ON THE CAVITY OPTIMIZATION OF THE PHOTOREFRACTIVE BISTABLE ETALON Tomislav A. Dzhekov Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, R. of Macedonia Keywords: optical devices, resonator cavities, Fab^-Perot interferometer, photorefractive bistabiiity, pinotorefractive bistable etalons intrinsic 'pfpSChin^nrc^s - -^^v optimLS?::; ^^^ ' s Of a study on the problem of bistable cavity optimization (on transmission and on reflection) for ^^PH ir Tr % 'Tf reflectivities, are presented. Three different optimization conditions have been considered (fixed fin^se fixed end-face reflectivity and fixed absorption per pass). Special attention has been given to the case of high finesse cavity. Optimizacija votline bistabilnega fotorefraktivnega etalona optične, votline resonatorske, Fab^-Perot interferometri, bistabilnost fotorefraktivna, etaloni fotorefral Intensity reflectivity of the faces Linear absorption coefficient Cavity length 1 - e'"*^ (absorption per pass) e""*^ EE 1-A (absorption per pass complement) Re'""^ = RB (effective intensity reflectivity) 4Ra/(1-Ra)^ = 4RB/(1-RB)2 / 2 = uRa'^' / (1 -Ra) (cavity finesse) In terms of these parameters, the critical intensity (Ic), the transmission difference (To) and the reflection difference (Rd) are given by /6, 9/: (1) ßH where ß = Sna / is a constant which contains all the relevant material properties, and 16TC ^/2 (1-R){l-e-^^)(1 + R„.) H(F) (1-Ra (2) with H(F) = j(F + 2)[(F + 2)' + - (F + 2)' - 2F 1/2 G(F) = 3(F + 2)-[(F + 2) +8F' is a figure of merit for the cavity design, Td- 1-R^ e 2/„-ad (3) Rd=- 4 Re-"''(1-R) 2 (4) B=1 and R = 1, except at the point P at which it becomes unlimited. On the other hand, Td and Rd are asymmetrical functions with respect to R=B. They are both equal to zero along B=0, R=0 and R=1 and equal to 4R / (H-R)2 at B =1. Along the diagonal OP, Td increases from zero to 1 /4, whereas Rd - from zero to 3/4. The point P is a singular point for these functions. Fig. 1. Domain of definition of |i, Td and Rd In the limit of high finesse (i.e., small A=1-B and small 1-R) is: (1-R + 1-B) »1 (5) and expressions (2), (3) and (4) reduce to: IXB- (1-R)(1-B) 2 (1-R + 1-B)' (1-Rf Tn = Rd = ° (1-R + 1-Bf (1-R)[1-R + 2(1-B) (1-R + 1-B) (6) (7) (8) As can be seen, Td and Rd can be considered as functions of two variables - the mirrors' reflectivity R and the absorption per pass complement B = 1-A=e-«°. These functions are physically meaningful only within the domain 0. / Ra= RB = {[1 + (n / - n / 20 Minimized parameter Ic Location of the minimum Kp - ^op = K 1/2 UTd (optimization on transmission) 1/2 B R. op(t) ^op(l) Ic/Rd (optimization on reflection) R ■op(r) -2 P 1/2 cos — arccos 3 P 3/2 + P 1/2 COS K -- arccos 3 9 3/2 P ) + for q 0 B = op(r) jrj R. op(r) where: q =-----^-^ 4- and p ■ 216 24 2 ^ 36 F^op - Bop - f^o In accordance with (1), (2), (3) and (4), minimizations of Ic/Td and Ic/Rd for given finesse are equivalent to location of the maxima of the functions ft = (1-R)® B(1-B) andfr = (1-R)2 (1-B)(1-RaB) along the curve RB = Ra = const., respectively. Table 1 presents the required solutions. For completeness, the case of minimization of Ic is also included. Graphical presentations of these solutions are given in Fig. 2. Ro =Ra and Bo =1 are the pairs of values of R and B which for given finesse maximize To and Rd (the maximal value of To and Rd for given finesse is 4Ra / (1 +Ra)^). As one can see, cavity optimization on transmission requires considerably smaller values for R, and, therefore, larger values for B (thinner etalon), than are the values that minimize the critical intensity. The values of R for cavity optimization on reflection are larger then for cavity optimization on transmission, but, still smaller than the ones that minimize the critical intensity. For the special case of high finesse cavity, relations given in Table 1 reduce to those in Table 2. fiq Rop,Bop Rop(t) Bop(l) Rop(r) Bop(r) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8 25.6 51.2 0 Fig. 2. Pairs of optimal values of R and B, for given finesse O. Rop and Bop, Rop(t) and Bop(t), and Rop(r) and Sopw correspond to minimization of Ic, Ic/Td and Ic/Rd, respectively. Table 2. (high finesse cavity) Optimal values of R and B for given finesse <5. Minimized parameter Location of the minimum Ic UTo R. 3(1 B op(t) R op{l) 4 URd R {i - vT?) + 32(1 + - (7 - Vn) op(r) B. R. 2(1 + Vn) 1 + V17 1- 9 + V17 op{r) R op{r) 9 + Jri (i-K) To show that cavity optimization based on minimization of Ic/Td or on minimization of Ic/Rd could be advantageous or more acceptable than cavity optimization based on minimization of Ic, it is useful to calculate the values of Ic, To and Rd for each of the three cases. Such calculations have been done for a high finesse cavity, Table 3. Comparing the presented values, we note that a cavity optimized for a minimum Ic/Td is characterized by a 2.25 times larger transmission difference than a cavity optimized for a minimum ic, and that this is paid by an 33% increase in the required holding power (critical intensity). Also, the optimization for a minimum Ic/Rd offers a 13% larger reflection difference for a 5% increase in the holding power, as compared to cavity optimization for minimum Ic- We also note that in each case Rd is considerably larger than Td. This clearly indicates that the reflection mode of operation can prove to be better suited for device purposes. Table 3. Critical intensity, transmission difference and reflection difference of an optimized high finesse cavity (optimization for given finesse)* Optimization criteria Ic Td Rd Ic/Td Ic/Rd minimum Ic 4.000(1 1/4 3/4 16.000 {l-Ra)Co ^5.333(l-RJCo minimum Ic/Td 9/16 15/16 «5MS(l-RcJCo minimum Ic/Rd «4.202(1 «0.372 «0.848 «I1.296(l-i?«jC, ^.955(l-RJCo is a constant which depends on the properties of the medium. B. Cavity optimization for given absorption per pass In accordance with (1), (2), (3) and (4), minimizations of Ic, Ic/Td and Ic/Rd for given absorption per pass A = 1 -B are equivalent to solving the equations / 3R = 0 and 3(|j,Rd) / 3R = 0, respectively. The results will be of the form R'op = R'op(B), R'op(t) = R'op{t)(B), and R'op{r) = R'op(r)(B), respectively, where R'op, R'op(t) and R'op(r) are the required optimal values of R. Because of the very complex dependence of )i on R and B (note that H(F) and G(F) are functions of R and B!), it is clear that analytical solutions of these equations are not possible. In Fig. 3, we present the solutions obtained by numerical methods. R'to and RVo are the of values of R which for given finesse maximize To and Rd, respectively. As expected, cavity optimization on transmission for given absorption per pass will lead to smaller values for R than cavity optimization on reflection. For B=i>0, R'op, R'op(t) and R'op(r) assume the values 1/2, 2/5 and 1/2, respec- 1 - 0.9 - 0.8 0.7 - jy^ ^^ Ji * ' 0.6 - -rjK- -X X 0.3 - 0.2 -- ; j . -X- - K - - x . -X- - x- Fig. 3. B Optimal vaiues of R for given B. R'op, R'op(t) andR'op(r) correspond to minimizations ofic, Ic/Td and Ic/Rd, respectively. tively, as obtained theoretically. For B=>0, R'op, R'op(t) and R'op(r) approach unity. The case of high finesse cavity allows analytical treatment. The corresponding expressions of R'op, R'op(t) and R'op(r), obtained by using (6), (7) and (8), are given in Table 4. Table 5 presents the calculated values of Ic, To and Rd for high finesse cavities, optimized for minimum Ic, for minimum Ic/Td or for minimum Iq/Rd. Table 4. (high finesse cavity) Optimal values of R for given B. minimized parameter Location of the minimum Ic R' -1 K2 IJTD URd C. Cavity optimization for given end-face reflectivity Minimizations of Ic, Ic/Td and Ic/Rd for given end-face reflectivity R are equivalent to solving the equations a|i/8B=0, f:)(|iTD)/aB=0 and a(|aRD)/r:)B=0, respectively. The results are of the form B'op=B'op(R), B'op(t) = B'op(t)(R), and B'op(r) = B'op(r)(R), respectively, where B'op, B'op(t) and B'op(r) are the required optimal values of B. As in the previous case, analytical solutions Table 5. Critical intensity, transmission difference and reflection difference of an optimized high finesse cavity (optimization forgiven B= 1-A) Optimization criteria Ic Td Rd Ic/Td Ic/Rd minimum Ic 6.750(l-B)Co «0.111 «0.555 «60.756 (1-5;C„ «12.151(1-5;C„ minimum Ic/Td 0.360 0.840 «28.444(1 «12.405 {l-B)Co minimum Ic/Rd «7.452(1 «0.211 0.740 «35.318(1 «10.070(1-5;C„ of these equations are not possible. In Fig. 4, we present the results obtained by numerical methods. B'o=1 presents the values of B which, for given R, maximize To and Rd. As expected, for given end-face reflectivity R, the optimal values of B for minimum Ic/Td are larger (thinner cavity is required) than are the optimum values B for minimum Ic or for minimum Ic/Rd. One can show analytically, that for R=»0, B'op, B'op(t) and B'op(r) approach 1/2, 3/4 and 2/3, respectively. Table 6. (high finesse cavity) Optimal values of B for given R. R Fig. 4. Optimal values of B for given R, B'op, ß'op{t) and B 'op(r) correspond to minimizations of Ic, Ic/Td and Ic/Rd, respectively. It is easy to show, by using (6), (7) and (8), that for the case of high finesse cavity B'op=B'op(R), B'op{t)=B'op(t)(R), and B'op(r) = B'op(r)(R) reduce to the simple expressions given in Table 6. Table 7 presents the calculated values of Ic, To and Rd for a high finesse cavity, optimized for minimum Ic, for minimum Ic/Td or for minimum Ic/Rd. Minimized parameter Location of the minimum Ic 2 Ic/To ß -1 ^opi,) - 1 4 Ic/Rd o . , ! - R 4. CONCLUSIONS We have been able within the limitations of the plane-wave approximation to give criteria for optimizing the design of a refractive nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon in the presence of linear absorption for minimum critical intensity, minimum critical intensity - transmission difference ratio or minimum critical intensity - reflection difference ratio. Three optimization conditions have been considered: fixed finesse, fixed absorption per pass and fixed end-face reflectivity. 5. REFERENCES /1/ H. M, Gibbs, S. L McCall and T. N. C, Vgncatesan, "Differential gain and bistability using a sodium-filled Fabry-Perot interferometer", Physical Review Letters, 36, 1135-1138 (1976). /2/ J. H. Marburger and F. S. Falber, "Theory of lossless nonlinear Fabry-Perot interferometer", Physical Review, A-17, 335-342 (1978) /31 H. M. Gibbs, S. L. McCall, T. N. C. Vencatesan, A. 0. Gossard, A. Passner and W. 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