ZARJA ' DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 10 OCTOBER, 1969 VOLUME 41 Miraculous picture ol MARIJA POMAGAJ o IB rezje, Slovenia lias arrivcJ in \Vasliln^ton I). C. to be enthroned in Slovenian ( liapcl ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 10 VOL. XLI OCTOBER, 1969 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno Por Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 111. G0608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTH DAY ll\ OCTOBER . . . Supreme Officers: Oct. 8—Antonia Turek, Supreme President, Cleveland, O. Oct. 9—Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, 111. Oct. 15—Anna Pachak, State President, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 30—Elizabeth Zefran, State President, and Women’s Director, Chicago, 111. Branch Presidents: Oct. 8—Olga Saye, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Oct. 10—Mary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, Oregon Oct. 14—Josephine Oswald, Br. 52, Hibbing, Minn. Oct. 15—Mildred James, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 22—M'ary Stupar, Br. 85, DePue, 111. Oct. 23—Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Oct. 29—Henriette Dimock, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. Oct. 15—Frances Simonich, Br. 3. Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 22—Josephine Comenshek, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Otc. 22—Dorothy Zakely, Br. 51, Kenmore, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Oct. 5—ILLINOIS-1 N DIAN A STATE CONVENTION, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 10—Card Party, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio Oct. 12—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 23—Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Nov. s—4th Anniversary Dinner Dance held by Br. 103, Washington, D. C. Nov. 13—Penny Social at Br. 2, Chicago, 111., ".it 7 p. m. ON THE COVER . . . The beautiful reproduction of the painting of Marija Pomagaj that has for decades graced the Shrine at Brezje in Slovenia, has now arrived in America. It will be the focal point of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. and for all the years to come, will bring beauty and inspiration to every visitor of the National Shrine. Accompanying the cover photo was the following letter from Mr. Zdravko Pfeifer, a member of the Chapel Committee that will approve final plans for the construction to begin soon. As it implies, the first and formost step in the realization of this dream has been taken. We urge all our members and friends who have not as yet done so, to send in a contribuation to the Slovenian Chapel Fund in care of Mr. Frank Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Just a few thousand dollars are needed to complete the fund of $70,000.00 that has been collected through the cooperation and generosity of our Slovenian societies and people. The Fund drive should be concluded soon. We hope everyone who reads Zarja can proudly say: “I have participated in this dream of the Slovenian-Americans ... to bring “Marija Pomagaj” to Washington, D. C. the capital of our country.” September' 1969 Editor, Zarja—The Dawn, Chicago, Illinois Dear Editor: Please find enclosed a photograph of the painting of MARIJA POMAGAJ of Brezje that will be placed in the Slovenian Chapel at the National Shrine in Washington. The painting arrived some 6 weeks ago from Ljubljana, brought by Rev. Vital Vodušek and entrusted to his sister, Mrs. Agnes Javornik in Washington. Rev. Vodušek was given this mission on the request of His Excellency, the Archbishop of Ljubljana. On the first opportunity after its arrival, I had the pleasure of photographing the painting and to make this copy I am sending to you. On the first of September, as Holy Mass was being offered at the National Shrine by the Most Rev. Dr. Stanko Lenic, Auxiliary Bishop of Ljubljana, the painting was solemnly carried into the Shrine. We thank Rev. Vodušek very sincerely for his ! protective care by which the painting successfully j withstood the voyage across the ocean and sub- j sequent trip to the Capital. J Since the Slovenian Women's Union has spear- J headed the Fund Drive for the Slovenian Chapel, J I am sending you this print with hopes that it t will be published in Zarja. ’ With Best Wishes, (Signed) Zdravko Pfeifer I BEGINS THIS MONTH , , , CONVENTION QUEEN CAMPAIGN Enroll a new member from now until Campaign closes March 31st! The 15th National S. W. U. Convention takes place May 24-27, 1970 at Euclid, Ohio. The Convention Queen always takes a prominent place in the Convention activities, especially at the Grand Banquet. Who will be the Convention Queen? She is the one who will work the hardest to secure new members in this campaign. Every member will count and the grand total of new members will earn for the “Queen Bee’ who works the hardest, this auspicious title! Cash prizes will be given as follows: Class A: SO, So. Chicago, deserves the biggest praise as the worker who put us over the top with over 30 new members to her credit. Congratulations, Ann and Liz! Our committee for the Penny Social also asks for your generosity once a-gain — if you can, to bring prizes and/or items for the refreshment table. It’s always a very well-laden table, and our guests enjoy having their cake and coffee between games. So, tell your friends and have them come along with you to have an evening of fun on November 13th at. 7 p. m. Remember, the proceeds go into our Junior Christmas Party fund. Corinne Leskovar No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco branch has had a heartbreak of the loss of our beloved Past President, Mary Slanec. Mary was loved by all, and because of her diligent work Zveza enjoys the benefit of a fine organization well-run. I can truly say I learned all I know' from Bara Kramer and Mary Slanec; these two fine ladies were most helpful making me an active member of Zveza, teaching me all the workings and always advising me where it was most necessary. Our Mary was ill for many, many years but the death of her beloved husband Martin seemed to take the light out of her eyes and a little of her was buried with him. These two nice people celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary a few' years ago with their many friends and relatives. Although Mary did not have any children of her own it only added to her desire to have better education for children. She was President of the Patrick Henry School Mother’s Club, and also President of Zveza for 16 years. She worked for the betterment of the community and was honored for her work. Mary’s love knew no bounds, she loved all her fellow' men and treated each and everyone as though a member of her family. There was always a feeling of tranquility around Mary, and despite her lengthy illness she would attend whenever possible each function of Zveza, her smiling face a delight to see always. She had a personality that was a treasure so that everyone in turn loved her. Her nieces and nephews adored Mary; she became a second mother to these people when her sister died and was a MOTHER in every sense of the word. When I would write an article of her doings she always called and thanked me and said: “Now my friends out East will know how I am.” It is a great loss to me and Zveza but Heaven held its gates wide open and I am sure the Angels sang to welcome Mary Home . . . She does not leave any children of her own to mourn, but we who loved her will feel her loss. She was rich in friends and life was good when she was around. May she find peace and happiness in Heaven; we will all remember her in our prayers. To her family of relatives we can only say we know how you feel. Paradise will be a nicer place because “OUR MARY” dw'ells there now! Death visited the home of our dear friend Marion (Barich) Lucche-si. Her husband age 55, passed a-wuy the day his lovely daughter was to have been married. Dino was a fine and dear friend. He worked for the Boy Scouts of America and was a beacon of light to his fellow workers. It was a sad and dreadful thing for one so young and vibrant to have to leave us but we have been taught when God calls, we must answer. His lovely family will really miss him as he was a wonderful Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: ENEMIES IN THE CHURCH RENEWAL A modern author has written about the enemies in the Church. His list is by no means complete. It is challenging. He names six foes we face today, not out side, but within the household of faith. They are: 1. status seeking, 2. self-righteousness, 3, irrelevancy, 4. ignorance, 5. fear, 6. helplessness. One’s first instinct when faced with the list like this is to look around for comforting evidence. A better response would be to ask with the apostles: "Lord, is it I?” 1. STATUS SEEKING is a sin we easily ascribe to others. But it can fasten its hold on the most humble and obscure. To put on “front” to desire to be thought other than one is, to aspire for office or position, to claim recognition even for outstanding meekness are all in one way or another evidence of this enemy’s subtle power. In the meantime, the Lord who “has put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of the low degree” looks on, perhaps with wonder, certainly with grief. Yet it still works by a kind of inner necessity in the kingdom of God that “whosoever exalts himself shall be abased; and he that liumbles himself shall be exalted.” 3. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS is an ever-present enemy of the Church. It is a mood easier to detect than to correct. Actually, of course, the people of God are right, eous. Their righteousness is real and not fictious in theological terms; it is imparted as well as imputed. But it is not earned or deserved. It is received as the gift, of grace. There is a bit of Pharisee in all of us. Humanly, we find satisfaction in self-sufficiency and learn with. St. Paul: “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” 3. IRRELEVANCY is one of the fad words of our time. Yet what it describes is not new in the Church. It has been around ever since the first religionist began to separate his faith from his life. The chief charge of the prophets in ancient Israel against the worship of their day was that it was irrelevant. Men offered their sacrifices and performed the ritual of the cult, but their hearts were far from God and their lives empty of practical service. Nothing is more pertinent to the problems of today’s world than the gospel of Christ faithfully proclaimed and conscienciously lived. But in a very down to earth way, the world must become flesh and live among men. They must be shown as well as told what Christ can do in transforming human life. (To be continued) father and adored uncle, good brother and a good all around MAN. Altho life was short for Dino he knew only love and kindness, as all around him loved and respected him. His family are most active at the Slovenian Hall and Pa and Ma Barich( his adored in-laws) are the back bone of our Hall. To Ma and Pa Barich, Dino was their son, as they lived next door to one another and got along like one happy family. A few months ago we all attended the Club Slovenia Picnic and having the table next to the Bariches was fun, more laughter and all around good fun in their pleasure of just being together spread to all around them. It was a lovely day to remember. It is so hard to understand one so young leaving us but I was toid many years ago by my beloved Mother that when our work was complete God would call us back to Paradise, and I suppose Dino who did so much for his fellow man, he completed his work in less years than most people. A-nother Flower is now in Heaven. Heaven must be a wonderful Place with people like Dino there. To his family we can only say be happy in the knowledge that all he ever knew from all of you was happiness, how lucky to have had a family like you. To Gale and Tom who will be married soon now we wish for you the best life has to offer. You will find happiness as your Dad left liis love behind to enrich your life. God be with you all at this most trying time. With so much sadness it is wise to mention one of ours w'ho is in the Insurance business. If you are in need of Insurance of any kind call Harry Minkin, at Valencia 4-2400. He is with Allstate Insurance Com- pany, 3120 Mission St., San Francisco. We think of Insurance at these times and Hary is a true friend when needed. He will and can suggest various forms of Insurance that will completely suffice your needs. Homeowners, car, home, etc., just give Harry a call and he will answer your every question. There are times when we should check our coverage because of changing laws etc., it is advisable to be well-informed so check your policies and be sure your coverage is adequate or simply call Harry Minkin, at Valencia 4-2400 and he will advise you. Sister Mrs. Zafranovich was a guest at her daughter’s home this summer and called to greet all our members. She wanted to attend a meeting but in June, July and August we did not have meetings. So Mrs. Zafranovich extends greetings to all our members. She now resides in SanDiego, Calif. Fran E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Our September meeting was very well-attended and a celebration for all the members was held afterward for those who had birthdays and anniversaries during the summer months. Very special congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turk of Kewanee Avenue who have just celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Our best wishes also go to our gracious and charming Treasurer, Mary Iskra and her husband, Frank who had their 37th Wedding Anniversary on September 3rd. We w'ere delighted to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smerdel have just been blessed with a brand new daughter, Diane. Little Diane and brother Donald are grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Smerdel and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sustar. Congratulations to all! Our Sunshine Club has had some very generous contributions from Mary Bubnick, Helen Kusar, Florence Lapuh, and Mrs. Bostijancic. And to add to the social part of our monthly meetings Vida Kuhar, Mary Simon- čič, Jennie Stopar, Mary Koljat, Frances Kovach, and Anna Marolt donated to the “Good Time” treasury. Many thanks to all you members for your help. The evening refreshments included delicious fried chicken the members had ordered with milk and cream for the coffee donated by Rose Rogers and the strudel brought by Frances Globokar. Please remember our Card Party in October. Chairman Pauline Krall has assembled some lovely prizes. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Just a reminder that our Usinger Luncheon is coming up on Tursday, October 23, at (1:30 p. m. and will be followed at 8 p. m. by a miscellaneous card party. We are in need of table and door prizes. All donations are greatly appreciated and the proceeds from this luncheon and card party are for our own treasury for current expenses. A cordial invitation is extended to all of the members, friends, neighboring branches, to attend this event. Please get your tickets in advance as they are limited. A bus was chartered by our branch to attend the Wisconsin State Day and Convention at Willard, Wis. Sept. 14th. Br. 1(12 was the hostess branch and we were all looking forward to the trip to Willard. We are very happy to hear that Mary Ann Limoni, daughter of Mr. FROM THE EDITOR: WHAT IS SLOVENIA? “Reflections from a recent trip” Part I SLOVENIA IS A LAND OF KALEIDOSCOPIC COLORS . . . It is TRIGLAV, the queen of the Julian Alps, snow-waped with her three peaks dazzling white against the soft blue sky. It is the lower mountain range, a deep midnight blue in the distance. It is the bright grey-white granite of her many highlands, surrounded by dark green forests and soft grassy slopes. It is the golden glow of sunset passing over those granite peaks at KRANJSKA GORA. It, is the jewel of LAKE BOHINJ as seen from high atop MT. VOGEL, 1,800 feet up ... so blue and so sparkling far down at the base of the majestic mountains. It. is the beautiful TRENTA VALLEY where the SOČA RIVER begins Its long and tortuous downward path from the steep headlands of the Julian Alps down to the Adriatic Sea. It is that rippling river, neither blue nor green, but a heavenly color that reflects the sky. Sometimes wild and white, foaming over glistening rocks, the SOČA can become quiet and deep and crystal clear. It is GORENJSKO, where from every cottage window hangs a silver-green spray of carnations with the little red and pink blossoms intermingled. It is the brightness of cherry-red geraniums and gold-yellow begonias at the window sill or in pots at Ihe doorway. It is rows of gay pink flocks growing around every corner and a-long every pathway. It is the “KRAS” or plains where the ground cover is golden and dry. Legend holds that the land became barren when forests were cut down during the middle ages by Venetian barge-builders. In this region, a farmer can more easily serve you a glass of wine than a glass of water. It is the vast azure horizon that is the ADRIATIC SEA with its miles and miles of hilly and rocky shoreline. At night it is a fantasy of lights shining out from hilltops and valleys. It is the white church spire as seen from afar, nestled among the red-tiled rooftops of the villages you are passing along the roadside. And, it is the farmland throughout Slovenia that is cultivated by hard-working fanners, as if one giant hand painted a patchwork quilt in green and gold. It is the subtle shading of light and dark between the rows and rows of vineyards lacing the green hills of ŠTAJERSKO. It is the window display in RIBNICA where colorfully painted wooden plates, spoons, tubs, boxes and bowls bring to life many peasant scenes and landscapes of Slovenia. It is the gaily-hued sidewalk cafe umbrellas lining a street in LJUBLJANA and the hotel garden where huge chestnut trees spread their large green branches over groups of people sitting at red and yellow covered tables. It is the bouquets of red carnations tied with red, white and blue ribbon presented to you as your first step onto Slovenian soil and again, the last flower bouquet you clutch as you leave that beautiful land. C. L. (To be continued) and Mrs. John Limoni of West Allis was given the post of an orientation leader at Gallaudel College, the world’s only liberal arts college in Washington, O. C. She helps familiarize the new students with the College. Congratulations, Mary Ann, we are so proud of you. Meetings were resumed on Sunday Sept. 21st at the regular time and place, 2' p. m. at the St. Mary Church Hall. We extend the welcome mat to the vacationers traveling through the USA and also the European travelers. Hope everybody had a most enjoyable t rip. Best wishes are extended to all the sick and shut-in members. If possible, try to visit them and drop them a card or note so as to make their days a lot more pleasant. Members in arreas with dues, kindly bring your dues up to date, as you know we must send in your payments monthly to the Home Office. Marie A. Floryan, Sec. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Greetings to all members and hope this fall to see you attending our meetings. One of our good members, Mary R. Nusliene Charnowski, ha« been appointed to the Minnesota Bankers Association Legislative Committee for 1969-1970. Mary has been executive vice-president of Biwabik State Bank for many years and is a wonderful lady of whom we are all very proud. Much luck to her in the future! We know she will continue to bring credit and honor to her profession, woman YOUNG COUPLE WED Again, my best to all and stop in to see me with your dues payments. Mary Lenich, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterka hood and all the associations she is affiliated with, including our branch. Bog te živi, Mary! We had a lovely wedding on July 19th when Joleen Ann Strlekar became the bride of John Peterka. Congratulations to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strlekar of Eveleth. Joleen has been our member since childhood. We wish the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness. The branch mourns the loss of a good member, Mrs. Josephine Frantar who died August 29th at the Eveleth-Fitzgerald Community Hospital. Son, William and two sisters survive and to them, our sincere condolences. We shall continue to pray for our beloved departed on every occasion and hold Mrs. Frantar in dear memory. No. 20, Joliet, III. As reported by secretary Olga Ancel, members who left the hospital were Justine Kauz-lerick and May Schmidberger. Wishes to all our members for good health and to our long-time member, Mrs. Mary Bozicli who lost her husband, Walter Bozich during the time we were in Europe, deepest condolences. She and her family — three daughters and son-in-law Dr. Tarizzo, are wonderful friends and Walter also a personal friend. He was stricken with illness after planning to join us for the European trip — but, he and his wife, Mary had to forgo the vacation. While we were away, we learned of his passing. Mr. and Mrs. Bozich also attended the 40th anniversary celebration of our branch last fall. May he rest in peace as we will not forget him. Josephine Erjavec No. 21., Cleveland, Ohio. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of members, Ann Vuk, a longtime member who died after a lengthy illness. Condolences to Olga Klinec and William Slabe on the loss of their dear mother, Mrs. Mary Slabe. May they rest in peace eternal. A speedy recovery is wished to our members who were in the hospital and still are ailing at home, Anna Jesenko and Josephine Weiss. Vacations: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banker returned home after spending their weeks vacation in Colorado and in Denver for a visit to a sister of Peter Banker. Mary Sanker and Irene Hosta, arrived home after their vacation in beautiful Hawaii. Greetings: A card from our Su- preme Secretary, Albina Novak from Slovenia. She enjoyed her trip immensely. Prom Florida, Anna Wirmar visited her daughter, Jackie Skufca and family and Mary Šinkovec, to see her son, William Šinkovec and family. Congratulations are extended to proud great-grandmother, Mrs. Josephine Zupan for the 5th time — a new little granddaughter, Lynn. Proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zupan. In 'all cases if you have news for this column, kindly call me or any of the officers, telling us about your sick ones or happy events. Time and again I have asked for such information, so please do call on us. To all members, my mest wishes. Stella Dancull, Sec. No. 32, Euclid ,Ohio. Vacation sea- son over with, school opening and we had our meeting on September 2nd which was mostly to arrange our 40th Anniversary. The program of the day was very exciting. We have some sick members; yours truly was in the hospital, too, in July for surgery. 1 thank you all for the cards and get-well wishes and visits and prayers. Also, Lucille Smolic is now in the hospital and Barbara Baron wasn’t feeling too well. A. Skvarča was sick but is now better. Louis Perme, husband of Frances, was hospitalized lafter surgery and we pray for his and Glasbena Matica’s first long-play stereo recording “Gl'asbena Matica Sings” has just been released. Watch for it at your Slovenian neighborhood record shops and listen to your favorite Slovenian dee-jay preview all our members’ recovery. May we see you all up and around again very soon. Our sympathy to Mary Knific whose husband passed away on August 25. May the soul of Mr. Frank Knific rest in peace. In closing, hope our Lord will bless you and your families and hope to see you at the October meeting. Anna Tekavec, Rec. Sec. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Vacation days are now by-gone and our fall schedule is a Card Party to be held on October 5th at the Lily Club. Everyone, members and friends, are invited! Our Second Annual Picnic on Aug. 10th was a success and at this time the committee would like to thank everyone who participated in any way. Anne Konczal, Josephine Kolar, Christine Rebernisek, Elsie Gallun and Ann Hiller were kept very busy dishing out food. Vickie Sporis donated ia box of groceries and a bottle of wine; Mary Kiel, a lovely tote bag; Josie Zinko, a bottle of brandy and Christine Rebernisek and Elsie Gallun, the greens. Anne Konczal donated the tickets and signs. John Rebernisek and his helpers, Mr. Bengsch, Terry Gilboy and Mr. Kon-chich, did a marvelous job barbe-quing and bartending. Lastly, our thanks to Eddie Gallun and Frankie Bevsek who had the crowd in the best of spirits and believe me, they really kept everyone on their toes, dancing and singing. Leave it to our Milwaukee accord-ianists—you can’t beat them! some of the fourteen magnificent Slovenian choral selections. The phonograph record cover displays Glasbena Matica’s evening concert performance in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia’s “Križanke” out-door theatre. We missed Julia Schnick who at the time was recuperating from surgery and now is at home. She made sure Herman ,her husband, was at the picnic. Mrs. Podriznik had her son and his family at the outing, too. Mr. Podriznik is convelescing for quite a while in a home. To the above and all others who are ailing, — a speedy recovery. Anyone who has not as yet purchased a copy “From Slovenia to America” should please get one. The contents of the book are excellent! You shouldn’t be without a copy and also, our famous Zveza cook book. I have both an hand, so just call. I'll be glad to take your orders. To all October celebrants, congratulations best wishes. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Saddle up for a busy year ahead! Vacations are over and certain affairs will be over, too. By the time we start with the meetings, we will have two historic events behind us, the State Convention and Annual Picnic. More activities will be on tap, so do attend the meetings where we will discuss them. Members, please remember to donate baked goods for our October 3rd Bake Sale at Bamga Dom on St. Clair Ave. Money made on this project is used to purchase stamps and occasional cards, gifts to members who are hospitalized or when a member passed away. This is a nice way to remember our ladies on any occasion. Since August 28th Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seelye are living in Lehigh Acres, Fla. Our branch was started right after the depression days and it was thru the efforts of our first secretary, Mrs. Josephine Seeleye, who worked very hard to secure members, that Br. 50 became a reality as the first English speaking branch. Jo was our secretary for about 10 years. We wish Jo and Jack well in their home in sunny Florida. Cecelia Žnidaršič and Evana Mandel are still recuperating at home. Frances Nemanich was also hospitalized for surgery. Hope all are better now. Ailing is John Mlakar, husband of Louise, who is a very willing worker for our branch. We pray that God gives him the best of health. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Perusek( Mary) on their 30th Wedding Anniversary. The family surprised them with a big cel ebration. To Betty Lee Gorgon on the birth of her baby boy a wonderful playmate for his sister I.ea Ann, we send our best wishes. Members, please try to attend meetings regularly; all our travellers Order now Glasbena Matica’s long-play stero recording Glasbena Matica Sings featuring 14 magnificent Slovenian choral selections Send check or money order to— Mrs. June Price Miss Josephine Misic 3323 W. 95th St. or 1111 E. 72nd St. Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 $5.29 includes postage and handling are back now and you can be sure they will have Interesting stories and reports to give. Toni Turek, Rose Želodec and Ann Kristoff were in Europe; Ann Deklevu in Florida, Josephine Trunk and Frances Nema-nich made a visit to Colorado. Perhaps more of our members traveled afar, but I haven’t any news from them. Come to the meeting and tell us about yourselves. Marie Beck, our secretary, Irene Jagodnik and yours truly visited Milwaukee, Wis., and were guests of Jennie Ahcin of Br. 12. Jennie was a very gracious hostess. We extend our deep sympathy to Emily Unik on the passing of her dear brother, Rudolph Čermelj; to Rose Bavec on the loss of her dear husband, John, also to Christine Duche who lost her husband, Stanley. God grant them eternal rest. See you all at the October 20th meeting. Are your dues paid? Make Marie Beck, our Secretary happy. Frances Sietz No. 63, Denver, Colo. Another month, as I am writing, and summer is over. We hope everyone had a happy, enjoyable and safe vacation and lhat all the little ones are rested and happy to be in school again. We hope the delegates and representatives of branches in Colorado had a nice and enjoyable day in Pueblo for the State Convention on September 14th. We lost one of our old time members, on August 1st. She was sister Mary M. Canjar, mother of Rev. John A. Canjar, former pastor of Holy Rosary church. Also, one other son, Leo and five daughters survive. Our condolences to the family and may Mary M. Canjar rest in peace. The members wish to extend their thanks for the post-card from Slovenia to Albina Novak, our Supreme Secretary. Hope you enjoyed your trip, Albina. Hope to see you all at our next meeting. Those in arrears with their dues should try to get caught up before the auditors check over the books which will be this fall. If you cannot make it to the meetings, please mail dues to me. Thank you. Fraternally your secretary-treasurer, Mary Musich No. 72, Pullman, III. Our end-of-the-year meeting will be held on December 14th at the home of Mrs. Angela Arko, 318 West 111th Place, at 2 p. m. Please make an effort to attend. This will also be our Christmas meeting, and we know you will have an enjoyable afternoon. Best wishes to all, especially to our members who are sick. Wilma Zagar, Reporter “FROM SLOVENIA SP* ... TO AMERICA” CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Mrs. Marie Prisland 1034 Dillingham Avenue Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 Dear Mrs. Prisland: I have just finished reading your preceptive and enjoyable book, From Slovenia To America, and I think particularly your chapter “Impressions of America” makes for fascinating Fourth of July or any other day reading. It was a special pleasure to find how well you captured the lore and legends of Sheboygan. Since visitors to my office frequently spend time in my reception room, I am placing a copy of your book in that area of my office. I hope you will visit Washington sometime and spot it there. With best wishes, and congratulations on an excellent piece of work. Sincerely yours, William A. Steiger, M. C. ORDER BLANK FOR NEW BOOK: FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, $4,00 By Marie Prisland, Founder of Slovenian Women’s Union Enclosed is (check) (money order) In amount of $............. for ........— copies of FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Please enclose 250 for postage and handling of individual orders Total $........... Name ........................................... Address ...................................... City .......................... State .......... Zlpcode ....... Mail to: Mrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wlckliffe, Ohio 44092 ■ AAA A A A.A A A A No. 77, Pittsburgh, pa. On July 17th we held our Annual Picnic. We had a beautiful day. All those members, their families and friends who attended, had a nice time. The officers would like to thank everyone who donated food and helped at our picnic. I couldn’t attend our State Convention this year, but the officers and members who did attend reported, that they had a fine time at Meadow-lands. We would like to thank Br. No. 26 for supplying our transportation. And a big ’’THANK YOU” to the members of the Meadowlands Branch No. 10G for giving our representatives such an enjoyable day! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 8th at 8 o’clock. It will be held In St. Mary’s Lyceum, which Is located on the corner of Nash St and Pressley St. Hope to see you there. Betty Ann Murphey, President MINUTES OF THE STATE CONVENTION OF PENNSYLVANIA Held at Mcadoudands, Pa., July 27, 1969 Our State Convention on July 27, 1969, at Meadowlands, Pennsylvania, was very well-attended. We had 136 members from the following branches: No. 26, Pittsburgh, No. 27, Braddock, No. 77, Pittsburgh, No. 90, Oakmont, No. 96, Universal, No. 71, Strabane, Supreme Secretary, Mrs. Albina Novak, Chicago, Mrs. Mary Bostian, Cleveland. Mrs. Novak gave a talk on friends that our Branch has brought together and the memories we have. When Hermine Prisland Dlcke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 * * . * Since some members might be interested in the papal audience that our Slovenian tourists enjoyed during the Italian tour, I would like to share this experience with you. The arched ruins of several great aqueducts built by the Romans In the early centuries of the Chrisitian era to carry water to Rome from outlying sources added much to the picturesque scenery on our bus trip from Rome to the Pope’s summer residence at Caste! Gandolfo. An estimate of 10,000 people packed the l'arge elongated auditorium or hall where Pope Paul VI. greets tourists during the summer on Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Clorful Swiss-Guards with plumed hats who serve as guards to the Pope were stationed at the entrances and on the speaker’s platform. As we walked down the long middle aisle to our seats with hundreds of other tourists, our daughter was pleasantly surprised to hear some one call "Mary” from the crowd — a high school friend waved merrily. Along the aisle one large section was completely reserved for all the nuns which made an impressive picture. After some confusion we were given seats. Shortly after ten o’clock the high enrtance doors were quietly and slowly closed, a hush fell over the crowd and in one dramatic moment the Pope was there in the doorway seated in his sedia gestorie waving to the people. Instantly a huge cheer came from the crowd and camera flashes went off everywhere. As he was carried down the central aisle wearing his all else is gone — how pleasant it is to think back and remember the good deeds we have shared. Mrs. Bostian gave a report on the activities which will give spark to your Branch, especially with the youth. A choral group, a baton marching group or perhaps a bowling team, are a few of the suggestions she had. Mrs. Tomsic did a fine job as Toast-mistress. She and the Secretary, Mrs. Lucy Smith, were very kind in donating gifts for our prizes. Since it was our Branch’s 21st Anniversary, Mary Bier, gave the history of the branch. white robe and red shoulder cape, the Pope greeted the people with a warm smile occasionally bending low to touch an extended hand or pausing briefly that the crowd might see him. He was brought to the front of the auditorium and seated high on the speaker’s platform. Two rows of dignitaries sat on either side along the wall with two monsignors standing close by to act as aides to the Pope and help with the introduction of some of the groups in attendance. Pope Paul VI. spoke in Italian a-bout forty minutes to a responsive audience who frequently cheered his remarks. During his talk he named and greeted tourist groups from Scotland, France, Spain, Wales — to mention a few, followed by a hearty applause from each group as called. He extended a very special greeting to the large Czechoslovakian delegation (maybe 3,000) expressing his deep compassion for the sad happenings in their country. The Czechs responded with an ovation. His Holiness then spoke for about ten minutes in French, Spanish and English. In English and with great warmth he welcomed especially the college students from the United States including groups from cities in Mississippi, Illinois, California, Wisconsin (La Crosse) and many others. He congratulated America on the phenomenal historic accomplishment of the astronauts who walked on the moon only a few days before. After the close of his prepared talks, the Pope blessed all religious articles one carried. He the blessed the entire audience announcing that their families at home were also included. Then, while he personally greeted and conversed with the dignitaries seated on the stage, song broke out in the crowd. The Czechoslovakian group began with several beautiful melodies; the nuns followed by leading the entire group in a number of religious songs. There I can’t close this report without mentioning our Junior Members, who were dressed in Slovenian costumes. The girls were: Sherry Jo and Pamela Jacobs, Jennifer Vorum and Barbara Pavella. These girls did the table decorations, made and served the refreshments. Congratulations to the parents of these girls for such fine upbringing. Thank you members of my branch for the cooperation you gave me. The next Convention will be hosted by Branch 90, Universal, Penna. Josephine V. Jacobs, President (See photos of Penna. State Day on page 189.) was almost a feeling of gaiety. The Pope seated again in his sedia gestoria smiled and waved as he was carried down the middle aisle to leave the auditorium and his cheering, appreciative audience. While flying over the Atlantic Ocean on our return flight, my mother enrolled Mrs. Frank Gale of Wilkesbare, Pa, as a new social member. We asked her for a couple of family recipes which she graciously gave us right there on the flight. Ajmoht and Goulash are her favorites. * * * AJMOHT (like soup) I pound lamb blade, cut in cubes I onion, cut fine 1 teaspoon camway seed Ms teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon marjoram 2 tablespoon cut parsley Salt and pper to taste 1 tablespoon Hour 1 '/2 quarts boiling water 1 cubed potatoes I cup bow noodles cooked separately in salt water Cut off all fat from lamb. Melt this and add onion, meat, caraway seed, paprika, marjoram, parsley, salt and pepper. Simmer 1 hour over low heat mixing occaclonally. Then stir in flour and gradually add the water. Add the potatoes; simmer 20 minutes longer or until potatoes are done. Add drained bow noodles. If desired, add 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon vinegar or white wine for additional flavor. Chicken or veal can be used in place of lamb. * * * GOULASH 2 pounds beef, cubed for goulash 2> onions, chopped fine 3 buds garlic, cut fine and mashed with 1 teaspoon caraway seed 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon paprika V2 teaspoon hot pepper 4 cups boiling water Salt Remove all fat from meat and melt. and Add chapped onion, garlic, caraway seed, and meat. Simmer one hour over low heat mixing occasionally. After an hour and when meat is done add 1 tablespoon flour, mix; add paprika, mix; add hot pepper, mix; slowly stir in water and salt to taste. Simmer 10 minutes more. Can be served over spaghetti or hot potatoes cooked in jackets. Pork butt or veal can be used in place of beef. Happy