HACQUETIA 10/2 ' 2011, 183-231 DOI: 10.2478/v10028-011-0011-9 NEW DRY GRASSLAND ASSOCIATIONS FROM THE AUSONI-AURUNCI MOUNTAINS (CENTRAL ITALY) - SYNTAXONOMICAL UPDATING AND DISCUSSION ON THE HIGHER RANK SYNTAXA Romeo DI PIETRO* Abstract A phytosociological study on the most extensive dry grassland communities of the coastal limestone massif of the Ausoni-Aurunci mountains (southern Latium, central Italy) is here presented. Violo pseudogracilis-Koelerietum splendentis ass. nova is restricted to the montane belt of the Aurunci mountains where it is dynamically related to the mesophilous Ostrya carpinifolia or Fagus sylvatica woodlands. Helichryso italici-Brometum erecti ass. nova is found within the upper hilly and submontane belt of both the Ausoni mountains (typical aspect) and the Aurunci mountains (subassociation saturejetosum montanae), where it is dynamically related with termophilous Ostrya carpinifolia woods and mesophilous Quercus ilex woods. Helichryso-Brometum is differentiated from Violo-Koelerietum in that it has a higher incidence of the steno-Mediterranean therophytic component. As far as the higher rank syntaxa are concerned, in this study the following changes were made in accordance with the rules of ICPN: the name Phleo ambigui-Bromion erecti Biondi et al. 1995 was considered invalid due to the invalidity of its nomenclatural type Asperulopurpureae-Brometum erecti. In contrast, the validity of the old name Cytiso spinescentis-Bromion erecti Bonin 1978 was demonstrated and its nomenclatural type, Lavandulo-Asphodelinetum luteae Bonin 1978, was lectotypified. Thus Cytiso spinescenti-Bromion erecti Bonin 1978 henceforth substitutes Phleo ambigui-Bromion erecti (nom. inval.) as the syntaxonomical reference for the endemic alliance of the hilly and montane limestone dry grasslands of the central and southern Apennines. Cytiso-Bromion is here divided into two suballi-ances: Sideritidenion italicae Biondi et al. 1995, Phleo ambigui-Bromenion erecti Biondi et al. ex Di Pietro suball. nov. Cytiso-Bromion belong to the new suborder Festuco circummediterraneae-Seslerienalia nitidae (Ubaldi 2003) stat. nov. and to the order Artemisio albae-Brometalia erecti Ubaldi ex Mucina & Dengler 2009. New and updated packages of characteristic and differential species for both Cytiso spinescenti-Bromion erecti and its related suballiances are proposed. Furthermore the validity of the name Astragaletum calabrici Giacomini & Gentile ex Bonin 1978, was proved and the association lectotypified. This association, which was previously included in Cytiso-Bromion erecti, is moved into Koelerio brutiae-Astragalion calabrici. Finally some interesting coenological and syndynami-cal similarities with Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia western Dalmatia submediterranean dry pastures are discussed. Key words: Apennines, chorology, ICPN, nomenclatural types, phytosociology, syntaxonomy. Izvleček Fitocenološka raziskava predstavlja najbolj razširjene združbe suhih travišč obalnega masiva pogorja Ausoni-Aurunci (južni Lazio, osrednja Italija). Violopseudogracilis-Koelerietum splendentis ass. nova je razširjena samo v montanskem pasu gorovja Aurunci, kjer je v dinamični povezavi z mezofilnimi gozdovi črnega gabra (Ostrya carpinifolia) in gozdovi bukve (Fagussylvatica). Helichryso italici-Brometum erecti ass. nova najdemo na zgornjem delu gričevnatega in v podgorskem pasu tako gorovja Ausoni (tipični aspekt) in gorovja Aurunci (subasociacija saturejetosum montanae), kjer se dinamično navezuje na termofilne gozdove črnega gabra in mezofilne gozdove črničevja (Quercus ilex). Večji delež stenomediteranskega terofitskega elementa razlikuje asociacijo Helichryso-Brometum od asociacije Violo-Koelerietum. Glede višjih sintaksonov, smo v tem prispevku naredili naslednje spremembe v skladu z mednarodnim kodeksom fitocenološke nomenklature; poimenovanje Phleo ambugui-Bromion erecti Biondi et al. 1995 obravnavamo kot neveljavno, ker je neveljaven nomenklatorni tip Asperulo purpureae-Brometum erecti. Za razliko pa je prikazana veljavnost starega poimenovanja Cytiso spinescentis-Bromion erecti Bo' Department DATA, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Flaminia 72, I-00196 Rome, E-mail: romeo.dipietro@uniroma1.it nin 1978, izbran je tudi nomenklaturni tip in sicer Lavandulo-Asphodeletum luteae Bonin 1978 kot lektotip. Tako poimenovanje Cytisospinescentis-Bromion erecti Bonin 1979 od sedaj zamenjuje Phleo ambigui-Bromion erecti (nom. inval.) kot sintaksonomska oznaka za endemično zvezo suhih travišč na apnencu, ki se pojavlja v gričevnatem in gorskem pasu v osrednjih in južnih Apeninih. Zveza Cytiso-Bromion je razdeljena v dve podzvezi: Sideritide-nion italicae Biondi et al. 1995 in Phleo ambigui-Bromenion erecti Biondi et al. ex Di Pietro suball. nova. Zvezo Cytiso-Bromenion uvrščamo v nov podred Festuco-Seslerienalia nitidae Ubaldi 2003 statt. nov. in red Artemisio albae-Brometalia erecti Ubaldi ex Mucina & Dengler 2009. Nove in posodobljene so tudi skupine značilnih in razlikovalnih vrst tako za zvezo Cytiso spinescenti-Bromion erecti in podrejeni podzvezi. Poleg tega pa se je poimenovanje asociacije Astragaletum calabrici Giacomini & Gentile ex Bonin 1978 izkazalo za pravilno in je bila asociacija lektotipificirana. Ta asociacija, ki je bila vključena v zvezo Cytiso-Bromion erecti, je bila premeščena v Koelerio brutiae-Astragalion calabrici. Na koncu smo obravnavali nekateri zanimive cenološke in sindinamske podobnosti z redom Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia, kamor uvrščamo suhe submediteranske pašnike v zahodni Dalmaciji. Ključne besede: Apenini, horologija, ICPN, nomenklaturni tipi, fitocenologija, sintaksonomija. 1. INTRODUCTION Owing to their floristic richness and coenological diversity, the Central Apennines are globally recognized as one of the most important European centres of plant speciation and floristic richness (Blasi et al. 2005; 2010). A significant part of this biodiversity is concentrated in grassland environments, and in particular in the secondary Festuco-Brometea dry montane grasslands, where several endemic and rare plant species occur. Indeed the Italian Interpretation Manual of the 92/43/EEC Directive Habitats (Biondi et al. 2009) enlarged the ecological space of Habitat 6210* precisely to maintain such an important coenological and floristic heritage. From a phytosociological viewpoint the first studies on central Apennines dry grasslands were carried out at the end of the 1960s (Bruno & Covarelli 1968) and were significantly intensified in the period straddling 1970 and 1990 (Avena & Bruno 1975; Hruska-Dell'Uomo 1976; Ballelli et al. 1977; Bonin 1978; Avena & Blasi 1979; 1980; Biondi & Ballelli 1981; 1982; Ballelli & Biondi 1982; Biondi & Blasi 1982; Hruska 1982; Biondi et al., 1986; Biondi 1988; Biondi et al. 1988; Frattaroli 1988; Blasi et al. 1990). These studies led to the proposal of the endemic alliance Crepido lacerae-Phleion ambigui, (subsequently changed to Phleo ambigui-Bromion erecti in Biondi et al. 1995; 2005) as the Apennine vicariant of the European Xerobromion. During the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, several other studies focused on the dry grasslands of central Italy and several new associations were proposed (Biondi et al. 1992; Castelli 1995; Blasi et al. 1998; Venanzoni & Gigante 1999; Castelli et al. 2001; Allegrezza 2003; Biondi et al. 2004; Ciaschetti et al. 2006; Catorci et al. 2007). Most of these studies dealt with geo- graphical areas located in the core of the central Apennines or on the Adriatic side of the Italian Peninsula. In contrast, very few (Lucchese & Pig-natti 1990; Lucchese et al. 1995; Scoppola & Pelosi 1995; Di Pietro & Blasi 2002; Angiolini et al. 2003) phytosociological studies have ever been carried out on the perennial dry grasslands occurring in the coastal mountainous chains of the western side of the Italian Peninsula, which is separated from the true Apennines by large alluvial valleys furrowed by major rivers such as the Tiber, Sacco, Liri and Garigliano. This geographical discontinuity from the rest of the Apennines, together with the vicinity of the coast, are factors which have led to the development on these coastal massifs of a vegetation characterised by a greater influence of the Mediterranean floristic component in comparison to the vegetation found both in the core of the Apennines and on the Adriatic side of the peninsula. The present paper focuses on the most extensive Festuco-Brometea dry grasslands of the Ausoni-Aurunci range, for which neither a phytosociological study nor a syntaxonomical analysis had ever previously been carried out. In addition a coenological, syntaxonomical and no-menclatural analysis of the most important syn-taxa related to the dry grasslands of the Ausoni-Aurunci mountains is also performed here. 2. STUDY AREA The Ausoni-Aurunci Mountains are a limestone mountain range of southern Lazio, in central Italy (Figure 1) which are bounded northwestward by the Lepini mountains, northward by the Liri river, southeastward by the Garigliano river and southward by the Tyrrhenian sea. Altitudes Figure 1: Ausoni-Aurunci Mts. study area. Slika 1: Raziskovano območje v hribovju Ausoni-Aurunci. vary from 0 (Promontory of Gaeta and Sperlon-ga) to the 1,533 m a.s.l. of Mount Petrella. Main peaks include also Mount Redentore (1,252 m), Mount Sant'Angelo (1,402 m) and Mount Ruazzo (1,322 m). The Ausoni-Aurunci mountains mainly consist of friable cretaceous and paleocenic limestone (Figure 2) but the degree of faulting and cracking is so high that the mountains retain no rainfall. The stream beds are dry except for vernal pools. From a bioclimatic point of view the Aurunci mountains are located at the boundary between the Mediterranean and the Temperate regions (Figure 3). Mean annual rainfalls are quite abundant in the whole area, ranging from about 1000 mm at sea level to over 1600 mm in the mon- tane belt (Blasi 2006). Mean annual temperature ranges between 18 °C and 10 °C moving from the coastal areas to the top of the mountains. The al-titudinal zonation of the potential vegetation provides primary Mediterranean maquis in the coastal promontory Quercus ilex woods on the south facing slopes of the hilly and submontane belts. Quercus pubescens woodlands prevail on the footslopes whereas Quercus cerris woodlands are located at the bottom of the intra-montane karst plateaus where a higher content of clay occurs. The north facing slopes are dominated by Carpinus orientalis woods (hilly belt) and Ostrya carpinifolia woods (submontane-montane belt). Fagus sylvatica woods characterise the upper part of the inner part of the range. Figure 2: Geological features of tyrrhenian district of southern Latium and adjacent Campania region. 1: Continental and marine deposits (Holocene, late Pleistocene); 2: Volcanic deposits (Quaternary); 3: Arenaceous-clayey turbidites (Tortonian-Messinian); 4) Shallow water organogenic Limestone (Langhian-Serravallian); 5: shallow water limestone (Jurassic-Creata-ceous-Paleocenic). Slika 2: Geološke lastnosti tirenskega distrikta južnega dela regije Lazio in sosednje Campanije. 1: celinske in morke usedline (Holocen, pozni Pleistocen); 2: vulkanske usedline (Kvartar); 3: arenitno-glinene turbiditne usedline (Tortonian-Messinian); 4) plitvi vodni organogeni apnenec (Langhian-Serravallian); 5: plitvi vodni apnenec (Jura-Kreda-Paleocen). 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS In all, 49 phytosociological releves were made following the phytosociological methods of the Zu-rich-Montpellier school (Braun-Blanquet 1964). The cluster analysis was performed by means of the software SYNTAX 2000 (Podani 2001), using UPGMA and a similarity ratio coefficient on the phytosociological data converted according to the ordinal scale proposed by van der Maarel (1979). The ordination diagram was obtained through PCA procedure. The Life form and chorological spectra (based on presence, frequency and specific cover index) were calculated for each community type and reference was made to Pignatti et al. (2005). Following the chorotype and the life form names, a sequence of three values (%) appears in the tables (Figures 8, 9, 10), corresponding, respectively, to the simple presence (Pres.), the frequency (Frq.) and the specific cover index (Cov.) of a given chorotype/life form in each phytosociological table (Braun-Blanquet 1964). The "specific cover index" was obtained by summing up each species' cover-abundance central values (e.g. 5 = 87.5; 4 = 62.5 ^) and multiplying this sum by the ratio 100/numbers of releves. UP-GMA and similarity ratio coefficient were also used for the cluster analysis of the synoptic table (Table 3), which includes all the Peninsular Italy dry grassland associations exhibiting a high degree of floristic and coenological similarity to the Ausoni-Aurunci communities. The plants collected in the field were determined using Tutin et al. (1968-1980; 1993) and Pignatti (1982), while species nomenclature was updated according to Conti et al. (2005). The rank of subspecies was specified only when it did not coincide with that of the nominal subspe- Figure 3: Phytoclimatic map of the Ausoni-Aurunci Mts. (From Blasi, 1994). Tt = Thermotype; Ut = Umbrotype. 1: Medit. Region, thermo-Medit. Tt. - lower humid/upper subhumid Ut.; 2: Medit. Region, lower meso-Medit. Tt. - upper subhumid Ut.; 3: Medit./Temp. transiction Region, upper meso-Medit. Tt. - lower humid Ut.; 4: Medit./Temp. transiction Region, lower hilly Tt. - lower humid Ut.; 5: Temp. Region, upper hilly Tt. - upper humid/lower hyperhumid Ut.; 6: Temp. Region, submontane Tt. - lower hyperhumid Ut.; 7: Temp. Region, lower montane Tt. - upper humid/lower iperhumid Ut. Slika 3: Fitoklimatska karta hribovja Ausoni-Aurunci (Blasi 1994). Tt = termotip; Ut = ombrotip. 1: sredozemska regija, termo-sredozem. Tt. - spodnji humidni/zgornji subhumidni Ut.; 2: sredozemska regija, spodnji mezzo-sredozem. Tt. - zgornji sub-humidni Ut.; 3: sredozem./zmerna prehodna regija, zgornji mezzo-sredozem. Tt. - spodnji humidni Ut.; 4: sredozem./zmerna prehodna regija, spodnji gričevnati Tt. - spodnji humidni Ut.; 5: zmerna regija, zgornji gričevnati Tt. - zgornji humidni/spodnji hiperhumidni Ut.; 6: zmerna regija, submontanski Tt. - spodnji hiperhumidni Ut.; 7: zmerna regija,spodnji montanski Tt. -zgornji humidni/spodnji hiperhumidni Ut. cies. Owing to the wide time range over which the releves composing the synoptic table were performed (more than 40 years) and the impossibility of doing a taxonomical check on the older specimens, the reference to the collective group is given for all those taxa which could give rise to taxonomical uncertainity or which have only recently been split into different species and/ or subspecies (e.g. Koeleria lobata/K. splendens^, 1 As far as Genus Koeleria is concerned, the use of the diagnostic-key proposed recently in Brullo et al. (2009) for identifying Ausoni-Aurunci grasslands specimens resulted in the identification of three or four different taxa (species and/or subspecies) belonging to Koeleria splend-ens collective complex as occurring in the same grassland type. Similar problems were encountered in identifying Koeleria specimens during the two excursions of the Flo-ristic Group of the Italian Society of Botany (see Peruzzi et al. 2011; Conti et al. in prep.). The checklist of the Italian Flora (Conti et al. 2005) reports only Koeleria lobata Bromus erectus/B. caprinus, Armeria canescens/A. majellensis, Potentilla pedata/P. hirta, Centaurea (M. Bieb.) Roemer & Schult. as reference taxon for the Italian Peninsula. This hypothesis, however, is considered wrong by Quintanar et al. (2009) who consider K. splen-dens to be a different taxon from K. lobata, which is the correct name of some other species (e.g. K. brevis Steven or K. degenii Domin). For this reason we have preferred to make reference to the collective form of the taxon Koeleria splendens. The Koeleria specimens coming from Sila mountains (Calabria region) were reported as K. spendens Presl by Bonin (1978), and as K. splendens C. Presl subsp. brutia Brullo, Gangale et Uzunov by Brullo et al. (2004). This fact has a direct consequence on the name of the alliance Koelerio-Astragalion, which in Brullo et al. (2005) is reported as Koelerio brutiae-Astragalion calabrici (see Syn-taxonomic scheme). Obviously a correction of this name according to the Art. 43 of ICPN will be necessary if the subspecies Koeleria splendens subsp. brutia is definitively reported as synonym in the future by the main Floras and Checklists. deusta (ssp. pl.), Acinos alpinus (ssp. pL), Festuca laevigata (ssp. pl.) (etc). The collected and exsiccated samples are deposited in the Herbarium Flaminio (Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome). The syntaxa here described as new have been named according to the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN, Weber et al. 2000). Species which occur only once were excluded from both the phytosociological tables and the synoptic table, and are mentioned in Appendix 1. Place and date of releves are listed in Appendix 2. The list of associations included in the synoptic table is reported in Appendix 4. The lists of characteristic species of the higher rank syntaxa that are critically analysed in the paragraph "syntaxonomical discussion" are shown at the end of the paper after the "syntaxonomical scheme". The "characteristic species" of alliance and suballiances are reported in the phytosociological tables according to the following categories of species (Poldini & Sburlino 2005): "characteristic" (c): strongly related to the ecology and chorology of a given syntaxon. "regional characteristic" (rc): having a distribution area wider than that of the syntaxon to which it is ecologically related. "partial characteristic" (pc): having a distribution area smaller than that of the syntaxon to which it is ecologically related. "transgressive" (t): species which, although considered as characteristic of a high-rank syn-taxon, exhibit their ecological optimum in a lower rank syntaxon included in that high-rank syntaxon. "insgressive" (i): Species which, although considered as characteristic of a syntaxon of a different class, may occur frequently in a syntax-on of another class. In agreement with Mucina et al. (2009), the characteristic species of the order Artemisio-Brometalia was reported as "provisional", since a wider classification that also takes into account the grassland communities of central and the south-eastern Europe is necessary to select a package of species which is ecologically and geographically consistent with the rank of order. The packages of characteristic species of the various associations making up the synoptic table are here reported acritically from the original papers. Critical comments are given in the "Discussion" paragraph. 4. RESULTS 4.a Multivariate analysis (restricted to Ausoni-Aurunci releves) The dendrogram (Figure 4) shows two main clusters (A and B). Cluster A includes the grasslands developed within the lower montane belt and dominated by the Koeleria splendens-Carex humilis-Helianthemum incanum species group. Cluster B includes the Bromus erectus and Helichrysum italicum dry grasslands developed within the hilly and submontane belts of the Ausoni Mts. (B2) and Aurunci Mts. (B1) respectively. The PCA diagram on the first two axes (cumulative variance 18%) calculated on presence/absence data (Figure 5) confirms the cluster analysis separation showing a clear division between clusters A and B. This distribution of the clusters along the first PCA axis is correlated to an increasing altitudinal gradient, moving left to right. A B B1 iB2 .-(N coffin coffin CD T Figure 4: Cluster analysis dendrogram of Ausoni-Aurunci dry grasslands: cluster "A" = Violo-Koelerietum; cluster "B" = Helichryso-Brometum ("B1": subass. saturejetosum; "B2": sub-ass. typicum). Slika 4: Dendrogram klastrske analize suhih travišč hribovja Ausoni-Aurunci: klaster "A" = Violo-Koelerietum;; klaster "B" = Helichryso-Brometum ("BI": subass. saturejetosum; "B2": subass. typicum). 4.B Vegetation The two clusters of releves identified through the multivariate analysis are referred to two new associations named respectively Violo pseudogra-cilis-Koelerietum splendentis ass. nov. (cluster A) and Helichryso italici-Brometum erecti ass. nov. (cluster B). 0- 1264 2-