105 2022 SPECIAL ISSUE UDK 616.912:615.37(439.5-13)"18" Urška Bratož PhD, Research Associate, Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Historical Studies, Garibaldijeva 1, SI–6000 Koper Email: urska.bratoz@zrs-kp.si Smallpox prevention in the Austrian Littoral ABSTRACT The article discusses vaccination as the key smallpox prophylaxis, used in the Habsburg provinces from the begin- ning of the nineteenth century onward. The analysis of quantitative data for the Austrian Littoral (particularly Koper and Trieste) also points to the scope and frequency of smallpox epidemics in the second half of the nineteenth century, which raises questions concerning the extent to which these prophylactic measures were implemented and the population’s willingness to heed the calls for immunization. By creating a regulatory framework, the state sought to attain the maximum possible prevalence of this practice, which nevertheless remained the target of various prejudices for a long time to come. The authorities, the Church, and scientists therefore sought to heighten the popular aware- ness on the need for immunization through a range of communication channels. Because cowpox vaccination failed to ensure lasting immunity, revaccination was of crucial importance, but its implementation was even more limited. KEY WORDS smallpox, vaccination, Habsburg Monarchy, Austrian Littoral, Koper, Trieste, nineteenth century IZVLEČEK PREPREČEVANJE ČRNIH KOZ V AVSTRIJSKEM PRIMORJU Članek obravnava vakcinacijo kot ključno profilakso pri črnih kozah, ki je bila tudi v habsburških deželah v uporabi od začetka 19. stoletja. Analiza kvantitativnih podatkov za območje Avstrijskega primorja (zlasti Koper in Trst) nakazuje na obsežnost in pogostost epidemij črnih koz tudi v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, kar odpira vprašanja o obsegu izvajanja teh profilaktičnih ukrepov, na drugi pa tudi o odzivnosti prebivalstva na pozive k cepljenju. Država je z regulativi skušala doseči čim večjo razširjenost te prakse, vendar pa so jo še dolgo po njeni uvedbi spre- mljali različni predsodki. S pozivi preko različnih komunikacijskih kanalov so zato oblasti, Cerkev in znanost skušali ozavestiti prebivalstvo o potrebnosti cepljenja. Ključnega pomena je bila tudi revakcinacija, saj cepljenje z govejimi kozami ni zagotavljalo trajne imunosti, vendar pa je bilo njeno izvajanje še bolj omejeno. KLJUČNE BESEDE črne koze, vakcinacija, habsburška monarhija, Avstrijsko primorje, Koper, Trst, 19. stoletje 106 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 Introduction Also in the past, one of the most important questions concerning contagious diseases was how to prevent them. Some types of bacterial infections (especially cholera, but also dysentery, typhoid fe- ver, etc.) required different measures, starting with hygienization, which became a widespread and or- ganized practice in the nineteenth century, and so- cial mechanisms to mitigate the consequences of epidemics among socially disadvantaged (and more disease-prone) groups of population. However, in the case of smallpox,1 the nearly universal and systemic form of prophylaxis was immunization. Variolation and later vaccination, applied to confer immunity to smallpox, also marked the beginning of the history of vaccination, when “practical medicine outperformed theoretical achievements”2 for no less than a century, until the discovery of viruses, which paved the way to the development of immunology. Owing to its universal prevalence that posed an especially serious health threat to children, in the eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries smallpox received major medical at- tention to prevent infection. The paper3 aims to present some data on vaccina- tion in the nineteenth century as well as certain so- cial discourses that accompanied this practice within the context of concern for the wellbeing of the popu- lation. Using fragments of quantitative data (on the examples of Trieste as the key focus of the epidemic and the severely affected nearby Koper), the article also seeks to determine the incidence of variola on the one hand and the effectiveness of vaccination on the other. Variola epidemics in the second half of the nineteenth century The long-lasting presence of variola in the Euro- pean area was one of the main reasons that smallpox4 1 Smallpox (variola) is a contagious viral disease that can be passed from one person to another especially through cough- ing or sneezing, and by direct contact with body fluids or personal items of an infected person. The first symptoms in- clude high fever, fatigue, malaise, vomiting, etc., after which the infected person develops red rash or blisters. It usually starts on the face, upper arms, and legs (as well as mucous membranes), and then spreads all over the body. The patient is the most contagious at this time. After a few days, the fever subsides, and the rash turns into papules and vesicles with a red ring formed around the edge. Initially, the lesions are filled with translucent liquid, which turns into pus, and af- ter a few days form scabs that dry and fall off, leaving deep pockmarks on the skin. The patient’s general condition slowly improves; however, if that is not the case, the disease can also lead to death (cf., e.g., Travner, Kuga na Slovenskem, p. 10; Kiple, The Cambridge world history, pp. 1008–1012). 2 Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, p. 602. 3 The research was partially funded from the ARRS project J6-1800 and program P6-0272. 4 In the first half of the century, F. V. Lipič, physician in Ljub- gradually became inscribed into the collective con- sciousness and fear, and indirectly also into a broader discourse on the protection of children’s health,5 in- cluding as part of the growth-oriented population policy. Smallpox often accompanied other epidemics, e.g., cholera (in 18736 and 1886,7 for example) and influenza—or the ‘Spanish flu’—in 1918,8 whereas in certain periods it also occurred sporadically. A major smallpox epidemic that was triggered by the Franco-Prussian War in the 1870s9 severely affected the Austrian Littoral, especially Trieste. Soon after it reached Austria, the epidemic turned the city into the second largest focus of contagion (with a death toll of 72.2 persons10 per ten thousand inhabitants and 18.3 in Istria). A year later, it peaked in Gorizia-Gradisca (7.6) and in 1874 in Carniola (51.1) and several other provinces.11 As shall be seen below, in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, variola hit Trieste in several intermittent epidemic waves. One of the most detailed collections of health statistics available on the occurrence of the disease in Trieste12 builds solely