ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1973 VOLUME 45 ,/ /C w SI „ I -vkV and oilier regions of Slovenia will resound from the stage of Chicago’s renowned Orchestra Hall on Sunday, Feb. 4th as the Academic Folklore Group of Ljubljana begins a cross country tour that will bring them before American audiences for the first lime. The Iron/) of 74 young university students will display the beautiful century-old native cost urnes and sing the lively and melancholy songs of their homeland as I hey have throughout Europe where they have achieved wide acclaim. Chicago Brati rh of S IF I!, is shonsoritur their Chi cap o debut. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1973 Vo. XLV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must ba in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za neslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN FEBRUARY National Officers: Feb. 5 — ROSE KRAEMER, State President of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wise. Feb. 17 FANIKA HUMAR, National Secretary, Chicago. III. Branch Presidents: Feb. 8 — Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 19 — Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Oakmont, Pa. Feb. 24 — Mary Oberch, Br. 85, Depue, III. Secretaries: Feb. 1 — Margaret Fischer, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Feb. 2 — Mary Christian, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Feb. 5 — Juliana Gorensek, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 6 — Mary Otoničar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 14 — Matilda Cigoile, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio Feb. 15 — Anna Kerkovich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. Feb. 17 — Stephanie Plese, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Feb. 18 — Frances Bradach, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! BR. 16 SOUTH CHICAGO I CELEBRATES | 45th ANNIVERSARY FEB. 25, 1973! Members will meet for the 11:30 a.m. Comemorative Me- I morial Mass for all living and I departed members of Br. 16. j Dinner will follow at Rupcich’s | Restaurant. Reservations for the | Dinner are due by Feb. 8th. Call Ann Lustig, State President, at BA 1-4586. All bran- ! ches and members are cordial- ! ly invited! | rr WOMAN OF THE YEAR Membership Campaign From now until March 31, 1973. Cash awards for all workers and Convention Trip for the top winner! See your secretaries for application blanks! ibsbii AMERICAN SLOVENIAN PILGRIMAGE TOUR TO ROME U SLOVENICUM IN ROME has a distinctive meaning for our nationality. It will be more than a home and center of learning for young priests striving to fulfill their calling to God. It will be a spiritual retreat for thousands of Slovenians visiting the Eternal City in the years to come. On the 1200 Anniversary of Slovenian Christianity, SLOVENICUM becomes the symbol of our national pride and determination to keep sacred the beliefs and traditions of our forefathers. This Dedication in the year 1973, will bring together our people from Slovenia led by five Slovenian Bishops and Slovenians from every continent of the world. We hope you will wish to join the delegation from America who will represent those who have contributed generously to this cause. The unforgettable event will be highlighted by visits to the historic sites of Christianity and crowned by the presence of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Co-sponsored by the Slovenian Women’s Union In connection with the DEDICATION OF SLOVENICUM Slovenian College for Priests JUNE 17 - JULY 9, 1973 Official ceremonies connected with the Dedication of the College lor Slovenian Prests, SLOVENICUM, will be June 18 - 23, 1973. Those five days will be planned for you with five different choices for accommodations in Rome, from the most luxurious to the most economical. In addition to the ceremonies, there will be sightseeing, cultural programs and other entertainments. The remainder of the three weeks can be spent at your option in Slovenia or touring Europe. Departure from Chicago and Cleveland to Rome is June 17th, return from Venice, July 9, 1973; total air fare is $308.00 per person. Rates a;id information upon request. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BY: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. 589 East 185 Str., 216-531-1082 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 216-531-4066 NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S FEBRUARY MESSAGE WOMAN OF THE YEAR CAMPAIGN Here I go again mentioning our campaign as it is very important to the branches and also to build up the membership in our organization as we all know that we are losing many members where God has taken them away from us and it is up to us to try and replace them. Month of February is here. Has your branch chosen a campaign manager, so she could become the Woman of the Year? The Woman of the Year will not be chosen but she herself has to work for it by writing in most new members. Members, you can help your candidate to reach her goal by giving her the name of a prospective member or even writing in the member yourself. Please remember to have two applications properly filled out and signed as this will help lighten Sec. Fanika Humar’s extra work. In previous issues I have stated that it is up to the officers of their respective branches to promote these campaigns and bring this important issue to the members present at their meetings. If each member gets one new member it would help increase your membership at the same time. I am very proud of my branch as all the officers are doing very well in promoting for new members and doing all in their power to make the members satisfied and happy at our interesting meetings by having good entertainment, plus a luncheon which usually is more like a banquet. This is what makes the members look forward to going to meetings and enjoy having a lovely evening out with friends. This is what brings in members. Officers, do your part for your branch and also for our Zveza and keep it in the limelight. At this time I wish to compliment President of Br. 50 Cleveland, Ohio, Ann Hočevar, who has been president for the past two years and under her leadership the branch has increased in membership and also has an excellent attendance at every meeting. Congratulations to the following branches who are ce'ebrating their Anniversaries in February, March, April and May, 1973. 45th ANNIVERSARY Br. 16 South Chicago, III. — organized February 13, 1928 by Agnes Mahovlich Br. 17 West Allis, III. — organized March 15, 1928 by Josephine Schlosar. 35th ANNIVERSARY Br. 88 Johnstown, Pa. — organized May 9, 1938 by Rev. Pius Petrich Br. 89 Oglesby, III. — organized May 9, 1938 by Mary Meglich Br. 90 Presto, Pa. — organized May 12, 1938 by Mary Usnik. Br. 91 Oakmont, Pa. — organized May 12, 1938 by Mary Knafelc 30th ANNIVERSARY Br. 105 Detroit, Mich. — organized April 10, 1948 by Alice Kodrich 25th ANNIVERSARY Br. 106 Meadowlands, Pa. — organized May 24, 1948 by Mary Tomsic. 16th National SWU Convention in Chicago, III. May 20-24, 1973. Regulations for elections of Delegates and Alternates our secretary Fanika Humar had all the details in January issue. Elect a delegate who shall represent your branch to the best of her ability so she may relate your ideas and suggestions for the betterment of your organization and branch. Happy Birthday to all celebrants in February and a speedy recovery to all ailing. Don i Durel Iff« FROM THE SECRETARY’S DESK The Chicago Committee planning the 16th National S.W.U. Convention extends a heartfelt invitation to all members, their families and friends, to attend the opening day activities on Sunday, May 20, 1973. Holy Mass in the morning will be followed by Brunch at the St. Stephen Hall and Open House at the Home Office. In the evening will be the beautiful Grand Banquet and Cotillion at the Bismarck Hotel in downtown Chicago. The Hotel will be the Heardquarters for the Convention where ail meetings will be held from May 21 thru 23, 1973. Other entertainments will be planned for the evenings of Monday and Tuesday. In order to accommodate you in the best possible way, please send your room requests for groups of 4 or more as early as possible to the Home Office. Check in at the Hotel will begin Saturday night, May 19th and Registration Desk open beginning Sunday morning May 20th. COMMITTEE iffllMiiiiii'i liiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmnT ELECTION OF DELEGATES Election of your branch’s delegate(s) to the 16th National Convention are to be completed this month. Please refer to the January issue of ZARJA for all particulars, or the S.W.U. Bylaws, Articles 15 thru 20. SCHOLARSHIP REQUESTS NOW DUE. If your Branch has a candidate for a S.W.U. Scholarship, please write to the Scholarship Committee Secretary for your application. Deadline is March 31st. Write to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wise. 53711. SWU BOARD MEETING The Board of Directors of S.W.U. will meet for their annual session Feb. 20-21, 1973 at the Home Office in Chicago, III. CONVENTION NOTES: ACTIVITIES LADY BOWLERS HAVE TOP SCORES IN CHICAGO No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. We had a good attendance at our annual meeting followed by a Christmas party. The 11 months report was read. Plans for the year are: It was decided to have a bakery booth at the Folk Festival at the Sheboygan Armory. Dorothy Kregel will be in charge of this function. Discussions were held for the Midwest Bowling Tournament in April, Anna Modez will be in charge. Olga Saye was selected to be honored as the Officer-of-the-Year at the May meeting. The Mothers Day Program will be in charge of Mrs. Marie Prisland. Janet Maurin will be chair-man for the annual card party this fall. All officers were re-elected for the ensuing year 1973. Initiation took place for new members and officers. Shut-in members were remembered with gifts. The president closed the meeting with a prayer for deceased members. Our hostess and member Pat Simenz served a delicious dinner with the aid of her competent kitchen staff. The Folk Singers under the direction of Mrs. Olga Saye presented several Christmas selections, which were enjoyed by all and there was community singing. In conclusion gifts were exchanged. Congratulations to Mesdames Phy-liss Pentek selected as Queen for a Night by the Christian Mothers of St. Peter Claver Parish and Louise Ster-mec upon receiving her American citizenship. A delegate will be elected for the National Convention at our February meeting, (third Sunday). Do try and be present and bring a new member along. Happy Valentine's Day to all. MARGARET FISCHER Secy No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. The holidays are over. Some are glad to have the work of preparing for festivities behind them, others are sad to see the good times pass so quickly. Our branch in Chicago found the month of December the busiest. We had a lovely Christmas party with eighty members attending. A delicious Slovenian dinner was served, after which we viewed a film of recent trips to Slovenia. A sincere thank you is extended to all who helped in any way. We also had elections that evening. The old committee was reelected for another term. This, to me, seems too easy a way of running an organiza- No. 2 CHICAGO, ILL., The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league ended the first half of the season with defending champs, Marquette Super Service, holding a slim half-game lead. The team rose from fourth place during December, by compiling a record of 30y2 wins and 17y2 losses, as of December 19. Wagner's Bakery was in second place with 30 wins and 18 losses. Zefran Funeral Home fell to third with 29 wins and 19 losses. Also giving the leaders a run for the money were Dr. Grill (28-20) and Reliance Federal (25-23). Dr. Grill took over the lead in high team game with a 948. All other handicap leaders remained the same. Christmas "spirits” abounded once again. Townhall awarded bottles to the girls who bowled the most pins over average on their teams. This year’s winners were: J. Muelleman, S. Gorka, A. Vucko, A. Marrazzo, F. Smulski, A. Fingerhut, P. Mladic, F. Wrezzes, G. Dellegrazie, L. Mallo. There was some pretty outstanding bowling this month. Geneva Niedziel-ko emerged the "star" with a 492 series, which was 90 pins over her 134 average. Her teammate, Lavada tion to be really successful. For next year, I would like to suggest that we try to replace at least one or two committee members. It isn’t necessary to have a complete changeover every year, but if we want to keep from getting stale, we need some new ideas which come with new people. The Christmas party for our children was quite enjoyable. Short skits depicting Christmas around the world were presented. The English toy soldiers (Adam and Billy Leff) were a great hit as was little Patti Zubek who played the piano and Lori Lynn Prah as a Christmas Tree. Of course the greatest hit of all was good old Santa who had so many nice presents. The children seemed happy with their treats and presents and since they can’t thank everybody, I’ll say it for them, “Thank you all who helped to make the afternoon successful”. Our good worker Lil Putzell, broke her leg. We wish her a quick recovery. This month we are celebrating Valentine’s Day. Won’t you join us on the eighth? Sincerely, KRISTA ARKO Jones, was close behind with a 439 series —82 pins over her 119 average. Debbie Zefran, came into the spotlight again with a 363, which was 81 pins over her 94 average. Donetta Kneze-vich’s 466 and Joan Muelleman’s 401 series were 79 and 77 pins over their respective averages. Stelle Gorka continues to put us all to shame. During the month she bowled series of 574 (204 game); 570 (236 game); 548 (193 game); and 510. Other high scores during December: S. Melissa, 520 (194 game); H. Fitzgerald, 508 and 503 (198 game); A. Persa, 502. The month's railroad hotshots were: B. Schacht, 3-10 and 5-6-10; G. Nied-zielko, 5-6-10 and 3-4-7; D. Maes, 5-10, 4-5-7, 3-10 and 6-7-10; M. Far-botko, 2-7 and 5-10; A. Persa, 4-7-10; R. Haas, L. Zefran (2), J. Schuda, M. Persa, D. Knezevich, J. Ovnik, 5-10; B. Shiliga, G. Dellegrazie, 2-7; A. Vucko, A. Wagner, 3-10; F. Wrezzes, E. Statkus, 5-7; J. Muelleman, 4-7-10; A. Marrazzo, 5-8-10. We’ll have to bowl without our se-cretary-treasurer during the second half of the season. Lil Putzell fell and broke her ankle. The entire league wishes her a speedy recovery. BARBARA ZUREK No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO About 14 members attended our Dec. 10th meeting. The yearly elections were held with the following results. President, Anne Markovič, Vice-President, Phyllis Čermelj, Secretary and Recording Secretary, Sophie Ma-gayna, Auditors Millie Novak and Stef-fie Koncilija, (we’re hoping Stephie will accept for another year but she was absent from this meeting.) Our Sargent at Arms is Jennie Koren, a faithful member. Mary Camloh, as secretary for the past 16 years, turned in her resignations and would like to thank all of our members for the many years they have been helpful to her. I hope you will be faithful to me, too, as your new secretary and reporter. In mailing the dues, please make checks in my name: Sophie Magayna, 315 E. 284th St., Willowick, Ohio 44094, phone 943-0645. Please put this down in case you have to call me. Our fondest wishes to Mrs. Camloh for her happy retirement from office and we thank her for all these past years of work and effort. At the meeting we also set up some Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Be Proud of Your Forefathers When Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia visited his father's native hamlet in Poland last October (1972), he told the people there: "Perhaps you expect me to tell you something great-that God permitted me to be at the side of the Holy Father so many times, that I was privileged to be and to work with your Polish bishops at the Council, and other momentous things. Perhaps you expect me to tell you that I have friendly relations with President