Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)2, 78-104 UDK - UDC 658.512.2 Izvirni znanstveni članek - Original scientific paper (1.01) Ugotavljanje in vrednotenje potreb kupcev v postopku razvoja izdelka Finding and Evaluating Customers' Needs in the Product-Development Process Janez Kušar1 - Jože Duhovnik1 - Rok Tomaževič2 - Marko Starbek1 ('Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana; 2CIMOS d.d., Koper) Podjetja današnjih dni se soočajo z novimi izzivi. Imamo opravka z globalizacijo poslovanja in lokalizacijo delovanja, standardizacijo in individualizacijo izdelkov, zahtevnim kupcem in močno konkurenco. V prispevku so prikazane faze razvoja funkcij kakovosti (RFK - QFD) postopka sprejemanja izdelka in podano mesto pridobivanja, sestavljanja in vrednotenja potreb kupcev izdelka. Podrobno so opisani viri pridobivanja informacij o potrebah kupcev, predstavljene so metode pridobivanja, sestavljanja in vrednotenja podatkov o potrebah kupcev izdelka ter prikazan postopek razvoja izdelka. Podani so rezultati preizkusa predlagane metodologije upoštevanja glasu kupcev v postopku razvoja izdelka Vario Flow podjetja, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in prodajo medicinske opreme za domači in tuji trg. © 2007 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. (Ključne besede: razvoj izdelka, razvoj funkcij kakvosti (RFK), potrebe kupcev, odločitveni postopki, hiša kakovosti) Today's companies are facing new challenges: global business and local operation, the standardization and individualization of products, and demanding customers and fierce competition. This paper presents the phases of quality functions deployment (QFD) during a new-product development process along with the method for obtaining, structuring and evaluating customer needs. A full description of the information resources for obtaining the data on customer needs is given, and the methods for obtaining, structuring and evaluating the data on customer needs are presented. The QFD process of new-product development is described. We present the results of testing the proposed methodology, taking into account the voice of the customer, in the process of developing a new Vario Flow product in a company that produces and sells medical equipment on domestic and foreign markets. © 2007 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. (Keywords: product development, quality function deployment (QFD), customer needs, decision making, house of quality) 0 UVOD 0 INTRODUCTION Za današnjega kupca izdelkov lahko trdimo, da je “kralj”, saj je pripravljen kupiti le izdelke, ki zadovoljujejo njegove potrebe in zahteve. Podjetje želi doseči krajši čas razvoja izdelka, manjše stroške, vrhunsko kakovost izdelka ter končno zadovoljstvo kupcev izdelka. Da bi podjetje doseglo postavljene cilje, mora že med razvojem izdelka upoštevati potrebe in zahteve kupcev izdelka. Znano je, da se izdelek razvija v postopku, ki se prične z abstraktnim razmišljanjem in konča s končnim izdelkom. Izkušnje kažejo, da je treba v tem miselnem in stvarnem postopku razvoja izdelka upoštevati glas kupcev (potrebe in zahteve), če Today, we can maintain that the customer is “king” as he or she will only buy products that satisfy his or her needs and wants. Every company wants to achieve shorter product-development times, lower costs, higher quality of the product, and, finally, the satisfaction of its customers. In order to achieve the set goals, the company has to take into account the customers’ wants and needs during the new-product development process. It is well known that the new-product development process starts with an abstract idea and ends with the physical realization of the product. Experience has shown that in this mental and physical product-development process the voice 71 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)2, 78-104 želimo, da bo izdelek lahko tekmoval na globalnem tržišču. Razvoj funkcij kakovosti ([1] do [3]) je edini, na kupca usmerjeni postopek razvoja izdelka, pri čemer je “glas kupca” izhodiščna točka vseh dejavnosti. RFK vpraša: “Kaj potrebuje in zahteva kupec” in spremeni njegova pričakovanja v značilke izdelka [4]. Razvoj funkcij kakovosti strmi za tem, da se izdelek tako definira, razvije, konstruira, izdela, dobavi in vgradi, da se ne izpolni le želja kupca, ampak da so želje celo več ko izpolnjene. Metoda razvoja funkcij kakovosti rabi za preoblikovanje potreb in