ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE i VOLUME II No. 18 - 1 July 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F- T. T. under the Authority of the Commander Brifish - Unifed States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British -United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 124 PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE HUNTING SEASON OF 1949-1950 WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to extend the validity of Order No. 307 dated 13 August ig48, which provides for the control and regulations of hunting in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by! he British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I EXTENSION OF VALIDITY OF ORDER No. 307 RELATING TO THE HUNTING SEASON 1948-1949 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO Section I — With the amendments and supplements as set forth in the following Sections, the provisions of Order No. 307 dated 13 August 1948 shall be extended to the hunting season 1949-1950. Section 2 — Section 2 of Article I of Order No. 307 dated 13 August 1948 is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof shall be substituted by the following provision : “Section 2 — Hunting sliall be permitted for : “1) Quail and turtle-dove ........................... “2) Ducks and waders (except mallard) ............... “3) Mallard and rock-dove ........................... “4) Ring-dove and stock-dove ........................ “5) W#od cock, thrush, missel thrush and field-fare “6) Common (gray) partridge ......................... “7) Hare,pheasant (male only) and rock partridge “8) Bird catching with bird-lime .................... 1 August - 31 December 1 - 31 December 15 - 28 February 15 - 31 March 1 September - 31 March 1 September - 31 December 1 October - 31 December 1 September-31 December,, Section 3 - Temporarily (up to June 30, 1950) bird catching with nets is prohibited. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S Army Ref. : LD¡Al4g¡X24 Director General ,Civil Affairs Order No. 125 COMMUNAL COMMISSIONS FOR THE ISSUE OF COMMERCIAL LICENCES AND LICENCES FOR HAWKERS AND THE ISSUE OF WORK-BOOKS TO CRAFTSMEN WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to amend the existing provisions for the composition of the Commission for the issue of commercial licences, of licences for hawkers, and of work-books to craftsmen within the Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE 1). EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, JHrector General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section I — Order No. 15, dated 11 September 1945, regulating the appointment of members of the Communal Commissions as provided for by R.D.L. 16 December 1926, No. 2174 (Commission for the issue of commercial licences) by Law 5 February 1934, No. 327 (Commission for the issue of commercial licences to hawkers) and by Läw 24 July 1942, No. 1090 (Commission for the issue of work-books to certain categories of craftsmen), and empowering the Chamber of Commerce to decide upon the respective petitions and appeals, is hereby repealed. Section 2 — The members of the Commissions referred to in Section I hereof, shall be appointed by the Mayors of the Communes within the Zone. ARTICLE II The Commission referred to in Article I hereof shall be presided over by the Mayor or by his delegate and shall be composed as follows : 1) the Communal Commission for the issue of commercial licences (R.D.L. 16 December 1926, No. 2174) ; a) two representatives of the traders ; b) two representatives of the workers ; c) one representative of the manufacturers to give opinion on requests made by mixed enterprises of production and sale („esercizi misti di produzione e vendita“) ; d) one representative of the local union of cooperative societies and associations for mutual aid, to give opinion on requests made by coopérât ive societies, “Enti Annonari“ and „Aziende di Consumo“ ; 2) the Communal Commission for the issue of liconces to hawkers (Law 5 February 1934, No. 327) ; a) a representative of the traders ; b) a representative of the hawkers ; c) two representatives of the workers ; 3) the Communal Commisison for the issue of work-books to certain categories of craftsmen (Law 24 July 1942, No. 1090) ; a) one representative of the manufacturers ; b) one representative of the craftsmen ; t ć) one representative of the workers in industry ; d) one representative of the workers in commerce. ARTICLE III Article 6 of Law 24 July 1942, No. 1090, is hereby repealed and shall be substituted by the following : „Against decisions denying the issue of trade-books („libretto di mestiere“) the applicants may appeal within 30 days as from the date of notification of the decision to the Zone President who shall issue a final decision after hearing the Board of the Chamber of Commerce including also one member of the Association of craftsmen. “ ARTICLE IV All provisions of R.D.L. 16 December 1926, No. 2174, and of the Laws 5 February 1934, No. 327 and 24 July 1942, No. 1090, as subsequently amended shall remain in force unless expressly repealed or inconsistent with this Order. ARTICLE V This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U.S. Army Ref. : LDIAI49/131 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 126 CLASSIFICATION OF „DISTRESSED AREA“ TO THE COMMUNE OF SGONICO WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to declare the Commune of Sgonico a „Distressed Area“ pursuant to and for the purposes of Order No. 146, dated 6 June ig46, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I CLASSIFICATION OF „DISTRESSED AREA“ TO THE COMMUNE OF SGONICO The Comune of Sgonico is hereby declared to be a „Distressed Area“ pursuant to and for he purposes of Order No. 146, dated 6 June 1946. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, TJ. S. Army Ref.: LD¡Al49¡i4o Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 127 TEMPORARY IMPORTATION OF WOOL, HAIR AND RAGS ETC. FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF FABRICS ETC. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to allow the temporary importation of wool, hair and rags for the manufacture of fabrics, of jute for the manufacture of floor carpets, of cellulose for the production of artificial fibres and goods manufactured therefrom, and of cotton Unters either raw or bleached, for the production of artificial fibres combined with cuprammonium and goods manufactured therefrom, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORÈ, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section I. — For a period of six months, beginning from 28 April 1949, the temporary importation of the following products is hereby permitted : a) natural uncleaned or washed wool, combed wool, wool waste, goat or camel hair and any other animal hair classifiable as wool, for any kind of processing or for con-¡ version into manufactured goods including mixed ones or into any kind of garments ; b) wool, cotton and mixed rags, for raveling and any further processing or conversion into manufactured goods including mixed ones or into garments of any kind ; c) juto, for the manufacture of floor carpets, including mixed carpets. Section 2. — The minimum quantity allowed for temporary importation and the timelimit for the relative re-exportation are hereby fixed at 100 kilos and 6 months respectively. ARTICLE II ' Section I. — For a period of 6 months, beginning from 28 April 1949, the temporary importation is hereby permitted of cellulose to be used for the production of artificial fibres and goods manufactured therefrom, and of cotton linters, whether raw or bleached, for the manufacture of artificial fibres combined with cuprammonium and goods manufactured therefrom. Section 2. — The minimum quantity allowed for temporary importation and the timelimit of the •relative re-exportation are hereby fixed at 100 kilos and 6 months respectively. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Ref. : LJJ/AI49I132 Director General,. Civil Affairs Order No. 128 STATE LABELS FOR RECEPTACLES CONTAINING LIQUORS OR NON-DENATURED SPIRITS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to fix the price of State labels for receptacles containing liquors and non-denatured spirits 'in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I State labels („Contrassegni di Stato“) are valid for receptacles containing liquors and, in addition ,for the identification of the receptacles containing non-denatured spirit referred to in Article XX of Order No. 22 dated 29 January 1949. The price of each State label, whether of metal or of paper band, is hereby fixed at Lire 4 for labels to be affixed to receptacles containing up to 1/4 of a liter and at Lire 10 in all other cases. The above prices shall be applicable to the State labels which will be delivered to the bottling firms as from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE III This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be effective as from 16 May 1949 pursuant to Administrative Instructions already issued. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : L])¡Al4g¡i39 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 129 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 337 CONCERNING THE GRANTING OF EXTRAORDINARY SUBSIDIES TO WORKERS ENROLLED TO WORK ABROAD WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to amend Order No. 337 dated 22 March 1947, concerning the granting of extraordinary subsidies to workers enlisted for work abroad, in the Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE 1). EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section I. — Whon special necessities arise the Department of Social Assistance of Allied Military Government in agreement with the Department of Finance may extend in single cases up to a maximum of 210 days the payment of the extraordinary subsidy set forth in Article I of Order No. 337 dated 22 March 1947. Section 2. — The payment of the extraordinary subsidy shall cease as of the date of the receipt of the first remittance made by the worker to his family, or as of the date of the worker’s return. ARTICLE II The extraordinary subsidy referred to in Article I of Order No. 337 dated 22 March 1947, shall be increased : a) in the limit set forth by Article I, Section 1, of Order No. 39 dated 21 October 1947 ; 6 j by the bread indemnity in the limit set forth by Article III, Section 1, of Order No. 347 dated 28 September 1948. ARTICLE III Article II of Order No. 337 dated 22 March 1947 shall be amended to read as follows : „The subsidy shall be paid by Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale under the administration of the Special Unemployment Indemnity Fund referred to in Order No. 392 dated 31 May 1947, and shall be to the burden of Allied Military Government.“ ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Ref. : LDIAI49I141 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 130 PROVISIONS REGARDING THE TEMPORARY TEACHING PERSONNEL INSCRIBED IN THE SPECIAL ROLL ) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to define the juridical position of teachers inscribed in the Special Roll established in accordance with Order No. 43 of 14 January 1948 and in possession of the requisites for the admission to the „Ruoli Speciali/ transitori“ as per D. L. of the Italian Republic No. 262 of 7 April 1948 and D. L. of the Italian Republic No. 112J of 7 May 1948, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section I. — All teachers inscribed in the Special Roll established in accordance with Order No. 43 of 14 January 1948, or whose inscription is being now considered, who are in possession of the requisites for the admission to the „Ruoli Speciali transitori“ as per D. L. of the Italian Republic No. 262 of 7 April 1948 and D. L. of the Italian Republic No. 1127 of 7 May 1948, shall cease to belong to the Special Roll if they do not apply, in accordance with the foregoing provisions and with those laid down in the notice of competition, for the admission to the „Ruoli Speciali transitori“. Section 2. — In order to avoid the cancellation from the Special Roll, all teachers inscribed, and those whose inscription in the same Roll is being now considered, shall furnish, within a month from the date of publication of this Order, to the A. M. G. Education Office, the proof that they have taken part in the competition for admission to the „Ruoli Speciali transitori“ or that they are lacking of the requisites for said participation. Teachers of the Special Roll, who following a competition would be assigned to the „Ruoli Speciali transitori“, shall be cancelled from the Special Roll and will receive the juridical and economic treatment fixed for teachers of the „Ruolo Speciale transitorio“. Should, however, this economic treatment be less advantageous than that enjoyed by them when inscribed in the Special Rolls, an allowance „ad personam“ equal to the balance between the two economic treatments shall be granted to them. ARTICLE III % Teachers holding only the certificate of study who have not obtained the certificate of professional ability or licence (abilitazione o idoneità) during the three years of service on trial as provided for by the „Ruolo Speciale transitorio“ may be returned to the Special Roll in which they were formerly inscribed ; the same treatment will be applied to teachers holding the certificate of professional ability or licence who have not prove satisfactory during the three years of service on trial, as well as to those who have not obtained a chair. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Ref.; LDfAf49fl46 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 131 EXTENSION OF THE TIME-LIMIT FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF REGIME PROFITS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the time-limit for the assessment of Regime Profits in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The time-limit of 30 June 1949, established by Article I of Order No. 287 dated 24 June 1948, for the assessment of Regime Profits is hereby extended to 31 December. 1949. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 27th day of June 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡4gli4g Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 86 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Eng. Emilio Levi, born at Trieste on 4.9.1900 resident at Trieste Via Diaz 16, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of MA N10-RI, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 4.4.1949, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected and be valid also for his wife and his son Davide, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo Vili chapter I of R.D. No. 132S of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised ; , NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive JJirector to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. -— The surname of the interested person Emilio Levi is hereby changed into „MANIORI“ and the change is valid also for his wife and his son Davide. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of each deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIE STE this 22nd day of June 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel f . A. Executive Director to Ref.; LD¡B¡49¡3j Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 37 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. Giuseppe FAJFER, born at Trieste on 18.3.1910, resident at Trieste Via Economo 3, has complied with the law provisions required to obtain the change of his surname into that of FAIFER, according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 17.3.1949, and e WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requ sted change of surname be effected and be valid also for his wife, and WHEREAS the previsions of Titolo Vili chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 0^ the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with arid no objections having been raised ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, \ ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person Giuseppe FAJFER is hereby changed into „FAIFER“ and the change is valid also for his wife. • 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of each deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of June 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD\B\4 Nel caso in cui il trattamento economico del personale dipendente da bar, caffè ed esercizi similari, disciplinato dal contratto salariale del 18 agosto 1948 avesse a subire delle modificazioni, sarà ammessa la revisione del lodo prima della scadenza fissata. In ogni modo la decorrenza del nuovo lodo sarà la stessa delle eventuali modificazioni accennate nel comma precedente. Trieste, 23 maggio 1949. Il Presidente : sgd. : Walter LEVITUS , I membri del Collegio : Renato CORSI Deodato DECOLLE Francesco DE GRAS SI Natale ACERBI Consulenti Tecnici : Ruggero TIRONI Nicolò PASE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Approved 15 June 1949 Sgd. Lionel H. BAILEY Capt. Inf.“ Dated at Trieste, this 27th day of June 1949. R. G. HUMPHREY Lt. Col. F. A. Ref. : LJ)¡C¡4g¡iy Chief, Department of Labor Notice No. 18 NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted in accordance with Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued, in respect cf workers employed in Restaurants, Eating Houses and similar shops, not members of Category Associations, the following award : „ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal primo giugno 1949 ai dipendenti da trattorie, ristoranti ed esercizi similari, i cui titolari non siano aderenti ad Associazioni di categoria, sarà applicata la seguente tabella di salari e stipendi PERSONALE IMPIEGATIZIO Personale di prima categoria ........... „ „ seconda categoria............ „ „ terza categoria ............. economo e controllore................... marchiare e cassiere ................... PERSONALE NON IMPIEGATIZIO Personale ài prima categoria : capo cuoco ......................... Personale dì seconda categoria : sotto capo cuoco ................... cuoco capo partita ................. Lo dispensiere ..................... I. o cantiniere .................... dispensiere, banconiere di buffet .. . cuoco e cuoca con resp. di cucina . PERSONALE DI III CATEGORIA Cuoco .............................. Cuoca .............................. Aiuto cuoco ........................ secondo dispensiere e II.o cantiniere aiuto banconiere di buffet.......... internista uomo e facchino ......... internista donna e pulitrice ....... vestiarista ........................ Esercizio I e II categoria Lire 19.500. — 14.500. — 12.200.— 9.000,— 22.500,— 18.000.— 17.000.— 13.500, — 13.500, — 13.500, — 15.500, — 13.500.— 9.500, — 9.500. — 9.500, — 8.500. — 6.600.— . 6.600.— di III e IV categoria Lire 15.500.— 12.000.— 9.600,— 7.700,— 18.500.— 11.600,— 11.600,— 11.600.— 13!400.— 12.200,— 11.000,— 8.200,— 8.200,— 8.200,— 8.200,— 6.600.— 6.600.— fattorini ed addetti alla porta limitatamente all’età massima di 18 anni ........................................... 2.000.