 105.7 32.8 Self-employed 2001 100 (3.17) 100 (10.31) 30.8 100 (26.19) 39.4 EUo 172.8 111.7 47.6 104.6 42.0 SAPS 163.5 108.8 46.2 103.5 41.4 FLAT0 165.1 109.3 46.5 103.7 41.5 FLAT1 158.6 107.3 45.5 102.9 41.0 Non-agricultural 2001 100 (0.31) 100 (-1.35) / 100 (14.96) / EUo 159.3 / / 100.9 / SAPS 199.3 / / 101.7 / FLAT0 198.3 / / 101.7 / FLAT1 182.6 / / 101.4 / Full-time: n = 31 UAA = 17.8 ha LU = 26.7 rESU = 17.9 Part-time: n = 47 UAA = 9.8 ha LU = 12.0 rESU = 8.2 Self-employed: n = 22 UAA = 14.3 ha LU = 14.4 rESU = 14.0 Non-agricultural: n = 20 UAA = 1.8 ha LU = 0.5 rESU = 0.9 Legend (also for Table 4): from agriculture, 1 rESU – BS – Budgetary support, TI – Total income of an agricultural household, IA 1200 euros of total gross margin from agriculture, / – Not computable Income In absolute terms the income effects are estimated as most beneficial to full-time farms (all scenarios). In relative terms however, income impacts are higher on part-time farms and self-employed agricultural households (except in case of EUo scenario). This could be explained by specific production structure and higher production intensity of full-time farms. Milk production prevails in their production structure (it contributed around 40% of value of agricultural production in 2001). For milk sector we can expect a significant price decrease after the accession which could lead to income decreases. Additionally, due to high farming intensity fulltime farms are on average assumed not eligible for environmental payments, which together with other rural development payments most significantly improve post-accession income situation of production and more extensive types in terms of input use, especially part-time farms (Kožar et al., 2003). In relative terms model results reveal a marked redistribution of DP funds to the households that are in terms of production and factor use less intensive (part-time farms). This could be induced by relatively higher share of beef production (contributed around third of value of 44 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 86(december 2005)1. agricultural production in 2001) compared to full-time farms and by their lower production intensity, enabling them to participate in rural development programs. Table 4. Income effects of DP policy alternatives by total income quintiles Preglednica 4. Učinki različnih shem neposrednih plačil na dohodkovni položaj kmečkih gospodarstev po dohodkovnih skupinah Total income quintile Scenario BS IA Share of BS TI Share of IA (households ranked in IA in TI by TI in 2001) Index Index % Index % 2001 = 100 2001 = 100 2001 = 100 (1000 EUR) (1000 EUR) (1000 EUR) 1st quintile 2001 100 100 119.1 100 16.4 (max. 10 946 EUR) (1.62) (1.36) (8.30) EUo 209.7 197.8 126.3 116.0 27.9 SAPS 183.9 167.1 131.1 111.0 24.6 FLAT0 193.0 178.0 129.2 112.8 25.8 FLAT1 182.9 165.9 131.3 110.8 24.5 2nd quintile 2001 100 100 56.2 100 18.7 (10 946 – 14 896 EUR) (1.38) (2.45) (13.12) EUo 228.7 150.0 85.7 109.3 25.6 SAPS 211.5 140.3 84.7 107.5 24.4 FLAT0 220.6 145.4 85.2 108.5 25.0 FLAT1 206.7 137.6 84.4 107.0 24.0 3rd quintile 2001 100 100 39.9 100 21.8 (14 896 – 19 782 EUR) (1.49) (3.74) (17.18) EUo 224.7 131.9 68.0 106.9 26.9 SAPS 177.5 113.0 62.7 102.8 23.9 FLAT0 185.7 116.3 63.7 103.6 24.5 FLAT1 174.6 111.9 62.3 102.6 23.8 4th quintile 2001 100 100 24.6 100 45.0 (19 782 – 26 325 EUR) (2.47) (10.03) (22.29) EUo 232.9 117.0 49.0 107.7 48.9 SAPS 206.5 110.6 46.0 104.8 47.5 FLAT0 213.5 112.3 46.8 105.5 47.9 FLAT1 198.3 108.5 45.0 103.8 47.0 5th quintile 2001 100 100 21.0 100 50.7 (more than 26 325 EUR) (4.04) (19.26) (37.98) EUo 186.4 105.2 37.2 102.6 52.0 SAPS 169.3 101.6 34.9 100.8 51.1 FLAT0 172.8 102.4 35.4 101.2 51.3 FLAT1 161.7 100.0 33.9 100.0 50.7 1st quintile: n = 24 UAA = 7.9 ha LU = 7.6 rESU = 5.1 2nd quintile: n = 24 UAA = 7.7 ha LU = 8.2 rESU = 5.0 3rd quintile: n = 24 UAA = 7.9 ha LU = 10.9 rESU = 6.9 4th quintile: n = 24 UAA = 13.2 ha LU = 17.4 rESU = 13.1 5th quintile: n = 24 UAA = 19.9 ha LU = 27.6 rESU = 22.7 Income effects by total income groups Income situation of all groups (quintiles) of households, ranked by total income in year 2001, is likely to improve after the EU accession. In relative terms the income from agriculture and total income could most markedly increase for lower income groups, i.e. Q1 and Q2, whereas the relative increase for highest income group Q5 would be modest (in absolute figures this group, including production more intensive households, would benefit the most compared to other Kožar, M. et al. Income situation of agricultural households ... impacts … direct payments policy options. 45 groups). Further analyses reveal reasons for modest income effects for group Q5. This result is probably due to specific production structure (high share of beef production; around 32% of value of agricultural production in year 2001) and higher intensity in terms of production and factor use. Again, effects of redistribution of DP funds to households more extensive in terms of production and ranked in lower income groups (Q1, Q2) are clearly evident. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Post-accession income situation of analyzed agricultural households in Slovenia is estimated to improve in case of all DP policy scenarios on aggregate sample level, as well as considered by employment types and total income groups. Total income results suggest stabilizing effects of inflow from direct payments on expected drop of overall price level after the accession. Tables 2 to 4 reveal that sample agricultural households could benefit more from standard DP policy scheme than from simplified scheme (SAPS) in the immediate post-accession period (2004 to 2006). In case of CAP reform policy options (FLAT0, FLAT1) DP funds could reallocate to households less intensive in terms of production and factor use (part-time farms, lower income groups). Reasons for redistribution could partially lie in sample characteristics. Sample households are on average, as already mentioned, production and factor more intensive compared to national average (SORS, 2002; Statistical yearbook, 2002). Additionally, sample households significantly differ in structure of production (higher share of milk and beef production) and land use (lower share of permanent grassland)* from national average. Redistribution effects, depicted also in Figure 1, are undoubtedly in line with main CAP reform objectives: decoupling of direct payments, production limitation and multifunctionality enhancement (EU News…, 2003). However, at the same time they could cause delicate structural and income pressures on households that are production† and factor more intensive or have higher total income (full-time farms, highest income group). Considering its stronger income benefits compared to simplified (SAPS) scheme in terms of redistribution of DP funds, standard DP scheme proved to give more acceptable results for the majority of intensive farmers which at the same time represent an important part of farm interest groups. Considering also an additional fact that Slovenian government invested resources to establish a CAP-like DP scheme prior to the EU accession, it is understandable that standard DP scheme (Council Regulation…, 2003) was chosen for the immediate post-accession period. In respect of CAP reform implementation, model results show that transition to flat-rate area payment options (FLAT0 or FLAT1) could be riskful in terms of redistribution of DP funds. A direct switch to basic flat-rate area payment option immediately after the accession would therefore theoretically be the most preferable solution (Erjavec et al., 2004). Considering that Slovenia implemented CAP oriented DP policy prior to EU accession, the switch would deteriorate income situation of the vital portion of agricultural households (intensive, prevailing beef and milk production). At time of submitting the paper, final decision of Slovenia on CAP reform DP policy scheme was not made yet. However, different supplemented flat-rate area payment schemes were analyzed to design the one that would enable the smoothest switch to CAP reform conditions. * Sample average in 2001: permanent grassland represents 44% of total UAA (national average in 2001: 61% of total UAA). † Full-time farms contributed almost a half to the total value of agricultural products of sample households in 2001 (similarly income group Q5). 46 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 86(december 2005)1. Figure 1. Direct payments per hectare of UAA received by sample households under different post-accession policy scenarios. Slika 1. Vrednost neposrednih plačil na hektar kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi, prejetih po različnih popristopnih scenarijih. Comparison of model results illustrates some general directions of possible impacts of analyzed DP policy options on income situation of sample agricultural households. However, results should be taken with some degree of precaution. Model TIM is recommended to be upgraded in a way to enable modelling of non-agricultural income activities of agricultural households and modelling of additional aspects of DP policy options (Erjavec et al., 2004). Further, database representativeness could be improved. In this respect application of other relevant Slovenian databases, especially IACS database should be taken into consideration. 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