ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1965 VOLUME 37 S.W.U. PILGRIMS BEFORE ST. PETER’S BASILICA IN ROl ZARJA - THE DAWN i Published monthly izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription S2.00 Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWII members SI.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher-. ZARJA, 10.17 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class mutter November 13. 1046, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24. 1912. fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. 1 'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII — No. 1 APRIL, 1965 LETO XXXVII — ŠT. 4 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14. 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUI Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PR1SLAND, Sheboygan, Wis * 5 }S * HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 204S W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor- ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor— FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director of Women's Sports Activities: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland. 28, O. Managing Editor—COR INN E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. lnkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. S'CIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St, West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR • * • Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TUREK, ALBINA NOVAK ♦ * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Apr. 10-11 Midwest Bowling Tourney, Virginia, Minn. April 11 Palm Sunday Communion, 9:15 A.M. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Hr. -15, Portland, Ore. followed by Bieakfast at Mallory Hotel April 25 — Miscellaneous Card Party, Hr. 12, Milwaukee, Wise, at St. John’s Hall May 2 - Holy Mass for Members, 8:00 A.M. St. Pius Church, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio .May 3 Mother’s Day Dinner, Bl*. 101, Bedford Hgt^., May 5 — Mother’s Day Party, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ottio May !l Mother’s Day Mass & Communion, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. at 7:SO A.M., St. Mary Help of Christians Church Mil) !l Holy Mass, St. Lawrence Church, Br. 15, Newburgh. Ohio May 12 Mother’s Day Party, lir. 15, Newburgh. Ohio May 16 Zveza Day, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calil. with Mass, 8:30 A.M. Church of Ihe Nativity followed by Breakfast at Cliff House May HI Ohio - Michigan State Convention, Cleveland. Ohio by Br. It also celebrating 35th Anniversary May Hi — Card Party, Br. 54, Warren Ohio at Slov. Home May 1(1 Mother’s Day Mass, 111 A.M., St. Lawrence Church, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio May Mi Card Party, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio June 13 — Holy Mass at Shrine on Chardon Rd., Br. 1 I, Euclid, Ohio HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL Branch Presidents,: April 1 — Frances Korošec, Br. 59', Burgettstown, Pa. April 2 — Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, III. April 10 Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio April 11 — Johanna Chesnik, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. April 15 - Antonia Nemgar, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. April 15 — Josephine Kolar, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wise. April 15 — Jennie Zoker, Br. 51, Akron, Ohio Apiil 20 — Rose Molick, Br. 48, Buhl, Minn. April 20 — Mary Debevec, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OK THE DAY I ON THE COVER . . . Slovenian Women's Union Pilgrimage Group of 1964 bids you “hello” from one of their stops, before St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The group enjoyed many wonderful sights, and report having the best accommodations. Leaders of the tour were Mr. & Mrs. Emil Trunk of Cleveland, Ohio s.'en left center on the photo. Others were: Sisters Mary Saba and Mary Bertha; Mrs. Theresa Bizak, Mrs. Ludmila Bizilj and daughter, Mrs. Frances Borich, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Celesnik, Mrs. Frances Cerk, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grand«', Mrs. Einmii Haller, Mrs. Mary Johns, Mrs. Vera Lauiich, Mrs Margaret Rebol and children, Mrs. Frances Utippe, Mrs. Josephine Seeley and Mary Zemlak. Many S.W.r. travelers will enjoy similar arrangements on one of the three major tours being planned for this summer. Contact the S.W.U. Home Office for details on trips in June and July via jet planes. Group arrangements are under the direction of A. Kollander Travel Bureau ot Cleveland. MARY MAGDALENE Beautiful Easter thoughts are expressed in the Homily of Pope St. Gregory. Allocution was made on the words of the Holy Gospel which we read of St. John: “At that time Mary was standing outside weeping at the tomb. So as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the tomb and saw two angels in white, sitting.” Throughout the city Mary Magdalene had been known as the sinner. However, it was her love of Truth that prompted her to wash away the stains of sin with tears. Thereby she fullfilled the word of Truth: “Her sins, many as they are, shall be forgiven her, because she had loved much.” She who previously was cold because of an evil life is all afire now through love. When she came to the grave and did not find the Lord’s body, she imagined that it had been taken away, and went to tell the disciples. They came, looked and believed that it actually had happened as Magdalene told them. The disciples went away again to their homes but Mary remained standing at the tomb, weeping. Reflect upon the ardent love in the heart of this woman who would not leave the Lord’s grave even after His own disciples had gone away. She continued seeking Him whom she did not find; in tears she kept searching; and afire with love, she yearned for Him who she believed had been removed. Thus it happened that she alone saw Him, she who had remained behind to seek Him, simply because a truly good act involved the virtue of perseverance. For the lips of Truth Itself have said, “He who persevere to the end, he shall be saved.” Still weeping, Mary stooped down to look intoi the tomb. Surely she had seen the tomb empty; already she had announced to the disciples that the Lord had been taken away. Why then, did she stoop over ogain to see the condition of the grave? A soul that loves is never satisfied with a single glance; the power of love urges it to continue seeking. Mary had already sought and found nothing. But she persevered, and therefore found the object of her love. While she was seeking, her longing grew stronger and stronger until at highest pitch it was allayed in the embrace of Him whom she was seeking. Happy Easter to you all. POSTRGAJMO STARI KVAS Prelepe velikonočne misli nam daje hvalospev za velikonočno nedeljo. Najprej se ozira na vstajenje Gospodovo potem pa na njegovo smrt, ki nam je zadobila milost.Sko-raj lahko rečemo, da je hvalospev za velikonočno nedeljo ena sama pesem milosti. Glasi se takole: Res se spodobi in je pravično, primerno in zveličavno, da Tebe, Gospod, v vsakem času, posebno pa na tan dan slovesneje hvalimo, ko je bilo da- rovano naše velikonočno Jagnje, Kristus. Zakaj, on je pravo Jagnje, ki je odvzelo grehe sveta, ki je s svojo smrtjo uničilo našo smrt in nam s svojim vstajenjem ob- novilo življenje. Hvalospev nam pove kaj je vzrok našega veselja danes. Ne samo vstajenje ampak tudi smrt, žrtev našega velikonočnega Jagnjeta. Jagnje je bilo darovano zato, da odvzame grehe sveta. Greh je povzročil prepad med Bogom in človekom, Kristus pa je s svojo smrtjo greh vzel nase in zadostil zajn. Celo v času veselja sta smrt in vstajenje neločljiva. Oboje je delo odrešenja. Zaslužila sta nam milost božjo. Milost božja pa izbriše izvirni greh in njegove posledice — večno pogubljenje. Sv. apostol Pavel pravi tako lepo v listu do Filiplja-nom: “Rad bi spoznal Kristusa in moč njegovega vstajenja in imel delež pri Njegovem trpljenju in mu postal tako vedno bolj podoben.” To bi moral biti sklep vsakega kristjana za veliko noč. To bi moral biti naš velikonočni program, program, ki zahteva vso našo ljubezen, gorečnost in odločnost v delu za Boga. Kdor prenaša vdano križe, nadloge, preganjanje, žalitve in sramotenje, trpi s Kristusom in postaja Njemu vedno bolj podoben. V poslanici Korinčanom, ki jo beremo na Velikonočno nedeljo nas sv. Pavel opozarja, da postrgajmo stari kvas in postavimo novo testo. Stari človek greha naj postane nov človek milosti božje. Zatorej obhajajmo ta praznik ne s starim kvasom, tudi ne s kvasom hudobije in malopridnosti, ampak z opresniki čistosti in resnice. Umreti moramo staremu človeku in s Kristusom vstati v novega. To se pravi za božje kraljestvo se je treba truditi. Znak tega dela pa je naša ljubezen do Boga in bližnjega. Sveto pismo pravi: “Po njih delih jih boste spoznali.” Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem. # HAPPY EASTER! ep ^ Blessings of the Season to All! ggj From the Board of Directors pgr, and Supreme Officers of S.W.U. MINUTES OF THE SEMI-ANNUAL DIRECTORS’ MEETING Home Office, Chicago, Illinois, Feb. 22, 23, 1965 The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of Slovenian Women’s Union of America was held on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 22, 26, 1965 at the Home Office, Chicago, Illinois. Present were the following officers: Antonia Turek, President; Marie Prisland, Sec’y of Finance Commitee; Albina Novak, Secretary; Josephine Železnikar, Treasurer; Ann Podgoršek, Auditor; Frances J. Gas-pich, Auditor and Corinne Leskovar, Editor. Absent was Auditor, Vicki Faletič. The meeting commenced with the auditing of books of the secretary, treasurer, finance committee secretary and scholarship fund chairman and editor. The auditors completed checking of the ledgers and continued with the inspection of bank ledgers and documents kept at the Metropolitan State Bank in the Union’s Safety Deposit Box. This was found all in order. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Turek, at 2:00 P.M. First order of business was the reading of reports which follow. Report of Supreme President Greetings Directors and welcome to our first meeting on the year of 1965. I hope that this year will be another progressive one for our Slovenian Women’s Union of A-merica. Reports from all the State Presidents for Year of 19G4 have been very good. Their enthusiastic work has been well repaid which has been shown in the wonderful activity performed in their respective states and also they have helped immensely in previous campaigns in securing new members. The newly-elected State President of Ohio-Michigan, Mary Bostian really worked hard on her first State Day and Bazaar which was held in Cleveland and which was a huge success. She also arranged to get a chartered bus with 37 passengers that went to help make the Pennsylvania Day a successful one. I attended both of these state convention and also in August the convention of Illinois-Indiana. Mrs. Marie Prisland accepted the invitation of Pueblo, Colorado and represented us at their convention which also was a huge success and the resulting publicity was so great that there was a great demand for our cookbook. State convention held at Biwabik, Minn, was represented by our Secretary, Albina Novak. A great big thank-you for accepting these assignments to represent Zveza as it is very tiresome traveling such a long distance. Congratulations and a big thank-you to all State Presidents for the efficient and hard work performed the past year. I also attended the testimonial dinner honoring our noted singer and choral director, Mr. Anton Schubel in honor of his untiring services to our Slovenian culture. In October I attended the Cleveland K.S.K.J. 70th anniversary Mass and banquet of the Ohio societies. I attended the 35th anniversary of Br. 321 and also arranged to get a chartered bus full of members that went to the sausage dinner in October that was held by Br. G8 of Fairport, Ohio and was enjoyed by all. In reporting on the Juvenile activity, Cleveland has a Junior bowling league bowling every Saturday morning and their leader is faithful Pauline Vegel of Br. 25 who has had charge of this league since its beginning four years ago. This league is composed of 8 teams and all are outfitted with shirts that advertise their various sponsors. Junior baton twirlers and drill team cadets are faithfully at practice every Saturday and their supervisor is Ernestine Jevec. Women’s Bowling Tournaments which will be held this year are as follows. The 8th Get-to-gether in Cleveland will be held on March 7th at Euclid Green Lanes and the Midwestern will be held on April 10 and 11 at Plaza Lanes, Virginia, Minn. (I will try and attend the Midwest Tournament). Excursions to Europe this year will again be sponsored by your Zveza. Mrs. Albina Novak will again take a group across and this will be her 10th trip abroad. We all wish her good health and a safe journey back and the same goes to all her passengers. For the excursion to Zveza Day which will be held in Lemont, July 18th I am trying very hard to be able to get a group from Cleveland so that we will be represented that day. I hope that all my efforts will not be in vain and members and friends of Ohio will respond this year. Founders’ Campaign which has started Sept. 1 has started with a very slow pace. First three months we have shown only a gain of 70 new members. I am hoping that by June 1st, and with spring around the comer, everyone will get busy to bring in some new members. I will work very hard in this campaign, too. Due to the passing away of secretary, Mary Kolanz, of Br. 53 of Cleveland the members had decided to merge with Br. 21. I am sure all the members will be very well satisfied and happy in Br. 21 as they have very ef- ficient and energetic officers. 5000 cookbooks Women’s Glory - the Kitchen were printed December 1963. Demand was so great that all the books were sold in one year. Another batch of 5000 editions were shipped to me December 1964 and hope that we will also be able to dispose of them in one year. With the help of members and officers we should sell them very fast. Anna Pachak of Pueblo, Colorado was our Number One saleslady; she has sold 438 copies; Marie Prisland was second with a total of 270 copies; 3rd, Molly Sodja of Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio 173 books and close by is Josephine Gostisha of Br. 7, Forest City, Pennsylvania with 170 books. Thanking each and everyone who has done such a good job on the sale of our famous cookbooks and keep up the work on this new supply! I will not be able to give a complete account on financial side as quite a few branches have not sent in their money as they still have a few books on hand. But, as soon as I have everything paid, I will be able to give a complete report. I have done a faithful job on the cookbooks. All books were specially packed and mailed immediately with not one book lost and 4 were slightly damaged, which I think is wonderful. Money which I had received so far for the books I have forwarded to our Secretary Albina Novak at the Home Office. The duties that I have performed lor the organization I have written each month in my column in Zarja. May we have a pleasant session and a safe journey home. Antonia Turek Semi-annual Report of the Finance Committee Secretary and President Scholarship Committee Warmest greetings to you all and a happy and healthy year 1965! From the very start of our organization I have been investing Zveza’s assets and watching it grow. I never expected that with our small assessment and large expenditures we would ever reach a half a million dollars in the treasury. It has happened now! From the small assets the first month — January, 1927 — $124.50 — The Slovenian Women’s Union, after 38 years in existence, has finally reached the half million mark ($500,580.16). A great record! Investments $20,000.00 U.S. Treasury bonds matured last August. They were purchased for $20,000.00 and cashed for the same amount. Interest received from Nov. 1, 1961 — the date of purchase — amounts to $2,250.00. $8,000.00 has been invested into Duluth Diocese, Minn, direct obligation school bonds carrying 5% interest,matur-ln December 1, 197G. $4,000.00 has been invested into Sisters of Charity direct obligation hospital bonds In Portland, Oregon. Interest rate 5%, maturing date October, 1972. $20,000.00 U.S. Treasury bonds were purchased. Price $19,962.00 Interest 4.05%, maturing October, 1969. Total Investments: U.S. Government bonds State bonds Catholic Institutional bonds Mutual Funds Savings and Loan deposits Central bank in Cleveland, O., savings Metropolitan Bank, Chicago, 111. savings So. West State Bank, Sheboygan, Wis. savings Real Estate, fully depreciated ($349.76 for 1964) Total Investments Checking Account, Metropolitan Bank Total Assets January 1, 1965 Scholarship Fund Balance on hand July 1, 1964 Income: Prances Gaspich, Joliet, 111. in memory of her sister Mary $ 5.00 Vicki Paletic, Cleveland, Ohio in memory of her parents 5.00 Katherine Slogar, Ely, Minn. in memory of her husband 10.00 Song books 3.00 Comm. Federal Savings & Ixian, St. I.ouis, Mo. Interest 112.50 Sheboygan Savgs. & Loan, Sheb., Wis. Interest 38 32 Total Income $173.82 Disbursements: Beverly Hlasta, member Br. 55, scholarship 100.00 Kahleen Kikel, member Br. 2'5 scholarship 100.00 New Ledger 4.90 Total disbursements $204.90 Deficit Balance on hand January 1, 1965 $ 97,431.00 38,558.00 101,174.00 4,320.00 220,000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 11,308.95 $487,791.95 12,788.21 $500,580.16 $7,940.15 31.08 $7,909.07 The Library of the University of Ljubljana and the Immigrant Archives of the University of Minnesota acknowledged receipt of historical material mailed to them; a letter of appreciation was enclosed. At present I am preparing "Scrap-Books" containing articles written previous to Zarja about the Slovenian Women’s Union before it was organized and after .published in several Slovenian and Croatian papers. I hope someday Zveza will have its own Library, and historical data like this will be of value. My visit to Colorado State convention and calling on branches in that state will always be an enjoyable memory. We are indebted to Mrs. Anna Pachak, State President of Colorado, Kansas and Missouri branches who so capably administers not only her own branch but also the other branches under her jurisdiction. She also is a marvelous sales-person! Up to date she has sold over 400 cook books. What a record! Last December we lost a very efficient secretary — Mary Schimenz, branch 12, Milwaukee, who held this office for over 25 years. I attended her funeral. We are ex- pressing our deepest sympathy to her family, friends and members of branch 12. It is pleasing to know that the first publication of our cook-books is now sold. I hope the second printing will go as fast. Wishing a successful meeting of the Board of Directors, Marie Prisland Supreme Secretary’s Report Esteemed Directors! The time is here for the first meeting of 1965 and as always we will again be putting our best efforts into the deliberations to reach worthwhile conclusions for the benefit of the membership and SWU. First of all, we will look over the business of the last half of 1964. The statement on the income and disbursements is ready for your approval. The gain in all funds is $7,373.64. It should please all who are interested in the progress of our organization that we have reached the halfmillion mark in the general assets. We ended 1964 with a total membership of 11,414. We lost 169 members through death and paid out $17,450.00 in death claims. Class A lost 159 members; Class B, 9 members and one junior member. Drop-outs will always be one of our problems as in any other organization. Our diligent secretaries try their best to keep their respective membership in good standing but when the dues mount up, suspension follows, much to the regret of all concerned. We are most grateful to our workers in the campaigns because it is through their efforts in bringing in new members that we malte up for those who drop out. However, all in all, we show an actual gain of 85 members for the year 1964. FOUNDERS’ CAMPAIGN is moving slowly towards the goal. Up to January we issued 107 new certificates. We are hoping most earnestly that the coming months will be very fruitful. This campaign is very important and everyone should try to enroll at least a few new members. Time passes quickly and we will be stepping into the 40th year since our great pioneer women planted the seed in almost 100 communities. Let us honor their many efforts by making this campaign a truly great one. We were saddened by the loss of two secretaries. Branch 12 Milwaukee lost their devoted secretary, Mrs. Mary Schimenz and branch 53, Cleveland their secretary, Mrs. Mary Kolanz. I attended the funeral of Mr. Schimenz since Milwaukee is not distant from Chicago. May God reward their good work with abundant graces. In our count of branches we will be minus two. Branch 18 in Cleveland merged with branch 41 and branches 53 with branch 21. We are certain that Mrs. Starin secratary of branch 41 and Mrs. Stella Dancull secretary of branch 21 will render the best service to all because they are both outstanding officers. Minnesota branches held their annual SWU Day on September 13th at Biwabik which I attended. It was an honor and pleasure to be with our Minnesota folks who have always been so very hospitable to me. A special thank-you to our Auditor, Mrs. Podgoršek of Duluth and the Duluth members for their gracious welcome. We receive many congratulatory notes on our official organ Zarja. We are very fortunate in having a very efficient Editor Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, who manages to make every issue, be it 32 or 16 pages, filled with interesting articles submitted by a wonderful staff of columnists and reporters. Our Supreme President Mrs. Toni Turek deserves our highest compliments and gratefulness for her diligence in the distribution of our famous cookbook “Woman’s Glory The Kitchen”. She is giving prompt service to all the orders, large or small, and has given us a very satisfactory report on the sales. Many thanks to Toni and Frank, (her wonderful husband). Mrs.Sophie Bogolin, daughter of our Treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar is the new assistant in the office. She SIX MONTH STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS: JULY 1 - DEC. 31, 1964 INCOME — DOHODKI: Assessment Class A..............$ 13,002.31 Assessment Class B............ 9,066.55 Juvenile Department........... 1,529 65 Social members....................... 56.50 Interest on investments . . . 9,668.89 Miscellaneous..................... 1,278.68 Rental income for six months 930 00 Cookbook proceeds............. 1,200.00___________$ 36,732.58 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: Death claims — 86 Class A $ 8,725.00 Death claims — 4 Class B 900.00 $ 9,625.00 Zarja — The Dawn $7,686.80 printing Postage & changes 299.80 $ 7,986.65 Salaries of officers ............................... 4,400.00 Administration & compensations...................... 1,701.00 Rent of Home Office................................... 450.00 Office Supplies (incl. 2 filing cabinets) . . . 506.77 Postage — Telephone, advertisements .... 266.60 Actuarial service for six months............. 120.00 Insurance (burglary — office equipment) . . . 80.60 Junior activities Christmas parties................... 152.00 Writer’s Fund (regular contributors) .... 200.00 Historical coverage & printing........................ 150.00 House repairs (plumbing).............................. 175.00 Miscellaneous awards for services..................... 330.66 Campaign awards to workers (pre convention) 157.50 Director of Internal Revenue — taxes .... 1,020.88 Bonding of officers — 3 yr. term...................... 218.00 Traveling and per diem to meeting & activities 1,338.46 Fuel oil for office building ....................... 127.53 Accrued interest on new bond purchases . . . . . 342.29 Six month income.................$ 36,752.58 Six month disbursements . 29,358.94 Six month gain in all funds 7,373.64 Balance June 30, 1964 . . . . $493,556.28 Balance December 31, 1965 Depreciation on property . Total ledger assets December 31, 1965 $500,929.92 349.76 .... $500,580.16 TOTAL INVESTMENTS U.S. Government Bonds State Bonds Catholic Institutions Bonds Mutual Funds Savings and Loan Associations Central Bank of Cleveland Metropolitan State Bank, Chicago Southwest State Bank, Sheboygan Metropolitan State Bank, Chicago Real Estate, fully appreciated Total assets $ 97,431.00 38,558.00 101,174.00 4,320.00 220,000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 12,788.21 11,308 95 $ 500,580.16 and addresses changes and we hope that others will follow their listings. The SWU excursion to Jugoslavia, mainly Slovenia, is showing signs of developing into large group. All particulars were mailed to the branches and will also appear In our Zarja. Here is hoping that 1965 will be a big year for the membership and our SWU ! Albina Novak. Report of the Supreme Treasurer According to Zveza’s by-laws, we have gathered again to report on our operating procedures and make the examination of books for the past 6 month period. The report is given here of the final totals, since the detailed report has just been given by the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, with which report I fully agree. Income for 6 months Expenses for 6 months Balance for 6 months Balance, June 1964 Balance, Dec. 31, 1964 Depreciation on real estate 1964 $ 36,732.58 29,358.91 $ 7,373.64 493,556.28 $500 929.92 349.76 $500,580.16 Disbursements total $ 29,358.94 Financial statement presented at the Board of Directors meeting, Feb. 22, 1965, Antonia Turek, President; Albina Novak, Secretary; Josephine Železnikar, Treasurer. Ledgers and financial reports of Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer examined and found in complete order: Anne Podgoršek, President Auditing Committee; Frances J. Gaspich, Auditor. Chicago, Illinois, Feb. 22, 1965. Subscribed and sworn before me this 22nd day of February, 1965. Louis R. Zefran, Notary Public. is going to do the work which will no doubt be appreciated by the branch secretaries, which will deal with the ages of members, addresses and membership standings. Some of the secretaries have been prompt in sending the names Total Balance, Dec. 31, My sincere thanks to all the regular writers in Zarja and to our Spiritual Advisor for his inspiring column. Since there has been less activity in the last 6 months, this concludes my report. Accept my heartfelt greetings to all present Directors and my invitation to you to attend Zveza Day in Lemont on July 18th. Josephine Železnikar Report of the President of Auditing Committee Greetings Supreme Officers assembled here for our first meeting of 1965. I hope and pray we have a very successful one which will be a satisfaction to all. Examination by Auditing Committee of the books of the Supreme Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Zarja and President of Scholarship fund and the Investments in the safety deposit box at the bank was all made and found in perfect order. Thanks to our Supreme Officers for their efficiency. A very successful Minnesota Zveza Day was held on Sept. 13th at Biwabik. Our branch attended with a full chartered bus.The convention meeting held after the Mass was very well-attended and most interesting. Everyone was so happy to see Albina Novak representing the Board of Directors. More than 400 persons attended the banquet. We were honored to have as the main speaker, our beloved Congressman, John Blatnik, of whom we are all very proud. Between Congressman Blatnik and Albina’s humor, there were many hearty laughs. Our branch is a hard-working group and there are many activities all the time. The 35th Anniversary celebration held Oct. 7tli was a huge success. 125 members attended the dinner and program, a very impressive dedication to our 7 charter members who were present and to our beloved departed members. Each month we look forward to our next meeting as they are all very well-attended regardless of the extreme weather we have up here in the north. We have three bowling teams and they are all looking forward to seeing all the S.W.U. bowlers at the tournament held in Virginia this April. Also, we are trying hard to increase our membership and so far in this drive, we have enrolled five adults and three juveniles. This concludes my report. Ann Podgoršek Report of the Third Supreme Auditor My sincere greetings to all officers and I wish you good health and happiness in this new year. We have met here to check the books and reports of our Supreme Secretary, Treasurer, President of the Scholarship Fund and also the Editor of Zarja, the Dawn. We also were at the bank to check the bonds and investments in the safety deposit box, and I report with the other auditors that we found all records in very good order and the officers are to be congratulated Sincerely, Frances J. Gaspich Editor's Report We have concluded the year of the 13th National Convention in great style, perhaps realizing the greatest success in an increased membership, and increased good will among the membership. As a result of the national assembly, the Slovenian Women’s Union has gone on to better operation of business and seldom a month goes by that we don’t feel encouraged by the energetic application of business at the branch level. In Zarja, we have expanded considerably the interest of members. Reports show that activities abound, from meetings, socials, anniversaries and state conventions. No doubt that personal contacts made at such gatherings provide the impetus for greater interest. I believe the leadership of our officers, branch, state and national, directly relates to this and my compliments for carrying on so diligently. In July and August, 19C4, Zarja devoted most of its space to the reports of the Convention, its lovely Queen and related subjects. September told of the Scholarship awards and many items of interest in the activity calendar for the fall season, including state conventions in Illinois-Indiana, Pennsylvania, Colorado - Kansas - Missouri and Minnesota, and Ohio’s state bazaar. In October, the announcement of the Founders’ Campaign and complete copy of Minutes of the Directors’ semi-annual meeting were printed and by the end of the year we were receiving Minutes from the state conventions. December found us able to publish Slov. language Minutes and many divers items of interest and 3V2 pages of Christmas advertisements that totaled $123.00, solicited by our ever-loyal officers, Antonia Turek, Br. 50, Mary Lenich, Br. 19, Anna Pachak, Br. 3, Louise Epley, Br. 73, Rose Scoff, Br. 13 and Cleveland, Br. 41. Heartiest thanks to them. What has made our Zarja so well liked and so well read? I believe it is the value of its contents. Our reporters are to be congratulated on their discrimination in sending material which is excellent reading No one can doubt that our Supreme officers haven’t their complete hearts and souls in this work, if only through their generous contributions to Zarja. First among them is Mrs. Prisland who is our most prolific writer all these many years, followed by Supr. Pres. Antonia Turek. We have increased the prestige of the magazine by carrying the monthly contributions of our learned Spiritual Advisor, our chief of domesic arts, Hermine Dicke and our junior columnist, Regina, all of whom are the finest in their fields. Zarja certainly has heart and soul — and it’s the reflection of all the love and labour that goes into it. We sincerely hope that further promotion of our organization’s aims and all the many phases of her work will continue to find their paths to the homes of our members thru Zarja, the messenger that changes paper and ink into flesh and blood ,and printed words into actual deeds. The financial statement of the Publisher’s Fund will show that we have had approximately the same amount of income and disbursements as usual. I have been keeping down expenses in all ways possible in order to conserve this fund. I am certain all the members realize that there has been excellent management and conscientious work done in the Home Office which has a bearing on the well-being of the organization and Zarja. We are indebited to the Supreme Secretary for all her actual work and full support of our efforts. I am happy to report that in dealing with the officers and members, I have had the best cooperation. At my home branch here in Chicago, I have been active with many events, the Lemont Zveza Day in July was the biggest event of the summer followed by the branch’s November social and December Christmas Party which was the best by far of any we have had. This created great interest by mothers and juveniles which indirectly has resulted in a number of new members for the branch. Good will is, after all, the strongest instigator for increased membership and the application of good will in all our dealings is our greatest satisfaction. RECAPITULATION: Balance, June 30, 1964 $ 27.84 Income: Branch donations Subscriptions Advertisements Christmas Adv. $ 22.00 2'3.00 196.00 123.00 $364.50 Total Income $392.34 Expenses: Engravings Postage Supplies & Photos Donations & misc. $141.54 61.97 22.94 40.00 $266.45 Balance, Dec. 31, 1964 $125.89 Corinne Leskovar Report of the Director of Women’s Activities and Sports Greetings Directors. I am very happy to be with you at this meeting. Since the convention, I have