1 Original Scientific Article • DOI: 10.2478/rmzmag-2020-0018 Received: March 08, 2021 Accepted: March 09, 2021 Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea Podvodni hrup v slovenskem morju Andreja Popit* Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia *Corresponding author: E-mail: andreja.popit@izvrs.si Abstract in English Continuous underwater noise has been monitored in the Slovenian sea near the lighthouse foundation at Debeli Rtič since February 2015, according to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). An- thropogenic noise sources (e.g. seawater densities, dredging activities and cleaning of the seafloor) and meteorological noise sources (e.g. wind speed and pre- cipitation) were analysed in relation to the measured underwater noise levels using several graphical and statistical methods. The results of this study showed that average equivalent continuous underwater noise levels were, by 11 dB (L eq,63 Hz ) and 5 dB (L eq,125 Hz ), high- er in the intervals when dredging activities took place than in the intervals when these activities were absent. Variation in underwater noise levels was partly related to the variation of the ship densities, which could be explained by the relatively small acoustic propagation in the shallow seawater. Precipitation level did not in- dicate any significant association with the variations in continuous underwater noise levels, though some larger deviations in the wind speed were found to be associated with the larger fluctuations in continuous underwater noise levels. Keywords: underwater noise, shallow sea, measuring equipment, natural and anthropogenic sound sources Abstract in Slovene V slovenskem morju izvajamo kontinuirne meritve podvodnega hrupa ob svetilniku pri Debelem rtiču od februarja 2015. Meritve potekajo v skladu z Okvirno direktivo o morski strategiji. Za analizo antropogenih virov hrupa (gostota ladij, poglabljanje in čiščenje morskega dna) in meteoroloških virov hrupa (hitrost vetra in padavine) v povezavi z izmerjenimi ravnmi podvodnega hrupa smo uporabili grafične in statistične metode. Rezultati te študije so pokazali, da so bile povprečne ekvivalentne ravni kontinuirnega podvodnega hrupa za 11 dB (Leq, 63 Hz) in 5 dB (Leq,125 Hz) višje v času, ko so potekale dejavnosti poglabljanja, kot v času, ko so teh dejavnosti ni bilo. Nihanja ravni podvodnega hrupa so bila v manjši meri povezana z nihanji gostote ladij, kar lahko razložimo z relativno majhno akustično propagacijo v plitvem morju. Padavine niso bile veliko povezane z nihanji ravni podvodnega hrupa, medtem ko so bila nekatera večja nihanja hitrosti vetra povezana z večjimi nihanji ravni kontinuirnega podvodnega hrupa. Ključne besede: podvodni hrup, plitvo morje, merilna oprema, naravni in antropogeni viri zvoka Introduction The background or ambient noise in the seas and oceans is composed of natural (i.e. meteorolog- ical (wind speed, surface waves, precipitation), geological (tectonic processes) and biological) and anthropogenic (i.e. marine traffic) noise sources. It varies with the location and frequency of underwater sound. In regions with high shipping densities, the frequency band between 10 Hz and 200 Hz is primarily associated with shipping activity, constituting the largest anthro- pogenic contribution to the underwater ambient sound [1–11]. Most of the noise power radiated into the water by surface ships comes from propeller cavitation [1, 4, 12]. Propeller noise is generated through several cavitation noise mechanisms: A. Popit 2 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 thermal noise spectral density at 100,000 Hz is 20–25 dB re 1 m Pa 2 /Hz [7]. Rain can produce a peak in the ambient sound pressure spectral density (around 60 dB re 1 m Pa 2 /Hz) in the vicinity of 15 kHz, corresponding to rain rates ranging from 2 mm/h to 5 mm/h, measured at different wind speeds [7, 26]. Underwater ambient noise is generated not only by the combination of environmen- tal sea state and anthropogenic contributions (e.g. shipping), but also by significant amounts of biological noise from fish, inver- tebrates and whales. Biological noise may generate major background noise in some areas. Marine mammals, such as whales and dolphins, rely on sound to communicate with each other, locate their prey and find their way over long distances. All these activities, criti- cal to their survival, are being interfered with by the increasing levels of noise from ships [1, 4, 27–33]. The European Commission’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EC [34] and International Maritime Organization( IMO) guidelines for the reduc- tion of underwater noise from commercial shipping [35] have addressed underwater noise pollution from shipping, as well as the promotion of the use of the appropriate miti- gation measures. The EC MSFD 2008/56/EC [34] guidelines require the Member States to prepare a Marine Management Plan. These requirements were incorporated in Slovenian law by passing the Water Act [36] and by the Decree on the detailed content of the Marine management plan [37]. According to this legislation, Slovenia started to monitor continuous underwater noise near the lighthouse foundation at Debeli Rtič since February 2015. The aim of our study was to analyse con- tinuous underwater noise measurements from 2015 until 2018. The measured ambient low- frequency noise levels were most probably due to anthropogenic activities such as marine traf- fic, dredging activities and cleaning of the sea- floor, as well as to