zahtev kupcev v zmožnosti podjetja ter za vključitev vseh oddelkov oziroma služb podjetja za izpolnitev naročila. Metoda RFK je igra vprašanj in odgovorov z dvema osnovnima vprašanjema: • KAJ pričakujejo kupci izdelka, • KAKO podjetje izpolni potrebe kupcev. Metoda RFK spremlja postopek razvoja izdelka od faze razmišljanja pa do faze uporabe izdelka, pri tem pa je “hiša razvoja funkcij kakovosti izdelka” (si. 1) namenjena dokumentiranju miselnih in načrtnih rezultatov. of the customer (his or her needs and wants) has to be taken into account in order to ensure that a globally competitive product will be produced. Quality functions deployment (QFD) ([1] to [3]) is the only customer-oriented product-development method where the “voice of the customer” is the starting point of all activities. QFD starts with the question: “What does the customer need and want?” and transforms the customers’ expectations into the product’s features [4]. The goal of the QFD method is to define, develop, design, manufacture, supply and install the product in such a way that the customers’ wishes are over-fulfilled rather than simply “just” fulfilled. The QFD method allows the transformation of the customers’ needs and wants into the company’s potentials and the engagement of all its departments to serve the customers. The QFD method is a game of questions and answers with two basic questions: • WHAT do customers expect from the product? • HOW can the producer fulfill the customer needs? The QFD method is used throughout the product-development process: from the first abstract concept to the use of the product. The “product’s quality-functions-deployment house” (Figure 1) is used to record the mental and planned results. KAJ želijo kupci (potrebe, zahteve) WHAT do customers wish (needs, wants) KAKO izpolni podjetje želje kupcev HOW can the company fulfil the customer needs Stopnja podpore KAJ-ev KAKO-jem Level of WHATs' support to HOWs TRG / MARKET KOLIKO želi podjetje s KAKO-ji doseči \7 HOW MUCH does the company wish to achive with HOWs ZAKAJ izboljšati (primerjava s konkurenco) WHY improve (comparision with competition) > IZHOD - pomembni in kritični KAKO-ji OUTPUT - important and critical HOWs SI. 1. Hiša razvoja funkcij kakovosti izdelka Fig. 1. Products quality-functions-deployment house Ugotavljanje in vrednotenje potreb kupcev - Finding and Evaluating Customers' Needs 79 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)2, 78-104 KAKO / HOW Značilke izdelka / Product characteristics KAJ WHAT 1. HIŠA NAČRTOVANJE IZDELKA 1st HOUSE PRODUCT PLANNING KAKO / HOW Značilke sklopov, sest. delov / Component characteristics KAJ WHAT 2. HIŠA NAČRTOVANJE SKLOPOV SESTAVNIH DELOV 2nd HOUSE COMPONENT PLANNING KAKO / HOW Značilke postopkov Process characteristics KAJ WHAT 3. HIŠA NAČRTOVANJE POSTOPKOV 3rd HOUSE PROCESS PLANNING KAKO / HOW Značilke proizvodnje Production characteristics KAJ WHAT 4. HIŠA NAČRTOVANJE PROIZVODNJE 4th HOUSE PRODUCTION PLANNING Sl. 2. Postopek sprejemanja izdelka na osnovi RFK Fig. 2. QFD process of new-product development Postopek razvoja izdelka na osnovi RFK poteka kaskadno in se opiše s štirimi hišami razvoja funkcij kakovosti (si. 2) in to [4]: • hišo razvoja funkcij kakovosti izdelka • hišo razvoja funkcij kakovosti sklopov oziroma sestavnih delov izdelka, • hišo razvoja funkcij kakovosti postopka in • hišo razvoja funkcij kakovosti proizvodnje. Kakor prikazuje slika 2 se postopek razvoja izdelka na osnovi RFK prične s pridobivanjem, sestavljanjem in vrednotenjem potreb kupcev izdelka - rezultat je vektor ugotovljenih potreb kupcev izdelka, ki pomeni vhodni podatek hiše načrtovanja izdelka. Da bi lahko pri sprejemanju izdelka upoštevali glas oz. potrebe kupcev, je le-te treba pridobiti in raziskati z namenom, da bi razumeli ter vedeli, kako bodo upoštevane. Slika 3 prikazuje osnutek pridobivanja, sestavljanja in vrednotenja potreb kupcev izdelka. V nadaljevanju bodo prikazani postopek in metode pridobivanja, sestavljanja in vrednotenja podatkov o potrebah kupcev, kar je temelj za uspešno izvedbo postopka razvoja izdelka oziroma za uspeh izdelka na trgu. The QFD process of new-product development is carried out in cascades and can be described with four QFD houses (Fig. 2) [4]: • the product’s quality-functions-deployment house • the product’s component quality-functions-deployment house • the process quality-functions-deployment house • the manufacturing