Halloween, Hermine No. 95, So. Chicago, III. After an absence of two months from our meetings which means the end of summer and the beginning of fall, our first meeting was held in September. To me it is always exciting to see the interest and enthusiasm of our members with a generous portions of pleasure displayed for all the activities that lie ahead of us for the coming season. It nil added up to a perfect evening—the weather cooperated and the meeting had the air of a family reunion. After the meeting Ann Sortich and Mary Nicksic set a beautiful table and served the refreshments to our members and donated by the following ladles: Mary Perkovich (9(>th. Musk.), Barbara Sambol, Ann Pave, Ann Nagoda and Emma Yergovich. Cash was donated by the following: Anna Tumpich, Eva Mlinarich, Matilda Martin, Mildred Poropat, Victoria Rukovina, Ann Nagoda, Anna Plesha, Helen Golich and ($2) Mildred James. Many thanks to all of you for your thoughtfulness. We are very pleaHed to welcome one more new member to our group: Rose Mary Grafrath, 9723 Escanaba Ave. A very warm welcome to you, Rose Mary! We have members on our sick list who have been recently hospitalized, namely, Rose Boerner, Frances Per-pich, Bernice Golden, Jennie Gaspar and Mary Kozul, and we are happy to see that Ann Pave is feeling better after her operation. Our affections follow all of our members who are ailing with prayers for your good health an contentment. Condolences to Helen Price on the loss of her beloved brother, Peter Škrbina. Birthday greetings to the following who are celebrating in October: Evelyn Driscoll, Marie Grankowski, Mildred James, Mary Kovacevich, Phyllis Perko, Ann Sorak, Frances Zburin, Marge Pavletich, Jean Sera-tin, Mary Kresich, Katherine Rajcich and Marie Maras. Plan to attend our November 5th meeting. Mildred James, President No. 103, Washington, D. C. Appreciation is expressed for the untiring efforts of the Picnic Committee who managed to overcome the obstacles of wind, rain and humidity on the 15th of June, in order that over 200 people could enjoy a picnic luncheon concert. Many thanks! We are happy to announce the new'-ly formed SWU Bowling League for Branch No. 103. The four teams are scheduled to bowl every Sunday evening at the Duke Lanes in Alexandria, Va. Even tho we are yet small in number the compensations of the sport are great in physical exercise, recreation and socializing. We hope that more members will consider joining the league next season. Lessons are given to beginners and progress is usually quite rapid, so no one need worry about low scores. Best Wishes are extended to Mrs. Matilda Podborselt and her son John on their newly acquired home in northwest. Washington. With all the many hours of hard work in preparation, the home promises to be a showplace of beauty. Sad news has come to our attention. Kay Parsons, has been ill since June with a back injury. She is presently recuperating from her hospitalization. Her sister. Mary Povlic, was hospitalized and scheduled for surgery on September 4th. We wish them both a speedy recovery. News of vacationers has reached us via postcards: Mary Mejac spent her summer in New York; Helena Špacapan and Ida Gregorič visited New Port, Rhode Island; Dorthea and Steve Vo.vatzis traveled north to Montreal, Canada; and Anna Cernelc made a return trip to Belgrade Yugoslavia. We welcome a new visitor to the Washington area. Miro Pregelj’s mother is currently visiting with her son in his home in southeast Washington. We trust she is enjoying her visit and has the opportunity to see much of our country. Congratulations are extended to Becky and John Nagel on the arrival of their newest addition—a little girl. We hear she is absolutely precious and hope to see the little one at one of the meetings. And now news about our 4th anniversary dinner-dance. The date to circle on your calendar is Saturday, November 8th. The location will be the same as last year, St. Thomas’s church, with parking facilities arranged for your convenience. Futher and more detailed news of this event will be sent through the mail. This year’s dinner-dance promises to be a sell-out and reservations will have to be made early as only a limited number of people can be accomodated in a hall of this size. We hope all of our members and their friends will join with us in celebrating another anniversary. Irene M. Planinšek FRANCISCAN SISTERS' CENTENARY STORY (Continuation) The New Mount Assisi Academy The new Mount Assisi Academy has all furnishings, facilities, and safety devices of the contemporary institutions of learning, required by law. It has a capacity of 500—600 students. The late Cardinal Stritch officiated at its dedication in the spring of 1955. Sister M. Margaret Bambich was its first principal. It was really her enduring perseverence that made the Academy a reality. The first graduating class numbered twelve; during the past ten years each succeeding graduating class numbered one hundred or more. At present G00 girls are educated at the Academy, which offers College preparatory courses, business courses, and a general course. Extra-curricular activities include: debate, journalism, orchestra, glee club, drama, Third Order of St. Francis, Sodality, and Red Cross. Sister M. Alvernia Potochnik became principal in 1959. She introduced many modern teaching aids, and a new flexible scheduling system. Twenty-five Sisters are assigned as teachers in the Academy. There is also one lay teacher. Several of the Academy girls have entered the religious life. The Academy is accredited by the State and the North Central Commission as a school with standards comparable to any in tho State. This year our Academy is renting two mobile classrooms on account of having become too crowded in the building. Several Catholic High Schools in Chicago had closed and therefore many girls from the “Windy City” transferred to M. A. A. Sister M. Rose, the present Provincial Superior, has taken on her duty with great zeal and is continuing the building project Btarted by Sister M. Alvernia. A home for retired citizens is to be built on the ground adjacent to the convent and Academy building. She has also formed committees to plan for our Centennial celebration. For the North American Province this is a time for dual rejoicing, we are also celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the Province. Indeed, the one-hundred seventy Sisters of our Province will join in the song of the psalmist:" This is the day the Lord has made: let us be glad and re- joice in it.” Sphere of Sister's Work Most of our Sisters in Europe are teaching in elementary schools and are taking care of orphanages FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 1969 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JUNIJ, 1969 for both boys and girls. In later years they have added nursing in hospitals, sanitariums, and homes for the aged. At the present time they staff domestic schools with competent teachers who train girls in home economics courses. Some of the Sis-sters have accepted work as cooks and housekeepers in institutions of learning; in the home of the Archbishop of Ljubljana and in the Home of the Papal Nuncio of Belgrade. In Jugoslavia the Sisters have accepted all kinds of other work suitable to their vocation of which teaching religion is most gratifying and consoling. Our Sisters try to become all to all. Here I might mention that in 1955 five of our Sisters left Rome for Jerusalem to keep house for the White Fathers who are in charge of St. Ann’s church, the birthplace of our Blessed Lady. This is our “pet” mission, our ruby! Motherhouse Transplanted During World War II all our possessions, houses, institutions, our Teachers’ Training College, and Motherhouse in Maribor were confiscated by the occupying forces and the Sisters were forced to leave and find shelter wherever they could. Mother Teresa Hanzelic, Mother General of the Congregation, fled to Rome with some of the Sisters. Pope Pius X helped them find a house. Later a larger house on Farnesina was acquired. This house is serving the purpose although it is only a temporary one. This year a new school building will be completed and blessed. It seems that the destruction of our Motherhouse in Maribor might prove to have been a blessing in disguise — without that calamity the School Sisters of St. Franics might never have had the courage to transfer their Motherhouse to the center of Catholicity. An Orchid of Thanks The members of the “Slovenian Women’s Union” were always our friends willing to come to our aid whenever we were in need of it. May God reward them for their under-statnding of our numerous problems. We thank them for their moral and financial support, they had given us in the past. Let us continue to walk hand in h'and toward our splendid common goal: leading our Youth to Christ. Let us cooperate—home and school. Let us kindle the fire of love for God and neighbor in the hearts of your children and our charges. May it become with the passing of years a conflagration that will warm our charges will perform miracles—we may not doubt it. It’s a proven fact. Sisters of Saint Francis, 1600 Main Street, Lemont, Illinois 60439 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 97.45 167 60 2 200.20 345 157 3 154.20 271 166 4 — 13 — a 5 — 104 23 a 6 45.00 106 8 7 49.85 95 63 8 18.55 47 — 9 — 27 2 10 138.10 317 31 12 70.45 172 48 13 55.70 109 20 14 143.45 290 30 15 104.70 210 13 16 80.85 142 87 17 81.85 155 76 19 57.70 119 24 20 146.60 324 55 21 63.60 116 48 22 18.70 19 — b 23 104.70 223 54 24 73.70 146 76 25 344.55 644 171 26 45.40 .102 14 27 — 50 3 28 86.50 76 10 b 29 11.15 27 5 30 — 8 — 31 87.60 91 27 b 32 76.25 127 95 33 121.95 197 152 34 17.80 35 6 35 31.70 54 38 37 — 24 — a 38 48.10 127 — 39 20.20 45 9 40 55.45 104 3 41 85.05 210 31 42 22.95 47 — 43 80.15 138 73 45 21.65 47 12 46 14.45 30 5 47 53.85 105 34 49 — 33 — c 50 122.80 184 94 51 7.00 15 — 52 30.60 52 18 54 33.15 64 42 55 30.20 61 5 56 42.45 96 10 57 37.25 63 35 59 16.20 30 2 61 — 8 — 62 — 27 — a 63 51.00 96 23 64 18.40 47 2 a 65 43.30 49 25 66 33.10 58 23 67 39.55 68 9 68 39.55 60 18 70 — 14 3 71 59.85 120 35 72 20.00 25 — d 73 58.60 106 72 74 — 32 1 77 24.45 51 33 79 — 31 20 80 8.30 20 — 81 15.40 29 — 83 10.45 21 — Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 84 23.80 55 3 85 18.20 39 2 86 49.60 22 e 88 23.40 43 10 89 32.20 74 23 90 19.70 43 16 91 32.30 53 12 92 17.35 27 2 93 — 59 2 94 24.60 15 7 95 — 176 23 96 — 47 — 97 8.55 17 — 99 6.20 16 — 100 26.45 44 9 101 20.75 28 14 102 43.35 29 3 g 103 19.65 30 14 104 11.65 16 — d 105 17.65 29 6 106 13.65 22 3 Totals $4,080.80 8,149 2, 328 Asses. pd for a May ; b Jun. Jul; c April; d May, June; e June, July, Aug. Sept.; f April, May June; g July, August, September. Assessments $4,080.80 Rent 165.00 Interests 3,324.43 Total income for June, 1969 $7,570.23 DISBURSEMENTS IN JUNE 1969 Br. 1, Sheboygan, Mary Riblch $100.00 Br. 2, Chicago, Clara Foys 100.00 Br. 2, Catherine Foys 100.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Antonia Trebec 100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Jos. Gliha 100.00 Br. 24, LaSalle, Ursula Mallie 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Zaverl 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Perko 100.00 Br. 31, Gilbert, M. Krompotlch 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, M. Palcich 100.00 Br. 57, Vera Halko “B” 150.00 Br. 80, Moon Run, M. Gregor 100.00 Br. 100, Fontana, Jos. Krisantz 100.00 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 Zarja, June issue paid in July* The Bruce Publishing Co. 7,301.26 Real Estate tax (one year) 573.14 Rental of Home Office 75.00 Printing and postage 140.00 Fuel, tel, and sundries 87.80 Total $10,727.20 Balance in May, 1969 $523,511.47 Income in June, 1969 14,835.23 $538,346.70 Disbursements in June 1969 10,727.20 Ledger bal. June 30, 1969 $527,619.50 Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary ZARJA—THE DAWN MARIE PRISLAND: L. “Grandma, pojdi z nami v Slovenijo, da nam boš pokazala kje si bila rojena”, sta moledovali moji vnukinji Mary in Kathy Dicke, ko sta se s starši pripravljali za potovanje v Evropo. Nisem imela namena letos potovati v domovino, a ko se je vnukinjama pridružil še moj Žan, češ, pa pojdi, da ne boš k “tajprajterju” pri-rastla, ko pišeš kar naprej, sem se končno odločila, da grem. Devetega julija smo odleteli: hčerka Hermina, urednica kolone POTS and PANS and PASTIME, njen soprog Robert in dve vnukinji. V New Yorku se je nas na K DM letalo vsedlo 100 potnikov; vsi za Slovenijo. Vodiča sta bila urednica ZARJE Corinne Leskovar in njen soprog Ludvik. Z njima sta potovala hčerka Mimi in sinček Tonček. Mimi se je na letalu kar udomačila ter potnikom postregla s “cukerčki” in s tem strežnici odvzela nekaj dela. Bili smo srečni. V prijazni družbi in veselim razpoloženjem smo potovali tja in nazaj in nobenemu se ves čas potovanja ni ničesar slabega pripetilo. Moja družina je v treh tednih hotela videti vso Evropo kot je pri mladih ljudeh navada. S skupino so potovali v Avstrijo, Nemčijo, Švico in