meteorological factors such as precipitation and wind. These levels were analysed through the proposed methodology and results of this study were discussed in this article. tip vortex cavitation, different types of blade cavitation, hub vortex cavitation, pressure puls- es due to wake inhomogeneity at the propeller plane, pressure pulses generated by the rotating propeller blades and singing due to resonance between blade natural frequencies and trailing edge vortices. Some vessels emit strong struc- tural noise radiation arising from their hydrau- lic systems, gears, compressors or other noisy machinery [4]. An increase in the low-frequency ocean ambient noise levels was observed between 1963 and 2001 on the continental slope of Point Sur, California [7, 8, 13], between 1964 and 2004, westwards of the San Nicolas Island, California [14] and between 1978 and 1986 in the Northeast Pacific Ocean [15]. This was related to the shipping vessel traf - fic. The number of commercial vessels in the world’s oceans approximately doubled and the gross tonnage quadrupled between 1965 and 2003, with a corresponding increase in horsepower of the vessels. Increases in com - mercial shipping are believed to account for the observed increase in the low-frequency ambient noise [14]. More recently, between 2006 and 2016, observations made in the Northeast Pacific, Equatorial Pacific and in the South Atlantic Ocean show a slightly decreasing trend in low-frequency ambient noise levels [16, 17]. This trend may be attributed to the fact that world vessel size and gross tonnage have in - creased considerably over the recent years, while the number of vessels has decreased [18–21]. Wind-generated sea-surface agitation gov- erns much of the ambient noise in the fre - quency band between 200 Hz and 100,000 Hz. Wind-generated noise is largely the conse- quence of bubbles created in the process of wave-breaking. At lower frequencies (<500 Hz), the oscillation of bubble clouds themselves are considered to be the source of the sound [22, 23] while, at higher frequen- cies (>500 Hz), the excitation of resonant os- cillations by individual bubbles generates the sound [7, 24, 25]. At very high frequencies, ~ 100,000 Hz, ther- mal noise generated by the random motion of water molecules begins to dominate. The Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 3 The mathematical definition of the meas- ured equivalent continuous sound level (Eq. 1) (also called time-average sound level), L eq , is 20 times the logarithm to base 10 of the ratio of the root mean square sound pressure (p rms ) during a time interval to the reference sound pressure (p 0 , which is 1 m Pa) [40]: Lt p p p p eq rmsr ms () =       =       10 20 10 0 2 10 0 logl og (1) Root mean square of the sound pressure level (p rms ) (Eq. 2) in Pascals (Pa) [41] can be represented as: ∫ () () = −         p tt pt t d rms 1 21 2 1 2 1 2 (2) where, P rms or the mean square sound pres- sure is the time integral of squared sound pressure over a specified time interval divided by the duration of the time interval; and t 1 and t 2 are the start and stop times of the time in- terval over which the mean is evaluated. The RMS sound pressure is calculated by first squaring the values of sound pressure, averaging over the specified time interval and then taking the square root. Materials and methods Underwater noise measuring station and measured quantities A permanent underwater noise measurement station was established on the concrete foun- dation of a masonry lighthouse 300 m off the coast at Debeli Rtič, Slovenia in February 2015 (Figure 1a). The coordinates of the lighthouse are Lat.: 45°35′ 28.2″ N, Lon.: 13°41′ 59.1″ E. The associated measuring equipment was composed of a spherical omnidirectional hydro- phone (Type 8105, Bruel & Kjaer ) installed at a depth of 4 m (Figure 1b) (sea depth at that location was 5 m). The hydrophone is con- nected to a sound analyser of Type 2250 Bruel & Kjaer, which includes a sound level meter and an octave-based frequency analyser, operat- ing in the frequency band of 6.3–20 kHz. The hydrophone with a cable was installed through a metal pipe 1 m away from the lighthouse foundation to a depth of approx. 1 m above the seabed, as shown in Figure 1b [38]. A sound analyser was closed inside the lighthouse in a waterproof casing, according to the standard National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) IP65 protocols, and maintaining resist- ance to water jets was ensured. The measuring system was connected to the batteries that were charged by a solar panel [38, 39]. Figure 1: Location of the permanent underwater noise measurement station near Debeli Rtič in the Slovenian Sea (A) and a sketch of the lighthouse at Debeli Rtič on which the measuring equipment is installed showing the hydrophone at a depth of 4 m (sea depth at the location is 5 m) (B) [38]. A. Popit 4 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 Frequency analysis software enables deriva- tions of the equivalent continuous sound levels in 1/3-octave band with centre frequencies be- tween 6.3 Hz and 20 kHz, in the resolution of 10 s. Daily arithmetic mean values were calcu- lated and recorded on a hard disc of 1 Terabyte (TB). The memory capacity of the disc enables recordings for 75 days. Measured data were transferred, displayed and analysed using BZ-5503 Measurement Partner Suite [40] software. This software can be used for data archival, data preview and data export, for post-process and export to other formats, online data display and remote access and operation, as well as for maintenance of the sound level meter software. With BZ-5503 Measurement Partner Suite, daily equivalent continuous sound levels (L eq val- ues) in the 1/3-octave band with centre frequen- cies between 6.3 Hz and 20 kHz were analysed. Methodology used for processing continuously measured data The first step in data processing was, in our case, done by the sound analyser of Type 2250 (Bruel & Kjaer ), which calculates equivalent continuous sound levels in 1/3-octave bands. Then we proceeded with the second step in data processing, to calculate the annual average of the continuous sound level. For monitoring and assessing anthropo- genic continuous low-frequency sound in wa- ter (D11C2) we used annual average of the squared sound pressure in 1/3-octave bands, one centred at 63 Hz and the other at 125 Hz, both expressed as a level in decibels in units of dB re 1 m Pa, according to the requirements of the Commission Decision EU/2017/848 [42]. The unit of measurement used for the criteria D11C2 is the annual average of the continuous sound level per unit area; proportion (percent- age) of extent in square kilometres of the as- sessment area. For this purpose we used the arithmetic mean (AM) in time T [43] (Eq. 3), which shows compatibility with L eq metric: AM T NT pT NT () = () () = () ∑ 1 1 n n (3) where N(T) is the number of snapshots of duration T in 1 year (Eq. 4) (assuming that the data are continuous, and contain no gaps for an entire year): = NT T () year 1 (4) where p n (T) is the mean square sound pres- sure at the n-th snapshot of duration T. The arithmetic mean is expressed as sound pressure level (SPL) (Eq. 5) in dB re m Pa [43]: LT AM T p AM ref () = () 10 10 2 log (5) where p ref = 1 m Pa. Annual averages of the continuous sound level and standard deviation (STDEV) for 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz were calculated using daily averages, which were calculated using the sound analyser. The results of the underwater noise meas- urements from the measuring station at Debeli Rtič were analysed and reviewed using the BZ-5503 Measurement Partner Suite Software [39]. The equivalent unweighted continu- ous noise levels within 1/3-octave frequency bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz L eq,63 Hz and 125 Hz L eq,125 Hz (in dB), according to the MSFD 2008/56/EC [34], were exported into an excel spreadsheet for further analyses. The underwater noise data were available at half-hour intervals for the following peri- ods: from 13 February 2015 to 5 May 2015; 26 September 2015 to 31 December 2015; 18 August 2016 to 1 November 2016; 6 July 2017 to 27 August 2017; and 18 August 2018 to 31 December 2018. Average hourly values of equivalent con- tinuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz for each measuring period were pre- pared and presented on diagrams. Asymmetry (A) (Eq. 6) was used to test the normality of the distribution of underwater noise levels. Asymmetry was Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 5 used to indicate the direction of data asymmetry [44]: = A (6) where m 2 and m 3 are the second and third moments around the average. The j-th moment is calculated by the Eq. (7), represented below [44]: m xx n j i j i n = − = ∑ () _ 1 (7) When A is 0, the data set is symmetric to its mean and the data are distributed symmetri- cally or normally (Gaussian distribution). At A < 0 the data are asymmetric to the left and at A > 0 the data are asymmetric to the right. If A < −1 or A > 1 the distribution is very asymmetric. If A is between −1 and −0.5 or between 0.5 and 1, the distribution is moderately asymmet- ric. If A falls between −0.5 and 0 or between 0 and 0.5, the distribution is approximately symmetric. The statistics were calculated in Excel (Microsoft). Methodology for the analysis of anthropogenic sources (ship densities, dredging and cleaning activities) of the underwater noise in the canals of the Port of Koper Marine traffic in the sea is monitored with the Automatic Information System (AIS). Obtained AIS data concerning locations of the ships were analysed in the North Adriatic Sea for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 to prepare hourly data on the ship densities in four different areas around the underwater noise measuring station at the lighthouse at Debeli Rtič, Slovenia. These four areas were namely within a radii of 2 nautical miles (NM) and 5 NM from the measuring sta- tion, in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice. Data on ship densities were prepared for each period during which underwater noise levels were recorded. Average hourly ship densities in all four ar- eas around the measuring station, for each period in which underwater noise levels were recorded, were presented graphically in com- bination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz. Asymmetry (A) was used to test the normality of the distribution of ship densities. Dredging activities were carried from 7 September 2015 to 26 October 2015 from 7:00–21:00 h, while cleaning activities of the seafloor in the canals of the Port of Koper were carried out from 18 August 2016 to 31 August 2016, and from 22 September 2016 to 29 September 2016 from 8:00–16:00 h (Table 1). Dredging was carried out in the sea with a dredger and a trailed harrow for levelling the seabed, while the cleaning work was carried out from the mainland with the help of the Link-Belt LS-108B excavator crane. On the diagram concerning ship density in the four areas around the measuring station in combination with the average hourly con- tinuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz, were drawn red arrows indicating dredging and cleaning activities. Average equivalent continuous underwater noise levels during dredging and cleaning activ- ities were analysed. Separately, average equiv- alent continuous levels of underwater noise were analysed at the time when there were no anthropogenic activities (Table 1). These analy- ses were performed to check whether the aver- age values (AVE) of equivalent continuous un- derwater noise levels, in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz at the time of dredging and cleaning activities, were higher than at the time when these activities were not being executed. Methodology for the analysis of meteorological sources of the underwater noise In this section, wind speed and precipitation were analysed as meteorological sources of underwater noise. Half-hourly data on wind speeds (m/s) from the Piran buoy (Lon.: 13.5454°, Lat.: 45.5481°, altitude: 0 m) and half-hourly data on precipitation (mm) from the meteorological station in the Port of Koper (Lon.: 13.7448°, Lat.: 45.5645°, Altitude: 2 m), in the periods in which underwater noise A. Popit 6 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 Table 1: Periods with and without the anthropogenic activity Type of anthropogenic activity Periods with the anthropogenic activity Periods without any anthropogenic activity Dredging 26.09.2015–26.10.2015 (7:00–21:00 h) 26.09.2015–26.10.2015 (22:00–6:00 h) Cleaning of the seafloor 18.08.2016–31.08.2016 & 22.09.2016–29.09.2016 (8:00–16:00 h) 18.08.2016–31.08.2016 & 22.09.2016–29.09.2016 (17:00–7:00 h) levels were recorded, were obtained from the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARSO). Average hourly wind speeds and precipi- tation levels in the individual periods were calculated and presented graphically in com- bination with average hourly continuous un- derwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with central frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz. Furthermore, asymmetry (A) was used to test the normality of the distribution of the aver- age hourly wind speeds and average hourly precipitation data. Results The average continuous underwater noise lev- els in the 1/3-octave bands with centre fre- quencies of 63 Hz (L eq,63 Hz ) and 125 Hz (L eq,63 Hz ) in dB re 1 m Pa, average ship densities in the four areas around the measuring station (r L,2 NM , r L,5 NM , r L, Trieste. and r L, Venice ), average wind speeds (v v ) in m/s and average precipitation (h p ) in mm in each measurement period are presented in Table 2. The average L eq,63 Hz and L eq,125 Hz levels meas- ured in the Slovenian Sea during the period 2015–2018 (Table 2) were 82.8–101.1 dB re 1 m Pa and 83.9–98.1 dB re 1 m Pa, respectively. The ship densities were 2–252. The average wind speed was 1.8–4.6 m/s and the average precipitation was 0.02–0.07 mm. The L eq,125 Hz data were distributed close to the normal (Gaussian) distribution in all meas- uring periods (they were slightly asymmetric to the right or left), as the value of A was close to 0 (Table 3). The L eq,63 Hz data were distrib- uted moderately asymmetrically to the right (A = 0.5–1.1), except for the period from 18 August 2016 to 1 November 2016, when they were distributed approximately symmetrically (A = −0.4) (Table 3). The r L,2 NM data were distributed moderately asymmetrically to the right in all measuring pe- riods and the r L,5 NM data and r L, Trieste were dis- tributed very asymmetrically to the left in the first two periods, very asymmetrically to the right in the third and fifth periods and approxi- mately symmetrical in the fourth period. The r L, Venice data were moderately asymmetrically distributed to the left in the first two periods, and moderately asymmetrically to the right to approximately symmetrically in the other peri- ods (Table 3). The v v data were distributed very asym- metrically to the right in all measuring periods, except in the period from 18 August 2016 to 1 November 2016, in which they were distribut- ed moderately asymmetrically to the right. The h p data were distributed very asymmetrically to the right in all measuring periods (Table 3). The relationship of the measured ambient low-frequency noise levels with the anthropo- genic activities (ship densities, dredging and cleaning activities) is shown in the diagrams (Figures 2–6) of the average hourly ship den- sities in the four areas around the underwater noise measuring station (r L,2 NM , r L,5 NM , r L, Trieste. and r L, Venice ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz. Blue curve presents L eq,63 Hz , black curve presents L eq,125 Hz, violet curve pre- sents ship density 2 NM from the measuring station, yellow curve presents ship density 5 NM from the measuring station, green curve presents ship density in the Gulf of Trieste and Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 7 Table 3: The results of asymmetry (A) calculations of L eq,63 Hz  , L eq,125 Hz  , r L,2 NM  , r L,5 NM  , r L, Trieste  , r L, Venice, dredging, cleaning activity, v v and h p in different measuring periods Asymmetry From 13.02.2015 to 05.05.2015 From 26.09.2015 to 31.12.2015 From 18.08.2016 to 01.11.2016 From 06.07.2017 to 07.08.2017 From 18.08.2018 to 31.12.2018 A of L eq,63 Hz 1.0 0.5 −0.4 1.1 0.6 A of L eq,125 Hz 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 −0.1 A of r L,2 NM 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.0 A of r L,5 NM −1.7 −3.0 1.1 0.4 2.0 A of r L, Trieste −1.6 −2.8 1.1 0.2 1.4 A of r L, Venice −0.7 −0.6 0.6 0.8 0.5 A of v v 1.1 1.2 0.8 1.1 2.4 A of h p 20.5 16.2 14.8 22.4 10.9 NM, nautical miles. Table 2: The results of AVE and STDEV calculations of L eq,63 Hz  , L eq,125 Hz , r L,2 NM  , r L,5 NM  , r L, Trieste  , r L, Venice, dredging, cleaning activity, v v and h p in different measuring periods Average of AVE and STDEV From 13.02.2015 to 05.05.2015 From 26.09.2015 to 31.12.2015 From 18.08.2016 to 01.11.2016 From 06.07.2017 to 27.08.2017 From 18.08.2018 to 31.12.2018 AVE & STDEV of L eq,63 Hz 83.0 ± 15.1 82.8 ± 10.8 101.1 ± 6.9 86.7 ± 7.7 88.6 ± 5.7 AVE & STDEV of L eq,125 Hz 89.0 ± 13.1 83.9 ± 2.5 97.5 ± 6.8 85.2 ± 3.3 98.1 ± 3.9 AVE & STDEV of r L,2 NM 2 ± 2 3 ± 2 5 ± 3 5 ± 3 5 ± 3 AVE & STDEV of r L,5 NM 24 ± 9 37 ± 7 45 ± 6 52 ± 6 52 ± 8 AVE & STDEV of r L, Trieste 35 ± 13 50 ± 10 58 ± 8 71 ± 9 70 ± 11 AVE & STDEV of r L, Venice 117 ± 52 186 ± 51 252 ± 53 246 ± 48 247 ± 56 AVE & STDEV of v v 4.6 ± 3.3 4.5 ± 3.8 4.6 ± 2.7 1.8 ± 1.2 2.0 ± 1.6 AVE & STDEV of h p 0.02 ± 0.13 0.04 ± 0.35 0.07 ± 0.61 0.02 ± 0.31 0.05 ± 0.32 AVE, average value; NM, nautical miles; STDEV, standard deviation. brown curve presents ship density in the Gulf of Venice (Figures 2–6). Many gaps in the ship densities in 2015 (evident in Figures 2 and 3) and one major gap (evident in October 2018 in Figure 6) were due to the reason that AIS System did not operate during these periods. The red arrow on the diagram of aver- age hourly ship densities (Figure 3) indicates dredging activities, which took place from 26 September 2015 to 26 October 2015. The red arrows on the diagram of average hourly ship densities (Figure 4) show cleaning activi- ties at the seafloor in the canals of the Port of A. Popit 8 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0 : 1 0 5 1 0 2 . 2 0 . 3 1 0 0 : 9 1 5 1 0 2 . 2 0 . 4 1 16.02.2015 13:00 18.02.2015 07:00 20.02.2015 01:00 21.02.2015 19:00 23.02.2015 13:00 25.02.2015 07:00 27.02.2015 01:00 28.02.2015 19:00 2.03.2015 13:00 4.03.2015 07:00 6.03.2015 01:00 7.03.2015 19:00 9.03.2015 13:00 11.03.2015 07:00 13.03.2015 01:00 14.03.2015 19:00 16.03.2015 13:00 18.03.2015 07:00 20.03.2015 01:00 21.03.2015 19:00 23.03.2015 13:00 25.03.2015 07:00 27.03.2015 01:00 28.03.2015 19:00 30.03.2015 13:00 1.04.2015 07:00 3.04.2015 01:00 4.04.2015 19:00 6.04.2015 13:00 8.04.2015 07:00 10.04.2015 01:00 11.04.2015 19:00 13.04.2015 13:00 15.04.2015 07:00 17.04.2015 01:00 18.04.2015 19:00 20.04.2015 13:00 22.04.2015 07:00 24.04.2015 01:00 25.04.2015 19:00 27.04.2015 13:00 29.04.2015 07:00 1.05.2015 01:00 2.05.2015 19:00 4.05.2015 13:00 Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Ship densities 2 NM from the measuring station Ship densities 5 NM from the measuring station Ship densities in the Gulf of Trieste Ship densities in the Gulf of Venice L eq (dB) Date and time ρ L Figure 2: Diagram of the average hourly ship densities in the areas of 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (Leq) in the period from 12 February 2015 to 5 May 2015. NM, nautical miles. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0 : 1 0 5 1 0 2 . 9 0 . 6 2 0 0 : 3 0 5 1 0 2 . 9 0 . 8 2 30.09.2015 05:00 2.10.2015 07:00 4.10.2015 09:00 6.10.2015 11:00 8.10.2015 13:00 10.10.2015 15:00 12.10.2015 17:00 14.10.2015 19:00 16.10.2015 21:00 18.10.2015 23:00 21.10.2015 01:00 23.10.2015 03:00 25.10.2015 05:00 27.10.2015 07:00 29.10.2015 09:00 31.10.2015 11:00 2.11.2015 13:00 4.11.2015 15:00 6.11.2015 17:00 8.11.2015 19:00 10.11.2015 21:00 12.11.2015 23:00 15.11.2015 01:00 17.11.2015 03:00 19.11.2015 05:00 21.11.2015 07:00 23.11.2015 09:00 25.11.2015 11:00 27.11.2015 13:00 29.11.2015 15:00 1.12.2015 17:00 3.12.2015 19:00 5.12.2015 21:00 7.12.2015 23:00 10.12.2015 01:00 12.12.2015 03:00 14.12.2015 05:00 16.12.2015 07:00 18.12.2015 09:00 20.12.2015 11:00 22.12.2015 13:00 24.12.2015 15:00 26.12.2015 17:00 28.12.2015 19:00 30.12.2015 21:00 Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Ship densities 2 NM from the measuring station Ship densities 5 NM from the measuring station Ship densities in the Gulf of Trieste Ship densities in the Gulf of Venice L eq (dB) Date and time ρ L Dredging activities in the Port of Koper Figure 3: Diagram of the average hourly ship densities in the areas of 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) during the period from 26 September 2015 to 31 December 2015. The red arrow indicates the period from 26 September 2015 to 26 October 2015, when dredging activities were done in the Port of Koper. NM, nautical miles. Koper during the following periods: 18–31 August 2016 and 22–29 September 2016. The results presented on these diagrams (Figures 2–6) are interpreted and discussed in the subsection Discussion. The average equivalent continuous under- water noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz were higher in the intervals by ≈ 11 dB (L eq,63 Hz ) and 5 dB (L eq,125 Hz ) when dredging activities took place than in the intervals when these activities were absent (Table 4). In addition, the average equivalent continuous underwater noise levels, were for 7 dB (L eq,63 Hz ) and 7 dB (L eq,125 Hz ), lower in the intervals, when cleaning activities took place than in the intervals when these activities were absent (Table 4). The relationship of the measured ambient low-frequency noise levels with the meteorologi- cal factors is depicted in the diagrams (Figures 7–11) of the average hourly wind speeds and average hourly precipitation in each measuring period, in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-oc- tave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz. Blue curve presents L eq,63 Hz , black curve Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 9 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 0 : 1 0 6 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 8 1 0 0 : 6 1 6 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 9 1 21.08.2016 07:00 22.08.2016 22:00 24.08.2016 13:00 26.08.2016 04:00 27.08.2016 19:00 29.08.2016 10:00 31.08.2016 01:00 1.09.2016 16:00 3.09.2016 07:00 4.09.2016 22:00 6.09.2016 13:00 8.09.2016 04:00 9.09.2016 19:00 11.09.2016 10:00 13.09.2016 01:00 14.09.2016 16:00 16.09.2016 07:00 17.09.2016 22:00 19.09.2016 13:00 21.09.2016 04:00 22.09.2016 19:00 24.09.2016 10:00 26.09.2016 01:00 27.09.2016 16:00 29.09.2016 07:00 30.09.2016 22:00 2.10.2016 13:00 4.10.2016 04:00 5.10.2016 19:00 7.10.2016 10:00 9.10.2016 01:00 10.10.2016 16:00 12.10.2016 07:00 13.10.2016 22:00 15.10.2016 13:00 17.10.2016 04:00 18.10.2016 19:00 20.10.2016 10:00 22.10.2016 01:00 23.10.2016 16:00 25.10.2016 07:00 26.10.2016 22:00 28.10.2016 13:00 30.10.2016 04:00 31.10.2016 19:00 Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Ship densities 2 NM from the measuring station Ship densities 5 NM from the measuring station Ship densities in the Gulf of Trieste L eq (dB) Date and time ρ L Cleaning of channels in the Port of Koper Figure 4. Diagram of the average hourly ship densities in the areas of 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) during the period from 18 August 2016 to 1 November 2016. The red arrows indicate the periods 18–31 August 2016 and 22–29 September 2016, during which cleaning of the channels in the Port of Koper was performed. NM, nautical miles. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 : 1 0 7 1 0 2 . 7 0 . 6 0 0 : 4 0 7 1 0 2 . 7 0 . 7 8.07.2017 07:00 9.07.2017 10:00 10.07.2017 13:00 11.07.2017 16:00 12.07.2017 19:00 13.07.2017 22:00 15.07.2017 01:00 16.07.2017 04:00 17.07.2017 07:00 18.07.2017 10:00 19.07.2017 13:00 20.07.2017 16:00 21.07.2017 19:00 22.07.2017 22:00 24.07.2017 17:00 25.07.2017 20:00 26.07.2017 23:00 28.07.2017 02:00 29.07.2017 05:00 30.07.2017 08:00 31.07.2017 11:00 1.08.2017 14:00 2.08.2017 17:00 3.08.2017 20:00 4.08.2017 23:00 6.08.2017 02:00 7.08.2017 05:00 8.08.2017 08:00 9.08.2017 11:00 10.08.2017 14:00 11.08.2017 17:00 12.08.2017 20:00 13.08.2017 23:00 15.08.2017 02:00 16.08.2017 05:00 17.08.2017 08:00 18.08.2017 11:00 19.08.2017 14:00 20.08.2017 17:00 21.08.2017 20:00 22.08.2017 23:00 24.08.2017 02:00 25.08.2017 05:00 26.08.2017 08:00 27.08.2017 11:00 Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Ship densities 2 NM from the measuring station Ship densities 5 NM from the measuring station Ship densities in the Gulf of Trieste Ship densities in the Gulf of Venice L eq (dB) Date and time ρ L Figure 5. Diagram of the average hourly ship densities in the areas of 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) during the period from 6 July 2017 to 27 August 2017. NM, nautical miles. presents L eq,125 Hz, brown curve presents wind speed and green columns on the x-axis present precipitation. The results presented in these dia- grams (Figures 7–11) are discussed in the sub- section Discussion. Discussion In this section, the relationship between the pressures in the Slovenian Sea that arise from anthropogenic activities (ship densities, dredg- ing activities and cleaning of the seafloor) and the equivalent continuous levels of underwater noise in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequen- cies of 63 Hz (L eq,63 Hz ) and 125 Hz (L eq,125 Hz ) (dB) is discussed. Furthermore, the relationship between the continuous underwater noise lev- els and the meteorological parameters (wind speed (m/s) and precipitation (mm)) is also commented upon. The average continuous underwater noise levels (L eq,63 Hz and L eq,125 Hz ) measured in the Slovenian Sea (Table 2) were similar to those reported in the literature, which were found to be associated with the shipping noise [1–21]. Large variations of the L eq,63 Hz levels were highly related to variations of the L eq,125 Hz A. Popit 10 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 -50 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0 : 1 0 8 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 8 1 0 0 : 3 2 8 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 0 2 23.08.2018 21:00 26.08.2018 19:00 29.08.2018 17:00 1.09.2018 15:00 4.09.2018 13:00 7.09.2018 11:00 10.09.2018 09:00 13.09.2018 07:00 16.09.2018 05:00 19.09.2018 03:00 22.09.2018 01:00 24.09.2018 23:00 27.09.2018 21:00 30.09.2018 19:00 3.10.2018 17:00 6.10.2018 15:00 9.10.2018 13:00 12.10.2018 11:00 15.10.2018 09:00 18.10.2018 07:00 21.10.2018 05:00 24.10.2018 03:00 27.10.2018 15:00 30.10.2018 13:00 2.11.2018 11:00 5.11.2018 09:00 8.11.2018 07:00 11.11.2018 05:00 14.11.2018 03:00 17.11.2018 01:00 19.11.2018 23:00 22.11.2018 21:00 25.11.2018 19:00 28.11.2018 17:00 1.12.2018 15:00 4.12.2018 13:00 7.12.2018 11:00 10.12.2018 09:00 13.12.2018 07:00 16.12.2018 05:00 19.12.2018 03:00 22.12.2018 01:00 24.12.2018 23:00 27.12.2018 21:00 30.12.2018 19:00 Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Ship densities 2 NM from the measuring station Ship densities 5 NM from the measuring station Ship densities in the Gulf of Trieste Ship densities in the Gulf of Venice L eq (dB) Date and time ρ L Figure 6: Diagram of the average hourly ship densities in the areas of 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station in the Gulf of Trieste and the Gulf of Venice in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) in the period from 18 August 2018 to 31 December 2018. NM, nautical miles. levels (Figures 2–6). Average hourly continuous underwater noise levels (L eq,63 Hz and L eq,125 Hz ) presented in Figures 2–6 show that the levels of L eq,63 Hz were, for most of the measured days, lower than L eq,125 Hz , which is in accordance with the data presented in Table 2. This can be ex- plained by the fact that the propagation of un- derwater noise in the shallow seawater at 63 Hz is lower than that at 125 Hz. The results of this study showed that average equivalent continuous underwater noise levels were higher in the intervals by 11 dB (Leq,63 Hz) and 5 dB (Leq,125 Hz) when dredging activities took place, than in the intervals when these ac - tivities were absent. Furthermore, the average equivalent continuous underwater noise levels were found to be lower in the intervals when cleaning activities took place, than when such activities were absent (Table 4). This finding in- dicated that cleaning activities were not related to the underwater noise levels. This might be explained by the fact that cleaning of the sea - floor was performed with an excavator from the mainland. The lowest average ship densities were measured within the areas of the radii of Table 4: The results of AVE and STDEV calculations of L eq,63 Hz and L eq,125 Hz, in the periods with and without the anthropogenic activity Type of the anthropogenic activity AVE & STDEV of L eq,63 Hz during the period of anthropogenic activity AVE & STDEV of L eq,63 Hz during the period without anthropogenic activity Dredging 26.9.2015–26.10.2015 (7:00–21:00 h) L eq,63 Hz = 89.4 ± 16.9 dB re 1 µ Pa L eq,125 Hz = 88.6 ± 10.1 dB re 1 µ Pa 26.9.2015–26.10.2015 (22:00–6:00 hr) L eq,63 Hz = 79.5 ± 13.5 dB re 1 µ Pa L eq,125 Hz = 83.3 ± 7.2 dB re 1 µ Pa 27.10.2015–31.12.2015 (00:00–24:00 hr) L eq,63 Hz = 78.5 ± 12.9 dB re 1 µ Pa L eq,125 Hz = 83.5 ± 7.0 dB re 1 µ Pa Cleaning of the seafloor 18.8.2016–31.8.2016 (8:00–16:00) 22.9.2016–29.9.2016 (8:00–16:00) L eq,63 Hz = 94.3 ± 12.3 dB re 1 m Pa L eq,125 Hz = 90.6 ± 8.6 dB re 1 m Pa 18.8.2016–31.8.2016 (17:00–7:00) 22.9.2016–29.9.2016 (17:00–7:00) 30.9.2016–1.11.2016 (00:00–24:00 hr) L eq,63 Hz = 101.4 ± 14.7 dB re 1 m Pa L eq,125 Hz = 97.7 ± 12.5 dB re 1 m Pa AVE, average value; STDEV, standard deviation. Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 11 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 : 1 0 5 1 0 2 . 2 0 . 3 1 0 0 : 9 1 5 1 0 2 . 2 0 . 4 1 16.02.2015 13:00 18.02.2015 07:00 20.02.2015 01:00 21.02.2015 19:00 23.02.2015 13:00 25.02.2015 07:00 27.02.2015 01:00 28.02.2015 19:00 2.03.2015 13:00 4.03.2015 07:00 6.03.2015 01:00 7.03.2015 19:00 9.03.2015 13:00 11.03.2015 07:00 13.03.2015 01:00 14.03.2015 19:00 16.03.2015 13:00 18.03.2015 07:00 20.03.2015 01:00 21.03.2015 19:00 23.03.2015 13:00 25.03.2015 07:00 27.03.2015 01:00 28.03.2015 19:00 30.03.2015 13:00 1.04.2015 07:00 3.04.2015 01:00 4.04.2015 19:00 6.04.2015 13:00 8.04.2015 07:00 10.04.2015 01:00 11.04.2015 19:00 13.04.2015 13:00 15.04.2015 07:00 17.04.2015 01:00 18.04.2015 19:00 20.04.2015 13:00 22.04.2015 07:00 24.04.2015 01:00 25.04.2015 19:00 27.04.2015 13:00 29.04.2015 07:00 1.05.2015 01:00 2.05.2015 19:00 4.05.2015 13:00 Precipitation (mm) Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Wind speed (m/s) L eq (dB) Date and time v v (m/s) and h p (mm) Figure 7: Diagram of the average hourly wind speeds (v v ) and average hourly precipitation (h p ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) during the period from 12 February 2015 to 5 May 2015. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 : 1 0 5 1 0 2 . 9 0 . 6 2 0 0 : 3 0 5 1 0 2 . 9 0 . 8 2 30.09.2015 05:00 2.10.2015 07:00 4.10.2015 09:00 6.10.2015 11:00 8.10.2015 13:00 10.10.2015 15:00 12.10.2015 17:00 14.10.2015 19:00 16.10.2015 21:00 18.10.2015 23:00 21.10.2015 01:00 23.10.2015 03:00 25.10.2015 05:00 27.10.2015 07:00 29.10.2015 09:00 31.10.2015 11:00 2.11.2015 13:00 4.11.2015 15:00 6.11.2015 17:00 8.11.2015 19:00 10.11.2015 21:00 12.11.2015 23:00 15.11.2015 01:00 17.11.2015 03:00 19.11.2015 05:00 21.11.2015 07:00 23.11.2015 09:00 25.11.2015 11:00 27.11.2015 13:00 29.11.2015 15:00 1.12.2015 17:00 3.12.2015 19:00 5.12.2015 21:00 7.12.2015 23:00 10.12.2015 01:00 12.12.2015 03:00 14.12.2015 05:00 16.12.2015 07:00 18.12.2015 09:00 20.12.2015 11:00 22.12.2015 13:00 24.12.2015 15:00 26.12.2015 17:00 28.12.2015 19:00 30.12.2015 21:00 Precipitation (mm) Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Wind speed (m/s) L eq (dB) Date and time v v (m/s) and h p (mm) Figure 8: Diagram of the average hourly wind speeds (v v ) and average hourly precipitation (h p ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) in the period from 26 September 2015 to 31 December 2015. 