FtnTftDNX) GLASILO ^ VENSKE. ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil, Inkorforirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, III. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Ccrmak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois A tulit or—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS oj Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois V ice-President—FRAN C ES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 2021 So. K.K., Milwaukee, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec'y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA —THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Narofnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. On the Cover: Hail to the Flag — parades such as Americans have always loved, will present the Colors in all their glory on Flag Day, June 14th! TRllllJTE TO THE FLAG I have seen the glories of art and architecture and of river and mountain. I have seen the sunset on the Jungfrau and the moon rise over Mont Blanc. But the fairest vision on which these eyes eve1!- rested was the flag of my country in a foreign port. Beautiful as a flower to those who love it, terrible as a meteor to those who hate, it is the symbol of the power and the glory and the honor of fifty millions of Americans. Senator George F. Hoar “Sfate-President” Membership Campaign April I - October I, 1959 HAPPY III RT II I) AY IIS JUNE! Supreme Officer: June 21 — Marie Prisland, Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wis. Branch Officers: June 2— Johanna Zallar, Branch 39, Biwabik, Minn. June 4 —Shirley Rose, Branch 62, Conneaut, Ohio June 5—-Mary Bratina, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo. June 13 — Nettie Strukel, Branch 18, Cleveland, Ohio June 13 — Mary Vidmar, Branch 78, Leadville, Colo. June 20 — Mary Skerl, Branch 91, Oakmont, Pa. June 28- Pauline Stampfel, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio Many Happy Returns of the Day! S 11 C C E S S Believe in yourself, believe In humanity, believe in the success of your undertakings. Fear nothing and no one. Love your work. Work, hope, trust. Keep in touch with today. Teach yourself to be practical and up-to-date and sensible. You cannot fail. ZARJA »DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXI — No. 6 JUNE, 1959 LETO XXXI — Št. 6 ZVEZA DAY versus STATE CONVENTION The assembly of the 11th National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin held May 18-21, 1958 changed the status of five (5) Vice-Presidents to State Presidents, and elected two more, to be seven (7) State Presidents in all, which are to serve the following states: 1) Penna.-N.Y., 2) Ohio-Mich., 3) Illinois-Indiana, 4) Wisconsin, 5) Minn., 6) Colorado-Kansas-Mo., 7) Calif.-Ore.-Wash. “The State President shall conduct a yearly State Convention to be held for the purpose of meeting and discussing mutual activities and programs. In the States of Illinois and Minn, state days calle'd “Zveza Days” and arranged as religious and social events are in existence for many years; similarly, the other states would have the opportunity of holding Zveza days IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE CONVENTION.” State Conventions shall take place once a year and at different branches every year. Every branch shall send a delegate to the convention and when called upon, to give the history of her branch, what activities in force or contemplated. There was a motion made and seconded that each state have their own state Youth Director who will work in cooperation with the Supreme Youth Director in organizing youth activities. It was decided at the convention not to print new By-Laws but a supplement of new articles added, these were printed in the Dawn. All Convention proceedings are in the July 1958 issue of Zarja. I would like to recommend to all officers and members, to remove the sheet and add to the By-Law booklet for reference in the future. It is hoped that each delegate will draw a large membership with her to attend the Convention, and help make it a huge success. Six states have already reported their date, one still to be heard from. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! I trust that every reader of Zarja-The Dawn is noticing what a great number of deceased members are reported every month; in the last month of April alone, an average of one a day died! What a great loss! This loss must be replaced soon with new members. Therefore, I make a special appeal to each one ol' you and beseech your aid in interesting your daughters, grand-daughters, in-laws and friends to join our ranks in the drive in force now. Fine awards are given for your efforts. I will be very grateful to each one of you. Graduation will take place for a number of our members this month, some from Elementary, some from High School, College and Universities. Congratulations! And may you all find success in whatever you choose to do. FATHER'S DAY! My fondest greetings to all Fathers and Husbands of our members. May you have the best of everything on your day, June 21st and every day throughout the year. To our Founder and Honorary President, Mrs. Prisland, Happy Birthday June 21st. Until next month, Sincerely yours, Josephine Livek, Supreme President ALL ROUTES POINT TO CLEVELAND FOR OHIO ZVEZA DAY, JULY 4-5, 1959 Attention all sister members and friends! This is our last reminder before the festivities of Ohio State Day on July 4th, and Ohio State Convention on July 5th. Cleveland branches have been working together since the beginning of the year for this event and all committees will be on the job to see to it that all our members and guests enjoy themselves. The Program of the Day will be very entertaining with something of interest for all. Crowning of the Zveza Day Queen will be the highlight of the day, of course, and we’re all anxious to know who she’ll be! The performance of the S.W.U. juveniles, under the capable direction of Frances Sietz will also delight the crowd and there’ll be lots of time for dancing, too, with John Grabner’s orchestra providing the music in the pavillion. Wonderful prizes are awaiting some luciky folks — 1st p ri z e will be a Portable TV set, and other prizes are: 5100 U.S. Savings Bond, A Ladies Wrist Watch and A Man’s Wrist Watch and lastly, A Case of “cheer”. Delicious food, baked and cooked by the best cliefs available from Branch No. 25, will include juicy roast beef. klobase, krofe and potica and hot or cold beverages to quench your thirst. All of this, besides the happy atmosphere of the picnic when you’ll meet old and new friends, ought to make it a memorable day! Supreme President, Josephine Livelc, who is a very jovial person, will also be present to greet all her sister members in person and the1 Supreme Secretary Albina Novak, whom we all know well, will be there to greet you all with a sunny smile and “Ribniški” hearty laugh! All out-of-towners needing overnight accomodations, please contact me directly! Transportation reservations are in the hands of the secretaries of our branches, so contact