SDM vesti s hriba Junij 2012 Številka 20 AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 Ureja Anica Markič 35 LET LOVSKE IN RIBIŠKE DRUŽINE SDM Lep pogled na preteklost. Nepozabni trenutki in spomin na že pokojne člane. Letos mineva 35 let odkar se je ustanovila Lovska in Ribiška družina SDM, katere prvi starešina in pobudnik je bil Janez Zemlič. DRAGI ROJAKI, Ko urejujem to številko novic s hriba je v Avstraliji prvi dan zime. Brskam po starih slikah in člankih v Vestniku, ter obujam spomine na preteklost. Letos mineva 40 let odkar nas je obiskal znani slovenski ansambel Lojzeta Slaka in Fantje s Praprotna. Mineva 40 let od nakupa zemljišča v Elthamu, kjer danes stoji naš kulturni center, 41 let odkar se je ustanovila prva Zveza slovenskih društev v Avstraliji, katere prvi predsednik je bil Cvetko Falež. Pet in trideset let Lovske in Ribiške družine SDM, isto leto se je uvedlo poučevanje slovenščine v državnih šolah Victorije v treh centrih po dva razreda - vpisalo se je 150 učencev. Slovenka, Gloria Krope, je bila kronana Miss Avstralije. Še in še bi lahko naštevala. V vseh teh letih smo doživljali marsikaj nepozabnega. Omembe in priznanja vredno je seveda tudi 60-letnico delovanja slovenskih patrov v Avstraliji in revije Misli. Dragi Člani/Hello fellow members, Last year at about this time I had just accepted the position of president of SDM with a huge task in front of me and the committee. We immediately started the process by holding two open forums - one for the younger generation in May and the second a few weeks later for you, the members to discuss the future of our great club. The first meeting of our younger members was the start we needed. It produced a small sub-committee which has been very active and resulted in attracting more than 70 new members (30% increase in membership), establishment of the SDM website on the internet, organized the Slovenian Summer Days Festival in February which was a big success and assisted with other functions including "Mothers Day" luncheon. This small subcommittee assisted by a few more young members has been instrumental in working with the management committee to make the place more active and vibrant. We have been slowly moving in the right direction but have a long way to go. It is my intention to organize a committee (made up of existing and some new blood) in readiness for the AGM in July. Since March we have held a Hunters picnic, Easter Monday picnic and of course Mothers Day lunch. Each was successful in its own way especially Mothers day lunch which was attended by about 170 people. The Hunters section held a special meeting last week in May to try and attract new young members. The committee and I will assist them in whatever way we can to again become more active as this in turn will generate more interest in SDM. June and July will be busy with the 3ZZZ picnic (this will be over by the time you receive the newsletter), Slovenian Independence celebrations, dinner for the local amateur wine club organised by Darko Postruzin, the Helena Blagne performance, and of course our all important AGM. You will receive invitations for each of these. Work on the ground floor handicapped toilet is about to start and we hope this will be completed by the AGM. The last few months has seen the club become more active and as we said in May/June last year we must start to crawl like a 'baby' before we begin to walk. The next six months will be busy and hopefully we begin a new 'era'. Till the next newsletter, Nasvidenj e/Cheers Stan Penca President A heartfelt thank you to all participants of this newsletter: Michelle, Frances, Anita, Danila, Stan, Andrew and Sandra. Your contributions and input are greatly appreciated. Thank you for the photos.The next newsletter is due in September. Markjc Anica LOVSKI PIKNIK V nedeljo 25. marca se je vršil lovski piknik v Westerfolds Parku v bližini Elthama. Na žalost so ta dan društveni prostori bili oddani. Posebnost tega dne je bilo praznovanje 35 letnice Lovske in Ribiške družine SDM. Udeležba prisotnih je bila zelo lepa, vreme naklonjeno, razpoloženje prisotnih pa tudi zelo prijetno. Hrane in pijače na pretek, kot to znajo in zmorejo le lovci in njihove druge polovice. Vsem hvala in čestitke ob 35 letnici te sekcije. VELIKONOČNI PONEDELJEK BBQ kosilu je sledila razprostitev na plesišču, za otroke pa razdelitev pirhov, kot to kaže spodnja slika. Kljub hladnemu vremenu je udeležba bila še kar zadovoljiva in družabna. Otroci v pričakovanju pirhov Ta dan je bil v naši družbi učitelj plesov, kateri je najel našo dvorano za redne plesne vaje vsako sredo zvečer. Vabljeni k udeležbi. Svoj talent je izkazal na velikonočni ponedeljek, ko je zvabil na plesišče številne udeležence tega dne in predstavil in učil kako se pleše malo drugače, kot smo tega vajeni na klubu. Tako smo plesali na velikonočni ponedeljek MATERINSKI DAN in potek priprave na to praznovanje pri SDM letos opisuje Andrew Fistric, malo drugače. Hvala vsem za ves vaš trud, skrb in delo da ste olepšali naš dan. MOTHERS' DAY 2012 Tako je s cvetjem pozdravljal prihajajoče mamice Adrew Fistrič - ( presenting mothers with flowers) Every Year on the second Sunday of May we take the time to celebrate our mothers, grandmothers (and wives?). The best way we know to do this, is to feed them. So at S.D.M. many weeks before this day, telephone calls are made to get the "group" back together. Who will take the bookings? Sandra. Who takes charge of the food? Aleks? Werner? Maybe both? We need drinks. Who "'ya gonna call "? Boozebusters - The "Stolfa's". Let's decorate the hall. Calling Anita, Calling Anita, Calling Anita - code red, code orange. It is autumn in Eltham after all. Julia, Helen, Stan, get over here. Victor is a callin'. Tables are set. OMG. How many people will we feed? 60, 80, 100? Ok no more than 150, otherwise it's tooooo hard. "Drek"!! We need people to serve. Rex? Where are you? What are you doing on Mothers day? Can you serve meals? You can? Great!! Can you think of anybody else? Jess and Amanda. Ok. Thanks. Damian and Simon on the way. Food sort of taken care of, drinks too. Music - Oh yeah music. Maybe some entertainment. Hhhmmm. Music? That's it Phillip Nadvesnik. Mothers love his music and he plays great. Entertainment? Hhhhmmmm? Draga Gelt... Culture personified - she has drama group, singers etc. Wait!!! What about Anna and Helen? Not just singers but mothers too!! Yep Get 'em on board. Yep Yep Yep and a door prize? $60 Endota Spa Gift voucher. All right. Leave it with Anita. She calls Julia. Ok. Yep. That's right. Are you sure? Do you really think Somebody younger? Come on down Melissa, yeah she can sing. Get her! r Elizabeth, Ljubica, Anita, Darko, Draga and Vlado You know, we really need a poem, some sort of classic entertainment to remind everyone there, that we are Slovenian after all!! ? We need someone strong, someone masculine, someone with a clear voice and able to "speak Slovenian in a single bound". Look - up on the stage, Is it a musician? Is it a waiter? No, it's Vlado. Poem recitalist. Able to read a mothers day poem in a Slovenian voice. Wait! How many people are coming? Sandra, what are the numbers? Uh huh. Uh huh. OK so how many mothers do you think? Uh huh. Uh huh. That many heh? Oh just wanted to get some flowers for the mothers. So? I'll ask him. Yep. He'll do it. Sunday arrives, everybody does their bit. OO PS! One table short. Did you ring? Of course I did! I don't remember. I remember. Well I'm not so sure, meaningful, Lenti and Frank start squeezing their boxes as well. All the cooks, waiters, servers etc. - absolutely marvellous. but this is Mother's day, and the impossible can always be done. 170 meals served today! Food fantastic, Philip - great, Melissa - beautiful, Anna and Helen - sensational, Vlado - deep and Guests happy. One lady especially happy with her door prize and a "lift". Andrew - put your pants on Buddy!!! Edi, Jelka, Pepca and Karolinca Happy Mothers day to all especially our members and if you attended hope you had a great time!!! See you next year. LETNI PIKNIK RADIA 3ZZZ - 92.3FM Ta se je vršil letos pri SDM. Člani SDM so pripravili kosilo, ves dobiček dneva pa je bil namenjen za pomoč Slovenske radijske ure 3 ZZZ, katero lahko poslučate vsako sredo zvečer od 7 - 8 ure. BISERNA MAŠA P. JENKA OFM OAM V nedeljo 3. junija 2012, na dan Telovske procesije v Kew, smo istočasno praznovali tudi biserno mašo patra Valerijana Jenka OFM OAM. Novo mašo je pater pel v Ameriki, daleč od svojih dragih in nato leta 1963 prispel v Avstralijo, sicer Sydney kjer zvesto in skrbno deluje ž e vsa leta. Poznan je dobro tudi med rojaki v Melbournu, kamor je že večkrat priskočil na pomoč ali na obisk. Pater Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM 25 Maja, 2012 Bisernomašnik 60 deseti jubilej slavi. Bog vas blagoslovi naš pastir. Dolga leta ste med nami, ponosni smo Melburnčani ter Sydneyčani. Hvala vam za vse kar ste za Slovenske rojake storili, Zato vas ne bomo pozabili. Še dolgo mašujte z nami naprej, Kot ste maševali s Slovenci doslej. Iskrene čestitke Bisernomašnik p. Valerijan. V imenu Slovenskega društva Melbourne. Bog Vas živi še na mnoga leta. SOZALJE PATRU CIRILU Z nekoliko zamude, vendar prav tako iz srca izrekamo,nlani SDM, patru Cirilu soDalje ob smrti njegovega odeta, Alojza Bonina, 8marca letos v Sloveniji. Anrew Fistric Naše iskreno soDalje pater Ciril ČESTITKE Pred oltar v cerkvi Sv. Patricka, Lilydale sta 28 . aprila stopila Tanya Brown in Damian Lavrič, sin Jane in Dušana, ter si izrekla svoj da.. Damian in Tanya Lavrič z Jano in Dušanom Še ena slike zaročencev iz družine Pišotek, kot sem omenila ž e v zadnjih novicah. Tokrat vam predstavljam Natasho in njenega zaročenca Andrevv-ja, oba učitelja na isti šoli v Lilydale Natasha Pišotek s svojim zaročencem Andrewjem 70 rojstni dan je slavila Marija Špilar. Vedno nasmejana in mladostna, pridna članica SDM Marija Špilar Pet in osemdeseti rojstni dan je napolnil Pepi Hervatin, le par dni za njim pa žena Stana 86. rojsni dan. Stana in Pepi Hervatin delita torto Lenti in Rachael Lenko sta povila sinka Christiana Luka 8. februarja 2012, na dan slovenskega Rachael, Lenti, Ana in Christian Maya Anna je ime male deklice, katere rojstvo je razveselilo Barbaro in Scott-a Harthen, kot tudi staro mamo in starega ateja - Anico in Renatoja Smrdel. TeDko priDakana prva vnukinja. Štiridesete rojsne dneve slavita 12. in 14. junija, Julie Krnel in David Markič, morda kaka slika prihodnji!.. Vsem zgoraj navedenim naše prisrDne Destitke in obilo lepega. POKOJNI Umrla je Marija Brajdih 22.aprila 2012, rojena v Senožečih 17. avgusta 1925. Marija je bila zelo znana potom ročnih del, katera je razstavljala na številnih razstavah v slovenski skupnosti. Sožalje hčerki Sylviji Turfboer in vnukom ob izgubi njene mame in stare mame. V Sloveniji je 15. maja letos umrla Antonija Tomšič, rojena v Knežaku. Pokojna je več let živela v Avstraliji pri svojem bratu Toneju, ter bila marsikatero krat prisotna tudi v Elthamu. Toneju in Petru Tomšič in družinam sožalje VLADO GREGUREK Med pokojne zabeleDimo še enega našega Dlana, sicer na društvu malo manj poznan zaradi dela katero mu ni dopušDalo veDkratne udeleDbe. Osebno se ga spominjam da je bil prisoten na dveh prireditvah v druDbi pokojnega Pavleta Cesnika. Vsekakor pa je bil zvest in ponosen Dlan SDM. Govorim o zelo znanem Vladotu Gregurek. Pokojni je bil rojen v Zagrebu. Spodaj dodatno je iz avstralske medije, sicer v skrajšani obliki. Melbourne's master of meat, Vlado Gregurek, has died in the Epworth Hospital, Richmond, aged 81. Gregurek's restaurant, Vlado's, opened on Bridge Road, Richmond, in 1964 and has been serving the same set four-course menu since. Named a Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Legend in 1994, Gregurek was also awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for his services to the food industry in 2010 He is survived by his wife, Nina, son, Michael, dauhter-in-law, Christina, and three grandchildren. Sympathy to family Gregurek from all at SDM HITREGA OKREVANJA Našim bolanim želimo čim hitrejšegaga orevanja. Kar nekaj se vas je nahajalo po bolnicah, ali ste še v bolnici. Naše misli so z vami: Virgilij Gomizel, Milka Smrdel, Stanko Sušelj, David Oberstar - hude opekline na otoku Vanuato med delom, ter številni drugi kateri okrevate ali se zdravite. HELENA BLAGNE CONCERT We invite you to a special performance of the internationally-renowned Slovenian singer, Helena Blagne, at SDM on Sunday 8th July from 2pm. One of Slovenia's biggest accomplishments is the superb songstress, Helena Blagne -according to record sales, the most successful Slovenian singer of all times. For the relatively small nation of Slovenia, she has