2 NM and 5 NM from the measuring station, while higher ship densities were observed in the Gulf of Trieste; the maximum ship densi- ties were observed in the Gulf of Venice, as expected (Table 2). The most likely reason un- derlying the fact that variation in underwater noise levels was partly related to the varia- tion of the ship densities (Figures 2–6), could be the relatively small acoustic propagation in the shallow sea [45, 46]. Acoustic propagation in shallow water environments was reported to be complex because of interference due to seafloor and sea surface sound reflections and sound transmission losses [47, 48]. Shallow water channels do not allow propagation of low-frequency signals due to the wave-guide effect; this implies that there would be a lower cut-off frequency below which sound waves would not propagate, since the sound propa- gates into the sea bed [49, 50]. This phenom- enon leads to the less significant contribution of shipping to underwater noise. Figures 7–11 demonstrate that precipita- tion is not greatly associated with the fluctu - ations in continuous underwater noise lev - els, while some larger deviations in the wind speed are associated with the larger fluctua - tions in continuous underwater noise levels. This could be explained by the fact that wind blowing over the sea generates waves that, A. Popit 12 RMZ – M&G | 2020 | Vol. 67(3) | pp. 1–15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0 : 1 0 6 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 8 1 0 0 : 6 1 6 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 9 1 21.08.2016 07:00 22.08.2016 22:00 24.08.2016 13:00 26.08.2016 04:00 27.08.2016 19:00 29.08.2016 10:00 31.08.2016 01:00 1.09.2016 16:00 3.09.2016 07:00 4.09.2016 22:00 6.09.2016 13:00 8.09.2016 04:00 9.09.2016 19:00 11.09.2016 10:00 13.09.2016 01:00 14.09.2016 16:00 16.09.2016 07:00 17.09.2016 22:00 19.09.2016 13:00 21.09.2016 04:00 22.09.2016 19:00 24.09.2016 10:00 26.09.2016 01:00 27.09.2016 16:00 29.09.2016 07:00 30.09.2016 22:00 2.10.2016 13:00 4.10.2016 04:00 5.10.2016 19:00 7.10.2016 10:00 9.10.2016 01:00 10.10.2016 16:00 12.10.2016 07:00 13.10.2016 22:00 15.10.2016 13:00 17.10.2016 04:00 18.10.2016 19:00 20.10.2016 10:00 22.10.2016 01:00 23.10.2016 16:00 25.10.2016 07:00 26.10.2016 22:00 28.10.2016 13:00 30.10.2016 04:00 31.10.2016 19:00 Precipitation (mm) Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Wind speed (m/s) L eq (dB) Date and time v v (m/s) and h p (mm) Figure 9: Diagram of the average hourly wind speeds (v v ) and average hourly precipitation (h p ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) in the period from 18 August 2016 to 1 November 2016. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0 : 1 0 7 1 0 2 . 7 0 . 6 0 0 : 4 0 7 1 0 2 . 7 0 . 7 8.07.2017 07:00 9.07.2017 10:00 10.07.2017 13:00 11.07.2017 16:00 12.07.2017 19:00 13.07.2017 22:00 15.07.2017 01:00 16.07.2017 04:00 17.07.2017 07:00 18.07.2017 10:00 19.07.2017 13:00 20.07.2017 16:00 21.07.2017 19:00 22.07.2017 22:00 24.07.2017 17:00 25.07.2017 20:00 26.07.2017 23:00 28.07.2017 02:00 29.07.2017 05:00 30.07.2017 08:00 31.07.2017 11:00 1.08.2017 14:00 2.08.2017 17:00 3.08.2017 20:00 4.08.2017 23:00 6.08.2017 02:00 7.08.2017 05:00 8.08.2017 08:00 9.08.2017 11:00 10.08.2017 14:00 11.08.2017 17:00 12.08.2017 20:00 13.08.2017 23:00 15.08.2017 02:00 16.08.2017 05:00 17.08.2017 08:00 18.08.2017 11:00 19.08.2017 14:00 20.08.2017 17:00 21.08.2017 20:00 22.08.2017 23:00 24.08.2017 02:00 25.08.2017 05:00 26.08.2017 08:00 27.08.2017 11:00 Precipitation (mm) Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Wind speed (m/s) L eq (dB) Date and time v v (m/s) and h p (mm) Figure 10: Diagram of the average hourly wind speeds (v v ) and average hourly precipitation (h p ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) in the period from 6 July 2017 to 27 August 2017. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0 : 1 0 8 1 0 2 . 8 0 . 8 1 20.08.2018 23:00 23.08.2018 21:00 26.08.2018 19:00 29.08.2018 17:00 1.09.2018 15:00 4.09.2018 13:00 7.09.2018 11:00 10.09.2018 09:00 13.09.2018 07:00 16.09.2018 05:00 19.09.2018 03:00 22.09.2018 01:00 24.09.2018 23:00 27.09.2018 21:00 30.09.2018 19:00 3.10.2018 17:00 6.10.2018 15:00 9.10.2018 13:00 12.10.2018 11:00 15.10.2018 09:00 18.10.2018 07:00 21.10.2018 05:00 24.10.2018 03:00 27.10.2018 15:00 30.10.2018 13:00 2.11.2018 11:00 5.11.2018 09:00 8.11.2018 07:00 11.11.2018 05:00 14.11.2018 03:00 17.11.2018 01:00 19.11.2018 23:00 22.11.2018 21:00 25.11.2018 19:00 28.11.2018 17:00 1.12.2018 15:00 4.12.2018 13:00 7.12.2018 11:00 10.12.2018 09:00 13.12.2018 07:00 16.12.2018 05:00 19.12.2018 03:00 22.12.2018 01:00 24.12.2018 23:00 27.12.2018 21:00 30.12.2018 19:00 Precipitation (mm) Leq,125Hz (dB) Leq,63Hz (dB) Wind speed (m/s) L eq (dB) Date and time v v (m/s) and h p (mm) Figure 11: Diagram of the average hourly wind speeds (v v ) and average hourly precipitation (h p ) in combination with the average hourly continuous underwater noise levels in 1/3-octave bands with centre frequencies of 63 Hz and 125 Hz (L eq ) in the period from 18 August 2018 to 31 December 2018. Underwater noise in the Slovenian Sea 13 when they are large enough, break and pro - duce underwater sound. This phenomenon is well described in several previous studies [7, 9, 22–25]. Conclusion The results of our study have indicated that the underwater noise levels in the Slovenian Sea are related to dredging activity in the Port of Koper and are partly related to variations of the ship densities. Some larger deviations in the wind speed were found to be associ- ated with the larger fluctuations in continuous underwater noise levels, while precipitation was not related to the underwater noise. Use of larger data sets is suggested to ensure that it becomes possible to further study and evalu- ate underwater noise levels in relation to man- made or natural sound sources. Acknowledgements The current study was funded by the Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia. The AIS data from the year 2015 were obtained by the BALMAS project partnership. 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