OGLAŠAJTE V NAJBOLJŠEM SLOVENSKEM ČASbPlSU ★ Izvršujemo vsakovrstne tiskovine NAKOPR EQUALITY NEODVISEN DNEVNIK ZA SLOVENSKE DELAVCE V AMERIKI ADVERTISE IN THE BEST SLOVENE NEWSPAPER Commercial Printing of All Kinds VOL. XXXVL—LETO,XXXVI, CLEVELAM), OHIO, FRIDAY (PETEK), MAY 29 1953 ŠTEVILKA (NUMBER) 106 MICHAEL ANZLIN Kakor smo včeraj poročali, Je preminil na svojemu domu Michael Anzlin, p.d. Dolnji Jer-Gejov, stanujoč zadnjih 28 let tla 712 E. 156 St. Družina je zivela v collinwoodski naselbini ^^dnjih 50 let. Delal je 33 let PH New York Central železni-zadnjih 15 let pa je bil v poboju. Doma je bila iz StaVča vas M Žužemberku, odkoder je pri-^Gl v Ameriko leta 1899. Bil je društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 ^SKJ, in društva Dvor sv. Ma-št. 1640, katoliških boršt-'la.rjev. Tukaj zapušča hčer Mrs. Mary Glinšek in sina Michael ml., ^uk Joseph Glinšek se pa nahaja od februarja meseca na Japonskem. V Trebča vas za-kišča pa sestro Ano Murn. Po-^^eb se vrši v ponedeljek zju-tfaj ob 9.30 uri iz Grdinovega lake Shore pogrebnega zavoda, 17002 Lake Shore Blvd. v cer-^(Gv Marije Vnebovzete, in nato ^ družinsko grobnico na pokopališče sv. Pavla. MA.UKO JURATOVAt llmrl je Marko Juratovac, star let, stanujoč na 72,06. Lock-Vear Ave. Doma je bii iz zumbe-^ka, odkoder je prišel v Ame-.'iko leta 1910. Bil je član dru-^tva št. 22 HBZ. Tukaj zapušča soprogo Frances in tri sinove: Mark ml., in Peter. Pogreb se je vr- danes zjutraj ob 9.30 uri iz ^olubovega pogrebnega zavoda, 47 , St. in Superior Ave., v '^rkev sv. Pavla ter nato na poki Л4 opališče Calvary. ^DREW PUŠKARICH Kakor smo včeraj poročali, je ^^gloma preminil na svojemu Andrew Puškarich, stanu-na 14504 Darwin Ave. Star bil 59 let. Doma je bil iz ^^estovac, Jugoslavija, odkoder prišel v Ameriko pred 40 leti. je član društva Svoboda št. ^5 HBZ, Int. Brotherhood of ^oilermakers ter Iron Ship J^ilders & Helpers of America. ()greb se vrši v ponedeljek zju-^aj ob 10. uri iz pogrebnega za-^0(Ja Mary A. Svetek, 4.78 E. ^^2 St., v cerkev Marije Vnebo-ll^te ob 10.30 uri in nato na po-'^Pališče Calvary. ^ank grlica , ^ Lake County Memorial bol-^iŠnici je snoči umrl poznani . ^апк Grlica, ki ima že dolgo 5 svojo farmo v Perry, Ohio, odlegel je srčni kapi, ki ga je j^QUM, a big package seller in all drug stores at 15c now available and sold through our coin operated dispenser at 5c. Chlorophyll is nationally advertised in newspapers,, magazines radio, television, etc. Terrific demand created high repeats. Need conscientious dealer in this area to service stops, refilling and collecting money. No selling. Requires 5 hours weekly spare time, good references, car and $640.00 operating capital to secure inventory and territory. Earnings up to $100.00 weekly on spare time basis and if work proves satisfactory, we will assist in financing to full time route with $10,000.00 income a year potential. Include phone number in application. Write: BOX 8511 EQUALITY 6231 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio Oglašajte v Enakopravnost Popolnoma brezplačno En 20 funtov težak paket za poiiljko V JUGOSLAVIJO ALI AVSTRIJO kateremu vašemu sorodniku kot vi določite Ml PRESKRBIMO SLEDEČE PREDMETE, JIH SPAKIRAMO IN ODPREMIMO TER PLAČAMO POŠTNINO: 2 % 3 3 funta kave funta čaja funta kakava funte čokolafie 2 funta sira 4 funte keksov 3 funte riža 2 funta salame 2 funta mila 25 klin za britje 1 us 200 ar nylon nogavic 200 cigaret VSE TO PRESKRBIMO MI BREZ. VSAKE SKRBI IN DELA ZA VAS. Z vsakim nakupom plinske ali električne peči, pralnika, televi-zijskega apayata, ledenice, sušilca, kuhinjske opreme ali drugega večjega komada pohištva, bomo za vas odposlali en 20 funtov težak paket z zgornjimi predmeti. Za podrobnosti pridite k LOUIS FURNITURE CO. vogal E. 130 St. in Union Ave. in vprašajte za Slovenca CHARLES BASA USTANOVLJENO 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam ločno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 6106 ST. CLAIR AVENUE BOLJŠI gradbeniki domov izberejo MONCRIEF NAPRAVO ZA GRETJE in PREZRA6ENJE Preko 25 let . . , 2e več kot četrt stoletja si prizadevamo, da si ustvarimo spoštovanje s pozornostjo, pazljivostjo in poštenim poslovanjem ter z vljudno postrežbo. ' Svečano dostojna postrežba! Naj si bo vaš proračun $150.00 ali več Vi izberete—Vi sami določate ceno ali koliko hočete izdati. Mi uživamo ugled in priznanje—javnost šteje naš pogrebni zavod, nase podjetje med naj odličnejše in najboljše opremljeno v Clevelandu. o*** kriawM* mwrnuk. Louis Ferfolia Funeral Home LOUIS L. FERFOLIA DONALD L. MRS. L. L. FERFOLIA, LICENSED LADY ASS 9116 Union Ave. at E. 93 St. Tel.: MI 1-7420 DRY^OUT'in on ADMIRAL! Daal-Тшр If, Get An Exciting New 1953 Model ; SUB-ZERO FOOD FREEZER MOIST COLD f REFRIGERATOR Г"^? IT ™ " J s Х«>л*чДХЈ2алАл>иУ ■ФШШ gy.;:,;,. Model 12CI5—Dpcil-T*mp—n.2 ca. fl. II cu. ft. modeiji with tingle door, oito avoilable 1* Get This Spacious Sub-Zero Food Freezer Holds up to 77 lbs. of frozen foods, gives the coldest cold of any refrigerator with temperatures down to 52 degrees below freezing. Lets you stock up when perishables are plentiful, quick-freeze them and store safely for months to come:* 2* Get This No4)efrostiiig1loist-Cokr Refri^titor Big moist-cold compartment iwovides a cool, dewy, garden-fresh atmosjdiere that keeps all foods appe-tizii^g fcar days on end. There's no drying out, | No wilting. No mingling of odors or flavors in an Admiral Dual-Temp. Foods at your fingertips, too, with new slidii^ shelves! o GLACIER BLUE INTERIOR Round comers for easy cleaning 9 CONVENIENT DOOR SHELVES Also Butter Conditioner, Extra-Deep Crlspers O SEPARATE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS One for Sub-Zero Freezer, other for Moist-Cold Compartmeni Admiral DUAL-TEMP No Defrosting ., . CVEftf OTHER ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS PRICED FROM $189.95 AND UP OBlAK FURNITURE CO. 6612 ST. CLAIR AVE. HEnderson 1-2978 'TRAN 1 ENAKOPRAVNOST Dr. Marij Avčin; DOM—VARNO ZAVETJE Kakšen je pravzaprav dom, kakršnega pojmujemo kot varno zavetje, otroku ? Zakaj mora imeti otrok dom in varno zavetje v njem? Odgovor ni lahek. Mar je dom le bogatejše ali skromnejše opremljeno stanovanje ali trdna kmečka hiša? Mar je to vzgoje-vališče za otroJke-sirote, ki jim ni bilo dano živeti s starši. Prav gotovQ ni same to tisti "dom," ki ga potrebuje otrok za duševni razvoj. Dom je tisto prijetno, toplo, svojstveno