165 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Multicaloric effect in polycrystalline Pb(Fe 0.5 Nb 0.5 )O 3 Uros Prah1,2, Magdalena Wencka3, Zdravko Kutnjak1, 2, Marko Vrabelj1, Silvo Drnovsek1, Barbara Malic1, 2 and Hana Ursic1,2 1Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań, Poland Abstract: In this work, magnetocaloric and electrocaloric properties of multiferroic Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics have been investigated. Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 was prepared by mechanochemical activation of constituent oxides, followed by sintering at 1273 K in oxygen atmosphere. Microstructure and X-ray powder-diffraction analysis revealed dense, homogeneous and uniform microstructure without the presence of undesired secondary phases. Magnetocaloric and electrocaloric effects were determined by the indirect methods - calculated from the changes of sample’s magnetization and polarization, respectively. The maximal magnetocaloric temperature change (0.16 K at 50 kOe) was obtained at 2 K coinciding with the observed anomaly in magnetization vs. temperature measurement. On the other hand, at room temperature the pronounced electrocaloric effect was determined, namely 0.81 K at 80 kV/cm, while the maximal value of electrocaloric temperature change 1.29 K was obtained near the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition i.e., at 373 K. Keywords: multiferroic; PFN; multicaloric; electrocaloric; magnetocaloric Multikalorčni pojav v polikristaliničnem Pb(Fe 0.5 Nb 0.5 )O 3 Izvleček: V članku smo proučevali magnetokalorični in elektrokalorični pojav v multiferoičnem Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3. Keramiko smo pripravili z mehanokemijsko aktivacijo kovinskih oksidov, ki ji je sledilo sintranje pri 1273 K v kisikovi atmosferi. Mikrostruktura keramike je bila gosta in homogena. Sekundarnih faz nismo opazili. Tako magnetokalorično kot tudi elektrokalorično temperaturno spremembo smo izračunali iz temperaturne spremembe magnetizacije oz. polarizacije vzorca pri različnih zunanjih poljih. Največjo magnetokalorično spremembo temperature (0,16 K pri 50 kOe) smo določili pri 2 K, kar je v skladu z opaženo anomalijo magnetizacije vzorca v odvisnosti od temperature. Izrazito elektrokalorično spremembo temperature smo opazili že pri sobni temperaturi (0,81 K pri 80 kV/cm), medtem ko je bila njena maksimalna vrednost 1,29 K opažena v bližini paraelektričnega-feroelektričnega faznega prehoda pri 373 K. Ključne besede: multiferoik; PFN; multikalorik; elektrokalorik; magnetokalorik * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: uros.prah@ijs.si Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 47, No. 3(2017), 165 – 170 1 Introduction Nowadays the majority of commercially used refrigera- tion systems are still based on vapor-compression re- frigeration cycle. This technology was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century and has been developed and perfected through the years. Despite all the im- provements, the method shows a number of disadvan- tages. The major problems are low energy efficiency and the use of environmentally hazardous refrigerant media [1, 2]. These disadvantages has driven the devel- opment of more efficient and environmentally friendly cooling devices. Solid-state refrigeration technology represents a prom- ising alternative for the replacement of the conven- tional refrigeration systems. Most current activity in cooling research is looking at one of the caloric effects – magnetocaloric (MC), electrocaloric (EC) or mechano- caloric – where the material’s entropy changes under the application of external stimuli –magnetic, electric, or mechanical (stress) [3]. However, in bulk ceramic ma- terials the caloric effect is currently not large enough for commercial use. One idea how to overcome this problem is to prepare a material exhibiting more than one caloric effect, called multicaloric material, in which 166 U. Prah et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 3(2017), 165 – 170 the application of two or more stimuli can enhance the total caloric effect. Further, different caloric modes can be applied in different temperature regions extending the operating temperature range of the cooling device [4]. In 2012, the coexistence of the MC and EC effects in a single-phase material was theoretically introduced for the first time [5]. In the next years, many theoretical re- ports were followed [6-8]. In 2014, a multicaloric effect in Y2CoMnO6 was experimentally observed [9]. Howev- er, this material exhibit improper multiferroic proper- ties and therefore the conventional methods for deter- mining the EC effect are not appropriate. In 2016 the existence of multicaloric properties in 0.8Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5) O3–0.2Pb(Mg0.5W0.5)O3 (PFN-20PMW) ceramic mate- rial was demonstrated, where the coexistence of MC and EC effects was unequivocally experimentally con- firmed [4]. While PFN-20PMW appears promising, it possesses very small MC and EC temperature changes (both ~0.25  K). Further, the largest caloric effects in this material are observed at low temperatures of 5  K (MC) and 220  K (EC), which is far too low for any practical applications. One of the more promising candidates is