Accepted and presented at STEP EUROPE-Defect Control and Related Yield Management Conference, October 27 - 28, Brussels, Belgium KEY WORDS: diffusion, oxygen precipitation, oxygen nucleation, critical radius, numerical simulation ABSTRACT: On the basis of the diffusion-controlled precipitation of spherically growing particle, homogenues nucleation and classical diffusion theory and simplified expression for the critical radius, which takes into account only temperature dependence, a PASCAL program to run on 1MB PC was written to simulate nucleation, precipitation and outdiffusion phenomenon. The parameters we need for simulation were deduced from already published two step annealling experiments. Diffusion constant, D = 0.07 exp (-2.44/kT) /7/, was found to be adequate for the temperatures above 1073 K. For the lower ones enhanced diffusivity should be assumed. The results of the numerical simulation of various IME's and other published processes are in good agreement with the experimental ones, not only for the amount of precipitated oxygen at various steps, but for the depth of the denuded zone and the defect/precipitate density as well. KLJUČNE BESEDE: difuzija, precipitacija kisika, nukleacija kisika, kritični radij, numerična simulacija POVZETEK; Na osnovi teorije diliizijsko omejene precipitacije sferično rastočega izločka, teorije homogene nukleacije, klasične difuzijske teorije in poenostavljenega izraza za kritični radij, ki upošteva le temperaturno odvisnost, je bil napisan program, ki simulira pojav nukleacije, precipitacije in difuzije kisika s površine rezine. Za simulacijo potrebni parametri so bili določeni na osnovi objavljenih 2 stopenjskih poskusov. Na temperaturah nad 1073 Kje difuzijska konstanta 0.07 exp (-2.44 eV/kT) ustrezna, za nižje paje potrebno upoštevati ojačeno diftizijo. Rezultati simulacije precipitacije kisika za IME procese, kakor tudi za v literaturi objavljene se dobro ujemajo z izračunanimi. INTRODUCTION VLSI devices are mostly processed on CZ Si wafers with oxygen concentration ranging from 5x1-10^® at/cm^. Precipitation of SIC phase occurs /1/ as a result of exceeded solid solubility limit at almost all process temperatures. Secondary defects like stacking faults etc. which are more or less electrically active are generated at the oxygen precipitates. Especially defects decorated by heavy metals located in the device active area /2/ can be harmful for the functionaliity of the IC. On the other side those ones located in the bulk act as gettering centers and have very beneficial effect on the device yield. To assure the maximum yield for the certain process the intrinsic gettering (IG) should be optimised. To avoid an extensive number of costly experiments, one should be able to model the precipitation and outdiffusion of oxygen for various heat treatments. In this paper a simple PASCAL program to run on IBIVl PC is presented in which the diffusion-controlled precipitation of growing spherical particle/3/, homogenues nucleation theory /4, 5/ classical diffusion theory /6/ and simplified expression for the critical radius/7/, taking into account only temperature dependence are combined. Calculated results are compared with the published ones for two step precipitation experiments as well as for the different in /8/ and out of house processes and show a good agreement not only for the amount of precipitated oxygen, but for the depth of the denuded zone (DZ) and precipitate density as well. 2. THEORY Tfie formation of the denuded zone depends on the diffusion and precipitation (which depends on diffusion) of interstitial oxygen (Oi). Diffusion can be drescribed by classical equation dOi(x,f) dt -D{T) d/ (1) where the diffusion constant defined by Mikkelsen /9/ is (21) D(T) = 0.07 (cm7s) exp (-2,44 eV/kT) (2) To solve the equation (1) the boundary conditions should be known. As the mass transport coefficient h at the surface is not known, we kept the same conditions as in the originally written program /6/. Diffusion controlled precipitation can be, in a very accurate way, described with Ham's theory /3/, which in the simplest form takes into account the growth of a spherical particle. Relation between precipitated oxygen fraction Sp(t) and cinetic constant K (x,t) is quite complicated: K (x,t) = H (Sp (3) Sp(t) = (Oi (x,0)-Oi (x,t))/(Oi (x,0) - Oi* (T)) (4) H(u) = (1/2) In ((u^ + u + 1)/(u^-2u + 1))-3'^^artg ((2u + 1)/3 + 0.9068 (5) Cinetic constant in our program is defined by the following expression; K(x,t = 0) = D(T)(4jrNo)^^^3^/2 ((Oi (x,0)-Oi* (T))/Co)^'® ' (6) where Co denotes oxygen concentration in a precipitate (Co= 4.65x10^^ at/cm^ for amorphous SiOx). For the solubility of oxygen Oi* (T) we used Craven's data /10/. We applied homogeneous nucleation theory /4,5/ in which the nucleus density No is described by the following equation: No(x,t) = Js(x,T)(t-ti)(1-exp(-t/ti)) (7) Js(x,T) = JoD(T) Oi(x,0) T^'^ exp(-Eo/(T-T/Ts)1 (8) Jo = 7.94x10"'''' cmK'"^ and Eo = 1082 K are material constants estimated in /5/, while ti denotes incubation time in which the nucleus grows during the low temperature nucleation step up to the critical radius Redefined by high temperature precipitation step and Ts the solubility temperature when Oi(x,)) equals solubility Oi*(T). Expression for the critical radius Ro originally obtained by C. Claeys /7/ is rather complicated. We used simplified AI2 expression, where the elastic, intersticial and vacancy energy term were neglected. From the literature/11/ it is known that the concentration of the point defects at the typical process temperatures and the amount of precipitated oxygen is close to the equilibrium ones. Furthermore during the low temperature (T = 1073 K) formation of platelike precipitates no intersticials are emitted. On the other side during the high temperature annealing (T> 1373 K) the precipitation of octahedral precipitates is accompanied by strong emmision (0.691 int./at) of interstitials and succesive growth of stacking faults. We were satisfied to incorporate neglected energy terms in "effective" interface energy aeff, determined from the two step experiments. The simplified expression for Rc is: Rc = 2 CTeff 3CpkTln(0i/0i* (T)) (9) Cp is silicon concentration in SiOa precipitate and equals The output of the complete calculation is therefore: * the profile of the interstitial oxygen Oi * the profile of the precipitated oxygen * the amount of the precipitated and outdiffused oxygen * the density of the precipiates and its average size. 3. RESULTS As the first step the aen was determined on the basis of published two step experiments/12/. (2h @ 1073 K -f-16h @ 1323 K, N2 + 5% O2 ). The best fit of the experimental results for the amount of precipitated oxygen versus initial concentration Oi presented in fig. 1 is obtained assuming Rc = 7.5 nm at 1323 K and for Oi = 7x10^^at/cm^. It follows from (9), that in this case aeff equals 5.60 J/m2, which is for one order of magnitude higher than the published data for a /14/. Obviously very crude assumption is made neglecting elastic energy term. Regardless of the assumption, the results for simulated CMOS process /12/, (5h @ 1198 K. O2 + 45 min @ 1073 K, M2 + 20h @ 1423 K, N2 + 14h @ 1198 K, steam), shown on the same fig. 1 are in a very good agreement with the calculated ones. Nucleation simulation at the temperatures less than 1073 K is not satisfactory, unless the enhanced diffusivity is assumed. Results for amount of precipitated oxygen at two step experiment /13/ with nucleation step performed at 1023 K for 4h (second step is the same as in the first case) are shown in fig. 2. Obviously one can get a good fit assuming 1.5 times higher oxygen diffusivity when the calculated results lie within the statistical limits of the experiment. From some papers (eg. /14/ it follows that at the low temperatures oxygen diffuse in molecular form, so the Mikkelsen data /9/ are too low. Otherwise oxygen precipitates at low temperatures in platelike form, while we supposed the simple spherical form. The depth of the denuded zone in simulations is set to be where the concentration of precipitated oxygen is 0.25x10^^ at/cm'^, that guarantees the best correspon- AOi [I0"ai/cni'] Figure 1: Oi[10"al/cm'] The average amount of precipitated Op vs. initial oxygen concentration Oi @ for the two step (x) and CMOS (o) simulation. Solid lines are calculated. dence of the results of other simulations /6/ and experiments. Comparison with the results of three step experiment/6/(1373 K -h @1023 K 4-1273 K for different times) is shown in fig. 3. while an example of calculated oxygen profile is shown in fig. 4. 4. SIMULATION OF ISKRA - ME S PROCESS f