Italijo. Kako je bilo na teh potovanjih je hčerka že in še bo poročala, jaz bom omenila le naš obisk v Savinjski dolini, mojemu rojstnemu kraju. Iz Djubljane smo odšli ob pol-devetih zjutraj ter se na potu ustavili na Trojanah, da vidimo, kako tam krofe pečejo. — Ta restavracija je kot fabrika, poznana po vsej Sloveniji. Osem deklet je mesilo, rezalo in peklo krofe, ki imajo obseg malega klobuka. Hermina je kuhinjo in peko slikala. Če so slike dobro izpadle, bodo priobčene. Prvi obisk v Savinjski dolini je veljal sestram mojega moža Jerčki in Francki Prisland, ki pridno obdelujeta domače posestvo v Šentjanžu. Ljubeznivo sta nas sprejeli in pogostili s pecivom, vinom in narezanim, suhim svinjskim želodcem. (V ljubljanskih hotelih ima “savinjski želodec” radi svoje kvalitete visoko ceno.) — Vnukinji sta radovedno ogledovali krave, pujske in piške ter se zabavili s “šterno” pred hišo. Iz Šentjanža smo odšli v Dogarsko dolino, ki je po mnenju mnogih ena izmed najlepših alpskih dolin v Evropi. Na žalost so bile tisti dan gore in snežniki zakriti v meglo. Kosilo smo imeli v hotelu Logar. V zadnji vojni je pet Logarjevih sestra bilo po Nemcih odvedenih v zloglasni lager Auschwitz, kjer so tri bile usmrčene, dve so pa Amerilcancl rešili preden so bile odpeljane v plinsko peč. Obe še nosita znak ujetništva — številke v kožo vžgane. Rečica ob Savinji, moj rojstni kraj, je bil naš prihodnji obisk. Trg se ni mnogo spremenil od mojega zadnjega obiska leta 19G6. Nekaj novih hiš je nastalo in jiovo, prav moderno trgovino so postavili, ki je trgu x. čast. Ustavili smo se pri Prislanovih, sorodnikih mojega moža tej- nato obiskali moj rodni dom, katerega so po smrti moje tete Francke novi lastniki prav lepo prenovili. Koliko ljubih, nepozabnih spominov na otroška leta vsebuje ta hišica! . . . Kje ste moja davna leta, ko sem bila deklič mlad — polna sreče, polna nad?! Medtem, ko je gospodinja hitela kuhati kavo, da nam z njo postreže, sta vnukinji pregledali sobico, kjer sem bila rojena ter sedli na peč, ki me je v mladosti po zimi grela . . . Na Rečici skupno lastujeta očetovo hišo moji sestrični Tončka Lekše in Pepca Petrin. Tončka z družino stanuje v Celju, Pepca pa prebiva v rodni hiši. Tu sem stanovala več dni, ko sem takoj ob prihodu v domovino obiskala rodni kraj. Savijnska dolina — od Rečice do Celja — je posajena s hmeljem, ki ga nazivajo “zeleno zlato”. Meseca aii-gusta se je v Djubljani vršil Kongres Evropskega Hmeljarskega Biroja, predstavnika žlahtnega hmelja malone vsega sveta. Gostje tujih držav so si ogledali velike in vzorne hmeljske nasade v Savinjski dolini. Vnukinji sta želeli videti hmeljev cvet. Šofer je utrgal cvetočo vejo katero sta spravili, da jo poneseta v Ameriko. V New Yorku so jo carinarji zaplenili, da bo cvet pregledan. Dekletama se je “fržmagalo”. Očka, biolog, jima je pojasnjeval, da je dolžnost carinarjev strogo paziti, da se v deželo ne vnesejo klici kake raz-stlinske bolezni kot se je zgodilo takrat, ko je nepazljivost carinarjev povzročila, da se je v Ameriko zanesel koruzni črv, ki je našim farmam povzročil mnogo milijonov dolarjev škode. Isto je bilo z drevesno boleznijo. Iz Holandije je bil importiran les, ki je vseboval klice drevesne bolezni. Ta bolezen se širi in danes po vsej Ameriki uničuje na stotine krasnih, veličastnih Elm dreves. Vse to, radi nepazljivosti carinarjev. Isto-tako je zaplenjeno po potnikih prinešeno meso, ki od zdravniških oblasti dotične države ni bilo pregledano. V Celju smo se ustavili na domu sestrične Tončke. Vsa Lekšetova družina je bila zbrana; gospodar Jože, upokojeni profesor zgodovine, hčerka Majda in soprog Walter Gornjak, oba zdravnika; hčerka Metka, bančna uradnica in soprog Zvonko Kržičnik, profesor naravoslovja ter 10-letna vnukinija Barbika Gornjak. Sestrična Tončka je izvrstna kuharica. Dva dni je kuhala in pekla, da nam kar najboljše postreže. Miza je bila okrašena z rdečimi nageljni; v brušenih kozarcih se je iskrilo belo in rdeče vino, pomenek pa je bil v treh jezikih, kar je povzročilo mnogo smeha in zabave. Moj zet je Amerikanec in ni vešč slovenščine, zna pa nekaj nemških stavkov, Lekšetovi pa nekaj angleških. Pri pomenku so tudi roke sodelovale. Imenitno so se razumeli! Herminina slovenščina je bila kar dobra. Vnukinji sta se priučili nekaj slovenskih rekov kot: dober dan, kako se imate, na svidenje, prosim, hvala lepa itd. Zet je napovedal: “Ko pridemo nazaj v Ameriko, se bomo takoj pričeli učiti tujih jezikov!” Jaz sem pripomnila, če se to zgodi, je njih obisk našel dober odmev. V pozni uri smo se odpeljali v Ljubljano, kamor smo prišli ob polnoči. Vsi smo bili mnenja, da je to bil najlepši dan našega obiska v Sloveniji, ki nam bo vedno ostal v prijetnem spominu. Ko sem pred tem bila več dni na Rečici mi je bilo drago obiskati in pozdraviti Mlinarjeve na Kropi. Pur-natove in Šekove v Bočni. Vrbinove na Pobrežah, Jerajeve in Fauškove v Niški vasi, na Rečici pa: Prislanove, Frešarjeve, Ugovškove, Vratanarjeve, Krumpačnikovo Micko, Roblekovo Malico in Kosmačevo Ančko. Poklo nila sem se domačemu župniku č. g. Janezu Bračunu, ki je med farani zelo priljubljen. Obiskala sem Nazarje, kamor se zdaj z avtom pride prav do cerkve. Nekdaj smo morali iti po stopnicah, ki jih je bilo najmanj 100. Na-zarsko cerkev prenavljajo. Od tukaj je krasen razgled po vsej Gornji Savinjski dolini. V Nazarjih se je naselil slikar-umetnik Jože Hrovat-Jaki. Poznan je pod vzdevkom JAKI. Rojen je bil v Murski Soboti, prišel v Nazarje, kjer mu je ugajalo, si tukaj postavil vilo v švicarskem stilu in jo obdal z kras nim vrtom. Tu ustvarja moderne slike, ki jih po vsem svetu razstavlja. V Ameriki je imel razstavo v New Yorku, Miami in Chicago. Cena ujegovih slik je pravljična, vkljub temu gredo v prodajo kot “hot cakes”. Več o tem umetniku enkrat pozneje. P. Claude Okorn, OFM.: CESCENJE BOGA Vsi smo dolžni Bogu (lati čast. Res je, da je veliko ljudi, lii ne častijo Boga. S tem pa še niso opravičeni. Čeičenje Bog«, je izraženo na veliko načinaiv. So ljudje, ki prosijo Boga in se mu tudi zahvaljujejo, tožijo nm svojo usodo ali pa ga vprašujajo izražajo svoje upanje in zaupanje in mu zatrjujejo svojo ljubezen. 'Pako se seveda vedemo tudi do ljudi. Je pa še vedenje, ki je primerno le za Boga. To vedenje je pa tako važno, da mora prešiniti in oblikovati vse drugo vedenje pred Bogom. KAJ JE ČEŠČENJE? Češčenje se prične s čudenjem, s tem, da se nedopovedljivo čudimo, da je nekdo takšen kot je Bog. Kako lepo je, da je on, ki ima vso moč, dober. Tudi v našem vsakdanjem življenju srečamo, ljudi, ki nas takoj popolnoma potegnejo naše. Pravimo: Je tako prijazen in plemenit človek. Celo rabimo izraz: Čudovit človek. Tako se vede tudi človek, ki se zaveda kaj je Bog. Zajame ga brezmejno občudovanje. Kako občudovanje was mora navdati, če pomislimo, da je vse dobro združeno v Bogu. Iz tega pa sledi, da moramo Boga priznati takšnega kakšen je. Tako je 011 edini, ki zasluži in je vreden d'a ima vso oblast in da gospoduje nad vsem. Ker je v Bogu tolikšna moč, in te moči ne zlorablja zato bi mu morali biti popolnoma predani. Pri njem se oblast ujema z njegovo najsvetejšo voljo. Ko je kralju Davidu zbolel otrok, je David ponižno prosil Boga, naj ostane otrok živ. Postil se je dan za dnem, bedel po noči in spal na goli zemlji. Čez sedem dni je otrok umrl. In kaj je storil David? Vzdignil se je s tal se umil in mazilil ter se preoblekel. Potem pa je šel k hiši Gospodovi, se vrgel na tla in častil Boga. Prepustil je Bogu vso pravico razpolaganja, ni se pre- piral, ni se umaknil in ni kuhal jeze. Rekel je iz vsega srca: Ti si prav storil. Zadovoljen sem. David je vedel kdo je Bog zato ga je znal častiti. ČEŠČENJE JE NAJVIŠJE, kar človek sploh more storiti. Zato se ga moramo učiti vsak dan. Češčenje je navišja molitev. Človek ne misli več nase ampak samo nanj, ki edini more zajeti vse človekovo mišljenje in življenje. On je edini, ki more nasititi našo ljubezen. Angeli, ki jih je gledtal prerok Izaija so peli: Svet, svet, svet si ti Gospod Bog nebesnih čet. Bolna so nebesa in zemlja tvoje slave. Temu češčenju se pridružimo še mi. Storimo tako kakor 11am pove skrivno razodetje. Štirindvajset starešin, ki klečijo pred Bogom, je položilo svoje krone — torej svoje veličastvo, svojo čast, svoje dostojanstvo, svoje zasluge, svoje plačilo — pred prostol Gospodov. S tem izražajo to, kar pravi psalmist: “Ne nam Gospod, na nam, ampak tvojemu imenu daj čast.” ( ČESTITKE \ Dne 1. septembra 1969 je praznoval stoletnico ? ^ rojstva naš prijatelj, pisatelj, diplomat in časnikar ( 1 Rev. Jurij M. Trunk. Zvezine članice mu iz srca / 1 želimo mnogo zdravih let, da bi njegovo “Pisano 5 [ Polje” še dolgo rodilo. \ ) Zveza mu je poslala čestitke in mali spominček, l j Father Trunk piše: ( s Septembra C,1969 5 ! Hvala lepa! • } članicam vsem, tole povem; ■ j Zdrave bodite, gorak pozdrav sprejmite! ( ■ God bless you all! } ■ Ves Vaš, l J. M. Trunk • J M. P. [ i ________________________________________ I ! 'J------------------------/ / Pod št. 2 priredi j I Uini “PKNNY SOCIAL” ) l v četrtek, 13. novembra ( ( v 7. liri zvečer / ( pri sv. Štefanu, Chicago ( ! Postregli bomo z okrepčili in / ) zabave bo dovolj. Zato pripeljite / J vaše družine, sosede in prijate- j : Ije! ODBOR • > _________________________________ .J Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Odslej bomo imeli bolj vabljivo vreme za posel naših sej, ker se je ozračje ohladilo. Naša čla. Anna Gradišer žaluje za svojim soprogom Tonetom, ki je pod legel za srčnim napadom in več let je trpel na sladkorni bolezni. 8 sinov je nosilo krsto očeta na zadnji poti k večnemu počitku, ob velikem spremstvu ostale družine in prijateljev. Nihče ne izpolni vrzeli, ki nastane po odhodu očeta ali matere, toda taka je božja volja. Žalujoči ostali naj prejmejo izraze našega globokega sožalje. Pred par meseci je prišel na obisk iz Slovenije Andrej Smrekar in sicer na povabilo družine Prince( Prince Drug Store) in njegove tete Anne Burns. Se razume, da si je že pol Amerike ogledal, vedno je na potovanju po raznih zamimivih krajih naše dežele. Zelo se mu dopadejo ameriški običaji. Njegov očka Dado Smrekar je profesor slikarsta in u- metnosti (arts) in poučuje na tamkajšnji šoli v Kostanjevici pri Novem mestu. Andrej je 15 letni, zelo inteligentni mladenič. Bil je moj gost za kratek čas. Gost je bil tudi pri Milki Henigsman. 1964 smo bile na obisku z Mrs. Burns v domovini in smo spotoma obiskale Smrekarjeve, ki imajo krasni in moderni dom. An-drejčku želimo, da se dobro počuti med nami. V Septembru je v Pueblo pričela poslovati Slovenska čitalnica, ki i- ma svoje prostore v Southern Colo- rado State College. Namen ima vzbu diti večje zanimanje za slovensko in kulturo med mlajšim slovenskim rodom. Na razpolago ima tudi mnogo angleških knjig. Res je veselo, d'a so sedaj vsi navdušeni za slovensko zgodovino, medtem ko so skoro 75 let spali in nihče se ni potrudil, da bi kaj v angleščini zapisal o Slovencih. Mislim, da je knjiga Marie Prisalnd zelo poživila in vzbudila še drage, da delajo na tem področju. Članice SŽZ smo bile prve, ki smo pričele s šolninskim skladom, ki deluje že 10 let. pozneje so pričeli tudi drugi posnemati. Treba je žensk, da zbudijo moške. Predavateljica za Slovensko čitalnico je bila Slovenka, Betty Špehar iz Crested Butte, Colo., ki ima P. H. Doctor’s degree in je profesorica na Gunnisonn College. Betty hvala za prijazni obisk in še mnogo uspehov. Umrla je naša članica Emilia Pecli var. Bila je mirne in tihe narave. Umrl je tudi Dudvig Mramor. Njegova sestra Elsie je naša članica. Dobro poznana Anna Raspet je dokončala. svoje življenje v Calif. Pogrebni obredi so bili v Pueblo. Naj bo vsem rojakom lahka ameriška gruda. Mary Papish je doma iz bolnišnice 111 je še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo. Anna Bandi, čla. št. 63, se je pri padcu močno poškodovala ter se zdravi v St. Thomas bolnišnici v Canon City. Vsem bolnim želimo, da čimprej okrevajo. Prav na slovesen način se je po ročila Mary Janezich in Michael Noakes. Nevestina mati in sestrica so naše dobre članice. Novemu paru želimo srečno zakonsko življenje. Vsem državnim preds. čestitam k uspehu v članski kampanji. Na rokah imamo kuharske knjige in knjigo IZ SLOVENIJE V AMERIKO. Pozdrav v šem. Anna Pachak Št. 14, Euclid, O. Poročilo o naši septemberski seji. Bil je zelo vroč dan, pa vseeno se je seje udeležilo mnogo sester. Imele smo tudi praznovanje mnogih rojstnih dnevov na šili članic za zadnje tri mesečo. Imele smo okusno večerjo s pohanimi plškami in vse kar pašo zraven. V zadnjem mesecu sta praznovala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Turk, 18515 Kewanee Ave. Sestra Turk je naša dobra članica, zato jima vse sestre naš# podr. iskreno čestitamo z željami, da bi še mnogo let živela v zdravju in sreči v krogu njune družine. Bog Vaju živi! Za kard party se prav pridno pripravljamo. Sestre so prinesle že mnogo daril za tiste, ki bodo srečni na tej domači zabavi. Tudi jaz vse prav lepo vabim, da se udeležite tudi od sosednjih društev in pripeljite s seboj prijatelje. Zabave bo dovolj za vse. Tudi za jesti in piti bo preskrbljeno. Iz počitnic in obiska Slovenije so se vrnile sestre Tilie Špehar in Ana Bizjak. Za stalno ta je prišla iz domovine družina Krničar. Želimo jim srečo v Ameriki. Za trimesečna godovanja so naslednje sestre prinesle domačih dobrot: Fanny Globokar, Mrs. Rodgers, in Mrs. Bubnič. V denarju pa so darovale: Jennie Stopar, Mary Kal jat, Prances Bovač, Mici Globokar, Rozi Rodgers, Frances Globokar, Ana Ma rold in neimenovana je darovala v sončni kotiček. Vsem darovalkam se iskreno zahvaljujemo in Vam želimo, da bi Vam Bog poplačal na Vašem zdravju. Še enkrat vabim, da ne pozabite priti na naš kard parti dne 12. oktobra. Vse lepo pozdravljam. Antonija Sustar Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Seja v au-gustu je bila še kar povoljno obiskana. Vršila se je na domu tajnice. Prebran je bil zapisnik zadnje seje, kar so članice sprejele na znanje in potrdile. Hvala, Mary za tako lepo spisan zapisnik. Podpisana tajn.