vzdušje, ki bi ne smelo manjkati tam, kjer naj bi se povoljno vzgajalo otroka. Otrok mora poleg vsega tega videti, občutiti in doživljati živi, zreli lik svojih staršev, kateremu skuša približati tudi svojo lastno podobo. V domačem vzdušju, v zavetju doma, pa se mora počutiti otrok tudi varnega, če hočemo, da bo dom lahko z vsemi ugodnimi vplivi oblikoval mlado osebnost. Zakaj? Kmalu po prvem letu se otrok telesno in duševno že toliko razvije, da shodi, prične govoriti, presojati in čustvovati. Zlasti pa se pojavi pri otroku vroče zanimanje za vso okoUco. V sli po spoznavanju, prične otrok vpraševati, kar imamo odrasli pogosto in po krivici za preveliko radovednost ali celo nevzgo-jenost. Pred tem obdobjem, ki ga imenujemo tudi "beg iz gnezda," je teklo otrokovo življenje varno: v košarici, postelji, stajici, ob materinem krilu. Zdaj je drugače. Bodisi s starši, bodisi sam, odkriva otrok nova okolja, nove "svetove." Tu mu prete številne nevarnosti, tu doživlja presenečenja in odkriva krutost. Vseh teh pojavov pa njegova preprosta, komaj porajajoča se duševnost, še ne more prav razumeti in pravilno pojasniti. Ob novih opazovanjih in spoznanjih, ga polnega pričakovanja doletijo nevšečnosti, bolečine, strah. Kam naj se zateče? K materi, k očetovi močni roki. Tam se bo počutil varnega, v domu bo prešel strah in izginila negotovost. Novo spoznanje pa bo obrodilo bogat sad. Recimo: naš malček, morda mestni otfok, je poznal doslej psa le od daleč ali po podobi iz slikanice. Tam je bil pes upodobljen kot dobrodušna in prijazna žival. Zdaj vidi otrok psa ma cesti. Potegne ga za rep ali ga poboža. Zgodi se nekaj, česar otrok ne razume in ne pričakuje. Žival, ki je morda kdaj prej doživela kakšno otroško surovost, vme našemu malčku kar so zakrivili drugi, čeprav jo je hotel le opazovati in se igrati z njo. Posledica sta strah in občutek negotovosti, ki pa kmalu preide-ta v toplem domačem vzdušju. In drug primer: morda smo na otroka preveč pazili. Vedino smo bedeli nad njim in ga prav do šolske doba povsod vodili za roko. Nikamor ni smel sam; ne med otroke, ne na cesto, ne na r ( GOOD NEWS! OUR SAVINGS INTEREST RATE DOUBLED 0 year* Effective from July 1, 1953 ■Formerly 1% v WE WELCOME YOUR SAVINGS MEM8M FEDERAL DEPOSIT INWRANCE CORPORATION igrišče. Velik je in močan, nima pa pravega poguma. Ko pridrvi-jo dečki iz šole, dobi s torbico po glavi. Ne brani se ne prvič ne drugič, saj smo ga zmerom Učili češ, "kar umakni se." Nespretno in šibko se brani šele pred tretjim zamahom. Poražen joka od (bolečine in sramu. Otroci imajo veselje s tem, da ga zasmehujejo in izzivajo. Pride domov in potoži. Ob očetu, ki ga bo poučil, kako, naj ravna, da bo prihodnjič drugače, se bo čutil varnega in se mu bo povrnila samozavest. In odrasli? Mar tudi mi ne iščemo v domu varnega zavetja? Kolikokrat smo preutrujeni, bolestno razpoloženi, morda razžaljeni in ponižani. Doma se spo-čijemo, razvedrimo se ob otroškem smehu, zberemo ob toplem pogovoru in se pomirimo ob ljubečih kretnjah. Človek torej zrase s svojim domom, in to toliko bolj, kolikor toplejši, prijetnejši in varnejši je bil ta dom ?a otroka. Kaj pa otroci brez staršev, ki živijo morda pri tujih ljudeh ali po domovih za osirotele otroke? Takim otrokom sta domačnost in toplota še bolj potrebni. Tudi oni morajo imeti občutek varnosti. Tega bi ne smeli nikoli pozabiti, zlasti, ker se rado zgodi, da smo prav s temi otroki strogi, hladni, puščobni, mračni in pristranski. Vzgojitelji morajo tem otrokom nadomeščati starše. Njihova odgovornost, da se bodo otroci, ki so jim zaupani, razvili v zdrave osebnosti, je še večja, kakor bi bila odgovornost staršev, če bi jih ti otroci—sirote imeli. (Po "Sloienskem poročevalcu") OGENJ POD ZEMLJO V Zedinjenih državah na več kot 150 krajih podzemljski ogenj počasi uničuje sklade premoga. Takih podzemljskih požarov ima Pennsylvania 75, Ohio 8, Colorado 19, New Mexico 4; ostali so raztreseni v šestih nadaljnih državah. Nekateri teh požarov uničujejo premog že mnogo desetletij. Na primer o enem takem podzemelj- CRANE ZA KAKOVOST prt Mario Kolenc W. F. Hann & Sons Louit Planine LESS TRIM • • • Z crane neuday skupiivo Vhljui^uje: 19x17 krasen vitremis chhm Netvday umivalnih, 5 čevljev vdelano ho-palnico iz vlitet/a ieleza, hater i je dO' dano stranišče FOR QUALITY 'firsl'Witb %l "Supeiioi" Features Samo Superior ima Mini-Miser—ki je patentiran in ekskluzivon! Zmanjša izgubo toplote! štedi na kurivu! Tudi čisto nov vodni grelec ne bo odgovarjal vsem vašim potrebam za vročo vodo za avtomatične pralne stroje in stroge za pomivanje posode, če je premajhen, ali pa ni najboljšega izdelka. Vprašajte nas o teh kvalitetnih Crane A-U-I plinskih vodnih grelcev. Vprašajte nas o Crane A-U-I 45 gal. plin-skem grelcu še danes. • AUTOMATIC • UNDERFIRED • INSULATED "THE COURT OF FLAME" QUALriY HEATER »Pf REGISTERio CRAW f W AT E A W g AT f R DEAtE# %\ Лк, 1j//, AOuz" 6%^ <4^ you're its *• CRANE A-U-I No. 45 Majhno pred vplačilo 6 44 se doda vašemu mesečnemu računu za plin POPOLNOMA INŠTALIRANO POSLUŠAJTE NAŠ RADIO PROGRAM oddajan naravnost iz naše trgovine v soboto od 10. do 10.30 zj. na postaji WSRS št. 1490 na vašem naravnilu. SONS 'Sine* ШГ MU 1-4200 15533-41 EUCLID AVE. Vključivši v davek in inštalacijo ODPRTO v pondeljek, torek, četrtek, petek zvečer od 8. ure skem požaru v North Dakoti poročajo, da je bil tam že za časa Lewis-Clarkove ekspedicije leta 1806 in še sedaj ni ustavljen. Zvezni urad za rudništvo ima vedno na delu delavce, ki skušajo zadušiti take požare, kjer je mogoče. Dosedaj so jih zadušili 26 in s tem obvarovali uničenja nad 200 milijonov ton premoga. Tako požare skušajo največkrat ustaviti s tem, da pred smerjo ognja pod zemljo od vrha izkopljejo globoke jarke skozi sklade premoga, nakar jih za sujejo z zemljo. Ko ogenj pride do stene stlačene zemlje, ugasne, ker mu zmanjka goriva. —NEW ERA. glasilo AB2 SENSATIONAL NEW FHILCO FREEZER The Easiest-to-Use Home Freezer ever designed Wider lop places 70% of storage space above knee level PHILCO GH-122 Pay for it with your food savings Let us show you how you can save more than enough on food bills to pay for a Philco Freezer. Thousands are doing it! You can too! No obligation. Find out about it THIS WEEK—while extra value offers on all modfels are available. Front slopes In to bottom so you con stand closer comfortably AS LOW AS $3.50 PER WEEK MANDEL HARDWARE & APPLIANCE CO. 15704 Waterloo Rd. ESTABLISHED 44 