AR Arhitektura, raziskave / Architecture, Research Tadeja Zupančič Strojan ............................................... AR dr Tadeja Zupančič Strojan, docentka Polja raziskovanja: arhitektura, mestno načrtovanje in oblikovanje Predmeti na Fakulteti za arhitekturo: dodiplomski študij: nosilka predmeta multimedijski prostor, asistentka pri predmetih projektiranje in kompozicija, elementi urbanizma; magistrski študij: urbana oprema, specialistièni študij: okoljsko naèrtovanje. Tip predstavitvene tehnike: fotografija. Cilj predstavitvene tehnike: izkustvena predstavitev prostora. Sporoèilo predstavitvene tehnike: vizualna prostorska razmerja. Opis tehnike: analogna/digitalna; èrnobela/barvna; mnogotere možnosti nadaljnje obdelave (retuširanje, montaže, grafièni uèinki). Praktièni prikaz: fotografijakot samostojno sporočilo; motivi, kombinacije motivov, sporočilna vrednost uporabe analogij. Uporaba tehnike v izobraževalnem procesu: predavanja, vaje, delo v seminarju, arhitekturne delavnice. Research activities: architecture, urban planning and design. Subjects at the Faculty of Architecture: under-graduate course subjects: Multimedia space / place, assistant for the following course subjects: Architectural design, Elements of urban design; post-graduate course subjects (Msc. course): Urban furniture; Spec. course subjects: Environmental planning. The type of the presentation technique: the photograph. The aim of the presentation technique: an experiential presentation of space. The message of the presentation technique: spatial visual relations in space. The description of the presentation technique: analogue / digital, black and white / colour, a plethora of further treatment possibilities (retouching, producing montages or graphic effects). Illustrative examples: the photograph as an autonomous message, motives, combinations of motives, the analogy applications their message and value. The application of the technique in the teaching process: during lectures or practice classes, at seminar sessions and workshops on architecture. Zupančič Strojan, Tadeja. Vizualnijezikv mestnem načrtovanju in oblikovanju. Urbani izziv, št. 2, december 1999, str. 102-107. Zupančič Strojan, Tadeja. Towards Creative Reinterpretation and Effective Representation ofSpatialldentity. V: Martens, Bob (ur.), Keul, Alexander (ur.): lAHS Symposium-Vienna University of Technology, 23.3.2001. Dunaj: TU, 2001. Tadeja Zupančič Strojan AR AR Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan Tadeja Zupančič Strojan AR water surface labyrinth - cave Sporočilna vrednost uporabe analogij T. Zupančič Strojan, I. Seljak, S. Božič, P. Skumavc, T. Rus, U. Pintarič, M. Juvanec, D. Gašparič, 2001