-blag. sem podala 3 mesečno poročil, kar je bilo sprejeto. Hvala vsem za poslane prispevke v blagajno. Razmo tri vale smo o pripravah za Zvezin dan v Duluthu, ki je v času ko čitate to poročilo že za nami. rmele sma posebni bus. Več naših članic se zdravi v bol nišnici, ali pa na domu, kakor tudi v Nursing home. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Obiskala sem vse bolne, ker so vesele obiskov. Naša podružnica izreka globoko sožalje duhovnemu vodji naše podr., Rev. Father Skumac in njegovi materi ob priliki izgube dobrega očeta in moža. Počitnice so za nami in obiskovalci stare domovine se vračajo na njihove domove in otroci odhajajo zopet v šole. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila v de cembru in Vas že sedaj vljudno vabim k obilni udeležbi. Na rokah imam kuharske knjige in pa krasno knjigo FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, katero je spisala Mrs. Marie Prisland. Napisana je v angleškem jeziku, kar je zelo priporočljivo za mladino. Obe knjige sta prav primerno darilo za mlade. Lahko me pokličete po telefonu 5780, ali pa pi- V BLAG SPOMIN Jutro na cvetni petek, ko obhajamo tudi spomin žalostne Matere božje, je bilo v Milwaukee oblačno in snežilo je, kot da se zima ne mara umakniti pomladi. Za organistovo ženo pri Sv. Janezu Evangelistu v Greenfieldu, Wis., se je ta dan začel kot mnogi dnevi v njeni preteklosti: z delom in skrbmi ze družino. Njenih skrbi z mnogimi bridkimi spomini na težka leta, ki jih je preživljala med vojno in po vojni, ni bilo opaziti na njenem obrazu. Njena vera in ljubezen do družine in do vseh, s katerimi se je dnevno srečavala, sta jih zabrisali. Svojih bremen ni nalagala drugim. Tudi to jutro je bila njena prva pot v cerkev. Tam je med berilom slišala Jeremijeve preroške besede o “viru žive vode” in evangelij Sv. Janeza, ki napoveduje Jezusovo trpljenje, o katerem je Gospod govoril kot o “svoji uri”. Prejela je sv. obhajilo in se okrepčala s Kruhom večnega življenja. Nato je šla na dnevno delo. V zgodnji dopoldanski uri se je že vračala domov z enega izmed svojih dnevnih opravkov. V avtomobilu je bila sama. Na dovozu na ekspresno cesto je njen avtomobil na zasneženi cesti zdrsnil iz proge, šete na moj naslov: 609 Jones Street, Eveleth, Minn. Vsem članicam, ki slavijo svoje rojstne dneve v sept., okt., in nov. želim iz vsega srca mnogo sreče, po sebno pa ljubega zdravja. Pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam, članicam, g. duhovemu vodji. Upam, da ste se vse vesele in zdrave vrnile iz počitnic. Enako Corrinne in družina, vem, da ste lepo uživali lepote Slovenije. Pozdrav vsem. Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Tajnica Olga Ancel poroča, da sta Justine Kauz-levcar in Mary Schmidberger zapustile bolnišnico, kjer sta se zdravile dalje časa. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo naši dol-golteni članici Mary Božič, ki je izgubila soproga Walterja. Pokojni je bil dober prijatelj naše podružnice in nas je vest o njegovi smrti zelo užalostila v domovini. Mr. in Mrs. Božič sta si rezervirala prostor, da gresta z nami na obisk starega kraja in sta v ta namen že položila denar za vožnjo. Žal je on medtem časom zbolel in ni mogel na pot. Pokojni je bil dolgoletni tajnik Hrvatske Bratske Zveze ter član Bricklayers Union in dober faran Hrvaške cerkve. Oba sta bila navzoča na naši prosla- vi 40 letnice ustanovitve naše podružnice. Naj blagi pokojni Walter počiva v miru. Njegovi soprogi Mary in trem hčerkam in zetu dr. Richard Tarlzo, pa naše sožalje. Pridite vse na sejo dne 19. oktobra vistih prostorih. Pozdrav vsem, Josephine Erjavec t HERTA MAJHENIČ v kateri je vozila; vrglo ga je na nasprotno stran ceste; tam ga je drug avtomobil zadel v desna vrata. Bila je privezana z varnostnim pasom, a zaradi sunka je zadela z glavo vo nekam tako, da je bila v trenutku mrtva. Samo za dve kari razdalje je bil zdravnik v svojem avtomobilu. Ko je prišel do nje, je ugotovil, da je mrtva. Pogreb je bil v torek 1. aprila iz farne cerkve sv. Janeza Evangelista v Greenfieldu, Wis. Pogrebna maša je bila ob desetih dopoldan. Soma-ševali so: p. Klavdij Okorn ,O.F.M., župnik, p. Krištof Sedlak, O.F.M., kaplan, in p. Atanazil Lovrenčič, O.F.M. doma iz Slovenskih goric, kjer je pokojna preživljala svojo mladost. Pogrebne maše so se udeležili ti duhovniki : Rev. Olley, ravnatelj Higli School, ki jo obliskuje Vili Majhenič: z njim sta tudi dva profesorja duhovnika: Rev. Joseph Gole, ki je Maj-heničeve obiskal večer pred nesrečo: p. Odilo Hajnšek, O.F.M., p. Mirko Silvester, O.F.M. in p. Fortunat Zor man, O.F.M. Farani in prijatelji družine so napolnili cerkev. P. Klavdij je med mašo pridigal in z božjo besedo tolažil Majheničevo družino in vse navzoče in nas vzpodbujal, naj bomo vsi vedno pripravljeni na Gospodov prihod kot je bila pokojna Herta, ki je živela s Cerkvijo in zgledno sodelovala pri farnih društvih. — Bila je tudi članica Slovenske Ženske Zveze št. 12, v Milwaukee. Pri pogrebni maši je igral orgle p. Mark Hochevar, O.F.M., kaplan. Pok. Herta Majhenič, roj. Zorec, zapušča moža Ernesta, organista pri Sv. Janezu Evangelistu, in sinove: Ernesta, ki je poročen. Martina, Cirila in Viljema. V domovini žaluje jo za njo mati. trije bratje in štiri sestre. Pokojna je lani s svojim možem obhajala srebrno poroko, letos januarja pa 50. rojstni dan. Po prihodu v Ameriko (19-19) so najprej živeli v Gilbert, Minn., a so se kmalu preselili v Milwaukee k stari cerkvi Sv. Janeza Evangelista. Ko se je fara preselila v predmestje Greenfield, so se tudi Majheničev! preselili tja. Naj v Gospodu počiva! (Po Ave Maria) Kampanja Konvenčne Kraljice j se prične v tem mesecu j in ho zaključena 31, marca, 1970 Krasne nagrade! Zmagovalka bo kronana za Kraljico 15. Na- ‘ f rodne Konvencije v mestu Euclid, Ohio v maju prihodnjega leta. [ ^ Kraljica bo častni gost konvencije z plačano vožnjo in drugimi ^ S darili. Denarne nagrade za vse “čebelice”, ki boro pridno delale | i v tej kampanji! Vsi na delo! ALBINA NOVAK, tajnica • Št. 24, LaSalle, III. Nimam veselih novic za poročati, ker imamo zopet več žalostnih slučajev. Zopet smo spremile članico Anno Teršelič k večnemu počitku. Pokojna je bolehala par mesecev in zapušča 2 hčere in enega sina ter 2 vnuka, namreč našo članico Mary Frances in Raymond« ter eno sestra in 3 brate. Enako izrekamo sožalje članici Mary in hčerki Rita-May Piška, ker žalujeta za možem Joe Piška. Preminul je nepričakovano v Chicagu. Njegov pogreb se je vršil v LaSalle na St. Vincence pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje, posebno ženi in hčerki, ki sta naše članice. Blagi pokojni pa naj počivajo v miru. Sožalje tudi naši članici Mary Sodec, ki žaluje za njenim možem Mat-tom, ki je preminul po dolgi bolezni. Poleg omenjene žene zapušča tudi 2 hčeri in 2 sinova ter več drugih sorodnikov. — Dalje iskreno sožalje Josephine Omahen, ki žaluje za sestro Thereso Kalin. Pokojna zapušča 3 sestre. Vsem pokojnim večni mir in naj jim sveti večna luč. Vsem družinam in sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Počitnice so minule, zato upam, da boste odslej bolj prihajale na seje. Katere ste zaostale z asesmentom, pa prosim, da bi poravnale. Izgubile smo sedem članic, ki so umrle In več naših sester je bolnih in se zdravijo na domovih. Bolna je Margaret Pirc in Agnes Ostrovski, ki je padla in si potolkla roko. Pod zdravniško oskrbo je Agnes Bartli, ki je prestala operacijo no očeh. Vsem bolnim želimo hitrega zdravja, tudi tistim, za katere imena ne vem. Iz stare domovine Slovenije so se srečno vrnile iz obiska Anna Pelko In Josephine Rogel in njen sin ter nejgova žena. Pozdrav vsem članicam in glavnemu odboru. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 35, Chisholm, Minn. Nahajamo se že v drugi polovici leta in se po zna, da jesenski čas prihaja. V zadnji polovici leta smo izgubile dne naši dobri članici. V mesecu juliju je umrla dolgoletna sosestra Angela Ognanovieh. Bolehala je dolgo časa. nazadnje pa je prišla smrt nepričakovano, ker se ni zbudila zjutraj, kakor po navadi, jo je šla hčerka pogledati in jo je našla mrtvo. Najlažja smrt in velika olajšava družini. Zapušča sinove in hčerke, ki so vsi preskrbljeni. Iskreno sožalje družini pokojne. Dne 12. augusta pa je preminula ses. Frances Novak. To je bilo za mene veliko presenečenje, ker sem se en dan pred njeno smrtjo pogovarjala z njo preko telefona. Povedala mi je, da se počuti zelo slabo in je dostavila “kakor je božja vol ja." Naša članica ni bila mnogo let in zaradi oddaljenosti, se ni mogla redno udeleževati sej, toda v vseh drugih ozirih je bila dobra članica. K večnemu počitku je bila položena tukaji na Chisolmu, kjer že počiva sin Johnnie in hčerka Magdalena. Za njo žaluje soprog Steve, hčerka Veronica v Denver, Colo, in sin Steve na Angleškem ter tri vnuke. Zapušča tudi 2 sestri Agnes in Jessie ter 2 brata Math Russ in John Russ. Bodi ji ohranjen častni spomin. Naša prihodnja seja bo v decembru in že sedaj vabim vse članice, da gotovo pridete na to glavno sejo, ko bo potrebno rešiti več stvari. Pozdravljene vse, Anna Trdan, taj.-blag. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Danes pišem moj dopis v Freeportu, Illinois, kjer se nahajam na počitnicah pri hčerki Helen in njeni družini. Dne 29. augusta sva z možem prišla z vlakom v Joliet k moji prijateljici Paulini Rus in njeni prijazni in po-strežljivi družini. Ona je doma iz Loškega potoka, kakor jaz in sva bila res izvrstno postrežena. V soboto naju je njihova hčerka Pauline odpeljala v Lemont na medeni piknik, za kar se ji najlepše zahvaliva. Pri Fathrth na medenem pikniku, je bilo krasno, vreme lepo in vsepovsod mnogo prijaznih Slovencev. Po več letih smo se zopet srečali s prijatelji Mrs. Mary Pelan in nejno prijazno hčerko iz Washington, Pa. Rekla je, da prav rada prečita vso Zarjo. Srečali smo se tudi z Mrs. Možina in njeno materjo, sinom in sestro iz Pittsburgha, Pa. Mrs. Možina je bila pred leti v Kansas City na konvenciji ABZ. Pravi, da našega mesta ne bo nikoli pozabila in pozdravlja vse v Kansas City s katerimi se je srečala. Pozdravila sem se tudi z mojo nekdanjo sošolko Josephine Železnikar in njenim soprogom. Mnogo mi je povedala o njenem potovanju v našo rojstno župnijo in rodno domovino Slovenijo. Pozdravili smo se tudi z Mrs. Kure, hčerko in sinovoma iz Chicaga, ki pozdravljajo svoje sorodnike Veseli-čeve v Kansas City. Srečali smo se tudi z Mr. in Mrs. Martin Pečarič in njihovimi prijaznimi otroci ter g. Kočevarjem, ki j& njihov sorodnik. Odpeljali smo se z njimi v Chicago, kjer so nam vsem izvratno postregli in nam razkazali okolico. Pečaričeva sta doma iz vasi Drašič, Bela Krajina, kakor moj mož. Potem sta nas prišla iskati hčerka Helen in zet in naju odpeljala na dom v Freeportu, kjer smo našli vseh 5 vnukov v najboljšem zdravju. Brat mojega moža in njegova žena Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kostelec, sta pa obiskala sorodnike v Penna. Imeli so se dobro. Najlepša hvala Mrs. Marie Prisland in Mrs. Albini Novak za lepe karte in pozdrave iz domovine Slovenije. Končno najlepši pozdrav dični organizaciji. Naše čestitke članici Johana Air žičelc, ki je bila v augustu 80 let mlada in je še kar živahna. Antonia Kostelec, G17 Splitlog Kansas City, Kans. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Dne 11. augusta je nenadoma umrl Rudolph Tomsic, sin naše dolgoletne članice. Frances Tomsic in moj nečak. Pokojni se je vrnil iz dela domov in ko je prišel v hišo, ga je zadela srčna kap, kateri je takoj podlegel. Bil je star komaj 63 let. Za njim žaluje soproga, hčerka, sin in stariši ter 3 bratje in 3 sestre. Žalujočim naše sožalje. Naj mimo počiva. Čeprav je že nekoliko pozno, vendar se želim lepo zahvaliti Mrs. Skerlong in Mr. Belle, ki sta na slovenskem radiju tako lepo oglašala prireditev našega Penna Zvezinega dneva. Iskrena zahvala. Zahvala članicam št. 96 iz Univer-saia za lepo udeležbo in da ste prevzele, da bo vaša podružnica gostiteljica za Zvezin dan leta 1970. Točni datum še ni določen. Lepa hvala urednici Corinne Leskovar za poslano kartico iz obiska domovine. Upam, da ste se lepo imeli in prinesli lepe vtise iz krasne Slovenije ter se veseli vrnili domov. Vsem našim bolnim članicam želim, da se bi Vam ljubo zdravje čtmprej vrnilo in da bi zopet redno prihajale med nas na seje, ker vsako članico pogrešamo na sejah. Lep pozdrav. Mary Tomsic, preds. SESTRE ZBRANE NA PENNA KONVENCIJI Prisrčno so se pozdravile članice S. Ž. Z. dne 27. julija na Zvezinem Dnevu v mestu Meadowlands, Pa. Na prvi sliki zgoraj so članice pod št. 71 Strabane z drž. preds. Mary Tomšič in gl. tajnico Albino Novak. Na gornji sliki desno so zastopnice pod št. 90, Bridgeville. V drugi vrsti na levi strani so Pittsfourčanke od pod. št. 26 in 77, in na desni je skupina sester iz Strabane in Canonsburg. Zborovalke sta zabavala na harmonike nadarjena vnuka drž. pred. Tomšič, Frankie (13 let) in Darryl (9 let), ki sta naša člana od rojstva, Ljubke mladinske članice v narodnih nošah so tudi pomagale gostiteljske-mu odboru pod. št. 106. Drž. preds. iz Ohio, Mary Bostian, Mrs. Novak, Mrs. Tomšič in odbornica podr. so slikane na desni in spodaj so članice pod. št. 91 v Oakmont. ) \ PISMO O PRIHODU MARIJE POMAGAJ V j WASHINGTON \ : Slika i<“ na naslovili strani \ ( J ) Jackson Heights, New York 11372 Septembra, 1969 , \ ( Zarja—The Dawn | ) Editorial Office • j 1937 West Cermak Road t ■ Chicago, Illinois 60608 / • v / / Spoštovano uredništvo Zarje: | \ Prilagem Vam fotografijo slike Marije Pomagaj z Brezij, katera | / bo visela v slovenski kapeli v Narodnem Svetišču v Washingtonu. i 'j Slika se nahaja v Washingtonu že 6 tednov. Iz Ljubljane jo je pri- ( j nesel Rev. Vital Vodušek, ki ga je za to naprosil ljubljanski nadškof. ( ■ V Washingtonu je Rev. Vodušek sliko izročil svoji sestri, gospe ) \ Agni Javornik. Ob tej priliki sem sliko fotografiral. 1. septembra I pa je bila slika prenešena v Narodno Svetišče ravno, med mašo j ljubljanskega pomožnega škofa dr. Leniča. ) Potovanje iz Slovenije je slika dobro prenesla in tudi pri carini J ni bilo ovir. Za vse to gre zahvala Rev. Vodušku. [ ) Ker je Slovenska Ženska Zveza imela glavno inicijativo pri osnovanju j slovenske kapele, Vam pošiljam to črnobelo fotografijo v upanju, : da jo boste hoteli objaviti v Zarji. ( ( Lepe pozdrave, ’j • Zdravko Pfeifer } I I Nabirka za SLOVENSKO KAPELO je še v teku zato priporočamo, da vsak daruje po svoji 'možnosti, da bo ta akcija čimprej uspešno zaključena. Vaše darove pošljite na naslov tajnika odbora, Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. PROSLAVA 30 LETNICE DOBRO USPELA Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Proslava 30 letnice ustanovitve naše podružnice je bila prav dobro obiskana. Imele smo dinner v Ridgewood Hall restavraciji. Bilo je vse izvrstno pripravljeno in za ples je igral Joe Kerkovich in njegovi Polka Players. Igrali so zelo lepo, da je vse plesalo mlado in staro. Naše članice so pa poskrbele okusne potice. Mary Palsic je spekla potico, Agnes Klarich, štru-kel, Annie Yunke in Agnes Widerwol potico, Josehpine Shustar tudi potico, kakor tudi Anna Kerkovich in Prances Križman, Agnes Cvetko je prinesla pohance, Caroline Shmid, cake, Mary Sinit, apple strudel. Uršula Ba-rich, cake in enako Helen Hodnick. Navzoče so bile naslednje ustanoviteljice: Helen Corel, Agnes Klarich, Helen Hodnick, Frances Corel, Mary Majetic in Frances Križman. Helen Corel je bila prva predsednica in so sedaj prišli na proslavo iz Clevelanda. Prišli so tudi Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Staudohar iz Massapequa, L. I., Mr. in Mrs. John Staudohar iz Farming-dale, L. I., Mrs. Lina Staudohar iz Bridgehampton, L. I. ter Mr. in Mrs. Piškur, katerega nismo že dolgo vi- deli. Hvala vsem skupaj. Vsi so bili dobre volje in veseli. Naša članica Mrs. Shafer so rekli: "Jaz bi tudi šla plesati, ali me ni nihče vprašal.” Oni so 88 let stari in se tako dobro počutijo. Be tako naprej. Zadnji teden smo obiskale Jennie Kovačič. Imela je operacijo na nogi, so ji odrezali nad kolenom nogo in se sedaj zdravi pri sinu. Želimo ji, da bi kmalu ozdravela. Dne 2!). junija smo se peljale z busom v Green Wood Lake, kjer smo imele turkey večerjo z vsemi prikuhami in za žejna grla smo tudi preskrbele. In ob 4 uri popoledne smo zopet posedle zunaj za obložene mize polne potic, in štrudlov, katere so prinesle: Mary Palsic, Agnes Klarič, Josephine Shustar in Helen Hodnick. Imele smo se res prijetno. V stari kraj v Slovenijo so šle Mary Shmit, Mary Kusir, Helen Križ in Mary Shagar. Upam, da so se vse lepo imele na obisku domovine in se že vse vesele in zdrave vrnile. Lep pozdrav našim članicam in vsemu glavnemu uradu. Helen Hodnick, blagajničarka Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. -— Počitnice so pri kraju in vročina tudi ponehuje, čeprav se letos ne smemo preveč pritožiti, saj so se naše stare kosti lahko pogrele, ker smo imeli dovolj vročega vremena. Dobro je, da ima mo dovolj vode za zalivanje. Prvi torek v septembru smo pričele z našimi sejami in zabavami in moram reči, da je bila prav dobra udeležba in vse so bile veselo razpoložene. Prečitane so bile 3 zahvale za deset dolarske darove, katere smo naklonile v dobre namene tukaj v našem mestu, kakor sem poročala v zadnjem dopisu in $10 smo darovale tukajšnjemu domu za ostarele in sicer v spomin pokojne Elizabeth Parkel, oskrbnici tega doma, ki se je smrtno ponesrečila, ko je peljala dva stanovalca k zdravniku. Ona dva pa sta še v bolnici. To moram omeniti, ker jo vsi pogrešamo, posebno še stanovalci tega doma, saj je znala lepo ravnati s starimi in bolnimi ljudmi in jim je bila kakor mati. Težko bo najti nadomestilo za njo. Vsem prizadetim naše globoko sožalje. Naj počiva v miru in Bog ji bodi dober plačnik. Mrs. Evančich se je preselila v Lorain, Ohio k njenim, ker tukaj ji je soprog umrl ter upam, da bo tam preskrbljena. Soprog sestre Mary Pavšek je v bolnici in sin Joe je bil operiran. Želimo, da se kaj kmalu vsi zdravi vrnejo domov. Soprog sestre Anne Brus, je tudi bil v bolnici zelo težko bolan in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Mary Jasima je tudi morala v bolnico, sedaj se zdravi doma. Paula Videgar je sedaj boljši in se zahvaljuje vsem za obiske in bodrilne karte. Soprog od Jennie Ston, je tudi bil operaran na oči in upam, da bo dobro. Naj ljuba Marija in Sv. Jožef pomagata vsem do ljubega zdravja. Naša tajnica in predsednica so pridne kot čebelice, vedno gledajo, da pride kaj v blagajno. Prodale so 9 knjig FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA in 32 kuharskih knjig. Čestitamo in če kateri še kaj rabi naj pokliče tajnico. Kade bi dobile kaj novih članic, ker me smo začele pešati. Ako katera ve za kako naj jo priporoča. Po seji smo imele dobro okrepčilo, katerega so prispevale naše slav-ljenske rojstnih knevov in potem smo se kar naprej zabavale: Mary Maj-zek, Mary Jesima 2 dol., Mary Kovačič 2 dol., Mary Evanich ice cream in 1 dol., Rozi Krajnik, Tina Pečnik, Skubic, Frances Kurelich, Carmela Petrlčevich !> dol. Ako sem katero izpustila, upam, da mi oprosti. Vse so prispevale, da je bilo vsega dovolj. Vsem želim, da bi zdrave in vesele še dolgo vrsto let obhajale svoje godove. Upajmo, da se vsi zopet vidimo na prihodnji seji. Pozdrav and God bless you! Christine Filips POLETJE V SLOVENIJI IN EVROPI St. 20, Joliet, lil. — Moram nekoliko poročati kako sem preživela dva meseca poletja. Dne 20. junija, smo se s soprogom Josephom, vnukom Philip Pucel in njegovim prijateljem, ki sta oba študenta in graduanta St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in sedaj sošolca v Lewis College, — podali v Chicago, od koder smo se odpeljali v New York, do. fanta vidit*. to veliko mesto naše dežele. Po dveh dnevih ogleda New Yorka, smo se vkrcali v veliko in moderno ladjo "United States” ter črez 4 dni prišli črez ocean v Evropo. Odpeljali smo se proti Parizu, kjer smo ostali dva dni, da si ogledamo zanimivosti tega krasnega francoskega mesta. Nato je vzelo en dan, da pridemo v Lurd, kjer smo ostali dva dni in se tudi udeležili nepozabne nočne procesije s svečkami. Še sedaj mi donijo v ušesih melodije petja stotisočerih romarjev: “Ave, Ave, Ave Regina...” Njihova goreča molitev človeka kar pretrese, njihova živa vera se jim bere na obrazih. Sv. maša je bila pri Lurški Materi Božji na prostem in nato v katedrali. Človeka gane prošnja tisočev bolnikov iz celega svetil, katere pripeljejo v zaupanju na o-zdravljenje na ta sveti prostor. Potem smo se odpeljali v Nico, znano francosko letovišče, odkoder smo vzeli vlak do Milana v Italiji. Tu smo si zopet ogledali krasne cerkve in zgodovinske stavbe, nakar smo vzeli brzi vlak Orient Express za Slovenijo, kamor smo prispeli 5. julija zjutraj. Po par dnevih počitka pri naših sorodnikih, smo vzeli skupno turo ali izlet, katerega je pripravil Kompas agencija skozi Švico, Austrijo, Nemčijo, Francijo in Lichtenstein. Potniška agencia je vse res najboljše uredila, prvovrstne hotele in restavracije in v resnici nudi potnikom odlično postrežbo. Skoro v vsakem mestu smo videli nove zanimivosti, kar človek ne bi mogel videti, če bi potoval privatno. V Zu-'■ichu so izletniki kupovuli “KooKoo' tire, v Insbrucku razne spominčke, kateri se ne dobijo pri nas. Preko krasnega Municha, ki je ves prenovljen zadnja leta, smo se vozili na veliko planino Grossglockner, ki je S,000 visoko. Na drugi strani smo prišli do Heiligenblut s krasno zgodovinsko cerkvico, kakršne ne vidiš drugje. Tu smo prespali eno noč in kosili v razkošni dvorani hotela. Videli smo mnogo lepega sveta, vozili smo se skozi prijazne vasice Aus-trije, kjer tudi gojijo cvetlice na oknih. V Nemčiji si nas peljali, da obiščemo tudi zloglasno koncetracij-slto taborišče Dachau, kjer je umrlo mnogo Slovencev. Res smo videli mnogo v teh devetih dneh. Z nami so se vozili tudi Mr. in Mrs. Robert Dicke z družino, hčerka ge. Prislandove Her- mine in Mrs. Josephine Schlossar in vnukinja Nancy, dalje Mr. in Mrs. John Petrich iz Milwaukee. Mrs. Pe-Irich je glavna odbornica KSKJ in dolgoletna članica naše Zveze. Bus je bil do zadnjega napoljnjen. Po vrnitvi smo se poslovili in odšli vsak na svojo stran, a nekateri so se že vrnili v Ameriko. Po enem dnevu smo šli na drugo devetdnevno turo in z nami je bila tildi Mrs. Toni Turek, naša glavna predsednica in njen mož Frank in več dingih članic. Peljali smo se skoži Italijo, se ustavili v Firencah (Florence) ter se ustavili za 4 dneve v Rimu. Ogledali smo si baziliko Sv. Petra, Vatikan, Coloseum, Katakombe in videli opero “Aido” zvečer. Vozili se nas podnevi in po noči, da vidimo večno mesto ob vsakem času in si tako ogledali zgodovinske stavbe o katerih večkrat čitamo ali slišimo. Prejeli smo tudi skupinski blagoslov Sv. Očeta, ki je blagoslovil tudi tiste naše drage doma, katerim ni bila dana prilika biti z nami, nato našo Ameriško mornarico in armado. Bilo je ganljivo videti Sv. Očeta osebno in slišati njegov glas. Na poti domov smo se peljali skozi Piso, nato Padovo, kjer je dom Sv. Antona. Tudi tukaj smo prespali v modernem hotelu. V Benetkah (Venice) smo se peljali s čolnom do trga Sv. Marka ter se nato ustavili v Trstu, kjer nas je čakala Mrs. Prisland. Obiskali smo palačo umorjenega Mebikanskega cesarja Maksimiljana z krasnimi sobanami in lepim razgledom na morje. Končno smo po 9 dnevih zopet prispeli v Ljubljano. Po enotedenskem počitku smo se domači odpeljali na ogled Velenja in Celja, kjer ima mož sestrično, nato v Maribor, kjer imam jaz sestrične, odkoder smo nadaljevali v Graz in končno na Dunaj, kjer smo se pridružili turi in ogledu mesta. Videli smo palačo cesarja Franca Jožefa v Schoenbrunnu z mnogimi veliki sobami, kjer smo občudovali blesk in sijaj minulih vladarjev. Videli smo krasne vrtove in druge zanimivosti, ki se ne loči mnogo od palače v Versailles, Francija, kjer smo si tudi ogledali razkošna bivališča cesarice Marije Antoinette iz Napoleonovih časov. Iz Dunaja smo se peljali proti češki meji, ki je pod nadzorstvom sovjetskih uradnikov. Plačali smo za posebne vize, da smo lahko prekoračili mejo in se ustavili v Bratislavi, prestolici Slovaške. Tukaj smo si o-gledali grad in druge zanimivosti ter se vrnili nazaj na Dunaj ter proti Salzburgu, nato dalje proti Kufstein, to letoviško mesto mi je posebno pri srcu, je kakor v pravljicah in se ti zdi, da hodiš v sanjah v teh krajih med Alpami in cvetlicami, kjer je vsaka hiša v drugih barvah. Po nakupu spominčkov, smo tukaj prenočili, nakar smo nadaljevali proti Kiefesfelden, kjer je moj oče pred mnogimi leti delal. Obiskali smo stare znance, nato pa se podali skozi lepe tirolske vasice, skozi mesto Spital an Drau (na Dravi) v Celovec (Klagenfurt) in nato nazaj proti slovenski meji in se tako po enem tednu vrnili v Slovenijo. Tokrat nas je vozil sorodnik mojega moža, ki nam je dal radevolje svoj čas in avto. Sicer so v naši Sloveniji vsi sorodniki zelo postrežljivi in radi pomagajo in vozijo sorodnika okoli, da činiveč vidi in se dobro počuti med domačimi. Ostali smo v Ljubljani in izrabili priliko, da smo obiskali božjo pot Marije Pomagaj na Brezjah, dalje Šmarno Goro in Bled, Bohinj, Ilirsko Bistrico, Opatijo, Piran, Poreč, Izola, Portorož in druga mesta. Čas nam je prehitro minul in že smo se morali začeti pripravljati na vrnitev. Dva meseca sta nam kar prehitro potekla in v naglici smo še obiskali naše sorodnike, ki nas vedno z veseljem sprejmejo in nas postrežejo. Slovo na Brniku je vedno ganljiva in spraševali smo se: Ali se še kedaj vidimo Nazaj smo prišli dne 2f>. augusta zvečer. Josephine Erjavec OBIŠČITE LEPO SLOVENIJO V ZIMSKEM C ASU! Lahko potujete z modernim Jet letalom za samo $250.00 oth St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 531-IOJ52 Br. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 43 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 21 32 33 34 35 37 38 29 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 72 74 77 79 80 81 83 84 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 1969 POROČILO ZA MESEC JULIJ, 1969 Assessments Adults Jrs. Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. $ 97.45 167 60 85 18.20 39 2 177.65 341 157 86 22 — 153.80 269 166 88 21.40 43 10 8.00 12 — a 89 21.75 73 23 89.00 104 19 a 90 19.70 43 16 44.55 105 8 91 32.30 53 12 51.45 95 63 92 17.35 27 2 18.55 47 — 93 74.25 58 2 27 2 94 7.75 14 7 137.15 316 31 95 332.10 177 23 j 70.45 172 48 96 46.50 47 - k 58.20 113 20 97 8.30 17 — 142.30 288 30 99 6.20 16 — 103.45 205 13 100 26.15 44 9 81.20 141 87 101 20.75 28 14 80.65 154 74 102 29 2 b 57.00 118 24 103 39.30 30 14 a 146.05 324 53 104 5.95 16 — 63.00 114 48 105 35.30 30 6 a 104.95 19 223 — b 56 106 12.65 22 3 73.80 145 76 Totals $4,466.25 8,121 2,341 343.05 642 170 43.45 101 14 Asses, pd a July, Aug; b June; c 109.40 48 3 c May to Aug; d Jan to Dec; e May; 76 10 b 11.15 27 5 f July to Sept.; g Jan; i May, June, 41.75 9 91 — d 27 b July; j June, July, Aug; k Jun, Jul. 77.65 129 96 Assessments $4,466.25 121.95 197 152 Rent 165.00 17.80 35 6 Interests 2,354.28 31.70 54 38 — 24 3 e Total Income in July. 1969 $6,985.63 46.65 125 — 20.20 44 9 Disbursements July 1969 55.45 84.70 22.25 104 210 46 3 30 Br. 2, Pueblo, Pauline Skufca $100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Mary Boldin 100.00 81.60 138 73 Br. 12, Milwaukee, A. Koprivetz 100.00 21.55 47 12 Br. 24, LaSalle, Josephine Radij 100.00 14.45 30 5 Br. 32, Euclid, Frances Istanich 100.00 53.85 105 34 Br. 39. Biwabik. Mary Strukel 100.00 38.55 33 — f 121.10 184 94 Br. 37, Greaney, G. Jacksha 100.00 21.00 15 — f Br. 55, Girard, Margaret Sipusic 100.00 31.20 53 17 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 32.70 63 42 Zarja, June and July 29.95 42.35 60 94 5 9 editions 2,647.45 Director of Internal Revenue 835.22 37.10 62 35 Officers’ annual salaries 1,325.00 30 2 8 Printing and secretaries’ 26.30 27 — a postage 220.22 50.20 95 22 Monthly Home Office rent 75.00 17.95 45 2 b Tel., office supplies and — 49 25 b electricity 160.00 33.20 58 23 Accrued interest 85.25 39.55 68 9 — 39.55 60 14 18 3 e Total $7,348.24 59.85 120 35 Balance in ledger assests 25 June, 1969 $5 27,619.50 58.60 106 32 72 1 g Income in July, 1969 6,985.63 24.00 50 33 534,605.13 — 31 20 e Disbursement in July, ’69 7,348.24 — 20 14.70 29 — Ledger balance July, 196S 1 $527,256.89 10.35 21 — 23.80 55 3 Albina Novak, Secretary HI, HOYS AND GIRLS! The deadline week for this letter was a time unusual crisis in our home. Thus it is hoped “Trick or Treat” from the Manna magazine will provide a bit of enjoyable reading for all my young readers. Your friend REGINA TRICK OR TREAT By Pat Cunningham It was a cool Halloween evening. The clown with the big, bushy wig, the pirate and the ghost were near the end of their triclc-or-treat tour a-round Midvale. In the daytime the ghost was a boy named Martin; the pirate answered to Jimmy and the clown with the fuzzy wig was just plain Ben. Other years they had been part of their grade school group that thought tricks were more fun than treats and always looked for 'a chance to play pranks, some that brought demands for punishment from offended neighbors who recognized the mischief-makers in spite of their costumes. This year the three pals had decided they would go out on their own and try for treats to a-void the tricks—and the punishment that often followed in their wake. Now they were homeward bound, sacks almost full and, best of all, not a trick they would ever be a-shamed of. “Where do we go now?” Jimmy asked as he looked into his paper sack, rattling it a little, the better to see what he had collected. Ben shifted a piece of candy from one jaw to the other before replying. “Let’s finish up with these two houses on this street, then go home. It’s getting cold.” As the boys walked up to the porch of the first house, Marty gave Jimmy a shove and Jimmy gasped as he spotted the flower bed, jumping over it to save it from damage. “O. K., you guys. Be quiet,” Ben warned in a whisper. The strange trio lined up in front of the door as the ghost peered out of two eyeholes in his sheet, the pirate pulled the patch over his eye and the lcown rang the bell. All he could hear while they waited excitedly for an answer was their own breathing. Then they heard the footsteps coming. The door opened and a small grey-haired woman was standing there. She took a step backwards, her hand flew up to her mouth and she looked startled for a second. “Oh, my goodness! It’s a ghost, a clown and a real pirate.” The boys couldn’t keep still any longer, but broke down laughing. So many grown-ups acted like this. Maybe they weren’t really scared, but you couldn’t be sure. "Trick-or-treat," the three boys chimed in. "Well, come in out of the eold and we’ll see what there is,” the woman smiled. The ghost, pirate 'and clown followed her through the living room and into the sparkling white kitchen. “How does a mug of hot chocolate and some pumpkin face cookies sound??” their grey-haired hostess asked as she set three mugs on the table and poured the steaming liquid into them. The boys had already been eyeing the platter of cookies on the table and the mere mention of food was enough to send them to the chairs around the able. All laughed as Ben tried to hold his clown collar to keep it out of his cup. Soon the hot chocolate was gone and the pile of cookies on the platter was much lower. Martin, Jimmy and Ben picked up their bulging trick-or-treat sacks and followed the little old lady back to the door. "Well, I hope there won't be any tricks played on me tonight,” she smiled, laying her thin hand on Ben’s shoulder. “No, ma'am,” Jimmy said loudly. Where there’s a treat there’s no trick.” “Thanks a lot," Ben said. Then the three shuffled down the sidewalk. “Let’s just stop at this house on the corner, then start back home. It's getting late and my folks might be worried,” he said. "All right,” the other two agreed as they turned into the walk that led up to the large house. “Do you suppose anybody’s at. home?” Jimmy asked. "The house is kind of dark.” They gathered on the porch and Ben pushed his thumb on the doorbell and tried to peek inside the glass. There seemed to be a dim light somewhere in the back of the house. He heard a phone ringing inside. He pushed the doorbell button again. “I think somebody’s home. They just, won’t come to the door,” came Martin’s muffled voice from inside his ghost hood. “Probably too cheap to get any trick-or-treat stuff,” Jimmy muttered. Ben frowned and pushed the doorbell once more; hard, this time. Still 110 one came. "Well, they asked for it,” Martin said happily. “What trick shall we play on them, pals?” “I’ve got soap for the windows,” Jimmy ansewered. “Naw. Let’s do something different,” Martin said. “Why don't we just go home?” Ben asked. “It's real late and our bags are about full anyway." “They wouldn't come to the door, would they?” Jimmy asked. “That means we got to play a trick. Come on. Their car is parked in the driveway,” and he began walking in the big, dark shadow with the moonlight reflecting off the top. j Junior’s Page j “I know, we’ll let the air out of the tires,” Martin whispered. Ben stood to one side, hanging onto his sack and just watching. He thought what they were doing was wrong, but he couldn’t think of a reason why. Jimmy and Martin were crouched down at each end of the car parked in the driveway. “Feel along the tire and you will find the valve,” Martin said. “Come 011, Ben, and help us. You start 011 the other side.” Ben looked back at the house. There were more lights on now. If was funny they hadn’t come to the door. Finally he ran around to the other side of the car. Using a twig he had picked up, it was only a few seconds before air hissed from the tire. He straightened up suddenly. “Come on, you guys. That’s enough.” The three raced down the sidewalk, jostling against each other. Looking back at the house, Ben could see the porch-light flash on as a man came out the front door. “Boy, I'll bet he’s mad,” Martin panted. Finally, after running until they were all panting, the three slowed down to a walk once more. “Boy,this has been a good Halloween,” Martin said as they got near his house. He held up his sack and patted its bulging sides. “See you fellows tomorrow,” he called out and the ghost galloped up his front steps. “So long," said the other two as they continued down the street. “Hope your mom isn't mad,” Ben said to Jimmy. “Naw. She knows Halloween only comes once a year and she expects me to stay out late getting a lot of things”, he ans wered. Then the pirate gave Ben a slap on the shoulder. “See ya,” he called and went up the next walk and into the house, leaving a lonesome clown standing in the dark. Ben shivered a little. They had gone clear across town and back and the night wind had grown cold. It was worth it, though, he thought as he opened his sack and looked in. He shook it and held the opening towards the street-light; a big orange, candy, fruit and cookies, all sizes, and colors of things met his eye. This had reaaly been a good Halloween. He walked a little faster. He did not know what time it was, but his mother would probably be worried. Ben hardly noticed the strange car in front of his house as he ran up the steps and opened the door. “Mom! Dad!” he shouted. “You ought to see all the stuff I’ve got.” There was no one in the living room. He thought they would have been sitting in their favorite chairs, dad l eading the paper and mom with her sewing, but the room was empty. “Is that you, son?” a hushed voice came and Ben turned to see his father tiptoeing quickly down the stairs. His face looked white and lined. His eyes were watery and tired. “Where’s Mom?” Ben asked. All of a sudden he knew something was very wrong. His father looked so different. “She had an accident,” his father answered. “She fell down the basement steps.” Ben tried to speak but his voice refused to' come. “The doctor is up with her now,” his father went on. “It took him so long to get here. Some pranksters let the air out of his tires.” Ben heard the last few words as if they floated to him from 1'ar off. His father tiptoed back up the stairs. Ben stood for a moment longer, staring across the room at nothing. Then he heard his father call softly. “C’mon, I3en. Come up and see your mother. Dr. Maynard is finished. He says your mother is mostly shaken up, not badly hurt.” Treat-sack still in hand, Ben mounted the stiairs, swiftly and silently. He turned into his mother’s room and went to the side of her bed. One arm was in a sling and there was a big bruise 011 her forehead. Hen pushed his mask up to the. top of his head as his mother looked up. “Ben,” she said weakly, “you’re home safe? And look at all the treats.” A tear trickled down the boy’s cheek. “Gee, Mom, if it hadn't been for one little trick ...” He saw that his mother understood what he was trying to say. “Just one trick?” His mother smiled forgiveness. “Ben, just one? If that's all there were, then even this Halloween has been a real treat for me.” fr rances 'jorse X bb^ Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, N.Y.11227 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS1 LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Office 1858 W. Cermak Bd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Beal Estate and Insurance Chicago, Illinois 60608 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 S. W. U. PUBLICATIONS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: World famous cookbook: Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen with recipes for Potica, Strudel. Krofe and many other Slovenian and International dishes! $3.25 per copy postpaid ★ Slovenian and English songbook: LET’S SING Sing-along songs that you love I $1.25 per copy postpaid ★ The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.00 plus postape See your Branch secretaries for any of the above books or write for individual copies to S. W. U. Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 28000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6136 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT GEREND—HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 530«! R. GRDINO & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Bd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Boad Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDKi ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave Office 481-1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-1-0583 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin