ANALYSES OF SHAFT CURRENTS IN LOW-VOLTAGE INDUCTION MOTOR FOR FORKLIFT DRIVE WITH ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Stjepan Štefanko^-^, Željko Hederič^, Miralem Hadžiselimovič^, Ivan Zagradišnik^ KONČAR - Institut of electrotechnics, Zagreb, Croatia ^ University J. J. Strossmayer, Faculty of electrical engineering, Osijek, Croatia ^ University of Maribor, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, Maribor, Slovenia Key words: low-voltage induction motor, shaft currents, measurements, electronic equipment Abstract: At the power supply of the low-voltage asynchronous motors (with homogeneous yokes) from the network, shaft currents resulting in damage of bearings, can emerge. The main cause of these currents is the eccentric position of rotor in the stator bore (static and dynamic eccentricity). The required condition for the emergence of these currents is nonlinearity of magnetizing curve of electrical steel of the motor stack lamination. The article describes performed measurements on the four-pole motor. First, the measuring equipment: Rogowski coil and his mounting, AD converter NI-DAQPad-6015 and power analyzers NORMA-D6000 have been described. Then, ways of measurements and processing of measurements have been explained. Data obtained by measurements have been presented at the nominal load, for the star-and delta-connected stator winding, measured with AD converter NI-DAQPad-6015 and power analyzer NORMA-D6000. Differences in measured results of shaft currents measured by the power analyzer NORMA-D6000 related to measurements with the AD converter NI-DAQPad-6015 are explained. Analiza meritev tokov gredi nizkonapetostnega asinhronskega motorja za pogon viličarja z elektronsko opremo Kjučne besede: nizkonapetostni asinhronski motor, tokovi gredi, meritve, elektronska oprema Izvleček: Pri napajanju nizkonapetostnih asinhronskih motorjev (s homogenimi jarmi) iz omrežja lahko nastanejo tokovi v gredi, ki imajo za posledico okvaro ležajev. Glavni vzrok teh tokov je ekscentrični položaj rotorja in statorja (statična in dinan'iiöna ekscentričnost). Potrebni pogoj za nastanek teh tokov je nelinearnost magnetilne krivulje materiala - lamel paketa, tj. dinamo pločevine motorja. V članku so opisane izvedene meritve na štiripolnem motorju za pogon viličarja. Najprej je opisana merilna oprema: tuljava Rogowskega in njena vgradnja, AD kartica NI-DAQPad-6015 in digitalni analizator NORMA-D6000. Nato so pojasnjeni načini meritev in predvsem obdelava meritev. Za izvedene meritve so prikazani rezultati meritev v nazivni točki, za vezavo zvezda in trikot statorskega navitjazAD kartico NI-DAQPad-6015 in inštrumentom NORMA-D6000. Pojasnjene so razlike merilnih rezultatov za vrednosti tokov gredi pri merjenju z AD kartico NI-DAQPad-6015 glede na meritve z analizatorjem moči NORMA-D6000. 1. Introduction The phenomena of shaft currents at big synchronous and induction machines was discovered and explained in the last century. Air gaps in the stator yoke that exist in the stator stacks put together from parts (segments) or completed stacks composed of steel segments can cause shaft currents. They are closed in the circuit: shaft - bearing -bearing shield - housing - bearing shield - bearing - shaft and they damage the bearings. The mechanisms of the shaft currents beginning at low voltage induction motors that have as a rule homogeneous yoke are very complicated /1 /. In this article it is presented that the nonlinearity of magnetization curve of iron is a necessarily condition of the shaft currents origin. All manners of shaft currents origins at low voltage induction motors are not explained to the end, therefore it is necessary to determine, from the view of the shaft current measurements, with frequency analyses the harmonic content of the shaft currents and then to determine the ground as well as the mechanism of the harmonic components origin. In this article the measurements of shaft currents on one four pole low voltage induction motor with the help of Rogowski coil /2/ are analyzed. The method of shaft currents measurements with Rogowski coil is recommended in /3/, where Rogowski coil was mounted around the shaft of the rotor. At shaft current measurements described in /4/ the Rogowski coil was mounted (around the shaft) on the sta- tor and at measurements described in this article the Rogowski coil was also placed on the stator. At the end it should be reminded that we may not mistake the notion of the shaft currents with the notion of the bearing currents that are closed thru the bearings without regard to mechanism of the origin and of the currents frequency. The shaft currents begin by supply of the motor from the network and should be named "inductive", but important harmonic components of these currents are in the range form 0 to 1000 Hz. At the supply from the frequency converter except low and high frequency shaft currents (Circulating Bearings Currents), therefore "inductive" currents also the "capacitive" bearing currents, begin. Characteristic high frequency of "inductive and "capacitive" harmonics currents components in dependence of the control and realization of the converter and motor may exceed 100 kHz. The consequences of the difference of the shaft currents are necessarily the different ways in the calculation (different machine models) and measurements of these currents. The subject of this article are the measurements of the shaft currents by supply of the low voltage induction motor with squirrel cage from the network. Fig. 1. Bearing shield with Rogovski coil and magnetic screen from two iron sheets and isolation ured by the coil owing to leakage flux of the winding overhang, which size by the observed motor is approximately equal to the shaft current. To assure the correct shaft current measurements by Rogowski coil it is necessary to avoid the influence of the winding overhang leakage flux on the measured current size. 2. Measuring equipment for shaft currents By measurements of the shaft currents, the standard performance Rogowski coil AmpFLEXAlOO 20/200 A, is used and for data assembling from the Rogowski coil two parallel devices are used: AD card NI-DAQPad-6015 and power analyzer NORMA-D6000. Parallel with the shaft currents measurements on two different ways the stator currents of the motor were measured with the help of: Rogowski coil and (AmpFLEXAlOO 20/200 A) and by using current shunts (Triaxial shunt 6 A...300 A). AmpFLEXAlOO 20/200A is a coil of Rogowski with flexible air core, of the extent of 45 cm, produced by Chauvin Arnoux which enables the measurements of alternating currents to 200 A. The coil has two measurement ranges: to 20 A with output voltage ratio 100 mV/A and to 200 A with output voltage ratio 10 mV/A. The accuracy of the measurements is 1 % from 10 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range and angle error 1 the output impedance is 1 kQ. At measurements of the shaft currents the Rogowski coil is placed in the inner space of the bearing shield of the motor in such a manner that it symmetrically embrace the bearing and the shaft is perpendicular on the area by which the Rogowski coil is closed (Figure 1.), that is essentially for the accuracy of the measurements /2, 5/. At low voltage induction motors the distance between winding overhang and the bearing edge is only some centimeters. The vicinity of the stator winding and the Rogowski coil is the reason why the additional shaft current is meas- bearing shield "X rotor / stator winding overhang rogowski coil i Tn magnetic screen Fig. 2. Position of Rogowski coil and magnetic screen inside of the motor With the intention to prevent the leakage flux breakthrough into the Rogowski coil two iron sheets 1 mm thickness are mounted, they are galvanic separated between each other (Figure 2.). With insertion of such magnetic screen the leakage flux from winding overhang is chocked to the level that is smaller then quantum noise (Figure 3.). Then the voltage signal from the Rogowski coil, which represents the contribution of the leakage flux of the stator winding overhang, has the smaller size than the reading resolutions (equation (7) in chapter 3. The method of measurements) and after the AD conversion the signal size of the distur- bance could not differentiate from the error owing to round up the sample on the nearest quantum level. Samples Fig. 3. Voltage output form card NI-DAQPad-6015 by determination test of winding overhang leal