B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... 451–457 INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB 2 IN-SITU CAST-METAL-MATRIX COMPOSITES RAZISKAVA TRIBOLO[KIH LASTNOSTI IN-SITU LITEGA KOMPOZITA S KOVINSKO OSNOVO AA8011-ZrB 2 Muthamizh Selvan Bellamballi Munivenkatappan, Anandakrishnan Veeramani, Duraiselvam Muthukannan Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli-620015 Tamilnadu, India krishna@nitt.edu Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-04-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-02-02 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.046 Aluminium alloy 8011 matrix composites reinforced with different weight percentages of ZrB2 were successfully fabricated using an in-situ casting technique. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopic analyses were performed to examine the presence and distribution of the reinforcements in the composites. Wear tests were performed with the weight percentage of the reinforcement, temperature, load, sliding velocity and sliding distance as the input parameters for the wear rate as response. D3 steel was used as the counterpart. The effects of various factors on the wear rate were analysed using analysis of variances. The optimal combination of the 1500-m sliding distance, 4 % of mass fractions of ZrB2 reinforcement, 200°C temperature, 10 N load and 2 m/s sliding velocity was found to give the minimum wear rate. Keywords: in-situ stir casting, aluminium-matrix composites, wear behavior, design of experiments V ~lanku avtorji opisujejo uspe{no izdelavo kompozitov z matrico iz Al zlitine 8011 in oja~ano z razli~no vsebnostjo ZrB2.S pomo~jo spektroskopije uklona rentgenskih `arkov (XRD) in vrsti~ne elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) so dolo~ili dele` in porazdelitev oja~itvene faze v izdelanih kompozitih. Izvedli so tudi teste njihove obrabe v odvisnosti od temperature, obremenitve, hitrosti in razdalje drsenja. Kot protidrsni element so uporabili orodno jeklo D3. Z analizo varianc so dolo~ili vpliv razli~nih faktorjev na hitrost obrabe. Ugotovili so, da je dose`ena najmanj{a hitrost obrabe, ko so razdalja drsenja 1500 m, masni dele` ZrB2 4 %, temperatura 200 °C, obremenitev 10 N in hitrost drsenja 2 m/s. Klju~ne besede: in-situ litje s preme{avanjem taline, kompoziti z matrico na osnovi Al zlitine, obstojnost proti obrabi, na~rtovanje eksperimentov 1 INTRODUCTION Metal-matrix composites (MMCs) are a type of composite material that is a macroscopic combination of two or more distinct materials with a recognizable interface between them. 1 Particle-reinforced aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) possess superior properties, such as low density, high strength-to-weight ratio, spe- cific stiffness, good shock absorption, good dimensional stability for casting, resistance to corrosion, wear, abra- sion, temperature, easy workability and easy fabrication. Due to these excellent properties AMCs are used in the applications of aerospace, automotive, electronics industries, and sports equipment. AMCs are extensively used in the fabrication of critical components like brake drums, pistons, cylinder heads, cylinder liners, drive shafts, etc. by automobile companies like Honda, Nissan, Toyota and General Motors. AA8011 alloy is used as a substitute for the AA3003 aluminium alloy to avoid problems such as contamination of the melting and holding furnaces. AA8011 is widely used in the pro- duction of semi-rigid containers and in the packaging of foods and dairy products. 2–6 Aluminium composites are fabricated with various methods such as powder metal- lurgy, 7 vortex method, 8 squeeze casting, 9 stir casting ex situ, 10 thermal spray deposition, 11 laser surface alloying 12 and reactive process in situ. 13 The in-situ technique has an advantage over other techniques such as the econo- mical, uniform distribution of reinforcements, grain refinements, clear interface, good interfacial bonding strength between the matrix and reinforcement without the need of a wetting agent and a high degree of thermal stability. 14–18 From the literature, it was found that AMC’s are fabricated with many reinforcements such as SiC, TiC, Al 2 O 3 ,T i B 2 , ZrB 2 , in the form of oxides, carbides, nitrides, borides, fly ash, etc. 4,14,19 Among the reinforcements, ZrB 2 is a promising candidate with its excellent properties, such as high melting point (>3000 °C), high hardness, chemical inertness against molten metal, high thermal shock resistance, high wear resistance, excellent covalent bond, high corrosion resistance, better thermal and electrical conductivity, which is much needed in the aerospace applications. 14–18 Generally, reinforced aluminium composites show superior tribological properties compared to the unrein- forced aluminium alloy. 