
51 LATINSKI ROKOPISNI MISAL Smolik Marijan Oddano: 07.11.2003 – Sprejeto: 27.11.2003 Izvirni znanstveni članek UDK 091(71 Toronto) Izvleček Avtor v prispevku opisuje poreklo in vsebino latinskega rokopisnega misala z zdajšnjo oznako Bergendal MS 40, ki je del zbirke rokopisov in inkunabul Bergendal Collection of manuscripts and incunables v Torontu. Rokopis so kot mašno knjigo nekoč uporabljali duhovniki v cerkvi sv. Danijela v Zalogu. Avtor opozarja, da v analiziranem misalu niso prepisana besedila za vse dneve, ki so sicer v popolnih misalih, zaradi česar dom- neva, da kupci tega misala za župnijo Slavina (zdaj Postojna) niso kupili misala, ki je bil slučajno na prodaj, ampak so dali prepisati tiste dele, ki bi jih utegnili uporabljati v omenjeni cerkvici. Ključne besede : rokopisi, misali, srednjeveški kodeksi Original scientific article UDC 091(71 Toronto) Abstract The paper describes the origins and content of the latin manuscript missal marked Bergendal MS 40, which is part of the Bergendal Collection of manuscripts and incunables in Toronto. This manuscript had once been used as a missal by the priests in the Chur- ch of St. Daniel in Zalog. The author points to the fact that the analysed missal lacks the texts which are otherwise included in complete missals. On these grounds, he as- sumes that the buyers of the missal for the Slavina (today Postojna) parsonage did not buy the missal, which had been available, but had had only parts of it copied, the parts they presumed to be used and of use in the local church. Key words : manuscripts, missals, medieval codices SMOLIK, Marijan: Latin manuscript missal. Knjižnica, Ljubljana 47(2003)4, 51-62