her soon and make your bus reservations. The bus fare for the picnic area and back will be $1.00 and there will be 3 pick-up stations: St. Clair National Home at 1 pm.; Waterloo Slovenian Workingmen’s Home next; and lastly, from the Jugoslav Center on Recher Ave. The return time is set for approximately 7 p.m. or anytime most convenient for the passengers. Don’t forget the date: July 4tli—and the place, St. Joseph’s Park! Ohio State Convention Program On Sunday, July 5th, Holy Mass will be offered at St. Vitus Church on E. 61st & Glass Ave., at 11:30 a.m. for the living and deceased members of S.W.U. After Mass, a light lunch will be served. The State Convention will be called to order at 1 p.m. at the St. Vitus Auditorium. Honored guests will include, Supreme President, Josephine Livek, 1st Vice-President, Frances Globokar, Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak and Supreme Auditor, Mary Otoničar. All branch officers of Ohio and Michigan are urged to be present and participate in the discussions of the meeting. The topic will be ways and means for strengthening and bettering our organization in our state. The banquet will be held at 4 p.m., climaxing the two day festivities. The scene of the banquet will again be St. Vitus Auditorium and a family style chicken dinner will be served— all you can eat—priced at $1.75. Members and friends are cordially invited to attend the banquet, and tickets can be purchased from the secretary of your branch. Antonia Tanko, State President of Ohio-Mich. 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Scholarship Committee has awarded the Slovenian Women’s Union scholarships for 1959-1960 to the following students: PATRICIA IHREN, a member of Branch #38, Chisholm, Minn. (Her mother is president of that branch). Patricia graduated from the High School as an honor student. She is now attending the Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. JOSEPH WIDINA, son of our member Mrs. Agnes Widina, Branch #26, Pittsburgh, Pa., and the grandson of Mrs. Magdalene Widina, a former diligent worker for our organization and a member of its Roll of Honor. Joseph graduated from the High School at the Saint Pidelis College and Seminary in Herman, Pa. He is pursuing studies with the intention of becoming a priest. Slovenian Women’s Union is proud and happy to be able to help these two students to achieve their professional goal. Our best wishes to them! For the Scholarship Committee: Marie Prisland, president No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—At our May meeting we had a nice turn-out. Our “Mother-of-the-Year”, Mrs. Ursula Mar-ver, was honored. Greetings were extended to the mothers by the children. Gail Girdaukas sang “Mamica”, Virginia Muller recited in English and Slovenian to “Mothers”, and David Erzen sang “You are a Wonderful Mother”. Mrs. Olga Plesetz-Saye presented her students of music. Refresh-mets were served after the meeting. On the sick list in the hospital were Anna Zoran and Ursula Marver; but now they are home recuperating. Speedy recovery to you both and also to our sick members at home. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Prank Kushman on the loss of her husband. May he rest in peace. Our W.H.B.L. Community Club Award Contest is going over big. Thanks to all members and parishioners. Our Chairman for the Card party is Mary Turk and Co-chairman is Anna Matzdorf. Committee: Anna Modiz, Marie Prisland, Anna Zoran, Frances Melanz, Frances Mayerle, Hermine Udovich, Mary Mizkewiz, Christine Sterk, Josephine Selak, Ursula Marver, Mary Godez, Millie Mueller, Theresa Zagožen and Mary Vertacic. We are also having a bake sale at the Card party; proceeds will go towards the building of the Sisters’ Convent. Best wishes to all our members and wei hope for a large attendance at our June meeting, the last one before our vacation. Mary Vertacic No. 2, Chicago, III.—The meeting in May was dedicated to our mothers. Those who came to the meeting (there could be more), each received a lovely hanky and the Mother of the Year, Mrs. Veronicta Kolenko, was presented a beautiful brooch. President Mrs. Železnikar thanked all who cooperated in the recent Post-Convention Campaign for new members and boosted Branch Na. 2 to first place. Let’s hope that we will reach a place of honor in the ensuing campaign. “Where there’s a will—there’s a way!” The annual pilgrimage and picnic in Lemont will be held on Sunday, July 19. All preparations are in the hands of capable persons, therefore, we feel certain that all who attend will be pleased with the program of the day. A special bus was chartered which will leave from Tomazin’s hall, Cermak Rd. & Wolcott Ave., at 9 a.m. The roundtrip fare is only $1.50. Bus tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Železnikar or Mrs. Tomazin. Our contribution towards the cost of the new altar in Baraga Home reached ?60.00. Donations for this beautiful memorial will be gladly accepted by our secretary. Names of all who make donations will be published in Zarja. Our Choral Club is inviting new members. Anyone who enjoys to sing should join the group. Contact Mrs. Železnikar for further information, tel. VI. 7-6891. The next meeting will be on June 11. Try your best to attend. Mrs. Muller, our secretary, is requesting all who are in arrears with dues to please settle and be in good standing. Fraternally yours, Albina Novak, rec. sec’y. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio.—Reminder to all inactive members: our regular monthly meeting is held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the A.Y.C. All readers please note and tell your friends about our Zveza picnic on July the 4th. We will have buses available if enough members and friends wish to ride together. We must have this information by the early part of June. If you wish to make a reservation or want any other details, please contact president, Amalia Legat at IV. 1-3194 or secretary, Pauline Cesar at IV. 1-5764. We celebrated our quarterly birthdays and Mother’s Day after our May meeting. We were so happy to see so many MOTHERS attend. The baked goodies, of which we had 2nds and JOSEPH WIDINA 3rds served, were donated by the following ladies: Antonia Sustar, Frances Globokar, Anna Zadnik, Jennie Stefančič, Mary Stražišar (Kewanee), Mary Kausek, and the following ladles contributed toward our g o o d -t i m e treasury: Jennie Dormastja, Jennie Mozina, Mary Kausek, Mary Stražišar (Kewanee), Josephine Cebulj, Rose Reja, and Jennie Vidovec. Many thanks to all. A granddaughter was added to the family of sister Mary Potočnik, making her a grandma for the second time. The proud parents are Albert, stationed in Germany, and Barbara Potočnik. Sister Jennie Jevnikar was hospitalized and is now at home convalescing. We wish her and all our other sick members a speedy recovery. In April our branch again lost two old-timers, sister Mary Starman and 82 year old sister, Ursula Gavtroza. As usual, a rosary was led by president Amalia Legat at the wake. A floral piece was given and the use of a car for the funeral for our members. Our condolences to both families and their children. Please pay your dues at your earliest convenience. Pauline Cesar, secretary INVITE YOUR FRIENI) TO JOIN OUR RANKS! S.W.U. CAMPAIGN until OCT. 1, 1959 OHIO ZVEZA DAY July 4, 1959 PICNIC GROUNDS YOUNGSTOWN St. Joseph’s Park on White Road in Cleveland (Chardon), Ohio is located on the map above with all routes leading to the site of Ohio Zveza Day, July 4th. On the following day, July 5th, Ohio State Convention will be held at the St. Vitus Church Auditorium on Glass Avenue and East 62nd Street, in the heart of Cleveland. The roadmap seen here shows the highways leading to White Road and the following is advised for out-of-town picnicers: From the west (Lorain, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois): take Ohio Turnpike to Interchange 13, to Rt. 91, north to Rt. 6 turning left at Rt. 175 to White Rd. Alternate route (not turnpike), is by way of Rt. 6 directly to Rt. 175 and White Rd. West Cleveland and East Cleveland guests can take Rt. 6 on Superior Ave. and continue, turning off at Rt. 175 to White Rd. Collinwood and Euclidites take Chardon Rd. (which is Rt. 6) to Rt. 175 and White Rd. Those coming from the east, including, Pennsylvania, Warren, Youngstown, Niles and Girard, Ohio should take the turnpike to interchange 13 to Rt. 91, north to Rt. 6, left on Rt. 175 to White Rd. (Other route 422 also leads to Rt. 91.) Signs will be posted at the intersection of Rts. 6 and 175 to lead all cars to White Road and the picnic grounds. See you there! A Note from Home Office We’re in the third month of our campaign for new members. The help of every officer and member is vitally needed if we are to reach the desired goal. The dues in Juvenile department are free until 1st birthday; from 1st year until 20 yrs. they pay 10 cents monthly for a $100.00 benefit. In the adult Class A the dues are 40 cents per month for $100.00 funeral benefit. We accept members until 50 years of age. In Class B we accept members until 55 years of age. The benefits are $300.00 for all who join between 14 and 30 years of age; $250.00 for ages 31 until 40; $200.00 for ages 41 until 45 and $150.00 for all who join between 4G and 55 years of age. — Every adult member receives Zarja-The Dawn monthly magazine without further cost. For further information consult your secretary or write to the Home Office. Albina Novak, Sec’y. * * * Just one more note: A new membership campaign honoring the seven State Presidents of the S.W.U. is now under way. The most inspiring conclusion for all of us in Ohio in Michigan, would be the presentation of many new members to our National Officers at the Convention-meeting. I hope each one will do her part and enroll just one new member! Then, we will have complete success! Antonia Tanko, State President of Ohio-Mich. S.W.U. ANNUAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT 1959 Winners and Awards TEAM EVENTS 1. Kastigar Markets LaSalle 2728 $70.00 & Trophy 2. Dr. Grill Chicago 2GG2 60.00 3. Br. 89 Team #2 Oglesby 2636 50.00 4. Reliance Federal Chicago 2622 40.00 5. Sports Club #2 Chicago 2G19 10.00 6. Sports Club #1 Chicago 2617 10.00 7. Br. 89 Team #1 Oglesby 2591 10.00 $250.00 ALL EVENTS 1. J. Foley LaSalle 1719 $10.00 & Trophy 2. C. Dawson Oglesby 1715 8.00 3. J. Zorko Chicago 1703 6.00 4. A. Matthews LaSalle 1702 4.00 5. A. Vucko Chicago 1684 4.00 6. T. Terselich Chicago 1675 4.00 $36.00 HIGH GAME IN ANY SERIES WITH HANDICAP 1. A. Matthews I^aSalle 264 $8.00 2. J. Leben Chicago 251 $6.00 3. D. O’Keefe LaSalle 239 $4.00 GRANDMOTHER’S TROPHY IX O’Keefe LaSalle 239 DOUBLES 1. L. Putzell-E. Klassovity Chicago 1203 $20.00 2. E. Kastigar-J. Foley LaSalle 1173 & Trophy 18.00 3. A. Matthews-D. O’Keefe LaSalle 1157 15.00 4. T. Terselich-J. Kosmach Chicago 1126 12.00 5. L. Foys-C. Tomazin Chicago 1084 10.00 6. A. Kastigar-A. Pelko LaSalle 1073 7.00 7. F. Gorisek-C. Dawson Oglesby 1073 7.00 SINGLES $89.00 1. A. Matthews LaSalle 618 $15.00 2. J. Leben Chicago 606 & Trophy 12.00 3. J. Kosmach Chicago 604 ) tie 9.00 4. L. Foys Chicago 604 )tie 9.00 5. J. Zorko Chicago 595 6.00 6. A. Sternisha LaSalle 592 6.00 7. J. Michalak LaSalle 581) tie 3.00 8. L. Putzell Chicago 581 )tie 3.00 MOTHER & DAUGHTER TROPHY $63.00 L. Zefran M. Zefran Chicago 220 ) 40„ 182) 2 SISTER TROPHY A. Matthews D. O’Keefe LaSalle 264 > rfw 240 ) Submitted by Liz Zefran No. 20, Joliet, III.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ambrosich, of N. Elizabeth St., celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a Holy Mass offering and an evening reception held lor their many relatives and friends in St. Joe’s Park. Mrs. Ambrosich is our member for many years and has been very active in every church festivity, and other benefit activities. She holds office in many lodges. Her husband, Joseph, is also very active in our community. We, at this time, elxpress our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrosich and may God give them health to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. We mourn thei loss of our member Mrs. Catherine Klobutcher, of North Bluff St. She joined April 19, 1931, recommended by Josephine Erjavec. Mrs. Klobutcher was born in Šmarje, Slovenia, in 1887, and was married twice, her first husband, Mr. Papesh, died many years ago. We shall miss Mrs. Klobutcher as she attended our meetings often while she was in perfect health. She was ailing for the last three years. She is survived by four sons and four daughters. She was buried from St. Joseph’s Church, and laid to rest to St. Mary’s Nativity cemetery. Our members recited the rosary at her bier and attended the funeral. May she rest in peace and our condolences to the bereaved family. The mother of Mrs. Marie L. Nema-nich has passed away recently; she was Mrs. Margaret Susan Ruettiger and died at the age of 86. Beside Mrs. Nemanich is is survived by three daughters and one son, one sister and one brother, seven grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Mrs. Nemanich Is the proprietor of the flower house on N. Chicago St., and has been our member for a number of years. She also belonged to the bowling circle. We extend our condolences to the bereaved family and may she rest in peace. Mrs. Mary Laurich, of Marble St., returned home from St. Joseph’s hospital where she underwent a serious operation and returning from the hospital also is Mrs. Mary Umek of Ruby St. Mrs. Frances Ramuta was also a patient in the hospital. To all above mentioned and to others who are not reported ill, but are still convalescing, we wiBh them all a speedy recovery. Our member, Mrs. Mary Skul, of Vine St. has celebrated her 88th birthday last month. She is still very active and we hope she will have continued good health for many more years. Her daughter, Mrs. Mary Schmidberger is also our member, as well as two granddaughters Mrs. Genevieve Klain-sek and Agnes Lovatti. The latter two were active cadets for many years, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Skul, is also a member of our branch. Congratulations ma, Mrs. Skul! GOLDEN WEDDING On January 