been busy with events such as the Lemont Zveza Day and organizing the bowling tournament for this year. The Midwest Tournament will be held in Virginia, Minn., sponsored by the bowlers of #39, Biwabik. Since the distance is so far for most of us, the bowlers have had to make some sacrifices, so we are hopeful that if a deficit shows in our prize money, the organization will cover it. I assure you it will not be much. The Shrines of Canada. Sixty people saw the information and interesting movies on the shrines of Canada. The movies were shown by Father J. Rinfret, O.M.I., Pilgrimage director of Our l ady of the Cape. In spite of the bad weather, we had a very good turnout and I want to thank every one who came and made Father Rinfert very happy as he did not expect such a group considering the weather. The contribution that was made by the people was appreciated by Father Rinfert. This year the trip will again be made by S.W.U. members leaving Chicago on July 17th and arriving at Montreal on July 18th at 7:30 A.M., attending Mass at the Holy Queen of the World Basilica: St Joseph’s Oratory, Montreal and other side trips in Montreal. Our stops will be at Trois Rivers, (Our Lady of the Cape), Quebec City, St. Anne DeBeaupre and sight seeing trips will also be included. There will be candle-light processions, which are very beautiful if you have never seen or attended one. Trip to Western States. The first group to go to Las Vegas, Nevada on the 6th, 7th and 8th of November 1964 were: Mary Del Russo, Josephine Meden, Shirley Melisa, Dorothy Polden, Mary Reich, Ann Wagner, Fran and Liz Zefran. The flight was smooth and scenery was just too beautiful for words. The weather was 90 degrees the whole weekend on the trip. Our stay at the Flamingo Motel wras wonderful, as we had adjoining rooms, with connecting doors. We made all the shows possible during our stay. We also went to Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and the surrounding area on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Leaving Las Vegas at 1:30 A.M. and arrived home at 6:30 AM. Monday morning in time to go to work. A similar trip is being planned again this fall and we would like to see some of our other members joining us on this wonderful weekend. Elizabeth Zefran Reports accepted as read. Reports and greetings from the following officers were received: Vicki Faletič, Supreme Auditor; Marie A. Flo-ryan, Supreme Vice-President; Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan; Anna Pachak, State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri; Mary Tomsic, State President of Pennsylvania and Mary Lenich, Secretary, Br. 19, E-veleth.Minn. Report of Second Supreme Auditor (Mrs. Faletič is excused due to her work schedule which did not permit attendance at the meeting.) Greetings dear fellow officers! It has been an excellent year with plentiful and eventful happenings. We’ve always managed to have Br. 25 keep up with the times. The officers of our branch are the back-bone of every activity: Mrs. Pauline Stampfel, a remarkable woman who is a generous soul and an excellent president; Mrs. Mary Otoničar our “Crusader” fulfilling any service necessary foir the benefit of the organization, thereby keeping it on top. She is the secretary and treasurer of Br. 25. Mrs. Dorothy Sternisa, helpful and willing to assist with anything, a recording secretary for many years in Br. 25 because she reads and writes like a scholar; Mrs. Mary Kolegar, our vice-president is wonderful in remembering every member’s needs, her donations help our treasury. There are nice things to write about all the members if space would permit, and we are grateful for all their generosity. So to all our members “Thank you for everything.” We were happy to have our supreme president Mrs. Toni Turek visit us on several occasions. Speaking on important topics, namely the tours and the Founders’ Campaign, also on the bowling tournament which is an yearly S.W.U. outstanding event. Each branch is represented by as many teams as possible. This makes for a good healthy outlook and a better thriving organization. Respectfully, Vicki Faletič Report of the Supreme Vice-President Sincere greetings and best wishes, Supreme Officers. May this meeting and the decisions made be as successful and inspiring as those made the previous year. In September of 19G4, several of my members and I attended the Illinois-Indiana State Convention, hosted by Br. 89. We had an enjoyable time and Br. 89’s hospitality was unexcelled. The Campaign for new members honoring our Founder, Marie Prisland is in full swing and hope that all the branches join in and make this campaign a huge success. The Woman's Glory cook books are still selling very well considering all we sold thru previous years. It still is a favorite cookbook on the market. Plans are in the making for the Midwest Bowling Tournament at Biwabik this month. Wish to compliment all of the Supreme and State Officers for their hard and diligent work performed throughout the year and wishing you many more years of Good Health! Sincere wishes to all for the new year and for many good decisions made at this meeting. May God bless you. Marie A. Floryan Report of State President of Ohio-Michigan Greetings to al our Supreme Officers on your first meeting of 1965, for the benefit of our organization It is really a pleasure to have dependable officers such as you, with your great interest and having your heart and soul in this work. This is what makes the Union a great one. I have been a member for long time and I see many improvements. We all should bow to you. God bless you all. I hope the drive for new members will be a great success in honor of our Founder. We all will try our very best and know every member feels the same. This is my first year as president of Ohio and Michigan. I tried very hard, along with many worries, so that things would work out fine for all the events under my charge. I was lucky to have the cooperation of many officers and members of Ohio, so things have worked out beautifully. On Sept. 13th, I gathered a bus full of members to attend the State Convention of Penna at Br. 91; I attended the meeting of Br. 14 and Br. 25 and talked to the members, asking them to join us in this trip which they agreed to do. I also made many phone calls and kept on until I succeeded in getting enough for a full bus. I know that although it wasn’t an easy task, I had a lot of satisfaction in seeing so many happy faces as I know everyone enjoyed herself. I also keep in touch with the Michigan branches and have asked them to have a state day but received the reply that it was impossible as there are not enough active members for this. I wish to encourage them so that some day, we may have a grand meeting in Michigan. Sept. 20th I attended Br. 32 Anniversary and they had a great success. Our really big affair was Oct. 11, the Ohio Bazaar. It was quite a worry and gave me many sleepless nights since I was so new in this job. No one knew much to advise me as our Supreme President was away and I really could do only what I thought was best. But, she was a big help when she returned and with everyone’s encouragement and cooperation ,and with the help of God, everything turned out perfect! We had a lovely crowd and a large convention meeting. I was also proud of our Br. 50 Drill Team which I organized. They did such a lovely job I had a hard time getting the team together, but, finally, succeeded. Now ,they enjoy every bit of it and they feel specially good when complimented. I am so proud of my branch and the combined branches of Cleveland. Now after two months vacation, the combined branches will begin regular meetings again. Each branch has the opportunity to give their complaints .and suggestions at these meetings and this gives everyone a chance to iron out difficulties. This year we will have something different. It will be Slovenian Day. I hope it will be a success, also. I know it will be. My heart and soul is entirely in our organization — it always was and always will be. I feel as if it’s a part of me. Again, I extend best wishes to all our Supreme Officers. Bless you. Mary Bostian Reports accepted. State Conventions After the reading of reports, the Board of Directors were led in a discussion of various State Conventions, announced by members of the Board in their reports and thru correspondence. Illinois-Indiana State Convention will take place Sunday, August 29, 1965 at Joliet, Illinois according to decision of the last lll.-Ind. Convention. Chairman of the event will be Supreme Auditor, Frances J. Gaspich. The program of the day will consist of Holy Mass at St. Joseph’s Church followed by a short meeting and dinner at the D’Amico Restaurant to which all Illinois and Indiana members are invited. The State President, Mildred James, will preside at the meeting and the Supreme Officers will be in attendance. Ohio-Michigan State Convention is scheduled for May 16, 1965 at Cleveland (Collinwood), Ohio. It will also be the 35th Anniversary observance of Br. 41 and will be held at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. June 27tli ia the date of the Wisconsin State Convention to be held at Milwaukee .sponsored by Br. 43 which is also observing the 35th Anniversary. The meeting was adjourned at 6 p. m. The President called the meeting to order on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1965 at 9:30 a. m. at the Home Office and led the prayer. All Directors were present with the exception of Auditor Vicki Faletič, excused. Director of Women’s Activities and Sports, Elizabeth Zefran was also present. Bowling On the recommendation of Director Zefran ,the Board approves sufficient funds to cover any deficit which may occur in the Midwest Bowling Tournament prize money, in consideration of the distant travel which enlarges the expenses of this tournament. Sponsors of the event, Br. 39. Biwabik, Minn., are congratulated on their willingness to undertake the tournament and midwest bowlers are commended for participating in the event to be held for the first time in Minnesota. The Board feels bowling activity to be very worthwhile for younger members as well as for children They congratulate all hard-working officers and supervisors of the various S.W.U. leagues throughout the U. S. for keeping interest high for this sport which has brought many members to the organization. State Presidents Discussion follows on the duties and responsibilities of the State Presidents. It is noted that t:he seven state officers are all very active in promoting the organization and in conducting meetings throughout their states. Work at this level is very important for the well-being of the Union as it increases interest and brings the membership into closer contact with one another. Instances are cited where as a result of state conventions, the membership has increased and almost in every state, branches h'ave been re-vitalized. In Colorado, the upsurge in cookbooks sales was noted as a direct result of the good publicity given the cookbook at the time of the state convention. On a motion by the Secretary, a letter will be sent to all State Presidents encouraging them further to promote activity within their respective states and commending them on the work done up to this time. This letter, from the President, will also request them to submit a yearly report to the Home Office in the month of June with an outline of their activities, and statement of travel or extra expenses incurred. The Secretary is authorized to re imburse them for these valid expenses. Furthermore, the Board directs all State officers to visit the branches in their jurisdiction whenever possible, especially those cities where they seldom have visitors. The Secretary listed, for the benefit of the Directors, numerous cities that should be included in future visits by Supreme and State Officers. The President is contemplating an extensive motor trip to the west coast this summer and she will visit branches in the near and far west. Drill Teams The Board is pleased to see the interest shown by the members of the Cleveland drill teams, seniors and juniors, which have only been organized some two years and are keeping active in the Cleveland area at branch and state functions. The Board also compliments them on their participation in the last national convention in Chicago which they undertook at their own expense. At that time, the adult team consisting of some twenty members and juvenile group of some 10 young girls, all of Branches 25 and 50, Cleveland, Ohio, performed at the convention program. A small appropri'ation is made to these two groups to help them cover the expenses of their Chicago trip. With this contribution, the Board sends heartiest wishes for continued activity. Cookbooks A brief summary of the standing of the S.W.U. Cookbook project is given by the President. The total number of cookbooks sold from the first (1963-64) printing is nearly 5000. Some 335 books are still outstanding. With all bills paid, a nice profit from the sale of the first printing will be realized. Detailed financial report is dis-cused showing the way the books were handled and paid. The Directors are thrilled to know that in only one year a complete sale was accomplished. For this, they are grateful to the officers and members of S.W.U. who took it upon themselves to act as salesladies for the book. The Directors believe there i sstill a good market for the book and hope that the 2nd (1964-65) printing will do just as well in sales. Compliments are received daily from homemakers all over the country admiring the book. A major help in the realization of the good profit is the economical way the book was handled and the costs held down on printing, advertising and promotion. Mostly, good will, of the members friends of S.W.U. aided in the success of the book. Mailing supplies and very little expense for advertising were the only costs after printing. The Directors compliment the Honorary President and Supreme Secretary for their excellent work in compiling the book, and for the mailing and distributing, thank Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turek (Supreme President and husband) for their most capable work The Directors were espe-cialy appreciative of Mr. Turek’s expert packing of books and the conservative way he obtained and used packing materials. In conclusion, the Directors thank the salesladies who lead the list of workers in this project as reported in the Supreme President’s report. Membership Campaign 107 New Members were reported at this meeting as enrolled in the current campaign directed in honor of the Founders of S.W.U. Some questions have been asked at branches about the enrollment of older members who are over the age of 50 for class A or 57 for class B. The Directors determine that such prospective members are acceptable in the Social Class. Thus, if a prospective member who is past the age of enrollment wishes to join the Slovenian Women's Union, she will be able to join the Social Class (no funeral benefit) at a small monthly dues, 20c per month to be sent to the Home Office for the Expense Fund plus branch charges at their own rates. In the present campaign, there is a goal of 300 new members. Supreme Officers are encouraged to lead the drive by enrolling many new members. It is felt that founders and charter officers will be disappointed if the results are not good. So, all to work! Investments The Investment officer. Mrs. Prisland, reports that now is the time to go into Utility Bonds at the shortest term possible. She shows several schedules and preferred bonds are noted. The Directors authorize Mrs. Prisland to make investments as she sees fit and proper for our organization. It is gratefully noted that the assets have reached the half-million dollar mark at the close of 1964. The Directors compliment the Finance Committee for all good investments of the past years stating that is the reason the organization has reached this point so successfully . They also are pleased to have the continued services of Mrs. Prisland who has earned the reputation of being a most respected finance expert, having invested all of S.W.U’s money from the first penny until today, 38 years later. Cultural Exchange The Honorary President reports that the University of Minnesota and Ljubljana University in Slovenia has acknowledged receipt of the material sent them for their libraries concerning the history of the organization. This was sent at their request and compiled after many hours of work by Mrs. Prisland, from her own archives. The Directors agree that it is very rich material and should be beneficial to students of American immigration and others. Since the convention, Mrs. Prisland has also been arranging her clippings and other material for a future Slovenian Women’s Union Excursions To Europe & Slovenia 1. DEPARTURE OF THE PILGRIMAGE GROUP: Leaving New York by JET Boeing 707 on June 10, returning on August 2nd. The group will visit Paris, Lourdes, Rome and continue on to Slovenia. Arrangements will be made for an Audience with the Holy Father in Rome and to attend Masses offered by a Slovenian priest. Cost of this 6 day pilgrimage, including hotel accommodations, 3 meals a day and sightseeing is $89.00 per person. (See page 2 for detailed description.) 