multiferroic Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 (PFN) ceramic. It possesses a relatively high peak of the dielectric permittivity (several 10,000) at around 370  K, which is attributed to the paraelectric- ferroelectric phase transition [10]. Because the highest caloric effects are obtained near ferroic phase transi- tions [11, 12], PFN should possess high EC properties above the room temperature. On the other hand, in this material two anomalies are reported also in the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibil- ity. These two anomalies appear at 150  K and 10  K [13, 14] indicating a potential for enhanced MC effect close to these temperatures. One possibility of preparing complex oxides is the use of mechanochemical synthesis, where homogeneous powders can be prepared without thermal treatment. Later the powder compacts are sintered at elevate temperature (T > 1200  K) to obtain dense ceramics. It was shown that (K0.485Na0.485Li0.03)(Nb0.8Ta0.2)O3 and Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics prepared from the mechano- chemically synthesized powders have exhibited supe- rior chemical homogeneity in comparison to the one prepared by the classical solid-state synthesis [15, 16]. PFN has already been prepared with a mechanochemi- cal synthesis [17-19] and in comparison to the solid- state synthesized samples, it possesses higher values of peak-permittivity, which can be presumably attrib- uted to the better chemical homogeneity of the former one [15]. In this work we prepared a single-phase PFN ceramic by mechanochemical synthesis and sintering aiming to study its dielectric, electrocaloric and mag- netocaloric properties. 2 Experimental For the synthesis of the PFN powder, Nb2O5 (99.9%, Sig- ma-Aldrich, 208515), Fe2O3 (99.9%, Alfa, 014680-Ven- tron) and PbO (99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich, 211907) were used. The homogenized stoichiometric mixture (200 g) was mechanochemically activated in a high-energy planetary ball mill (Retsch, Model PM 400) for 30 h at 300 rpm using a tungsten carbide milling vial (250 cm3) and 15 balls (2r = 20 mm). The synthesized powder was milled in an attrition mill with yttria-stabilized zirconia balls (2r = 3 mm) in isopropanol, for 4 h at 800 rpm. The powder was then uniaxially pressed (50 MPa) into pellets and further consolidated by isostatic pressing at 300  MPa. The powder compacts were sintered in double alumina crucibles in the presence of a packing powder with the same chemical composition, in order to avoid possible PbO losses. The compacts were sin- tered at 1273 K for 2 h in an oxygen atmosphere with the heating and cooling rates of 2 K/min. The density of the sintered pellets was determined with Archimedes’ method. For the calculation of rela- tive density, the theoretical density of 8.46 g/cm3 was used (PDF card no. 032-0522). The X-ray powder-diffraction (XRD) of the PFN powder after the mechanochemical treatment and crushed sin- tered pellet were recorded using a PANalytical X’Pert PRO (PANalytical, Almelo, Netherlands) diffractometer with Cu-Kα1 radiation. The XRD patterns were collected over the 2θ range 10–70°, with a step of 0.034° and 100 s per step. For the microstructural analysis the samples were frac- tured for fracture-surface examination, ground and polished using standard metallographic techniques for polish-surface examination and thermally etched at 1023 K for 20 min and fine polishing (by a colloidal silica suspension with 0.04  μm sized colloidal SiO2 particles for 1.5 h) for thermally etched-surface examination. The microstructure was studied with a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, JSM-7600F JEOL Ltd., Japan) at 15 kV with a working distance of 15 mm. The grain size and their distribution were deter- mined from the micrographs of the thermally etched samples, where more than 340 grains per sample were measured using the Image Tool Software [20]. The grain size is expressed as the Feret’s diameter [21]. 167 For the dielectric measurements, the pellets were cut and thinned to a thickness of about 200 µm and then the Cr/Au electrodes (2r  =  5  mm) were sputtered on samples’ surfaces. The dielectric permittivity (ε´) at dif- ferent temperatures was measured with a HP  4284  A Precision LCR impedance meter in the temperature range from 298 K to 473 K. The EC effect was determined by the indirect method; the EC temperature change (ΔTEC) was calculated from the polarization versus electric field (P–E) measured by Aixacct TF analyzer 2000 (Aixacct, Aachen, Germany) at 10 Hz in a temperature range between 298 and 363 K (step 5 K). For the calculation of ΔTEC, the equation giv- en in ref. [22] was used. The MC effect was determined by the indirect method; the MC temperature change (ΔTMC) was calculated from the magnetization (M) versus temperature measure- ments at different magnetic fields (1–50 kOe) using a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device mag- netometer in a temperature range from 2 to 350 K. The mass of the sample was 30 mg. For the calculation of ΔTMC, the equation given in ref. [23] was used. The specific heat capacity (Cp), which was needed for the calculation of ΔTEC and ΔTMC was measured on a 30  mg cube-shaped sample in a temperature range between 2 and 393 K using Physical Property Measure- ment System. 3 Results The XRD patterns of the PFN powder and crushed pel- lets are shown in Fig.  1. All the peaks correspond to the perovskite phase (PDF card no. 032-0522) and no Figure 1: XRD patterns of (a) the PFN powder and (b) crushed pellet. Figure 2: (a) Polished, (b) fractured and (c) thermally etched FE-SEM images. Inset: the grain size distribution with the cumulative curve. secondary phases were observed. Broader diffraction peaks and higher background in the case of powder can be attributed to smaller size of the crystallites and the presence of the amorphous phase, as suggested in [24] for Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3. The density of the ceramic was 8.1 g/cm3, which is equal to 95.7% of the theoreti- cal density. U. Prah et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 3(2017), 165 – 170 168 The FE-SEM micrographs of the polished, fractured and thermally etched surfaces (Figs.  2a-c) of PFN ceramic reveal dense, homogeneous and uniform microstruc- tures with the average grain size of (2.3 ± 1.2) µm and unimodal grain size distribution (inset on Fig.  2c). No secondary phases were detected with the FE-SEM anal- ysis in agreement with the XRD analysis. The temperature dependence of 𝜀′ is shown in Fig. 3. The value at room temperature (298  K) and 1  kHz is 3780. The maximal value of permittivity (𝜀′max) at 1 kHz is ~28200 and it just slightly decreases with increas- ing frequency (~27200 at 100 kHz). The measured 𝜀′max value is higher than previously reported one for solid- state synthesized PFN [25, 26] and comparable with the one for ceramics prepared by mechanochemical syn- thesis [19]. Figure 3: Temperature dependence of ε΄. As shown in Fig. 3 the peak-permittivity temperature (Tm) is at 371 K (for all frequencies), which is in agree- ment with the previously reported ones [26,  27]. Ac- cording to the literature, this anomaly of ε′ indicates a paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition [28, 29]. P–E hysteresis loops at different temperatures are shown in Fig.  4a. At room temperature (298 K), typi- cal ferroelectric hysteresis loop is observed. The values of the remanent polarization (Pr), maximum polariza- tion (Pmax) and coercive field (Ec) at room temperature are ~22.5  µAs/cm2, ~41.6  µAs/cm2 and ~4.4  kV/cm, respectively. The Pr and Pmax values decreased with the increasing temperature (i.e., Pr  ~  9.1  µAs/cm 2 and Pmax ~ 35.1 µAs/cm 2 at 363 K). The temperature dependence of ΔTEC is shown in Fig. 4b. The ΔTEC at room temperature and 80 kV/cm is 0.81 K. The ΔTEC increases with the increasing tempera- ture and increasing applied electric field. The maximum ΔTEC of 1.29 K was obtained at 80 kV/cm and 373 K. The temperature dependence of M at different mag- netic fields is shown in Fig.  5a. The M increases with increasing magnetic field and decreasing temperature, therefore the highest value of 1.37  Am2/kg was ob- served at 2 K and 50 kOe. Two anomalies are observed in M (T,  H) curves in accordance with the literature [14,  15]. The one at ~150  K is attributed to the para- magnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition, while the second one at ~10 K to antiferromagnetic-antifer- romagnetic phase transition. The temperature dependence of ΔTMC is shown in Fig. 5b. The ΔTMC at room temperature and 50 kOe is very low, i.e., ~2 mK. The ΔTMC increases with the decreasing tem- perature (in proportion to magnetization) and increas- ing applied magnetic field, therefore the maximum ΔTMC of 0.16 K was obtained at 50 kOe and 2 K. 4 Summary and conclusions In this work, we were able to prepare single-phase PFN ceramics showing both EC and MC properties. The ce- Figure 4: (a) P–E hysteresis loops and (b) ΔTEC versus temperature. U. Prah et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 3(2017), 165 – 170 169 ramic pellets were prepared by mechanochemical syn- thesis of the constituent oxides and thermal treatment at 1237 K. Microstructure analysis revealed dense, ho- mogeneous and uniform microstructures with the av- erage grain size of ~2.3 µm. At room temperature and 1 kHz the value of 𝜀′ was 3780. The highest value of magnetization (i.e., 1.37 Am2/kg) was measured at low temperature of 2 K. At this tem- perature also the maximum ΔTMC  ~  0.16 K was deter- mined. On the other hand, the ΔTEC reaches the value as high as 1.29 K at 373 K. But even at room temperature the ΔTEC was relatively high, i.e., 0.81 K. Further work is needed in order to confirm EC properties by direct EC temperature measurements, for example by high-reso- lution calorimetry. 5 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding no. P2-0105 and project PR-07594) and joint research project between Polish and Slovenian Academy of Sciences “Multicaloric relax- or materials for new cooling technologies”. Figure 5: (a) M and (b) ΔTMC versus temperature. 6 References 1. M. Ozbolt, A. Kitanovski, J. Tusek, A. Poredos, “Electrocaloric vs. magnetocaloric energy conver- sion,” Int. J. Refrig. 37, pp. 16–27, 2014. 2. T. Correia, Q. Zhang, Eds., Electrocaloric materials: New Generation of Coolers, 1st ed. Berlin, Hei- delberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidel- berg, 2014. 3. X. Moya, S. Kar-Narayan, N. D. 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