Nixon. No, but I will simply tell you my heart's innermost desire for you, expressed in the form of a plea and a challenge: 3e holy people of God - true children of God. “Here I want to tell you how proud I am that I am descended from this mountaineer family, that my parents are from here, from your villages of Siekierczyna and Modre. I am proud that Polish blood courses through my veins. I would want you to understand how important is each family when it holds tenaciously to the faith and morals of Holy Church in daily living. “Do you know that Polish families in the United States, although they came out of poverty, from villages such as ours, obscure but situated amid the beauties of God's nature - these families erected in America the most beautiful churches and schools? Do you know that, by the toil of their hands, through the attachment of their souls to the Church, and the loyalty of their hearts to the country of their adoption, they helped build the United States, which continuously remains the world’s foremost power? “Such were our forefathers; such were their achievements. “Today the Church in the United States is made up of people from such families which came from other countries and created this beautiful mosaic. So long as people hold on to their faith and traditions, so long as they arc loyal and unashamed of their descent - America remains strong We should be proud that we are part of it too. tfcacfeittic £tue(ehU‘ Che if University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA appearing in Concert FEBRUARY 4, 1973 ORCHESTRA HALL 220 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois The folkloric riches of the Slovenian nationality will be highlighted at the program of singing and dancing to be presented by the students of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on their debut concert tour in America. Not only will they sing many of the old and beloved songs of the homeland, representing various dialects and provinces, but the dancers in their colorfully beautiful costumes will enliven the stage with their versions of folkdances choreogra p h e d directly from the authentic dances of the ages past. They will appear from coast to coast at universities and colleges and give several individual performances in major cities. They will visit Cleveland, Detroit, Washington D.C. and New York City, also university centers throut the midwest, west, southwest and eastern seaboard. Slovenian Women’s Union Chicago branch is sponsoring their first concert, Sunday, Feb. 4th at beautiful Orchestra Hall. Tickets are available at the S.W.U. Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., or at Orchestra Hall before the performance at $7, $6, $5, $3. laws for the new year, 1973. We’d like your help with all the sick members; even when we don’t know who you are, we always say a prayer for you at the meetings and hope the good Lord gives you a return to good health. This is the main thing on this earth. In 1972 we lost 9 members. They were Ursula Elovar, Mary Prdak, Lucy Glavac, Josephine Starman, Louise U.lle, Frances Skubic, Josephine Mervar, Theresa Kodelja, Frances Jaklic. We hope and pray they are resting well in our American soil. Mrs. Jaklic died a week or so before the Christmas holidays. We extend our deepest sympathies to the family. Thanks to the following ladies who are true-good members, who attend all the funerals and burials: Anne Markovič, Mary Camloh, Josie Sustarsic, Louise Fabec, Josie Brusich, Millie Novak and Mary Komidar and yours truly, it means so much when you have such good cooperation. Many times they, too, don’t feel up to it, but they always come thru when needed. Our meetings will still be the same as last year - every other month at the second Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. We celebrated Christmas after our meeting in December with a gift exchange and some goodies for our appetites. Mrs. Louise Čebular was present, too; she honored us with her usual. “Happy Birthday Greetings” poem which we all enjoy very much. My best wishes to all of you and a very Happy Valentine's Day to all! SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Greetings and much happiness to all members throughout our United States. We of Branch No. 13 are dedicated to making 1973 one of our best years, with our officers newly elected we know success will be ours. President: Josephine Auito, is by no means a new Officer having held the office as Secretary for many years; she is truly an ambitious and a dilli-gent worker. A member of Zveza for 23 years she is well-qualified to take the reins and lead us on a successful year for 1973. Secretary and Treasurer: Michele Seril, daughter of Josephine Aiuto, a junior member well capable and qualified to do an excellent job holding two offices, Michele transfered to our Senior devision a few years ago and has ever had the welfare of Zveza uppermost in her mind. We know Michele will be a fine officer. Vice President: Anne Fabian, long active in many of the organizations in the Slovenian Hall, she will of course add richly to Branch No. 13, a willing and happy worker always ready with a willing hand we have a fine person and officer in our Ann. Celebrating their ZSth Despite much misfortune in her life she is always ready with a kind word -.nd a smile; her pretty face will add to anyone's day. Financial Secretary: Dorris Lovrin, not new to this office as she has been our Financial Secretary for a few years now, when you talk about a willing worker Dorris comes to mind instantly. She has always been a co-worker with me on many, many projects. A dear friend and marvelous officer, we are happy to have her back at the same spot. Door Sentinal: Virginia (Ginny) Sus-tarich, sister of Josephine Aiuto, and former Financial for many years we cannot call Ginny a new officer as it seems she is always working at one committee or another. Ginny became an officer while still in her teens and did such a capable job we would not allow her to leave us until she became a Mamma and then just could not neglect her home duties. We are happy to have Ginny active and on the ball. With Ginny around we are assured of good times and success. Auditors: Virginia (Ginny) Sustarich and Doreen Sustarich (Niece of Ginny) Doreen is one of our active young ladies it is a pleasure to have young people interested. To our Past Officers we say thank you for a nice year and a successful term of office. Rose Bianco our past Treasurer has offered Michele any help she might feel she needs, this is so like Rose who herself is an excellent officer to offer a helping hand which is most capable. Of course l’m proud of "my family” Josephine, Ginny, Michele, Doreen, all cousins, their mother my beloved TETA, so I know they will all be a credit to branch No. 13 and we know all the members will back them up and make this a successful and happy year of 1973. Your officers are only as good as you members make them, they need YOU to take an interest and give all the help needed. Together we can reach unexpected heights. Meeting nights are still the First Thursday of the Month; only change will be we meet four times a year, MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER. Of course if the need arises, the officers will call a special meeting and you will be informed by the telephone committee. Election for Mother of the Year will be held in March so please attend and let's let the officers know we do support them. See you March 1st, 1973 Thursday, at Slovenian Hall. God be kind to you and yours and may good health reign in each of your homes. Past President and State President Hose Scoff called and thanked me for the article I wrote. This makes me feel so good as so often I don’t even know if you see the articles much less appreciate them, 1 hanks Rose, we hope you will enjoy the Convention this year and represent us as capably as you always have. We know Rose will work with the new officers to make 1973 one of our best. FRAN E. CHIODO No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Holidays come and go. Had a nice attendance and the ladies were happy- The meeting was conducted by our president, Pauline Krall. All old and new business was taken care of. The officers elected are: President, Pauline Krall; Vice-President, Mary Stražišar, Treasurer, Mary Iskra, Recording Secretary, Antonia Sustar, Secretary, Vera Bajec. For the Christmas party, the hostesses were Frieda Miller, Frances Plut, Olga Zimmerman, Mary Fakult, Audrey Humphries, Ann Davenport and Ann Flaherty. They surely know how to serve and make the party festive! Members donated to the Mary Mavec School for Retarded and Holy Family Cancer Home. To our good time fund donations were from Jean Korošec, Mary Stražišar, Mary Pasko-vich, Slava Vehovec, Stana Grill, Ann Kuhar; for the Treasury: Mary Kusar, Olga Tonic and Antonia Wichick; for the Scholarship Fund, Jean Ivancic. Thank you, ladies. Sick members are Mary Marolt, Jennie Stefančič, Antonia Tanko, Mary Smrdel and Mary Sporar. Let us remember them in our prayers. Sympathies to the Frances Globokar family, to Pauline Krall whose husband passed away and to Mary Stražišar whose husband also passed away. May they rest in peace. To all members and the Slovenian Women’s Union members throughout the land, I wish all a Bless New Year 1973. THERESA M. SKUR, Reporter Congratulations to Gini and Rudy Sustarich on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. A surprise dinner party was given by their children, on September 21, 1972, namely Ann (a member of Branch No. 13), Mark and John, at the Seven Hills Restaurant, for their relatives and close friends. Champagne flowed and eyes glowed, while dining and dancing the night away. Gini and Rudy received many beautiful gifts to remember such a happy occasion. Congratulations Gini and Rudy from Branch No. 13 for many more years of happiness. THE FLOWER GIRLS - BR. 13 No. 16 SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. In February, Branch No. 16 will celebrate their 45th Anniversary. We hope to have a little celebration on February 25th starting with Mass at St. George’s Church. Please attend the meeting on February 8th to hear the final plans. December was a busy month. Anna Lustig conducted the children’s party on December 3rd. They each received a beautiful gift through her efforts and refreshments were served. On the 14 th of December it was the ladies turn to celebrate. Edna Winters made arrangements for the delicious chicken and mostaccioli dinner. Her daughter Sandy and niece Ann Marie Serapin set tables beautifully. Marie Cieslik prepared the hors d’ceuvres and jello molds and furnished liquid refreshment. Anna Lustig made Christmas pins for each lady and Sylvia Spretn-jak made Santa favors. A big Thank You to Edna and her helpers and to all the other members who were responsible for donating the delicious pastry. We missed our president, Jtean Bukvich, who was still on the sick list. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family of Amelia Zee who passed away in December. She was a charter member and until she started ailing in recent years attended our meetings faithfully. Get well wishes are extended to Mrs. Katie Triller who was hospitalized in December. Congratulations are in order for Josephine and Marko Krai who celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on January 12th. One hundred relatives helped them celebrate at a dinner during the Christmas holidays. Among those present were their 8 children, 18 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Our best wishes for many more years of wedded bliss. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Election of officers highlighted the meeting in December of Br. 20. Reelected were Mrs. Emma Planinšek, president, Josephine Muster, Vice-President, Olga Ancel, Secretary, Josephine Erjavec, Recording Secretary and Reporter, Josephine Sumic, Treasurer, Frances Hubert, Theresa Maren-tich and Emma Nosse, Trustees, Theresa Muhich, Sargent at Arms and Rt. Rev. M.J. Butala, Spiritual Advisor. Installation of these officers was to be at the Jan. 25th meeting. A new member was welcomed, Mrs. J'udy Mravle. Mrs. Ancel reported a donation of $15.00 sent to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund part of which was donated by the officers. The prize went to Mrs. Anna Fan-dak. After the meeting group singing and gift exchange was followed by entertainment by junior members, Marie Ancel, Darla Marquardt, Rosanne Ruth and Joyce Walzcak. A ceramic plaque commemorating her 38th year as president was presented to Mrs. Planinšek by Frances Bottari. Refreshments Were served from a beautifully decorated Christmas table by Mrs. Mildred Pucel, Mrs. Marent i c h and Mrs. Muhich with decorations arranged also by Mmes. Ancel and Nosse. We remembered our sick members including Sophie Korevec and Maria Merkun. Our member, Mary Vertin of N. Broadway lost her husband, William after a lengthy illness. He is also survived by two sons. Bill was very well known in the community. His widow, the former Mary Petrich, is our longstanding member. May he rest in Peace. And, our condolences to the Members of the family and numerous relatives. Since Zveza celebrated its anniversary of founding in December, a card congratulations was mailed to Mrs. Marie Prisland with the signatures of al1 members present. We wish her many more years of happiness and health to stay among us for a long time and continue her work which is appreciated by all the members. The monthly articles, "0, Ta Svet” and “Capsules” is enjoyable reading in Zarja. She was very complimented by our members at the annual meeting. We all hope she can continue to be our guiding leader for many years to come. Olga Ancel, our secretary, was also praised for her Junior Page material written under the pen name of REGINA. From now on, our monthly meetings will begin a half hour earlier —that is, 1:30 p.m. instead of 2. So, come to the meetings and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. A Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our December meeting was very well attended and president, Theresa Lach, expressed her heartfelt thanks to the group for such wonderful representation and hoped future meetings would be even better attended. The meeting opened with a prayer after which the Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were read. The entire present committee was re-elected for 1973. They are as follows: Honorary Treasurer: Josephine Weiss; President, Theresa Lach; Vice-President Rose Kosko; Secretary-Treas-urer, Stella Dancull, Recording Sec'y Lois Babnick; Auditors Frances Cimperman, chairman, Frances Miklich (New Auditor); Reporter in Slovenian, Anna Jesenko, English Reporter, Stella Dancull. Lillian Lunder was selected as Mother of the Year by our Branch. She is well deserving of this honor. All other By-Laws remain the same for our sick members, those hospitalized and the deceased. A Holy Mass in the month of November is offered for the living and deceased members of Br. 21. There will be no meetings in July and August. The members are reminded to pay in advance for these two months. The first Wednesday of the month will continue to be our meeting date: time of 7:30 p.m. remains also the same and West Park Slovene Nat'l Home is the place. Address is 4583 W. 130th St. and McGowan Ave. Christmas greeting cards were mailed to all our ailing members: Anne Pelcic, Josephine Weiss, Frances Blatnik, Florence Jeson, Frances Kozelj, Mary Nosan, Josephine Blazic, Anna Kosak, Josephine Zupan, Helen Less, Kerns Nursing Home, Ind; Frances Kavc, Holly Terr. Nursing Home; hos- pitalized Jennie Bachar, Anne Kosak. A speedy recovery to all of you. Our appreciation is extended to Jaye Sanker for the donation of Christmas cards, postage, scapulars, get-well cards, to all our ailing members. Very sincere condolences to Kathy Vuk on the loss of her father, Anthony Vuk. May he rest in peace. Our hearty congratulations to Marie Pivik and Frances Miklich on their third Concert, present for the past three years annually by the SNPJ, Circle 77 held