_UDK 551.583.7:911.52(434)"63":902.67_ Documenta PraehistoricaXXXV (2008) Holocene paleoclimatic and paleohydrological changes in the Särret basin, NW Hungary Pal Sümegi1, Sändor Gulyäs1, Gergo Persaits1 1 University of Szeged, Department of Geology and Paleontology, Hungary sumegi@geo.u-szeged.hu ABSTRACT - According to detailed sedimentological and paleontological analyses carried out on sam- ples taken from the Särret-Nädasdladäny core-profile, a complete environmental history of a neotec- tonic depression was drawn. The sequence is composed of fluvial-lacustrine and marshland deposits which started to accumulate during the Late Glacial and culminated at the beginning of the Holo- cene. The highly characteristic changes in the biofacies were linked to changes in the lithofacies with- in this sequence. A transition in the dominance of moving water species, observable initially in la- custrine species preferring well-lit, well-oxygenated conditions was observed. Eventually, the littoral and eutrophic lacustrine species, as well as marsh-dwellers, became dominant in the profile, mark- ing the emergence of uniform peat land in the Särret Basin. IZVLEČEK - S pomočjo sedimentoloških in paleontoloških analiz vzorcev iz vrtine Särret-Nädasdla- däny lahko sestavimo popolno okoljsko zgodovino te neotektonske depresije. Zaporedje sestavljajo rečni, jezerski in močvirski depoziti, ki se začnejo v poznem glacialu in se nadaljujejo v začetek holo- cena. Zelo značilne spremembe v fosilnih zbirih lahko povežemo s spremembami v sedimentaciji. Na začetku prevladujejo vrste, ki živijo v tekoči vodi, te pa kasneje zamenjajo vrste, ki živijo v jezeru, v dobro osvetljenih vodah z dovolj kisika. Kasneje postanejo pogostejše obalne in evtrofične kot tudi močvirske vrste, ki zaznamujejo nastanek šote v kotlini Särret. KEY WORDS - paleohydrology; paleoecology; mollusks; Holocene; Särret Introduction Quaternary geological and malacological investiga- tions in the neotectonic basin of the Sarret started as early as the beginning of the 20th century (Kor- mos 1909). The region, with an area of approxi- mately 120km2 located at the interface of the Mezo- föld and the Transdanubian Mid-Mountains, occupies a neotectonic basin (Loczy 1913; Cserny 2000) with a NE-SW trend which developed at the end of the Quarternary (Dömsödi 1977) and infilled with Qua- ternary deposits of great thickness. Although a large portion of the peat was destroyed, compacted and suffered pedogenesis as a result of drainage (from 1825 onwards), according to the quarter-malacolo- gical investigations initiated by Tivadar Kormos (1909), Holocene deposits of great thickness are still preserved in the area under investigation. The region of the Sarret came into the focus of Hun- garian paleo-environmental and stratigraphic re- search via the detailed quarter-malacological investi- gations carried out by Endre Krolopp and Levente Fuköh from the 1970s onwards (Fuköh-Krolopp 1986; Fuköh 1977; Krolopp 1972). Furthermore, co- rings with continuous undisturbed samples in the area near Nadasladany and Sarkeszi in the Sarret region (Fig. 1), and the sedimentological, isotope- geochemical, geochemical, pollen analytical and quarter-malacological investigations carried out as part of a Hungarian-British Joint Scientific Coopera- tion in 1995, meant a major breakthrough in the stratigraphic and paleo-environmental study of the area (Willis et al. 1996; Cserny 2000). The findings of the detailed chronological, lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical analyses of these core sam- ples are presented in this paper. Material and methods Sampling was carried out with the help of a Living- stone piston corer, following the so- called 'overlap- ping' method. Cores were halved lengthwise after having been transported to the lab, to suit the needs of different analytical approaches. The terminology and symbols of Troels-Smith (Troels-Smith 1955), internationally accepted for unconsolidated sedi- ments, were used to describe the lithology. Radiocarbon measurements were carried out on 7 samples derived from the peat layers, the inwashed charcoals and flue-ash horizons in the Light Isotope Laboratory of the Nuclear Research Center at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen. The methodology and techniques presented in Hertelendi et al. (1989) were followed for the digestion and measurements. In addition, these 3 samples were analyzed with AMS in the Isotope Laboratory of Ox- ford University (Willis 1997). Radiocarbon dates were utilized to determine the lithostratigraphy and chronological units with the help of the results of geochemical, pollen analytical and malacological analyses. They were also utilized to determine the rate of deposition in the sedimentary basin (Fig. 2). The results of pollen analysis were used as input in comparative biostratigraphy. In order to gain an ex- pansive picture of the paleo-environment, pollen data published earlier by Katherine Jane Willis (Wil- lis 1997) have been utilized. Samples collected from layers between 8-12cm were washed through a mesh screen for mol- lusks. The work of Sümegi and Krolopp (2002), Meijer (1985), Ložek (1964) was utilized to de- termine and put the species into paleo-ecological groups according