Image Anal Stereol 2001;20:79-85 Original Research Paper INTERGRANULE FUSION IN RAT PARS INTERMEDIA CELLS Katarina Košmelj1, Anton Cedilnik1, Peter VeraniČ2, Gregor ZupanČiČ3, Marjan Rupnik3, Laura Kocmur-BobanoviĆ3 and Robert Zorec3 1Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Institute of Cell Biology, Medical School, Lipičeva 5, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology-Molecular Cell Physiology, Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical School, P.O. Box 2211, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: (Accepted April 26, 2001) ABSTRACT Using electron microscopy, we studied the morphology of secretory granules in rat pars intermedia cells. We found figures of apparent intergranule fusion, characterized by a tight association of two granules. The fusion was detected in around 2% of all measured granules, indicating a low occurrence of intergranule fusion. To study whether intergranule fusion affects the distribution of granule diameters a simple probabilistic model was developed. It is based on the theory that larger granules are formed by fusion of two or more spherical granules of fixed size, and that the surface of a newly formed granule is equal to the sum of fused granule membranes. The model accounts for the bias on granule diameter measurements due to sectioning of granules. Although the electron microscopy data strongly indicates the existence of intergranule fusion in rat melanotrophs, this process as modelled in the present work does not contribute to the granule diameter distribution significantly. It is likely that in addition to the fusion of larger granules, other processes, such as fusion of microvesicles, may affect the distribution of granule diameters. Keywords: intergranule fusion, melanotrophs, probabilistic model, rat, secretory granules, stereology. INTRODUCTION Cells from the rat pars intermedia secrete a number of peptides deriving from post-translational processing of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), including ß-endorphin, ?-melanocyte stimulating hormone (?-MSH) and adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH, Mains and Eipper, 1979). The formation of peptide-containing secretory granules begins with the condensation of secretory products within the lumen of the trans-Golgi network, followed by budding of immature secretory granules (Tooze, 1991). During the maturation process the size of secretory granules is increasing (Farquhar et al., 1978; Tooze et al., 1991), and in rat melanotrophs their cargo is undergoing metabolic changes (Tanaka et al., 1991). Larger granules possibly result from fusion between smaller granules of unitary size (Alvarez de Toledo and Fernandez, 1990; Hartmann et al., 1995). The size of larger granules may also be influenced by the fusion of microvesicles with secretory granules. Microvesicles are thought to be trafficking between secretory granules and other compartments (Tooze and Tooze, 1986; Komuro et al., 1987). The size of the secretory granules in rat pars intermedia depends on physiological state of the animal. It is reduced when the animal is pretreated with bromocriptine (Bäck, 1989). However, an increase of granules was reported in hypersecretory melanotrophs. It could be due to mechanisms operating at an early stage of granule formation (Bäck and Soinila, 1994). In the present study we use electron microscopy to examine the morphology of secretory granules in rat pars intermedia cells. We detected some apparent intergranule fusions. The main objective of our study was to find out if granule growth is associated with fusion of unitary granules (Alvarez de Toledo and Fernandez, 1990; Hartmann et al., 1995). If this is the dominant process in granule diameter growth in rat melanotrophs, robust peaks in the multimodal distribution of granule diameters are anticipated. The reported distributions of granule profile diameters in rat melanotrophs are heterogeneous (Bäck, 1989; Zupančič et al., 1994). The previous electrophysiological experiments (Zupančič et al., 1994) were not sufficiently sensitive, therefore we 79 Košmelj K et al: Intergranule fusion studied secretory granule morphology by electron microscopy. To analyse the granule diameter distribution we developed a simple probabilistic model assuming that larger granules are formed by fusion of two or more spherical granules of fixed size, and that the surface of a newly formed granule is equal to the sum of fused granule membranes. The model also accounts for the bias due to the sectioning of embedded specimens prepared for electron microscopy, a standard stereological problem. MATERIAL AND METHODS CELL PREPARATION, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND MEASUREMENTS OF GRANULE DIAMETERS After ether anaesthesia animals (male Wistar rats, 200 to 300 g) were killed by decapitation. Pars intermedia of each animal was carefully dissected from the pituitary gland and divided into 4 to 6 pieces of tissue in Earl`s Balanced Salt Solution (EBBS, Sigma Chemical Co., USA). Tissue pieces were maintained in a culture medium (Rupnik and Zorec, 1992), placed in an incubator (36°C, 4.6% CO2) for 24 hours, and then fixed in buffered (pH 7.3) 0.5% glutaraldehyde with 0.5% tannic acid for 30 minutes at room temperature. After that the tissue was fixed for an hour in buffered (pH 7.3) 2.5% glutaraldehyde without tannic acid. After the postfixation in 2% osmium tetroxide with 3% ferrocyanide tissue pieces were immersed in 1% water solution of uranil acetate for 30 minutes in darkness. After dehydration the tissue was embedded in Epon 812 (Medium grade, London Resin Co, U.K.). Ultrathin sections (70 nm) were cut with a LKB ultramicrotom and examined with a Jeol T8 transmission electron microscope. Diameters of secretory granule profiles were measured in mm from electron micrographs, enlarged to the scale of 126 000. The smallest detectable profile diameter was 8 mm (64 nm).The accuracy of the data readings was ±1 mm (8 nm). Some of the profiles appeared non-spherical, their maximal diameter was measured. THEORETICAL MODEL Sectioning Process Let us assume a population of sphere granules all having an equal diameter D. Granules are cut by parallel random planes (Fig. 1A). For each granule, parallel cuts are uniformly distributed on the granule diameter. Diameters of the obtained sphere profiles (d) are measured. Fig. 1. A presents a diagram of sectioning a spherical secretory granule with diameter D . On each sphere profile its diameter d is measured. The smallest detectable profile diameter is dmin. B The distribution function F(x) is obtained on the basis of this plot, from the right-angled triangle with sides D/2, m and x/2 (see Material and Methods, Theoretical Models, Sectioning Process). C A distribution functioon F(x) for profile diameters is D = 10 (arbitrary units). The smallest detectable profile diameter is dmin = 0. D Probability density function p(x) for profile diameters. The granule diameter is D = 10 (arbitrary units). The smallest detectable profile diameter is dmin = 0. 80 Image Anal Stereol 2001;20:79-85 Profile diameter d can be regarded as a random variable with values ranging from 0 to D. Its distribution function1, F(x), 0 < x 4 D. Thus, the average value of profile diameters is approximately n/4 of D for small dmin, consistent with Weibel (1979). These results provide theoretical background for the graphical methods commonly used in stereology. Fusion Effect Model This model describes the fusion theory as follows. The smallest granules, i.e., unit granules, fuse into double, triple, ... granules. The maximal granule size type K is unknown. For simplicity reasons we assume that the unit granules are spherical, their diameter D 1 fixed but unknown. Following the intergranule fusion theory, the surface of the granule size type k, say Sk, 1 Distribution function F (x) gives the probability that a random variable X takes a value less than x, F (x) = P (X < x). 2 Probability density function p (x) is obtained as the derivative of F (x). is, Sk = kS1, k = 1,...,K and consequently its diameter D k =4kD1. Fusion is a rare event. Therefore, we assume that the probability of fusion into a granule type k, pk, follows a finite Poisson-like distribution: Pk = aK xk k-1 (k-1)! 1, 2,... K , (4a) Probability pk describes the fraction of type k granules. It can be shown that A is the unknown parameter representing the expected granular size type in the following way: E*(*)«1 +A, and ?K is the normalizing constant: aK ^ r1 1+ 1 + 2 +...+ (^1)!J These granules undergo the sectioning process described previously. i.e. granules are cut by parallel random planes. For each granule, parallel cuts are uniformly distributed on the granule diameter. Diameters of the obtained sphere profiles are measured. We denote by qk the probability that a granule of type k is hit by a random plane. This probability is proportional to the granule's diameter: qk 4ka and to the proportion of granules of type k: qk oc pk It turns out, that q k is as follows: pk\k 1 k =" K k = 1,...,K (4b) ^pkvk k=1 Following Eq. 1, the distribution function for any granular size type k is: Fk(x) = 1 \ 1—, dmin