Dec. 10th at the West Park Nat’l Home. It was a great success and was a beautiful concert. Many compliments were given; it was an enjoyable and happy affair for everyone. After our business meeting, we had our Christmas Party Covered Dish Dinner. We all enjoyed it immensely. There was a big variety of delicious dishes including bakery, refreshments, door prizes. Sincere thanks to all officers and members who gave so generously. Please notify me of any change of address so that I can report to the Zarja office - also any news items that have something to do with our members. Please be free to call me at 884-8217 or AT 1-7776. Happy Birthdays to all February, March celebrants. We had a very interesting and successful year and only by your continued cooperation can we continue to succeed. A very happy new year to all. STELLA DANCULL Secretary-Treas. No. 22, BRADLEY, ILLINOIS We gathered once again for a merry-jolly time on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 10 at the home of Mrs. Anna Richards. This was the big day for our Christmas party-meeting. Mrs. Anna Jamnik was the very gracious assisting hostess. Mrs. Beverly Jamnik and Anne Kinder were guests. Games were played with some really nice prizes to the lucky winners. Then came the exciting exchange of gifts and last but not least, joining in the pot-luck supper, a feast indeed, with ham prepared by Mrs. Richards, the many hot-dishes and salads by members and the ever-so-tempting Slovenian specialties, the luscious hot-rolls and potica baked by Mrs. Jamnik. We all enjoyed the good-eating. Of course, before all these fun activities, we held our regular business session, with election of officers as follows—Mrs. Anna Richards, pres.; Miss Gabrielle Lustig, sec.; Anna La Montagne, treas. Auditors are Mrs. Mary Rittmanic, Mrs. Helen Sebastia-ni and Miss Mollie Starasinich. Our Mari« Priiland: PRESIDENT EISENHOWER, addressing the American Society of Newspaper Editors, gave them these words of wisdom: "Every gun that is made, every ship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed and those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children ...” Those words were offered at a time when this country felt edgy about the international scene. What about today? If the last two American Presidents would have passed along some of the above advice, we would have peace now. The World is tired of war and tired of senseless killing! FROM 1952 TO 1961 Zveza's National President was Mrs. Josephine Livek, member of branch 89, Oglesby, Illinois. She is a charming person and was a dedicated a dilligent worker for the organizations benefits. When asked which is her favorite Poem she replied: "The one about the Thankfulness.” That Poem is published today: I THANKFULNESS j There is no hearth so bleak and bare j But Heaven hath sent some blessing there. No table ever so sparsely spread ! But that a grace should not be said. * i No life but knows some moment blest Of sweet contentment and of rest; = No heart so cold but Heaven above Hath touched it with the ! warmth of love. I So count your blessings, one by one j At early morn and set of sun; ■ And like an incense to the skies ! Your prayers of thankfulness shall rise. | Look for the love that Heaven sends, S The good that every soul intends; ! Thus you will learn the only way ! To be thankful every day. I THE WELL KNOWN NORMAN VINCENT PEALE, said: “America has ! become so tense and nervous it has been years since I've seen anyone ! asleep in church — and that is a sad situation!”. j spiritual director is Father James McDermott. We remembered our deceased members and the deceased of their families with a Mass to be offered for them by Father Oliver Walsh, formerly of Bradley and now of Piper City, III. We were happy to remember with greeting cards — our out-of-town members, Rose Barothy, Emma Zni-darsich, Emma Lustig and also our good friends Mrs. Pauline Ozbolt of Branch 2 and Mrs. Paula Smole, a former member of our branch. With 1972 now behind us it is a good time to recall some of the happenings of the year, some sad and some joyful. On February 22 we were saddened by the death of our dear sister member, Mrs. Agnes Zajc. May her soul and those of all our beloved departed rest in eternal peace! July 8 was the wedding day for Rebecca Miller and Ray Znidarsich. It was a time for a most happy visit with Ray’s dad and mom, Frank and Emma Znidarsich and it was a pleasure to meet Mr. and Mrs. John Hoefferle of La Salle, III. and to learn that Mrs. Hoefferle is a member of Branch 24. Greetings!. And on Nov. 1, Anna Richards became grand-mother for the second time, when daughter, Barbara had her first child, Marsha Lynn. Congratulations to the new parents, Barbara and Alan Clutter and to grand-ma and grand-pa Richards! Sincere thanks to all our hostesses of 1972 and may God bless everyone with good health and happiness in this new year of 1973! GABRIELLE LUSTIG Reporter, No. 23, ELY, MINN. On Dec. 12th our branch had a delicious supper in the church hall. We meet each month on the second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. This Christmas party was free for all the senior members and others paid $2 each. Mary Hutar, our former organist, conducted community singing. It was a happy and enjoyable evening for all. Much credit goes to the active officers of our branch, and the members who are very cooperative. In January we held the annual meeting and the officers remain as before, nabely, Mary Shikonja, president; Barbara Rosandich, secretary, Mary Folio, recording secretary and auditors Mary Zgonc, Mary Dijak and Mary Toljan. I hope that all the members will attend each and every meeting as we, the elderly members need some social contacts as we are at home too much. I wish a very Happy New Year to all who read these lines, from my heart. FRANCES S. JENKO No. ,23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB The Ely Dawn Club combined their annual Christmas dinner meeting with the election of officers with Frances Grahek being elected president succeeding Angela Kosir. Other officers named were Ann Levar Vice-President, Gertrude Mosnik, Secretary, Jennie Deyak, Treasurer, Molly Marolt and Emma Pucel, auditors. Mary Starkovich, Sunshine Chairman. Decorating Committee for the event included Stephanie Vranesich, Mayme Stoll, Ann Saari, Angels Kosir, Margie Skubitz and Frances Pengal. Games were played and gift awards were made to the winners. Door prize was won by Mary Zgonc. Some 60 plus members were in attendance at the session which was held at Bridgmans in the American Legion Building. Lunch committee for the next meeting includes Florence Markovich, Ruth Zaverl, Jay Boldine, Jeanett Vidmar, Louise Seliga, and Margaret Somrock. A Happy and Prosperous and Good Health to all for the New Year, Your Reporter, MARGARET SOMROCK No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. It has been good to read about our neighboring branches. Our Br. 24 very seldom has anything to report. Our Dec. and Jan. meetings were well attended. The birthday celebrants for January were Mrs. J. Horzen, Mrs. E. Shimkus and Mrs. Agnes Ostrowski. Congratulations, ladies! We welcomed two new members, Mary Ann Weber and Barbara Gruen-wald. Mary Ann Wangler transferred to the adult department. Julie Ann Weber and Angela Weichman are in the juvenile. We have two sick members, Mrs. Theresa Terselic who is at home convalescing and Mrs. Theresa Woods-hank, seriously ill at St. Mary’s. Our sympathy goest to Mrs. Caroline Mochnik Truminski family. We have chartered a bus to the Slovenian concert in Chicago this month on the 4th. Hope to see many of you there. There will be no meeting in February due to the concert but hope to see you in March. MARY GRAMC No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our annual meeting and Christmas luncheon was Dec. 20th at Rechar Hall which was beautifully decorated. We had the largest attendance so far, our president very happy and grateful to all. The business meeting with discussions on by-laws for the coming year went fast as there was so much to do. Congratulations to Anne Ros-sman who was selected as our Mother of the Year, 1973. We couldn't have picked a better mother than Anne as she is a hard worker not only for our branch but for so many doings where there’s a kitchen, she’s there! The members responded to our president by giving to a good cause instead of exchanging gifts; this year it was the Old Age Home on Neff Road. God bless you all for being so generous. Also in celebrating their birthdays, good time kitty is bigger too, and we thank all who gave again. We had election of officers for the year ahead and president is Mary Bosnian, vice-president, Ceil Znidar, secretary is Josephine Comenshek, treasurer Alma Eppich, Rec. secretary, Anne Tekavec. Auditors are Mary Drob-nick and Barbara Faron; sargent at arms and hostess is Mary Drobnick. Reporter for Zarja in English in Anne Tekavec and in Slovenian, Annie Godlar. Meetings are the 3rd Wed. °ff the month at the Rechar Hall. This year of 1973 we skip meetings in Jan ®nd Feb. and July and August. If other changes are made, we’ll announce them. We had 2 new members present, Agnes Hava and Molly Primozich. Let's get some new members says our president, for this campaign. Names were read of the sick members, Mary Novak, Josephine Kova-cich, Annie Chinchar, Agnes J'azbec, Justina Kalanec and to all who are sick and shut-in, we pray for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Zani Garbincus on their 25th Wedding Anniversary Nov. 22nd. We wish you many more. After our meeting, we sat down to a delicious pot luck luncheon; let’s call it THE WORKS! There was so much food and desserts, you can’t thank the members enough for all they brought - all delic i o u s and mouth-watering. We had baked ham which only our president bakes so good and of course, we had a delectable holiday toast which wouldn’t be right without. Then we had a performance by our president Mrs. Bos-tian, and Marilyn Frick and we all participated in community singing. There were lots of door prizes and a shawl, made and donated by our secretary Mrs. Comenshek that went to Miss Turk, daughter of Marge Turk. This helped the treasury. Working in the kitchen were Mary Drobnick, Anne Rossman. Ton c k a Skvarča and others helped where help was needed. If something wasn’t mentioned, please excuse, we'll have corrections later. One important thing, please pay up your dues either at the meetings which is the best idea or call our secretary and she will do what she can to help you. We have a very good secretary and she has responsibilities. In conclusion, happy New Year to all and may His b'essings be upon all-peace on earth. Please call 481-3437 if you have news for Zarja - that’s my number. ANNE TEKAVEC Rec. Secretary No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our December meeting and Christmas party was very well-attended and it was the biggest attendance for the year! We had a delicious supper served by our officers and members. Wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every member who helped make the Christmas party such a success. Our prizes were many, brought in by the members. Thanks again, ladies. At our meeting, the following officers were elected for the new year 1973. Congratulations to all, namely: President, Agnes Jancar, Vice-President, Albina Uehlein, Secretary, Angela Kozjan, Treasurer, Mary Klinar, Recording Secretary, Antoinetta Co-meta (our new member), Trustees, Mary Kurjan, Rose Kragley and Angeline Zgonc. Mary Jere is our Door Sentinel and yours truly, Reporter. May I add many thanks for a job well done to Stephanie Polutnik, our past recording secretary. Hope to see you at the meetings in the future, as also our past trustee, Agnes Celek, who has been a long and loyal member. A job well done and continue to attend our meetings, please. Many of our old, dependable and loyal members are departing from us or are sick and cannot attend as in the past years, so it is very important that their daughters and even granddaughters find their way into our organization. The future generations can take over and remember the good Slovenian customs and be among us and continue with all of us. Each member should try to enroll at least one new member this year. Let’s keep the Slovenska ženska Zveza a nice big group in Lorain and continue on ahead. It is important to get behind the new officers and make them proud of us by attending as many meetings as possible. Rose Cerne, who treated us for her birthday, a big thank you from all. Happy Birthday to you again and Albina Uehlein who also celebrated her birthday and to all the members celebrating in January and February. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years of health and happiness to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoover who recently celebrated their 45th anniversary. Cynthia Ann Kozjan, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kozian is the fiancee of Robert Owen Forest, North Platte, Nebraska. The wedding will take place July 7th. Congratulations on your engagement, Cynthia, also to grandma, Angela Kozjan, our secretary and her aunt, Angeline Voytko, our good member. To all sick members, a speedy recovery. God bless you all with good health. Next meeting will be Feb. 14th-please attend. Wishes to all for a very happy New Year, 1973. AGNES BUCHER Reporter, No. 42, MAPLE HGTS, OHIO Dear ladies! Happy New Year! We had a real nice Christmas Party and our good Mrs. Simončič did all the cooking and baking, with the help of her daughter, Theresa. Sooooo good, ladies! COMBINED BRANCHES REPORT Message to all my sisters and friends! I want to thank each and everyone of you who were present at the State Convention for Ohio Michigan in Oct. and helped to make it such a glorious success. Also, to those who came from a distance to make it a more interesting meeting, our sincere thanks. It would be nice of the State Convention next fall will be as well attended and it should. Hostess will be Br. 25, celebrating their 45th anniversary. I am sure all enjoyed the recent State Convention and Recognition Dinner Dance and enjoyed have Corinne Leskovar, our Editor, present and being honored for her good work done and her help in every way. She does her job well but much more than that - and her work shows up in many ways. I think she is wonderful and I KNOW YOU ALL DO, TOO. (If you show such a warm hospitality to all your visitors as you did for me, ladies. Cleveland will undoubtedly be the Friendship Capital of the World! C.L.) I want to congratulate Mrs. Agnes Jancar who had her 84th birthday Jan. 25th. She is the president of Br. 40 for 14Y2 years and was vice-president for 17 years and auditor for one year. All together, she served Br. 40 and the Zveza for 32% years! Isn’t that wonderful? She has two sons, Frank and Rudolph and two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Bucher, and Mrs. Albina Uehlein, 12 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Her daughter, Albina is vice-president now for the past 6 years and daughter, Agnes is Reporter for Br. 40. Mrs. Jancar was a convention delegate to the 1939 SWU Convention in Minnesota. Hats off to Mrs. Jancar! What a wonderful person and a fit example of our senior citizens - the finest! Our election of officers was also held: Mrs. Antonia Kastellic was reelected President, Mary Lou Prhne (yours truly), Secretary, (Mrs. Yemec who did a wonderful job - we'll miss her work, she is moving and it will be hard for her to come in so often. Thank you Mrs. Yemec for everything!) Cilka Hočevar, Treasurer, Millie Lip-nos, Recording Secretary. Congratulations, ladies. Also, to the sick ladies, we wish you all GET WELL! Frances Tomsic is still in the hospital, Betty Kosak is now home from the hospital. Mary Ann Filips, we hear your husband is ill and we hope he, too, is doing nicely and will get well soon. Mary Ann Filips also had her brother and his family here from McKinley, Minn, but we were sorry to hear he got sick here and had to be hospitalized. But, he is home now and