25, 1959 about one hundred friends and relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erklouts celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary at their home in Eveleth, Minn. Mrs. Erklouts was presented with a corsage made of fifty pennies and Mr. Erklouts with a bouttonnaire made from a fifty cent piece wrapped in gold paper and tied with gold ribbons. These were made and presented by Miss Agnes Bazil. The Erklouts’ are the parents of five children; three sons, Rudolph and Victor of Eveleth and John of Minneapolis; and two daughters, Mrs. Ludwig (Ann) Stupca of Gilbert and Mrs. William (Helen) Strong of Denver, Colo. They have seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. They were married at the Holy Family Church, Eveleth, on January 25, 1909, with the Rev. Fr. Matthew Bilban officiating. Mr. Erklouts has 'been retired from the Oliver Iron Mining Division since 1943. They are the first couple to hold their golden wedding anniversary in Fayal Township. Mrs. Erklouts is a member of br. 19 and to both celebrants sincere wishes for many more happy years. —M. L. Mrs. Bernice Suski, was elected as Mother of the Year at the American Slovenian Home. She was feted at a special supper given by the club for all “mother” members, served and cooked by the male members. She was given a “loving cup” in recognition for all her activities in the club. Her husband, Fred, is the president of the club while Bernice is the recording secretary. She is also an ardent bowler for the branch. Our congratulations! The father of Bernice Suski will be one of the passengers leaving on a tour of Europe by plane, in the group with Mrs. Marie Prisland. They will leave New York, May 24th. This will be his first visit to Slovenia in 50 years. We extend to him may days of pleasure and a good health while traveling and visiting relatives, and a safe return home. Miss Isabelle Musich became a bride of Mr. Georgei Gulas recently. Isabelle was a long-time president of our cadets and has always been very active. She was a great aid to your reporter in all the undertakings of the cadets. The married cadets will be glad to welcome her into their alumni circle. A successful shower was given in her honor at the North West Club, where the preivious cadets reserved a long table for themselves. Many came, who hadn’t seen each other for some time. It was a real reunion for them also. The wedding reception was at St. Joseph’s Hall. For her first bridesmaid, Isabelle chose Miss Jean Gombacli also a past cadet —and who is a bride herself by this time as she will be married by the end of May. Our congratulations, Isabelle, and may your future be always a bright one. Mrs. Anna Mahkovec reported at our recent meeting the appreciation of the Red Cross to the Alumni cadets who at every meeting make bandages and forward them to the headquarters here in Joliet. Our branch is also donating $10.00 towards a memorial for the Rev. Alexander Urankar and Rev. Kazimir Zakrajšek, who passed away not so long ago and are well-remembered among our members. Since every member also received a letter requesting donations, they were urged to mail donations either to our secretary Miss Frances Gaspich or directly to Lemont. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smolich, of Wilcoix St., celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. A reception in their honor was held at St. Joseph’s Park with a Holy Mass offered in that morning. They have G daughters and 5 sons. Their two daughters, Mrs. Jennie Der-nulc and Mrs. Mary Strysik are also our members as well as their mother, Catherine. A Golden Wedding Anniversary was also celebrated in the company of their many friends by Mr. and Mrs. Math Grabrian. Their only son passed away some years ago. We extend our heartiest congratulations to both golden anniversary celebrants, with best wishes for continued health. Josephine Erjavec No. 22, Bradley, III.—A letter appealing for donations to the Memorial Chapel Altar in the Baraga Home in Lemont, 111. was read at our meeting April 30th. The sum of $12.00 ($.5.00 from the branch treasury and remainder as gifts from members present) will be sent to this memorable cause. Additional gifts will always be welcome. After the closing prayer by the president, a Bocial hour was enjoyed. We believe a record was set by Mrs. Paola Smole as she won all the games played; thus, without a doubt, taking 1st prize. Other lucky ones for the evening were: Moilie Starasinich, Libby Kinder, Anne’ Richards and Toni Lustig. We feel very honored having a top bowler among us. She is Libby Kinder who won first place on Rudolph’s team of the St. Joseph Women’s league. Her team also took 11th place in the Kankakee City tournament held April 4th and 5th, a mighty good standing with so many teams taking part. Our congratulations and best wishes for more good bowling in the coming season! Always, but most especially at this time of the year, we send greetings and heartfelt wishes to all our dear mothers and fathers and remembering with special prayers those who have left us. May everyone enjoy a pleasant summer with many happy vacation days! Please remember June 25th, our next meeting date, with Helen Se-bastiani and Toni Lustig as hostesses. Gabrielle Lustig, reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn.—On May 3rd, Pres. K. Grahek opened our meeting with prayer, 55 members being present. It was a very good attendance and I hope for the next few months that our members (The Dawn Club members too) will come to our meetings. With Zveza Day coming soon we will have many things to decide to make this day one of the best. I’m sure Ely can do it if only we have the cooperation of each and every member. At this meeting we donated $25.00 toward the Altar at Lemont. For our entertainment, we had a Free games party. I know the members enjoyed themselves, especially those who won. Mrs. Frances Mayerla received a gift for being the oldest mother; Mary Mochnik, A. Mayerla and Mary Shustersich also received prizes. Lunch was served by the following members, B. Rosandich, R. Pucel, S. Vranisich, and M. Zgonc. Thanks, girls. We served the recipe given by M. Prisland in “My Favorite Dessert,” taken from the “Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen” cookbook. We have but five months left for our campaign to enroll new members; won’t you please contact a friend and bring her in as one of us. The only way that we can touild up the Slov. Women’s Union is by seeking new members. We have very good prizes for writing new policies. As a State-President, would appreciate suggestions from any of you to make- this Zveza Day a better one and something good for branches of Minnesota. In conclusion, I wish a speedy recovery to Florence Markovich and to Rose Skufca who is our oldest member, 86 years young. Barbara Rosandich, State Pres, of Minnesota. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.