YEARS IV 1-6632 PRIPOROČILO! Cenjenim rojakom se prijazno, priporočamo za naročila, ko nameravate vložiti nov fornez, istega popraviti ali predelati, ali ko hočete dati noVo streho ali staro popraviti, da se lahko z zanesljivostjo obrnete do nas. Vršimo tudi vsa v kleparsko stroko spadajoča dela. Damo proračune in cene so zmerne. ^ BILL'S FURNACE & ROOFING CO. Bill Brundula, slovenski lastnik 579 BISHOP ROAD, telefonirajte HI 2-3680 DomaČi mali oglasnik GOSTILNE M 1 H ČIČ CAFE 7114 ST. CLAIR AVE. Tony & Jean Selari, lastnika Dobro pivo, žganje in prigrizek ter slastno vino ENdjcott 1-9359 Odprto od 6. zj. do 2.30 zj. THREE CORNER CAFE 1144 EAST 71si ST. FRANK BARAGA, lastnik Izvrstno pivo — vino — žganje in okusen prigrizek. Se priporočamo MOLLY'S BAR 7508 ST. CLAIR AVE. Stanley Uibic in Bill Hraster, last. Vabuno prijatelje na obisk naše moderne gostilne, kjer vam postrežemo vedno z najboljšim pivom, vinom in žganjem ter z okusnim prigrizkom. FINA GODBA ZA ZABAVO VSAKO SOBOTO. HECKER TAVERN John SuštaršiC in Mary Hribar ENdicolt 1-9779 1194 EAST 71st ST. , Pivo, vino in žganje ter okusen prigrizek. Odprto do 2,30 zjutraj MARIN'S TAVERN 7900 ST. CLAIR AVE. Stanley in Mamie Marin, lastnika NAJBOLJŠE VINA, PIVO IN ŽGANJE! ? Dobra družba. Se priporočamo. BARV AR FRANK KLEMENCIC Barvar in dekorator 18715 MUSKOKA AVE. Tel.: IV 1-6546 Priporočam se za barvanje in de koriranje hiš in poslopij, zunaj in znotraj. Jamčeno delo po zmernih cenah. CVETLIČARNE SLOVENSKA CVETLIČARNA f elercic Jf lorižts! 15302 WATERLOO RD. IVanhoe 1-0195 GOSTILNE S L TAVERN John S auric r— John Lenarsic CAFE — 7601 ST. CLAIR AVE. PIVO - VINO - ŽGANJE Vedno dober prigrizek in prijazns družba. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kotnik GOSTILNA 7513 ST. CLAIR AVE. Za kozarec dobre pive, vina al) žganj^ ter za okusen prigrizek pridite k nam. Vedno prijazna postrežba in vesela družba. GAY INN 6933 ST. CLAIR AVENUE EN 1-9430 PIVO — VINO — ŽGANJE Fish Fry vsak petek zvečer Godba ob sobotah Se prijazno priporočamo za obisk. ZA DOBRO PIJAČO IN PRIGRIZEK obiščite LOUIS in JEAN STRUKEL 6220 ST. CLAIR AVE. AVTOMOBILSKA POSTREŽBA MAX'S AUTO BODY SHOP 1109 E. 61st ST. — UTah 1-3040 Max Želodec, lastnik Nove avte, ki so poškodovani, popravimo, da zopet zglodajo kot novi. SUPERIOR BODY & PAINT COMPANY POPRAVIMO OGRODJE IN FENDERJE Prvovrstno delo. Frank Cvelbar 6605 ST. CLAIR AVE__EN 1-1633 RICH BODY SHOP 1078 E. 64 ST. — HE 1-9231 ?RANK RICH, lastnik Popravljamo motorje, zavore in ogrodja ter sploh vsa popravila pri avtu. Barvanje avtov je naša posebnost. Delo prvovrstno. RE NU AUTO BODY CO. Popravimo vaš avto in prebarvamo, da bo kot nov. Popravljamo ogrodje in fender je. Varimo (welding). J. POZNIK — GL 1-3830 982 E. 152 ST. For your VACATION welcome to CHRISTIANA LODGE Slovenian Resort • The Hotel has 30 rooms with connecting showers. Central dining room, with American Slovenian cooking. All sports, ■ private beach, boating and fishing. Cater to overnight guests. 260 miles from Cleveland. Located on U. S. 112. Write for folder. CHRISTIANA LODGE Dominik and Agnes Krasovec, prop. Rt. 1, Box 175, Edwardsburg, Michigan Phone 9126 F5 HIŠA ZA ENO DRUŽI# 10 sob; 5 spalnic, 2 kopa zgotovljena rekreacijska soba, V trjena garaža. V fari sv. Aioj« Se proda po zmerni ceni Pokličite GL 1-0491 ali GL 1-1362 V NAJEM NAPRODAJ Soda Fountain in restavracija v središču. slovenske in litvinske naselbine. Prometen prostor na vogalu. Najemnina je nizka in dobi se na željo tudi "lease" za 10 let. Prodaja lastnik sam. Cena $4,500. Vpraša se na 1398 East 66th Street, vogal Wade Park Ave. lepotilxi saloiv (BEAUTY SALON) SE PRODA. Nahaja se v slovenski naselbini iri je operiran 25 let pod isto lastnico. Zadaj je stanovanje s 3 sobami. Istotam se proda tudi pralni stroj in šivalni stroj, oba za $50. Za vse podrobnosti se obrnite na 255 EAST 156th STREET vselite se takoj E. 11 5 St., severno od St. Clair Ave. Hiša za eno družino, 6 sob. Preproge, zajtrkovalna soba, velika kuhinja, opremljeno tretje nadstropje; 2 garaži. Oglejte si to hišo prednb kupite drugje. .Cena $12,800. joseph globokar 986 East 74th St., HE 1-6607 Severno od lake shore blvd. blizu cerkve sv. Jožefa. Privatno obrežje. Hiša za eno družino, 6 sob, plinska gorkota. Moderna kuhinja in kopalnica, obita s ploščicami; kot nova. Cena $15,800. joseph globokar 986 East 74th St., HE 1-6607 HIŠE NAPRODAJ Nova zidana Colonial hiša s 6 sobami na 1840 BEVERLY HILLS DR. med Euclid Ave. in Chardon Rd. V lepem kraju.' Odprta na ogled v nedeljo od od 2. do 6. zvečer. Za podrobnosti pokličite RE 1-6230 Nov zidan bungalow s 6 sobami na 1977 IDLEHURST DR., od Beverly Hills Dr. Dobra cena za hitro prodajo. Za podrobnosti pokličite RE 1-6230 Hiša naprodaj 6 sob za eno družino; ima vse udobnosti in se nahaja blizu E. 140 St. in Lake- Shore Blvd. Dobra transportacija, blizu trgovin in šole. Fornez na plin. Cena samo $12,000. Pokličite lastnika GL 1-7751 Hiša za eno družino 9 sob, se prav lahko uredi za dve družini; garaža, fornez na premog in vse udobnosti. Vse v najboljšem stanju. Cena $10,500. Ni treba veliko denarja takoj. Se lahko vidi vsak čas. Zglasite se pri lastnici Mrs. Kennedy 1158 E. 77 St., blizu Donald Ave. Dobre hiše — naprodaj Za 2 družini, po 5 in 5 sob; lepa klet, fornez na plin. Na 7017-19 Hecker Ave. Ceng $14,750.00. Za 2 družini, po 5 in 5 sob, klet, dva forneza, 4 garaže. Na 5327 Luther Ave. Cena $12,700.00. Zelo moderna hiša za eno družino, šest sob. Fornez na plin. V prvovrstnem stanju znotraj in zunaj. 3 garaže. Se lahko vidi samo po dogovoru. Cena $10,900.00. Vpraša se pri P. P. MULIOLIS 6606 SUPERIOR AVE. Hiša naprodaj na 3166 Richmond Rd., blizu Euclid Ave. Ranch tipa, 5 sob; pritrjena garaža; na 3 akrih zemlje. V slovenski naselbini in blizu trgovin, do katerih se pride peš. Cena $14,500. Pokličite KE 1-5106 4OV)« "VOf S! ^ 3 "TM o Lepo opremljeno sobo SE ODDA V NAJEM POŠTENEMU MOŠKEMU. V PRIJAZNI OKOLICI. Vpraša se na . 1110 East 72nd St.. EN DELO DOBIJO МОбК^ LATHE HANDS plal Za "rough turning" delo. od ure. Plačane počitnice ш o ^ podpore. Zglasite se COMMERCIAL FORCINGS ^ 3709 E. 91 St.