on the number of small- pox patients who sought help in the city hospital (either because they suffered from a severe form of the disease or because, mostly coming from the city’s poorer quarters, they had no other shelter), without providing an overall picture of its incidence among the population. Although reporting smallpox as a contagious disease (in addition to scarlet fever, diph- theria, any type of typhus, cholera, dysentery, mea- sles, and whooping cough) was mandatory under the ljana, pointed to the widespread use of a single term for cow- pox and a disease erroneously identified as human pox (which was, in fact, varicella or chickenpox) (Lipič, Topografija, p. 209). Conversely, A. De Manussi from the Trieste hospital tentatively typified smallpox into “vaioloidi” (a mild form of smallpox), “vaiolo vero” (ordinary smallpox with well-de- veloped pustules and “pustule fever”), “vaiolo confluente” (confluent rash and coalescing pustules), “vaiolo emorragico” (hemorrhaging within petechiae), and “purpura vaiolosa” (no papules or pustules but an extremely high occurrence of pete- chiae on the skin or mucous membranes, with severe hemor- rhaging in various organs), without including varicella in his statistical data (De Manussi, Cenni, pp. 14–15). 5 On this, see Bratož, Bolni otroci, pp. 438–449. 6 In 1873, 620 persons contracted cholera and 351 died of it in Trieste (Bratož, Bledolična vsiljivka, p. 309). Because that same year recorded a remarkably low number of ten small- pox cases compared to the staggering figures (between three hundred and nine hundred) two years before and after that, it seems reasonable to assume that a certain percentage of people infected with smallpox was attributed to cholera as both infections perhaps coincided or the data were collected with less consistency. 7 Cholera killed 560 of nine hundred infected citizens in Tri- este (Bratož, Bledolična vsiljivka, p. 309). 8 See Bratož, Vojna, lakota, p. 27. 9 Kramar, Epidemije, p. 110. 10 Not even second to Vienna with 52.7 deaths per ten thou- sand inhabitants. 11 Prinzing, Epidemics, p. 275. 12 De Manussi, Cenni. 107 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–1182022 law of 1870,13 the actual number of infected persons remains open to debate. However, based on the nu- merical data available, several waves of smallpox can be detected in the last quarter of the nineteenth cen- tury alone. The Trieste hospital recorded the highest number of infections (1,973) in 1872,14 after which the disease continued to occur in minor outbreaks until 1880. The number of infections increased again in 1884 (867), and the end of the epidemic waves may be said to have arrived no sooner than four years later. Apart from smallpox, the city was also visited by cholera (which may have contributed to a less diligent recording of infections). Smallpox outbreaks peaked again in 1893 (597) in what developed into a two-year epidemic. According to these data, the mortality rate varied between 17% and almost 30%.15 The Koper district also experienced a major out- break in 1872/73. The data from the city of Koper re- veal that 314 persons contracted smallpox and forty- four died from the disease in that period (albeit not stating clearly over what time interval the evidence was collected).16 A significant number of infected 13 See, e.g., Bratož, Bledolična vsiljivka, p. 189. 14 Other data obtained by the deputation in Trieste provide the following, probably more realistic figures: between early Oc- tober 1871 and early April 1873, the city registered 2,634 infections resulting in 565 deaths (see Scartabellati, Visibili nemici, p. 534); cf. also the data brought forth by Pinguenti- ni, Cronache, p. 40, stating no less than 4,839 infected and 893 deceased during the epidemic by drawing on monthly statistical data published in the newspaper Il Cittadino. His evaluation is also more in line with the estimated number of deaths per ten thousand inhabitants, provided by Prinzing, Epidemics, p. 275, whereas official state statistics (see Vodopi- vec, Črne koze, p. 92) set forth 923 smallpox-related deaths in 1872 alone and another fifty-three the following year. 15 De Manussi, Cenni; cf. Resoconto sanitario. 16 According to the register of infected persons (SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 110, 1872, Elenco dei colpiti, risanati e morti dal vajuo- were the inmates of the city penitentiary (together with the wards accounting to about 20%), most of whom successfully recovered (5.8% died). Slightly less than half of infected persons were peasants who made up the majority population in the city, with mortality as high as 18.7%.17 On the other hand, according to parish registers, smallpox occurrences in Koper caused fewer fatali- ties in the last decades of the nineteenth century; the disease manifested more severely between the end of 1884 and the first months of 1885, when it killed six people (including three children) in Koper, and be- tween the end of 1887 and early 1888, when it killed seven (among them three children).18 Immunization through the prism of regulations and social discourses During smallpox outbreaks, particular attention was paid to children’s health, also as part of the popu- lation policy encouraging the development of medi- cine19 and prophylaxis aimed at disease prevention,20 lo), the first case of the disease already occurred in the early 1872 and the biggest surge in infections took place in Sep- tember, but sporadic incidences continued all until the spring of the following year. 17 SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 110, a. u. 2122. 18 ŠAK, register of deaths (Koper), 1875–1899. 19 This also provides an important context for the understand- ing of the formation and development of pediatrics; see, e.g., Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, 342 and 255. 20 However, it seems reasonable to add that, before scientific dis- coveries were made attributing each disease a specific agent and etiology, smallpox prevention attempts were like those used for other contagious diseases with a more pronounced social component (e.g., cholera, typhus, etc.), including hy- gienization measures, especially in poor city quarters. Thus, in 1872, there were reports also from Trieste of a high smallpox incidence in poor areas, where dangerously dense population Fig. 1: Smallpox epidemics in Trieste according to the city hospital data (source: De Manussi, Cenni). 