we all wish him well. To all our birthday ladies, Happy Birthday - See you next month on the 3rd Tuesday. MARY LOU PRHNE Another person I cannot pass up is Angela Kozjan, the Secretary of Br. 40 who has a smile for every one and is a very hard worker. She has two children, a son, Edward and daughter, Angeline Voytko plus 6 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. All are very active and do many good things for the branch. Angela, in spite of only a hand-f'.il of workers, manages to do a fantastic job and never complaining, works for success in all projects. Br. 40 came to the Ohio-Michigan State Convention with 9 members from Lorain, one of the largest representations. Only Br. 32 tied them with 9 members, too. I am very greatful to all, plus Barberton with 4 members, Fair-pert Harbor with 8 members Akron with 7 members and Detroit, Mich, with 5 members. Local Oleveland branches were all there too, such as Br. 10 with 5 members, Br. 14 with 4 members, Br. 15, one member, Br. 21 with 3 members, Br. 25 with 4 members, Br. 41 with 3 members, Br. 42 with 4, Br. 47 with 4, Br. 49, one and Br. 50 with 6 members. No matter how small a number, we were most happy with the crowd attending the meeting and the large group of members and friends at the Banquet. Our prize-winning in number group was 50 members from Pennsylvania headed by State Pres. Mary Tomsic and Br. 26 President, Anna Trontel! I hope we can keep up the good feelings we have among us as true sisters. I want to congratulate the DAWN CHORAL GROUP cn their beautiful concert Nov. 26th. They celebrated their 5th anniversary and it was enjoyed by all. Hope they keep up the good work and good luck. With your cooperation we will get the ball rolling and make the new year the best ever. My best wishes to all the Birthdays and may God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN State President Q,„J JUj, Wr>. JancvJ Agnes Jancar, pres, of Br. 40 is one of Zveza’s star officers and just celebrated her 84th birthday! dent, Rose Kraemer, secretary-treas-urer, Vicki Sporis, recording secretary and birthday girl, Josephine Verbick and Christine Rebernisek, auditors, Frances Widemsek, sgt. at arms. One new item has been added to our branch and that is the attendance award at the end of the year. Anyone attending 6 meetings or more will be eligible for an award. So, please attend the meetings. We are very happy to announce their Mother of the Year and she is Fanny Cerar who is very much deserving of the title. She is always donating and helping in some way or other. Most everything remains the same as before: meeting at Lily Club, 1st Thursday of the month starting at 7 p.m. A 15 cts. death assessment for each member we lose by death. Our members who were hospitalized received a $2.00 gift, now they will receive one of $3.00. Lunch was served by our birthday girls. Margaret Lonkner and Ceil Groth donated cakes, Stella Yernesek made delicious krumkale cookies, Vickie Sporis donated 2 lovely door prizes and Anna Gorinshek donated $2.10 toward the treasury; Mitzi Mohorko, the coffee, sugar, milk, forks, napkins, and plates. Thank you, gals, it was really delicious. We wish our January birthday celebrants a Happy Birthday, namely: Pat Veselka, Frances Cerar, Frances Champa, Mary Musich, Amalia Fritzel, Mary Jane Mohorko, Patricia Bengsch, Agnes Bachun, Sandy Ambrosh, Marcella Misiewicz, Mary Kiel, Mary Tratnik, Shirley Schulta, Marie Wiher, Anne Kuglitsch, Mary Wuky and a male member, Michael Viduski. A beautiful knitted stole was donated by our president, Mary Tratnik and yours truly was the lucky person. It really boosted our treasury and we surely do appreciate her work. To all our sick and shut-in members, a speedy recovery and a healthier 1973. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. A wonderful attendance at our December meeting - most of the 1972 business was concluded. Election of officers took place with Mary Tratnik president, Mitzi Mohorko, vice-presi- To all, a Happy St. Valentinos Day and our next meeting is Feb. 1st. We will be looking for you. ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary No. 50, CLEVELAND, O. Due to a very heavy snowfall our Christmas Party much to our chagrin was postponed. Other plans will be announced at a future date. Birthday greetings to all who celebrate in February. Special prayers to all our sick members. ] Congratulations to Josie and John Sieworek who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary in November. Dear members may I remind you that a membership drive is now open. A convention is to be held in May. Mother-of-the-Year has to be selected. Various other events have been suggested and have to be resolved such as perhaps a mystery bus ride which was so enjoyed recently and maybe another card party which proved to be a great success. Please attend our meetings to get together on some really happy social gatherings. Bring your crocheting, knitting, jewelry making etc. We all love to see your handiwork. Some gals have a real knack for this type of artistry. We have sing-a-longs with someone either playing the piano or the accordion. We had excellent attendance in 1972 and also had the pleasure of welcoming many new members and transfers. Guests are always cordially received. We are very grateful to all members who bring in the delicious pastry, goodies etc. and to all those who generously contribute towards the prizes for our games which are immensely popular. Anyone in arrears with their dues can send a check to our Sec. Trea. Juliana Gorensek. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. May you and your families all enjoy good health. A Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. JEAN E. PAIK Reporter and Rec. Sec. No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Once again we must start the article with sadness in our hearts. We have lost one of our dearly beloved sisters, Alberta Russo. The charter was draped and prayers recited in her memory. She will be missed for her generosity and helping hand that was always outstretched. Her departure will be felt by all who knew and loved her. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to her husband, Lawrence and daughter and son and all relatives. We hope and pray that this may in some way sustain the pain and sorrow they feel, to know that we all feel that Alberta Russo’s burdens are lifted and the heavy cross she carried is at the hand of God. We hope and pray that her soul and all souls of our faithful departed rest in peace. We wish to thank all who helped the Russos in their time of need. It was greatly appreciated by the family. We resumed our meeting the first Wed. and received a few new members. Election of officers took place at the Christmas party and meeting held at the Androy Hotel. The officers all remain the same: sisters Josephine Oswald, president, Dorothy Russo, vice-president, Rose Chiodi, secretary and treasurer, Rose Trombly recorder, Gertrude Kochevar, reporter. They all were seated at the January meeting. Auditors are sisters Margaret Kochevar Ann Roberts and Angeline Russ. Mother of the Year is sister Angeline Russ. We all know she will uphold the honor awarded to her. The laws remained as they were in the previous year. There is also a telephone committee: Betty Stražišar, Margaret Andrican and Rose Trombly. An adjustment is going to be made in our summer schedule. There will not be any meetings in July and August. We all pray that the sick members will soon be on the road to mending and come back amongst us. The Christmas party was a nice affair. Cocktail hour was at 7 p.m. and after the meeting, a dinner was prepared to everyone's liking. There were 25 members present and a wonderful time was had with exchange of gifts and the evening was then brought to a close. The January meeting ended with a prayer led by the president. The social hostesses were our officers, Josephine Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Dorothy Russo, Rose Trombly and Josephine Politano. A delightful lunch was served followed by cards. Winners were sisters Celia Politano and Julia Man-cuso in Bridge; high honors in Smear went to Alice Baratto, Margaret Kochevar, low to Frances Shega and Jennie Crea. “B" high went to Angeline Russ and low. Ann Roberts. Door prize to Dorothy Russo. We had a delightful evening. A reminder that the meeting is the first Wednesday of the month and we wish to have you all there. May God bless you all and keep you until we meet again. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Fifty members attended our December meeting and were served a delicious Turkey dinner. Chairman was Ann Selvo, and Mother of the Year, Mary Bernard poured. Gifts were exchanged by Santa who was Dorothy Plese. A nice job, well done. Our dear friend, Tony Babich piayed the concertina and we had a sing-along with Christmas carols and Slovenian songs. We played a popular game and initiated three new members, Eva Hauga-mon, Dorothy Anderson and Mary Jerkovich. A thank you note was read from the Katherine Milinovioh family. Our jack pot was won by Kay Marolt. We also had election of officers: Yours Truly, Rose Maras, was elected President; Vice-Pr e s i d e n t, Agnes Barkis, Recording Sec. Amelia Domen, Financial Sec. Mary Meadows, Treasurer, Kay Marolt, Sargent at Arms, Elizabeth Spolar, Auditors, Margaret Shelko, Mary Babich, Reporter, Ann Karakosh. Mother of the Year was selected as Mary Pucel. I want to say thanks, ladies, for electing me president of our group. I only hope and pray that I can fill the past president’s shoes and I ask the help of you so I should be able to do so. We gave a standing ovation to our past president, Ann Stato-vich. ROSE MARAS President No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Sixteen members of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch Number 56, attended the January 9th meeting at Assumption Hall. A thank-you letter was received from Mrs. John Ewald for her mother, Mrs. Julia Mehle, who recently passed away. Prayers were said for Kate Mil-inovich and Julia Mehle. Sick members for whom we wish well are: Mary Sporer, Mrs, Rapinac, and Angeline Neagbouer. The January Hostesses were the new officers, and hostesses for the February meeting are: Margaret Shelko; Mary Babich and Amelia Domen. Maty Massich’s name was inadvertently omitted from the December dinner committee recognition. Sorry we erred, Mary, but this is also a good chance to thank all of you again for such a lovely Christmas dinner meeting. The door prize at the January meeting was given to Mary Drobnik. An idea was tossed around, during lunch, after the meeting, that we begin a local Yugoslavian Choral Group. If more members attend the February meeting, perhaps this seed will begin to grow. Our membership is 97 women. We should certainly be able to have the beginning of a choral group within our branch, and hope that perhaps other groups within and around our community will join us later. We understand that the students in the Yugoslav Language Course at the Junior College have quite a singing group. We do hope they won't all disband after the course ends. Perhaps we can all join forces and bring renewed interest in the fine old folk tunes. ANN KARAKASH, Reporter Hermin« Prliland Dick«: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and. »AS-1* ® Mrs. Helen Kokely of Euclid, Ohio contributes an appropriate recipe for the month of February entitled “CHERRY SQUARES”. It is interestingly different to prepare as well as being an excellent dessert. CHERRY SQUARES 1 cup oleomargine l/2 cups sugar 4 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla 2 cups flour 21 ounce Cherry Pie Filling Beat oleo until creamy, add sugar and beat thoroughly. Add one egg at a time beating well after each addition. Add vanilla. Add flour gradually and cream together well. Batter is thick. Put in greased jelly roll pan - 15 x 10. Make roughly into 20 or 24 squares. In each square add a tablespoon of Cherry Pie Filling. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. Cool and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. You could use other fruit pie filling. In memory of their dear parents, two women of our church in Madison lovingly prepare all the food for the monthly card parties and occasional dinners for the Senior Citizens within the parish. They have assembled a blooket for these senior citizens of recipes served which were requested. A few are: CHICKEN CHUNCH CASSEROLE, CORN AND SAUSAGE CASSEROLE AND PIZZA CASSEROLE. RINGERS IN THE KLOBASE WORLD! Slovenian rice and blood sausage are a popular winter-t i m e dish and those who know how to make them best in Chicago are our members of Br. 2, Fannie Zi-bert, Julie Pet rich and Annie Zorko who keep the klo b a s e counters full at a local ma r k e t. They can’t be beat when eaten with sauerkraut, "kisla repa” or one of the dishes Mrs. Zibert has submitted below. One of the best cooks in Chicago, Mrs. Frances Zibert, of Br. 2, who has cooked for weddings and banquets for many years, has given us the following two recipes saying: ‘‘In this winter season, many folks enjoy Slovenian rice sausage. Especially Sloven i a n people who brought the recipes from their homeland. With Slovenian sausage, the usual dish is sauerkraut or sour turnip, but I believe these two dishes to be mmm-mmm good”! CREAMED OR SWEET TURNIP 4 fresh turnips 2 small potatoes 2 tablespoons lard CHICKEN CRUNCH CASSEROLE 5}4ounce can of Chow Mein Noodles 2 cups chopped celery 2 cans cream of mushroom soup 2 cups boned chicken '/4 cup minced onion V2 cup water 1 small can chestnuts, sliced or y2 pound cashws or almonds (salted) Yz teaspoon salt. Reserve 1 cup of noodles for top. Rinse the 2 cans of soup with the % cup water and blend throroughly. Then add all the other ingredients, mix well and pour into a buttered 3 quart casserole. Sprinkle remaining 1 cup noodles on top. Bake in 235 degree preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Serves 6 easily. Note: I used left over turkey and the chestnuts in trying out this casserole, and it is delicious. l>/2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar (optional) Peel and cut turnips and potatoes in thin strips; place in pan of salted water and boil until cooked. Drain, saving some of the liquid. Mash. Mix flour in hot lard - do not allow to brown, and add to cooked, mashed turnips and potatoes. Thin with the liquid until of creamy consistency. SWEET-SOUR CABBAGE 1 fresh cabbage - shredded coarsely 4 to 5 tablespoons lard 1 finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons flour /2 teaspoon caraway seeds salt, pepper, vinegar 1 tablespoon sweet paprika 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 cup soup stock or water Saute onion in lard in medium sized frying pan until golden in color, add shredded cabbage and salt and continue to saute slowly mixing often. When soft, sprinkle on the flour, sugar and mix again. Add paprika and caraway seeds and soup stock. Add vinegar to taste and cook slowly. Note:—If you use red cabbage for this dish, eliminate the paprika and caraway seeds. CORN AND SAUSAGE CASSEROLE 1 can creamed corn 2 eggs 1 cup bread crumbs 1 pound pork sausage, browned 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon salt and dash pepper Mix all together. Bake in two quart casserole at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. PIZZA CASSEROLE Serves 10 to 12 1 pound lasagna noodles (broken up) 3 pounds pork sausage 2 - 4 oz. cans tomato paste 1 • 20 oz. can tomatoes 2 green peppers 1 large onion, sliced 1 pound fresh mushrooms 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon saet and dash pepper Parmesan Cheese Cook noodles according to directions. Rinse in cold water and drain. Brown sausage in pan and remove with slotted spoon. Add tomato paste and tomatoes to meat and set aside. Brown green peppers and onions in drippings. Saute sliced mushrooms in butter. Combine all ingredients and r~friRerate overnight or 24 hours ahead. Bake at 350 degrees for lVi hours. At serving time sprinkle Par-m^sari Cheese over top and reheat for minute or two. Excellent warmed over too. Happy Valentine's Day, Lovingly, HERMINE No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. To all our members who will read this notice: We would like you all to come to the Anniversary Dinner that will be held this month at the Croatian Club. As you know, the State Convention will be held in Bessemer in May and we need everyone’s help to make it a success. So, please attend all the meetings in the future. Our Christmas party was well-attended, thanks to all of you who were there. Good health to all our shut-in members. May God bless you. MARY PERCIC Rec. Secretary No. 73 WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, O. For those unable to attend our annual Christmas Party and Pot Luck Dinner, we can only say that you definitely not only missed a wonderful dinner, loads of fun, and an exciting game of "Crazy Cards” for small “white elephant” prizes that each member was asked to bring. Even though our hostess Josephine Turk has been on the sick list, she and her sister-in-law Louise Epley still decorated Josephine’s Recreation Room very lovely, which also added to the Xmas spirit. (Glad to hear that you are feeling much better Josephine and keep up the good work). Instead of a gift exchange, we each donated a dollar, so that we collected $25.00, and a motion was made and carried to take $75. out of our Treasury to make it an even $100.00, and this amount was presented to the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, Ohio (44119), as they have added a new addition to the home. Pledges were made and are not being kept, so we felt that this year we should not forget the aged with the hope that we, some day, will be remembered when the time comes. Prayers were said for the living and the dead, and also for good luck, mostly health and happiness for those members present and those not present. For this coming year anyway, we have decided to cut down on our meetings, by not having a meeting in January, as usually with the weather so bad, and trying to recuperate after the holidays, not very many members do show up this particular month. This will still give us nine (9) meetings a year, since there are no meetings in July and August. We also had election of officers at our December meeting and party, and all the officers were unaminously re-elected; Kay Yuratovac, President; Ann Fike, Vice-President; Agnes Walters, Treasurer; Louise Epley, Secretary; Gloria Dusek, Recording Secretary; Mildred Roberts, Reporting Secretary. I know I speak for all the other officers when I say we shall try to do our very best in every way for not only our own branch, but the Union as a whole. We would also like to suggest at this time, that if any of our members, can and also feel like they would like to participate with a donation to the Slovene Home for the Aged, that whether it be a dime or a dollar, it would so very much be appreciated; I was more or less put in charge of this project (which time I will be only too glad to give for such a worthy project), so please if you can, mail your donation to me, Mrs. Mildred D. Roberts, 4880 Green Rd., Warrens-ville Hts., Ohio (44128), and you can rest assured that such donations will be taken to the Slovene Home in your names. Don’t forget ladies our annual card party in April (the exact date I can’t give you as yet) To all the members of our branch, and all the branches, our very best to you and yours for the coming year and always. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 77, NORTH SIDE, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 hope this year had a happy and healthy beginning for each of you. My hope then, is that, your health and happiness continue throughout 1973. In December we had our Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Fortun. Those who atte n d e d were Mrs. Chrnart, Mrs. Conway, Mrs. Fortun, Mrs. Gramc, Mrs. Marenzel, Mrs. Mur-phey, Mrs. Paulovkin, Mrs. Pecjak, Mrs. Simonevitch and Mrs. Strauss. We all had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Fortun had her home decorated beautifully for the holidays. We exchanged Christmas gifts, had refreshments and played our favorite game. During the meeting all the incumbent officers were re-elected. They are Treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Conway; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Minka Chrnart; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Marie Strauss; President, Mrs. Betty Ann Murphey. The 1973 meeting are scheduled for April 11, May 9, June 13, October 10, November 14, December 12 these are the second Wednesdays of the meeting months. Our meetings will be held at St. Marys Lyceum, 938 Chest Street at 8 o’clock. When a member passes away we will meet at the funeral home the day before the funeral at 1:30 to pray for the deceased. We will have two high masses offered for the deceased member. Our llvwi \Visli«vs lo All! FORTUNA FUNEKAL HOME .VMii Fleet Ave. Ml 1-0044» CLEVELAND. 01190 In the May issue watch for the article about our Mother-of-the Year, Mrs. Mary Pecjak. At this time we all would like to thank Mrs. Mary Fortun and Mrs. Mary Marenzel who have, in the past, allowed us to hold our meetings at their homes. Thank you ladies, very much! Happy Valentines Day to all our members and their families. BETTY ANN MURPHEY, President No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Mary Mihelich welcomed ten members into her home for the January 7 business meeting. Our winter’s second heavy snow fall and freezing weather kept many away. First order of business it was announced we have new members in our branch. In our adult section we have; Francis Peterson, Mary Barquist, Monica Podolok, Mary Christaincy and Bella Wolfe. New additions to the juniors are the four Sleigh girls, Staci, Kelli, Whitney and Marti. It is always nice to gain new members and we welcome each and every one of them. We look forward to the future years of friendship with all of you and those we acquire through you. Francis Ramshak was beaming with pride with the announcement of a brand new Grandson born just before Christmas. Mother is Francis’s daughter, Linda Giles, one of our .Junior members. Mary Barquist one of our new members announced that the Spring Social put on jointly by local lodges is scheduled for May 6, 1973. Once again we will take part in it and join in for the fun. Tickets should be available by April. Following the business meeting Mary Mihelich served the birthday cake we surprised her with honoring her 80th birthday. We all hope to be that cheery and active when we are 80. She in return surprised those present with some of her delicious lemon strudel. We enjoyed a nice visit the remainder of the afternoon. The next meeting is scheduled at Mary Mihelich's again on April 15, 1972 and we hope for better weather. It will be pot-luck dinner and members are encouraged to bring their families. See you all then! DOROTHY SLEIGH Reporter No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. Your reporter will begin this report with apology. This is quite late as it should have been sent in right after Quite sadly we announce the passing of our dear mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother and member of Zveza. Jennie Snoznil nee Erzen who left us on October 14, 1972 at the age of 85 years. She was born at Tomazetu in Nova Oselica, Gorenjsko, Slovenija on August 18, 1887. When she came to America, she met Andrej Snoznik whom she married at St. Mary Assumption Church in Pittsburgh and celebrated her anniversary every fourth of November. She was well-known for the beautiful handmade rugs which she made, for her wit and good humor, and the helping hand she extended so readily. She is survived by sons Andrew, Fred, Archie and Albert, and daughters Jean Oswalt, Sophia Burke, Katie Hec-ker, and also by 16 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. After Mass of the Resurrection at St. Januarius Church which her now deceased son Frank helped to build as a labor of love, she was buried at Riverview Cemetery on Lincoln Road in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, beside her husband who preceded her in death. We thank all our friends and relatives who were so very gracious to us during our bereavement. THE SNOZNIK FAMILY our November meeting, but the truth is, it completely slipped my mind. Maybe we should have a younger reporter who doesn’t forget so easily! Oh, well, better late than never. Our November meeting was important in that we decided not to hold any meeting in December and January. Our group gave a donation of $35 to St. Cecilia’s church, and a gift of $10 to our new spiritual advisor, Fr. Rudolph Pakiz. We also voted to give a small gift to our shut-in members, Mrs. Pauline Stish and Mrs. Elvina Lueck. A Christmas greeting was also sent to Fr. Thomas Stack, now of St. Anthony’s in Ely. At the election of officers the same slate was decided by acclamation: President, Mary Zakrajšek, Vice-Pres-ident, Anne Mazar, Financial Secretary or Treasurer, Christine Meyer and Recording Secretary, Kate Stimac. We played cards with guests following the business session. Mrs. Mae Weldon and Mrs. Mamie Pansino served a delicious lunch. Our next meeting is this month of February. ANNE MAZAR Reporter No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Well, I do hope that all the members had a very happy holiday season with their loved ones. And, let’s start our new year of 1973 with better health and that goes with other things such as our branch, No. 91. Members, I am asking each and everyone to start to pay their dues for 6 months, no less, and 50c. extra in advance or 12 months and $1.00 extra. This is necessary and I hope each member will cooperate, please! Now, I have some more and better news. We will have a new secretary. God bless her, she is none other than our dear Jennie Flisek. Oh, yes, her mother was our member for many years and she is Mrs. Jennie Zorada of Fontana, Calif. Hello, Jennie! So, please members, try to understand we are trying to have our branch continue out here in spite of having so many elder members who don’t attend the meetings, yet don’t wish to transfer to other branches. So, please do your part. Our dear secretary of the past, Amalia Sorch, is back in the hospital, so do send her a card! West Penn Hospital, Friendship Ave. Pitts., Pa. And, mark down Mrs. Jennie Flisek’s address: 721 3rd St. Oakmont, Pa. 15139. Well, I think this will be my last report. So, to all, a very happy and healthy new year. ANNA KASTELIC Pres. & Rep. No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Amid biistery north winds, rain and snow 90 members and guests dropped by to renew the warmth of cherished friendship that keeps the shine on our Christmas Party year after year. The yuletide theme throughout the room was highlighted by a decorated Christmas tree with gifts grouped around its base. Refreshments were served from a table decorated in a Christmas motif by Emma Yergovich social chairman, assisted by Irene Evans and Virginia Kwiatkowski who made all of the center pieces for the tables and Irene made all of the favors. I can only say that the spirit of good will offered by these three ladies who willingly sacrificed their time will be cherished by all of us. Warmly and profoundly we say "thank you” for your generosities and considerations. After the delicious yule dinner catered by Marge Doherty, yours truly introduced the Sacred Heart Croatian Tamburitza Kolo Group under the direction of John Gornick and Edward WASHINGTON DINNER DANCE COMMITTEE TAKES A BOW! Left to right: M M Mmes. M. Podborsek, A. Cigale, ' .......................... Ivanka Antolin, Miss Lydia Bevec, Mmes. Jana Be- .. vec, Mary Mejac, secretary, Molly Thomas, vice-president, Becky L—s------------------------- Nagel, Miss Tillie Ausich, recording secretary and Mrs. Mary Michelitch Our seventh annual dinner-dance was held on Saturday the eleventh of November and we are pleased to announce that it was a success socially and financially. A special thank you is due Mrs. Mary Mejac and Mrs. Mary Lou Terselic for their untiring efforts in initiating the Planning of this event and for the excellent team-work Provided by other members involved in helping to bring g to the music of Mr. Frank Baloh and his trio from Franceskovich, who presented a program of Christmas carols. The evenings festivities were concluded with Santa Claus distributing Christmas Sifts to the members in attendance. The following members made do-nations which were given: Emma Yer-Sovich, Irene Evans, Virginia Kwiat-kowski, Eva Cora, Rosemary Sudar, Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred Poropat, Ann Kompare, Marge Pavletič, Che st ra ^raczyk, Rose Winters, Virginia Pilarji, Carrie Plebanski, Francis Sea-bloom, Mrs. Wacker, Helen Golich, Matilda Svalina, Yours Truly and last Jef nnetta, Pennsylvania. Our new member was his handsome son, Frank Baloh, Jr. We deeply appreciate their support and loyalty given us. We wish to commend Mr. Stan Susterich for greatly increasing our attendance by cordially inviting members of The Catholic Alumni Association of Washington, D.C. and having around forty members show. We were pleased to see Diana Moffitt and Kay Parsons returning with their husbands and friends. We wish to thank Kay for adding to the program with her fine singing. Seated at the table with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomas (Molly), our Vice President, and son, Rusty, were a group of fellow Minnesotans. Among those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fink, Jr., Marie Chacich Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Childers, Commander and Mrs. Frank Jerich. We became aware of them as they began to win our prizes. We hope that they will come again next year. We were fortunate again in being able to have the delightful children of the Antolin and Bevec families help us with the serving and other activities. We are very grateful to Mrs. Antolin for bringing her children such a distance. FREDA MICHELITCH, President but not least Krapils Hitching Post donated stauettes from Greece. Cash donations by: ($4) Matilda Svalina, ($3) Matilda Turica, ($2) Katica J'ako-vich, Francis Perpich, Julia Drzal, and Matilda Grepo, ($1) Rose Ballock and Fran Seabloom. At this time I can’t think of nobody on earth whom you have made happier than myself, as President and friend all of you personally can anticipate many special graces and rewards from our redeemer. May God Bless You All! I was especially delighted to see so many of you sufficiently recovered from your illiness to attend our Party, and to those who have been hospitalized, Rose Kmeta, Manda Spehar and Evelyn McNulty who has had her siege of illness, our prayers and get well please! Birthday Greetings to the following celebrating in February: Anna Vecich, Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozyn-ski, Helen Zee, Julie Hansen, Louise Dolan, Ann Hlacar, Benedicto Marino, Mary Provich, Carrie Plebanski, Lyuba Brunski, Rose Mary Cacich, and Sylvia Mitchell. See you all at our next meeting, when we will have something planned for you. MILDRED JAMES 13 p. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: ZAKAJ IMAJ ŽIVIM? Viktor Franki, univerzitetni profesor in zdravnik je skušal zdraviti duševno bolne ljudi po neki novi metodi. Uporabljal jo je posebno pri ljudeh, ki so si hoteli vzeti življenje s somomorom. Postopek, ki ga je pri tem porabil skuša dati ali vrniti človeku smisel za življenje. Kaj mislimo s tem nam pokaže naslednji primer. V profesorjevo predavalnico so pripeljali 22 letno dekle. Končala je medicinsko šolo in se specijalizirala v kozmetiki. Imela je lepo službo. Imela je prijateljico in veliko oboževalcev. Pa ji vse to ni bilo zadosti. Zadnje leto je postala sama zase zaprta in kaj malo zgovorna. Vse bolj se je oddaljevala od ljudi in hotela biti sama zase. že trikrat je skušala vzeti življenje. Dr. Franki jo je skušal rešiti s svojo novo metodo. Vrniti ji je hotel smisel za življenje. Dekle je stopila v dvorano. Gledala je v tla in se je No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Another Christmas party has come and gone and as usual, our ladies outdid themselves in the food department. They just go along their merry way preparing eye-appe a I i n g and mounth-watering edibles, not caring that they have a weak-willed reporter on a diet: turning me free around the strudels is like turning loose an alcoholic in a liquor store. Oh, well, back to the diet until the next pot luck dinner! We had many guests at our Christmas party and the prettiest one of all was Andrea Elizabeth Harley, born Nov. 5th, 1972, who was being shown off by her very proud grandma, Dorothy Petrich. Sincere belated birthday felicitations are wished to the following members; Pres. .Jean Kurilich, Ursula Gorišek, Christine Filips and Mary Lou Videgar and a special and blessed birthday is wished for my dear mom, Louise Pieri. Happy returns of the day and many more to them. Christine Pierman and husband, John, have returned from their tour of Yugoslavia, Josie Squok and her husband, Tony are back home after visiting Spain. They're friends of mine find time to travel across oceans; I do good to make it across the street! Some day, I am going to surprise myself and take a trip somewhere, preferably to Chicago where I can visit with the dear friends I’ve known since childhood. I regret to tell you that Mary Eva-nich is on the sick list. We are all wishing you well, Mary, and hope to see you soon at the meetings. God bless each and everyone whose eyes fall upon this column. May they all enjoy happiness and good health; when you have one you automatically have the other blessing. See you next month, God willing. Sincerely. EDITH DRAWENEK zdelo, da je globoko zamišljena. Ni se ozrla po dvorani. Dr. Franki jo je povabil, naj sede. Sedla je v naslanjač. Spraševal jo je o poklicu, o starših, prijateljih, šefu, zdravju, poklicnem delu, zabavi, zaposlitvi in še celo vrsto drugih stvari. Končno jo je vprašal: "Zakaj pa pravzaprav živite?” Sedaj je dekle dvignila glavo, pogledala dr. Franklu v oči in rekla: “Zakaj živim? Saj to je glavno vprašanje. Zakaj živim? Oh, če bi vedela, zakaj naj živim in se trudim. Vsak dan delo. Mogoče poroka. Potem otroci. Potem zopet delo. In potem? Vse to nima smisla. Za to se pa res ne splača živeti če naj se vločem vse življenje tako naprej, je najboljše vse takoj končati”. Dekle se je razburila. To je za živčno bolne nevarno. Dr. Franki je odredil, da jo takoj odvedejo v njeno sobo. Nato je dejal zbranim slušateljem: "Zvedeli smo za osrednje vprešanje ne samo bolnega dekleta temveč vsakega človeka: Zakaj naj živim. Na to vprašanje je treba dati odgovor. če ga ni življenje nima smisla. In brez smisla človek neve zakaj živi”. Le vera nam da na to odgovor. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C., Election of officers was held at our December meeting. Miss Matilda Ausich, our very capable and affable Recording Secretary, used her ingenuity making our election simpler by providing individual ballot sheets with the listed name of the person you chose. The following officers were elected foe 1973: President, Freda, Michelitch; Vice President, Mollie Thomas; Secretary, Mary Mejac; Treasurer, Mary Lou Terselic; Recording Secretary, Matilda Ausich; Program Committee: Mollie Thomas (Chairman), (1) Becky Nagel, (2) Matilda Terselic, (3) Mary Lipar. Auditors: (1) Matilda Podborsek, (2) Mary Lipar, (3) Mara Chokel. Hostesses: (1) Dora Voyatzis, (2) Ana Černelč. ! It was decided not to have our meeting in January because of conflicting Holiday activities. Our next meeting will be in February at which time we will have installation of officers and a social afternoon for families. Mrs. Matilda Terselic, Program Com-mitte Chairman, then presented Mrs. Mary Evelyn Dashiell who introduced us to a new “Funcraft” called “Bow-tique” creations. Everyone seemed to enjoy making Christmas pins and Christmas decorations. We would like to remind everyone that a Slovenian Mass is held on the first Sunday of each month at the National Shrine in the Slovenian Chapel, Our Lady of Brezje, at 11:00 A.M. If any member of our Sister Branches are in town and would like to attend, we would be pleased to be of assistance if possible. Best wishes to all for a Healthful and Happy New Year. FREDA MICHELITCH, President D 0 P I S i ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Na sredi zime vidimo zakaj Slovenci pravimo "Starka Zima”. Vse kosti nas bolijo od mraza in neprestenega kašljanja, da se počutimo kakor starčki. Kar tolažimo se s tem, da smo vsak dan bližje topli pomladi. Kar težko je pisati poročila, ker se mi zdi, da kar smo pri naši podružnici delali decembra pač ni več novica. Spodbudo mi dajajo druge odbornice, ki pravijo, da moram ostalim podruž. povedat kako napredujemo. December je bil res društveno živahen. Letošnja božičnica je bila prav prijetno drugačna. Nobenemu ni bilo treba nositi daril, obdarjene smo pa bile vse z okusno, pristno slovensko večerjo. Naša tajnica, Fanika Humar je sprožila to misel, naročila potrebno hrano katero sta gospe Zibert in Zorko izvrstno pripravili. Pravijo, da ne pisati kaj smo jedle in pile, ampak kaj smo naredile, pa se mi zdi, da tokrat lahko tudi to omenim. Mlada dekleta, naše članice, so nanosile na mizo telečjega ajmohta in ajdovih žgancev, za “dessert” pa flancate gospe Pavlin. Večerje se je udeležilo okrog 80 članic, kar je res lepo število za mrzel, zasnežen zimski večer, članice, ki so žrtvovale veliko časa in dela, da so vse najlepše uredile zaslužijo naše priznanje in zahvalo. V nedeljo, 17. dec., smo imeli božičnico za naše otroke. Tudi ta je lepo potekala. Otroci so videli kako praznujejo Božič drugje po svetu. Vsak narod ima nekaj svojega nakar je lahko ponosen. Prav Je, da vzgajamo svoje otroke, da ne zanemariajo navad svojega naroda, prav pa tudi, da vidijo dobre stvari v navadah drugih in, da vse spoštujejo. Za lepo obdarovanje otrok je poskrbela Liz Zefran. Njen sin, Ron, je bil imeniten Santa Claus. Lepa hvala (Nadaljevanje na st. 16) J MARIE ZVEZINA ČLANICA JE CERKEV POSTAVILA! Gornji naslov ni popolnoma točen, ker ena oseba ne more zgradbe postaviti, a gospa Gizella Hozian, članica podružnice št. 2 v Chicagu, je s svojo idejo, skrbjo, potrpežljivostjo, iznajdlivostjo in šestletnim neumornim delom dosegla, da ima vas Gornja Bistrica v Prekmurju, Slovenija, iepo novo cerkev. Vrh tega je z njenim sodelovanjem bila lani izdana lična knjižica SAD LJUBEZNI DO BOGA IN DOMOVINE, kjer gospa Hozian opisuje, kako je prišla na idejo postaviti rodni vasi kapelico, kjer bi se brala maša vsaj parkrat v letu, da bi se je starejši ljudje lahko udeležili. “Leta 1966 sem bila na obisku v rodni domovini”, piše gospa Hozian.” Neke nedelje sem se udeležila cerkvenega opravila v črensovcih, ko je takoj po maši pričelo ztlo deževati. Naložila sem v svoj avto ljudi, da bi vsaj nekateri prišli suhi domov. Ko sem se hotela vrniti, da grem po druge, je dež prenehal in prišlo mi je na misel, da bi filmala dolgo procesijo vernikov, ki so se vračali od maše, mokri in blatni, saj je cesta polna kotanj in je bila takorekoč ena sama luža od črensovec do Gornje Bistrice. Prvi so prišli mopedisti, za njimi kolesarji, oboji mokri od dežja in blatni do kolen, nekateri celo po hrbtu. Potem so se vrstili pešci z dežniki, pa tudi brez njih, kakor je pač kdo računal na vreme. Nazadnje so prišli stari ljudje s svojo počasno, utrujeno hojo, saj zanje ni bila šala hoditi po taki cesti v slabem vremenu in to dobro uro hoda do cerkve in ravno tako daleč nazaj. Ta dolga procesija mi je segla v dno duše. Ves dan sem jo imela pred očmi in tisti večer se je pogovor sukal le okrog tega. Moja gostitelja, Ivan in Terezija Horvat Sabo, sta me pričela nagovarjati naj prosim svoje prijatelje v Arneriki, da bi pomagali na Gornji Bistrici postaviti večjo kapelico, v kateri bi vsaj parkrat na leto bila sveta maša in bi se je mogli udeležiti tudi stari in onemogli ljudje. Obljubila sem, da bom na moje prijatelje apelirala, čeprav sem se zavedala, da je v Ameriki vedno vse polno zbirk in da ni lahko nabrati večjo vsoto denarja. Ko sem se vračala nazaj v Ameriko, sem nosila s seboj novo skrb, kako ljudem pomagati, da bi jim ne bilo treba nedeljo za nedeljo hoditi tako daleč v cerkev.— Od doma so kmalu pričela prihajati pisma, ki so me opominjala na mojo obljubo.. .” Gospa Hozian je nato pri svojih sorodnikih, prijateljih in onih, ki so bili rojeni na Gornji Bistrici pričela “tipati”, ce bi bili dostopni za pomoč, da se v njih rodni vasi zgradi kapelica, ki bi omogočila službo božjo tuintam v letu. Spoznala pa je, da za kapelico ni bilo pravega navdušenja. "Če bi že nekaj zidali, naj bo cerkev in ne kapela! Za cerkev bodo navdušeni stari in mladi, za kapelo pa ne”, Je bilo splošno mnenje. “Skoro bi mi sapo zaprlo”, pravi gospa Hozian.” Kje bomo vzeli toliko denarja, da bi postavili cerkev?”. Ostali, navdušeni za novo idejo, so takoj pri-°6l'i računati, kje po svetu živijo rojaki iz Gornje Bistrice, ki bodo pomagali. Prišlo je do izvolitve gradbenega odbora. Gospa Hozian je prevzela težavno in odgovorno delo tajnice in šla takoj na delo. Razposlala je stotine pisem. Pošta je šla Po vsej Ameriki, v Kanado, Avstralijo, Nemčijo, Avstrijo, Portugalsko in seveda tudi v Slovenijo. Rojaka, Štefan in O^ga Copot, živeča v Chicagu, sta v Gorniji Bistrici lasto-\/ano zemljo takoj podarila za novo cerkev. Prispevki so pričeli od povsod prihajati. Ideja o kapelici je vzcvetela v idejo za cerkev, ki je pod spretnim vodstvom gospe Hozian :n z navdušenim delom njenih sorodnikov, prijateljev in drugih rodoljubov, končno postala istinost. Tudi domovina se je zganila. Navdušenje za novo cerkev je bilo veliko. Obljubljena je bila finančna pomoč, pa tudi rokodelska. Vse je zbiralo, vse pomagalo. Novica, da bo v Gornji Bistrici postavljena cerkev je šla od vasi do vasi, da je končno vso Prekmurje zvedelo o tem dogodku. V svoji knjigi je gospa Hozian navedla številna važna pisma glede dovoljenja cerkvenih oblasti za zidavo cerkve in pisma naslovljena na domačine iz Gornje Bistrice, živeče na vseh koncih sveta. Navedla je imena in vsak velik ali Mrs. Gizella Hozian, voditelica nabirke za novo cerkev. mali dar, ki ga je kdo prispeval, kakor tudi resultate prireditev podane v namen nove cerkve. Tako popolnega poročila o kaki zbirki še nisem videla. Faranom Gornje Bistrice vse Zvezine članice prisrčno čestitamo! Ponosne smo, da je naša članica bila voditeljica ideje in zbirke, ki jim je omogočila njih lasten božji hram. Knjiga SAD LJUBEZNI DO BOGA IN DOMOVINE, poleg drugih podatkov vsebuje tudi mojstersko spisano zgodovino Bistric v Prekmurju in njih cerkveno pripadnost. Zgodovinar -profesor Ivan Zelko. Izkupiček od knjige - cena $5.00 - je namenjen za cerkveno notrajnost, ki še manjka. Naroča se pri: Mrs. Gizella Hozian, 7631 North Knox Ave. Skokie, III. 60076 Čestitamo podružnici št. 2 v Chicagu k izvrstni ideji in velikemu podvzetju, zahtevajoč mnogo poguma in odgovornega dela, ki ga bo prinesel njih koncert 4, februarja, kjer bo nastopilo 74 gostov iz domovine. Program bo vseboval petje Slovenskega akademskega zbora ter Folklorno plesalsko skupino France Marolt. To bo njih prvi nastop med Slovenci v Ameriki. Program se bo vršil v najlepši dvorani mesta Chicago, ORCHESTRA HALL, ki ima nad 3,000 sedežev. Goste iz domovine prisrčno pozdravljamo ter želimo mnogo uspeha! PRISLAND , TA SVET v 'Jtteli AlcVenAka peAem C haAem mA tu! Dobrodošli pevci in plesalci iz Slovenije! Pozdravljena ti naša ljuba slovenska pesem in vi mladi ljudje, ki jo prinašate in gojite! še enkrat opozarjam vse, katere nas druži naša beseda, naši predniki ali zgolj ljubezen do glasbe, ne zamudite te edinstvene priložnosti, ko bodo lepe slovenske melodije donele z odra, kjer se že dolgo let vrstijo umetniki vsega sveta. Slišali bomo pesmi vseh krajev naše ožje domovine: Rož, Podjuna, Zila do prekmurskih, od Triglav moj dom do Venturinijeve božajoče Nocoj pa oh nocoj. Plesalci nam bodo predstavili svoje široko znanje iz narodne zakladnice: Gorenjskih, Rezijanskih, Prekmurskih in Belokranjskih običajev v živem ritmu in lepo pisanih narodnih nošah. Upam, da ne bo manjkala nobena članica Slov. ženske zveze, ki le moro na nogt. KAMPANJA V POLNEM TEKU Kakor bi trenil, bo minilo dva meseca, kolikor je še ostalo časa za vsako od nas, ki se pomerjamo za prvo mesto, še je čas doseči najvišje priznanje, ki ga bo podelila naša Zveza tisti, ki bo poslala največ prijavnic v tej kampanji. ŽENA LETA pa res ni kar tako brez pomena! Vsaka ima še dovolj priložnosti se kosati za ta naslov. Pridno poprimite in ne čakajte zadnjega trenutka! Dobrodošle glavne odbornice na letnem zborovanju v Chicagu! Februar, Valentinov mesec ljubezni je kakor nalašč za zborovanja in v tem znamenju bomo pričele temeljite priprave za razgibano pomlad, ki bo dosegla vrhunec na konvenciji v našem mestu. Pri podružnicah, katere še niste izvolile svojih poslank, storite to februarja in imejte pri tem v mislih bodočnost naše organizacije! Izvolite članice iz svoje srede, ki bodo kar največ doprinesle s svojo prisotnostjo na konvenciji! FANIKA HUMAR, gl. tajnica vsem, ki so pomagali. Sedaj ko boste poslale asesment, Odlašem in odlašem s poročilom o pošljite kar na moje ime: Sophie Ma- volitvah za novi odbor, ker je kar težko povedati, da so vse lanske in predlanske odbornice ostale. Ni prav, da se vedno zanašamo na iste ljudi za delo. Organizacija trpi, ker so nekateri preobremenjeni in ker mogoče zmožni ljudje ne dobijo priložnosti, da bi doprinesli h skupnosti. Na februarskem sestanku bomo praznovali sv. Valentina. Upam, da se bomo takrat videli. KRISTA ARKO ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, O. Naša podr. je imela letno sejo dne 10. dec. 1972 v navadnih prostorih. Sprejeta so bila pravila za naše društvo, ki bodo v veljavi za leto 1973. Naš odbor za leto 1973 je nalsednji: za predsednico ostane Anne Markovič, podpreds. Phyllis Čermelj, nova tajnica in zapisnikarica Sophie Magayna. Nadzornica: Millie Novak. Ker ni bito na seji Steffie Koncilja, upamo, da bo vseeno sprejela mesto nadzornice še za to leto. Vratarica je naša dolgoletna čla. Jennie Koren. Naša dosedanja tajnica, Mary Cam-loh, ni več prevzela, bila je tajnica 16 let in se lepo zahvali vsem članicam; saj ste res dobre, da pridete vedno na pomoč. Vem, da bo Mary tudi meni pomagala v tem letu. Seje bomo imele, kakor po navadi, vsaki drugi mesec, drugo nedeljo ob drugi uri popoldne v navadnih prostorih Slovenskega Doma na Holmes A ve. gayna, 315 E. 284th, Wiltowick, Ohio 44094. Moj telefon je: 943-0645. Upam, da vam bom tudi jaz tako dobro postregla, kakor vam je Mary Cam-loh. Letos smo izgubile 9 članic: Ursula Elovar, Mary Prdak, Lucy Glavač, Josephine Starman, Louise Ulle, Frances Skubic, Josephine Mervar, Theresa Kodelja in Frances Jaklič. Naj jim bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Frances Jaklič je umrla en teden pred Božičem. Žalujočim ostalim sorodnikom naše sožalje. Lepo se zahvalim tudi vsem našim članicam, ki gredo za pogrebom in v cerkev ter na pokopališče: Anne Markovič, Mary Camloh, Josie Šuštaršič, Louise Fabec, Jtosie Brusich, Millie Novak, Mary Komidar. Te so res pridne in zveste članice, naj bo slabo vreme ali ne, dostikrat se ne počutijo prav dobro, pa vseeno pridejo na pomoč. Jaz jih pa šofiram. Hvala vsem! Lepo se zahvalim tudi drugim, ki pridejo na seje in upam, da za leto 1973 vas bo več na naših sejah. Rade se spomnimo in molimo za naše bolne članice. Naj jim Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje, ki je največ vredno na tem svetu. Po seji smo praznovale Božičnico in imele smo mali prigrizek. Sedaj pa vse lepo pozdravljam in želim vam veseli Srčni dan, dne 14. februarja. SOPHIE MAGAYNA ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Božični prazniki so za nami in začeli smo novo leto. Vsem članicam želim, da bi ga srečno preživele in vse podružnice Slovenske Ženske Zveze, da bi imele mnogo uspehov. V lanskem letu je smrt posegla med naše vrste in pobrala več naših članic. V tem času je resno bolana Mrs. Mary Štefančič z 200 Str., katero priporočam v molitev. Bolane so tudi Mrs. Marold in Mrs. Sedmak, želimo, da