___ ШМВ1Е16 PREJŠNJA IZKUŠNJA POTREBNA Tudi izurjeni METAL FINISHER5 GAS AND ARC WELDERS PAINT SPRAYER5 TORCH SOLDERERS TRIMMERS Morate biti pripravljeni de'®' 1. ali 2. šift SPREJEMAMO PROŠNJE za zgornja dela od moškib' se zamimajo za delo na рго%д ciji pri sestavljanju wagon in panel truk ogr" Visoka plača od ure DELAVČEVE PODPORf ^ Penzijski načrt, zavaroval"'' hospitalizacija, plačane počitnice in prazniki Zglasite se v našem EMPLOYMENT OFFlC^ ^ Vsaki dan od ponedeljka do od 8. zj. do 5. pop. FISHER BOD* (EUCLID PLANT) . Division of General Mo*® Corporation 20001 EUCLID AVP' _EUCLID, ОШО^,^ AREOVNATI^ DELO GRINDERS ! (Production, CarboloV' Toolroom) INSPECTORS (Line & Floor) TOOL & DIEMAK^^^ Operatorji za; BOREMATICS AUTOMATICS (Single & Multipl®' TOOL ROOM LATI^^v«! Družba preskrbi obede, rovalnino, hospitalizacijo 'L га niško oskrbo. Zmeren čithice. Visoka plača z do ^jti življenjske stroške. Morate ju pravljeni-delati katerikoli bonusa za drugi in tretji V primernem кгазу- Dobra transportaciJ^' J Ugajalo vam bo dela^ JACK & HElNTj 17600 BROADWAY ^ ^ Zglasite se v uposljevalne"^. 5 od ponedeljka do petka 8'^^ pop.; v torek od 9-Prosimo prinesite , ameriškega državi]^ Da bodo naši delavci ' ,*efii P J počitnice in dobro nf tek, bo uposljevalni igdna Heintz zaprt koncem prazniku Spominsk""" YOU can be th® womoo ® th# РШГАМ ГОШ iw mW © Tak M ENAKOPRAVNOST STRAN 5 WILLSON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN ITS FIFTIETH YEAR Just after the turn of the century September 1903, a new and modern school building was opened on Willson Street. The school was named after the street as was the custom fifty years ago. Willson spelled with two "L's" can be traced back to the family name of a jurist of Cleveland's earlier days, Judge Hirma V. Willson who owned property at the Euclid Avenue corner. He decided to buy about one hundred acres and lay out a street through this property. This was called Willson Street. Then he sold lots and made a sizable fortune out of the venture. Willson Street had a more rapid growth south of Euclid Road and soon extended to Woodland Road. Willson Street Was settled more slowly north to the lake in later years. It was known as a beautiful avenue but many of its fine residences have disappeared. On Sunday mornings the avenue became in reality a street of churches. Within two blocks of the school still stand five churches of five, different faiths. The new Willson school district was made out of the eastern section of the Waring and Case district and the western section of Dunham. It was not to be just another eight year school. Willson was to fill a need that existed fifty years ago as it exists today. It was opened as a training school, to educate young women to teach in the elementary schools of Cleveland. More than a thousand young women who were educated at the Cleveland Normal School and later at the School of Education at Western Reserve University received their professional training and developed teaching skills under the guidence of the training teachers at Willson. In 1910 the first school for crippled children in Cleveland was opened in a portable building at Willson. This small beginning in time grew into the beautiful Sunbeam School for Crippled Children of today. In 1918 Willson became a junior high school. Pupils in the first six grades were returned to the neighboring elementary schools and Willson received their seventh and eighth grade pupils. Fresh in the memory of older graduates will be the first principal of Willson, Miss Harriet E. Corlett, a grand lady of Cleveland Public Schools' and principal of Willson for twenty-six years. The curriculum was entirely remade for the new junior high school. It was broadened and deepened in all areas. Provision was made for students to study industrial and home arts which provide basic preparation for an occupation in an industrial city. Shops for boys and home economic laboratories were organized for girls. More men teachers were added to the faculty. Latin as yell as French was taught. German was dropped from the curriculum after World War I. It was a war casualty and it has never been re-instated. At this time after the first World War, Willson had evening classes for adults and steamer classes for those who had just arrived from Europe. These were citizenship classes where many Slovenian adults learned not only the language but also how to become good citizens of their adopted country. In 1927 an addition to the original building was opened. It contained a gymnasium and two bpys shops in the basement with an auditorium and five class rooms on the first and second floors. A cafeteria and three more class rooms were added by the third floor. When Miss Corlett retired in 1929, Dr. Arthur Carr was named to succeed her. Dr. Can-continued to educate the boys and girls at Willson in responsible citizenship. The student governing body was remodeled and strengthened. The Book-room a service project was established to help students obtain or dispose of second hand books. These were the dark days of depression. Schools were hard pressed to keep running and parents had difficulty .to finance their children's education. Mr. Frank J. Bush followed Dr. Carr and was principal of Willson from 1933 to 1944. Mr. Bush came to Willson in the depth of the depression. At that time we were serving over four hundred free lunches in our cafeteria. Carnivals wens held to provide funds,- from which shoes and clothing for the less fortunate might be purchased. These were the days of the National Youth Administration. Mr. Bush provided these work opportunities for needy students. The Willson' Parent Teacher Association helped in every effort to keep school age pupils in school. The social and recreational program of the school waS broadened and extended. Many after school clubs were organized under the Student Council. January 15, 1941 the Willson Chapter .of the National Junior Honor Society was founded. Its purpose is to stimulate high scholarship, sound character, responsible citizenship and to develop leadership through extra-curricular activities. The threatening rumble of war became a reality on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor Day. There followed the days of scrap collection; air raid drills; first aid courses offered for teachers and for pupils; paper conservation on. War Bonds were sold. More than a thousand former Willson boys and girls left high school or their jobs to join some branch of the armed forces. Thirty-three gold stars showed on the service flag that hung in the hall. Mr. Lloyd Z. Walton was promoted to the principalship of Willson in September 1944. The next month, October 20, 1944, the East Ohio Gas