Peter Marolt 2oo2/1 AR Guenther Uecker: soba premišljevanja v Reichstagu, Berlin (Kunst und Kirche 2/2000) Reitermann, Sassenroth: kapela sprave, Berlin, 2000 Architecture studio: cerkev v Parizu, 1998 Simbolna raba dvojne fasadne opne (DBZ 11/98) Wappner Architekten: cerkev v Muenchnu (DBZ 3/2001) _ ( - / TIS r Peter Marolt: idejni projekt kapele s spremljajoèimi prostori, Mala loka, 2000 Karl Schuster: "Prostor premišljevanja" (L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui 328) Peter Marolt PRIZMO SVETEGA THE SACRAL SPACE SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF THE SACRED povzetek Raziskovalna naloga skuša odgovoriti na vprašanje kaj je danes sveto in s pomočjo opisne metode dognati kje vse gaje mogoče najti. Naglašuje različen odnos do duhovnosti s katero je sveto danes povezano. »Rdečo nit« raziskave predstavlja sveto v sakralnem in profanem. Domovanje je "sveto", kadar predstavlja vrednoto s katero se posameznik in družina identificirata in h kateri si prizadevata. "Sveto" je zaradi duhovne vrednosti, ki jo ima za svoje prebivalce. Zamenjava duhovnih vrednot z materialnimi pomeni izgubo segmentov svetega in njegovo preobrazbo, beg v osamo. Mnogoverski prostori lahko pomenijo pot k zbliževanju duhovno neenotnega sveta, ne morejo pa nadomestiti siceršnjih kultnih prostorov. V primeru, da se bo sodobni dom ohranil kot vrednota, se bo lahko ponovno izgradil odnos do svetega in do svetosti prostora, s tem pa tudi do posvečenega prostora. Več steklenih površin (odprtin), a hkratno omogočanje zasebnosti z delnim zastrtjem teh površin, glede na želje in potrebe uporabnikov, predstavlja izziv za sodobno oblikovanje (cerkvene) arhitekture. raziskava, research summary The research attempts at establishing what is perceived as sacred in present-day world and, with the application of the descriptive method, where it may be found. As such, it addresses a different approach to spirituality with which the sacred is connected nowadays. The fil rouge of the research is the sacred in both the sacral and secular. The dwelling is sacred when representing the value with which the individual or family identifies or to which they aspire, for its spiritual value lies in the eyes of its dwellers. The replacement ofspiritual with material values implies a loss and transformation of segments of the sacred and a subsequent refuge in isolation. Multi-religion spaces may be viewed as a way to a reconciliation of the spiritually divided world, yet they cannot function as a replacement of usual places of worship. Should the modern dwelling be preserved as a value, the relationship towards the sacred and the sacredness of space, and consequently also to the consecrated space, may be established again. The introduction of more glass surfaces with a simultaneous preservation ofprivacy through a partial curtaining off of these surfaces reflecting the wishes and needs of the space user represent a challenge for the modern design of (religious) architecture. doseženi cilji, namen in rezultati Primerjava med svetostjo doma in sakralnostjo cerkvene stavbe je dala odgovor, da sveto lahko obstaja tako v cerkveni kakor tudi v posvetni arhitekturi. Gre le za zorni kot gledanja. Sveto ni le sakralno. Sveto kot vrednota je tudi spremljevalec sodobnega življenja. "Svetost" je povezana s pomenom, vrednostjo, ki jo ima določena stvar za človeka. aims achieved, intentions and results A comparison between the sacredness of a home and a religious building showed that sacred may exist both in religious and civil architecture. What matters is to expand the notion of sacredfrom what is merely sacral. "Sacredness" is associated with the meaning and the value which the human being attributes to objects. problematika v arhitekturi, umestitev obravnavane teme v te tokove in njen pomen Domovanje naj bi pojasnjevalo oziroma pomagalo razumeti sakralno arhitekturo. Poznavanje duhovnih razsežnosti doma omogoča korektnejši pristop v načrtovanju človekovega bivališča. Ideja dvojnega fasadnega plašča z visoko tehnologijo je z vidika zagotavljanja zasebnosti, pa tudi z vidika varčevanja z energijo, dobro izhodišče tako za oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora kakor tudi bivališča. problematics, topic placement and significance in architecture The dwelling explains and helps understanding religious architecture. The knowledge of the spiritual dimensions of a home provides for a more correct approach to the planning of a dwelling. From the privacy-establishing and energy-saving points of view, the idea of a dualfacade coat and high technology functions as a good starting point for designing a religious building as well as a dwelling. ključne besede arhitektura, sveto, vrednota, globalizacija, meditativni prostori key words architecture, the sacred, value, globalisation, meditation rooms