4,19 The wear behaviour of alumi- nium matrix composites reinforced with multi-walled carbon nano tubes was synthesized through the powder metallurgy technique. The wear resistance enhanced with Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 451 UDK 67.017:669.715:539.538 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(4)451(2018) the addition of multi-walled carbon nano tubes in alu- minium. 20 The hybrid AA2024 with5%o fm a s s fractions of SiC and graphite (0, 5 and 10) % of mass fractions fabricated by the powder metallurgy method was investigated using the pin-on-disc method to study the tribological property of the composite. The addition of the SiC and the graphite improved the wear resistance in the composite material. 21 Rao et al. fabricated the Al-Zn-Mg aluminium alloy with the SiCp (10, 15 and 25) % of mass fractions of particles using the stir-casting technique. The pin-on-disc was used for an investigation of the dry sliding wear behaviour of the materials. The wear rate of the alloy was increased due to the addition of reinforcement. 22 AA5052 was developed with ZrB 2 through the in-situ stir-casting technique. The K 2 ZrF 6 and KBF 4 were the halide salts added in the molten form of aluminium, which was maintained at a working temperature of 860 °C to synthesize ZrB 2 in the AA5052 alloy. The AA5052-ZrB 2 showed improvement in the ultimate tensile strength and a 0.2 % yield strength up to 9 % of volume fractions of ZrB 2 . 14 The AA6061/ZrB 2 was fabricated through the in-situ casting technique. The dry sliding wear behaviour was investigated on alumi- nium composites. The in-situ formed ZrB 2 particles in the aluminium alloy improved the wear resistance of the composite. 15 The in-situ composites of AA6351-ZrB 2 (0, 3, 6 and 9) % of mass fractions were synthesized by the in-situ stir-casting technique. The results indicated that the wear rate was decreased with an increase in the weight percentage of ZrB 2 . 16 AA4032-TiB 2 -ZrB 2 hybrid composite is fabricated through the in-situ stir casting technique. The working temperature was 850 °C. A Taguchi L25 orthogonal array is used to design the experimental trials. 17 In-situ Al composites reinforced by Al 3 Zr and ZrB 2 particles fabricated with the different combinations of (10, 15, 20, and 25) %, the dry sliding wear properties of the composites were investigated. The inclusion of ZrB 2 increased the wear resistance. 23 Design of experiments (DoE) is a statistical tool that is used in various areas such as medical, engineering, basic science, etc. to find the optimal combination of parameters, reduce the number of trials, process control and product performance prediction. The tribological behaviour of the aluminium composite reinforced with B 4 C fabricated through the in-situ stir casting method was studied through designing the experimental trials with an Taguchi L27 orthogonal array. DoE was used to find the optimal combination of parameter and the in- fluence of the parameters. 24 From the brief literature survey it is clear that AMCs are used in real-time applications, which requires wear resistance and the addition of reinforcements in alumi- nium matrix, and has paved the way for the enhancement of wear resistance. The in-situ stir casting technique pro- vides the fine and homogeneous distribution of rein- forcements in the aluminium matrix in a cost-effective mode. In this paper AA 8011- ZrB 2 (0, 4 and 8) % is synthesized through the in-situ stir-casting technique and the synthesized materials are involved in X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to study the presence and distribution of the ZrB 2 particles. The dry-sliding wear behaviour of the materials was investigated by conducting a pin-on-disc wear test based on the experimental plan designed through the Taguchi technique and the significance and influence of the parameters on wear behaviour of the material was identified with the help of ANOVA. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Fabrication of materials The in-situ stir-casting technique was carried out to reinforce the ZrB 2 in the AA8011 alloy, whose chemical composition is given in Table 1. Halide salts of K 2 ZrF 6 and KBF 4 were taken to obtain the required composite proportions of weight percentage as per the litera- ture 14,15,16,25 mixed and pre-heated at the temperature of 250 °C for 30 min to remove the moisture. The pre- weighed AA8011 matrix was melted in the graphite crucible by using electrical resistance furnace and it was maintained at 850 °C to convert it to molten form. The in-situ stir-casting process involves the addition of halide salts, i.e., K 2 ZrF 6 and KBF 4 , in molten form of alumi- nium to develop the ZrB 2 particles. The mass of salts to be added in the melt has been calculated as per the stoichiometric ratio given in Table 2 to form composites AA8011 - 4 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 and AA8011 - 8 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 . Stirring is done in every 5 min by using graphite rod, for maintaining the homogenous mixture of the halide salts in AA8011. The time allowed for completion of the reaction is 30 min. The process parameters such as melting temperature, time for in-situ reaction, temperature maintained for removing moistures of halide salts and pre heating of permanent cast mould were decided through literature reviews. 