explosion brought our greatest community tragedy. It also brought Willson our greatest opportunity to serve our community. As the distraught parents and frantic children rushed to their school for answers to their questions, our staff of teachers prepared our buildings as an emergency shelter. Chairs were brought from the class rooms to the halls and corridors, girls'from the home economics class begp,n to serve hot tea to the disaster people. Teachers set up registration desks to interview those who fled for safety or came to inquire about members of their family. In the hbiary they registered families with vacant rooms or space available for housings the homeless. Toward evening the Red Cross arrived with their volunteers; the Waves, Student Nurses and Air Cadets. The school was organized as a Red Cross disaster center. The sign of relief known all over the world—the Red Cross Banner—hung in the Willson library window from October 20 to October 24, 1944. As always those in distress flocked to its shelter. About 400 families registered at .Willson. 310 hohneless persons stayed at Willson the first night. School continued in session these four days—I cannot say "as usual." The pupils young in years demonstrated under most trying conditions their courage and fortitude. The loyal and faithful teachers gave of themselves lavishly and earned the everlasting respectant gratitude of their community. Mr. Walton the new principal of only a few weeks gained a fine understanding of the people and their problems in this community. In 1948 one hundred twenty mentally deficient boys were transferred from Sowinski School to Willson. In 1952 Willson responded again to a community need and a group of fifteen braille pupils with a second group of fourteen sight-saving pupils were housed at Willson. At mid-century Willson has three distinct schools with three more or less separate faculties housed in the one building. January 1952 Mr. Walton was transferred to Thomas Jefferson Junior High to fill the vacancy left when Mr. Derrick was called back into the army. Mr. John E. Lee was promoted from an assistant principalship at South High to the vacant principalship at Willson. With an eye to the future and the changing population trends of the neighborhood, Mr. Lee Je bolj prijetno ... kuhati ПЗ moderen električni način SNAŽNO • HITRO » BREZ PLAMENA—S čudovito novim električnim štedilnikom pri rokah, je kuhanje v resnici veselje namesto delo. popolnoma in varno avtomatičen, električni štedilnik skuha obede v pečici natančno in slastno tudi ko ste vi zdoma. To pomeni dodatno prostost od rednega dela . . . več časa iti v trgovino . . . več časa za otroke. Električno kuhanje je tudi presenetljivo lahko. Obrnite stik in snažna, hitra, brez plamena toplota dovaja natančno temperaturo, ki je vaš recept zahteva. Ni čudno, da imajo še celo začetnice perfcktne rezultate. Premenite sedaj na električni štedilnik in znebite se mučnega dela in ugibanja pri kuhi. Pomnite, da popolnoma avtomatični električni štedilnik stane manj za kupiti . . . obratuje za par centov na dan. • ČIST—edini električni štedilnik rabi 100% čisto toploto • VARČEN—stane samo par centov na dan • EKONOMIČEN—stane manj kot pa kateri drUgi popolnoma avtomatičen štedilnik • LAŽJI za uporabiti—manj za si zapomniti • BREZ PLAMENA • HITER—nove enote za višjo toploto nudijo potrebno vročino v nekaj sekundah • MODEREN—napravi vašo kuhinjo bolj privlačno • AVTOMATIČEN—skuha obede varno ko ste zdoma • LAHEK—še začetnice imajo popolne uspehe ob prvem pozikusu «LW«TS Al YOUR SEtmCE IN THE BEST "TEN O'CLOCK TUNES" JitTiVS Mornings at 10~WICA and WGAR • Monday through Friday Model 6S hiiseiiiliieiiliii :4\v ^ JX'^lW 11 you want lil this Once you've cooked with two ovens, you'll wonder how you lived with one. You fix meqls in double-quick time. And it's better cooking, too. Just, taste those extra juicy, tasty meats and see! Also be sure to note the Safe.-Tee-Kee that locks off the gas supply, chrome bake-oven lining, glass oven window, storage drawers, electric clock and timer. This Grand is a grand buy for _ " ' • . you...see today! GAS RANGE OTHER GRAND MODELS fROM $119.95 I%\ & I # J//, Cver^ jlOur-6%^ youVe ^)ađ il'e фп.101«.С» OBLAK FURNITURE CO. 6612 ST. CLAIR AVE. HEnderson 1-2978 focuses sharply on the needs of our student population— moral and social needs as well as mental and physical needs. Now at mid-century, we celebrate our fiftieth birthday. All former students and former P.T.A. members and former teachers are cordially invited to attend. Don't wait for a formal invitation is the advice of the steering committee. The school has no alumni mailing list. The former president and leaders of each class are asked to round up their classmates - who are enthusiastic about a reunion at Willson on our fiftieth birthday. The Program for Thursday, June 4, 1953: 5:00—Reception in library for former teachers. Class reunions in former homerooms. 6:00-7:30—Buffet supper in the cafeteria—optional. Reservations ($2.00 included) to school before Friday, May 29th. 7:30—Program in the auditorium. 8:30-11:30—Dancing in the gymnasium. A. Malnar CEMENTNA DELA 1001 East 74th St—EN 1-4371 2% Interest on Savings North American Bank 6131 ST. CLAIR AVE.' 15619 WATERLOO RD. 3496 EAST 93rd ST. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. PrijateFs Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Zastonj pripeljemo na dom St. Clair Ave., vogal E. 68 St. ENdicoU 1-4212 CHICAGO. ILL. FOR BEST RESULTS IN ADVERTISING CALL DEarborn 2-3179 FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS COOK WANTED days, pleasant working conditions. steady work. Apply T & J BAR-B-CUE WOLF and NORTH AVE. North Lake. Illinois Fillmore 3-3860 Chicago, 111. DOMESTIC COUPLE Good year around position for COOK and HOUSEMAN in Lake Geneva home. Excellent salary.' References required. TV. Own quarters. Call any day but Sunday. HOllycourt 5-2670 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE Christian Couple, 4 year old son, urgently need 3-4 room unfurnished apartment. W. city or suburb. Best references. No drinking. Moderate rental. Call anytime. BRunswick 8-4492 MUST VACATE BY JULY 1st — Responsible couple, 3 children, urgently need 5-6 room unfurnished apartment. Good location W. or S.W. Moderate rental. COlumbus 1-3126 HELP WANTED MALE Male Help Wanted — DRIVER ■ SALESMEN — Men to train on our established Water and Beverage Routes. Good wages and commissions. Apply Mr. Bruske. Hinckley & Schmitt 420 W. Ontario RETAIL ROUTE SALESMEN FOR ESTABLISHED ROUTES Guaranteed Salary,, Commission, Bonus and new customer money. Average earning $75-$100 and over per week. — 5 day week. Paid holidays' and insurance. Will train. LAMBRECHT FOODS 2334 N. KILBOURN 2657 W. 95th STREET or phone CA 7-4220 for appointment. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HAZELCREST PARK New ranch; 4 large rooms and utility ^ndscaped; tile bath; gas heat. Can be yours for $12,800 minimum down payment. Balance on contract. Private owner. HArvey 4500-R WHEATON vicinity — Owner transferred, must sacrifice 5 year old, 5 rooms, 2 bedroom homo plus large utility room, 3d bedroom can be added. $10,000. WHeaton 8-4367 . .. or 2101 N. President downers grove — Open house 1 to 5 Sunday. By owner; 5 room brown shingle; expandable upstairs; basement; oil heat; Magic Chef range; cabinet; knotty pine kitchen; 4 blocks Fairview station; 1/2 block bus. $15,300. 221 6th St.. Downers Grove 2012 w DOMESTIC HELP Employed Mother needs MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to take care of children in exchange for room and board. ARmitage 6-0418 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR MEN FOR GENERAL FACTORY HELP 18-50 YEARS — 5 DAY WEEK GOOD STARTING PAY STEADY YEAR AROUND WORK PAID VACATION FREE HOSPITALIZATION OTHER COMPANY BENEFITS GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY TODAY!!! CHICAGO RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO. 1928 WEST 46th STREET BEVERLY — 92:^3 S. Vanderpoel_ Georgian, breezeway • with fireplace, garage, carpeting, mirrored wall, stove, refrigerator awnings, gas heat. $22,900. — Owner. Call for appointment. ________Hilltop 5-1016 BEVERLY — By owner — 8 room brick; l&^ baths; automatic forced air oil heat; 1 car garage; side drive; lot 50x125 _ $19,700. 10621 S. Bell, ^____________________CEdarcrost 3-7156 WHEATON — 6 room frame house. Hot air; gas heat permit; large 2 car garage; pine trees; shrubs; lot 200x200 at city limits. $17,900. Room for hen houses. Practically new. Beautiful sur-roundings. See to appreciate. , Reason selling, moving to larger house. Owner. WHeaton 8-3944 franklin PARK -1 $1,900 down, k block west of Mannheim Rd., 65 yards from transportation, shopping center; 13 years old; gas hot water heat; cabinet kitchen; 2 bedrooms; modern bath; garage; large lot; low taxes. Immediate possession. $10,700 full price. — 10409 Med i 11, _ GLadstone 5-l|15 LEAVWG~CIT^r31ifus7'^ newly decorated 6 room town house; 3 bedrooms up; full basement; combination slorms;; forced air heat; extras; niar 63rd-Lockwood. — Full price $11,500. ___^11 RElianee 5-5460 Vicinity NORTH and LOCKWOOD 6 room brick bungalow plus 2 heated rooms up; automatic oil heat and water heater; complete tiled kitchen and bath; carpet living-dining, room; arched enclosed rear porch; Venetian blinds; screens, storms; excellent • condition. Immediate possession. $18,900. Owner. NAtional 2-3570 CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Hrvatin of 15918 Whitcomb Road, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 23rd. Their son, relatives and many friends gathered at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue, to honor them with a surprise party. Congratulations! 40th ANNIVERSARY The well known Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Angela Ogrin, 18508 Shawnee Avenue, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on May 26th. The Ogrins are popular in fraternal and cultural circles. Their many friends and relatives congratulate them, with best wishes for continued good health and happiness together. Pioneer Slovene Mortician Dies CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary recently, were, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cebulj, 19806 Muskoka Avenue. Their daughter, relatives and many friends join in extending best wishes to them for continued happiness together. TICKETS AVAILABLE Tickets are now available for the coming performance of Glasbena Matica. The operas to be presented will be "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci." Reserved seat tickets may be purchased from any of the members of the choral group, or may be ordered by mail. Address orders to Glasbena Matica, 6411 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio. 2% INTEREST TO INCREASE ST. CLAIR SAVERS' EARNINGS St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. announces through its executive vice-president and secretary, Paul J. Schneller, that savings accounts will earn 2 ^ % interest per year, commencing July 1st, 1953. The increase, due to rising mortgage loan rates is in line with the company's conservative loan and sound management policies. Deposits made on or before July 13th, will earn interest from July 1st, stated Mr. Schneller for the company which has offices at 6235 St. Clair Ave. and 813 East 185th St. CRANWOOD RACES OPEN JUNE 8th One of the fastest racehorses to perform in Ohio in recent years wiy make several appearances during the forthcoming Cranwood racemeeting. Owner-trainer Garnett Y. Booker of Abington, Va. is planning to bring turf-star Mad Hare here for the feature events at the Cleveland racetrack. Last season Mad Hare, who. has won over $30,000 in purse money to date, went postward four times at Cranwood, winning three and placing second in her other start. She went on from there to feS" one of the sensations of the Florida winter season and recently captured a $10,000 stakes at Gulfstream Park. Currently the Booker colorbearer is being campaigned at Pimlico. Cranwood opens a 35-day running racemeeting on Monday, June 8 which will continue "through Friday, July 17. Joseph Zele Joseph Zele, dean of the Slovene morticians passed away last Friday at his home, 452 East 152nd Street, after a three month illness. Mr. Zele, who at 86 years of age was active in his business establishment until his illness forced him to bed, was also active in cultural, fraternal and civic affairs. Born in Jugoslavia, Mr. Zele, a skilled cabinet maker, came to America in 1900. He studied at the Wkrshan College of Embalming in Chicago, and became a fully licensed funeral director. His first funeral establishment was located in the old Slovene neighborhood at East 39th and St. Clair Avenue. Later he moved the funeral home