jim Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje. Mrs. Kog in Mrs. Mary Smrdel sta tudi bile prepeljane v Dom ostarelih na Neff Rd., ker si niso mogle več same pomagati doma. Ta večer je nanovo pristopila k društvu Agnes Mahnič. Dobrodošla! Za letošnjo konvencijo Zveze sta bile izvoljene tajnica, Vera Bajec kot delegatinja in Mary Iskra, namestnica. Sklenjeno je bilo, da ostanejo v veljavi dosedanji predpisi: za naše častne članice, kadar katera umrje, bomo šle moliti in k sv. maši in za vse druge članice, bomo opravile molitve na dan pogreba zjutraj in šle k pogrebni maši. Naš piknik bo kakor lani na Šuštar farmi enkrat poleti. Vabljene vse članice, da pridite na seje v večjem številu, ker tega večera je bila udeležba bolj pičla. Pripeljite kaj novih članic, da ne bo društvo pešalo. V gud tajm blagajno so darovale: Mrs. Čebulj, Mrs. Eržen, Mrs. J'akob, Rose Klemenčič in Mrs. Maršnik. Hvala vam vsem. Naj vam Bog povrne na vašem zdravju. A. SUSTAR ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, W1S. Na naši glavni seji v decembru smo imele lepo udeležbo. Enoglasno smo zopet izvolile dosedanji odbor. Hvaležne smo, da so vse odbornice malogo zopet velikodušno sprejele. Dokler imamo tak odbor, vemo, da bo naša podr. št. 17 v vseh ozirih napredovala. Razpravljale smo o delu in načrtih za leto 1973. Najprej o konvenciji za državo Wis., ki bo pri nas v W. A. Enako smo razmotrivale kako bomo proslavile našo 45 letnico obstoja. Seveda smo razpravljale tudi glede priporočil za dobrobit cele Zveze, kar se bo sklepalo na vsedržavni konvenciji v Chicagu v mesecu maju. Ko smo vse dolžnosti seje zaključile, smo z radostjo presenetile našo predsednico, Marion Marolt, ki zvesto deluje v odboru že celih 25 let. Bila je zelo presenečena in do solz ginjena, ko so ji članice pripele krasni šopek (orchid) ter ji izročile darila, katere je tako zvesto zaslužila. Hčerka Robin ji je izročila prelepo poinceto ter tudi naredila mali nagovor. Marion: niso se lesketale solze samo v Tvojih očeh, ampak so se tudi v naših, še enkrat prisrčne čestitke naši marljivi predsednici! Hvala lepa za trud in delo, k; si ga storila za naše društvo zadnjih 25 let. Hvala vsem, ki ste pripravile in napekle vsakdanjih dobrot, da smo se vse tako izvrstno zabavale. Naj omenim posebno zahvalo Mrs. Mary Petrič, ki je spekla in okrasila torto. Prisrčna hvala, Mary! Dekleta: kako bi bilo lepo, ako bi se v večjem številu udeleževale sej. Koliko bolj zanimivo in živahno bi bilo, ako bi bila obilnejša udeležba. Skušajte, saj ni res tako hudo, kar privaditi se je treba, to sem se prepričala jaz sama. 2 uri vsak mesec za Zvezo pa res ni preveč. Ob koncu se tudi jaz osebno zahvalim, ker ste me izvolile za častno mater leta 1973. Naj še omenim, da se je naša bolna članica, Mary Koster preselila na novi naslov: St. Camilkis Health Center, 10100 W. Bluemound Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. Obiskujte jo, kakor tudi druge bolne članice. Vsem želimo zdravja ter božjega potrpljenja v težkih urah bolezni. MARY MURN ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Na naši letni seji dne 16. dec., je bila lepa udeležba. Vesele smo bile, da je bila prvič navzoča ses. Theresa Simutawski, čeprav je hudo zaposlena v svoji trgovini z jestvinami, kot se vidi iz njenega oglasa in Christmas greetings, katerega vsako leto obnovi. Hvala Ti za vse, Theresa. Vesele smo bile imeti med nami tudi ses. Mary Udovich, ki je bolj slabega zdravja in živi precej oddaljena pri hčeri v Mt. Iron. Bila je skupaj s sestro Jennie Bizek. Tako smo bile vse skupaj vesele ob zaključku leta. Ob dveh pop. je ses. preds. Katherine Pollak pričela sejo z molitvijo ter vse lepo pozdravila in voščila za praznike in Novo leto. Ses. Lenart je prebrala lep zapisnik z enakim božičnim voščilom. Potem je podala letno poročilo taj. Lenich, ki se vsem prisrčno zahvali za udeležbo, ker ta dan je snežilo in bilo je ledeno, vendar se čla. niso Ustrašile. Enako je vsem voščila praznike podpreds. ses. Vesel Smith, ki je oddaljena, vendar se rada odzove. Poročale so nadzornice, ses. Zadkovec in ses Jennie Zupets z božičnimi voščili. Tajnica poroča, da smo v tem letu izgubile 8 članic, katere nam je pobra-ia neizprosna smrt. V nursing home iniamo več članic: ses. Setnikar, Intihar, ki je letos tudi dopolnila 90 let, Potem je Rose Elarsich, Mary Jurja-vich, Mary Mihavtz in Carlino Ober-star. Več clanic se zdravi doma. 5 mladih članic se je poročilo to leto. Vseh naših umrlih sester smo se spomnile z molitvijo ter se udeležile obredov ob krsti in pogreba. Naj bo vsem lahka gruda in božji mir. Družinam naše globoko sožalje! čestitke so bile izrečene zlatim nevestam ob priliki 50 letnice zakona in te so ses. Pollak, meni in ses. Danici Bayuk in možu Joe. Ses. Pollak ima 2 hčeri pri Zvezi in Bayuk ima tudi hčerko v mlad. oddelku. Vsem še mnogo srečnih zakonskih obletnic. Po zahvali vsem, ki rade darujejo v blagajno, so bile volitve odbora za to leto 1973. Ves odbor je bil ponovno izvoljen. Seje se bodo vršile dvakrat na leto in to v maju in decembru. V nujnem slučaju se skliče posebna seja. Drugi zaključki so vsi zopet potrjeni. Sklene se, da se seje vršijo pri taj. Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Med nami je bil tudi mladinski član, Anton Menart, sin zapisnikarice. Vse skozi nam je igral lepe božične pesmi in poskočne slovenske komade. Vse smo ga rade poslušale in mu želimo mnogo upsehov v igranju. Potem so pa nanesle na mizo vsakovrstne dobrote ter tudi kafetka in kapljice ni manjkalo. Imele smo potice 3 sorte, krofe, flancate, cake in sendviče. Miza je bila lepo okinčana z jaslicami in svečkami. V prijetnem domačem razpoloženju smo preživele lepe trenutke in si v tem duhu voščile ena drugi vesele praznike in zdravje v novem letu. Seveda smo tudi zapele naše lepe božične melodije. Na seji smo tudi čestitale naši zelo nadarjeni ses. Mary Lushene Charnow-ski, ki je načeljevala banki v Biwabiku, a je to mesto odstopila, ker je bila izvoljena na važno mesto članice okrajnega dobrodelnega odbora (County Welfare Board), želimo ji mnogo uspehov na tem položaju. Žal se naš duhovni svetovalec, g. župnik Perkovich zaradi prezaposlenosti ni mogel udeležiti seje. On je sam duhovnik na fari in je zelo zaposlen z obiski bolnikov. Poročam tudi žalostno vest, da nas je za vedno zapustila v nov. ses. MARY STEBLAY, ki je zadnje čase bila v domu ostarelih. Rojena je bila 1891 v Sloveniji, v vasi Breg pri Ribnici, po domače so rekli pri “Koprilovi”. V Ameriko je prišla 1907 leta. Bila je skrbna mati svojim otrokom in dobra žena možu. Njena priljubljenost je bila izpričana z lepo udeležbo pogreba. Njeni otroci so pridno skrbeli za njo do zadnjega. Pogrešali jo bodo ne samo otroci in družina, ampak tudi številni prijatelji, posebno tudi čla. št. 19, ker je bila naša zvesta sestra in bila vedno pripravljena pomagati. Zelo nam je težko poročati izgubo članice, ampak smrt nič ne izbira. Ona je pre- stala vse zemeljsko trpljenje, kar nas še čaka. Družini izrekamo globoko sožalje, Ti pa draga sestra počivaj v miru božjem. Lahka ti naj bo ameriška gruda. Dne 21. dec. pa je zatisnila njene oči ses. MARY STEMAC, ki je tudi živela v Arrowhead domu. Rojena je bila v Sloveniji leta 1886 ter dosegla visoko starost 86 let. Poleg Zveze je bila članica drugih društev ter posebno je bila ponosna, da je bila ena izmed "Gold Star Mothers”. Za njo žaluje mož Joseph, hčerki Rosy in Anna, 2 sinova, 11 vnukov in 5 pravnukov. Dva sinova sta padla v drugi svetovni vojni. Ses. Stemac bo pogrešana pri vseh, ki so jo poznali, posebno seveda pri družini in med članicami št. 19. Dobro sestro ohranimo v najlepšem spominu in molitvah, žalujočim iskreno sožalje! Ob zaključku voščim vsemu gl. odboru, duhovnemu svetovalcu in vsem članicam št. 19 in širom Amerike zdravo in blagoslovljeno leto 1973. MARY LENICH, taj. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Srečno in zdravo Novo leto Vam vsem članicam in Vašim družinam, želimo vse od odbora naše podružnice. Bog Vam daj vsega, kar je potrebno v Vašem življenju. Imam takoj v začetku poročati žalostno vest, da je po daljši bolezni bil poklican v večnost soprog naše dolgoletne članice, Mary Vertin, prej se je pisala Patric iz. N. Broadway. Bill ali William je bil tukaj dobro poznan in priljubljen. Poleg žalujoče žene zapušča tudi dva sinova in mnogo ostalega sorodstva. Naj v miru počiva, ostali družini pa naše sožalje. Ob času tega mojega poročila, je v bolnici naša dolgoletna čla. Sofie Korevec, druge so med tem časom doma na okrevanju. Tajnica Olga Ancel poroča, da se je med odbornicami nabralo $12.00 in $3.00 je prispevala podr. za pok. Mary Lešnik, kar se je v njen spomin darovalo v Zvezin šolninski sklad in se je poslalo tajnici sklada. Hermine Dicke. Podpreds. Josephine Muster poroča o lepem dobičku pri skupnem ženskem odboru za letno cerkveno prireditev, kjer je sodelovala tudi naša podr. Preds. Emma Planinšek tudi priporoča knjižice, ki se prodajajo za delno kritje stroškov delegatinj za Zvezino konvencijo, ki bo letos v maju v Chicagu. Knjižice je prejela iz glav. urada in ves dobiček gre podr., poleg tega bo srečna oseba prejela nagrado in katera proda največ knjižic bo tudi nagrajena. Ker je Zveza dne 19. dec. praznovala svoj jubilej ustanovitve, smo vse navzoče poslale kartico z lastnimi podpisi naši ustanoviteljici, Mrs. Prisland in ji čestitali k njeni dalekovidnosti, da je postavila temelje Zvezi. Čeprav je tega večera bilo slabo vreme, je vendar udeležba bila dobra. Članice tudi čestitajo taj. Olgi An-cel za njeno mladinsko kolono v Zarji, pod imenom “Regina”. Tajnica priporoča članicam novo povečano izdajo kuharske knjige “Woman’s Glory”, kakor tudi knjige ustanoviteljice Marie Prisland "From Slovenia to America”. Nato smo se spomnile vseh bolnih članic. Posebno pogrešamo tudi vestno čla. Anna Mahkovec, ki več ne prihaja na seje zaradi bolezni. Mrs. Mahkovec pošilja zahvalo za našo pozornost. Preds. opozori članice, da imamo sedaj seje ob pol drugi uri mesto ob drugi, kakor dosedaj. Med poročili odbornic, omeni nadzornica Emma Nosse, da je pristopila v Zvezo leta 1935 in je vesela, da je članica. Door prize je dobila Anna Fandek, listek je dvignila Lorraine Ruth. Pri volitvah je bil izvoljen ponovno ves ostali odbor. Povišanje plač je bilo odklonjeno, ker imamo med letom mnogo pogrebov in drugih stroškov in se to upošteva. Po seji je nastopil naš mladinski krožek: Marie Ancel, Rosanne Ruth, Darla Marquart in Joyce Walczak, ki je predvajala lepe božične pesmi s svojim ljubkim glasom. Ves božični program je bil pod vodstvom taj. Olge Ancel. Po izbranem petju naših članic, je sledil prigrizek raznovrstnih dobrot. Servirale so odbornice. Kinčanje miz in malega odra so opravile Olga Ancel, Emma Nosse, Millie Pucel, Theresa Marentich in Theresa Muhich. Sledil je "gift exchange” in Theresa Gosack je podarila door prize. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo 18. febr. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 23, ELY, MINNESOTA V torek dne 12. decembra je naša podružnica št. 23 priredila izredno dobro večerjo v cerkveni dvorani, kjer imamo tudi naše mesečne seje vsaki drugi torek v mesecu ob 7:30 zvečer. Večerja je bila za vse senior članice prosta. Vsi ostali udeleženci pa so plačali po $2.00 na osebo. Imele smo prav lep večer in naša Mary Hutar, bivša organistinja, je vodila petje. Vse navzoče so bile vesele in smo se prijetno pozabavale v domači družbi. Lepo je, da imamo dobre in aktivne odbornice in članice. V januarju pa smo imele našo glavno sejo. Odbor je bil ponovno izvoljen ves, kakor za prejšnje leto: Preds. Mary Shikonja, tajnica Barbara Rosandich, zapisnikarica Mary Folio in nadzornice: Mary Zgonc, Mary Dijak in Mary Tol-jan. Želim, da bi prišle če le mogoče vse na naše seje, ker me starejše potrebujemo razvedrila. Ni dobro sedeti vedno doma in to večinoma same. Veselo in zdravo leto 1973 želim iz vsega srca vsem, ki berete našo priljubljeno Zarjo. S pozdravom, FRANCES S. JENKO ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Leto 1972 je za nami in nastopno leto nam prinaša polno upanja za lepo bodočnost naše organizacije. Ženske, zavedajmo se, da imamo odlično organizacijo Slovenske Ženske Zveze, zato moramo vse storiti, da bo lepo napredovala. Kakor so naše prve ustanoviteljice gledale za napredek in so vse svoje hčerke vpisale v društvo, tako naj tudi drugi rod skrbi, da bo mladina v naši Zvezi, ki bo tako lepo rastla in napredovala v članstvu in gmotno. Bodite ponosne, da ste včlanjene v lastni organizaciji SŽZ in ker smo starejše opešale, zato prosim, da bi mlajše poprijele in doprinesle svoj delež za bodočnost Zveze. Pri naši podr. gre še kar lepo naprej. žal ne moremo več tako napredovati kot pred leti, ker mlajši rod gre bolj v predmestja. Sedaj imamo naše članice raztresene vsepovsod, vendar naša fara gre kar lepo naprej. Pri Sv. Vidu eni odhajajo, drugi prihajajo, svet se spreminja, vendar imamo v naši šoli lepo število 700 otrok. Pri naši podr. bomo letos praznovale našo 45 letnico obstoja. Proslava bo 14. oktobra, 1973. Podrobna poročila bodo sledila. V zadnjem letu nam je umrlo 13 članic, katere bomo težko nadomestile in te so: Rose Erste, Mary Krasna, Agnes Klemenčič, Theresa Spilak, Johanna Mervar, Mary Lovrin, Sophie Renko, Mary Lokar, Ernestine Perše, Anna Grajs, Theresa Anžur, Frances Champa in Mary Jereb. Bog jim daj večni mir in pokoj. Sedaj vas vse naše dobre članice prosim, da bi priskočile na pomoč in pridobile kaj novih članic, ker v maju bo naše konvenčno leto in 45 letnica naše podružnice. Samo malo dobre volje je potrebno, pa bo šlo z božjo pomočjo naprej. V tem letu bo potrebno tudi pregledati naše mladinske članice, da bodo prestopile v odrasli oddelek, ker je samo do 25 leta v mlad. razredu. Naše uradnice so kar še vse po starem, ker vse tako dobro delajo, da nobene ne pustimo ven. Naše seje so ponavadi drugo nedeljo ob 2 uri pop. v šoli sv. Vida. Pridite, je prav luštno na sejah. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam, MARY OTONIČAR ŠT. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Ko pišem te vrstice je že prvi dan novega leta 1973, zato želim vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam zdravja in srečo vse dni! Na dec. seji je bilo navzočih veliko članic, žal smo pogrešale vse one, ki zaradi starosti ali bolezni ne morejo biti z nami. Naša aktivna preds. M. Bostian svetuje, naj pridejo članice vse leto v tako velikem številu na seje, da tako z vašimi nasveti pomagate za napredek podruž. ter cele org. SŽZ. V teku je predkonvenčna kampanja za nove članice. Prosimo, da bi pripeljale na sejo v marcu in aprilu vsaka vsaj eno novo članico. Za častno mater tega leta je bila izvoljena zelo aktivna Anne Rosman iz Ivan Ave. čestitamo! Odbornice so vse po starem, imamo [»a novo blagajničarko, Alma Ep-pich V Miller Ave. Tajnica, Jos. Co-menshek, Re. 1-8698 želi, da plačate asesment ob pravem času, da potem nima sitnosti opominjati po telefonu, ali pa hoditi na dom kolektati. Kadar čla. umrje, pridite k molitvi ter se udeležite pogrebne sv. maše, posebno če je pri sv. Kristini, ali drugod v vaši bližini. Zaradi tega smo že precej novih mladih članic dobile k naši podr. Ako mora čla. v bolnico, sporočite to naši podpredsednici, C. Žnidar, ki ima na skrbi, da pošlje Get Well, ali pa Simpaty karte. Dne 22. dec. je preminul Herman Volpi, mož naše članice, Mary. V imenu vseh članic izrekam iskreno sožalje! Kadar imate vesele, ali žalostne novice, dajte nam vedeti, ker rade pišemo, če zvemo pravočasno, ker ste nas za to leto zopet izvolile kot poročevalko v angleščini A. Tekavec in A. Godlar v slovenščini. Prihodnja seja bo 21. marca ob 7:30 v Slovenskem Društvenem Domu na Rechar Ave. in vsako tretjo sredo v mesecu. Januarja, febr., julija in au-gusta ne bo seje. Po končanem zborovanju smo imele prav lepo Božičnico z vsemi raznovrstnimi dobrotami, katere so članice prinesle in tudi iz blagajne smo dodali. Hvala vsem, ki ste pomagale k uspehu! Bilo je tudi mnogo lepega petja slovenskega in angleškega, saj so božične pesmi tako lepe. Mesto izmenjave daril, smo vse skupaj darovale $100 za Slovenski starostni dom na Neff Rd. Sedaj so že zavzeti tudi novi prostori. Slovesna otvoritev bo pa spomladi. Pozdrav vsem! A. GODLAR ŠT. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Staro leto je za nami in smo sredi zimskega časa. Sedaj imamo več časa 23 premišljevanje kaj smo naredili v zadnjem letu in če smo kaj napredovale v korist podružnice in Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Na decemberski seji je bilo poroča-no> da smo pridobile 7 novih članic v preteklem letu. Umrle so pa nam 4 članice. Bog jim naj bo dober plačnik in naj jim sveti večna luč. Na letni seji smo se res dobro ime-le- Naša tajnica A. Kozjan nam je Preskrbela prav okusno večerjo, za kar li velja najlepša zahvala, saj je mno-truda s tem ter ona vedno rada deluje v korist podr. Tudi lepa hvala naši sestri, Mrs. Rosi černi za dobro kapljico, da smo se vse lepo ogrele, članicam tudi velja naša zahvala, ki so nam prinesle vsakovrstno pecivo. Enako tistim, ki so vse lepo opravle in servirale. So res pridne, da rade Pomagajo. Ne moremo se pa pohvaliti glede sprejema dela v uradu. Ko je bila volitev novih uradnic, se vsaka izgovarja ln nobena noče prevzeti odbora. Saj res ni tako veliko delo, da ne bi mogle 'zvoliti odbora. Naše starejše članice s10 tako ponosne in vedno rade prihajale redno na seje, toda med mladino J€ malo zanimanja za društveno delo. Mlade bi se morale bolj zanimati, da bi šlo naprej. Jaz kot predsednica in Podpreds. sem že 40 let, vseskozi sem irnela veselje do dela v korist SŽZ, toda sedaj sem že v visokih letih, ko človek ni več za take stvari. Bila sem na 5 redni konvenciji v jjjaju 1939, ki se je vršila v Chisholm, Minnesota in tudi moja mlajša hčerka Albina je zastopala drill team in je Se^ai podpredsednica. Tudi moja stanjša hčerka, Agnes Buchar, je bila zadnje leto poročevalka. Upam, da se °do tudi vse druge malo bolj pozani- tT,ate, pa bo zopet veselje prihajati na seje. Ob koncu mojega dopisa pa voščim zdravo in veselo leto 1973. Vsem °lnim pa ljubega zdravja. Pozdravlja, AGNES JANČAR, predsednica ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO Načele smo novo leto, čeprav vse nicStarem *'ru P0Si°vanJa pri podruž- leto je konvenčno leto SŽZ. Iz • urada smo prejele precej knjižic, p1 Ji*1 je potrebno spraviti v gotovino. I^° ruc*ite se vse članice, da priložite asesmentu tudi "podobico z Abraha-t ?J° slikco" $1. Dobitkov je 13, torej ^"ko bo zneslo $500. S tem bo podano delegatinji za stroške na kon- vencij0. Glavna letna seja je za nami. Imele smo se prav dobro. Udeležba je bila obilna. Sestra Vlček je prinesla lepa darila in še nekaj drugih, katera imena bodo poročana na seji. Dale smo jih na številke in s tem podprle gla-gajno. Prav lepa hvala vsem! Enako se zahvalim vsem, ki so prinesle pecivo in za priliti te gorke špage. Od zadnjega mojega poročila so izgubile svoje drage može: Frances Lozier v Idrani, Stephanie Novak, Carolina Mauser in Victoria Williams. Sestre Frances Miklič in Mary Prosen sta izgubile dragega brata; Mary Seme hčer, Mary Vitkovitz sestro. Vsem imenovanim naše iskreno sožalje ob teh žalostnih dnevih. Spomnimo se jih z molitvijo. Sprejele smo novo družabno članico, Mary Prosen. Dobrodošla v naš krog! Želimo vsem bolnim sestram ljubega zdravja. Vsem, ki so praznovale rojstne dneve v novembru, dec. in januarju pa kličemo “Happy birthday”! Še na mnoga leta vsem! Bilo bi jih preveč vse imenovati, toda v mislih imamo vse. Sedaj pa prejmite moje srčno voščilo za novo leto in želim, da bi ostale vse zdrave in vesele ter prihajale redno na naše seje. Pozdrav, JENNIE PUGELY, tajnica ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Zaradi hudo mrzlega in ledenega vremena, v decembru nismo imele volitve, ampak smo jih preložile. Božične praznike smo v naši cerkvi sv. Družine prav lepo obhajali. Za lepo slovensko in angleško petje so se izredno potrudili naši cerkveni pevci pod vodstvom Don Lipovac, posebno pri polnočnici in pri deseti maši. Vsa čast jim. Za okinčanje oltarjev in lepo urejenih jaslic, pa hvala Rev. H. Mejaku in čestitim sestram sv. Frančiška iz Lemonta, ki so vse tako lepo uredili. Ravno danes, dne 28. dec. 1972 je bil v sosednem mestu, Independence, Missouri z vsemi častmi položen k večnemu počitku veliki mož našega časa, 33-ti predsednik Amerike, HARRY S. TRUMAN. Dosegel je visoko starost 88 let. Kot sin farmarjev, se je s svojo pridnostjo, razumnostjo in vztrajnostjo povzpel do najvišje časti, President of USA. Bog mu daj večni mir. Njegovi ženi in hčerki ter vnukom naše sožalje. Nagle smrti je tudi preminul 57 letni samec, Mr. Edward Požek, ki zapušča 2 brata in eno sestro. Naj mu sveti večna luč. Preostalim naše sožalje. Na lepi Marijin praznik, je po dolgem bolehanju mirno v Gospodu zaspal, Mr. Joseph Dercher, soprog naše članice Effie Dercher. Za njim žaluje tudi sin in 2 hčerki, vsi poročeni ter 2 vnuka, kakor tudi 4 sestre: Sister M. Loretta, ki je pri naši župniji in sister Maria pri župniji Sv. Janeza in 2 poročene sestre in 2 brata, kakor tudi številne bratrance in nečake, čeprav je bil tu rojen, vendar se je vedno zanimal za slovensko stvar in ko je Ie+a 1964 bila tukaj konvencija ABZ, jo jo kot predsednik društva Sv. Jurija, lepo pozdravil po slovensko. Naj mu sveti večna luč in sorodnikom naše sožalje. Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Peter Gergič, ko so zopet dobili novo vnukinjo, pri najmlajši hčerki. Sedaj imajo 12 vnukinj in 4 vnuke. Iz New Yorka jih je obiskala hčerka Delores s soprogom. Mrs. Gergič je naša dobra članica. Dne 23. dec. nam je kazal lepe filmske slike iz naše krasne Slovenije, Roman Possedi iz Chicaga. Te filme je izdelala naša slovenska potovalna agencija, KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL iz Clevelanda, ki organizira izlete v domovino. Slike so bile posnete v Ljubljani, Škofji Loki, planinah in raznih drugih slovenskih krajih. Potem so še igrali naše poskočne slovenske polke in valčke z Joe Ružič-em do pozne ure. Obema prisrčna hvala, kakor tudi Kollandrovi pisarni za prelepe filme iz Slovenije. Končno pa želim srečno leto 1973 vsem glavnim uradnicam in članicam Zveze. ANTONIA KOSTELEC, poroč. ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Na naši decemberski seji je bila lepa udeležba. Dobro bi bilo, če bi članice redno prihajale v večjem številu na seje. Na dnevnem redu je bila volitev odbora za leto 1973 in soglasno so bile sprejete vse prejšnje uradnice. Največ smo ukrepale, kako bi pridobile kaj novih članic. Seveda imamo težave, ker naša naselbina je majhna ter je težko dobiti nove članice. Imamo tudi dve Jednote, ki imata svoje dvorane in kegljišče kar je za nekatere privlačno. Obhajale smo tudi božičnico ter imele za vse članice door prizes, katere je darovala tajnica Lucy Smith. Upam in želim, da bo za vse to leto polno zdravja in veselja. Lepa hvala naši urednici Corinne Leskovar za odlično urejeno Zarjo. Želim njej in njeni družini vse najboljše, posebno ljubega zdravja v letu 1973; enako lep novoletni pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam v upanju, da nam bo to leto prineslo mir po celem svetu. MARY TOMSIC Preds. Financial Report - Finančno Poročilo, Dec., 1972 1 $106.85 182 66 80 5.15 9 — n £. 260.10 414 211 81 14.80 30 — Nine years ago Regina made her 3 245.00 252 159 83 8.20 17 — debut this month and during that first 4 — 12 — a 84 — 45 3 year each of my children were intro- 5 — 94 17 a 85 34.30 38 2 duced. The eldest daughter Vera was 6 44.35 98 16 86 — 19 — then described as one whose life was 7 45.20 86 43 88 23.00 52 8 “filled with school, homework, phone 8 — 40 — 89 29.60 68 25 calls, hospital volunteering, knitting, 9 — 20 2 90 16.05 43 10 sewing, swimming, canoeing, Girl 10 118.00 283 18 91 26.45 44 9 Scouting, teasing, arguing, loving, hat- 12 66.85 158 60 92 16.35 25 1 ing, experiencing emotional ups and 13 — 107 29 93 20.95 52 3 downs. Solicitous and indifferent, she 14 143.95 289 28 94 — 6 — joins other teenagers in being com- 15 86.60 185 7 b 95 360.15 189 24 e plicated, moody, unpredictable, often 16 90.80 148 73 96 22.20 43 — b self- centered and at times madden- 17 39.15 153 92 97 5.45 13 — ing”. i rf 19 47.85 100 17 99 5.55 14 — Our second daughter Nadine was 20 — 350 98 100 31.20 47 14 "born with a deep, conscientious 21 65.35 118 49 101 23.80 32 9 concern for others, tenderhearted for 22 16.00 15 — c 102 58.70 34 2 f those less fortunate. Through her wor- 23 105.95 215 47 14 c risome nature she is an ulcer-cultiv- 24 67.50 120 50 103 31.30 22 ator. She longs for happiness among 25 307.45 573 145 105 18.35 30 6 all fellowmen. Her childhood vocation 26 53.90 106 23 106 12.70 23 3 was nursing and thus in an excellent 27 38 2 baby-sitter. Doing things for others 28 41.50 70 27 $3,970.95 7,887 2,285 keeps her happy.” 29 9.95 24 4 The years flew by and alas this past 30 10.80 9 — Remarks: Pd. in Nov. a; November summer and fall our household was 31 41.50 80 29 b; Dec. & Jan. c; Nov. & Dec. d; Oct. exceptionally busy with the many 32 82.35 146 69 Nov. Dec. e; Jan. Feb. Mar f. necessary preparations leading up to 33 119.05 186 151 two very important days. The sewing 34 19.25 36 4 Income - dohodki Dec. 1972: machines stitched up all the gowns; 35 31.20 52 35 1 Assessment: $3,970.95 the invitations, thank-you notes and 37 — 19 mass book covers were silk-screened 38 39.55 106 — Interest: 2,510.43 in the basement. Original prayers and 39 19.80 42 7 Rent: 210.00 songs of their choice were included 40 56.75 105 2 Miscell: 400.00 in the mass books. The first wedding 41 70.90 182 29 Tax Deposit: 26.60 42 — 48 1 43 104.75 170 77 Total: $7,117.98 Office Rent 75.00 45 18.80 39 11 Stationary & advert. 124.58 46 26.40 58 8 d DISBURSEMENTS - STROŠKI Tfeleph. 24.11 47 55.80 103 37 DECEMBER 1972 Donations 85.00 49 — 28 50 51 151.65 242 15 60 Claims paid - izplačilo zavarovanja: Total: $5,879.89 Balance Nov. 30, 1972: $566,394.08 52 30.95 51 21 Br. 3, 1 Crances Chorak $100.00 December Income 7,117.98 54 26.80 53 38 Br. 5, J’ulia Zupančič 100.00 55 30.50 56 18 Br. 10, Theresa Kodelja 100.00 $573,512.06 56 40.20 91 7 Br. 10, Frances Jaklic 100.00 Dec. Disburs. 5,879.89 57 32.90 58 16 Br. 13, Anna Derganc 100.00 59 28 Br. 14, Mary Jazbec 100.00 $567,632.17 61 5 Br. 16, Katherine Zlogar 100.00 Real estate depreciation: -500.00 62 22 Br. 20, Agnes Grosley 100.00 63 90 20 Br. 20, Mary Lesnik 100.00 Balance Dec. 31, 1972: $567,132.17 Br. 25, Mary Jereb 100.00 64 65 66 38.20 32.60 42 41 57 1 23 21 d Br. 26, Katherine Zunic Br. 33, Frances Kaplenk 100.00 100.00 FANIKA HUMAR gl. tajnica 67 68 39.85 37.95 68 59 8 24 Br. 45, Anna Matulec 100.00 Br. 52, Br. 56, Alberta D. Russo Katherine Milinovich 100.00 100.00 JUNIORS’ CHRISTMAS PARTIES 70 — 14 3 Br. 59, Rose A. Vajentic 100.00 Branches that held Christmas par- 71 59.20 119 37 Br. 73, Mary Rivacuk 100.00 ties for junior members are asked to 72 22 - - Br. 88, Anna Loncar B 200.00 send in the number of juniors present, 73 56.15 101 68 Br. 95, Jennie Gaspar 100.00 the date and kind of party held, to Salaries - plače 1,062.77 the Home Office at your earliest con- 74 26 1 Administration 892.52 venience. The S.W.U. contributes 25c. 77 20.55 43 29 F.I.C.A. Tax 55.26 per junior member attending the year- 79 — 32 13 Zarja 1,560.65 ly party. FOR TH E YOUNG AT H EART color schemes were orange, while those of the second were lavender, carried out in the floral arrangements, decorations and even the tablecloths at the receptions. All along the way there were many generous helpful hands for which all of us were very grateful. And the wedding bells rang loudly, clearly and happily. Rain greeted us the morning of Saturday, September 2, and ended about midafternoon. At the 12:30 ceremony in St. Joseph’s church Vera became the bride of AIC Richard Lyle Muir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walton E. Muir of 214 E Rohlwing Road, Palatine. The celebrant was the parish assistant Rev. Charles Van Doren. Cecil Muir, an uncle of the groom, was lector and Victor Pucel, cousin of the bride, was the servor. Another cousin of the bride, Janice Ruth, was the organist, while friends of the family were the singers and guitarists. Vera’s dress was made of polyester seersucker with an Empire waist and three-tiered skirt trimmed with lace. Completing her ensemble was a white picture hat and she carried a bouquet of roses, daisies and baby's breath. The bridesmaids wore seersucker dresses in an orange, fuschia, brown plaid and orange picture hats with fuschia ribbon trim and carried bronze mums. The bride and groom escorted to the altar by their parents were attended by all their sisters and brothers. The maid of honor was Nadine; bridesmaids included Carita and Marie, as well as Lori and Jeannie Muir and Teri Kouchoukos, a friend of the bride. The best man was the groom's brother Ned and another brother Douglas was an usher along with Joseph and Andrew Ancel and Peter Petersson and Michael Naughton, college friends of the groom. After a reception in the parish park ball, the couple left for Denver, where the groom attended school at Lowry Air Force Base for five weeks. He then Proceeded to Castle Air Force Base, Merced, California until Thanksgiving, during which time Vera came home to hfelp with her sister’s wedding. Following Nadine’s wedding Rich flew to the Air Force base in Bitburg, Germany where his bride will join him *or a three-year stay. Vera is a graduate of St. Francis cademy, while Rich is a graduate of alatine High School. The newlyweds are both graduates of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, receiving m degrees in Art Education and Electrical Engineering Technology. Vera is on the faculty at Romeoville Junior High. Snow greeted us the morning of Saturday, November 25, and lingered around most of the day. At the noon ceremony in St. Joseph's Church Nadine became the bride of Michael D. Damitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Damitz Sr. of 58 Llewellyn Place, Staten Island, New York. The celebrant was the parish assistant Rev. Charles Van Doren. The bridegroom’s cousin, Christian Brother Robert Laub was lector, while Andrew Ancel, the bride’s brother, served as acolyte. The bride’s cousin Janice Ruth was the organist and members from the Folk Group of St. Pius X Church in Lombard sang and played guitars. Nadine's sister Marie was in charge of the mass books distribution. Nadine’s dress of polyester crepe had a jewel neckline, high waisted front bodice, gathered front skirt, flared back with a slight train and long jeweled trimmed sleeves. Completing her ensemble was a jeweled Juliette headpiece and floor-length veil. She carried a nosegay of pink roses, yellow daisies, lavender mums and baby’s breath. The bridesmaids wore gowns of polyester crepe with lavender bodices and floral skirts and carried nosegays of white daisies and lavender mums. The bride and groom were escorted to the altar by their parents. Carita was her sister’s maid of honor; bridesmaids included Vera Ancel Muir, her older sister, and college friends Mrs. Nancy Sexton and Carlotta Olson. The bridegroom chose his boyhood friend from Staten Island, Thomas Whitehouse as his best man. Ushers were his college friend Bruce Hattem-er, the bride's brother Joseph and the groom’s brother Joseph Jr. The reception was held in the Rialto Building. A graduate of St. Francis Academy, Nadine is presently a senior at Loyola University school of Nursing, Chicago. Michael was graduated from St. Peter’s High School and the Loyola University school of Business. He is a marketing representative for the Mobil Oil Co. in Chicago. During his High School and college days he was a member of the track teams. In 1967-68 he won New York state's hurdle-track championship. The newlyweds reside in Chicago. Our family was not decreased by LOVE GO ’ROUND! Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Muir Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Damitz two but actually it was increased and enriched by two fine and loving sons-in-law and their families. My husband Ed and I pray that God bless our newlyweds with His choicest blessings. And may the peace of Christ dwell always in their hearts and in their homes. Your friend, REGINA FRANC G0R3E % SI UD IA SLOVENICA P.O. 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