incredibly sold over 1.5 million records at home and abroad. Helena Blagne made her first public appearance as a twelve-year-old girl at an amateur competition 'First Voice of Gorenjska'. The success she subsequently achieved with the song 'Santa Lucia' was responsible for her decision to become a professional singer. She became a regular guest and winner at most important festivals in the former Yugoslavia. She has been attracting international audiences since 1987, when she performed at a Mediterranean festival in Turkey and toured Canada, USA and Australia. In 1989 she was again chosen as the winner of 'Melodije Morja in Sonca' Festival; where she sang her song "Vrniva se na najino obalo". In 1999 Helena literally swept away the competition at the Eurofest Festival with her song "Io sono sola" - she received the audience award, the first place by the professional jury, the award for best performance and the most prestigious of all awards, the Grand Prix. All are welcome to enjoy a hearty Slovenian lunch, served from 12pm. Helena Blagne is a unique and exceptional star of the Slovenian musical scene. Entry to this special event is $25.00. Frances Johnson-Urbas SLOVENIA CELEBRATING 21 YEARS You are all welcomed to attend the celebration of Slovenian Independence Day, 21 years since its birth, on that memorable day, 25th June 1991. See you at SDM on Sunday 24th June 2012 FOOTY TIPPING COMPETITION 2012 The SDM Footy Tipping Competition is well underway. We are currently in round 9 of the AFL season and Alex Kodila has lead the competition from day one. In the last week however we have seen a change in the leader board. A few unexpected losses from some teams that were supposedly certain winners has meant that tipping the favourites isn't always the best option. So the top 6 tippers are... 1) Natasha Pisotek 62 2) Alex Kodila 61 3) Joe Sabec 60 Michelle van Beek 60 Stephen van Beek 60 Frances McBean 60 BOCCE LANES Just a reminder that the SDM bowlers meet every Friday evening for some friendly bowling to keep active and enjoy each other's company. Anyone is welcome to come up and join in as there are still a few lanes available for you to bowl. Come on your own or with some friends. There is a warm bar area which is also open for you to you buy drinks. No bocce balls required as there are some that you can borrow, but if you have a set at home please bring them along. Michelle Van Beek A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR NEW SDM MEMBERS Sonia Adamic Stan & Simone Asenberger David Balazic & Fatima Kanji Sonia Basic Sonja Benedos Paul & Donna Bevc Stephanie Bevc Alex & Lidia Bratina Igor Brgoc & Katherine Francis Barabara Brozic Mark Brozic Adrian Butinar David Butinar John Cali Bradley Conlan Laura Conlan Cyril Campelj James Debelak Frank (Jnr) Fekonja Zlatko Fekonja Melissa Fistric Simon Fistric Vladimir Godec Simon Grilj Amanda Hervatin Michele Hervatin Grant Johnson Samantha Kodila Sue Kodila-Jones Steven Kotarski David Krnel Julie Krnel Rudi Krt Hamish Lee & Marie Pišotek Lenti & Rachel Lenko Derry Maddison Sarah Maimone David & Kerrilee Markič Lydia Markič Tania Markič Irene McBean John & Renata Miklavec Dušan Novak Frank & Frances Petelin Natasha Pišotek Natalie Postružin Martin Rakušček David Roberts Zorka (Dawn) Stavar Eddie Stemac & Louise Watt Paul Styring & Andrea Gregorič Eddie Štolfa Frank Štolfa Linda Štolfa Martin Tegelj Cassie Tyrrell Anton Urbas A UNIQUE WEDDING IN CHINA Andrew and Anita Fistric recently attended a wedding in China of unique international flavour, including Australian-Slovenian, German, Chech, Russian Buryat heritage. In a photo below you can see Slovenian national costume worn by Andrew. A more detailed, interesting account, of their trip will be published in the next issue. The newly married couple examining a 'one off ' gift presented to them by Anita and Andrew. A red gum bowl that was handcrafted by an Australian of Slovenian heritage, well known Andrew Potocnik. Alek, Stoj an in Miro V Our next generation" - mladina Vlado Godec V -Julija Campelj Celebrating Mothers' Day 'Tvfi^H ^ MOTHERS day ° JJAYl rrI - /gfe * 'JMHS1 i - ■ Já Yjivi iVi SBk ' - . T , ' 1. v « ... Phillip Nadvestnik Melissa Fistric Stan Penca in Ljubica Postruzin