81 Original scientific paper Received: May 11, 2016 Accepted: June 16, 2016 DOI: 10.1515/rmzmag-2016-0007 Multichannel analysis of the surface waves of earth materials in some parts of Lagos State, Nigeria Večkanalna analiza površinskega valovanja v zemljinah naposameznih območjih zvezne države Lagos, Nigerija Adegbola, R.B.1- *, Oyedele, K.F.2, Adeoti, L.2, Adeloye, A.B.3 1Lagos state University, Department of Physics, Lagos, Nigeria 2University of Lagos, Department of Geosciences, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria 3University of Lagos, Department of Physics, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria *adegbolaji@yahoo.com Abstract We present a method that utilizes multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW), which was used to measure shear wave velocities, with a view to establishing the probable causes of road failure, subsidence and weakening of structures in some local government areas in Lagos, Nigeria. MASW data were acquired using a 24-channel seismograph. The acquired data were processed and transformed into a two-dimensional (2-D) structure reflective of the depth and surface wave velocity distribution within a depth of 0 -15 m beneath the surface using SURFSEIS software. The shear wave velocity data were compared with other geophysical/ borehole data that were acquired along the same profile. The comparison and correlation illustrate the accuracy and consistency of MASW-derived shear wave velocity profiles. Rigidity modulus and A-value were also generated. The study showed that the low velocity/very low velocity data are reflective of organic clay/ peat materials and thus likely responsible for the failure, subsidence and weakening of structures within the study areas. Key words: multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW), weakening of structures, rigidity modulus, standard penetration test (SPT), A-value, subsidence Izvleček V članku je predstavljena uporaba večkanalne analize površinskih valov (MASW) s katero smo preko določitve hitrosti strižnih valov v površinskih plasteh poskušali ugotoviti razloge za poškodbe cest, posedanje in oslabitve objektov na posameznih območjih zvezne države Lagos v Nigeriji. MASW meritve smo izvajali s 24-kanalnim seizmografom, pridobljeni podatki pa so bili obdelani in analizirani s pomočjo programskega paketa SURFSEIS. Rezultat so dvodimenzionalni prerezi razporeditve hitrosti strižnih valov v globini od 0 do 15 m pod površjem. Pridobljene hitrosti strižnih valov smo primerjali s podatki drugih geofizikalnih preiskav ter vrtin pridobljenih vzdolž merjenih profilov. Primerjava in korelacija globinskih profilov hitrosti strižnih valov, pridobljenih z MASW metodo, podaja dobro ujemanje. V nadaljevanju smo izračunali vrednosti stri-žnega modulu in N SPT vrednosti. Študija je pokazala, da zelo nizke in nizke strižne hitrosti odgovarjajo območjem organskih glin in šot, ki so najverjetnejši razlog za porušitve, posedanje in oslabitve objektov na preučevanem območju. Ključne besede: večkanalna analiza površinskih valov (MASW), hitrost strižnih valov, posedanje, porušitve objektov, strižni modul, SPT N vrednosti IWh'diHi'1-ai © 2016 Adegbola, R. B., Oyedele, K. F., Adeoti, L., Adeloye, A. B., published by De Gruyter Open. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attributio Broughttoyouby| National& UniversityLibrary Authenticated Download Date | 4/18/17 12:24 PM 82 Introduction Seismic refraction method has been increasingly used in shallow environmental and engineering site characterization works [1]. The method is based on the generation of direct compres-sional wave (P-wave] using a near-surface impulsive energy, which propagates through the soil medium and is refracted along stratigraph-ic boundaries. The impulsive energy is generated by a seismic source that is selected based upon the length of the seismic line, the resolution desired and the environmental suitability of the seismic source. Surface waves appearing on multichannel seismic data designed to image environmental, engineering and groundwater targets have traditionally been viewed as noise [2]. A recent development incorporating concepts from spectral analysis of surface waves developed for civil engineering applications with multi-trace seismic reflection methods showed great potential for detecting -and, in some cases, delineating -anomalous subsurface materials [3]. Extending the common use of surface wave analysis techniques from the estimation of 1-D shear wave velocities to detection and/or imaging required a laterally continuous approach to data acquisition and processing. Integrating the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method with geotechnical-style data acquisition permits generation of a laterally continuous 2-D cross section of the shear wave velocity field. The MASW method requires minimal processing and is relatively insensitive to cultural interference. Comparing MASW with the redundant sampling approach used in ge-otechnical data acquisition provides a non-invasive method of detecting horizontal and/or vertical variations in near-surface layers' material properties. Continuous acquisition of multichannel surface wave data along linear transects has recently shown great promise in detecting shallow voids and tunnels, mapping the bedrock surface, locating remnants of underground mines and delineating fracture systems. Cross sections generated in this manner contain information about the horizontal and vertical continuity of materials as shallow as a few meters down to depths of more than 100 m in some settings [4]. Decreases in the shear wave velocity related to decreases in compaction or localized increases in shear wave velocity likely associated with the tension dome surrounding subsurface cavities appear to be key indicators of either active subsidence or areas susceptible to roof collapse, respectively [2]. In situations in which subsidence is active, a dramatic drop in shear wave velocity seems characteristic of areas where earth materials have begun subsiding into voids [3]. This low-velocity zone produces a unique signature in the shear wave velocity field. The key to exploiting surface waves as a site characterization tool resides in their sensitivity to shear wave velocity, compressional