14–18 The exothermic reactions that take place between molten form of aluminium and halide salts are shown in Equation (1), (2) and (3). After the completion of reaction, elements other than the ZrB 2 were evapo- rated or formed as slag was removed. The molten form of AA8011 was poured into the 250 °C pre-heated permanent cast iron mould and then it was formed to the desired shape and dimensions. The same procedure was followed for the fabrication of both AA8011 - 4%o f mass fractions of ZrB 2 and AA8011 - 8 % of mass frac- tions of ZrB 2 composites. The AA8011 without ZrB 2 is also studied to compare the wear behaviour of the AA8011 alloy and the fabricated composites. 3K 2 ZrF 6 + 13Al 3Al 3 Zr+2K 3 AlF 6 + 2AlF 3 (1) 6KBF 4 + 9Al 3AlB 2 +2K 3 AlF 6 + 4AlF 3 (2) AlB 2 +Al 3 Zr ZrB 2 + 4Al (3) B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... 452 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 Fabricated as-casted aluminium samples were investigated using a RINGKU XRD machine for x-ray diffraction analysis to confirm the presence of the in-situ formed ZrB 2 and AA8011 alloy. The samples were polished in different grade sheets as per the standard and etched with the Kellers etchant. Further, the presence and the distribution of the reinforcements over the matrix was explored with the scanning electron microscopic analysis along with the elemental analysis on the composites using a HITACHI SU 3000 SEM machine. Table 1: Chemical composition of AA8011 alloy in percentage Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Al 0.6 0.7 0.25 0.15 0.9 0.2 0.25 0.15 Remaining Table 2: Quantity of halide salts added for obtaining various compo- sitions of materials. Material Composition Quantity of powder added (g) K 2ZrF 6 KBF 4 AA8011 0 0 AA8011 - 4 w/% ZrB 2 100.45 200.90 AA8011 - 8 w/% ZrB 2 89.25 171.50 2.2 Wear testing The tribological behaviours of materials were studied by conducting a dry-sliding wear test through the pin-on-disc method was carried out in DUCOM wear testing machine strictly followed by ASTM: G99 stand- ards. Based on the literature 4,20,21,24 the selected para- meters are: Sliding distance (m), Reinforcement (%), Temperature (°C), Load (N) and Sliding velocity (m/s). A Taguchi orthogonal array was used to optimize the number of experiments to be conducted. L18 was selected as the orthogonal array. The sliding distance was varied in two levels and the other four parameters are varied in 3 levels as shown in Table 3. The as-casted materials were machined to 8 mm diameter and 31 mm length. Based on earlier literature D3 steel with hardness of 63 HRC was selected as the counterpart. 4 To make the perfect contact between the pin and the counterpart, the face of the pins are polished to maintain the surface roughness of 1μm. For each experiment the samples are cleaned with acetone and weighed in the electronic weighing balance to an accuracy of 0.0001 g. To improve the accuracy of the readings, each trial was carried out 3 times and the average was taken. The wear rates for the samples were calculated through the formula given in equation (4) and the values are tabulated in Table 3. Wear rate mm m Mass loss Density Sliding dist 3 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ance ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (4) B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 453 Table 3: Experimental results for the wear rate Expt. No. Sliding distance (m) Reinforcement (w/%) Temperature (°C) Load (N) Sliding velocity (m/s) Wear rate (mm 3 /m) S/N ratio 1 1000 0 35 10 1 0.003620 48.8258 2 1000 0 100 20 1.5 0.003282 49.6772 3 1000 0 200 30 2 0.003925 48.1232 4 1000 4 35 10 1.5 0.002843 50.9245 5 1000 4 100 20 2 0.003105 50.1588 6 1000 4 200 30 1 0.005046 45.9411 7 1000 8 35 20 1 0.006620 45.0053 8 1000 8 100 30 1.5 0.007976 43.1279 9 1000 8 200 10 2 0.003171 49.9761 10 1500 0 35 30 2 0.003090 50.2008 11 1500 0 100 10 1 0.002165 53.2908 12 1500 0 200 20 1.5 0.002571 51.798 13 1500 4 35 20 2 0.002264 52.9025 14 1500 4 100 30 1 0.003084 50.2177 15 1500 4 200 10 1.5 0.002070 53.6806 16 1500 8 35 30 1.5 0.004666 46.6211 17 1500 8 100 10 2 0.002711 51.3374 18 1500 8 200 20 1 0.004330 47.2702 Figure 1: X-Ray diffraction results of the as-cast AA8011 and com- posites 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis The fabricated materials are exposed to X-Ray diffraction analysis to ensure the presence of ZrB 2 . Figure 1 clearly indicates the peaks equivalent to ZrB 2 , which confirms the presence of ZrB 2 in the AA8011 - 4 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 and AA8011 - 8%o f mass fractions of ZrB 2 . No other significant peaks were observed in the analysis. 