B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools CONSOLIDATION ANALYSIS OF CLAYEY SOILS USING ANALYTICAL TOOLS ANALIZA KONSOLIDACIJE GLINASTIH TAL S POMOČJO ANALITIČNIH ORODIJ Barttomiej Szczepan Olek Tadeusz Kosciuszko University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krakow, Poland E-mail: bartlomolek@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.18690/actageotechslov.15.2.58-73.2018 Keywords consolidation; clay; filtration; coefficient of consolidation; optimization Ključne besede konsolidacija; glina; filtracija; koeficient konsolidacije; optimizacija Abstract The uncoupled Terzaghi consolidation equation (excess pore pressure only) is widely used to predict the rate and magnitude of settlements in clayey soils. The theoretical solution is based on the approach of considering the soil permeability and compressibility as one parameter obtained by experimental methods - the coefficient of consolidation cv. This article presents two analytical tools that allow us to determine the consolidation coefficient, which is independent of a single measurement point and represents the consolidation behavior for the significant progress of settlements. The presented methods were based on the process of optimizing the coefficient of consolidation value and the quasi-constant approach, which assumes the identification of a quasi-filtration consolidation phase using the log cv - U relationship. To assess the validity of each method, the experimental results were compared to the theoretical solution and quantified using a new statistical parameter dn. Izvleček Nevezana Terzaghija enačba vertikalne konsolidacije (upoštevan samo porni nadtlak) se pogosto uporablja za napovedovanje hitrosti in velikosti pomikov v glinastih tleh. Teoretična rešitev temelji na pristopu upoštevanja prepustnosti tal in stisljivosti v enem parametru, pridobljenem z eksperimentalnimi metodami - koeficient vertikalne konsolidacijske cv. F članku sta prikazani analitični orodji, ki omogočata določitev koeficienta vertikalne konsolidacije, ki je neodvisen od posamezne merilne točke in opisuje konsolidacijsko vedenje za značilen časovni razvoj posedkov. Predstavljene metode temeljijo na procesu optimizacije vrednosti koeficienta vertikalne konsolidacijske in kvazi - konstantnega pristopa, ki predpostavlja identifikacijo faze kvazifiltracijske konsolidacije z uporabo relacije log cv - U. Veljavnost obeh metod smo ocenili s primerjavo eksperimentalnih rezultatov in teoretičnih rešitev ter kvantitativno ovrednoteli z uporabo novega statističnega parametra dn. DOI 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools 1 INTRODUCTION Studying the properties of geomaterials is one of the basic aspects involved in predicting the soil-structure interaction and planning any soil-strengthening modifications. Geomaterials include all the natural, processed or produced and improved materials used in geotechnical applications. Natural geomaterials are mainly soils and rocks, as well as mixed material behaving as a transient between soil and rock. Natural soils, especially soft clays, muds and expansive soils, can be problematic and may cause a potential threat to a construction. During the design of foundations and embankments on clayey soil, it is crucial to predict the magnitude and rate of settlements. The accuracy of predictions in the design stage depends on the input value of the coefficient of consolidation cv. A correct assessment of the real values of this parameter and the impact of the factors influencing it is a difficult problem. It has been a serious challenge for researchers and has not yet been fully resolved. The consolidation process is a combination of two phenomena: permeability, which controls the rate at which water is removed from the pore space (and thus the rate of the settlement at any time) and compressibility, which controls the evolution of the distribution of excess pore-water pressure (and thus the duration of the consolidation process). The widely used Terzaghi theory is based on a linear stress-strain relationship and constant permeability. Theoretical solutions were based on a consideration of all the soil properties as one parameter - the coefficient of consolidation cv, obtained with experimental methods ([1]). Over the past 50 years, difficult and time-consuming attempts have been made to develop appropriate methodologies and interpretations of consolidation tests. The valuable material refers to the studies on the standardization of time-compression data analysis and can be found in ([2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]). The achievements of the above-mentioned researchers relate to the commonly accepted Terzaghi theory and could be used for a uniform, initial, pore-pressure distribution. Solutions for a non-uniform and sinusoidal initial pore-pressure distribution can be found in Lovisa et al. [13] and