to East 61st and St. Clair Avenue, and in 1917 he erected a modern brick building at 6502 St. Clair Avenue, where the funeral home is still located. As more and more of the Slovene families left the St. Clair neighborhood and settled in the Collinwood-Nottingham area, Mr. Zele, in keeping astride with these changes, established a branch funeral home, located at 458 East 152nd Street. Mr. Zele was noted for his support of cultural, fraternal and charitable organizations. His pet group was the Juvenile chorus of the Slovenian Workmen's Home, which he helped organize and gave his fullest support throughout the years. He was a member of Woodman of the World, the Slovenian Mutual Benefit Association, the Slovenian National Benefit Association, and the Cuyahoga, state and national funeral directors associations. Surviving Mr. Zele are two sons, Louis A. and Joseph Jr., two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Hirter and Mrs. Justine Girod, and nine grandchildren. Preceeding him in death were his wife Theresa, to whom he had been married for 48 years, who died in 1947, and three sons, Henry in 1918, Ferdinand, who was killed in an air crash while in the service during World War I, and August, who passed away in 1934. Funeral services for Mr. Zele were held Tuesday morning from the funeral home on East 152nd Street, with services in St. Vitus Church and interment in the family plot in Calvary Cemetery. 6231 Si. Clair Avenue ENGLISH SECTION HEnderson 1-5311-12 WEDDING BELLS Lesar-Pokreii Tomorrow morning at 10:30, St. Jerome's Church will be Aie scene of a wedding, uniting in marriage Miss Agnes Lesar and Mr. Jerry Pokren. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Jennie Lesar, 15804 Huntmere Avenue. Mr. Pokren is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno and Marie Pokren, 468 East 272 Street. -Ф- Znidarsic-Glivar Miss Helen Znidarsic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Znidarsic, 16029 Arcade Avenue, will become the bride of Mr. Charles Glivar, 854 East 139 Street, tomorrow morning at 9:30. The wedding ceremony will be performed in St. Jerome's Church. Л- Zgonc-Strnad Last Saturday, May 23rd, Miss Mary Strnad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strnad of the Strnad Grocery and Meat Market, East 77 Street, became the bride of Mr. John Zgonc Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zgonc, 20996 Tracy Avenue. The marriage was performed in St. Vitus Church. A wedding reception for relatives and guests was held in the evening, at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Speh of 18203 Nottingham Road, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Their children, relatives, and many friends extend congratulations and best wishes to them on this happy occasion. Soprano: "Your accompani-inent doesn't suit my voice." Pianist,: "Madam, I have tried all the white keys and all of the black keys, but you sing in the cracks!" Our policy l> *0 knd mon«Y •aiily" end quietly for *n* qood purpose. We win help you with sudden enfierqtnci**. taxei, unexpected expeniet. e. misfortunes yo"*''® Pr*" Dared to meet alone. And Wo Јмиг9 the Borrowir't, Ш» Mimb^r Frderat DiP^sit ^^iusurawf Corporation 3 OFFICES 6131 St. Clair 1561* Waterloo 3494 E. 93d St. BRoadway 6666 / IVOnrH .■■AMflUCAIV INJURED AT WORK On Friday, May 15th, Mr. Frank AUch of 1234 East 168 Street was injured while at work at New York Central Shops. He is confined to Euclid-Glenville Hospital. Visitors are permitted. CONVALESCING Mr. Jim Rotter has returned to his home at 19615 Kewanee Avenue, after being confined to the hospital. Friends may visit him. OBITUARIES Perko, Mary—of 8614 Capital Avenue. 81 years of age. Mother of Mary, Mrs. Louise Mismas, Anthony, William and Ignatius. Sister of Mrs. Antonia Vidich of Aspen, Colorado. Sterle, Max—55 years of age. Residence at 5801 Prosser Avenue. Father of Carmen, nephew of Jernej Kravosec, and cousin of John Krasovec. Struss, Mary — Residence at 1386 East 30 Street. 73 years of age. Mother of Mrs. Anna Kline. Tome, Katherine—71 years of age. Family residence at 6206 j i Dibble Avenue. Member of KSKJ and Altar Society of St. Vitus. Wife of Michael, mother of Martin, Stanislav, Thomas, Mrs. Jean Trzeciak, Rev. Victor Tome, assistant pastor of St. Vitus Church, Mrs. Katherine Stopar, Michael Jr., Mary and Agnes. Grandmother of nine. Zimmerman, Joseph—of 924 Al-hambra Rd. 53 years of age. Member of SDJZ. Husband of Jennie, father of Eleanor. Brother of Tony, Ivan, Marija, Frances and Ivana, all of Jugoslavia. S.D.Z. No. 2 Notes Our May meeting was all that we had anticipated and more. We're sure any of the ladies questioned would say that they really had an enjoyable evening. The guests of honor were our esteemed members who had reached the venerable age of 70. Those who attended in response to invitations were Mrs. Frances Zugovitz, Mrs. Frances Hudo-vernik, Mrs. Ivana Vokac, Mrs. Emma Sayhar, Mrs. Ivana Ho-movec and, of course our president, Mrs. Nežka Kalan. Mrs. Petric presented them all with red carnations and what with all the edible and liquid refreshments there was quite a festive spirit prevalent. Here's hoping we have many more occasions that bring so many ladies to join in our monthly meetings. It was nice to greet Lillian Ivancic Ri-barich again, and to meet Evelyn Schutte. Of course, it wasn't all play. We had our serious business meeting too. There was our customary donation to the Cancer Society, which has everyone's approval and good, wishes. Also, an invitation was extended to Lodge No. 61 to join us at some of our get-togethers and meetings. We miss them and sincerely wish to have them among us once more. The new membership campaign was discussed and everyone is urged to do his or her utmost to sign up additional members for our Svobodomiselne Slovenke. It's a fine lodge, but with more members it just couldn't be beat. The $1 award went to our jolly Mrs. Mikus. There was a bright note in our sick list this time. Mrs. Mary Znidarsic, Mrs. Frances Zupin and Mrs. Mary Peterlin reported well. We're happy for them. Others still on the list were Mrs. Frances Hočevar, Mrs. Josephine Stadler, Mrs. Antonia Jesenovec, Mrs. Mary Presko, Mrs. Frances Hegler, Mrs. Jennie Racic, Mrs. Josephine Radina, Mrs. Josephine Levee and Mrs. Mary Be-laj. We sincerely wish they will soon join the others on the recovered list. Since the last get-together at Mrs. Petric's home was such a wonderful success, everyone thought it a fine idea to do a repeat of the affair. This time the ladies will gather at the home of Mrs. Zagar on June 3rd, in the afternoon. Her address is 19276 Newton Avenue, and all of you who want to go should call Mrs. Kalan. Come on ladies, find out what a gay time you can have on an afternoon out. Our next meeting is June 11th at the usual place. We hope to see you all then. —Rose Alden^ EN ROUTE TO EUROPE Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, former secretary of the Sloveniaiji Women's Union, her daughter Jonita, and grandson Ronald, all left for Europe this week, sailing on the Queen Mary. Others leaving this week, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Zele of North Vine Street, Mrs. Julia Peternel of Carl Avenue, Mrs. Millicent Stois, 1117 East 68 Street, Mrs. Matilda Samide, 1419 East 55 Street, and Mrs. Gus Streiner, 768 East 72 Street. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Brun-dula, 17817 Delavan Road; are announcing the birth of a son, their first child. Grandparents for the first time, are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tisovec of Delavan Road. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brundula of 579 Bishop Road. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tisovec of Dayton Road, Madison, Ohio. A baby girl, their second child, was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Joan Kumel, 1119 East 177 Street. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cekada of East 177 Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kumel. Mr. Frank Kumel became greatgrandfather for the second time. Mr. and Mrs. John Prijatel Jr. of Rt. 44, Chardon, Ohio, are the happy parents of a baby girl, their first child. Mother, the former Dorothy Ostroska, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ostroska, 812 River Street, Grand River, Ohio, who became grandparents for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. John Prijatel of 411 Depot St., Conneaut, Ohio, became grandparents for the fifth time. RUDOLPH KNIFIC AGENCY IV 1-7540 820 E. 185 St. » Complete insurance service. Auto and Fire Rates given over phone. Our companies are rated A-plus. N O T I C E You can pay Gas, Water. Electric and Telephone bills every day al ♦he office of: Mihaljevich Bros. Company 6424 ST. CLAIR AVENUE With our Special Money Orders you can pay all other bills, such as doctors, hospitals, rents, stores, etc. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 6 d. m. SLOVENIAN RECORDS Rare Selections for Collectors Fine Gifts for Old-timers NOVAK'S FURNITURE 5505 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Cleveland 3, Ohio b. j. Radio & T. V. Service Expert Repairing on All Makes of Radios Tubes, Radios, Rec. Players INDOOR — OUTDOOR SOUND SYSTEM All Work Guaranteed 1363 E. 45th ST.—HE 1-3028 Charles & Olga Slapnik FLORISTS Beautiful Bouquets, Corsages, Wreaths, Potted Plants and Flowers for all Occasions 6026 ST. CLAIR AVENUE ' EX 1-2134 TWO FUNERAL HOMES Reliable Experienced Sympathetic Funeral Services at PRICES You SELECT call A.GRDINA?3'S0NS Funeral Directors fUKNtlUKK. ALEK* IO&5EA»te2«5T. MEETING TONIGHT Lodge Zavedni Sosedje No. 158 SNPJ, will hold its regular monthly meeting tonight, May 29th, at the American Jugoslav Center on Recher Avenue. All members are urged to attend. During the absence of Secretary Mr. Charles Zele, who is vacationing in Europe, his daughter Miss Dorothy Zele will take over his lodge duties. PICNIC SUNDAY The Ladies Club of the SNPJ Farm will sponsor a picnic this Sunday/-, May 31st at the Farm located on Heath and Chardon Rd. Everyone is cordially invited to ,attend. There will be plenty of refreshments available, and music for dancing will be furnished by Richard Vadnal and his orchestra. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Tuesday, May 26th, marked the 80th birthday of Mrs. Caroline Modic, of Modic's Cafe, 6201 St. Clair Avenue. Despite her age, Mrs. Modic is still active, and prepares all the lunches for her daily customers at the cafe. Congratulations! 32nd WARD democratic CLUB At the regular monthly meeting of the 32nd Ward Democratic Club the following officers for 1953-54 were installed: Frank Znidarsic, president; •Joe Music, 1st vice president; Jack Banko, 2nd vice president; Eleanore McGroarty, 3rd vice president; Cecelia M. Wolf, secretary; Belle Bunin, treasurer; Frank Verholz and Louis Б. Urainer, sergeants-at-arms. After paying tribute to Ann Dorington who resigned because of ill health, Leonard Cervenik introduced Mrs. Dorothea Skel-ley as the new Lady Ward Leader. John Fakult, Councilman, gave a resume of improvements under way in the ward and also explained tentative projects which he has proposed. A resolution was passed to urge/Mayor Thomas A. Burke to run for reelection this fall. A recess has been called for the summer months but activities will be in full swing in September. This has been assured by the appointment of Frank Verhovec, Joseph Poznic and Louis Juratovec as the Program Committee. BEROS STUDIO 6116 ST. CLAIR AVENUE TEL: EN 1-0670 For the Best in Photography—Weddings in Candids: in Church and Home: Satisfaction Guaranteed. A ANNOUNCING the ■ Grand Opening Today OF OUR 0. K. DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Rt. 283 Lake Shore Blvd., Semanole Trail, Mentor, O. OPEN DAILY FROM 11 A. M. Delicious Home Cooked Foods — Wine — Beer and Soft Drinks Stop in for a refreshing drink or delicious sandwich GEORGE and MARIAN KRAINCIC FOR Memorial Day, May 30th remember your LOVED ONES With Floral Wreaths Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Make your selections from a large variety at CHARLES & OLGA SLAPNIK FLORISTS 6026 ST. CLAIR AVE. EXprees 1-2134 YOU WILL EARN MORE! Effective July 1, 1953 ^ . SAVINGS ACCOUNTS WILL , RECEIVE INTEREST PER YEAR INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY _^ne 30th and December 31st DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE JULY 13+h WILL EARN INTEREST FROM JULY 1st Accounts Insured To $10,000.00 SICIAIR Savinisš^tSćiđn Co' Iei3 f^llsirŠT^ IV 1-7800 eWTZcOiir' HE 1-6670 LADIES' CLUB OF THE SNPJ FARM cordially invites the public to its PICNIC SUNDAY, MAY 31st at SNPJ RECREATION FARM, Chardon & Heath Rd. Music by RICHARD VADNAL ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS