H. CHEN et al.: EFFECT OF ZrO2 ADDITIONS ON FABRICATION OF ZrO2/Mg COMPOSITES VIA ... 193–197 EFFECT OF ZrO 2 ADDITIONS ON FABRICATION OF ZrO 2 /Mg COMPOSITES VIA FRICTION-STIR PROCESSING VPLIV DODATKA ZrO 2 NA IZDELAVO ZrO 2 /Mg KOMPOZITOV Z VRTILNO-TORNIM POSTOPKOM Hongmei Chen 1* , Xiaowen Li 1 , Si’en Liao 1 , Jing Zhang 2 , Yunxue Jin 1 , Hongwei Cui 3 1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, no. 2, Mengxi Road, Zhenjiang 212003, China 2 School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Changxing Road, Zhangjiagang 215600, China 3 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, no. 266, West Road of Xincun, Zibo 255000, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-01-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-11-05 doi:10.17222/mit.2018.004 ZrO2/Mg composites were prepared with friction-stir processing (FSP) using different ZrO2 amounts. The effects of FSP on the microstructure, mechanical properties and damping capacities of ZrO2/Mg composites are discussed in this paper. After friction-stir processing, the central region of the stir zone of a ZrO2/Mg composite obtained fine, uniform, equiaxed crystal grains. An addition of ZrO2 can obviously refine the grains and improve the microhardness and mechanical properties of ZrO2/Mg composites. The ZrO2/Mg composites prepared with friction-stir processing have better damping capacities. During a strain-damping test, the damping behavior of ZrO2/Mg composites follows the Granato-Lücke dislocation damping theory (G-L theory). The ZrO2/Mg composites with a groove width of 0.8 mm had the best damping capacities. Keywords: ZrO 2 /Mg composites, friction-stir processing, damping capacity, G-L theory Avtorji so pripravili ZrO2/Mg kompozite z vrtilno tornim postopkom (FSP, angl.: friction stir processing) z razli~no vsebnostjo ZrO2. V ~lanku opisujejo vpliv FSP postopka na mikrostrukturo, mehanske lastnosti in sposobnost za du{enje izdelanih ZrO2/Mg kompozitov. Po izvedenem FSP postopku je v centralnem delu ZrO2/Mg kompozitov (v coni me{anja oz. vrtenja) nastalo homogeno podro~je drobnih enakoosnih kristalnih zrn. Dodatek ZrO2 je o~itno udrobnil mikrostrukturo kompozita, zvi{al mikrotrdoto in izbolj{al ostale mehanske lastnosti ZrO2/Mg kompozitov. Izdelani FSP ZrO2/Mg kompoziti imajo tudi bolj{e sposobnost du{enja. Deformacijsko-du{ilni preizkus je pokazal, da se karakteristika du{enja izdelanih ZrO2/Mg kompozitov dobro ujema z Granato–Lücke dislokacijsko teorijo du{enja (G-L teorija). Kompoziti ZrO2/Mg s {irino brazde 0,8 mm so imeli najbolj{o sposobnost du{enja. Klju~ne besede: ZrO2/Mg kompoziti, vrtilno-torni proces, sposobnost za mehansko du{enje, G-L teorija 1 INTRODUCTION Magnesium and magnesium alloys are widely used because of the advantages of their low density, high specific strength, high damping capacity, noise reduction a n ds oo n . 1–6 Pure magnesium has the best damping capacity, but poor mechanical properties, such as low hardness, low yield strength and tensile strength, which limit the range of its application. 7–8 Several efforts to improve its mechanical properties through various severe-plastic-deformation (SPD) methods have been made since 1990s. 9 On the basis of experimental evidences, it is clearly believed that SPD could lead to a significant grain refinement as well as a profound influence on the precipitation processes. 10–11 Friction-stir processing (FSP) is a solid-state SPD technique, invented by The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991. 12 The effects of FSP on the microstructural evolution and mechanical- property modification of various materials, in particular, magnesium alloys have been thoroughly investigated. 13–15 The change of the grain size and grain orientation during friction-stir processing is an important factor affecting the damping performance of magnesium alloys. Therefore, friction-stir processing provides a great possi- bility to resolve the contradiction between the mechani- cal properties and damping performance of magnesium alloys. 16–20 ZrO 2 particles have a high melting point and their doping to an alloy can inhibit the grain growth. When the alloy is plastically deformed, ZrO 2 particles are uniform- ly distributed along the grain boundaries, impeding the movement of dislocations and bending the dislocations deformed around them, promoting the formation of a concentrated deformation zone. So ZrO 2 particles can be used as a reinforcing phase to improve the hardness and elongation of a material. Liu et al. 21 added M-ZrO 2 and T-ZrO 2 particles into the AZ31 magnesium alloy to obtain ZrO 2 /Mg composites with friction-stir processing, and the microstructure and mechanical properties of the composite was studied. In this paper, ZrO 2 /Mg composites were prepared with friction-stir processing. The effects of ZrO 2 amounts on the microstructure, mechanical properties Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 2, 193–197 193 UDK 549.514:620.168:621.791 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 53(2)193(2019) *Corresponding author e-mail: hmchen@just.edu.cn and damping properties of ZrO 2 /Mg composites were investigated. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The material used in this study was the AZ31 mag- nesium alloy in the hot-rolled state with a composition of (in w/%): Al–2.54, Zn–0.943, Mn–0.332, Si–0.0165 and the Mg balance. The ZrO 2 -reinforced particles exhibit monoclinic crystals with a particle size of 20–50 nm. The base material was cut into a specimen of (300 × 160 × 4) mm. A groove with a depth of 2.5 mm and widths of (0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) mm was machined along its centerline. The shoulder diameter, pin diameter and pin height were (16.0, 4.0 and 3.8) mm, respectively. The FSP tool was rotated at 1500 min –1 in the clock-wise direction. The traverse speed was 50 mm/min. The tilted angle was 2.5°. For an optical examination, samples were sectioned, cold mounted, polished with the silicon dioxide paste with a grain size of 1 μm and finally etched in a solution of oxalic acid (2 g), nitric acid (2 mL) and distilled water (98 mL), and then examined using a ZEISS optical microscope. The microhardness of the ZrO 2 /Mg com- posites was measured with a Vickers hardness tester with a load of 100 gf for 10 s. Tensile testing was performed on a SANS CMT5205 material testing machine at a stretching rate of 2 mm/min at ambient conditions. Damping samples were machined to dimensions of (35 × 10 × 1) mm. The damping capacity was measured with a dynamic mechanical analyzer (NETZSCH DMA-242C) in the single cantilever deformation mode. For the measurements of the strain amplitude dependence of damping capacity, the range of the strain amplitude was from 1 μm to 200 μm, and the measurement frequency was 1 Hz. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Microstructures Figure 1 presents the microstructure of the central region of the stir zone. Figure 1a shows the AZ31 magnesium alloy and Figure 1b shows the ZrO 2 /Mg composite. The microstructure of the central region of the stir zone was subjected to vigorous mechanical stirring during the friction-stir process, which caused a severe plastic deformation. Coarse grains were broken, resulting in a noticeable refinement and fine, uniformly equiaxed crystal grains. The grain size of the stir zone of the AZ31 magnesium alloy was 16.91 μm and that of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites was just 10.26 μm. It can be seen that an addition of ZrO 2 can effectively reduce the grain size. This is because after an addition of ZrO 2 reinforced phase particles, the alloy grain boundaries are pinned, thus greatly limiting the grain-boundary migration and playing a significant role in the refinement of grains. 3.2 Mechanical properties Figure 2 shows the microhardness distribution along the cross-sections of a ZrO 2 /Mg composite. Figure 2a presents the microhardness test position on the cross- section of the ZrO 2 /Mg composite. The distance between the vertical and horizontal lines of a mesh unit is H. CHEN et al.: EFFECT OF ZrO2 ADDITIONS ON FABRICATION OF ZrO2/Mg COMPOSITES VIA ... 194 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 2, 193–197 Figure 2: Microhardness distribution in the friction-stir zone of a ZrO 2 /Mg composite a) microhardness test position (distance between the vertical and horizontal lines: 0.5 mm) and b) microhardness cloud map (unit of X- and Y-axes: mm) Figure 1: Metallographic microstructural comparison of the central regions of the stir zones: a) FSPed AZ31, b) FSPed ZrO 2 /Mg com- posites 0.5 mm. The intersection points are the test points for the microhardness measurement, forming a matrix of 31 × 15 points, which was plotted as the microhardness distri- bution in the Matlab software, as shown in Figure 2b. The microhardness of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites was related to the distribution of the ZrO 2 reinforced phase in the magnesium-alloy matrix. As can be seen from Fig- ure 2b, the microhardness was in a range of 75–79 HV and the fluctuation was small. However, the microhard- ness values in the boundary region of the friction zone were relatively high, more than 80 HV, indicating a large fluctuation. It can be seen that after the friction-stir pro- cessing, the organization in the central region was very uniform, while there was still a certain degree of agglo- meration in the boundary region. This is because during the friction-stir processing, the stirring force could not be involved in the boundary region, which was not the effective area of the composite material. Nevertheless, it showed that the FSPed ZrO 2 /Mg composite material was uniform and dense. The addition of ZrO 2 enhanced the tensile strength and yield strength of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites. Figure 3 shows the yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation (EL) of the FSPed AZ31 magne- sium alloy and ZrO 2 /Mg composites with groove widths of (0.6, 0.8 and 1) mm, respectively. It can be seen that the addition of ZrO 2 can effectively improve the tensile properties, exhibiting a very good enhancement effect. With an increase in the ZrO 2 amount, the tensile properties of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites first increased inconspicuously and then decreased. This was because the distribution of the ZrO 2 -rich phase was not uniform and there was a large degree of agglomeration after the friction-stir processing where the distribution of agglomerates in the AZ31 magnesium alloy matrix was also not homogeneous. When the ZrO 2 /Mg composites were subjected to tensile loads, cracks were first gene- rated around these agglomerates and they prematurely cracked. This indicated that an excessive addition of ZrO 2 cannot improve the tensile properties of ZrO 2 /Mg composites because of the agglomerates. 3.3 Damping capacity Figure 4 shows the damping-capacity dependence on the strain amplitude of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites with groove widths of (0.6, 0.8 and 1) mm, showing a typical dislocation strain/damping spectrum. The damping values Q 0 –1 ( =10 –4 ) of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites with different ZrO 2 amounts at a low strain amplitude were 0.0111, 0.0117 and 0.0101, respectively. When the damping capacity is higher than 0.01, it is generally considered that the alloy exhibits a high damping capacity. 22 Therefore, the ZrO 2 /Mg composites prepared with the friction-stir method showed a good damping performance. According to the G-L theory: 23,24 QQQ −−− =+ 1 0 11 () () H (1) Q BL f Gb 0 1 4 2 36 − = C (2) Q C C H − − = 1 1 2 exp (/ ) (3) C FL bEL 1 3 2 6 = BN C (4) C F bEL 2 = B C (5) where C 1 and C 2 are the material constants; is the dislocation density; F B is the binding force between dislocation and weak pinning points; L N and L C are the average dislocation distances between strong pinning points and weak pinning points, respectively; b is the Burgers vector; E is the elastic modulus. Taking the logarithmic transformation of Equation (2), we get Equation (6): H. CHEN et al.: EFFECT OF ZrO2 ADDITIONS ON FABRICATION OF ZrO2/Mg COMPOSITES VIA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 2, 193–197 195 Figure 3: Yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation (EL) of ZrO 2 /Mg composites with different ZrO 2 amounts Figure 4: Damping-capacity dependence on the strain amplitude of ZrO 2 /Mg composites with different ZrO 2 amounts ln( ) ln QC C H − =− 1 1 2 (6) The damping-capacity dependence on the strain amplitude of the stir zone at different ZrO 2 amounts is in good accordance with the G-L model, as shown in Fig- ure 5. It can be seen that the G-L model curves for the ZrO 2 /Mg composites with different ZrO 2 amounts follow a linear relationship. Therefore, the damping behavior of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites with different ZrO 2 amounts under a high-strain condition was consistent with the G-L theory. For further analyses, the values of C 1 and C 2 calculated in accordance with the G-L plots 25 are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Values of C 1 and C 2 according to G-L plots Contents 0.6 mm 0.8 mm 1 mm C 1 ×10 –5 10.820 6.403 6.705 C 2 ×10 –3 1.66 1.28 1.42 (C 1/C 2) 1/3 3.399 3.394 3.216 From Equations (4) and (5), the (C 1 /C 2 ) 1/3 value is proportional to L N . With an increase in the ZrO 2 amount, the (C 1 /C 2 ) 1/3 value of the ZrO 2 /Mg composites became smaller, showing that the distance from the strong pinn- ing point L N gradually became smaller, but the change was not obvious. This was because with the increase in the ZrO 2 amount, the density of the dislocations or other defects (such as grain boundary, phase boundary, etc.) in the ZrO 2 /Mg composites and the concentration density of impurity atoms on the dislocation line were increased, reducing the average dislocation distance between strong pinning points (L N ). The increase of the distance of L N was beneficial for the improvement of the high-strain damping capacity. It showed that the damping capacities of ZrO 2 /Mg composites at the high-strain amplitude decreased with the increase of ZrO 2 . Combined with the damping values at the low-strain amplitude, the ZrO 2 /Mg composites with groove widths of 0.8 mm had the best damping capacities. 4 CONCLUSIONS (1) After friction-stir processing, fine uniform equiaxed crystal grains were obtained in the central region of the stir zone of ZrO 2 /Mg composites. An addition of ZrO 2 refined the grains and improved the microhardness and mechanical properties of ZrO 2 /Mg composite samples. (2) The ZrO 2 /Mg composite samples prepared with friction-stir processing had better damping capacities. In the strain-damping test, the damping behavior of ZrO 2 /Mg composites followed the G-L theory. The ZrO 2 /Mg composites with groove widths of 0.8 mm had the best damping capacities. 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