—There is a change on our committee. Mrs. Mary De Maurio, for personal reasons, had to resign from her job as recording secretary. Mrs. Jennie Tomsic is our new recording secretary, and Mrs. Mary Bahor is our new vice president. Many thanks to all the members and friends who attended the luncheon in April and made it a huge success. I want to remind all the members that there will be no meeting during the months of July and August. All members that are behind in their payments should please try to attend the June meeting and pay their dues. Thanks to all the ladies who worked at the luncheon. At every meeting Mrs. J. Oblak and Mrs. H. Kunic are working in the kitchen preparing and serving coffee and cake to the women. I don’t know what we would do without them. Branch No. 26 is lucky to have such faithful members. God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, secretary No. 28, Calumet, Mich.— MRS. JACOB (MARY) GRAHEK of Calumet, Mich., was chosen “Mother of the Year”. She was born in Rucetna vas, Črnomelj, Slovenia, Sept. 13, 1888 and came to the United States in 1906. She was married to Jacob Grahek on Nov. 23, 1910 in St. Joseph’s Church in Calumet. Mrs. Grahek had ten children, eight of whom are living and all are married. There are four boys and four girls. She has 21 grandchildren. Mary Grahek is also a charter memlber of Branch 28, Calumet, Mich. May God bless our “Mother of the Year” of whom we are very proud as she so justly deserves the honors bestowed upon her. Teresa Bagatini Invite Your b'riend to Join Your It ranrli! S.W.U. CAMPAIGN until OCT. 1, 1959 No. 45, Portland, Ore.—We will dispense with meetings in the months of June, July and August. The next meeting will be September 3. We wish our members a pleasant summer vacation. Remember our Big Day: August 2, a picnic at Peninsula Park, 6400 No. Albina Avenue beginning at 11 a.m. Bring your family and friends and also the lunch. Let’s all attend and have a grand time together. A reminder to all who are in arrears with dues: Please send the dues as soon as possible and be in good standing. Congratulations to Mrs. Anna Popp who was chosen as the Mother of the Year. We wrish a speedy recovery to all who are on the sick list. Will see you at the picnic! Violet Fazio, sec’y. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo.—With summer just around the comer perhaps many of us will not see each other until fall; and we did have a wonderful attendance at our Mother’s Day party. Marie Thompson, our chairman, made reservations at “El Chars” restaurant to honor Eva Hozjak, our “Mother of the Year”. After a delicious dinner was served, the secretary invited us to her home for the remainder of the afternoon. Many thanks to Eva Hozjak, Agnes Mihelčič, and Marie Thompson for the lovely prizes. It was nice to have our president, Jo Prebil, with us after being in the hospital for an operation on both feet; and we were happy to hear Mary Staker was homie again from the hospital although not quite up to joining us for the party. We missed all of you who could not be with us. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, July 5th at 2 p.m. Be sure to come and try to bring along a new member. 'Helen Skoff, sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — At our April meeting, we had a wonderful attendance. The president, Fran Sietz, opened the meeting with prayer, then the minutes were read by our recording secretary, Mamie Marin, who is doing a very nice job. Keep it up, Mamie, very well done! We also heard details on our White Elephant Sale. Then, initiation five of our six new members, with the guest officer, Antonia Tanko, State President of Ohio, doing the honors. We welcome our new members and hope they come to the meetings regularly. They are-: Stella Roitz, Rose Mertic, Frances Simon, Margaret Ringler, Christine Mishaga and Frances Brai-dic. It was a pleasant surprise to see Mary Loushin back with us from her California trip. We all wish her lots of good health and hope she’ll take it easy for a while now, as there’s a busy schedule for her with Zveza Day coming up on July 4th. After the meeting, we had a pot-luck luncheon with each member bringing something good to eat. It was wonderful to see all those home made pastries and salads, sandwiches and other goodies. Hope that we can enjoy many more lunches like this one. We had two guests, namely Agnes Modic and Theresa Karsli—we enjoyed their company very much, and hope they come again. A big thank-you is extended to Mary Susnik for her lovely gift; here is a very thoughtful member, who always comes up with a welcome surprise for our branch. We are very grateful. This month, Ann Slapnik took care of the beautiful decorations on the table in the form of a statue of the Blessed Mother with flowers and candles surrounding it. It was impressive and perfect for a mothers’ tribute. Thanks to Ann also, for her work in sending the get-well cards and birthday cards each month. It certainly feels good to be remembered when those days come around. Ann also saw to it that each new member received a gift at the meeting, beautiful figurines she herself selected. So much for now, and see you all at our next meeting, the third Monday of June. Hope to see some of our older members. Frances Macerol Ooops! Our error! — In the May issue of Zarja, we said Branch 50’s chosen Mother, Mrs. Mary Loushin was currently visiting her son in California, whereas in reality, she was visiting her sister, Julia Larsen. Mary’s son is a dentist on Chardon and Richmond Rds. and lives with his family in Cleveland. Sorry! C.L. No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Minn.—Dear sisters, another month is upon us. At our meeting in May, the business on hand was very brief. Sister, Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in prayer. To sisters, Rose Chiodi and Mary Bartol who were confined at the Hib-bing General Hospital and now are recovering at home, we wish them gods-speed to rapid recoveries. And also, to ail our other sick members, may God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. We had a wonderful tum-out for our meeting. The social part was a great success. Sisters, Frances S.hega, Evan-na Prelesnik, Mary Museck, and Mary Wright served a delicious lunch. Later, games were played and honors went to sisters, Josephine Oswald, Angeline Hrovat, Julia Mancuso, Celia Palitano, Gertrude Kochevar and Betty Strazi-shar. This brought a delightful evening to a close. Be sure to attend our next meeting which will be held at the Little Grove, June 3, 1959. And don't forget your “sack lunches,” for we are having Pot- Luck. Please bring in some new members. We will be looking forward to seeing some new faces then. Gertrude Kochevar, reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio.—At our last meeting, we all enjoyed our annual Mother-Daughter Pot-Luck Dinner. We had a very good attendance and I’m sure no calories were counted that evening! Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Matilda Rek, was guest of honor and received a beautiful corsage from the members. She certainly is worthy and deserving of that honor. A beautifully decorated cake, made and donated by Millie Habieh, with the inscription “Mother” was received by lucky winner, Margaret Zuga. After the dinner, we had a short meeting and the members approved a ten dollar donation to the Memorial Altar Fund in Lemont, 111. The stork was busy in our town and left a baby girl for Mary Habich and a baby boy for Jean Phipps. Speedy recovery to Mary Petrovich, who just returned home from the hospital. Those who are enjoying good health, please visit our sick members —they will be happy to see you. No meetings in July and August, so let’s have a good attendance at our June meeting. Joanne Ponikvar No. 56, Hibbing, Minn.—Our April meeting was well-attended. Minutes were read, etc., everyone listening intently when — Art Linkletter, you should have been with us! We had our own “People Are Funny”. Well, when sister, Mary Bissonette was opening up her handbag for a pencil—bang!! down went the contest strewn all over the floor. How that small handbag could hold so much is certainly a puzzle—from keys, money purse, etc. to even a toy balloon. (No doubt one of her grandchild’s). Although it took a couple to pick up everything, Mary managed to return everything into the handbag. A very nice luncheon was served by the committee. Then Sister Frances Puhek, assisted by her husband, entertained us with slides of their recent California trip. This proved very interesting and enjoyed by all. Recipients of prizes were: Anna Berklich and Amelia Domen. We are happy to hear that Eva Maras who had a leg amputation recently at Hibbing General Hospital is improving nicely. To her and all our sick members we wish a speedy recovery. We just lost one of our dear members, sister Josephine (Peppa) Zezel who died at the age of 62. She is survived by her husband, two sons, eight daughters, and a number of grandchildren. We extend our sincere condolences to members of her family. To our very fine, diligent, and active president, Ann Satovicli — Birthday Greetings!! and wish you many, many more, Ann. Mary Ayotte, reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — With the beautiful summer weather here, let’s have a hundred percent attendance at our coming meeting. There weren't too many at our last meeting. Secretary, Mary Macek, received the tickets for the Zveza day to be held July 4th in Cleveland, and all those who want them, should come to the next meeting. Prizes on this day are really going to be wonderful. Our Mother’s Day Banquet was held in Girard at the Slovenian Club. A delicious supper was prepared by Mary Cvetko of Youngstown. It was nice to see all the ladies there. A speedy recovery to Sara Datchuk who is in the Trumbull Memorial Hospital. Get well quick, Sara, we miss you at our meetings. A happy birthday to all those who are celebrating them this month. I happened to read the articles of Anna Petrich of Fontana, California who is a good friend of mine and enjoy reading them very much. How’s every thing out California way, Anna? See you all at the next meeting. Frances Hribar, reporter No. 67, Bessemer, Pa.—Our members in Bessemer held their last meeting on May 3rd at the Croatian Hall. Our president, Mrs. Mary S n e z i c , opened the meeting and after the usual business, the ladies decided to dispense with the meetings during the summer months. Members, please try to come to the June meeting as it will be the last meeting until September. Come and pay up your dues. One of our members, Frances Plgi-tino gave birth to a baby girl on April lGth. That makes five children for Frances. Congratulations to the proud parents. Frances is the daughter of our president, Mary Snezic. Mrs. Snezic, our Mother of the Year, has 5 children and 14 grandchildren. She was our first president when our branch was organized 23 years ago, and has been president ever since. She is very well known in Bessemer and all the surrounding communities, because of her activity in all the local clubs and as a very good cook. She takes charge of most of the weddings that are held at the Croatian Hall, and cooks for many of out-of-town weddings. May you have many more happy years, Mary. Two more of our members have been hospitalized, Mrs. Helen Kasum and Mrs. Mary Zorinich, and we hear they are doing very well. May you both have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Percic received a nice gift at our May meeting. So-Iong until next month when we will see you all again. Mrs. Clara Simonsic, reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Greetings! I know you are all busier than bees at this time of the year, with house-cleaning, working in gardens, etc., but it is good for you to take time out for relaxation. So, do that on meeting days—enjoy an afternoon with friends. Our sincerest sympathies are extended to our sister Mrs. Tome, and her family, whose husband passed away this month. Mr. Tome was one of our old-timers, well-known and well-liked by everyone. Although he had been very ill for a long, long time, it is sad to lose an old friend. Mrs. Tome is not well, also, and especially needs the consolation of her friends at this time. Our vice-president, Mrs. Klun, has sold her home here and moved to Westchester, Illinois, to be with her daughter. We are all very sorry to see her leave. However, she has promised to come back to visit us and to continue to come to our meetings as often as it is possible. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio.— Our May meeting was well-attended with 45 members enjoying a pork dinner before the meeting. It was reported that our banquet held on April 26th turned out very nice and everyone who attended enjoyed himselves. There will be no meetings during July and August. The September meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month, September 14, due to Labor Day falling on the regular meeting date. Louise Eppley was honored as our Mother of the Year with a lovely gift. Congratulations, Louise! Ann Butoric is in the hospital recovering from an operation and Sophie Mauer spent several days in Suburban Hospital under observation. Our extended wishes for speedy recoveries, ladles. Both of these ladies celebrated their anniversaries recently. Sophie and Mike Mauer their 39th and Ann and husband Frank their 25th. Best wishes! Congratulations to Donna Stueber who is the proud grandma of a new granddaughter. Also, congratulations to Evelyn Majerslc on the birth of a baby boy. The best of luck to all. Two new members were introduced at the meeting, they are: Emogene Hren and Dorothy Kastallic. They were signed up by Betty Matjašič. It’s always nice to see new faces at our meetings. We hope to see you ladies every month. To everyone celebrating their birthdays the very best of wishes. Rosemary Mauer No. 89, Oglesby, ll'l.—We celebrated May with a good attendance at a dinner in the Garzonelli Supper Club. The tables were decorated with spring flowers. The Mother of the Year, Mrs. Sophie Franks, was presented with a gift. The most worthy member was presented with a corsage. The chairman of the special project committee, Mrs. Frances Meglich announced that $100 was given the Holy Family Bldg. Fund of which Branch No. 89 is affiliated. Mary Kernz, rec. sec’y. No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo.— Our regular meeting was held April 3rd at Frank’s Cafe. Mrs. John Kapushion and Mrs. George Krizmanich were hostesses. Georgia McDaniels was a guest and also joined the lodge at this meeting; we are very happy to have you, Georgia! Since we had a Mission from the 3rd of May to the 10th, we held our May meeting on April 26th. Mrs. William Lacy and Mrs. Matt Malenšek were hostesses. Our summer meetings will be held at the home of Miss Aurelia Welch. We still have some snow because our weather has been quite cold and we still have the remains of a snow storm on the 26th of April. Happy Birthday to all whose birthday falls in May and June. God bless you all. Helen Coba>i, reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—It was a lovely “sunshiny” day when we met in April at Mrs. Pauline Adamic’s for our meeting which was well-attended. Thanks to the ladies who drove; Mrs. Mary Zimmerman and Julia Panzica who both had full cars when they arrived. We want you two ladies to know how much we appreciate what you are doing when you help with the transportation. As I said, we met at Mrs. Pauline Adamic’s home. She is a lovely person and a wonderful hostess. We all love her. She served a wonderful luncheon for which we all thank her. The gift donated by the hostess was received by Mrs. Ault who has invited us to her home for our May meeting. Thank you, Mrs. Ault. We want all the ladies to be present as we have to hold a discussion on our yearly dinner-outing. Our president, Julia Panzica, is ready for her vacation trip to Arizona where she will visit her sister. Have a good time, Julia, and return safely. Pauline Adamic also visited Chicago for a Bowling tournament last month. See you all at our next meeting. Rose Jamnik On Pilgrimages . . . On Picnics . . . REMEMBER OUR ZVEZA! S.W.U. CAMPAIGN until OCT. 1, 1959 from the editor... The month of June will be noteworthy in Pennsylvania for it’s the time they celebrate PENNSYLVANIA ZVEZA DAY, on June 14th in KSKJ Hall in Strabane, (Canonsburg). Congratulations to State President Mrs. Mary Tomsic and the hard working officers and members who are planning this event. In July, the Independence Day weekend will be a gala one in Cleveland for the celebration of Ohio Zveza Day on the 4th and 5th. They have shown admirable enthusiasm and preparations are the most complete for this Zveza holiday. Hats off to the branches and their committees! * * * In July, too, our ZARJA will have a wonderful birthday, the 30th! Plans are now in the making for a jubilee issue which will show the historic past and present of ZARJA and the S.W.U. All branches and members are requested to extend greetings in the special issue that month and deadline for these ads is June 15th. Depending on the response from you, our members, we hope to have a 48 page issue in celebration of the event. Let’s make it a memorable one! » * * Happiest Birthday is extended to our dear S.W.U. Founder, Marie Pris-lamd, who will celebrate on June 21st, and this birthday should be a most pleasant one since she’s enjoying it on the continent, in her beloved home-land. No. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. — Since we haven’t been heard from a long time, here we are with news from Zveza’s youngest branch, in Meadowlands. We had our first funeral in the ten years of our existence on March 23rd when the entire branch took part. I am very pleased to say that the members all turned out to bid a sad adieu to Mrs. Agnes Raspet Skopec who died Mar. 20th, at the age of 61 years, survived by an ailing husband and four sons. She will be missed by all. We were delighted to see Mrs. Mary Tomsic from Strabane at the funeral. She always likes to help out where she can. Thank you, Mary. Our branch will have an enjoyable meeting this month and we urge all members to attend and bring a member or two along! If you want any information about joining our branch, call Kate Hoefler or the undersigned and we’ll give you all the necessary details. Hope God keeps you all in good health; and, let’s all turn out in full numbers for our Pennsylvania Zveza Day in Strabane on Sunday, June 14. Agnes Zitko, pres. ;land: m V Sloveniji izhaja list „Kmečki Glas“, ki razpravlja o vseli mogočih stvareh, ki zanimajo dobrega kmetovalca. V tem listu sem čitala o posebne vrste živinski operaciji, ki je bila za dotičnega kmeta zelo važna — rešila mu je žival in pet mladičev — obenem pa dokazala, da je v naši stari domovini živinoreja v zelo dobri oskrbi. Očividec ,,Jak“ dogodek z veliko natančnostjo takole opisuje: „Dospelo je telefonsko sporočilo v Veterinarski znanstveni urad LRS v Ljubljani: ,Naj pride veterinar (živinozdravnik) v Prilesje nad Blagovno h kmetu Kakretu! Svinja bi morala kotiti že prejšnjo noč. Pomoč je nujna!' — Bolničar, ki je sporočilo sprejel, je pripravil vse potrebne instrumente in zdravila ter oddal nalogo tozadevnemu oddelku. Ura je bila devet dopoldne; veterinar France Černe, njegov asistent Peter Pišler in šofer Ivan so se podali na pot. Pridružil sem se jim še jaz. V Blagovni smo pustili avto in se napotili v hrib. Vsak od nas je nekaj nosil in pot nam je curkoma lil po hrbtih. Pri Kakretu so nas že čakali. Njihovi obrazi so bili zelo zaskrbljeni. Ko sta si Černe in Pišler ogledala svinjo (vročine je imela 39,S (po naši meri nekaj čez 100 stopinj), sta povedala, da bo potrebna operacija. Gospodar in gospodinja sta osupnila. ..Operacija? Zakaj? Soseda je rekla, da ie treba svinji samo vodo odpreti, pa bo kotila. Voda se ji ie zaprla. — .Težeš, če boste rezali, bo vse skupaj poginilo . .Koliko prigovarjanja, razlage in pomirjevanja je bilo treba, da ie gospodar razumel, da bo operacija rešila svinjo ali mladiče, lahko tudi oboje, drugače pa bodo zanesljivo vsi poginili. No, končno so se zedinili za operacijo, takozvano „carski rez” (Caesarian operation). V teh krajih daleč naokoli takšne in podobne operacije pri živini še niso videli: mnogi o njej niti slišali ne. Prišla sta na pomoč soseda, od daleč pa so gledali vaški otroci. Operacijska dvorana je bil senčni sadovnjak, sredi katerega so postavili mizo in nanjo privezali svinjo. Asistent ji je dal za ušesa injekcijo kofeina, ji obril levo trebušno stran in jo očistil z jodom in špiritom. Nato ji je' mesto, kjer bo doktor prerezal trebuh. z injekcijo omrtvičil. Čakala sta deset minut. Medtem sta pripravila instrumente, zdravila, velela prinesti velik košek za mladiče, škaf mrzle vode in veliko vroče vode. Skrbno sta si umila roke in . .. operacija se je pričela. Ko je doktor naredil 30 cm dolg rez in se je prikazala modro-rde'ča črta, se je gospodar preplašeno ozrl proč, gospodinja pa si je pokrila oči in zaihtela. Kjer se maternica deli v dva roga, jei doktor zopet naredil 15 cm dolg rez, šel z roko v notranjost in začel vleči na dan mladiče, drugega za drugim. Prvi je bil ves moder. Zadušil se je že ponoči. Drugega je zapacal gospodar sam, ker ga ni hitro in pravilno osvežil z mrzlo vodo. Pet pa so jih rešili. Kmetje niso mogli verjeti očem: svinja je še dihala