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 18 71 18 72 18 73 18 74 18 75 18 76 18 77 18 78 18 79 18 80 18 81 18 82 18 83 18 84 18 85 18 86 18 87 18 88 18 89 18 90 18 91 18 92 18 93 18 94 recovered deceased 108 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 primarily through immunization. Whereas some discussions21 explicitly underlined poverty as one of the major factors that contributed to poor repro- duction, they also maintained that the demographic growth would indirectly benefit from preventive health measures that prolonged life expectancy or, rather, reduced infant mortality, which was especially true for smallpox immunization. A delayed impact of immunization would, of course, also be ensuring the survival of most children up to an age (from between fifteen and twenty years onward) when they would “benefit society” or the state (workforce, the army, and so on).22 The first immunization (inoculation/variolation) procedures23 against smallpox took place as early as the end of the eighteenth century, with an intradermal introduction of the human variola virus on both upper arms. As an enlightened medical accomplishment,24 immunization in a way represented the triumph of reason and fostered a sense of human dominion over nature and hence also diseases.25 Although it generated lasting immunity, variola- tion also posed a threat of developing a severe or even deadly form of smallpox. Moreover, while recovering from the effects of variolation, inoculated persons could themselves become a source of infection to others.26 Soon after the English physician Edward Jenner (re)discovered and improved vaccination (ad- ministering cow vaccine) in 1798,27 the procedure was gradually adopted by physicians for only causing a milder form of smallpox.28 However, because this facilitated the spread of infection, making the preparation of provisional space for their transfer urgently necessary (Pinguentini, Cronache, pp. 37 and 41; cf. Scartabellati, Visi- bili nemici, p. 533; for Ljubljana, see Vodopivec, Črne koze, p. 96). That same year, the authorities in Koper, too, devoted particular attention to ensure the cleanliness of public sur- faces, as well as disinfection and control over spatial hygiene (see SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 110, Protocolli della Commissione sanitaria, 1872). 21 E.g., Mascherpa, Sulla Vaccinazione, pp. 110–113. 22 Ibid., p. 103. It should be noted that smallpox not only result- ed in the staggering death toll, but it also caused blindness or maimed people in some other way that rendered them inca- pable of work. 23 In his medical practice, the physician Anton Muznik from Gorizia described the procedure very eloquently and wrote down his clinical observations regarding its execution on a few noble children (Muznik, Goriško podnebje). On variola- tion in Istria, see especially Cigui, Le origini, pp. 265–295. 24 Foucault recognized smallpox vaccination as a new type of socio-political response to epidemics. In his opinion, small- pox signified a state “intervention,” especially through pre- vention, and an emphasis on safety and public health (see, e.g., Thacker, The Shadows). 25 Cf. Muznik, Goriško podnebje, p. 243; Schrom Dye and Smith, Mother Love. 26 See, e.g., Kiple, Cambridge world history, pp. 1008–1012; Bori sov, Zgodovina medicine, p. 245. 27 Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, pp. 403–404. 28 As outlined in the Italian Dictionary of Public Hygiene (1860), vaccination was initially performed by dabbing the vaccine into a small incision in the upper outer arm. Later, it became customary to make a “puncture” with a steel lancet method failed to provide lasting immunity, revacci- nation was—still unbeknownst to Jenner—required no more than ten years later. The practice of vaccination took hold in Slove- nian territory in the early nineteenth century—after Vincenc Kern and Anton Muznik introduced it to Carniola and Gorizia in 180129—and at about the same time also probably in Istria.30 Smallpox vacci- nation was already supported by the first Austrian rule,31 and the subsequent French government in- troduced compulsory vaccination across the Illyrian Provinces.32 In the 1820s, during the restored sover- eignty of the Austrian Empire, the government im- posed vaccination with instructions,33 regulated by individual provincial codes. Changes in government entailed certain modifi- cations in regulating and implementing this preven- tive practice. Thus, for example, the bureaucratization of procedures, which the Austrian government intro- duced in Lombardy during the first decades of the nineteenth century (rendering vaccination no longer a philanthropic activity but one imposed on physi- cians), met with criticism in the following segment of the “Dictionary of Public Health” in 1860: “In the period of the Kingdom of Italy, under Director General [pioneer of vaccination in Italy, Luigi] Sacco, vacci- nation was an act of genuine philanthropy that devout, esteemed members of all strata, gathered in provincial committees, had taken on with great diligence and re- ligious ardor, and fulfilled it to the tremendous benefit of the population. Yet the moment that the Austrian government pushed it through the door of bureaucracy, it was stripped of all its humanitarian reputation for which it had been embraced and considered desirable, after all those useful committees had to give way to city deputations. The heavy burden was thus placed on physi- cians administering the vaccine, who shouldered all the responsibility not only for the procedure that they had to perform but also for its results, which they had to verify in nearly all cases.”34 or simply a needle. The form most often applied was the liq- uid vaccine, either arm-to-arm or from animal pustules. The dry powder vaccine (dried scabs) first had to be diluted in cold water on a glass plate (Dizionario di igiene pubblica, pp. 785–793). 29 See, e.g., Zupanič Slavec, Goriški medicus, p. 225; Borisov, Zgodovina medicine. 30 See also Bratož, Cepljenje proti kozam. 31 Cf. Brisky et al., Introduction. 32 Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, p. 405. On vaccination in Istria during the first Austrian and subsequent French sovereignty, see Cigui, Misure di profilassi. 33 Children without proof of vaccination were prohibited from entering schools and other public institutions (Zupanič Sla- vec, Mlekarice, pp. 146–147; cf. Globočnik, Nauk slovenskim županom). 34 “Mentre durante il Regno d’Italia, quand’era direttore generale il Sacco, la vaccinazione formava un compit o di pura filantropia, che persone pie, ragguardevoli d’ogni classe, raccolte in Comitati provinciali si facevano scrupoloso e religioso obbligo di adempire, e lo adempivano con tanto profitto per la popolazione, appena fu 109 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–1182022 The Austrian law, issued on November 13th, 1821, partially centralized the vaccination practice by bringing it under government control35 and making it mandatory for physicians to obtain an additional certificate to perform the procedure. To ensure that the authorities could exert some control over the im- plementation of this systematic preventive measure, the law, among other things, made the use of certain social mechanisms contingent on vaccination; with- out it, foundling babies were not to be placed in the care of wet nurses, and unvaccinated children were not admitted to orphanages or other public and pri- vate institutions. Anyone who had not received the vaccine (or failed to prove that they had recovered from smallpox naturally by showing their scars) was denied social aid, pension, or a stipend. Further- more, charity organizations were prohibited from extending assistance to parents who failed to dem- onstrate that they had recovered from smallpox or present a vaccination certificate,36 which was a way for “the state to safeguard the money it had invested in people.”37 Still long after it had been introduced, smallpox vaccination continued to raise controversy, a general sense of unease and mistrust, and it remained the subject of many pro et contra polemics. The arguments against it pointed to unreliable effects of vaccination, especially in the light of unsuccessful initial attempts, risks, and the purported possibility of contracting dis- eases, such as syphilis, erysipelas, and so on, coupled with moral, religious, and other kinds of prejudice for fear of the “unnatural” interfering with the human body, which became even more pronounced after the introduction of the vaccination procedure.38 fatta entrare dal Governo austriaco nei cancelli della burocrazia, perdette tutto il prestigio della filantropia che la faceva accetta e desiderata, perche’ quei benefici Comitati dovettero lasciar luogo alle deputazioni comunali. Ond’e’, che essa a questo modo divenne un pesante fardello pei medici vaccinatori, sugli omeri dei quali si fece d’allora in poi cadere tutta la responsabilità non solo dell ’ope- razione che doveano praticare, ma ben anco dell ’esito che doveano essi stessi verificare in quasi tutti i casi” (Dizionario di igiene pubblica, pp. 811–812). 35 The implementation of the vaccination program at regional level was entrusted to district governorships (cf. Brisky et al., Introduction, p. 86). 36 Dizionario di igiene pubblica, arts. 11, 13, 35, 36. 37 Kozinc, Prebolela sem črne koze, p. 12. 38 Several sources (e.g., Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, Decem- ber 14th, 1861, and Slomšek, Blaže ino Nežica, p. 166) report that immediately after the vaccine was administered, some mothers sucked on their babies’ arms to extract the “inserted pocks” from their bodies, believing that the vaccine would reverse the effect of baptism (cf. Bratož, Bolni otroci). Re- garding Ljubljana, Vodopivec even writes about public agita- tion against vaccination (Vodopivec, Črne koze). At the end of the century, J. Simonič, the author of a booklet on natural remedies and prolongation of life, characterized vaccination as introducing “poison” into the body, which merely “contam- inates the blood” while providing little benefit (“The sub- stance contained in the smallpox vaccine, either taken from an animal or a human, is a dangerous poison, all the more so, if the animal or the child, from which the substance has been Whereas the newly established practice of vac- cination generated the fear of introducing animal matter (humanized vaccine) into the human body,39 almost seventy years later, when these polemics were particularly fierce,40 some recognized it (even with the vaccine harvested directly from cows) as a safer option to eliminate the purported risks of spread- ing certain human diseases. Suspicion that syphilis would be transmitted from foundlings whose parents came from questionable social and moral environ- ments (“… Hospices receiving poverty-stricken children together with those born in shame ... Well, it is these wretched outcasts that must provide the lymph to vac- cinate our country’s population”)41 figured as the flag- ship argument used by those who later championed harvesting vaccine directly from cowpox pustules because the humanized vaccine lost its effectiveness over time.42 In this discourse, vaccination partially coincided with what was then considered a pressing social is- sue and a threat that society recognized in the lower strata, the destitute mob,43 problematizing the use of vaccine produced in social institutions, such as or- phanages and foundling homes.44 Nonetheless, the harvested, also harbors other pathological substances in the body.”) (Simonič, Kakó postanemo stari?, p. 183). 39 This was, for example, stressed by the historian N. Durbach in her study on anti-vaccination propaganda in Britain, who saw one of the reasons for aversion to vaccination as an “un- natural practice” in the controversy-ridden “human/animal” antagonism. The introduction of the vaccine of animal origin into the human body signified its symbolic contamination, especially in view of the close relationship between physical and mental health (Durbach, Smallpox, pp. 207–209). The emergence of the anti-vaccination movement was triggered by John Simon, Medical Officer of Health for the City of London, who concluded his research on the spread of small- pox during the 1850s by proposing that the only way to pro- tect the population (the community as a whole) was through a vaccination policy stipulating mandatory, universal vaccina- tion of children, which was subsequently also incorporated into British law (Bynum, Medicina, p. 470). 40 Not only in the local context but also globally (see Agostoni, Knowledge (https://journals.openedition.org/nuevomundo/ 75397 (25. 11. 2020)). 41 “Ospizi, ove insieme coi figli della miseria sono accolti i parti della vergogna… Ebbene questi poveri reietti sono quelli che devono furnire la linfa vaccinica per innestare la popolazione nel nostro paese!” (La Provincia, May 1st, 1870, p. 517). 42 La Provincia, August 1st, 1872, p. 1633, Giovanni Biaggio. Even though others acknowledged that syphilis transmission during the vaccination procedure was rare and more likely to occur when applying tubes with questionable content of unknown origin than in arm-to-arm vaccination, which the physician performed with all due care (Ciatto, Il Vaiuolo, p. 29. Ciatto, for example, allowed for two good variants, i.e., animal and humanized, of the vaccine; in Trieste, the vaccine of animal origin was probably administered for the first time during the epidemic of 1872; see Pinguentini, Cronache, p. 37. 43 On various collective fears of the poor or on the poor seen as economic, moral, health, and other kind of threats (including as carriers of contagious diseases), see Čeč, Revščina, e.g., p. 295. 44 For example, two foundlings were mentioned during the vac- 110 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 law from 1821 stipulated that foundling hospitals as district vaccination institutions should regularly per- form arm-to-arm smallpox vaccination to ensure a stable source of vaccine.45 The lower strata were generally considered a di- rect health risk46 (as well as a moral one, owing to the strong stigma associated with contracting syphilis as a sexual transmitted disease) for purportedly con- taminating vaccine recipients through the introduc- tion of body fluids from social outcasts,47 first passing the disease to children and subsequently on to moth- ers and wet nurses. There were also other ways in which vaccination was associated with social and other, especially public institutions. As stated, before entering school, every child was required to present the vaccination cer- tificate even years after it had been issued. However, during the variola epidemic in 1885,48 the authori- ties in Trieste, for example, deemed it reasonable for schoolchildren to present a certificate of revaccina- tion, which was to be carried out every four to five years.49 On reopening at the end of the epidemic, access to schools was authorized to pupils aged less than ten years and holding the vaccination certifi- cate, whereas older children were to prove having been vaccinated in the last five years or revaccinated on the outbreak of the epidemic.50 Whereas institutes undoubtedly ensured that vaccination was well-controlled and carried out with a great deal of consistency, getting the rest of the population to be vaccinated represented a chal- lenge. It seems reasonable to concur that because the smallpox vaccination apparatus lacked a solid and uniform legal and institutional framework, its effec- tiveness depended on voluntary public participation, cination in 1835 performed on Koper’s registered children. However, the vaccine cannot have been harvested from them because they were among the last vaccinated children in the town. Besides, the district physician also used the dry powder vaccine, most probably in the initial phase of vaccination. On concern for foundlings’ health, which already included vacci- nation in the Trieste hospital at the beginning of the century, see, e.g., Čeč, “Da bo dobro izbral”, pp. 204–205. 45 Dizionario di igiene pubblica, art. 11. 46 What should also be borne in mind is that in some areas the poor held a vigil for the dead in exchange for a meal (see Vodopivec, Črne koze), which could have contributed to them becoming carriers of the disease. 47 An opposite rhetoric adopted at that time centered on the residents in social institutions that were exploited for har- vesting the vaccine to benefit the rest of the population and on marginal social groups that were subjected to medical ex- perimentation. 48 The smallpox outbreaks in 1884 and 1885 affected at least 1,290 persons in Trieste, with mortality among hospitalized patients soaring as high as 20% (see De Manussi, Cenni). 49 Pinguentini, Cronache, p. 45. 50 Notificazione del Magistrato civico di Trieste sul vaiolo, Sep- tember 10th, 1885 (https://archiviodistatotrieste.it/docu- mento-del-mese/notificazione-del-magistrato-civico-di-tri- este-sul-vaiolo/ (25. 11. 2020)). as studies reveal.51 It indeed took a heterogeneous ensemble of actors, among them representatives of lay and church authorities, as well as, of course, phy- sicians, teachers, and so on. Moreover, this process coincided with the institutionalization and centrali- zation of the state and its public health (and social) policies or programs as well as the period of national consolidations.52 This also explains the vast spectrum of publications propagating vaccination in the nine- teenth-century Slovenian territory, encompassing everything from (popular) scientific discussions,53 handbooks, and instructions, to moral and educa- tional articles, didactic materials,54 and instructive youth literature.55 The awareness about the impor- tance of smallpox vaccination was raised using vari- ous information channels, especially newspapers,56 and this continued long after the vaccination practice had been established57 and improved. The advice to mayors, issued in 1880 and incor- porating the local authorities’ important endeavors to accelerate vaccination, reads as follows: “Some have maintained not long ago that smallpox vaccina- tion is of no use, but the experience teaches us just the opposite. Therefore, a wise mayor ought to promote this work in his municipality to the best of his abilities. Al- though inoculation is no longer forcibly administered, it is stipulated everywhere that it must be given to all the youth in public institutions and to all the poor that the city feeds, all soldiers, and such. Not only the mayor but also the clergy and teachers should concern themselves with notifying and announcing as they find appropriate when and where smallpox vaccination will take place, so that everyone in need of it can be there in due time.”58 The Slovenian press, featuring debates about vac- cination, also called on the clergy, the authorities, teachers, medical experts,59 and ‘men of reason’ in 51 Agostoni, Knowledge (https://journals.openedition.org/nue- vomundo/75397 (25. 11. 2020). 52 Ibid. 53 E.g., Ciatto’s lecture, which was also published (Ciatto, Il vaiuolo), and works, such as Kern, Nauk, and Robida, Zdravo telo, p. 8. 54 E.g., Vrtec, March 1st, 1880, June 1st, 1885. 55 Slomšek, Blaže ino Nežica; Košar, Od telesne reje otrok. 56 See, e.g., Slovenski narod, September 7th, 1877; September 8th, 1877; Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, February 25th, 1854; September 15th, 1855; December 14th, 1861, January 7th, 1874, etc. 57 On the outbreak of the epidemic in 1872, the authorities of Trieste called several times for vaccination and revaccination (Pinguentini, Cronache, p. 36). That same year, free mass vac- cination was organized in the Koper district and performed on nearly three thousand people (La Provincia, January 1st, 1873). The general vaccination was carried out in the muni- cipal hall and on Saturday in the house of Mayor Cristoforo de Belli. This was published in the local press, which had by then already attained a relatively wide circulation among the (town’s) population (La Provincia, February 1st, 1872). 58 Globočnik, Nauk slovenskim županom, p. 53. 59 The provincial codices from the period of the second Austri- an rule provided for financial bonuses to physicians for their diligent vaccination efforts (measured above all in the num- 111 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–1182022 general60 to take part in promulgating the impor- tance of vaccination. This rhetoric functioned at various levels, start- ing with the enlightened logic to achieve the general wellbeing, which had from the eighteenth century onward guided rationalist and utilitarian measures under a special administrative discipline or “police science.”61 The same context also provided the basis for the development of medical police in terms of public health management, instituted by Johann Pe- ter Frank.62 His comprehensive work covered nearly all the aspects of human life associated with diseases, especially epidemics. His central argument was that ber of vaccinated persons) (cf. Brisky et al., Introduction, p. 86). 60 Kern, Nauk, p. 9, cf. Globočnik, Nauk slovenskim županom. 61 See, e.g., Čeč, Revščina, p. 294. 62 See, e.g., Bynum, Medicina, p. 473. Frank, among other things, also successfully performed several vaccination tri- als on children during the epidemic of 1800, when Jenner’s method was still making its entrance into the world of medi- cine (Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, p. 404). a disease could not be prevented by individual medi- cal practitioners but by the state alone, which also had a duty to ensure the wellbeing of its citizens through centralized control performed by the public sanitary service and the public health system. This, in turn, went hand in hand with the idea of constitut- ing a numerically strong and healthy population as the foundation of a sound state63 in accordance with the cameralist concept of increasing the country’s wealth, followed by demographic growth.64 Against this background, the population had been (and re- mained) the central object of the government ever since the Enlightenment. The public discourse thus emphasized in vari- ous ways the importance of actively preventing chil- dren’s diseases, while smallpox had already become ingrained with its lasting presence in the European- wide broader discourse on (children’s) health protec- 63 See Bratož, Umazane ulice; cf. Borisov, Zgodovina medicine, pp. 393–394. 64 E.g., Hamlin, Commentaries. Fig. 2–3: The data on the variola epidemic in Trieste 1892–94 (source: De Manussi, Cenni). 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 e share of unvaccinated among the infected by age unvaccinated others 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 e share of unvaccinated among the deceased by age unvaccinated others 112 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 tion and disease prevention,65 also in association with national rhetoric and collective responsibility for the health of young people. Although this aspect may no longer have been at the forefront in the nineteenth century, vaccination still occupied an important place in the discourse on preventive measures, health pro- tection, and an individual’s responsibility toward collective wellbeing. This period also witnessed the secularization in perceptions of health and diseases; although the Divine Will remained upheld, God was no longer conceived as the central or sole guarantor of a child’s health; instead, there was a growing belief that the child’s custodians or parents (especially the mother) could, at least to a certain extent, protect his or her health by taking a proactive approach.66 This was especially reflected in the medical and specialist literature, which argued that childhood deaths were common, even expected, and at the same time main- tained that the offspring67 could be protected with proper care and prevention.68 In the light of the ob- jectives of the ‘population policy,’ part of the respon- sibility was therefore shifted to parents, who were to follow the government’s and scientists’ instructions. What remains open to debate is the extent to which such endeavors met their target. Much can be inferred from the data collected in Trieste during the epidemic at the end of the nine- teenth century. For the duration of the epidemic 65 For more on these issues, see Bratož, Bolni otroci. 66 Schrom Dye and Smith, Mother Love, p. 338. Nonetheless, the parents’ responsibility for the health of their children was also understood in moral–religious terms (Cf. Košar, Od tele- sne reje otrok; Kern, Nauk, p. 9). 67 Schrom Dye and Smith, Mother Love, p. 345. Apart from the key question regarding the kind and size of audience that such literature reached, nothing is also known about the re- ception and interpretation of these arguments (Schrom Dye and Smith, Mother Love, p. 337). 68 See, e.g., Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, December 14th, 1861. wave, which began at the end of 1892 and lasted un- til 1894, the Trieste hospital registered 767 smallpox infections. Senior doctor Alessandro De Manussi,69 who took good note of the statistical data, also pro- vided the number of unvaccinated patients, albeit knowing that it could not always be confirmed with certainty. This number was particularly high in the youngest age group (up to five years) and in children aged up to fifteen years, and something similar held for the share of unvaccinated persons among the de- ceased. To a certain degree, this may be indicative of an irregular implementation of vaccination or its inadequate scope.70 Children aged up to ten years represented a 31.9% share among the infected, and the same age group accounted for as much as 61.8% of all deaths. Conversely, the effectiveness of vaccination can be indirectly inferred from numerical data on morbidity that were collected during the above-mentioned epi- demic in Koper in the 1870s, when (no more than) 13% of children aged up to ten years became infected (perhaps owing to regular vaccination of children in a certain period), and the age group between twen- ty-one and forty represented the largest segment, almost 51% of all infected.71 The disease posed an especially serious threat to the youngest children (up to the age of five), as shown by the ratio between recoveries and deaths in this age group. Specifically, more than half of children aged up to five years died 69 De Manussi, Cenni. 70 According to some authors, however, vaccination usually cov- ered most, even 90% of Trieste’s population, with no major resistance against this practice being reported from at least 1840 onward (Scartabellati, Visibili nemici, p. 532). 71 There was quite possibly no routine vaccination of adults to boost their immunity against smallpox. What should also be borne in mind is that this age group was mostly composed of active population, characterized by occupational mobility, which means that a part probably came from elsewhere. Fig. 4: The smallpox epidemic in Koper in 1872 (source: SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 110, a. u. 2122). 