Continued from page 1 championship on TV, Slovenian soccer team didn't qualified this time, but there are some excellent games on every day, and summer Olympics will be soon on from London - England. I wish all sports fans to enjoy all those sports events. I will be cheering for Slovenians in London at summer Olympics, to bring a few meda!s,that would cheer up our homeland in Slovenian - European difficult economical times. In our last news paper I wrote this article about, lets help our homeland and buy "Made in Slovenia" product which are available to us in this country of Canada . I will say today that our Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba did very well, As a smaller group without our permanent home we manage to import 30 cases (720 cans 0,5 L) of Lasko pivo - Zlatorog, also we have in Manitoba Liquor stores two excellent Slovenian wines Mer-lot, from Vina Koper and Renski Resling, from Jeruzalem Ormoz, we are proud to say; Our Association is doing something very positive and I'm sure that Ontario could do 100 times beter because of there Slovenian population, I'm apeling to all Slovenians in Canada to join us and help our homeland in this very difficult economical times, when you see in your towns goods Made in Slovenia , don't hesitate by purchasing those items, you will help our brothers and sister in Slovenia to have jobs or create new one, I think every Slovenian organization in this country of Canada from Toronto to Vancouver should participate in this venture, if you have your ideas how to do better please let us know, we would be happy to include your article in our next news paper. Our Association was planning to have a first BBO event on June 24, But with regrets we are informing you that we are going to have our BBQ event sometime in the fall, Due to few volunteers, health issue and their work load at their regular work, we can't have a quality BBQ event on June 24. Quality is always our priority, we apologies to all our membeis and friends and we are inviting you all on July 8, to share this Sunday afternoon with your friends Our chef, Marjan Jakob will prepare Slovenian dish , our Bar will have Slovenian beer Zlatorog - Lasko pivo, and also Slovenian wine Merlot and Renski Risling will be available, please join us, you all are welcome , We will also thank our volunteers for their sacrifice through out the year and we will celebrate the Slovenian Independence Day. We will be a few days !ate,( it should be on June 25), We will also acknowledge our Association 10,years of existence in this province of Manitoba .After July 8,2012 event, we are having the summer off, some of you will travel and visit your family in Slovenia, some of you will have your family members from Slovenia visiting you here, and some of us will travel in Canada to see their love ones, I wish you all a great summer with safe traveling and we are looking forward seeing you all in the fall time, čestitke LA kralji in Anže , ti in vsak športnik ki se žrtvuje da uspe je najboljši Ambasador naše Slovenije , Trenutno je tudi Evropsko nogometno prvenstvo , žal naša reprezentanca se tokrat ni uspela kvalificirati, lahko pa vidimo odlične igre reprezentanc ki si želijo uspeh za Evropski vrh, Pred vrati so tudi letne Olimpijske igre ki bodo tokrat v Londonu - Angliji zelo bi bil vesel če bi naši Slovenski športniki tudi tokrat prinesli Olimpijsko odličje ker to bi vam v domovini polepšalo življenje v sedanjih teških ekonomskih časih za Slovenijo in tudi Evropo , in mi ki živimo po svetu bomo navijali za naše športnike v Londonu. V našem zadnjem časopisu sem napisa! dopis kako lepo bi bilo če bi se vsi izseljejnci v Kanadi združili in pomagali naši domovini in bi kupovali izdelke Made in Slovenia , s tem mislim kar koli imate v vaših mestih po Kanadi, Danes lahko napišem da je naše Slovensko kanadsko drušlvo ki je po število manjše in tudi brez svojih prostorov to leto že kupilo 30 zabojev Laškega piva ( 24 X 0.5L ) to je skupno 720 pločevink, če še dodam da danes imamo v Manitoba trgovinah za alkohol tudi dve vrste Slovenskih vin Merlot iz Kopra in Renski Risling iz Jeruzalema - Ormoža , po naši zaslugi potem lahko rečem da se naše društvo zelo trudi da promovira Slovenijo in Made in Slovenija produkte, Naše SKD v Mb je s tem pokazalo da lahko vsi delamo za dobro nas vseh in posebno za boljše jutri za našo domovino Slovenijo, Apeliram zopet na vsa Slovenska društva in organizacije v Kanadi od Toronta - posebno Toronto z okolico ki ima največ Slovenskega prebivalstva v Kanadi in bi z lahkoto lahko bili uspešnejši vsaj 100 krat, to velja za vsa Slovenska društva in organizacije vse do Vancouvera .Pridružite se akciji kupujmo Made in Slovenija s tem boste pomagali našim bratom in sestram v domovini da si očuvajo delovna mesta ali pa še s tem kreiramo nova za nezaposlene . Če imate vi vaše predloge in želje vas prosim da mi pošljete vaše ideje in predloge na naš enaslov: in mi jih bomo objavili v naslednji številki našega časopisa , Naše društvo je načrtovalo naš tradicilonalni projekt "Slovenian day " - proslavo Slovenske samostojnosti 24, Junija , ampak na žalost moramo spremeniti ta datum ker imamo naše volanterje ki so v polnem delovnem času in so prezasedeni, eni pa zaradi zdravstvenih težav ne morejo pomagati . Za naše društvo je zelo pomembno da imamo kvalitetna srečanja in to bo vedno naša proriteta . Mi se opravičujemo vsem prijateljem in članom in vam obljubljamo to prireditev BBQ - pečenja na žaru srečanje to jesen , za točen datum se nismo odločili, Vse člane in prijatelje vljudno vabimo 8,Julija na skupno srečanje proslavo Slovenske samostojnsti - ki se v domovini proslavi 25, Junija , Naš šef kuhinje Marjan Jakob bo posrkbel za kosilo na naš Continued from page 2 Slovenski način , in naš Bar bo oskrbljen z Slovenskim pivom Zlatorog - Laško in avemi Slovenskimi vini, Meriot iz Vina Koper in Renski Risling iz Jeruzalema -Ormoža . Oba vina sta odlične kvalitete, vse Slovence v Winnipegu vljudno vaPimo da se nam pridružite . Na tem srečanju se bomo zahvalili našim volanterjem za njihovo požrtvovalno delo in tudi naše društvo je imelo 10 obletnico 25. Februarja 2012 , in se bomo spomnili tega pomembnega dogodka za Slovenstvo v nasi provinci ManitoPi .Pa našem srečanju 8.Julija bo naše društvo mirovalo do jeseni, nekateri od vas imajo načrte potovanja v Slovenijo, nekateri imate sorodnike ki pridejo sem v Kanado in nekateri od nas Pomo potovali po Kanadi k svojim družinskim članom, vsi se veselimo srečanj z najPližjimi kjer koli so, jaz vam vsem v imenu našega Odbora želim prijetno poletje, želimo vam varna potovanja in se veselimo srečanj z vami na naših prireditvah v jesen . SCA of Mb. is having on July 8.2012 Special lunches to celebrate; Slovenian day - which is in Slovenia on June 25. Volunteer's appreciation day 10. Anniversary of our Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba which was register in Manitoba on 25.February 2002. All Slovenians in Winnipeg and our friends are welcome to join us and have wonderful afternoon with us. Place: 768 Mountain Avenue corner of Mountain & Arlington downstairs Date: July 8.2012 Doors open at 12:00, lunch start at 1:00 Entertament: Music man Tickets: $ 10.00 per person Tickets line: 632 5699 or 227 4943 ENTIRE SLOVENIA IS PROUD OF ANŽE KOPITAR Hockey player Anže Kopitar is currently Slovenia's brightest star and is making sports history for the country. His numerous successes have triggered real euphoria and many people stayed awake for many nights to watch him excel at his work, The Los Angeles Kings hockey team are the new champions of the North American National Hockey League, In the sixth game of the playoffs, which they won 6:1, the Slovenian superstar Anže Kopitar and his teammates won their first trophy in the history of the team, beating the New Jersey Devils with the final tally of the Kings playoff wins being 4:2, The 24-year-old, who carried the names of his hometown of Hrušica and of Slovenia out into the world with his talent, persistence, maturity and enthusiasm, is today the most recognised Slovenian sportsman, His journey on the ice has been fantastic: not yet 18 years old, he was already facing tough competition as a player in the Swedish junior team of Södertälje SK, He competed in the Slovenian national team for the first time in 2005, He could have competed for Slovenia sooner, if his father, Matjaž Kopitar, then an assistant to coach Kari Savolainen, had allowed him to, but he did not want to be criticised for inviting his son into the national team against the rules, Today, Kopitar Sr, coaches the Slovenian team, Anže Kopitar joined the NHL in autumn 2006, and has been playing for the Los Angeles Kings ever since, He is the first Slovenian to have competed for the Stanley Cup. Thanks to Kopitar, Slovenia - together with the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Scandinavian countries, Russia, Latvia and Switzerland - is now a country known for raising young hockey generations who, every year, leave for the other side of the Atlantic, His arrival in the most prestigious and desirable environment for all hockey players was also special for Slovenia, It is Kopitar - we could describe him as a "wonder boy' from Hrušica, a small town above the Karavanke Tunne. on the border with Austria - who is contributing to the recognition of Slovenia in places where it was poorly known, He took his first steps on the ice at home, literally -behind his house, where he spent many hours playing hockey, knowing that the knowledge of English imparted by his grandmother, who was a teacher of English, would also help him to open the tightly closed door of the NHL, He decided to go to California and return with a Stanley Cup, This exceptional hockey player and wonderful sportsman has frequently been asked by reporters if his extraordinary talent would not be put to better use in a more suitable and popular hockey environment than a Californian metropolis, either in a club which was regularly in the playoffs or one that had better chances of winning the prestigious Stanley Cup, He always replies politely that he believed that a team of the future was being assembled in Los Angeles and that they would soon begin to compete for a better ranking in the NHL and for the top prize, the Stanley Cup, This year, his prophecy came true, The Kings managed to keep a base of faithful and extremely patient fans over the years, despite their numerous poor performances, They had to wait a long time for a sensational story - until Anže Kopitar came to California, Both pundits and fans immediately noticed his magic on the ice, his mature approach, physical power and sense of teamwork, These qualities have been highly appreciated since his arrival, and so, as a young man, he was offered what is for other Slovenian hockey players an unimaginable deal - a 7-year contract for 50 million dollars, The Kings have thus become champions, and Kopitar is seen by many as the most valuable player in the playoffs and during the season, Last summer, he did not have a single day off, The local people say that he trained a lot, because he was seen at Bled and in the surroundings training to get in shape and regain his strength after a difficult recovery from a broken ankle, Do we ever think about how much work and concentration lie behind his success? He is a true professional and completely dedicated to his work, I believe we should emphasise this more often, especially to young athletes, because we too often see only the end result, Anže Kopitar is a great role model and an inspiration to us all, We followed this remarkable story as it unfolded every night in Los Angeles and New Jersey with great curiosity and the hope that he would succeed and return as a winner of the Stanley Cup - and he did, Thank you, Kopi, BUSINESS Germany - an important trade partner and investor The Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Janša's, first official visit abroad was paid to Germany, which is Slovenia's most important trading partner. Slovenia's trade with Germany amounts to around a fifth of total foreign trade; in 2010, trade in goods came to around EUR 3,6 billion in both directions. Slovenia's exports to Germany mostly comprise electrical machinery and equipment and their parts, audio and visual recording and reproduction equipment, and the respective parts and accessories (22%). This category of products is also ranked first (13%) in terms of imports from Germany Germany is also an important investor in Slovenia, particularly in the area of infrastructure (mostly railway infrastructure). The Prime Minister's two-day visit started with a meeting with the EO of Deutsche Bahn AG, Rüdiger Grube, and a discussion on establishing a logistics holding between Slovenia and Deutsche Bahn. Prime Minister Janša was then received by Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he discussed the reform efforts being made in both countries. They agreed that sustainable budgets and fiscal stability are vital -but insufficient on their own - to achieve sustainable growth, With a view to further improving cooperation between the two countries, the Slovenian Government has begun to adopt measures aimed at shaping such a business environment, as this would be more attractive for foreign investment, Among other things, the Government reduced corporation tax and introduced tax reliefs for investments and tax holidays Russian investments worth billions Russian companies are seeking investment oportunities in Slovenia, Preliminary discussions are underway on investments in all types of travel infrastructure, from railways and motorways to the Port of Koper, The Piggest Russian investmentin Slovenia, worth over EUR 1 Pillion, is the SouthStream pipeline, Last year the numPer of Russian tourists in Slovenia increased Py more than 30%, The Russian amPassadorto Slovenia, Doku Zavgayev, is convinced that the realisation of the package of government measures will contriPute to the development of the Slovenian economy and attract more foreign investors, The largest Russian Pank, SPerPank, which recently Pought the Austrian bank, Volksbank, has entered the Slovenian market, The forecasts for Central European markets are better than those for Western European markets, "There are many opportunities for Russian partners to make investments and connections in Slovenia, to acquire some of our companies, even banks, thereby creating improved opportunities for business in our country," the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Samo Hribar Milič, explained in his speech at the Russian-Slovenian business conference, There are also many opportunities for Slovenian exports to the Russian Federation, An example would be the Automotive Cluster of Slovenia, which generated turnover in the Russian market of EUR 24 million in 2009, EUR 70 million last year, and, together with companies in Slovenian-Russian ownership, a total of EUR 110 million, Slovenian economy to contract this year The European Commission's spring forecast for Slovenia is that Slovenia will record a 1,4% reduction in GDP and a fall in the fiscal deficit to 4,3% of GDP this year, For the euro zone and the entire EU, the European Commission confirmed its February growth forecast - GDP in the euro zone will decrease by 0,3% and overall GDP growth in the EU will be zero, The European Commission's forecast for Slovenia next year is that it will record 0,7% growth in GDP and that its fiscal deficit will be reduced to 3,8% of GDP Next year, the euro zone is expected to record 1 % growth, while Europe as a whole will record growth of 1,3%, In addition, the European Commission's general forecast for the euro zone is that the fiscal situation will improve, According to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Slovenia will record a 2% decline in GDP this year and a further 1,1% in the next, In its forecast, the EBRD points to the credit crunch and a reduction in economic competitiveness as the two biggest difficulties, and is the most pessimistic of all international institutions in its forecasts, These forecasts are slightly different from the forecasts of the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD), which predict a 0,9% drop in GDP According to IMAD, the European Commis sion's lower forecast concern- ing the movement of Slovenian GDP is, in particular, a consequence of differing expectations in terms of import and export trends and the resulting contribution of international trade to GDP growth, Economists also estimate that Slovenian GDP will not fall below 1.4%, as predicted by the European Commission, because cost-saving measures have been already included in the stability programme, which serves as the basis for economic growth forecasts. The cost-saving measures adopted by Slovenia have succeeded in reversing a three-year trend when the deficit remained at practically the same level each year, Even last autumn, the European Commission was still predicting a 5,3% deficit, The measures were also welcomed by finance ministers and the Euro Group president, Jean-Claude Juncker, Development of connections from Ljubljana airport After a few years, the Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air is to return to Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, and will reconnect Ljubljana with Brussels and London, The airline will start flying to harleroi Airport, south of Brussels, on 29 October, and will start flying to London Luton Airport on 30 October, Should these flight destinations prove to be attractive, Wizz Air will further strengthen its presence in Ljubljana and set up its air base there. Wizz Air, the foremost lowcost airline in Central and Eastern Europe, which generated a profit of EUR 40 million last year, expects to carry more than 70,000 passengers to and from the two destinations mentioned above in its first year, and should create 70 new jobs in Slovenia, Aerodrom Ljubljana also welcomes the re-establishment of cooperation with Wizz Air, The airline industry is undergoing major upheavals and the entry of Wizz Air represents a key turning point in Ljubljana Airport's further development. Successful cooperation with Wizz Air will also have a favourable impact on Slovenian tourism, and cooperation between this Hungarian airline and Adria Airways Tehnika, Janša and Miller discuss South Stream project in Slovenia On 30 May, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, met Alexey Miller, the CEO of the Russian energy giant, Gazprom, Their discussions focused primarily on the South Stream pipeline project, Miller brought the Slovenian Prime Minister up to speed with the project's development - a study of the whole undertaking has been completed, project documentation is being prepared, and work is expected to begin at the end of this year. They agreed that the project is of national significance and that it will have a positive impact on energy security in Europe, The establishment of the South Stream Slovenia joint venture, which is jointly owned by Gazprom and the Slovenian company, Plinovodi, is in its final phase. The contract for establishing the venture was signed by Miller and the CEO of Plinovodi, Marjan Eberlinc, on 31 May in Portorož, where they met at the opening of the European Business Congress, where more than 200 delegates and guests from 24 Member States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) discussed energy security and new opportunities for natural gas. Gazprom and Plinovodi will each have a 50% share in the venture, which will have its registered office in Slovenia. The company will be managed by two directors, one from each partner, According to