to their temperature tolerance, recent biogeographic affinity and distribution, as well as their hu- midity and vegetation cover pre- ferences. Both the dominance va- lues of the species found and the ratio of paleo-ecological and re- cent biogeographical groups, along with the results of the ra- diocarbon measurements and the lithostratigraphy, were depicted on graphs with Psimpoll software (Bennett 1992). Lithological and lithostratigraphical findings Three major lithostratigraphic units were identified in the undisturbed, continuous core of the 398cm deep borehole (Fig. 2). The first unit, located be- tween depths of 398 and 268cm, is made up of al- ternating layers of fine laminated silt, gravelly sand and sandy gravel. According to the radiocarbon data, the development of these silty intercalations must have taken place between 13 000-11000 BP, at the end of the Pleistocene. The next sedimentary unit is located between depths of 268 and 164cm. This horizon is composed of white, grayish-white, calcareous muds, with a carbo- nate content ranging between 80-90%. The majority of the carbonates are derived from biomicritic pel- lets secreted by the Chara vegetation and calcareous oogonia. This sequence must have been deposited in a relatively shallow, well-lit lacustrine system, with eutrophic conditions prevailing at the bottom. This lacustrine phase, characterized by the deposition of calcareous marls, must have existed between 11000 and 9000 BP in the area. From a depth of 164cm, there is a sudden decrease in the carbonate content, accompanied by a promi- nent increase in the organic content. The distribu- tion of organic matter is not homogenous and by no means dispersed, but resembles a downward flame- like structure made up of the remnants of peat fern (Thelypterispalustris). All this points to the emer- gence of individual floating mats, which must have Fig. 1. The area of the Sarret catchment basin, with the Sarret-Nadas- dladany borehole (I.) marked. Fig. 2. Palaeo-ecological results of the Särret-Nädasdladäny I core sequence. united and closed within a period of 100-200 years. A recent analogy for the development of such float- ing mats is known from Lake Velencei, situated NE of the area of the Sarret (Balogh 2000). No samples were taken from the surface down to a depth of 48cm and no radiocarbon measurements were taken for this part of the profile. The emer- gence of floating mats can be placed between 8500- 8700 BP, while the development of a unified closed peat horizon must be younger than 8500 BP. Peat formation must have been quite significant even at 6500 BP as well, according to the radiocarbon data. The results of malacological analysis Some 4785 specimens belonging to 41 species have come to light from the core. Three major malacolo- gical zones have been identified with the help of sta- tistical analyses on the data (Fig. 2.). The first zone is located between depths of 398 and 270cm. According to sedimentation rates, this hori- zon must have developed between 13 000-11 000 BP. The ratio of species with a preference for mov- ing water habitats is above 50% in this horizon (e.g.: Valvata psicinalis, Lithoglyphus naticoides, Pisi- dium amnicum, Unio cf. crassus). Specimens of the Boreal Gyraulus riparius and Valvata pulchella have come to light from this part of the profile alone. One of the major characteristics of this horizon is the collective appearance of aquatic species expan- ding during the colder phases of the Pleistocene, be- coming restricted at the beginning of the Holocene (Valvatapulchella, Bithynia leachi, Gyraulus ripa- rius), and the aquatic species starting their expan- sion during the Holocene (Lithoglyphus naticoides, Bithynia tentaculata). This collective appearance of mollusks preferring milder climatic and colder cli- matic periods at the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene can be regarded as one of the most characteristic features of the Quarter- nary malacofauna of the Carpathian basin. (Willis et al. 1995; Sümegi 2004). Fauna of the same age and composition have been identified from the areas of the Tapolca basin, the Jaszsag, the bedrock horizon of the Vörös marshland of Csaszartöltes, and the sandpit of Töszeg (Hertelendi et al. 1993). On the basis of these fauna horizons, we may assign the col- lective appearance of the species Valvata pulchella and Lithoglyphus naticoides between 12 000-9000 BP in the Carpathian Basin. The results of the pollen analysis from the malaco- logical samples (Willis 1997) also seem to corrobo- rate the findings of the radiocarbon measurements (Fig. 2). The neotectonic depression of the Sarret was sur- rounded by gallery, forest-like, forest-steppe taiga, characterized by a dominance of birch (Betula) mi- xing with conifers of common pine (Pinus silves- tris), spruce (Picea), fir (Abies), juniper (Juniperus) and grasses (Graminea), carices (Cyperaceae) at the time. Although regarding the extension of the se- dimentary basin of the Sarret (80-120 km2) (Jacob- son-Bradshaw 1981), we may assume that the pol- len composition of the profile reflects the composi- tion of the vegetation on a wider, regional scale (Me- zoföld, Bakonyalja, Bakony) and not only the adja- cent marginal vegetation of the depression. The second malacological horizon is located between depths of 270-167cm. The majority of species with a moving-water habitat preference, like Valvata pul- chella, Gyraulus riparius, Lithoglyphus naticoides, Lymnaea stagnalis, Pisidium amnicum, Unio cf. crassus, became restricted. On the other hand, the rheophilous species Valvata piscinalis managed to survive. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the proportion of this latter species, which has be- come a prevailing element of this local malacologi- cal zone. However, it must be noted that there was a definite decrease in the size of the specimens col- lected from the calcareous muds compared to those from the preceding zone. According to data and ob- servations on the recent malacofauna, as well as the Quaternary malacofauna deriving from several pro- files in the Nyirseg and Lake Balaton, the gastropod species Valvata piscinalis successfully copes with environmental transformations like that from a flu- vial to a lacustrine habitat, surviving in the littoral surf zone, where moving water supplies a sufficient amount of dissolved oxygen. It is in this malacologi- cal zone that the species Lymnaea peregra (f. ova- ta), Physa fontinalis, Gyraulus albus, Sphaerium corneum, and Bithynia tentaculata appear and gra- dually become dominant. Besides these strong chan- ges in the aqueous fauna, the amphibic species Cary- chium minimum and Succineas also show up in this horizon. All these changes seem to imply the de- velopment of a relatively shallow, 1-3m deep, well- lit, but eutrophication at the bottom lacustrine en- vironment, characterized by mild water temperatu- res and alkaline pH during the growth season in the area under investigation. The higher ratio of littoral elements implies the proximity of our sampled pro- file to a singular littoral surf zone. The analyzed biological zone must have emerged be- tween 11 000 and 9000 BP. That is, the End-Pleisto- cene, Early Holocene mesotrophic lake phase must have emerged as early as 11 000 BP in the Sarret de- pression, and this correlates well with the develop- mental history of the sub-basins of the neotectonic depression of Lake Balaton (Tapolca Basin, Kis-Bala- ton) and the ponds located at the Danube-Tisza Inter- fluve (Cserny-Nagy-Bodor 2000). This calcareous mud horizon of Sarret yielded some harpoons assu- med to be of Mesolithic Age, according to archeolo- gical data (Marosi 1935; 1936a; 1936b; Nemeskeri 1948; Makkay 1970). Thus the calcareous muds identified in the Nadasladany borehole may be cor- related with a period of the Mesolithic. According to palynological data, there was also signi- ficant change in the composition of the vegetation parallel with the emergence of this malacological ho- rizon (Willis 1997). There was a shift in the advance of deciduous trees, in contrast to the formerly domi- nant conifers, namely birch (Betula), oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), and hornbeam (Carpinus). Neverthe- less, the ratio of common pine (Pinus silvestris) re- mained significant. This latter factor might be stron- gly related to the ability of the Sarret sedimentary basins to act as a regional pollen trap in the area. Thus pollen from the common pine woodlands, being extensive in the Bakony Mts. at the beginning of the Holocene, might also have been transported into and accumulated in the sedimentary basin of the Sarret from greater distances. To put it another way: the basin must have preserved pollens origina- ting from several regions characterized by different natural endowments and highly varying plant paleo- associations (coniferous remnant woodlands, the co- oler basins and valleys of the Bakony Mts., deciduous woodlands, the Bakony Mts. including the foothill area, open loess and dolomite steppe areas, the do- lomite cliffs of the foothill area of the Bakony, with high relief, the area of the Mezoföld). There was a complete turnover in the malacofauna at the final stage of calcareous mud deposition and the initiation of peat formation in the area of Sarret- Nadasladany. Species with a moving water habitat preference completely disappeared, giving way to the extensive, Holarctic still water species. The gas- tropod Valvata cristata is the dominant form in this part of the profile. However, species preferring a well-lit, well-oxygenated lacustrine habitat (Physa fontinalis, Lymnaea peregra f. ovata, Sphaerium corneum) also completely disappeared when peat formation began. The increase in the proportions of marsh-dwellers (Acroloxus lacustris, Planorbis pla- norbis, Anisus leucostoma), and the littoral, amphi- bic Succineas (Succinea oblonga, Oxyloma elegans) indicate a change in the environment and lithology. The malacological data are in close correlation with changes in the sedimentary layers, the emergence of floating mats and the appearance of a wet, terres- trial-like habitat wedged into the lacustrine environ- ment. Such island-like patches of floating mats was observed on the Nagy-Mohos floating mat of Kallo- semjen at the end of the 1980s. According to the fin- dings of investigations on the recent malacofauna, the underwater areas of the floating mats are inha- bited by the gastropod species of Valvata cristata, Planorbis planorbis and Anisuses. While the surfa- ces located above the water such as wet reed, ferny and bulrush areas are populated by Succineas and Carychium minimum in large quantities, the com- position of the malacofauna of the recent floating mats of Kallosemjen is highly similar to that of the floating mat phase observed in the borehole of Sar- ret-Nadasdladany. According to radiocarbon data, peat formation, re- sulting in a transformation of the lacustrine environ- ment, began around 9000 BP in the area under in- vestigation, being active even at 6000 BP. Peat for- mation must have continued even after that. How- ever, because of the presence of mixed, disturbed layers, no samples were taken from the surface to a depth of 48cm. The composition of pollens also underwent a sharp and strong change at the beginning of peat forma- tion, with a sudden increase in the proportions of fern (Pteridophyta), and grass (Gramineae) pollens, including water plants (e.g. float-grass - Glyceria). All these changes are closely linked to the develop- ment and evolution of floating mats in the area. The inwash and transportation of pollens of local flowe- ring plants into the basin was dominant during this time, as reflected in the composition of pollens and spores. The question is, however, what might have caused the transformation of the basin from a regio- nal pollen trap into a local one? It seems that the conditions favoring pollen entrapment must have changed in the basin as a result of the development of floating mats also changing the entrapment capa- city. According to investigations carried out, this hori- zon can be characterized by the quickest rate of de- position. The underlying factor must have been the rapid horizontal and vertical growth and expansion of floating mats. According to the analyses of plant remains, the majority of the spores within this hori- zon come from peat fern (Thelypteris palustris), one of the most important floral elements in floating mats. As a result of the relatively rapid growth in the local vegetation, and the rapid accumulation and de- position of their spores, along with rapid sedimenta- tion, prevented the large-scale accumulation of re- gional, distant pollens transported into the basin. These pollens appear only subsequently in the pro- file in this horizon. Following the development of floating mats, the rate of deposition decreased, accompanied by a stall in peat formation increasing the pollen entrapment ability of the Sarret sedimentary basin and enabling the entrapment of regional pollens as well. As a re- sult of this, larger amounts of pollen from oak (Quer- cus), elm (Ulmus) hazel (Corylus), and grasses (Gra- mineae) could have accumulated. According to the pollen composition, a mixing of pollens deriving from a forest steppe or closed woodland existing in the neighborhood in a milder phase (with a trans- portation direction from the Bakony and Vertes Mts.) and an open steppe area (Mezoföld, loess steppes) was identified. The early appearance of cereal pol- lens in the Sarret-Nadasdladany section (6000 calBC) seems to be in good agreement with the appearance of the Early Neolithic communities and the emer- gence of productive societies in the Carpathian ba- sin (Hertelendi et al. 1998). Summary According to the detailed sedimentological and pa- laeoontological analyses carried out on samples ta- ken from the Sarret-Nadasdladany core-profile, a complete environmental history of a neotectonic de- pression have been drawn. The sequence is compo- sed of fluvial-lacustrine and marshland deposits which started to accumulate during the Late Glacial. Paleo-associations determined with the help of ma- lacological data form a line of successions, with the first fluvial phase appearing as early as 13 000- 11 000 BP. The infant neotectonic depression cha- racterized by fluvial conditions must have been sur- rounded by open, gallery-like mixed taiga vegeta- tion. At a greater distance, a more open, cold, conti- nental forested steppe covering the loess and dolo- mite surfaces can be reconstructed. Around 11 000 BP the depression was inundated, re- sulting in the emergence of a well-lit, but eutrophi- cation at the bottom lacustrine environment, char- acterized by a water depth of 3m in the deepest parts of the depression. There was a change in the vegetation around the depression at about 10 000 uncalBP, characterized by the emergence of decidu- ous woodland in the area. A substantial amount of pollen grains from the pinewoods surviving in the cold relict spots in more distant, mountainous re- gions, accumulated during the Early Holocene. The lake was surrounded by extensive cattail and reed- beds, as well as sedge tussocks, at the time fringed by hardwood and softwood gallery forests and de- ciduous woodland. These conditions survived for some one thousand years, suggesting that the rate of infilling (0.31 mm/year) roughly equalled that of the rate of subsidence (11 000-9000 uncalBP). The infilling of the basin intensified between 9000- 6500 uncal BP, with the sedimentation rate exceed- ing 0.8 mm/year. There is a marked change in the pollen composition here, characterized by the ap- pearance of taxa indicating arable farming and stock- breeding. 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