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 60 61 to 70 71 to 80 81 to 90 e age structure of the infected deceased recovered 113 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–1182022 from smallpox—a significant share, given that lethal- ity in other groups did not exceed 13%.72 (Re)vaccination in the nineteenth-century Littoral In the first half of the century, smallpox vacci- nations in the Koper district were implemented fairly regularly among the youngest children, both in towns (Koper, Muggia) and rural areas.73 When faced with an imminent outbreak, the authorities also revaccinated children and adults. Revaccination was particularly crucial because vaccination alone did not ensure lasting immunity to smallpox. In 1833, for example, calls for revaccination came in the wake of a smallpox outbreak in the city penitentiary,74 where the physician Gian Andrea de Manzoni75 eventually administered the vaccine to 126 inmates who did not reject it or were not prevented from receiving it by their health condition. In the same period, the town registered another 353 vaccinated persons, mostly adults, aged between four and forty- seven years,76 heralding the beginning of more sys- tematic vaccination and revaccination campaigns. Regular vaccination (of children and unvaccinated persons) also took place on an annual basis, most likely leaning on the data from parish birth registers for the previous year. The physician first performed a test pre-vaccination (a week before compiling the list of vaccinated persons)77 and then the vaccination itself, followed by the evaluation of results a week later.78 Because the district physician’s responsibility spanned a sizeable territory, vaccination at each of the ten designated points in the countryside was car- 72 SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 110, a. u. 2122. See also Bratož, Cepljenje proti kozam. 73 Villages included in the vaccination of 1831 and 1832, re- spectively, were Čežarji, Dekani, Osp, Loka, Kubed, Movraž, Topolovec (or Gradin), Truške, and Koštabona. 74 Cf. Kramar, Epidemije, p. 110. 75 A decades-long district physician, Manzoni (1798–1872) was an ardent and several times awarded promotor of vacci- nation, and one of the first in the province to propose revac- cination, which he also administered in Koper (SI PAK KP 304, carton 5, a. u. 9a, Correspondenza officiosa 1854–1857; SI PAK KP 304, a. u. 21). 76 SI PAK KP 304, a. u. 21; see also Bratož, Cepljenje proti kozam. 77 Unfortunately, the data do not show clearly how many per- sons received the vaccine and whether it was merely the vac- cination of children or (also) the revaccination of adults. 78 The law of 1821 already stipulated that a physician must visit every vaccinated person at least twice within the first nine days following the vaccination to make sure that the proce- dure went well (Dizionario di igiene pubblica). However, in addition to poor interest in public vaccination campaigns, medical assessment of vaccination performance was some- times rendered difficult by parents rejecting to vaccinate their children (see, e.g., Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, September 15th, 1855). This is probably also confirmed by Simon Rutar (Samosvoje mesto Trst, p. 147), who maintains that of alto- gether 6,932 vaccinated children in Istria in 1893, 31.6 % cases remained unchecked. ried out in a day, whereas the target population in the district seat, the town of Koper, was much bigger and required vaccination to take place every eight days over a period of four months.79 In 1835,80 altogether 838 children received the vaccine in the district of Koper—192 in the town itself81 and the rest across the wider district area. The physician administered the liquid vaccine in nearly 93% of all cases and the dry powder vaccine in oth- ers. This may suggest that he applied the dry powder vaccine first for the lack of pustules from which the liquid vaccine was collected. The majority of the for- ty-two children who did not receive the vaccine were too weak or too sickly to endure the procedure, and only six failed to show up for vaccination. Regular and systematic vaccination continued in midsummer; in 1850, vaccine was administered to 1,145 persons and forty-four of those who had not taken part in vaccination in the previous year. The procedure was performed in the following locations: Koper, Riža- na (Lazaret), Dekani, Muggia, Osp, Loka, Kubed, Truške and Koštabona, Krkavče, Šmarje, Sv. Anton, Plavje, Ricmanje (San Giuseppe della Chiusa), Boršt (San Antonio in Bosco), Gročana (Grozzana), Pod- gorje, Klanec, Pomjan, Marezige, Dolina (San Dor- ligo della Valle), and Tinjan. In 1852, for example, fifty-seven persons remained unvaccinated from the previous year and 1,174 were revaccinated (hence, altogether 1,231). That same year, revaccination was performed as well, in the town itself strictly limited to institutions: the penitentiary (248 vaccinated), the secondary school for girls (thirty-one) and boys (fif- ty), the grammar school (thirty-six), and the kinder- garten (twenty-seven). Outside Koper, revaccination took place in the above-listed villages; 1,956 people received the vaccine across the entire territory under the care of the district physician.82 Preparing for the looming epidemic threat in ear- ly 1872, the authorities in Trieste called for vacci- nation and revaccination and, due to poor response, repeated the call in May.83 One Trieste physician complained about the low figures in vaccination re- ports, stating that about six thousand vaccinated per- sons amounted to no more than 5%—a drop in the ocean compared to the needs of Trieste’s total pop- ulation of 124,855.84 Dismissing the official mea- 79 SI PAK KP 304, a. u. 21; September 1st, 1831, and Septem- ber 10th, 1832. 80 SI PAK KP 304, a. u. 21. 81 Of all children vaccinated in the town, twenty-three were aged between one and five years, six between one and two weeks, and 163 between one and eleven months. In the coun- tryside, 98.3% of vaccinated children were younger than two years, and the oldest was aged fourteen. 82 SI PAK KP 7, t. u. 19, a. u. 340. 83 Pinguentini, Cronache, p. 36. 84 Scartabellati, Visibili nemici. Of course, refusing vaccination, which had failed to produce a desirable response, also pre- sented a problem elsewhere; for Ljubljana, see, e.g., Vodopi- vec, Črne koze. 114 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 sures as clearly insufficient, city physicians organized themselves and established a special private vacci- nation committee85 which performed vaccination at the Mauroner Theater both against payment86 (five forints per individual and ten per family) and free of charge for those who demonstrated their eligibil- ity for free vaccination with a certificate issued by the commander of their quarter. Home vaccination was also organized. Unfortunately, even this initia- tive failed short of producing a significant impact, registering 312 persons vaccinated against payment and no more than 152 persons receiving the vaccine free of charge.87 The authorities considered introducing stricter regulations to impose mandatory vaccination; how- ever, the overall social climate made it increasingly clear that a consensus would be difficult to reach. The 85 A similar private initiative most likely led to the vaccination of 2,100 persons in 1893, as mentioned by Rutar (Samosvoje mesto Trst, p. 147), in addition to 4,494 persons immunized within the framework of public vaccination. 86 Apart from resistance, this was undoubtedly another factor that importantly disincentivized many from being vaccinat- ed. Perhaps it seems reasonable to concur that the overall willingness to take the vaccine, no matter how paradoxically it may sound, declined during the epidemic because of the growing fear and the increasingly entrenched prejudices (Scartabellati, Visibili nemici, p. 532). 87 Pinguentini, Cronache, p. 37. esteemed Trieste physician with long years of service, Alessandro Goracucchi (otherwise an adherent of the anti-contagionist theory, which rejected the idea that some diseases such as cholera were contagious), for example, opposed mandatory (re)vaccination as contrary to personal freedom and instead proposed using means of persuasion (such as a popular hand- book on the benefits of vaccination).88 Elsewhere, too, the proponents of vaccination clashed with lib- eral and laissez-faire principles, for example, J. Simon in Britain,89 whose proposal for mandatory vacci- nation was believed to threat individual freedom of choice for the benefit of collective good. There is no denying that medical debates were also shaped by the economic interests, especially in Trieste as the Aus- trian maritime trade center, where, invested with the liberal logic, they defied quarantines and any kind of constraint. On the other hand, discordant opinions within the medical science itself were of no benefit to spreading the pro-vaccination propaganda, which often met with broad resistance as it were. 88 Ibid., p. 39. 89 Bynum, Medicina, p. 470. Vacination of children in the countryside (Rudolph Carl Gottfried von Geißler: Die Gartenlaube, 1867; Wikimedia Commons). 115 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–1182022 Conclusion The article discusses the key prophylaxis to pre- vent smallpox infection and an early form of immu- nization before the discovery of viruses—vaccina- tion, i.e., application of the cow vaccine, which was in use from the beginning of the nineteenth century. There was a notable emphasis on vaccination as a measure that prolonged longevity (or, rather, reduced mortality in children) and contributed to the general wellbeing of humankind. By creating a regulatory framework, the state sought to maximize the accept- ance of this practice; however, still decades after it was introduced, vaccination continued to be targeted by a range of disincentivizing discourses (from the fear of introducing foreign matter into the human body and the fear of moral contamination, to liberal principles promulgating an individual’s freedom of decision). The authorities, the clergy, and scientists therefore sought to achieve the broadest possible awareness about the necessity of vaccination through various communication channels. The examples presented, and particularly the epi- demic of 1872, which spread from its original focus in Trieste to the nearby districts (especially that of Koper) and from there to other provinces, including Carniola, also point to the widespread prevalence of smallpox epidemics in the second half of the nine- teenth century and in a way testify to the inadequate prophylactic effectiveness. The latter was probably largely based on the engagement shown by health workers in key positions (district physicians), with whom lied the vaccination initiative, and in part also on the level of responsiveness among the population to many calls and the rhetoric of persuasion—an as- pect that has so far received the least research atten- tion. More detailed vaccination records of the Koper district document systematic vaccination campaigns that took place both in cities and rural areas, where the vaccine was administered to newborns in an es- pecially consistent manner. The first vaccination of children was regular and systematic, and the general revaccination was mainly carried out when facing an epidemic threat. The effectiveness of revaccination was much more questionable, as also confirmed by a considerable share of the infected in some young and old age groups who had been vaccinated but most likely only once, in their childhood. Yet it was pre- cisely revaccination, for which the various authori- ties’ public appeals were the least successful, that was most urgently needed for maintaining the popula- tion’s immunity, given that the effectiveness of the vaccine wore out within ten years of the first admin- istration. 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Analiza kvantitativnih podatkov za območje Avstrijskega primorja (zlasti Koper in Trst kot pomembno epidemično žarišče) kaže na obsežnost in pogostost epidemij črnih koz tudi v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, kar odpira vprašanja o obsegu in kontinuiteti izvajanja teh profilaktičnih ukrepov, na drugi pa tudi o odzivnosti prebivalstva na pozive k cepljenju. Država je z regulativi tudi poskušala doseči čim večjo razširjenost te prakse, vendar pa so jo še dolga desetletja po njeni uvedbi spremljali različni odklo- nilni diskurzi. S pozivi prebivalstvu preko različnih komunikacijskih kanalov so zato oblasti, cerkev in stroka skušali ozavestiti širše množice o potrebnosti cepljenja, ki se je umeščalo v diskurz državne skr- bi za dobrobit prebivalstva in zmanjševanja otroške umrljivosti. Ključnega pomena pa je bila tudi revak- cinacija, saj cepljenje z govejo vakcino ni zagotavljalo trajne imunosti. Če je za obravnavano območje zna- čilno dokaj redno in sistematično izvajanje cepljenja novorojenih otrok, katerih število je bilo mogoče natančno nadzorovati, je za splošne revakcinacije prebivalstva veljalo, da so bile izvedene predvsem ob neposrednih grožnjah epidemij, njihov domet pa je bil veliko bolj vprašljiv. 118 URŠKA BRATOŽ: SMALLPOX PREVENTION IN THE AUSTRIAN LITTORAL, 105–118 2022 An early 19th century cartoon that reflects the fear of the effects of Jenner’s vaccination ( James Gillray, 1802; Wikimedia Commons)