Lovisa and Sivakugan [14], respectively. The existing methods for calculating the consolidation coefficient were collected in Table 1, where the experimental and theoretical relations considered during the analysis were included as well as the individual expressions for the coefficient of consolidation. The realistic application of Terzaghi's theory for determining the consolidation coefficient assumes the identification of a primary consolidation range. This recognition can be conducted by the fitting procedure of the theoretical relationship between different variations of the degree of consolidation and the dimensionless time factor U - Tv to the measured deformation with time or the pore-water pressure dissipation. This kind of procedure is carried out on the basis of the similarity between the observed and theoretical curves, which can be presented and interpreted in various ways. Consolidation coefficients determined on the basis of fitting procedures are characterized by a large dispersion, which results from choosing different reference points on the experimental curve and a different way of determining the start and the end of the primary consolidation. Cohesive soils are variable due to the nature of their formation (genesis) and the impact of environmental processes. Recognizing the coefficient of consolidation as a constant parameter is the main disadvantage of Terzaghi's conventional theory. It is known that the consolidation properties of the soil should be treated in an independent manner, and considering them as one coefficient makes it difficult to relate the experimental course of the process with the theoretical solution. The main goal of the work was to develop a reliable interpretation tool for consolidation studies based on the optimization procedure. Special attention was paid to the secondary consolidation effect on the filtration nature of the process and on the relative duration of the quasi-filtration consolidation phase. During the analysis, three basic assumptions resulting from Terzaghi's theory were examined: (i) the quasi-constant consolidation coefficient; (ii) the convergence between the theoretical and the experimental course of the consolidation curves; and (iii) parallelism in the course of the curves of the pore-pressure dissipation and deformation. This paper examines those aspects based on an analysis of the consolidation data with settlement and pore-water pressure measurements during the consolidation using a Barden-Rowe hydraulic consolidometer. Tests conducted on various soils with different liquid and plastic limits have been evaluated and the coefficient of consolidation has been determined. Two methods for computing the coefficient of consolidation were presented in the study. 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools Table 1. Comparison of existing methods for determining the coefficient of consolidation. Method Experimental relation Expression Form of the theoretical curve Reference Metoda log t S - log t Q,196H2 Casagrande & Fadum [15] Metoda Vt Slope method S - Vt S - Vt Q,848H2 2 cv 4 \ ^EQP j H2 Taylor [16] Al.-Zoubi ([17], [18]) Rectangular hyperbola method t/S - t c = Q.24 MH2 Sridharan et al. [4] Logarithmic method log S - log t (n / 4)H2 Sridharan & Prakash [6] Inflection point method Early stage method S - log t S - log t Q.4Q5H2 t Q.Q385H2 t Mesri & Feng [19] Robinson & Allam [2Q] SRS method dS/dt - S m1H 2,468 Al-Zoubi [21] S-dS/dt method S - dS/dt c = — 4H2 Tewatia et al. [1Q] S-log dS/dt method S - log dS/dt Q.2566v ,,2 U - log dU/dTv a** Tewatia et al. [1Q] Velocity method / log dS/dt - log t Improved velocity Q.793H2 Parkin [22] Pandian et al. [23] One point method logío(H2/t) - U TH2 c =—- v t. Sridharan et al. [24] logmUP/tT-U c 2 c =- v s 5Q 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools 2 PRINCIPLES OF TERZAGHI'S CONSOLIDATION THEORY u = - for T & 0.197(U < 50%) (6) The one-dimensional differential equation that governs the consolidation and pore-water-pressure dissipation process is expressed as follows: du d2u , N = TT dt dz where t is the time variable, u is the pore-water pressure, and z is the depth below the top of the soil layer. By introducing the dimensionless variables: Z = Z (2) H V ; and ^ c t T = "r v H (3) equation (1) is as follows: du _ dju_ dT ~ Cv ~dŽ2 c^—2 (4) The dimensionless time factor Tv defined by equation (3) is related to the average degree of consolidation U, which determines the progress of the process. The solution to equation (4) for the initial uniform excess pore-water pressure inside the soil layer is given by: m=ta i U = 1-Y—, to m 2 (5) The theoretical velocity of consolidation U=dU/dt is a product of the differentiation of the relationship between U and Tv with respect to Tv. Depending on the degree of consolidation, the following approximations can be used: U = 2e~[ v ' for Tv > 0.197(U > 50%) (7) 3 COURSE OF CONSOLIDATION_ Considering one-dimensional strain, volume changes are caused by the initial or immediate compression, the primary consolidation, and the secondary (rheological) consolidation. It should be noted that rheological conditions depend on the soil skeleton's susceptibility to plastic deformations. The progress of the consolidation process is assessed on the basis of pore-pressure dissipation or the relative settlement of the consolidated layer (Fig. 1). The initial compression occurs almost immediately after the load application due to the expulsion and compression of air in the voids. Primary consolidation is a time-dependent deformation caused by the excess of pore water pressure. Tewatia et al. [21] separated three phases of this deformation using the relationship between the compression and the compression rate. The first primary phase is characterized by the smallest impact of secondary consolidation effects and the calculated values of the coefficient of consolidation are the highest. After that the transition from first primary to second primary phase occurs. The second primary phase in many soils is characterized by a constant coefficient of consolidation value for a considerable percentage of the total settlement. Olek and Wozniak [22] separated this phase using the criterion of a quasi-constant value of the coefficient of consolidation and the relationship between the degree of consolidation and the coefficient of consolidation. As the s. 100 80 S a w to s a. S? £ 60 40 20 Settlement -curve • c. •••• o o 0 0 o Pore pressure curve 0 N. o \ » 27,5 27 "g" £ 26,5 3. 26 25,5 25 24,5 24 10 100000 100 1000 10000 Consolidation time, log t[s] Figure 1. Typical experimental course of consolidation for clayey soil. 1000000 -c ■c t to CO 1 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools consolidation progresses, the impact of the soil's secondary consolidation increases. The transient behaviour is characterized by obtaining different temporary values of cv. The deformations in this phase result from both the pore pressure dissipation and the elasto-plastic nature of the soil skeleton's compression. The last phase is a pure creep, time-dependent deformation under a virtually constant effective stress. It should be noted that not all the phases are observed in all the soils. The pore pressure dissipation curve is characteristic. In research practice, the mobilization delay characterized by an increase in the pore pressure is usually observed. Dobak and Paj^k [23] indicated some soil properties (particle size distribution, nature of micro-pore connections, content of minerals prone to swelling) that determine the delay of the load transfer on the liquid phase. The character of the pore pressure increases and reaches its stabilized maximum value Ub,max. As the pore pressure is mobilized, the larger but not fully developed influence of the limited permeability of soil causes a delay in the deformation. It can also be seen that the volume of the soil is temporarily reduced after loading due to compression or releasing gases from the sample. The courses of the uniaxial strains and the pore-pressure dissipation do not usually overlap. Regarding the theoretical assumptions, changes in the voids ratio e are not proportional to the changes in the effective stress, and the compressibility and permeability parameters for a relatively high stress applied, decrease during the consolidation process. The explanation of the above can be made on the basis of three definitions of the degree of consolidation, referring to excess pore water pressure, changes in the effective stress and changes in the strain. Comparing them with each other, some irregularities can be encountered. Terzaghi's theory assumes that the change in the effective stress is almost linearly dependent on the deformation or change in the voids ratio. However, this is not correct, because this change is proportional to the change in the logarithm of the effective stress. During the consolidation process, the thickness of the loaded soil layer decreases due to the decrease in the voids ratio. The corresponding settlement of the layer at any time is expressed as a percentage of the total settlement and is called the average degree of consolidation Uavg. The average degree of consolidation can be expressed as follows: fz=2ff fZ=2H , , \ , I udz I (Ac- u )dz U„„ = 1 -= -^-----(8) 2H x un 2H xAct' where H refers to the layer thickness, u0 is the initial excess pore water pressure caused by the load applica- tion. The consolidation process can be considered as completed when the total excess pore water pressure is dispersed due to the load increase. However, because of the absence of a linear relationship between the changes in the pore pressure and the voids ratio, the average degree of consolidation over time calculated on the basis of the pore water pressure measurements Uu is not r r avg equal to the average degree of consolidation determined on the basis of the registration of settlements . This can be expressed as follows: U" * U avg avg and 1 - f2 Jo udz * 1 - f2 o (9) s, dz 2H x(Act') f o (1o) s,=Jz 4 RELIABILITY OF THE CONSOLIDATION ANALYSIS_ In this section the two methods for determining the coefficient of consolidation are briefly described together with preliminary studies of the usefulness of the considered solutions. 4.1 Optimisation method for the coefficient of consolidation and the convergence criteria Using Terzaghi's model to describe the consolidation process has certain consequences. The course of the consolidation caused by the flow of water through the soil is determined by a set of curves. A fixed value of the consolidation coefficient is assigned to each curve. The compatibility between the experimental data and the theoretical solution can be the criterion for compliance with Terzaghi's model. In this study, the theoretical characteristics of the consolidation progress with the smallest possible discrepancy were assessed using the statistical parameter dn: ^ U . -U'.\ y J-Lx w . U n-l d. =-^- (11) Zw . n,i w .=- U'.- U'. , n,i-1 U'.+1 - U'. n,i+1 n,i (12) where Un i is an experimental consolidation degree, U*n. is a consolidation degree calculated for a theoretical solution on the basis of the modified dimensionless time factor Tvmod and wn i is a range around each theoretical point U*ni characterizing the dispersion. In Figure 2 a graphical presentation of this approach is shown, where the dashed line refers to the experimental course and the 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools continuous line to the theoretical one. The best-fitted model curve with the corresponding consolidation coefficient is the one for which the dn parameter is the smallest. The use of a particular type of weighted average allowed us to determine accurately the representation of individual measurements under changing axial deformation or the speed of the pore water pressure dissipation conditions, taking into consideration the real environment of each point. A similar comparison of the consolidation was conducted by Mikasa and Takada [24] based on the curve-rule method, Lovisa, Sivakugan & Read [25] using the variance method and Sebai & Belkacemi [26] using a probabilistic method and a minimization of the sum of the squared residual (SSR). In the second and third approaches, the authors applied ranges of probable values for d0, d1Qo and cv. U* U* v.. u* _____ \ \\ \ \ \ "3 I 0.4 0,6 0,8 1000 10000 Consolidation time , t [s] S ■3; 0,2 OA 0,6 o,s C c, = 1.56E-08 c,„= 1.54E-08 Sample S1 1 = 0 - Expertn — — Theore — — Theore mental curve tical curve (c„) ical curve (c,J Consolidation time , t fs] Figure 6. Consolidation behaviour of reconstituted clay paste with and without additional sand content: A) predominance of the rheological factor over the filtration factor; B) predominance of the filtration factor over the rheological factor; and C) similar course of consolidation in terms of filtration and creep factors. 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools pore water pressure. The assumed presence of the sand fraction influenced the extension of the quasi-filtration phase and the reduction of the secondary consolidation phase, which can be seen in the U - t, log10(H2/t) - U and log cv - U diagrams. The range of the separated phase is in the highest compliance with the theoretical model in the case of the SI and S2 samples, i.e., 70% and 69%, Table 3. Results of consolidation parameters' interpretation obtained with the Quasi- constant, Optimisation and Casa- cv [m2/s] Course parameters Sample Strain q-c Pore pressure q-c Optimisation Log t n dn,min S1 1.56-08 1.54-08 1.56-08 1.82-08 0.033 0.0032 S2 1.60-08 1.49-08 1.61-08 1.85-08 0.073 0.0030 C1 1.27-08 8.00-09 1.28-08 1.46-08 0.59 0.0038 C2 1.31-08 2.20-08 1.31-08 1.36-08 -0.40 0.0034 respectively. Table 3 presents the consolidation parameters obtained from the current analysis. 6.2 Comparison of the Optimisation, Quasi-constant, Taylor, and Casagrande methods in terms of cv and dn The selected experimental consolidation courses together with the best-fitting model curve obtained for a reconstituted clay (study no 5) and for an organic soil (study no. 6) are shown in Figures 7 and 8, respectively. For each of the load increments the experimental U - Tv data was plotted against the theoretical curve from which the dn parameter was calculated. Both example sets of U - Tv curves demonstrate the high quality of the fit associated with the dn parameter, irrespective of the physical properties of the tested soils. It can be observed that the secondary consolidation essentially starts around U = 60% for the clay samples and U = 40-60 % for the organic soil samples. It indicates that the inves- qj 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 ^ Consolidation time, t [s] Figure 7. Experimental consolidation courses versus the best-fitting model curves for reconstituted clay. 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools tigated organic soil is prone to significant secondary deformations. It was found by the optimization method that Terzaghi's consolidation model is able to capture a slight range of the total deformation. This is mainly due to the postulation that the consolidation process is regarded as purely filtration [32]. Figs 7-8 show that the greater is the discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical curves, the greater is the presence of secondary consolidation. The coefficient of consolidation for the clay sample computed using Eq. (6) and (7) and those obtained using the Taylor (t1/2 ) and Casagrande (log t) methods with reference to the dn parameter are shown in Figure 9. The optimal cv value of each curve was determined based on the lowest value of the dn parameter. This value represented the best agreement between the experimental and theoretical curves. The results of the analysis for clay and organic soil in Tables 4-5 showed that the accuracy of the determined cv with the quasi-constant method in relation to the best analytical solution increases together with the rise of the consolidation load. The cqv values were slightly higher than those determined on the basis of the optimization. However, the largest discrepancies were observed for loads of 25 and 50 kPa. Nevertheless, both methods are characterized by good compliance and the cv values correspond with each other. Using the optimization method, the value of cv changed, which refers to the distance from the theoretical curves imposed on the experimental curve, which should be chosen very carefully. In turn, in the quasi-constant method, a very precise distinction of the quasi-filtration phase for which the value of cv will be calculated is crucial. Making mistakes at this stage of the analysis could result either in an inadequate shape of the dn - cv curve as well as in a lack of assumed linearity of part of the cv - U curve. The lowest values of the dn parameter were obtained for the optimization method and the quasi-constant method. The highest values were Figure 8. Experimental consolidation courses versus the best-fitting model curves for organic soil. 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools Figure 9. Coefficient of consolidation for all increments by various methods with reference to the changes of the dn parameter. The optimal values of the coefficient of consolidation related to the lowest dn parameter are marked with red crosses. Table 4. Consolidation parameters for the reconstituted clay obtained from the interpretation of the consolidation tests using the quasi-constant approach, the optimization method, the log(i) method the and i1/2method. Load Quasi-constant Method Optimization Method log(i) Method i1/2 Method cv x10-8 m2/s 11.5 10.4 17.3 26.3 25 dn,min 0.0011 0.0010 0.0035 0.0070 Ueop % 69.1 69.3 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 10.4 9.60 15.1 22.1 50 dn,min 0.0013 0.0011 0.0034 0.0067 Ueop % 70.7 72.1 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 6.73 6.60 9.86 13.3 75 dn,min 0.0005 0.0005 0.0021 0.0040 Ueop % 61.0 62.0 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 1.89 1.85 4.88 9.47 100 dn,min 0.0005 0.0004 0.0052 0.0099 Ueop % 58.0 59.8 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 1.67 1.65 2.0 7.8 125 dn,min 0.0011 0.0011 0.0012 0.0078 Ueop % 51.0 51.0 - - 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools Table 5. Consolidation parameters for the organic soil obtained from an interpretation of the consolidation tests using the quasi-constant approach, the optimization method, the log(t) method the and t1/2method. Load Quasi-constant Method Optimization Method log(t) Method t1/2 Method cv x10-8 m2/s 11.39 11.40 11.60 8.40 25 dn,min 0.0011 0.00054 0.0035 0.0070 Ueop % 61.0 61.0 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 18.90 19.50 24.00 17.00 50 dn,min 0.0013 0.00093 0.0034 0.0067 Ueop % 70.7 40.0 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 6.73 13.00 15.50 10.50 75 dn,min 0.0005 0.0005 0.0021 0.0040 Ueop % 61.0 62.0 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 9.66 9.53 9.89 8.00 100 dn,min 0.0005 0.0010 0.0052 0.0099 Ueop % 58.0 43.0 - - cv x10-8 m2/s 8.48 9.50 9.21 7.50 125 dn,min 0.0011 0.0011 0.0012 0.0078 Ueop % 51.0 51.0 - - obtained with the t1/2 method, indicating a significant discrepancy between the laboratory measurements and the theoretical fitting. For individual load levels, the conformity of the calculated cv for the three methods was obtained only in one case. For the load of 125 kPa on the basis of the optimization method, the quasi-constant and log(t) methods, the dnmin values were calculated as 0.0011, 0.0011 and 0.0012, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the case of the organic soil. The cv values of the reconstituted clay obtained using the log t method and the t1/2 method were significantly higher than those determined on the basis of the optimization and the quasi-constant approaches. The differences between those two methods and the optimisation method are discussed using the obtained ratios of the cv values. This method is often adopted in geotechnical practice and was used, among others, in the works of Sridharan and Prakash [6], Robinson [8], Al - Zoubi [17] and Cortellazzo [33]. The first and second ratios compare the cv values determined using log t and t1/2 methods with those determined using the optimisation method. The cv values determined using the log t and t1/2 methods were approximately 1.5 to 2.7 and 2 to 5 times higher than those obtained with the optimization method, respectively. The third relation compared the log t and t1/2 methods and was calculated as from 1.5 to 4. This regularity is confirmed by previous analyses carried out for various clay soils by Sridharan et al. [20], Feng and Lee [27], Chan [34] and Shukla et al. [35]. In the case of the organic soil the cv values obtained using the log t method were significantly higher and using the t1/2 method were significantly lower than those determined on the basis of the optimization and the quasi-constant approaches. The cv values determined using the log t method were approximately 1.0 to 1.3 times higher than those obtained from the optimization method. The cv values determined by the t1/2 method were approximately 0.6 to 0.9 times lower than those obtained from the optimization method. The ratio compares the cv values determined using the log t method with those determined using the t1/2 method, which were always higher than 1.0 and lower than 2.0. Figure 10. Comparison of cv - ac curves obtained for different load steps. 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/2 B. S. Olek: Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools Figure 10 illustrates the values of the coefficient of consolidation obtained for different load steps. A downward trend of the cv-a'c relationship was observed in the case of the reconstituted clay for all four methods and was the largest for the t1/2 method. The shapes of the calculated cv-o curves for the organic soil were generally similar. It is also evident from Fig. 10 that a drastic decrease in the cv-o curve appeared near the vertical yield stress dvy. 7 CONCLUSIONS_ Mathematical modelling, including a comparison of the experimental data with the sets of theoretical solutions, is a promising interpretation approach in consolidation studies. Terzaghi's consolidation theory does not take into account both the initial and secondary effects, hence the cv values are dependent upon the theoretical solution and refer to the primary consolidation only. Analytical tools made it possible to determine the coefficient of consolidation cv with the smallest value of the statistical dn parameter that led to the best fitting of the laboratory data. In this study the dn parameter was identified as an error function between the experimental and theoretical solutions. The optimization method based on the process of minimizing this function can be implemented in computer spreadsheet programs that are commonly used in various geotechnical applications. Furthermore, the dn error calculated between the experimental and theoretical degree of consolidation was generally quite low, and always less than the error associated with the log t and t1/2 cv values. The optimization method was also used to assess the reliability of the results of the quasi-constant method. Using the log cv - U relationship, the variability of the coefficient of consolidation in relation to the entire experimental course of consolidation was examined. The analysis of the relationship between the coefficient of consolidation and the degree of consolidation showed the presence of a region with semi-established cv values. Based on the results of oedometer tests on various soils, the cv values estimated by the quasi-constant approach were in good agreement with those obtained from the optimization method. The coefficient of consolidation determined by the graphic methods, e.g., log t and t1/2, is highly variable, due to the assumption of different reference points on the experimental curve. In the case of reconstituted clay the t1/2 method gave higher cv values and higher dn values than those obtained from both of the presented methods and the log t method. In the case of the organic soil the t1/2 method gave lower cv values than those obtained from both the presented methods and the log t method. In general, the values of cv calculated using the log t method were greater than those determined using other methods. 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