Eberlinc, the feasibility study for the South Stream pipeline route in Slovenia has been developed and approved by both partners, and will be specified in more detail during the course of the siting procedures, in accordance with Slovenian legislation, The total investment is worth approximately EUR 1 billion. The final decision on the route of the whole length of the South Stream pipeline will be known by November, The final map of the route is expected to include Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia and Hungary, while Austria has not been included thus far, In January, Gazprom decided to begin construction in December this year, and not in 2013 as previously planned. The pipeline, the construction of which is estimated to be worth approximately EUR 16,5 billion and which should have a capacity of 63 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year, is to be completed by 2015, and the first supplies of gas are expected to arrive by the end of that year. Državna proslava ob dnevu državnosti Letošnja osrednja državna počastitev dneva državnosti bo potekala v petek, 22. junija 2012, na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani. Dogajanje se bo pričelo ob 20. uri s prenosom slavnostne seje Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije. Proslava se bo pričela ob 21.15 z izstrelitvijo častnih salv z Ljubljanskega gradu in izvedbo vojaških časti, Po govoru letošnjega slavnostnega govorca predsednika Republike Slovenije dr. Danila Turka bo sledil umetniški program, ki ga bo izvajalo več kot 250 nastopajočih. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije bo pričel program z izvedbo Slovenskih ljudskih plesov Alojza Srebotnjaka, 7 folklornih skupin pa si bo zatem sledilo pri igranju in izvajanju plesov iz vse Slovenije; videli bomo plese iz Bele krajine (v izvedbi Folklorne skupine Dragatuš), dolenjske plese (v izvedbi Folklorne skupine Kres Novo mesto), primorske plese iz okolice Gorice (v izvedbi Folklorne skupine Emona), koroške plese Mežiške doline (v izvedbi Akademske folklorne skupine Franc Marolt), gorenjske plese (Folklorna skupina Tine Rožanc), štajerske plese (v izvedbi Akademske folklorne skupine Študent Maribor), plese iz Prekmurja (v izvedbi Folklorne skupine Marko Beltinci) in plese ljubljanskega predmestja (v izvedbi Akademske folklorne skupine Franc Marolt) Orkester Slovenske filharmonije bo sodeloval tudi pri nekaterih plesnih točkah, izvedel pa bo še 2 stavka Istrske suite Aida Kumarja, Program se bo zaključil z izvedbo evropske himne, Koncept proslave, ki sta ga pripravila Tomaž Simetinger in Vasja Samec, tako sledi javnemu povabilu umetnikom k sodelovanju, s katerim so bile iskane vsebine, ki predstavljajo regionalno pristnost in kulturne navade ter običaje, Neposredni prenos proslave bo na 1, programu Radia Slovenija in na 1, programu Televizije Slovenija, Predstavniki medijev boste za spremljanje slovesnosti potrebovali akreditacijske priponke, zato vas prosimo, da se akreditirate preko spletnega akreditacijskega sistema na spletnem mestu Urada Vlade RS za komuniciranje, Sistem je dostopen na naslovu: akreditacije,,si Rok za akreditacije je najkasneje do ponedeljka, 18, junija 2012, do 15,00 ure. WITH REGETERTS SCA OF MB. IS CANCELING OUR BBQ EVENT ON JUNE 24.2012, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THIS EVENT SOMTIME IN FALL, WE WILL GIVE YOU EXACT DATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SCA OF MB. SMART CHOICES A TAKEAWAY GUIDE FOR VISITORS A shortlist of Slovenian products with protected geographical indication. DRAZGOSKIKR UHEK Once a token of faith, love, and friendship, today Dražgoše lebkuchen represent a perfect blend of beautiful and delicious. These decorated oven-baked cookies are made by hand from dense honey-based dough and spices. SOLNI CVET It may sound sophisticated, but fleur de sel is as pure and natural as the sea itself. Magical crystals peacefully bloom in a thin layer on the surface of the saltpans until they are gently processed in the traditional manner by master salt-makers at the Sečovlje Salt-Pan Nature Park. KOSTELSKA RAKIJA Kostel fruit brandy is distilled from apples and pears. It comes from a part of southern Slovenia that preserves the last patches of virgin woods, inspiring wildlife, and one of Slovenia's most popular water destinations: the Kolpa River. PREŠERNOVE FIGE Dried figs are coated in white frosting and then dipped in dark or milk chocolate. This sweet treat was named after Slovenia's most renowned poet, France Prešeren (1800-1849), who was known for carrying dried figs in his coat pocket. STAJER SKO-PREKMUR SKO BUČNO OLJE The color of this pumpkin-seed-based oil ranges from green to red, while the taste ranges from full-bodied to delicate. With no additives, an excellent fatty acid ratio, and an abundance of vitamin E, it is the perfect choice to take the taste of your salad or even ice cream to a higher level.