wave velocity, density and layering of the halfspace [5]. In this study, the seismic refraction method using the MASW technique was used as a geophysical tool with a view to generating shear wave velocity profiles in some local government areas, namely, Ojo, Alimosho, Surulere and Kosofe in Lagos State, Nigeria. Borehole data were also used as constraints in this study. These combined techniques provide confirmatory information on the subsurface structural features. The general aim of the study is to apply MASW to understanding the probable causes of collapsed and failed structures in some local government areas in Lagos State. Materials and methods Geology of the study area The study area is situated in Lagos State, which is sandwiched between latitudes 7°14'N and 7°33'N and it straddles longitudes 5°22'E -5°42'E. Lagos State is made up of coastal plain sands, clays and sandstone [6]. Geologically, Lagos lies within Dahomey Basin, which extends from Accra in Ghana through the Republic of Togo to the western flanks of Niger Delta in the east (Figure 1]. According to Jones and Hockey [6], the geology of southwestern Nigeria reveals a sedimentary basin, which is classified under five major formations according to their geological formation age, namely, RMZ - M&G | 2016 | Vol 63 | pp. 81-090 Adegbola,B«OiiQ)peSQly11 >420 >353 Very dense stiff soil 0-4 60-90 7.2-16.2 Peat/organic clay Surulere 4-10 111-140 24.6-39.2 Soft/loose soil >10 60-90 7.2-16.2 Peat/organic clay 0-4 <200 <80 Soft/loose soil Magodo 4-8 200-320 80-205 Medium dense sand 8-15 320-450 205-405 Very dense stiff soil 0-4 100-200 20-80 Soft/loose soil Lagos State University 4-6 200-300 80-180 Medium dense sand 6-15 300-370 180-274 Dense stiff soil Table 2: Dynamic properties from MASW. Material status Vs (m/s) m (MN/m2) N value Inferred sediments Very low velocity <100 <20 <1.51 Peat/organic clay Low velocity 100-200 20-80 1.51-9.81 Soft/loose soil Moderately high velocity 200-300 80-180 9.81-26.41 Medium stiff soil Relatively high velocity 300-400 180-320 26.41-55.86 Dense stiff soil High velocity >400 >320 >55.86 Very dense soil Table 3: Comparison of geophysical and geotechnical values. Depth (m) Shear wave velocity values (m/s) Borehole log information (sediments) _0-4_<200_ 4-9_380-420 9-19_>420_ 19-23_-_ The dynamic behaviour of soil properties has been evaluated from the shear wave velocity, which is an important parameter for seismic site characterization and determination of shear modulus. Hence, a dynamic property at low strain level for site soil layers has been determined using shear wave velocity from MASW. This test was used to evaluate the shear modulus for soil characterization and established the relation of Ks, m and the inferred sediment with depth. However, a categorized dynamic properties table was drawn (Table 2] which classifies shear wave velocity profile into categories based on Loose-to-medium sand Clayey sand Silty clay _Stiff clay_ its status and corresponding m, N-value and inferred sediments. Those values obtained are in good agreement with recommendations and classifications of [14-15], where the scholars established the relationship between N-values and relative density in descriptiveMoreover, the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction programme provides five classes of site conditions. from hard to peat/clay, based on the average shear wave velocity. Overall, the MASW method has been used to provide reliable shear wave velocity profiles within the first 15 m below the surface (Table 3). Multichannel analysis of the surface waves of earth materials in some partsfughOstBflOUbyebtN ational & University Library Authenticated Download Date | 4/18/17 12:24 PM 88 Figure 7: Typical comparison of MASW profiles and borehole data. T O 7 6 5 1 m • ai o "S 4 ? ^ —DEPTH (P EAT) 2 2 —■— NI-VALU ES 1 D o LASU ALIM Location SURU MAGO Figure 8: Depth of peat below the earth surface and N-value distribution against the locations. The near-surface characterization results using the geotechnical and geophysical data were compared (Figure 7) with reported results. For instance, low shear velocity region corresponds to peat/loose soil within the same geological environment. Hence, a good correlation was inferred, although the methods provided almost the same signatures relative to depth. A plot (Figure 8) showed the depth of loose sand from the surface within the study areas. The maximum depth of the peat was observed at 6 m at Lagos State University in the Ojo local government area, while others were at average depth of 4 m. In the entire study area, the N-val- RMZ - M&G | 2016 | Vol 63 | pp. 81-090 Adegbola,BrO.U0hedOly,OWbA dOJifiJTAd&cUgMSKsity Library Authenticated Download Date | 4/18/17 12:24 PM 89 ues were less than ten, which is the assumed threshold for reasonable engineering structures (Table 2). The information obtained from the plot vindicated that materials beneath the earth surface should be excavated to the depth of soft/loose soil; this will be good information for potential builders. Conclusions The MASW technique was used to determine the shear wave velocity in the study area with a view to characterizing the subsurface and estimating the physical properties of the earth. Shear wave velocity gradients obtained within the shear wave velocity field were consistent with drills, thus confirming the diagnostics of the subsurface structure that can be used to map velocity regions of the study area. Low shear wave velocity areas below the subsurface were classified as peat/organic clay/loose soil zones. The integrity of the MASW study was further confirmed by applying different geophysical/borehole data; the degree of correlation was very high, hence, justifying the uniqueness of the method. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the sincere contribution of Prof. Ayolabi Elijah towards the completion of this research work. References [1] Adegbola, R.B., Ayolabi, E. A., Allo, W. (2012): Subsurface characterization using seismic refraction and surface wave methods: a case of Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State. Arab J geosci. DOI 10.1007/ s12517-102-0784-2. [2] Miller, R. D. Xia, J. Park, C.B. Ivanov, J. M. 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