3.2 Micro-structural analysis Based on the SEM images obtained as shown in Figures 2b and 2c, it is evident that synthesized alu- minium composites do not show any sign of common B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... 454 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 Figure 2: SEM images of: a) AA8011, b) AA8011 - 4 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 , c) AA8011 - 8 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 , d) magnified SEM image of ZrB 2 . Elemental mapping of magnified ZrB 2 , e) aluminium, f) zirconium, g) boride, h) EDS spectrum of Figure 2d casting defects that include porosity, shrinkages, slag inclusions, etc. The density of the ZrB 2 particles in Fig- ure 2c is more than Figure 2b, which infers that the presence of ZrB 2 in the AA8011 - 4 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 is more than the AA8011 - 8 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 . The energy-dispersive spectroscopy and the elemental mapping shown in Figures 2h, 2e, 2f and 2g confirms the presence of ZrB 2 in the aluminium matrix and the corresponding elemental analysis is given in Table 4. ZrB 2 distribution along the matrix is found to be homogeneous and even along the grain boundaries and the interface bond between the matrix and reinforcement has a higher strength, which tends to improve the mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium metal matrix composites. The density difference between the aluminium matrix and ceramics particles directs the properties of solidification and the homogeneous distri- bution of ceramic particles in an aluminium matrix. If the density of the ceramic particles is greater by 2 g/cm 3 than the matrix material, then the ceramic particle will suspend in the molten aluminium for long time, and this leads to the homogeneous distribution of ceramic parti- cles in an aluminium matrix. In this study, the difference between the ZrB 2 particle and AA8011 matrix is ob- served to be greater than 2 g/cm 3 . Due to the wetting action between the molten aluminium and ZrB 2 particles, the free movement of ZrB 2 gets retarded and makes the ceramic particle suspend for a greater time in the molten aluminium. 25 As mentioned in the earlier literature surveys, this work depicts the fabrication of composites through the in-situ stir-casting technique. The fabricated composites exhibit a homogeneous distribution of rein- forcements in the matrix and provide a clear interfacial bond between the matrix and reinforcements. 4,14,15,17 Table 4: Elemental analysis of energy-dispersive spectroscopy Element Weight (%) Atomic (%) Al K 73.85 90.09 Zr L 25.67 9.26 Mg K 0.48 0.64 Total 100.00 100.00 3.3 Statistical analysis In this work the Taguchi method was used to convert the objective function to the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, which is a quality characteristic. The wear rate is the ob- jective function and "lower the better" quality characte- ristics was selected to minimize the objective function. 3.3.1 Analysis of factors MINITAB-16 is used to calculate the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio values for all the wear rates of the experiment trials in Table 3 to analyse and to find which factors are influencing the wear rate. The most influencing factors are determined by the corresponding delta values of the factors calculated through the S/N ratios. The most influencing factors for wear rate are load, followed by the reinforcement, sliding distance, sliding velocity and temperature, given in the Table 5. The influence of the temperature is negligible. The optimal condition to obtain the minimum wear rate is a higher level of sliding distance (1500 m), middle level of reinforcement (4 %), high level of temperature (200 °C), lower level of load (10 N) and higher level of sliding velocity (2 m/s) observed from the main effect plot Figure 3. The optimal combination of parameters obtained from the main effect plot is not found in the L18 orthogonal array design, so separately the experiment was carried out and the wear track is examined through the SEM. From Figure 4a, the wear track of the optimal combination of parameter has the smooth track which does not contain many cracks, debris, delamination and deeper grooves. The worst wear rate is observed for the AA8011 - 8 % ZrB 2 from the readings of Table 3, with the experimental parameters of load 30 N, sliding velocity 1.5 m/s, temperature 100 °C and sliding distance 1000 m and it was observed by the SEM, which shows many cracks, debris, micro ploughing, delamination and deeper grooves on its morphology, as shown in Figure 4b, these mechanisms causes the severe plastic defor- mation. 26,27 From Figure 3, the wear rate decreases with B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 455 Figure 3: Main-effect plot for the wear rate Table 5: Response table for wear rate (smaller is better) Level Sliding distance (m) Reinforcement (w/%) Temperature (°C) Load (N) Sliding velocity (m/s) 1 47.97 50.32 49.08 51.34 48.43 2 50.81 50.64 49.63 49.47 49.30 3 - 47.22 49.46 47.37 50.45 Delta 2.84 3.41 0.55 3.97 2.02 Rank 32514 the increase of sliding distance, at the 1000 m the wear rate is higher because the asperities which make contact with the aluminium samples are sharp and this initiates the crack. At the sliding distance of 1500 m as the distance increases, over the time asperities got com- pacted and blunt between the pin and the counterpart. 24 When the percentage of ZrB 2 increases the wear rate also increases, because the co-efficient of thermal expansion of ZrB 2 is more than the aluminium matrix, so this difference leads to an increase in the density of the dislocations during the solidification. 14,15 But the increase in the reinforcement is not linear with the decrease in the wear rate because the AA8011 - 4 % ZrB 2 shows better wear resistance than the AA8011 - 8 % of mass fractions of ZrB 2 , which may be attributed to the occurrence of complex processes during the wear of the material. 4 When the temperature and the sliding speed increases the wear rate is decreased, as confirmed in the SEM image in Figure 4a, because the pin gets softer due to the formation of the thin molten layer at the asperity contacts, which is called the mechanical mixed layer (MML). It acts as a thin layer between the counterpart and pin. MML hardness is six times greater than the bulk composite. 20 When the load increases, the wear rate increases, which is indicated in Figure 4b. 15,23 The increase in the pressure and the contact between the pin and the counterpart leads to an increase in the frictional heat. The frictional heat between them causes the softening of the pin, which allows the asperities to easily enter into the material. This entry of asperities into the material triggers more wear rate, paves the way to mechanisms such as micro-ploughing, fracture, deformation and fragmentation. 15 3.3.2 ANOVA analysis ANOVA is a statistical tool used to find the most significant factors influencing the response. The analysis of the variance for the S/N ratios of the wear rate is given in the Table 6, which has the convincing R-sq. value of 96.48 %. The probability, given in the seventh column of Table 6, decides the influence of factors on the response. The factors which has probability less than 0.005 are the significant factors influencing the response. Sliding distance (m), reinforcement (w/%) and load (N) are the factors that have a more significant influence on the wear rate. Sliding velocity (m/s) and temperature (°C) failed to make any significant and influence on the wear rate. Especially temperature shows very small influence on the response. 3.3.3 Confirmation test A confirmation experiment was conducted based on the optimal combination of parameter and obtained a wear rate of 0.000629 mm 3 /m. To verify the accuracy of the experimental result, the wear rate for the optimal combination of parameter was also predicted as 0.0006033 mm 3 /m with the Taguchi analysis using MINITAB-16 statistical analysis software. A minimal error of 4.25% was obtained while comparing the B. M. M. SELVAN et al.: INVESTIGATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF AA8011-ZrB2 IN-SITU ... 456 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 451–457 Table 6: Analysis of variance for the S/N ratios of the wear rate Source Df a Seq SS b Adj SS c Adj MS d FP e Sliding distance (m) 1 36.293 36.293 36.293 57.02 0.000 Reinforcement (w/%) 2 42.695 42.695 21.347 33.54 0.000 Temperature (°C) 2 0.970 0.970 0.485 0.84 0.498 Load (N) 2 47.268 47.268 23.634 37.13 0.000 Sliding velocity (m/s) 2 12.368 12.368 6.184 9.72 0.007 Error 8 5.092 5.092 0.637 Total 17 144.686 S = 0.797822, R-Sq = 96.48 % and R-Sq (adj) = 92.52 % a Degree of freedom, b Sequential sum of squares, c Adjusted sum of squares, d Adjusted mean squares, e Probability Figure 4: Wear track for: a) composite of AA8011+4%m a s s fraction of ZrB 2 after sliding for 1500 m at a 10 N load, 2 m/s sliding velocity and 200 °C temperature b) composite of AA8011+8%mass fraction of ZrB 2 after sliding for 1000 m at a 30 N load, 1.5 m/s sliding velocity and 100 °C temperature predicted and experimental value, which validates the experimental results. 4 CONCLUSIONS The AA8011-ZrB 2 has been successfully fabricated through an in-situ stir-casting method. • The presence of ZrB 2 particles has been confirmed by XRD analysis. • SEM analysis along with energy-dispersive spectros- copy analysis shows the presence of ZrB 2 and its uniform distribution over the matrix material. • The main effect plot for wear rate, the optimal combination of parameter for obtaining minimum wear rate was identified as 1500 m sliding distance, 4 % of reinforcement, 200 °C temperature, 10 N load and 2 m/s sliding velocity. 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