Št. 1/2013 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alenka Fikfak ROJSTVO NOVE REVIJE THE BIRTH OF A NEW JOURNAL ČLANEK ARTICLE RAZPRAVA DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ COMPETITION PREDSTAVITEV PRESENTATION Marsikdo se je v času snovanja nove revije spraševal: Čemu? In to v časih, ko je na eni strani dostopnost do številnih revij in publikacij z vseh področij skoraj neomejena, na drugi strani pa kakovostne informacije postajajo vedno dražje in zato težko dosegljive. Najin odgovor je bil: Morda prav zato! Da pokažemo, da z veliko mero ustvarjalnosti, igrivosti in zagnanosti lahko dosežemo veliko, kar ni nujno I tudi drago. Namen je torej izkoristiti sodobno komunikacijsko tehnologijo, ki omogoča izdajo revije v digitalni obliki in brezplačen dostop do revije. Gradimo tako rekoč odprtokodno revijo, ki jo bomo gradili skupaj z avtorji prispevkov. Za doseganje visoke kakovostne ravni pa bomo zasledovali dve misli: interdisciplinarnost in široko mednarodno zastopanost avtorjev in uporabnikov revije. Eno in drugo je pogoj za pretok kakovostnega znanja, izkušenj in dobrih praks v širokem krogu strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo z urejanjem prostora z različnih vidikov. Zamisel o ustanovitvi nove revije kljub vsemu ni zrastla iz nič, temveč iz uspešne znanstvene monografije z naslovom »Igra ustvarjalnosti - urbanistične, urbanistično-arhitekturne in planerske delavnice«, ki je izšla leta 2012. Glavni naslov Igra ustvarjalnosti, ki poudarja, da moramo biti tudi v znanosti in stroki igrivi, predvsem pa ustvarjalni, smo ohranili ter mu dodali podnaslov »teorija in praksa urejanja prostora«. K snovanju prve številke revije smo tako namenoma povabili člane mednarodnega uredniškega odbora, ki so se vabilu prijazno odzvali in iz The launch of a new journal made many a person wonder: Why a new journal? Indeed, these are the times of almost unlimited access to many journals and publications in all disciplines; however, high quality information is getting more expensive by the minute and, as a result, it is becoming less attainable. Our answer was: Perhaps that is precisely the reason! To show that with a great deal of creativity, playfulness and enthusiasm, many things, and not necessarily expensive, can be achieved. Our aim is to make use of state-of-the-art communication technology that enables the running of an electronic journal and open access to the journal. We are developing an open-source journal that will entail a joint effort by the authors of the submissions. To achieve a high level of quality, we will pursue two lines of thought: interdisciplinary and a broad international representation of authors and journal users. Both are conditions for the flow of quality knowledge, experience and good practices among a wide circle of experts who deal with different aspects of spatial planning. The idea behind the founding of the new journal is not a new one; it emerged from a successful scientific monograph entitled »Creativity Game - urban design workshops, urban-architectural workshops and spatial planning workshops«, published in 2012. The main title Creativity Game - which emphasises the need for playfulness in science and profession, and, first and foremost, the need for creativity - was preserved and a subtitle was added: »Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning«. 8 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No. 1/2013 različnih vidikov prispevali k nastanku široko zasnovane in interdisciplinarne mednarodne revije. Predstavljene vsebine se med seboj dopolnjujejo in nedvoumno kažejo, kako široko in pomembno je področje urejanja prostora, v katerega vstopajo raznolike in številne stroke. Avtorji v svojih prispevkih izpostavljajo pomen razvoja znanosti v vedah, ki so po svoji naravi sicer aplikativne in hkrati opozarjajo, kako pomembni so razvoj konceptnega razmišljanja, oblikovanje različnih prostorskih scenarijev, projektni pristop, stik z lokalno skupnostjo, iskanje praktičnih, inovativnih rešitev in spodbujanje kreativnosti, neposreden prenos znanja študentom kot tudi razvoj samega študija. In še bi lahko naštevali. Poleg teh prispevkov je prva številka namenjena tudi predstavitvam delavnic, natečajev in drugih projektov, ki jih vidimo kot nujni element pri povezovanje teoretičnih, znanstvenih in strokovnih izkušenj. Na tem mestu bi se radi vsem zahvalili za izražene misli in si želiva, da bi revija kmalu polno zaživela. Zahvala pa velja tudi celotni ekipi, ki je pripomogla k nastanku revije, nemalokrat tudi s prostovoljnim delom, polnim ustvarjalnega žara. Prav ustvarjalni žar naj bo spodbuda vsem bodočim avtorjem prispevkov k sooblikovanju kakovostnih vsebin naslednje in vseh prihodnjih številk revije Igra ustvarjalnosti! Ustvarjalni pozdrav, AF in AZL, Glavni urednici For the first issue, the members of the International Editorial Board, at our invitation, kindly contributed their insight to the creation of the broad range and interdisciplinarity of the international journal. The featured topics complement each other and without doubt show the broadness and importance of spatial planning that can be seen, in fact, as an overlap of different and numerous disciplines. In their contributions, the authors expose the importance of scientific development in the disciplines that are, by nature, part of applied science, and draw attention to the importance of conceptual thinking, design of spatial scenarios, project approaches, contact with the local community, pursuit of practical, innovative solutions and promotion of creativity, direct transfer of knowledge to students, the evolution of study programmes - the list goes on. However, the focus of the first issue is on the presentation of workshops, competitions and other projects, which are seen as the necessary element in connecting theoretical, scientific and professional experience. This is a fitting place to thank everyone for their contributions; it is our wish that the journal will soon thrive. We are grateful to the entire team who helped to develop the journal, often on volunteer basis, but full of creative energy. This creative energy should be an encouragement to all future authors, in a joint effort to design quality contributions of the future issues of the Creativity Game journal! Creative regards, AF and AZL, Editors-in-chief 9