Scientific paper Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Lanthanoid(III) Hexafluoroarsenates with AsF3 Ligands Melita Tramsek,* Evgeny Goreshnik, Gasper Tavcar and Zoran Mazej Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 04-07-2012 Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Boris @emva on the occasion of receiving the Zois Award for lifetime achievements. Abstract Lanthanoid(III) hexafluoroarsenates with AsF3 as a ligand were prepared with the reactions of solutions of Ln(AsF6)3 in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and AsF3. Solid products with composition Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) were isolated at 233 K. The attempt to prepare corresponding Yb and Lu compounds failed. Single crystals of Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = Ce, Pr) were prepared by the reaction of LnF3 (Ln = Ce, Pr) with AsF5 and aHF under sol-vothermal conditions above critical temperature of AsF5. During the crystallization the reduction of some AsF5 occurred and AsF3 was formed. Compounds crystallize in a hexagonal crystal system, space group P 6 2c (a = 10.6656(7) A (Ce); 10.6383(7) A (Pr); c = 10.9113(9) A (Ce), 10.878(2) A (Pr); V = 1074.9(1) A3 (Ce), 1066.2(2) A3 (Pr); Z = 2). Ln atoms are coordinated by nine fluorine atoms in the shape of the tri-capped trigonal prism and are further connected in three-dimensional framework via trans bridging AsF6 units. Three fluorine atoms are provided by AsF3 (capped positions) and six by AsF6 units. X-ray powder analysis of Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) show that they are isostructural with corresponding Ce and Pr compounds. Keywords: Lanthanoid metals, hexafluoroarsenates, arsenic trifluoride 1. Introduction Lanthanoid trifluorides are insoluble in aHF, but are readily dissolved in aHF acidified with AsF5. LnF3 dissolves when mole ratio of Ln to AsF5 is 1:3 or higher. If isolation of lanthanoid(III) fluoroarsenates(V) from aHF/As-F5 is performed at ambient temperature, products, with the exception of La(AsF6)3, readily lose AsF5. Compounds with compositions LnF(AsF6)2 (Ln = Ce-Er) and Ln2F3(AsF6)3 (Ln = Tm-Lu) were isolated.1 This behaviour perfectly reflects the increased fluoroacidity of lantha-noid centers along the series. Lanthanoid hexafluoroarse-nates are convenient precursors for the preparation of many coordination compounds with various ligands such as HF2, SO23, OPF3, NSF3,4 XeF25 and also AsF3. The Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = Ce, Pr) compounds and their structures have been first mentioned briefly more than a decade ago,6 but details of their syntheses and crystal structures are given here for the first time. The paper is also dealing with the selected examples of other elements of the lanthanoid series in order to study the stability of the Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 compounds along the series. AsF3 can act as a ligand to metal ions in two different ways: either by coordination through its fluorine li-gands or by coordination through its electron lone pair on arsenic. Examples of AsF3 coordination to a metal centre through fluorine atom are: M(AsF3)2(AsF6)2 (M = Fe, Co, Ni),7-8 (H(O)4La2F(AsF()2(AsF6)9,9 S^AsF^^y0 and Ca(AsF3)(AsF6)2.11 Interesting cases of coordination of the AsF3 via electron lone pair on arsenic were found in the F3As-AuSbF6 and [(F^AuXeHSb-jFJ.12-13 2. Experimental 2. 1. General Experimental Procedure and Reagents Volatile materials (anhydrous HF, AsF5, AsF3, F2) were handled in an all PTFE vacuum line equipped with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) valves. The manipulations of the non-volatile materials were carried out in a dry-box (M. Braun). The residual water in the atmosphere within the dry-box never exceeded 1 ppm. The reactions were carried out in FEP (tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoro-propylene; Polytetra GmbH, Germany) reaction vessels (height 250-300 mm with inner diameter 15.5 mm and outer diameter 18.75 mm) equipped with PTFE valves and PTFE coated stirring bars. Prior to their use all reaction vessels were passivated with elemental fluorine. Fluorine was used as supplied (Solvay Fluor and Derivate GmbH, Germany). Anhydrous HF (Linde, 99.995 %) was treated with K2NiF6 (Advance Research Chemicals, Inc.) for several hours prior to use. Arsenic pentafluoride was prepared by high-pressure fluorination of As2O3.14 Arsenic trifluoride was prepared according to a modified literature procedure by the reaction of As2O3 with aHF in a The volume of low-temperature-isolated solid products of the heavier lanthanoid elements (Tm, Yb, Lu) expanded immediately after warming to ambient temperature. This effect was less visible in the case of Tm and the most visible in the case of Lu. This indicates the release of gases (AsF3, AsF5) and partial (Tm) or complete decomposition (Yb, Lu) of solids isolated at 233 K. Thulium compound still gave the X-ray pattern which was in agreement with Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3, meanwhile attempts to get X-ray powder patterns of Yb and Lu compounds failed. Single crystals of Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = Ce, Pr) were prepared with the same procedure as used for preparation of single crystals (H3O)4La2F(AsF3)2(AsF6)9 9 and nickel reaction vessel at 493 K. The purity of AsF3 was La(HF)(AsF6)3.2 Approximately, 1 mmol of LnF3 (Ln checked by IR spectroscopy. Lanthanoid trifluorides purchased from Johnson Matthey GmbH, Alfa Products, 99.9% (REO) or Wako Chemicals (99.5%) were used as supplied. Caution: aHF, AsF5 and AsF3 must be handled in a well-ventilated fume hood, and protective clothing must be worn at all times. 2. 2. Synthesis and Characterization Procedures The Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) compounds were prepared by the following procedure. LnF3 (from 200 to 250 mg) was weighted into reaction vessel. Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride (ap-prox. 2 to 3 ml) and AsF5 (molar ratio between LnF3 and AsF5 must be higher than 1:3) were condensed onto the reaction vessel with LnF3 at 77 K and the reaction vessel was warmed to ambient temperature. After one day of intense stirring, clear solutions of Ln(AsF6)3 in aHF/AsF5 were cooled in liquid nitrogen and AsF3 was added (the molar ratio between Ln and AsF3 was higher than 1:3). The reaction vessel was warmed again to ambient temperature and left 24 hours. The products were isolated by pumping away the solvent and excessive As-F5 and AsF3 at 233 K. The processes of isolation at such low temperature lasted at least several weeks (from 3 to 14 weeks). Products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction. Experimental X-ray powder patterns of Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) matched the X-ray powder patterns calculated from the crystal structures of Ln(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (Ln = Ce, Pr). Tb(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 was characterized also by chemical analysis (Calcd. for Tb(AsF3)3(AsF6)3: Tb, 14.2; As, 40.1; F, 45.8; AsF6-, 50.5; Found: Tb,14.8; As, 39.2; Ft, 45.0; AsF6, 49.2). The content of terbium was determined by complexometric titration.16 The content of fluorine (F) was determined by direct potentiometry using fluoride ion selective electrode after preceding total decomposition with NaKCO3.17-19 The total arsenic content was determined after preceding fusion with NaKCO3 with iodometric titration and of AsF6- gravimetrically.20 Ce, Pr) was loaded in the dry-box into a stainless steel autoclave with a Teflon liner. AsF5 (approx. 15 mmol) and a-HF (approx. 3 mmol) were added at 77 K. The autoclave was heated at 398 K for several months. During the crystallization the reduction of some AsF5 occurred and AsF3 was formed. The most probable way for the formation of AsF3 is reduction of some AsF5 on the wall of protective metal vessel on the Teflon liner due to permanent diffusion of AsF5 through the Teflon. After all volatiles were pumped away, only few single crystals were found between powdered materials. Selected ones were mounted in quartz glass capillaries (0.3 mm). Preparations of single crystals from saturated aHF solutions failed. The crystallographic parameters and summaries of data collection for both compounds are presented in Table 1. Single-crystal data were collected on a Rigaku AFC7 diffractometer using graphite monochromatized MoKa radiation at room temperature from crystals sealed in glass capillary. An empirical absorption correction based on azimuthal scans of several reflections was applied. Both structures were solved by direct methods using SIR-92 21 and SHELXS-97 programs (teXan crystallo-graphic software package of Molecular Structure Corpo-ration22) and refined with SHELXL-9723 software, implemented in program package WinGX24. Full-matrix least-squares refinements based on F2 were carried out for the positional and thermal parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms. Determined crystal structure demonstrated satisfactory geometry but show huge thermal ellipsoids of terminal fluorine atoms belonging to AsF3 group. In order to improve the structural model, the position of F4 terminal fluorine atom was split on two positions (F41, F42) resulting in lower R-value and slightly smaller thermal ellipsoids but in some inadequate As-F bond lengths. Attempts to find better models in space group with lower symmetry were unsuccessful. To resolve these problems crystal of Ce(AsF6)3(AsF3)3 was re-measured at 200 K and at 100 K. Since no real improvement was achieved only unit cell dimensions, determined at these temperatures, are listed in Table 1. The figures were prepared using DIAMOND 3.1 software.25 Further details of the crystal-structure investigation may be obtained from the Fachin- Table 1. Crystal data and structure refinement for Ce(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (I) and Pr(AsF3)3(AsF6)3 (II) compounds. I II Empirical formula CeAs6F27 PrAs6F27 Formula weight 1102.64 1103.43 Wavelength 0.71069 Ä 0.71069 Ä Crystal system, space group hexagonal, P 6 2 c hexagonal, P 6 2 c Temperature, K 293(2) 293(2) Unit cell dimensions, A a, A 10.6656(7) 10.6383(7) 10.6495(7)a 10.6329(7)b c, A 10.9113(9) 10.878(2) 10.8971(9)a 10.8677(9)b V, A3 1074.9(1) 1066.2(2) 1070.3(1)a 1064.1(1)b Z 2 2 Calculated density, g/cm3 3.407 3.437 Absorption coeff., mm-1 11.5 11.745 F(000) 998 1000 Crystal size, mm 0.11 x 0.06 x 0.06 0.03 x 0.03 x 0.02 Colour colourless green Theta range for data collection, deg 2.2 - 29.97 2.21 - 29.97 Limiting indices 0