2. DIRECT DEPARTURE FOR LJUBLJANA: Leaving New York by JET on June 16. You have a choice of two return dates: July 15 or August 16. The leader of this group will be Mrs. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary of Slovenian Women’s Union. 3. THREE-WEEK DIRECT TRIP TO LJUBLJANA: Leaving New York by AIR FRANCE Jet, June 10, 1965, returning June 30th. The leader of this trip is Mrs. Marie Prisland, S.W.U. Founder. A second return date is available Aug. 2, 1965 led by Mrs. Anna Pachak, State President of Colorado. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION is giving the opportunity to all its members and their immediate families to save over $200.00 per person on their trip by a most modern JET plane to Ljubljana. The members will travel in a friendly and care free atmosphere in the company of their friends, relaxing on a well-planned and organized trip. For information and reservation write to: Slovenian Women's Union, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. - Tel.: BI 7-2014 Bl 7-7999 S.W.U. library. It will be a scrapbook ot all the writings printed outside of Zarja from the beginning of the organization until today. According to the Editor. Having our own library is of great importance to the future of the organization and it is felt that this work is most beneficial for future officers and members. The Directors offer their heartiest wishes that this work may continue. It is necessary, to complete this project, that old copies of Zarj'a be obtained and in particular, those from 1940 and earlier. Members who may have these copies and wish, to, may send them to the Home Office and costs for mailing will be re-imbursed. A number of adult fiction and children’s books in Slovenian language were sent to the Honorary President by the Izselniška Matica of Slovenia and they are at the disposal of members by writing to Mrs. Prisland. Campaign Awards The current campaign awards, having been determined at the previous semi-annual Directors’ meeting, are brought under discussion. The sample of the emblem charm is presented to the Board and found to be very beautiful. Approval for an order of 3G charms was made. The gold-filled disc is to be placed on a charm bracelet as the first award for a worker with 25 points. Songbook “Let’s Sing” Due to increasing interest by many people for a pocket-sized songbook, much the same as the songbook, Let’s Sing published a number of years ago it is approved that a new printing of the songbook be made for distribution by the organization. The book was very popular and the demand seems great enough for a good market for sales. The songbook contents and size would remain about the same and sell for a nominal cost. The Secretary is authorized to look into the matter of this new printing, with consideration given to low printing cost. She will edit the book and the President consented to distribution. It is noted that branches will participate fully in this project which should bring a good profit into the treasury. M iscellaneous Echoes of the Convention: Compliments are extended to Br. 2, Chicago, 111., hostesses of the last Convention for their hospitality and the extra touches that went into making the convention so successful, including the dainty, hand-made corsages given to everyone at the Convention Program at St. Stephen's. They were the work of Stephanie Osterman, officer of Br. 2. The S.W.U. Songbook with Notes, arranged by late Mr. Ivan Zorman, poet and composer, were sent some time ago to Pueblo, Colo, upon the request of Mrs. Anna Pachak, Pres, of Br. 3, to aid singers of the branch’s new organized club. Mrs. J. Železnikar, Treasurer received acknowledgement from them. A large cookbook distributing company has asked to handle Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen, which will be, it is hoped, a further promotion and create new sales for our new printing. This company has offered to sell them for $3.00 per book since they believe its value is greater than our selling price. In correspondence, they have stated that the book has features which make it an expensive-looking book and the contents very unique. The Cookbook committee will handle detailed arrangments with the company. Directors approve a contribution of $100 to St. Stephen’s church, Chicago, HI., the parish where the Union was organized, on the occasion of the GOth anniversary. The church hall is the very same place the first meeting was held 3$ years ago and the parish encompasses the area where the Home Office is located. The Board offers sincere congratulations to the pastor, Rev. Thomas Hoge, O. F. M., priests and sisters and parishioners of St. Stephen’s. It is learned that many branches have been making charitable donations for good causes, among them, Br. 20 Joliet, 111. sent a contribution to the Kennedy Library Fund; Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. contributes regularly to several national funds; Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio has aided the Mavec Retarded Children’s Home Fund and Br. 73, War-rensville Heights, Ohio donated to the Old Age Home. The Directors compliment these members for their charitable actions. Sympathy is expressed to the family of Wisconsin State President, Rose Kraemer, who lost their father, Anton Frangesh recently. The meeting is adjourned at 5:30 p. m. with prayer led by the President and wishes expressed for safe return ,lome- Antonia Turek, President Corinne Leskovar, Recording Sec’y. ACTIVITIES Supreme President’s Message Founders’ Campaign is getting along fine but I am sure we all could do better. If each member would get only one new member to join, what a tremendous result it would be! Show us what you can do. Now is the time. We should all be very proud to be a member of the only Slovenian Women’s Union in America. Let us keep “Zveza” strong and keep her growing and this can all be accomplished with a little help from you all by writing in a new member. Remember the deadline is only two months away which is midnight, June 1st. At our first board meeting of the new year which was held February 22 and 23, auditors found the books in good order. We have reached the half million mark as of December 31, 1964 which is marvelous considering the small amount that each member pays. Shows that our Zveza is progressing. The old saying in Slovenian is “Ženska podpera tri vogale pri hiši — moški pa samo enega” — (ker pa pri naši Zvezi nimamo nobenega moškega, podpiramo Ženske pa kar vse štiri vogale in stem pokažemo da znamo dobro gospodariti pri naši SŽZ). In English, it is that “a woman holds up three corners of a house and the man only one; but, in our Zveza, since there are no men officers, we women are holding up all four corners which shows that we have good management.” Secretaries, please, send your dues to headquarters on time because failure to do so results in disappointments when a member passes away. Notice to Reporters, please try and make your articles for Zarja short as possible due to the months that we have only sixteen pages. It is impossible for editor, Corinne Leskovar, to have all lengthy articles in, so she has to omit some and save for the following month which some of the reporters resent. Please try your best; this way everybody will be happy. Congratulations to Br. 40 of Lorain, Ohio who will be observing their 35 th Anniversary which was organized April 21, 1930 by Margareta Poznich. Best wishes to all officers and members. Reminder again. Order a supply of cook books now as Easter will be here soon and time for Potica baking. The best recipes are in the “Women’s Glory - the Kitchen.” Books sell for $2.75 postage paid. Wishing a Happy Birthday to all celebrating in April and especially to my mom who will be 78 years young April 5th. A speedy recovery to the ailing and a very Happy Easter to all. Antonia Turek No. 2, Chicago, III. — Hearty welcome to our three new members enrolled by our energetic Ann Zorko! They are Anna Lebar, her daughter, Anna Battersby and Justi Bevc, her niece. They and another new member, Julia Gustin, we initiated at our March meeting and given a warm greeting by all. In line with the Founders’ Campaign, our officers urge every member to try to enroll a new member before June 1st. We invite you all to participate in the fun of enlarging our ranks. At the May meeting, which is dedicated to all our mothers, grandmothers and their offsprings, we hope the new members will all be present to enjoy the annual observance as we celebrate it, with a program and refreshments. For our next big event, the Lemont Zveza Day, July 18th, we decided to charter a bus to leave from St. Stephen’s in the morning and return about 6 P.M. This will enable those who would like to come but don’t have transportation, to attend the event. Reservations for this bus must be made early so that all arrangements can be made; so, if you know you’ll be using the bus, please let one of the officers know. Members will be receiving information on Zveza Day by mail this month, along with the booklet for beautiful hand-made prizes, donated by our wonderful members. Best wishes for a quick recovery to Frances Schultz who had surgery recently. We know her family is glad she’s feeling better. Our Parish’s GOtli anniversary is coining up with a big celebration June 0th with all lodges participating. It certainly looks to be a grand affair. In closing, the very best for "good bowling” to our S.W.U. leagues meeting in Minnesota this month. Liz Zef-ran is taking a big group of 8 teams from Chicago and altogether, there will be more than 25 teams making that long trip. We give them a lot of credit for undertaking this travel as it means an extra effort for each one. But, the girls appreciate having Minnesota bowlers come to the midwest every year and this is returning the favor! Once again, Good Luck! And a very happy Easter and lots of “pirhe” to all! Corinne Leskovar No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — Since we haven’t had an article on some of the doings that have happened in the past year and the present time. I’ll pen a few lines to let some of the folks know we are still around. And, “around” the members were! But, not to our December, January meetings! They were very poorly-attended and the election of officers had to be postponed from Dec. to Jan. as the share-holders of the Slovene Nat’l Home had their annual meeting the same time. The Jan. meeting did take care of some business, including elections and a few changes were made concerning the secretary and treasurer, now combined as one office since we have such a small membership, and I had to decline the presidency for personal reasons. We will have two trustees, they work equally and both get paid the same, and the job as recording secretary was accepted by me since no one wished to take it. (Would gladly turn it over to some one else if they are interested.) The officers for 1965 are: Pres. Sylvia Stanfield, Vice-Pres. Mary Mar-kich, Sec.-Treas. Josephine Turk; Rec. Sec’y Sophie Mumaugh, Trustees Dolores Konechnilc and Josephine Tomasitig, Reporters Sophie Mum-augh and Julia Zupančič. We usually have a party after the meeting in January but had to postpone it for Feb. 28th. All members were invited. Our meetings are held every 4tli Sunday at the S. N. H. How about bringing some new members to join our branch? Would also like to remind some new members who do not know about the new assessment to contact your Sec’y and see what dues are for this year. The Mother of the Year was chosen at our Jan. meeting. Hope she won’t be too surprised when she sees her name in print. It’s none other than Mrs. Konechnik! I hope to get a good story on her. We also have a very proud mother in our midst, Mrs. Mary McCracken who has seen her third daughter, Janice, enter the Novitiate of the Sisters of St. Francis last Feb. 2nd. Janice was a teacher at St. Michael School. All of Mary’s daughters are stationed at the Oldenburg Mother House. Best wishes for a happy life to all of you. Another proud mother is Theresa Lambert, who had a blessed event on Feb. 12tli , a baby girl! One of our members, Louise Dugar, gave us a scare last month by having a slight heart attack. We are glad to hear she is back to work again. Also had Anna Kovach on the sick list for a month but she too, is feeling better l'Al -P S.W.U. Founders’ Campaign Standing BUSIEST BRANCHES IN FIRST FIVE MONTHS! I-A’ A Classes B Jr. Total 47. Cleveland, Ohio A B 2 Jr. 4 Total 6 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 1 10 3 14 50. Cleveland, Ohio 3 8 3 14 2. Chicago, 111. 2 13 8 23 52. Kitzville, Minn. 1 - - 1 3. Pueblo, Colo. - 2 2 4 54. Warren, Ohio - - 1 1 G. Barberton, Ohio 2 - - 2 57 Niles, Ohio - 1 2 3 7. Forest City, Pa. - - 1 1 G3. Denver, Colo. 3 1 1 5 14. Euclid, Ohio 2 2 - 4 67. Bessemer, Pa. - 1 2 3 15. Cleveland, Ohio 1 - - 1 68. Fairport Harbor, O. - 4 1 5 16. So. Chicago, 111. - - 1 1 71. Strabane, Pa. 8 - 1 9 17. West Allis, Wis. 1 1 4 G 72. Warrensville, Ohio 1 1 3 5 19. Eveleth, Minn. 2 - 1 3 77. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. - - 2 2 21. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 - 1 78. Leadville, Colo. - - 11 11 23. Ely, Minn. 8 5 4 17 86. Nashwauk, Minn. - 1 - 1 24. LaSalle, 111. - - 1 1 90. Presto, Pa. 1 - - 1 25. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 1 2 91. Oakmont, Pa. - 8 1 9 2G. Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1 - 1 95. So. Chicago, 111. - 5 2 7 28. Calumet, Mich. - 3 - 1 100. Fontana, Calif. 1 - - 1 31. Gilbert, Minn. - - 1 1 101. Bedford Hgts., O. 1 6 - 7 33. Duluth, Minn. 1 4 9, 8 10G. Meadowlands, Pa. 1 1 - 2 39. Biwabik, Minn. 40. Lorain, Ohio 1 3 2 3 3 42 84 68 194 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 1 2 4 The Campaign will close June 1. — Albina Nc * Sec’y now. At present, Rose Medvešček and Anna Propotnik are still on the sick list and we wish them all a speedy recovery. These are a few of the members who have been doctoring for years but are still able to get around a little: Antonia Bayt, Agnes Dezelan, Agnes Rajer, Frances Sterger, Angela Spencer. To them and any other member I may have missed, we wish GOOD HEALTH! I’d like to mention a word about bowling. We are sorry we couldn’t plan to send any teams to the Bowling Tournament this year as it is too great a distance, and some of our members are attending other tourneys. I am sure if we all got together we could easily get four teams to bowl. So, hope to see you next year! The Sausage Dinner on Oct. 17th last fall was very well-attended. We made a few mistakes in handling the affair, but what do you expect from amateurs, huh? I am sure the next one we have will run smoothly. As past president, I wish to thank all who so willingly gave their full support in helping to make the sausages, potica, krofe and to the cooks, bartenders and the men who ran errands. It really got to be funny after a while, till we hit the bottom of the pans! This I saved for the last item which I think is the best. Wouldn’t this be a wonderful world if all married couples who lived could celebrate their 50th anniversary? The only sad part about the story of our recent celebrants is the fact that they couldn’t really celebrate due to illness in the family. The members of the committee in our branch who had certain areas assigned to them to take up a collection did very well. No one was more surprised than these two couples when the officers presented the gifts to them. Both couples expressed their deepest thanks to our branch and to everyone who gave. Romuald and Rose Medvešček had their anniversary on Feb. lGth and no party was planned for them either as both Rose and her husband are ill. Rose just came home from the hospital and is not feeling too well and her husband has been sick since 1958 with a stroke. Although the family got together for a dinner to cheer their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Medvešček spent a quite anniversary enjoying many bouquets of flowers from family and friends, cards and other gifts. The Home Maker Club, of which the two daughters and daughter-in-law are members, gave a gift of money. A Mass was offered for them on Feb. 27th for their Golden Anniversary. Rose has been a member since 1934 and was very active at one time. We wish them both the best of luok and most of all, good health and no more sufferings! Well folks, this is all, till I get more news. And to get more news 1 would like the members to contact this reporter so I will have something to write about. Good Health to the Sick! Good Bowling to the Women! Good Deeds to the Union! Sophie Mumaugh, Reporter No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — We are saddened by the loss of our member, Mrs. Mary Romich who passed away in March. She was a native of Forest City and operated, with her husband, the Romich Hotel, Indian Orchard. She was a good member of our branch and a fine lady. Mrs. Romich is survived by her husband, Harry, two sons and two daughters, five sisters, 14 grandchildren and many other relatives — so you see, she had a large and wonderful family. They are all extended our deepest sympathy. We send get-well wishes to Mrs. Gertrude Urbas and Mrs. Jennie Shemro, both ill and confined at St. Joseph’s Hospital Best wishes to all our members for good health and happiness. May you all have a very Happy Easter. Josephine Gostisha No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our Feb. meeting was held as usual on the 2nd Tuesday. We celebrated St. Valentine’s Day with a lot of Valentines and really had a good time. We also celebrated the birthday of sister BokaL She very graciously treated us to some home made goodies. Our Bake Sale has been willed oft because it was impossible to get the Hall. So, we may come up with something else later in the year. Our Secretary, Mary Camloh, has asked me to please ask you who mail your checks for dues, to remember the increase of 5 cents per month. That’s 60tl more per year for both adult classes. Juniors stay the same. There Is no extra Zarja contribution. Please try and remember this as she has a lot to do and it will make it easier if you pay the correct amount. Please do cooperate. Thank you. Members who have donated to the treasury are: Jennie Asseg, Mary Korošec, Ivana Goinbach, Josephine Debevec, Frances Karish, Jennie Batich, Jennie Russ, Josephine Zernic. Thank you, ladies. We want to wish Antonia Lukane a speedy recovery; she was at Euclid Glenville Hospital for some surgery. We also lost another member last month, Jennie Jelersio. To the family grieving for her, our deepest sympathy. Thank you card was received from the Jelersic - Pratner family and also from the Tomazin family. The Secretary read the information sent from the Home Office about the trips being planned to Europe this year. Anyone interested should please contact Slovenian Women’s Union at Chicago, 111., for more information, and first, consult your March Zarja Travel Guide. Easter is just around the corner so we would like to wish you all a happy Easter and a speedy recovery to all who may be ill. Best wishes. Sophie Magayna No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our January and February meetings were both well-attended and I believe it encourages them to pay their dues at the meeting instead of by coming to my home. I hope that many of the members will meet their obligations as I wish to get all the books and past business up-to-date. My address is 1311 So. Layton Blvd. and the telephone number is 384-5228. Our meetings are every third Thursday of the month at the lower St. John’s Hall, 1028 S. 9th St. at 1 o’clock P.M. After the meeting, the ladies play games and we have all enjoyed the lunches that have been served including cake, potica ,strudel and coffee. During the month of January, we lost two of our members, Marjen Stru-kel and Anna Oreskovich. We extend condolences to the families of the deceased. On Sunday, April 25th, we are having a Miscellaneous Card Party at St. John’s Hall. I hope to see a lot of our members and friends there. A speedy recovery to all our sick members and to all the elderly ladies who cannot attend the meeting, I wish you all the best and don’t forget, we all think of you in our minds and in our prayers. Hope to see a lot more of you at the next meeting. May God grant you good health and happiness. Happy Easter! Theresa Sukys, Sec’y No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — It is our happy duty to announce the name of our Mother of the Year of 1965! Winning without opposition, Mary Mirkovich, who has been a most willing worker for many years. Mary, with her pal, Zorka Vukovich, have been ever-wiling and able to serve on any committee when asked. This willing support has won for Mary the same love and respect she has given to all who know her. Mary and husband, Kuzma, have enjoyed 43 years of wedded bliss having been blessed with a lovely daughter, Phyllis Mllna-rich and grandson Paul (age 8) and son Ronald (our favorite plumber) and grandsons Ron Jr., Kevin and Denise . . . This has added much happiness to this very contented home. Mary is an avid church worker and her main hobby is knitting (of course the grandchildren are reason enough for this hobby). We can only say, Congratulations, Mary! A better and more deserving person could not be found I can assure you. Happiness to you and yours and may your year of 1965 be the happiest ever. Please remember the date of May 16th for ZVEZA DAY . . . Mass at the Church of the Nativity at 8:30 A.M. with Breakfast to follow at the Cliff House. Contact Betty Doherty, Margaret Fager or Rose Scoff for reservations. It is important for us to know the number of guests to assure comfortable seating at the tables. Make this a day to remember and all be in attendance. Our Mother for 1964, Barbara Ne-manich (also a Charter Member), at this report is still in the hospital. It would be nice to have her showered with Get-Well Cards. Also we ask for a little prayer from each and every member as Barbara has long worked for the benefit of Zveza and now we can show just a little how much we appreciate her with a prayer and a card. Her family all work for Zveza. Daughter, Ann ,is our Financial Secretary. Call Ann Stich for address. Our articles have been a little lengthy so will limit this one so poor Corinne wont have to try and salvage some additional material. Our Editor does a wonderful job and tries to satisfy all reporters even when we get carried away with too much news. Thanks, Corinne. (Your understanding is lovingly accepted. C.) May 16th Zveza Day See you. Frances E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio We were fortunate that on the day of our March meeting, we had a nice spring day, which no doubt helped in having a large attendance at the meeting. We welcomed three new members and two transferees. The new members are Olga Zimmerman, Alma Eppich and Marija Goričan. The two that transferred are Josephine Centa and daughter, Cheryl. Birthday celebrants at this meeting were: Pauline Cesar, Marie Horning, Frances Kog, Agatha Zajc, Rose Mickovic, Josephine Blatnik, Jennie Erzen, Ann Snyder, Josephine Centa and Milena Ferkul. Plenty of baked goods was supplied by the following ladles: Pauline Cesar—Cake, Jennie Erzen—Cake, Josephine Centa—Two Cakes, Josephine Cebuly—Krofe, Marie Horning—Flancete, Tillie Spehar -—Strudel, Rose Mickovic—Cheer and Jennie Vidovich—Cheer. So, it can be seen that an enjoyable time was had by all. Cash donations to the good-time treasury were made by the following: Ann Snyder, Rose Maurich, Rose Rupert, Antonia Ipavec, Frances Kog, Louise Reja, Vida Kuhar, Agatha Zajc, Josephine Blatnik, Mary Walter, Frances Plevnik and Mary Grill. Other donations included two aprons by Frances Kog, and one apron by Agatha Zajc. Special mention should be made of Mary Koljat’s donation of very unique Easter ornaments, consisting of crocheted chicks, roosters, and bunnies. The lucky lady of the evening was Antoinette Wichich, where lightning struck twice in her favor, being the winner of both the door prize and special prize. Our Vice-president Mary Stražišar and her husband, are on a six week vacation, visiting Florida and Texas, for a visit with her son and family. Condolences are extended to the Tanko family on the loss of their husband, father and grandfather. Also to the families of two of our members who passed away recently, Jennie Hoffart and Frances Kolar. May we remember them in our prayers. Plans have been completed for a 11 o’clock Mass on Sunday June 13th, to be followed by a dinner, to be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Chardon Rd. Euclid, Ohio. Members should make reservations in advance by contacting the officers. We are hopeful of a large turnout. Incidentally, the Mass will be in Slovenian. Molly Sodja No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our congratulations to the St. Gen Society of KS KJ on their 60th anniversary. The celebration of this anniversary was held with a High Mass offered by their Spiritual Director, Msgr. Baznik. In the evening, a banquet was held with all Supreme Officers present. Mr. Mary Golobitch, who was its char- ROLL ‘EM, GALS! 29th ANNUAL S.W.U. MIDWEST HANDICAP BOWLING TOURNAMENT — WIBG SANCTION PLAZA BOWL Virginia, Minnesota Singles & Doubles — Saturday, April 10, 1965 Teams — Sunday, April 11, 1965 HOSTESS TEAM: Bit. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. Bowlers and spectators are cheerfully invited to the Tourney! Contact Elizabeth Zefran, Sports Dir. 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Special bus departs Chicago Fri. Apr. 9, returning Sun. night, Apr. 11. 8TH EASTERN GET-TOGETHER BOWLING TOURNEY SCORES ! by Toni Turek Prize Cleveland, O. 22 teams entered to make this another Place Br. No. Pins Captains successful tournament and enjoyed by all. This year we 1. 50 2983 Bernice Somrak $35.00 had a new entry which was Br. 21 from West Park. Nice 2. 25 2982 Fay Rolih 30.00 having you and hope you can make two teams for next 3. 25 2974 Pauline Vegel 25.00 year. We missed Mary Turk’s team from Br. 73. Heard 4. 50 2957 Therese Komat 20.00 that Mary is ailing and also couple of her team-mates. 5. 15 2924 Irene Novak 15.00 Get-well wishes to them, and be seeing you next tourna- 6. 10 2895 Peggie Dobnikar 12.00 ment! Branch No. 50 entered seven teams. 7. 25 2893 Arlene LaConte 10.00 I wish to thank all bowlers who took part; to Alyce Arko 8. 15 2885 Sophie Hrovat 9.00 who usually assists me and to State President Mary Bos- 9. 15 2872 Alice Arko 9.00 tian who took charge of the luncheon and her helpers, 10. 15 2869 Bernie Zupančič 8.00 Mrs. Leslie and the two young ladies who worked so hard. 11. 42 2837 Lil Sadowslci 7.00 In behalf of all the bowlers, a big thank-you to all who 12. 10 2829 Mary Korošec 7.00 had furnished the delicious baked goods so that we were 13. 50 2802 Josephine Gerbec 7.00 able to have this nice luncheon after bowling. 14. 50 2771 Agnes Modic 7.00 Following are the scores and the prize money given: 15. 50 2769 Angie Pozelnick 6.00 1G. 2)5 2732 Edith Solomon 6.00 High Team Game Actual 17. 47 2730 Jo Lea 6.00 Br. 50 Captain Therese Komat 843 $5.00 18. 73 2726 Ann Predovic 6.00 High Single Game 19. 21 2694 Frances Milclich 5.00 Br. 15 Bernie Novak 211 $5.00 20. 50 2644 Christine Mildaucic 5.00 High Individual Three Games 21. 15 2639 Hattie Fashenpaur 5.00 Br. 50 Bernie Somrak 535 $5.00 22. 50 2637 Mickey Okalson 5.00 ter member, was the recipient of gifts and recognition. Honored also were a number of members who belong 50 or more years. Many of them are also our members. The same evening, our pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Butala was specially honored as it was his namesday, St. Mathias, and the church choir sang their tribute with Happy Namesday and Pozdravljeni and many other songs. Mrs. Anna Fandeck, our member, too, sang various Slovenian songs on the occasion. We wish to join all the many wishes extended to Msgr. Butala by adding our own congratulations and hopes that he will be able to stay among us for many more years. In March, our vice-president, Mrs. Josephine Muster celebrated her birthday and also, her namesday, as did many of our members, including Mrs. Jo Sumic. We wish them all many happy returns. On April 2nd, our president, Mrs. Emma Planinšek will celebrate her birthday. Many more years is wished her by all of us. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turk of 810 Larkin St. who celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary. Our condolences to Mrs. Theresa Papez on the loss of her father, Martin Tezak as also to their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stella Tezak. Sympathy to the Todorovich family and Strysiks, Sacks and Brick families on the loss of their grandma, Mrs. Mary Pazdertz. Mrs. Helen Sack and Mrs. Mayine Brick have been our members for several years. Mrs. Antonia Struna is home convalescing at 714 Wilcox St. her permanent home, where she welcomes visitors. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Theresa Marentich, former vice-president, was honored with a gift for her departure from office and her many good works for the branch. The annual report was read at the meeting and it showed we are in arrears. If everyone paid their dues in advance, this would not happen. Wishing you all a Happy Easter. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III’. Bowling News — . In the middle of October, American Slovenian Home was in seventh place. Since then they have come within three games from the never-dying Northwest Recreation Club. Northwest took over high team series for season with a 1855; Bluth’s Sausage dropped to second with their series of 1827, but continues to hold top team game (G68) for season. Jo Mlakar stands out on top with an average of 156, followed by Ann Savol’s 153 and Marge Wajehert’s 152. Congratulations to Ann Sternisha who was one of the winners in the 1905 Annual Will County March of Dimes Tounament. Good work Ann. I would like to take this opportunity to comment on a display of fine sportsmanship shown by Jo Mlakar, Captain of Shep’s DX Service Station. It is amazing to watch Jo, who is genuinely interested in our individual bowling. She sincerely hopes everyone does well, if they are on her team or not. It is a pleasure to have a girl like Jo in our league. February 18th marked the 40th Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. William Kobe 1822 Cora Street, Crest Hill, HONORED ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY Joliet. The couple was married at St. Mary’s Nativity Church by the late Rev. George Veolich in 1925. In honor of the occasion, the couple was entertained by their two children at a dinner held at Autumn Acres. The couple’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. William Bozick, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. &Mrs. William Kobe, Jr., and their grandchildren were present to celebrate the Anniversary. Many Happy Returns to Marge Gasperich, Captain of Northwest, and Ann Cox who had celebrated their birthdays March 2nd and March 24th respectively. Ann Sternisha had a double celebration in March, her Anniversary on March 15th and Birthday on March 19th. Best of luck to all who have entered the Will County Tournament. Marilyn Nemanich No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our condolences and sympathy to Edith Cimperman on the loss of her beloved husband, Anthony, wrho passed away Jan. 22nd. Sister of Mary Vehar, Jennie Bocliar, Anne Vuk, Bertha Glau. Our sick members who left the hospital recently, Marie Pivek, Theresa Kozuh; on the sick list, Prances Kavc. Plans for our annual Mother of the Year Party on May 5th at 7 P.M. were discussed. Tickets were distributed to the members and bakery or salads will be needed as donations from the members. Please cooperate in making this a success. Prize: One Case of Cheers or Cash! Members of former Br. 53 — thirty-five adults and seven juniors, have become members of our branch. A hearty welcome to all! A reminder, to take care of your overdue assessment, members! With best wishes to all for a Happy Easter! Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 24, LaSalle, III. — Our long-awaited spring is nearly here and we hope with the better weather, wre shall see many of you at our meetings. A reminder to all that the 5ent, it was well attended. Interesting reports were given by the following: ZVEZA DAY TO BE HELD AT LEMONT JULY 18 Information on Zveza Day which will be held at Lemont on July 18th is as follows. Bus will leave Cleveland Friday night about 11 P.M. and arrive early Saturday morning. We will have lodging and meals right on the premises and will spend Saturday and Sunday there at the Baraga Retreat House. Round trip fare by bus will be very reasonable, only $15.00. Sunday night we shall leave back for Cleveland as soon as all the services and picnic which the ladies of Branch 2, Chicago, are preparing are over. We will arrive in Cleveland early Monday morning in time for those who will have to go to work. Lodging for Saturday night July 17th is only $2.50 and breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be $4.50 per day. Cost of this whole trip including transportation, lodging and meals will be about $27.00 total. Reservations for lodging and meals will have to be made one month in advance. Whoever is planning in going on this trip, please notify me as soon as possible. Come join us and meet new friends, attend all the services and enjoy yourself at the gathering. For more information, write or phone me or contact your secretary of your Branch. Toni Turek 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 19, Ohio — KE 1-0230 Mary Plesha reported that she and Ann Pearson audited the books, and found them in order and Evelyn Driscoll reported that our Booklet will be sent to all of our members, to please accept them and return them before our May meeting. This is our most exciting venture and hopefully all members will join in the effort. Meanwhile, I am grateful for the genuine consideration of Ann Pave and Ann Pearson for the delicious cakes they have donated, and to Rose Bal-lock, Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Victoria Rukavina and Viola Spitz for their generous contributions to our treasury which all added up to an enjoyable evening. Best wishes to the following who are celebrating birthdays in April: Andrijana Bandera, Carol Dean, Frances Hlaner, Marge Innis, Cecelia Ko-lavo, Rose Kovacevich, Rose Krneta, Marta Ladisioh, Ann Mravacich, Mary Nicksic, Mary Pavelich, Barbara Sambol, and Margaret TIdovich. Get well wishes are extended to Rose Mary Cacich who has been hospitalized. Our condolences to Ann Cavlovich on the loss of her beloved father. Again, with unexpected suddenness, death has come among us. Mildred Dean, 9321 S. Menard Ave, Oak Lawn, Illinois has silently departed from us. Her death is visibly and profoundly felt by those with whom she had daily contact. We feel a keen sense of loss in her passing. May her soul rest in everlasting peace and may the Almighty grant solace and consolation to the members of her grief-stricken family. In closing, don’t forget to attend our May 5th meeting, when we will honor our mother of the year and a program will be planned for the evening. Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Our Feb meeting was held with members from Cleveland, Mrs. Poltz and from Geneva, Ohio, Mrs. Grabelsek, in attendance. We hope these ladies are enjoying their stay in California. Hope also, that they will return soon. Those celebrating birthdays, included Mrs. Frances Lukanich, Mrs. Paula Vidergar and Mrs. Dorothy Petrich. Refreshments were served and donated by several of the members. It was quite an honor to be chosen as Mother of the Year for 1965. I do appreciate it very much. I would like to encourage all our members and our visitors to the next meeting which we promise will be short and it will be followed with games and refreshments. We wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members, and God bless you all. Antoinette Kovach, Sec’y No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio — Our February meeting was a Valentine party which was opened with a prayer by Father John Paulin. Each member received a corsage. A handkerchief and a card was given to Father. Our president appointed Eleanor Hawkins as membership chairman and Esther Shinsky as publicity chairman. We had a few guests present. Our sincerest thanks to Mary Mer-tle who gave a demonstration on floral arrangements. She donated a beautiful arrangement with the lucky winner being Helen Samko. Congratulations to Ethel Ritt-wage’s son, Jim, who’s one of Cleveland Indians pitchers on the team's spring training roster. Jim left February 26 for Tuseon, Arizona. February hostesses were Dorothy Kastellic, Barbara Orlosky, and myself. Thanks to the officers who pro- vided a beautifully decorated Valentine sheet cake. For March we had a pre-lenten and St. Patrick’s meeting. Opening prayer was by Dorothy Kastellic, with a closing prayer by Father Paulin. A discussion was held on the Mother's Day dinner to be held on May 3. Also, we will all receive Communion on Sunday, May 2 at the 8:00 Mass at Saint Pius. We had a wonderful speaker, James Broz. He spoke o n Communism, which was very interesting. March hostesses were Frances Spychalski, Esther Shinsky, and Eleanor Hawkins. Welcome new members. They are: Helen Jurek, Mary Mertle, Pat Nich-olls, Geneva Antoon, and Stella Hajek. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. To all those who are celebrating birthdays, Happy Birthday, and those who are celebrating anniversaries, Happy Anniversary. May God Bless All Of You! Betty Matjašič, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Our Februar meeting was held at the home of Alice Becker and her mother, Mrs. Josephine Kriser. There were fifteen members present. I did not attend the meeting, but Pauline Adamic, our President, filled me in on the news and events that occured. In my last article, I stated that Gail Simon was taking over the secretarial duties. Now, there has been a change and Katherine Musick will take over again. At the time the last article was written, Katherine’s husband was very ill and she had to devote most of her time to him. He passed away and now, Katherine will resume her duties as secretary. Deepest sympathy to her and to Frances Rovsek whose mother passed away several weeks ago. Mary Zimmerman and her spouse are still in California. They have been spending the past winter months away from this frigid area. Soon they will be returning, and I know that Mary will have a lot to relate. It will be nice to have you back again, Mary. Julia Panzica had a birthday Feb. 14th, the day of the meeting. Pauline Adamic baked her a nice heart-shaped cake and I heard tell it was really beautiful as well as delicious. A lovely lunch was prepared by Alice and her moan. March 26th was the birthday of Katherine Musick. A very happy, tho belated birthday, Katherine. The following will have birthdays in April: Alice Kocjan, Fulvia Rosa and Ann Plazar. Many happy returns of the day, ladies. Our next meeting is at Julia Pan-zica’s home — see you all there. Take care and God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE GL. ODBORNIC v gl. uradu, Chicago, Illinois, 22.-23. februar, 1965 Pol letna seja Odbora Direktoric S. Ž. Zveze se je pričela v pondeljek, 22. februarja, 1965 ob 9:30 dop. v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu. Naslednje odbornice so bile navzoče: Ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland; preds. Antonia Turek; tajnica, Albina Novak; blagajničarka, Josephine Zelznikar in nadzornice: Ann Podgoršek, Frances Gaspich in urednica Corinne Leskovar. Odsotna je bila nadzornica Vicki Faletič. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po pregledu so vse direktorice obiskala Metropolitan banko, kjer so overovile in pregledale vrednostne papirje, ki so shranjeni v varnostnem predalu. Vsi dokumenti so bili v poročilu tajnice. Direktorice izrazijo svoje odobravanje, ker so vsi dokumenti in računi najdeni v najlepšem redu. Direktorice nato nadaljujejo sejo v gl. uradu s čitanjeni poročil, ki so bila sprejeta, kakor čitana. Poročilo Glavne Predsednice Pozdravljene direktorice in dobrodošle na prvi seji tega leta. Upam, da bo to leto kar najuspešnejše za našo S.Ž.Z. Poročila vseh državnih predsednic za leto 1964 so bila zelo ugodna. Njihovo navdušeno delo je bilo dobro poplačano z uspehi sijajnih aktivnosti v raznih državah kar je tudi pomagalo v pridobitvi novih članic. Novoizvoljena drž. preds. za Ohio-Mich., Mary Bostian je res trdo delala za njen prvi državni dan in bazar, ki se je vršil v Clevelandu ter bil kronan z odličnim uspehom. Ona je tudi organizirala autobus s 37 potniki, ki so se udeležili državnega dneva v Penna., ki je tudi zelo lepo uspel. Udeležila sem se obeh konvencij, kakor tudi drž. konvencije za IU.-Ind. Mrs. Prisland je sprejela vabilo za udeležbo v Pueblu ,na konv. Colorada. Dobro nas je zastopala. Konvencija je bila deležna velikega uspeha, kar se je poznalo tudi v povečanem povpraševanju za kuhinjskimi knjigami. Naša taj., Albina Novak je zastopala gl. odbor na drž. konvenciji v Biwabiku, Minn. Hvala vsem in čestitke pridnim drž. preds. Udeležila sem se tudi banketa v počastitev poznanega slov. kulturnega delavca, dirigenta in pevca, g. Antona Šublja, kakor tudi 70 letnice KSKJ v Clevelandu. Bila sem navzoča na lepi proslavi 35 letnice podr. št. 32 in organizirala sem posebni autobus naših članic, ki smo šle na okusno klobasno večerjo članic št. 68 v Fairportu, O. Imele smo se odlično. Med mladinskimi aktivnostmi v Clevelandu, je bila tudi kegljaška liga pod zvestim vodstvom Pauline Vegel od št. 25. Liga ima 8 skupin z lepimi bluzami ter jo sedaj že četrto leto vodi ses. Vegel. Vežbalni krožek in kadetke vodi na vežbanju vsako so- boto Ernestine Jevec. Letos bomo imele ženske kegljaške tekme 7. marca v Clevelandu v Euclid Green kegljišču in srednje-zapadna tekma bo 10. in 11. aprila v Plaza kegljišču v Virginia, Minn. Izleti v Evropo se bodo to poletje zopet vršili pod okriljem naše Zveze. Mrs. Albina Novak bo vodila skupino in to bo njeno 10-to potovanje preko luže. Vsem želimo srečno potovanje in zdrav povratek. Skušala bom organizirati skupino Klevelandčank za Zve-zin dan v Lemontu, IH. ki bo 18. julija. Upam, da uspemo in se udeležimo skupnega romanja. Članska kampanja ustanoviteljice, je pričela bolj počasi, toda upanje je, da bo z bližajočo se pomladijo, delovanje poživljeno. Zaradi smrti taj. št. 53, Mary Kolanz iz Clevelanda, so članice sklenile, da se združijo s podr. št. 21 in prepričana sem, da bodo vse članice zadovoljne z odločitvijo. V dec. 1963 je bilo tiskanih 5000 izvodov kuharske knjige, ki je bila v enem letu vsa razprodana in v dec. 1964 sem prejela novo pošiljko 4635 izvodov in upana, da jih bomo tudi razprodale v enem letu s pomočjo odbornic in članic. Anna Pachak vodi listo pridnih razprodajalk, ki je prodala 438 knjig, Marie Prisland jih je 270, Molly Sodja 173 in Josephine Gostisha 170. Iskrena zahvala vsem. V tem času se ne morem dati dokončnega obračuna, ker nekatero podr. še niso poslale denarje, ker še imajo nekaj knijg. Zbrani denar pošljem na gl. urad. Podrobno poročilo bo sledilo. V Zarji sem mesečno poročala o svojem delu za Zvezo. V pričakovanju uspešnega zasedanja in srečne vrnitve na domove, vas pozdravlja Antonia Turek Poročilo Tajnice Finančnega odbora in Načelnice Šolninskega Odbora Pozdrave vsem in želje za srečno in zdravo leto 1965! Od vsega početka naše organizacije sem investirala Zve-zine dohodke in gledala njeno rast. Nikoli nisem pričakovala, da bo mala vsota $124.50 v prvem mesecu leta 1927 zrasla v pol-miljonsko premoženje, kar se je sedaj dogodilo. Po 38 letih ima SŽZ sedaj kapital $500,580.16. Investicije Zakladniški bondi v znesku $20,000 so dozoreli v avgustu. Kupljeni so bili za 20,000 in vnovčeni za isto vsoto. Obresti so znesle $2,250 od 1. nov. 1961. $S,000 smo investirale v škofijo Duluth po 5% obresti, dozorelo bo 1. dec. 1976. $4,000 je bilo vloženih v bolniške bonde Sester Usmiljenk, Portland. Obresti 5%, dozorijo v okt. 1972. $20,000 je bilo vloženih v Zvezne zalcladniške bonde, ki so bili kupljeni za $19,962 po 4.05% obresti, dozoreli bodo v okt. 1969. Ostale Investicije in Finančno Poročilo Šolninskega Sklada je v celoti objavljeno v Angleškem delu Zarje. Ljubljanska Knjižnica in Zgodovinski oddelek Minesot-ske univerze se zahvaljujeta za poslano imigrantsko zgodovinsko gradivo. Sedaj zbiram dopise v raznih slov. in hrvatskih listih o SŽZ, predno smo imele Zarjo. Upam, da bomo enkrat imele svojo lastno Zvezino knjižnico, kjer bo zbrano zgodovinsko gradivo. Moj obisk koloradske drž. konvencije in raznih podružnic te države, mi bo ostal vedno v lepem spominu. Hvaležna sem Mrs. Anna Pachak, drž. preds. za Colo.-Kans,-Missouri, ker tako sposobno vodi ne samo njeno podr., ampak tudi druge podr. v njenem področju. — In ona je tudi sijajna prodajalka, saj je sama razprodala nad 400 kuharskih knjig. Res rekord! V dec. smo izgubile pridno tajnico, Mary Schimenz, ki je služila nad 25 let v tem uradu podr. št. 12, v Milwaukee. Udeležila sem se njenega pogreba in njena žalujoča družina ter podr. št. 12 naj prejme najbolj globoke izraze našega sožalja. V zadoščenje nam je, da je prva izdaja kuharske knjige razprodana in upamo, da bo druga izdaja tudi šla naglo v promet. Želim, da bo zborovanje direktoric kar najbolj uspešno. Marie Prisland Poročilo glavne tajnice Pozdravljene! Danes smo se zbrale k prvi seji v letu 1965, do ukrenemo kar največ mogoče koristnega za članstvo in Zvezo. V angleškem delu zapisnika je šest-mesečno poročilo o stroških in dohodkih v zadnjem pol-letu 1964. Prebitek za 6 mesecev v vseh skladih je $7,372.64. Zanimalo bo gotovo vse članice, da je premoženje doseglo pol-miiijona dolarjev premoženja v vseh skladih. V članstvu ni posebnega napredka, toda ako vpoštevamo, da je bilo 169 smrtnih slučajev v letu 1964, katerim se je izplačalo $17,450.00, se lahko reče, da smo imele lep napredek. KAMPANJA za nove članice nam je prinesla lepo število novih, kar je pomagalo, da nismo nazadovale, ampak napredovale za 85 članic od leta 1963. Kakor pri vseh or- ganizacijah tako tudi pri naši, se črta članice, ki ne plačajo asesmenta in na žalost ima večina podružnie več ali manj teh skrbi. NOVA KAMPANJA, ki je v počast naših ustanoviteljic se počasi premika do uspešnega cilja. Do januarja letos je pristopilo 107 članic. Upati je, da bomo dosegle zaželjen cilj do 1. junija, ko se kampanja zaključi. Smrt je pobrala v zadnjem pol-letu dve tajnici. Umrla je agilna tajnica podružnice št. 12, Mrs. Mary Schimenz, v Milwaukee in tajnica podružnice št. 53, Mrs. Mary Ko-lanc, v Clevelandu. Obe sta dolgo vrsto let vodile svoj tajniški posel in bosta gotovo pogrešani. Naj jima Bog poplača vsa dobra dela. Dve podružnici sta se združili in sicer št. 18 s podružnico št. 41 in podružnica 53 s podružnico št. 21. Mrs. Ella Starin, tajnica št. 41 in Mrs. Stella Dancul, tajnica št. 21, sta s to združitvijo pomnožile svoje delo, toda sta obe zelo vestni odbornic in bosta prav gotovo odlično izvršile svoj posel kot sta ga doslej. Minesotske podružnice so imele svoj državni dan 13. septembra v Biwabiku, kjer sem zastopala glavni urad. Bil je krasen dan in častno izpeljan program po odbornicah in članicah št. 39. Prisrčna hvala vsem skupaj in še posebej naši nadzornici, Ani Podgoršek, katere gost sem bila in vsem članicam št. 33, za izkazano gostoljubnost. Naše glasilo Zarja je zelo priljubljen list med članstvom, kar pričajo mnoge pohvale, katere dobivamo v glavni u-rad. Srečne smo, da imamo vestno in izurjeno urednico Corinne Leskovar, ki skrbi, da je Zarja zanimiva tudi kadar izide samo na IG straneh. Prva naklada kuharskih knjig je skoraj docela razprodana. Naš poklon vrli predsednici Toni Turek in soprogu Franku, ki točno razpošiljata naročnine. Gotova bomo zadovoljne tudi z lepim dobičkom, kakor je poročala Mrs. Turek. Vsi, ki se pri tem delu trudijo, zaslužijo naš lep poklon! Sporočam, da imamo sedaj v glavnem uradu zelo marljivo In sposobno pomočnico v osebi Mrs. Sophie Bogolin, hčerko gl. blagajničarke, Mrs. Železnikar. V kratkem se vršijo dve klejaški tekmi. Prva v Clevelandu in druga za srednji zapad v Minnesoti. Da bi šlo povsod po sreči, je naša topla želja ter obilo zabave vsem sotrudnicam. čas za izlete bo kar kmalu tukaj. Mrs. Žefran bo zopet letos vodila romarice v Canado na vsa svetovno znana božja potii v Canadi in ima na rokah podatke za vse, ki se zanimajo. Mnogo članic in njihove družine se bodo letos podale v stari kraj. Prihodnje Zarje bodo prinesle strani s pojasnili in pričakuje se, da bo zopet letos odziv velik. Zahvaljujemo se potovalni dražbi August Kolandra v Clevelandu, ki nadzorjuje naše lepo urejene izlete. Dal Bog, da bi leto 1965 nam prineslo mnogo uspehov! Albina Novak Poročilo Glavne Blagajničarke Po Zvezinih pravilih smo se zopet sešle, da podamo poročila o našem delu, da se pregledajo poslovne knjige za zadnjih G mesecev. Gl. tajnica, Albina Novak je že podala podrobno finančno poročilo s katerim se v celoti strinjam, zato podajam tukaj samo glavni blagajniški pregled za zadnjih G mesecev: Skupni dohodki za G mesecev $ 36,732.58 Stroški za to dobo 29,358.94 Preostanek za G mesecev 7,373.64 Ostanek v blagajni od jun. 1964 $493,556.2« Skupni znesek v blagajni, 31. dec. 19G4 $500,929.92 Odbitek od hiše 349.76 Skupni ostanek v blagajni, 31. dec. 1964 $500,580.16 Vvala lepa vsem rednim dopisovalkam v Zarji, kakor tudi Duhovnemu Svetovalcu za lepe članke. Drugega posebnega nimam za poročati, toda sem na razpolago za pojasnila. Sprejmite moje iskrene pozdrave vse navzoče gl. odbornice. Vse vas že sedaj vabim na Zvezin Dan, dne 18. julija v Lemontu, Illinois. Josephine Železnikar Poročilo Predsednice Nadzornega Odbora Pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam zbranim na naši prvi seji v tem letu. Upam, da bo naše zasedanje uspešno v vseh ozirih. Nadzorni odbor je pregledal finančne knjige gl. tajnice, blagajničarke, urednice Zarje ter načelnice šolninskega sklada, kakor tudi investicije in varne predale v banki in našle vse v redu. Naš poklon! Krasno uspeli Minnesotski Zvezin dan se je vršil 13. sept. v Biwabiku. Naša podr. se je udeležila s posebnim autobusom. Vse je bilo lepo vodeno ob lepi udeležbi. Vse smo tudi bile vesele videti našo Albino Novak, ki je zastopala gl. urad. Nad 400 oseb se je udeležilo slavnostnega banketa in posebno smo bile počaščene z navzočnostjo našega priljubljenega kongresnika Johna Blatnika, na katerega smo zelo ponosne. Prijetni humor kongresnika Blatnika in Albine, je spravil vse v najlepše razpoloženje. Pri naši podr. imamo vedno mnogo aktivnosti, 7. okt. smo slavile 35 letnico ustanovitve, ko smo počastile tudi 7 ustanovnih članic. Kosila se je udeležilo 125 članic. Z veseljem se udeležujemo mesečnih sej, ki so dobro obiskane, čeprav nam včasih nagaja mrzli severni veter. — Z veseljem tudi pričakujemo kegljaške tekme, ki bodo v Virginiji v aprilu. Že sedaj vabim kegljačice od blizu in daleč. — V kampanji želimo pomnožiti naše članstvo v obeh oddelkih. To končuje moje poročilo. Ann Podgoršek (Ses. Faletič se zaradi prezaposlenosti ni mogla udeležiti zasedanja in je bila upravičeno odsotna.) Poročilo Tretje Glavne Nadzornice Iskreno pozdrave vsem gl. odbornicam. Želim vam vsem zdravje in srečo v tem letu. Sestale smo se, da pregledamo poslovne knjige gl. tajnice, blag., načelnice šolninskega sklada ter urednice Zarje. Tudi smo pregledale v banki bonde ter investicije in poročam skupno z ostalimi nadzornicami, da smo našle vse v zelo dobrem redu in odbornice zaslužijo pohvalo. Prances J. Gaspich Poročilo Urednice Zaključile smo leto naše 13 narodne konvencije s trdnimi sklepi za pojačeno delovanje in večjo Slovensko Žensko Zvezo. V Zarji sem skušala dvigniti še večje zanimanje članic za delo podružnic, posebno s številnimi poročili o res pogumnem delu za napredek. V juliju in avgustu zadnjega leto smo posvetile precej prostora konvenčnim poročilom in sklepom ter ljubki kra ljici in drugem. V jeseni so bila objavljena številna poročila o uspešnih drž. konvencijah in v oktobra je bila objavljena Članska Kampanja ustanoviteljic ter zapisnik pol-letne seje direktoric. Naša decemberska izdaja je, kakor vsako leto, posvečena bližajočim se božičnim praznikom in lani je bilo 3 in pol strani božičnih voščilnih oglasov kar je prineslo $123 v tiskovni sklad in odlikovale so se zopet naše najbolj zveste odbornice: Antonia Turek, št. 50, Mary Lenich, št. 19, Anna Pachak, št. 3, Ixniise Epley, št. 73, Rose Scoff, št. 13 in podr. št. 41 iz Clevelanda. Najprisrčnejša zahvala vsem! Mislim, (la so dopisi naših poročevalk in članki glavnih odbornic kar dela Zarjo privlačno in zanimivo. Predvsem Mrs. Prisland je sposobna pisateljica vsa ta leta in njej sledi gl. preds. Antonia Turek. Posebno ugledni so prispevki verske vsebine našega duhovnega svetovalca, g. p. Klavdija Okorna, OFM. Gospodinjsko kolono piše Hermine Dicke in Regina mladinsko kolono. Vse kažejo ne samo znanje v njihovih področjih, ampak tudi ljubezen do tega dela. Zarja hoče tudi v bodoče biti glasnik Zvezinega dela in zrcalo naših naporov. (Finančno poročilo je bilo objavljeno v angleškem delu ter kaže stanje tiskovnega sklada.) Srečna sem, da morem poročati, o najlepšem sodelovanju in podpori, katere sem deležna od strani odbornic in članic. Pri domači podružnici sem pomagala pri organizaciji Zvezinega dneva v Lemontu, ki je bil najvažnejši dogodek poletja, nakar smo imele lepo uspele družabne prireditve v oktobru ter lep program Božičnice v decembru, ki je privabila lepo udeležbo otrok in njihovih mater. Po mnenju mnogih je božični program bil najboljši doslej. Vse to pomaga pri ustvaritvi večjega zanimanja za organizacijo in prinaša dobro podlago za pridobitev novih članic. Corinne Leskovar Poročilo Načelnice Ženskih in Športnih Aktivnosti Pozdrav vsem direktoricam. Veseli me, da sem z vami na tem zborovanju. Od konvencije sem pomagala pri Zvezinem dnevu v Lemontu, kakor tudi pri organizaciji kegljaške tekme. To leto se bo tekma vršila v Virginiji, Minil, pod sponzorstvom kegljačič podr. št. 39 iz Blwabika. Čeprav je delo daleč, je vendar upanje, da se bo čimveč članic udeležilo tega tekmovanja. Zanimivi film o Kanadskih božjih poteh je z velikim zanimanjem gledalo 60 oseb v dvorani pri Sv. Stefanu. Čeprav je bilo izredno mrzlo, je vendar bilo v lepo zadoščenje Father J. Rinfret, OMI, da je bil tolikšen odziv in se vsem udeležencem večera in vsem darovalcem prispevkov lepo zahvaljuje. Letošnje romanje se bo pričelo 17. julija iz Chicaga in bomo prispeli v Montreal 18. jul. ob 7:30 zjutraj, kjer se bomo udeležile sv. maše v Svetovni baziliki Svete Kraljice. Ustavile se bomo v Trois Rivers, Quebec City, St. Ann De Beaupre in drugod. Imele bomo tudi procesijo s svečkami kar bo zanimivost posebne vrste. Dne 6. nov. nas je skupina odletela na izlet v Las Vegas, Nev. Potovanje z letalom je bilo krasno .mirno in prijetno, vreme je bilo toplo. Nastanjene smo bile v Flamingo motelu in ogledale smo si razne gledališke predstave. Vrnile smo se v Chicago v pondeljek zjutraj. Podobno potovanje pripravljamo za to jesen in bi rada videla, da se nam članice Zveze pridružijo. Elizabeth Zefran Vsa poročila so bila sprejeta, kakor čitana. Poročila in pozdrave so poslale tudi naslednje odbornice: Vicki Faletič, gl. podpieds.; Mary Bostlan, drž. preds. Ohio-Mich.; Anna Pachak, drž. preds. Colo.-Kans.-Missouri; Mary Tomšič, drž. preds. za Penna; in Mary Lenich, taj. št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Poročilo Druge Gl. Nadzornice Pozdrav drage so-odbornice! Bilo je sijajno leto z mnogimi in uspešnimi prireditvami. Trudimo se, da podr. št. 25 napreduje v vseh ozirih. Odbornice so steber društvenih aktivnosti. Ses. Pauline Stampfel je odlična preds. in izborna žena z mehkim srcem; ses. Mary Otoničar je prava voditeljica za napredek S.W.U. Ona je taj. in blag. St. 25. Naša zapis. ses. Dorothy Sternisa pomaga kjerkoli je potrebno in res lepo piše; ses. Mary Kolegar, podpreds. enako pomaga kjer je potrebno in rada tudi pomaga naši blagajni. Če bi bilo več prostora ,bi bilo lepo napisati o naših vrlih odbornicah kaj več, saj so vse pravi vzor nesebičnega društvenega delovanja. Enako velja vsem našim članicam zahvala za lepo in prijazno sodelovanje. Zelo smo vesele, da nas gl. preds. Toni Turek večkrat obišče in nas vzpodbuja k delu kar vse pomaga k večjemu razmahu organizacije. Z odličnim spoštovanjem, Vicki Faletič Poročilo Drž. Preds. za Colo. Spoštovane gl. odbornice, č. preds. Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Antonia Turek, gl. taj. Albina Novak in vse udeleženke seje: Globoko sem hvaležna glavnim odbornicam naše SŽZ za složno delo in prijateljsko razumevanje, ki je najvažnejše za uspeh vsake organizacije. Moje poročilo je kratko. Predvsem želim, da bi tekoča kampanja v počast ustanoviteljici, Mr. Prisland bila deležna velikega uspeha in dobrega odziva s pristopi novih članic. — Tajnica podr. št. 78 iz Leadville, Colo., Mary Vidmar, se mi je pismeno nekoliko pritožila, da pri njeni podr. upada zanimanje za organizacijsko delo. Takoj sem ji odgovorila in ji dala nekaj nasvetov za pojačeno delovanje in razveseljivo je, da se razmere izboljšujejo. Zelo sem ponosna, da imamo v Colo. 5 zelo delavnih podr. Naša drž. konvencija je bila kronana z lepim uspehom. Kuharske knjige se tudi povoljno prodajajo. Na rokah i-nam zalogo, če katera želi jih lahko dobi. — S tem končujem svoje poročilo za današnjo sejo. Bog daj, da bi sesterstvo vedno ostala med nami in vedno porojala nove uspehe za našo SŽZ. Lepe pozdrave, Vaša, Anna Pachak, drž. preds. Poročilo Drž. Preds. za Penna Častna preds. Mrs. Prisland, gl. preds. A. Turek, gl. tajnica Mrs. Novak in vse navzoče gl. odbornice: Sprejmite moje tople pozdrave z željo, da bo vaše prvo zborovanje v Novem letu rodilo polno dobrih ukrepov v korist Zveze in vsega članstva. Naš Zvezin dan smo slavile 13. sept. z lepim uspehom ob veliki udeležbi. Hvala gl. preds. ses. Turek za obisk ter vsem sestram in prijateljem od blizu in daleč, ki so nas posetili tega dne. Dne 11. okt. sem se udeležila drž. konvencije in bazarja klevelandskih podružnic. Iz Penna, nas je šlo veliko, da smo napolnile autobus, posebno od št. 91, da smo tako malo vrnile našim vrlim sestram iz Clevelanda, ki nas rade obiščejo. Naša drž. konvencija in Zvezin dan za to leto se bo vršil v Acmetoniji, točen datum še ni določen. Ses. Prisland želim veliko uspehov v tej kampanji. — Kuharske knjige tudi gredo dobro v prodajo. Najlepše pozdravlja. Mary Tomšič, drž. preds Državne konvencije Po dalši debati o državnih konvencijah, je bilo oznanjeno, da se bodo letošnje konvencije vršile, kakor sledi: V skladu s sklepom zadnje drž. konvencije se bo ista za Ill.-Ind. vršila 29. avg., 1965 v Jolietu. Načelnica priprav jo gl. nadzornica, Frances Gaspich. Po sv. maši v slov. cerkvi Sv. Jožefa, bo sestanek s kosilom v D’Amico restavraciji. Drž. pred. Mildred James bo predsedovala zborovanju, katerega se bodo udeležile tudi gl. odbornice. Vabljene vse članice Illinois in Indiane. Drž. konvencija za Ohio-Mich. se bo vršila 16. maja v slov. domu Waterloo Rd. Colinwoodu, O., skupno s proslavo 35 ietnice podr. št. 41. Dne 27. junija bo drž. konv. za Wisconsin v Milwaukee pod okriljem podr. št. 43, ki tudi slavi svojo 35 letnico. Kegljanje Na predlog odbornice E. Zefran, se odobri zadostna svota, ki bi krila možni primankljaj, ki bi utegnil nastati v zvezi s Srednje-Zapadno kegljaško tekmo, ki bo pod pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 39 v Biwabiku. Izrečejo se čestitke pridnim športnicam, ki se trudijo za napredek kegljaškega športa med članicami SŽZ, posebno še tudi pohvale članice št. 39, da so prevzele aranžiranje tekme, ki bo prva v Minnesoti. DRŽAVNE PREDSEDNICE V obširni razpravi o dolžnosth in odgovornostih državnih pred., je bilo z zadoščenjem ugotovljeno, da drž. preds. vršijo izredno važno delo, da vežejo podr. v razumno enoto in pomagajo pri delu. Omenja se tudi, da je kot poslednica POČASTIMO USTANOVITELJICE ! WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN Doba kampanje v počast ustanoviteljici Zveze in pionirkam pri podružnicah bo kmalu v kraju. Imamo samo še mesec april in majnik. Ne odlašajte stopiti do svoje sosede, prijateljice ali sorodnice, ki ni še članica Zveze ali je odstopilo iz enega ali drugega vzroka. Pripeljite jih v svoj krog, da bodo deležne lepe družabnosti in mnogoterih drugih stvari, ki človeku dela življenje bolj vredno. Pokažite jim Zarjo, katera prinaša vsakovrstne novice in je edini ženski list v naši širni USA. Posebni poklon naj bo na tem mestu izrečen podružnicam, kjer so pridobile več kot deset novih članic in to so sledeče: Št. 2, Chicago, III., se odlikuje s prvim mestom s 23 novimi članicami. Posebno pridna je Mrs. Anna Zorko, ki povsod agitira za Zvezo. Na drugem mestu je št. 23 v Ely, Minnesota, kjer je predsednica države Mrs. Barbara Rosandich vpisala 17 novih članic. Tretje mesto imata v poročilu št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., in št. 50 v Clevelandu, Ohio. Pri št. 1 je posebno pridna tajnica Margaret Fischer in pri št. 50 pa glavna predsednica Toni Turek. Podružnici kažeta vsaka po 14 novih članic. Presenetila nas je najbolj št. 78 v Leadville, Colorado, kjer se je tajnica Mary Vidmar potrudila za mladinski oddelek in pridobila enajst novih članic. Pomlad je tukaj; toplo sonce ogreva naravo in bilo bi vsem v veliko veselje, alto bi se pri podružnicah ogrele za kampanjo in pridobile nove članice v svoje vrste! Albina Novak, gl. tajnica drž. konvencij pristopilo več novih članic, kakor tudi n. pr. v Coloradi je bilo zaradi delavnosti drž. konvencije in pred. prodanih veliko kuharskih knjig. Na predlog tajnice, se sklene, da naj glavna predsednica, drž. predsednice pismeno pohvali za njihovo delo ter jim naroči, da v bodoče podajo svoja poročila na gl. urad v mesecu juniju skupno s stroškovnikom za potovanja k drugim podr. in tajnica je pooblaščena, da krije te stroške. —- Odbor upa, da bodo tudi v bodoče izkazovale pridno aktivnost. VEŽBALNI KROŽKI Odbor posebno pohvali živahno delo vežbalnih krožkov, ki nastopajo ob važnih prireditvah v Clevelandu in okolici. Odrasli in mladinski krožek, ki so članice podr. št. 25 in 50. so bile deležne mnogo pohval ob priliki njihovega nastopa pri Sv. Štefanu v Chicagu ob zadnji konvenciji. Vsem velja iskrena zahvala. Odbornice sklenejo ,da se jim delno povrnejo stroški potovanja v Chicago. KUHARSKE KNJIGE Od prve naklade 5000 knjig, jih je kakih 335 še vedno zunaj. Po plačilu vseh računov bo izkazan lep prebitek nad $4,000. Prva naklada 5000 izvodu je bila razprodana v enem letu. Upamo, da bo druga izdaja šla enako dobro v promet. Članice je treba pohvaliti zaradi njihove vneme. Direktorice pohvalijo častno preds., gl. tajnico in gl. preds. za njihov pomembni doprinos. Posebno je pohvalno, da so bili vsi stroški izredno nizki, pri čemer je treba omeniti prijazno sodelovanje soproga naše gl. preds. gospoda Franka Tureka. Velika firma, ki se peča z razpečavanjem kuharskih knjig, se zanima, da prevzame tudi naše kuharske knjige. Posebni odbor je pooblaščen, da stopi v razgovore in sklene vse potrebne sporazume. ČLANSKA KAMPANJA Na seji je bilo pročano, da je bilo doslej v tekoči kampanji ustanoviteljice vpisanih 107 novih članic. Prosilke ki imajo nad 50 let za razred A ali 57 let razred B, morejo biti spejete kot Družabne članice, tako je omogočeno tudi starejšim osebam postati članica Zveze in kot družabna članica plača samo 20«.* mesečne članarine za gl. urad v stroškovni sklad in Zarje ter karkoli določi podružnica za domačo blagajno. Zveza nima nobenih obveznosti do družabnih članic. Upanje je, da bomo v tej kampanji dosegle 300 novih članic. Vse na delo! Prva zaloga 5,000 knjig je bila razprodana v enem letu in sedaj imamo zopet novo naklado, katera znabiti razprodana v tem letu. To se lahko zgodi, ako boste članice si vzele v svojo dolžnost, da priporočate, oziroma poka-žeto našo kuharsko knjigo svojim sosedam, prijateljicam in sorodnicam. Na glavni urad dobivamo mnogo pisem v katerih nas tujke vprašujejo o Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen kuharski knjigi in omenjajo, da so jo slučajno videle pri svoji znanki. Dobili smo pismo tudi od podjetja, kjer imajo vseh vrst kuharske knjige v prodaji, da bi radi imeli tudi našo knjigo. Poslali smo eno knjigo na ogled in prejeli od lastnice odgovor, da je naša knjiga najbolj popolnih, in jih bi z veseljem uvrstila v svojo založbo. Sedaj za praznike je najbolj primeren čas, da naročite knjigo v kateri je mnogo navodil za potice, krofe, štrud-Ije itd. Knjiga stane samo $2.75 in naročilo pošljite na gl. predsednico. INVESTICIJE Odbor pooblasti Mrs. Prisland, da investra Zvezin denar v Utility bond© na kratke termine ter pri tem uporablja preudarnost. Ugotovi se, da je Zvezino premoženje doseg- lo pol-miljonsko točko, kar je gotovo zelo razveseljivo dejstvo. Finančni odbor s sestro Prisland se pohvali. KULTURNA IZMENJAVA Mrs. Prisland je prejela zahvalna pisma od zavodov, in ustanov kamor je poslala zgodovinsko pradivo, tako iz Ljubljane, kakor iz Minnesote. Prosi se članice, ki imajo stare izvode Zarje, pred letom 1940 naj sporočijo na gl. urad, kjer se bo začel zbirati stari material v zvezi z ustanovitvijo in pričetki Zveze. Mrs. Prisland je tudi prejela od Izseljenske Matice iz Slovenije mladinske knjižice in povesti v slovenščini in jih bo radevolje poslala osebam, ki se za nje zanimajo. KAMPANJSKE NAGRADE Po razpravi o kampanjskih nagradah, je bilo sklenjeno, da bodo zmagovalke s 25 točkami prejele krasno nagrado spominki zlati znak, kot obesek na zapestnici. PESMARICA “ZAPOJMO” Zaradi večjega povpraševanja po mali žepni pesmarici, katero je Zveza izdala pred leti pod naslovom Let’s Sing, (zapojmo), je bilo sklenjeno, da bo tajnica dobila informacije glede cene tiskanja in če bo cena odgovarjala, bo pesmarica tiskana pod sponzorstvom Zveze. Presednica bo prevzela razpečavo, a tajnica vse v zvezi s tiskom in iz-danjem pesmarice. Upa se, da bo taka pesmarica prinesla dobiček blagajni. RAZNO Posebna pohvala se izreče podr. št. 2, Chicago, ki je bila gostiteljica zadnje konvencije. Posebno uspešni so bili kon-venčni programi pri Sv. Štefanu ter v mestu. Pohvali se ses. Stephanie Osterman, ki je izdelala lepe pušeljce za konvenčne udeleženke. Pri podr. št. 3 v Pueblo, Colo. so na novo organizirale pevski krožek na pobudo preds. Anne Pachak. Odbornice odobrijo $100 prispevek cerkvi Sv. Štefana, farni cerkvi kjer je Zveza bila ustanovljena in kjer ima svoj sedež. V isti farni dvorani, katero so sedaj predelali, je pred 38 leti bila ustanovna seja SŽZ, zato odbornice izrekajo iskrene čestitke g. župniku Fr. Hoge, duhovnikom in sestram fari ob 60 letnici. Ugotovi se, da mnoge podr. darujejo v dobrodelne namene, med njimi je Jolietska podr. št. 20 darovala za Ken-nedyjev Knjižnični sklad; podr. št.l, Sheboygan redno daruje za narodno zdravstveno ustanovo; št 14, Euclid daruje za dom Zaostalih otrok; št. 73, Warrensville za dom dom Zaostalih otrok; št. 73, Warrensville za dom ostarelih. Odbornice pohvalijo članice zaradi njihove dobrodelnosti. Sožalje se izreče drž. preds. za Wis. Rose Kraemer ob izgubi očeta Antona Frangesh. Po zaključni molitvi, predsednica želi vsem zdrav in srečni povratek na domove. Antonia Turek, predsednica Corinne Leskovar, zapisnikarica Marie Prisl&nd: min VELIKA NOČ! Praznik vstajenja, praznik pomladi! Že dolgo vrso let praznujem Veliko noč v tej deželi, a spomini še vedno uhajajo na praznike v rodni domovini. Kako smo se otroci Velike noči veselili! Vzrok zato ni bil samo lep praznik, temveč tudi dejstvo, da bomo za Veliko noč “kolačke” prejeli! Bila je namreč navada, da je vsaka botra za svojega birmanca spekla mal kolaček. Tudi krstne botre so se večkrat odzvale; pa kaka dobra teta tudi. Eno leto sem dobila kar pet kolačkov, kar je bil višek radodarnosti ljubih mi oseb. Skakala sem od veselja in štela razstavljeno pecivo. Babica je kolačke pazno ocenila, če so bili dovolj pečeni in če je testo bilo rahlo, jaz sem pa štela rozine v njih. Čim več rozin, tem boljši kolaček. V sredini kolačka je bil položen rdeč piruh ali dva, včasih celo pomaranča, kar je bilo že veliko darilo. Pomaranče so bile drage. Na Velikonočni pondeljek smo otroci šli k botram zahvaliti se za kolačke. Ob taki priliki je včasih botra dala še en pirh, ki je povzročil novo veselje. V Ameriki teh praznikov ne občutimo in jih ne doživljamo z takim veseljem kot smo jih v domovini. Prazniki niso prazniki, ker nam je predobro in imamo vsega v izobilju, da si ob praznikih že težko kaj boljšega privoščimo. Edino cerkev nas spominja in opominja na praznik Vsta-jena — Velika noč! ..... Vesele Velikonočne praznike voščim vsem tudi v duhovnem oziru! ***** K spominom ob mojem prihodu v Ameriko naj navedem tale dogodek: V ne\vyorško pristanišče smo dospeli ob desetih zvečer. Ker je bilo prepozno, da bi se izkrcali, smo ostali na ladji čez noč Z krova smo zvedavo opazovali lepo razsvetljeni New York, češ, to je NOVI SVET, to je tista bajna Amerika! Kar naenkrat mojo pozornost vzbudi velik e-lektrični napis v zraku: PENN - SYLVANIA R. R. sem brala. Napis me je močno zanimal. Prvi zlog “Penn” sem kar preskočila, a “Sylvania . . . sylvania” kaj ni to čisto slovenska beseda? Zakaj je bil tisti napis visoko v zraku me je tudi skrbelo. Odkoder sem jaz prišla nismo o kakih zračnih napisih niti slišali, kaj še le videli. Radovedna, kot sem še danes, sem vprašala blizu stoječega, rojaka, ki je že v tretje potoval v Ameriko in znal nekoliko angleščine, kaj se mu zdi, ali ne bi beseda “sylvania” morda pomenila Slovenija? In kaj bi pomenil “Penn”?— Prijazen rojak se je z mojo domišlijo hotel pozabavati, pa mi je dotični napis razložil sledeče: “Vidiš, Micka, to je pa takole. “Penn” pomeni “dobrodošli” — “sylvania ” pa pomeni — Slovenci! Torej: DOBRODOŠLI SLOVENCI! Šur! To so nam napisali v pozdrav, ki smo prišli s to ladjo v Ameriko. Amerikanci so prijazni ljudje.” Kmalu bi od začudenja pozabila usta zapreti. Moji sopotnici, Pepci Zadnik, poročeni Speck, pokojni ustanoviteljici podr. št. 45 v St. Louisu, sem hitela praviti: “Vidiš Pepca, kako smo Slovenci imenitni! Kar v luft so nam A-merikanci dobrodošlico zapisali! Ne bo nam slabo v Ameriki, ne!” Nisem se zavedala, da bi se rojak z menoj šalil. Kako bi naj drugače prišel tisti, po moji sodbi čisto slovenski napis v zrak, če ne nam v pozdrav! Menda ja! ***** Članica piše:— “Res ni smrtnina sto dolarjev, ki jo Zveza izplača, velika, pa tudi asesment 45 centov ni velik. Koliko danes v trgovini dobimo za 45 centov? Besede — SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA so vredne veliko več kot 45 centov na mesec. Držimo kar je našega, kar je SLOVENSKEGA, saj ne bo več dolgo ko to ne bo mogoče. Starejše članice izumirajo, naša dekleta se poročajo z možmi drugih narodnosti. Zanimanje za slovensko stvar ni več tako živo kot je nekdaj bilo. Obdržimo v višini vsaj me to, kar je naše in zakar smo se trudile 38 let. Dasi nismo več mlade, vseeno dajmo od svoje narodne gorečnosti mladini, da se bo še dolgo let zavedala, kaj so storile njih matere in očetje za svoj narod! . .” Krasne besede, vredne, da jih vsaka članica prečita večkrat! Zdravica Lepo je res na svetu, ko travca zeleni. Rožice so v cvetju in trtica rodi. Ta prvi glažek meni, ta drugi vam velja. Ta tretji gre pa ženi, slovenskega srca! ***** Ljudje radi sami sebe vzamemo za silno važne in nenadomestljive, namesto, da bi si skušali predočiti, da smo le majčkeno bitje v vesolstvu. Svet nas ni pogrešal, ko nas ni bilo in nas bo prav malo pogrešal, ko nas več ne bo. Izmed 60 bilijonov ljudi, ki so v vseh civiliziranih deželah živeli od pamtiveka do danes, je samo kakih 5000 takih, ki se jih zgodovina spominja. Ostali so utonili v pozabljenosti kot bomo i mi . . . ***** Zdravila so le pripomoček znanosti in vere, trdi duše-slovec Andrew Conway. Versko in duševno razpoloženje ima večjo moč pri zdravljenju kot vse drugo, kar je človek ustvaril in iznašel. Petdeset odstotkov bolnikov vero vase bolj potrebuje kot zdravila; navdušenja bolj kot aspirinov; zaupanja v samega sebe bolj kot zdranika. Korajža je ozdravila že veliko bolezni! ***** Neki zakonski mož je godrnjal, kaj neki žena doma dela, kadar kosilo ni bilo točno pripravljeno ko se je vrnil z dela. Nekoč je žena morala odpotovati. On je sklenil, da bo ostal doma pri otrocih, da se uveri kakšno je vendar hišno delo, o katerem žena toži, da ga ni ne konca ne kraja. Da bo vse točno znal, je sklenil voditi zapisnik o vsem, kar bo opravil. Možev zapisnik se je glasil takole: Odprl otrokom vrata — stokrat. Odgovoril na vprašanja — dvestokrat. Namazal kruh — sedemnajstkrat. Nosove ubrisal — 24krat. Čevlje zavezal — enajstkrat. Tolažil in miril — petnajstkrat. Najmanj 25krat odgovoril telefon. Pomil in obrisal 300 (?) komadov posode. Prehodil šest in pol milje. Poleg tega dobri mož ni ne pral, ne likal, niti pekel, in ne šival, tudi hiše ni počistil. Pa še kdo reče: Ženske nimajo nobenega dela! ***** Dve ženski sta se peljali na busu, ko ena opazi, da ni plačala voznine. Pripravlja se, da to poravna, ko ji druga reče:— “Kaj boš plačevala, saj voznik ni ničesar opazil.” Prva pa je mnenja, da je še vedno bila poštena in bo tudi zdaj. Gre in plača voznino. Ko se vrne na svoj sedež in devlje drobiž v torbico, komentira: “Saj sem rekla, da se poštenost izplača! Vozniku sem dala en kvoder, nazaj mi je pa dal drobiža za 50 centov.” PRIDRUŽITE SE POTOVANJU . . . Tritedenski obisk rodne domovine za tiste, ki radi časa ne morejo dalje tam ostati. Odhod iz New Yorka 10, junija. Povratek 1. julija. Sedemtedenski obisk Slovenije. Odhod 10, junija, povratek 2, augusta. S skupinami potujeta Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, Wis. in Anne Pachak, Pueblo Colorado. Vse potrebno za potovanje bo oskrbela prijazna in zanesljiva potiška firma Augusta Kollandra. Prijavite se takoj, ali voditeljicama, ali agentu Kollandru, 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. Ivan Zorman: Velikonočno Jutro ZVONOVI zvonijo, nad mestom drhtijo, pomladna se zarja blešči; slovesno se dviga, veselje nam vžiga, Gospodovo zmago slavi. V pomladnem žarenju v kipečem življenju drevesa ob cesti brste; še bilke ob tlaku ob slednjem koraku iz dolgega sna se bude. Vse lepše, gorkeje se zarja prismeje in siplje na polja zlato . . . Spomini na leta mladostnega cveta poljubljajo rodno zemljo. Št. 6, Barberton, O. — To je moj prvi dopis za naš priljubljeni mesečnik, Zarjo. Nejprej pozdravljam uradnice in vse članice širom Amerike. V tem delu Ohio nismo imeli letos preveč hude zime in sedaj se ljubko pomladansko sonce že bolj prikazuje in tako privablja cvetlice in ostalo rastlinstvo iz zemlje. V mojem vrtu so že v popkih in v cvetju beli zvončki (snowdrops). Na februarski seji smo izvolile zaslužno mater naše podružnice, to je naša nadzornica, Frances Žagar. Njen življenjepis pride v majsko številko Zarje. Dne 28. febr. sta slavila šestdesetletnico zakonskega življenja, Mr. in Mrs. George in Ana Lauter. Ana je naša dobra članica. Slavljencema naše iskrene čestitke in srčne želje, da bi vama Bog naklonil še mnogo nadalj-nih let v sreči in zadovoljstvu uživati njuno življenje ter slaviti še mnogo obletnic. Zopet imamo bolne članice: Ana Novak, Mary Mekina in Jennie Gerbec. Želimo jim, da bi jim Bog podelil skorajšnjega ljubega in trdnega zdravja. Članice prosim, da jih obiščete. Bog z Vami! Margaret Steblaj (Kaluža) zapisnikarica Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Februarska seja je bila obiskana, kakor po navadi. Praznovale smo Valentinov dan, vsaka članica je poslala srčkane pozdrave drugi, da je pismonoša imel polne roke pošte. Poleg tega smo tudi praznovale god naše dobre sestre Bokal, ki nas je dobro postregla. Zadnji mesec sem poročala, da bomo imele “Bake sale” pred Veliko nočjo, toda ker nismo mogle dobiti dvorane, zato smo sklenile, da bomo omenjeni bake sale odložile, oziroma bomo mogoče pozneje kaj drugega priredile. Tajnica Mary Camloh prosi vse tiste članice, ki plačujejo asesment po pošti, da naj ne pozabijo dodati 5 paintings of birds and animals before he was sixteen years old, and his school marks were so high that his father gave the boy a trip to A-merica as a reward.” Having completed his schooling in Pennsylvania, John James Audobon began an adventurous life. ‘‘He traveled the entire United States, walking, riding horseback, following the rivers in a flatboat.” He always followed bird and animal life and made such paintings of them as the world had never known. His great work, The Birds of America, contains 435 life-sized colored pictures of birds. The bald eagle is the American national bird and gazes proudly from the Great Seal of the United States. Familiar to many of us is St. Francis and the birds. Familiar to us, too, are the words of Christ: “Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” And according to the Bible birds were created on the fifth day. Following forty days of Lent, which includes some penance and abstaining, we find that Christ’s resurrection is most exciting. “At Easter time and always, as the seasons come and go, May you find your deepest gladness in the thought ‘God loves you so’.” Youi friend, REGINA Sister had sent a note home with Jeannie asking for her birth certificate. Jeannie came back all right, but she was crying. Sister: “What’s the matter, Jeannie?" Jeannie: “I lost my excuse for being born.” From Missionary Youth ***** ’IjTiu .io ujd oupl 'jmiD ‘aoqs ‘Suos ‘aipaau ‘dum ‘3[d : SH3AVSNV OUR SCHOLARSHIP WIHNER WRITES Dear Mrs. Prisland and Members of the S.W.U.: I want to thank you and everyone else who made it possible for me to win my scholarship. You have no idea how much it means to me. I only hope that I can help someone else someday as you have helped me. It certainly makes studying a little easier. If ever I can be of any help to you and our S.W.U. I will do all within my power to help. Thanks again and may God bless you all. Your Kent State Student, Kathleen A. Kikel Isn’t this a wonderful letter? In it we read of Kathleen’s determination to make us proud of her, now and in later life. We know she will try her best to fulfill these promises and are glad she is aware of the responsibilities of life. Willingness to help her fellow man is a most commendable virtue. Kathleen is a member of Br. 25 in Cleveland and active with their junior drill team since its inception several years ago. Good luck to her — may she have a full rewarding life. C. L. Youth On Parade Jacklyn Stich of San Francisco Iirancli No. 13 leels proud to have an excellent contribution for this column. Jacklyn Stich is an honor Student at Mission High School. Her hobbies are Bowling and Dancing. She is 15 years old and is our most active Junior Member. Jackie has attended every meeting with her -Mother, Ann Stich our Financial Secretary since she joined S. W. U. She sets our tables and helps serve at each meeing. It is amazing how willing Jackie is to take any responsibility asked of her. Her ready smile is contagious. On Mother’s day ol' the past year, when honoring her Grandmother, our Branch also honored Jackie with a lovely bracelet tor her birthday. Her future plans are that she will go to Iieauty College and become a Beauty Shop operator. “Petite and cute” is what one can call Jackie as she stands just above .-> feet and is cute as a “bug’s ear"! it can lit said Jackie is a dilligent and avid worker for the benefit of /veza; it is our good fortune to have her and regret we do not have more such Junior members. Fran E. Chiodo, Iteporter Bit ol Wisdom: Good manners are the happy way of doing things. Yr &4/s Easter is another least of the many Slovenian customs. For Slovenian people Faster starts with Palm Sunday. Special feature for Palm Sunday is the blessing of branches. According to the custom, boys bring for this blessing willow and holly branches tied in a bundle and trimmed at the top with oranges, apples and shavings oi various colors. The bigger the bundle the prouder the boy carrying it. * * * * * In the old days, the boys w'ere celebrating the last three days of the Holy Week by “terrifying God.” It was their privilege to smash to pieces old wooden boxes and boards with clubs and sticks which was done with terrific noise. That way they prepared wood for fire to be blessed on Holy Saturday. Girls were proud to prepare food for Raster. In special Easter baskets they brought food in church to be blessed. Beautifully decorated baskets were carried to the blessing place by girls on their heads. The first girl who came from the blessing place was supposed to be the first, bride of the year. You should see them scramble at the church door because every girl tried to be first. >i= * * * * End of Lent and fasting was marked by solemn breakfast on Easter Sunday morning. After the services in the church the whole family sat around the table. It was the privilege of the father to allot portions lor breakfast. He first cut the kolach (potica) as big as a wheel of a. wagon with the hole in the middle and prepared for Easter with special in- gredients. Each member of family got a piece of kolach, ham, sausage, some nicely colored easter eggs and a lit-lle horse-radish. Then coffee was served. All food symbolizes in one way or other the Risen Christ. This Easter breakfast was always eaten with as much solemnity as the Paschal Lamb of old described in the Holy Bible. l ater the willow' and holly branches are used to make small crosses which are placed in the fields to bring blessings to the crops. Velika Noč Res težko zmo jo čakali, dolgo, dolgo prišla ni. Sedaj je tu, Velika noč, pozdravljamo jo vriskajoč! Mama spekla tri kolače mehke ,sladke je pogače. Vsak dobi še pisanko, lepo rdeče barvano. Teta je pošepetala, da bo tudi nekaj dala. O, teta naša šleva ni, kar ona reče, to drži. Prinesel šarkelj boter Luka in svetlih grošev pol klobuka. Ho, jutri bomo "rolkali" in pa pirhe sekali! Easter Party Game: PUTTING EGG IN BASKET Have a basket in a prominent place. Also a bowl of large candy or plastic eggs. Blindfolded, the child must pick out an egg and place it in the basket il possible. However, the egg must be put down the tirst place the child touches. The one who drops an egg in the basket or comes nearest to ti wins. K D. Easter Customs Odnevi z Osme % Jaka Okorn Harman St. BrookLyn $!W.(J. FOUNDERS' CAMPAIGN TILL JUNE I, 1965 Gel application blanks from your secretaries! Knroll adults in Classes A and B and children in the Junior Class. Prizes are: SI.00 cash for Class B new member; .50 cash for Class A member; .25 for Junior member. Points awarded for each new member are 1 pt. Class B; Yz pt. Class A and Vi pt. Junior. Workers with 25 points will receive beautiful gold charm bracelet. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H.GRDINII & SDKS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGKEBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad i'iZ let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Fd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10. Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. (»2nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY BIB East 1B8th Street 28000 Euclid Avenue 6238 St. Clair Avenue n <•* ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors <£. Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Heard from so many Homemakers: “A wealth of recipes in the handiest imaginable book!” "Dishes like mom used to make that we still love!” “Wouldn’t be without it!” Send for your copy of the famous S.W.U. Cookbook: WOMAN'S GLORY - THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipies from the world c-ver — favorites of everyone! Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Antonia Turek 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 23, Ohio