quality-functions-deployment house. As presented in Figure 2, the QFD process of new-product development starts by obtaining, structuring and evaluating the customer needs, which represent the input data for the product planning house. In order to take into account the customer needs during new-product development, they must be identified and analyzed beforehand, so that they can be properly understood and fulfilled. Figure 3 presents the concept of obtaining, structuring and evaluating the data on customer needs. In the text that follows, the procedure and methods for obtaining, structuring and evaluating customer needs are presented. These are the basis for the successful execution of the product-development process or for the success of the product on the market. 80 Kušar J. - Duhovnik J. - Tomaževič R. - Starbek M. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)2, 78-104 ANALIZA TRGA »GLAS KUPCEV« MARKET ANALYSIS ^VOICE OF THE CUSTOMERS^ -& DDD DDD DDD Metode vrednotenja podatkov Methods for data evaluation O I VEKTOR POTREB KUPCEV IZDELKA I CUSTOMERS' NEEDS VECTOR ^1 viri glasu kupcev voice of customers sources pridobivanje podatkov o potrebah kupcev obtaining of customers' needs data urejanje podatkov o potrebah kupcev structuring of customers' needs data vrednotenje podatkov o potrebah kupcev evaluation of customers' needs data vhodni podatek hiše načrtovanja izdelka input data for the product plannig house Sl. 3. Osnutek zbiranja, urejanja in vrednotenja potreb kupcev izdelka Fig. 3. The concept of obtaining, structuring and evaluating customer needs 1 VIRI GLASU KUPCEV 1 SOURCES OF THE CUSTOMERS’ VOICE Glas kupcev je pojem, s katerim se opišejo izrečene in neizrečene potrebe ter zahteve kupcev in je kot tak potreben za zagon postopka razvoja izdelka ([5] in [6]). Potreba kupca pomeni izjavo kupca o koristi, ki bi mu jo lahko prinesel izdelek ali storitev ([1] in [7]). Kupci želijo svoje potrebe in želje zadovoljiti z izbiro izdelkov ali storitev, ki to najbolje izpolnjujejo. Kupci pa pogosto izražajo svoje potrebe z izjavami, ki govorijo o tem, kako bi lahko te potrebe zadovoljili, te izjave pa se imenujejo kupčeve zahteve [8], ki se prepoznajo kot nekaj zahtevanega, nekaj, o čemer se ne da pogajati. Poznani so trije glavni viri pridobivanja informacij o glasu kupca, in to so ([3] in [9]): • zunanji kupci, • notranji kupci in • podatki o izdelkih in postopkih. The voice of the customers is a concept that describes the uttered and unuttered customers’ wants and needs; as such it must exist in order to start the new-product development process ([5] and [6]). A customer need is a description, in the customer’s own words, of the benefit to be fulfilled by the product or service ([1] and [7]). Customers would like to satisfy their needs and wishes by selecting products or services that best fulfill them. Customers often express their needs using statements that describe how these needs could be fulfilled and these statements are called “customer requirements” [8], which are considered as something required, something that is non-negotiable. There are three major sources for obtaining information on the voice of the customer ([3] and [9]): • external customers, • internal customers, • information on products and processes. 1.1 Zunanji kupci Zunanji kupci so kupci, ki so zunaj podjetja in govorijo drugačen jezik kakor proizvajalec izdelka. Po pregledu literature ([1], [3], [6] in [7]) lahko ugotovimo, da se zunanji kupci delijo v več kategorij in podkategorij, glede na to, od koga 1.1 External customers External customers are the customers outside the company. They speak a different language than the company that manufactures the product. A survey of the reference works ([1], [3], [6] and [7]) reveals that external customers fall into several categories and Ugotavljanje in vrednotenje potreb kupcev - Finding and Evaluating Customers' Needs 81 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53(2007)2, 78-104 ZUNANJI KUPCI EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS J KUPUJEJO ARE BUYING SO THEY ARE Uporabniki izdelkov Product users Ljudje z vplivom na nakupe drugih ljudi People influencing other people in the process of purchasing Ljudje, ki sprejemajo končne denarne odločitve People making the final financial decisions Kupujejo naše ^ Zadovoljni Satisfied izdelke Nezadovoljni Dissatisfied Kupujejo izdelke konkurence ^ Bivši naši kupci Our former customers