—■ A partire dal .l.o giugno 1949 Г indennità di contingenza per il personale dipendente di cui in premessa sarà la seguente : ! CATEGORIA UOMINI DONNE Giornaliera Mensile Giornaliera Mensile Oltre i 20 anni 572,— 14.872,— 498,— 12.948,— dai 18 ai 20 anni 543,— 14.118,— 400,— 10.400,— 429.— 11.154,— 7.436,— 360,— 286,— 9.360.— 7.436,— sotto i 16 anni APPRENDISTI assunti dopo il 18.o anno e fino al 286,— ; compimento dell’apprendistato 429,— 11.154,— 360. — 9.360,— ARTICOLO 3 Il personale ha diritto a due pasti al giorno. Nel caso di mancato godimento del vitto, è prevista un’ indennità sostitutiva giornaliera di L. 200. — Il personale dipendente da buffet-birreria senza cucina calda, avrà diritto oltre all’ indennità sostitutiva del vitto, agli stipendi e salari di cui all’articolo 1 maggiorati del 18.5.%. L’indennità di contingenza di cui all’articolo 2 sarà ridotta del 23% nei riguardi di quei lavoratori che usufruissero dei due pasti quotidiani (11.5% per ciascun pasto). ARTICOLO 4 Ai lavoratori in premessa sarà pure dovuta in coincidenza con la festività natalizia, una gratifica corrispondente ad una mensilità di stipendio o salario comprensiva dell’ indennità di contingenza. ARTICOLO 5 Il presente lodo decorre dal l.o giugno 1949 e verrà a scadere il 30 novembre 1949. Nel caso in cui il trattamento economico del personale dipendente da trattorie, ristoranti ed esercizi similari, disciplinato dal contratto salariale dell’ 11 febbraio 1949, avesse a subire delle modificazioni, sara ammessa la revisione del lodo prima della scadenza fissata. In ogni modo la decorrenza del nuovo lodo sarà la stessa delle eventuali modificazioni cui si accenna nel comma precedente. Trieste, 24 maggio 1949. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti Tecnici DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Approved 15 June 1949 sgd : LIONEL H. BAILEY Capt. Inf.“ DATED AT TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1949. R. G. HUMPHREY Lt. Col. F. A. Ref. : LDICI49I18 Chief, Department of Labor Errata Corrigenda ORDER No. 85 EMPLOYMENT AND PLACING OF WORKERS — published in Gazette No. 12 dated 1 May 1949, page 228. The Article I, Section 1, second sentence is hereby amended as follows : “For the purposes of this Order among Employers there are to be included State Administrations, para-statal Bodies, the Office of the Zone President, Communes, and the other public bodies and offices having an autonomous organization (provided „di ruolo“ personnel is not concerned), as well as Co-operative Societies and Artisan Firms“. The text of Article XIX is hereby amended as follows : „Anyone other than the Civilian Labor Offices performing any act of mediation, in connection with the engagement of workers, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment by a fine („multa“) up to but not exceeding Lire 50.000. signed Walter LE VTTUS „ Renato CORSI „ Deodato DECOLLE „ Edoardo GIACOMINI „ Natale ACERBI „ Ruggero TIRONI „ Giovanni POLI CONTENTS Order page No. 124 Provisions relating to the hunting season of 1949-1950 ............*........ 337 No. 125 Communal Commissions for the issue of commercial licences and licences for hawkers and the issue of work-books to craftsmen...................... 338 No. 126 Classification of „Distressed Area“ to the Commune of Sgonico............ 339 No. 127 Temporary importation of wool, hair and rags etc. for the manufacture of fabrics etc............................................................... 340 No. 128 State labels for receptacles containing liquors or non-denatured spirits ... 341 No. 129 Amendment to Order No. 337 concerning the granting of extraordinary sub-. sidies to workers enrolled to work abroad................................ 342 No. 130 Provisions regarding the temporary teaching personnel inscribed in the special roll ..................................................................... 343 No. 131 Extension of the time limit for the assessment of Regime Profits............ 344 Administrative Order No. 36 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 345 No. 37 Authority to change the surname.............................:.............. 345 Notice No. 16 Minimum wages for clerical workers in the employment of lawyers, attorneys, accountants, graduates in commercial sciences, fiscal advisors, house stewards and commercial licences experts ............................................. 346 No. 17 Minimum wages for workers employed with Bars, Coffeehouses, and similar shops, not members of Category associations...................................... 347 No. 18 Minimum wages for workers employed in Restaurants, eating Houses and similar shops, not members of Category associations...................................... 349 Errata Corrigenda ................................’..................................... 351