in mladiči so se prerivali v košku, rana na trebuhu pa takšna. Pa koliko krvi! Zdravnika sta bila dobre volje! Vse je šlo po sreči. S tomponi sta skrbno očistila maternico, jo zašila, spravila v pravi red, vložila vanjo dva vložka terramycina, posebej zašila trebušno opno, vbrizgnila vanjo penicilina, zašila sloje mišice in nazadnje še kožo. Rano sta premazala s cinkvitaminnsto mastjo, jo pokrila z gazo, dala svinji za uho še injekcijo, da se ji bo odprlo mleko, še eno injekcijo proti rdečici in eno D-vitaminsko. Ko so svinjo odvezali In jo postavili z mize na tla, se je najprej nekoliko opotekla, presenečena ovohala sebe, nato pa je sama umirjeno odšla v svinjak. Tedaj šele si je gospodar oddahnil, gospodinja pa je hvaležno sklenila roke. Zdravnik je dajal nasvete: Svinja še ni rešena. Zdaj je v vaših rokah. Ležati mora na suhem in dobro hrano ji dajajte; veliko mleka, notri ubijte kako jajce in primešajte svežih otrobov. Končno je prišla najtežja točka: račun! Koliko računati? Svinja je bila majhna in slabe pasme, zato mladiči ne bodo dragi. Domačija je visoko v hribih, denarja malo v hiši. „.Te veliko 4.500 dinarjev?" (okrog $0.00), je vprašal zdravnik. ,,Veliko je, ker bom težko plačal, a rešili ste mi 50,000 dinarjev," je rekel kmet. Potem smo popili nekaj kozarcev domačega sadjevca, malo pomalicali in odšli dalje." * * * Kot vidite, sem v mislih še vedno v starem kraju. Naj to raj odgovorim prijateljici na vprašanje, kaj si gospodinje v domovini želijo najbolj. To vprašanje sem stavila večkrat in skoro vselej dobila odgovor: Pralni stroj! Da, pralni stroj! Nekatere so še boječe dostavile — pa hladilnik, a to bi bil že luksus. — In me!? Kapriciramo se, kake vrste pralni stroj in sušilnik bi si izbrale. Oboje avtomatično; kakopak! Hladilnik mora seveda biti take barve, da harmonizira z ostalo ku- hinjo. Pri tem pa nikdar ne pomislimo, kako smo srečne, ko si lahko nabavimo aparate, ki so gospodinjam v domovini le lepe sanje... * * * Nadaljujem s kuharskimi navodili, ki sem jih dobila v domovini. Naslednja dva sta od sestrične Tončke. Postna juha Deni v ponvo dve jedilni žlici masti in eno jedilno žlico moke. Zarumeni. Dodaj 4 jedilne žlice opranega riža in praži. Nato dodenl dva srednje velika sesekljana korenčka in pest svežega graha. Zalij s 3 skodelicami (cups) vode. Kuhaj pol ure. Ko je kuhano, v juho všvrklaj stepeno jajce, deni na krožnik in garniraj z drobno zrezanim peteršiljem. Orehova torta 15 minut mešaj 8 rumenjakov z eno skodelico (cup) s'adkorja. Dodaj žličko vanilije, pol žličke cimeta in pol žličke klinčkov. Nato primešaj trd sneg iz 8 beljakov. Do-deni 22 fino zrezanih orehov ter eno skodelico v rumu ali brandiju namočenih kruhovih drobtin. Napolni z maslom namazan model ter peci približno eno uro pri 325° vročini. Ko je torta ohlajena, jo dvakrat poševno prereži ter vsak del namaži s sledečo kremo: Krema: eno skodelico masla mešaj z eno skodelico sladkorja, da naraste. Dodaj malo vanilije. Ko mešaš, dodeni eno ali dve žlici močne črne kave1 ter Vi skodelice naribane čokolade. S tem torto namaži ter zloži skupaj in jo polij s čokoladnim ledom. Čokoladni led: Segrej četrt skodelice presnega masla, dodaj % skodelice nastrgane čokolade in dve žlici vrele vode. Tolci na hladnem, da postane gladko in svetlo. Ta led zlij na torto in jo deni v hladilnik. Torto lahko tudi povrhu potrosiš z fino zrezanimi orehi, predno jo postaviš v hladilnik. * * * Eno o Italijanih. Za časa italijanske okupacije Ljubljane so si naši ljubi rojaki dovolili marsikako šalo na račun Italijanov. Neko noč so prazno plehnato kanto privezali na rep mački ter jo izpustili na cesto. Mačka je tekla, kanta pa udarjala po tlakovani cesti. Italijani so mislili, da Slovenci streljajo s strojnimi puškami. Takoj se je slišala komanda, posadka je stopila v falango ter pričela streljati v noč na sovražnika, ki ga ni bilo. Marie Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: ZGODBA 0 OČETU Zgodilo se je v Londonu. Zadela sta se dva vlaka. Postajo, kjer se je nesreča zgodila, so spremenili v mrtvašnico in rešilno postajo. Med žrtvami je bil tudi oče enajstletne deklice Anne. Eno leto po tem dogodku pa so časopisi prinesli prelepo zgodbo, ki jo tu podajam. Bil je mrzel zimski večer. Mati je pripravljala večerjo in je poklicala hčerko, naj ji pride pomagat. Hčerka je sicer slišala materin glas, a ni odgovorila. Njene misli so bile drugod. Po ponovnem klicu matere je že tiho zapirala vrata hiše in nato stekla v mrzlo zimsko noč. Brez plašča in kakor preganjana je hitela po mestnih ulicah. V cvetličarni na oglu se je ustavila. „Moj Bog," je rekla lastnica, ko jo je videla, „saj se boš pošteno prehladila, ko taka letaš okrog. Anne ni nič odgovorila, samo z roko je pokazala na vijolični šopek in rekla: »Koliko stane?" Lastnica ji je povedala ceno. Anne je v torbici poiskala denar, plačala ln odšla po svojih potih. Pot jo je peljala na postajo, kjer je v lanski nesreči bil ubit njen oče. „Prav taka noč je bila," je rekla Anne sama, pri sebi. Videla je Iliči prihajajočih vlakov, ki so izgledale kakor dve goreči sveči v tej megleni noči. Z naporom je odprla vrata v čakalnico. ICo je zadnjič prišla semkaj, je ta kraj bil poln grozotnih prizorov. Danes je bil prazen. Vse je bilo tako tiho. Notri je bilo nekaj klopi in ožgana smrekova miza. Vso čakalnico je osvetljevala ena sama žarnica, ki je dajala zelo malo svetlobe. Skoraj brez diha je položila cvetlični šopek na mizo ln hitro potegnila iz svoje torbice s črnim obrobljeno karto, ki jo je priložila vijoličnemu šopku. Nato se je obrnila in hitro stekla v mrzlo in megleno noč. „Poglej, kakšna si,“ jo je okregala mati. „Kje si pa bila in to brez klobuka in plašča?" „Nelcaj sem pozabila in sem morala videti Alice," se je izgovarjala. „Saj je bilo le nekaj minut." Tako se je začasno končala ta zgodba. Prihodnje jutro je vratar našel šopek in karto. Vprašal je prodajalca voznih listkov, kdo bi šopek in karto pustil. Mož se je nekaj spominjal, da je prodal peronsko karto neki deklici. Zgodba se je širila in šla od ust do ust ln končno prišla v časopisje. Procesija na praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa. Neki amerikanslti polkovnik, ki je bil službeno nastavljen v Londonu, je bral zgodbo o šopku in je začel poizvedovati o dekletu. „Ali poznate dekle, katere prvo Ime je Anne in katere oče je bil ubit v železniški nesreči pred enim letom?" Tako je povpraševal. Končno je dobil odgovor. Mati in hčerka z imenom Anne živita nedaleč od postaje, kjer se je zgodila nesreča. Tak je bil odgovor. Polkovnik je napravil obisk. Mati se je zelo začudila, ko ji je polkovnik pokazal že oveli vijolični šopek in karto. Rekla je: „Anne je sedaj v šoli, toda dobro se spominjam tistega večera, ko mi je rekla, da je šla pogledat svojo prijateljico. Ne morem razumeti. Nikoli ne govori o očetu in semi mislila, da je že zdavnaj pozabila nanj." „Ne," je odgovoril polkovnik, „ni pozabila nanj. Rad bi jo srečal. Mora zares biti dobro dekle." Mati je zopet pogledala karto. Pri tem so ji solze zalile oči. Na karti je bilo preprosto zapisano: „Dragi očka, ljubim te in te zelo pogrešam, Tvoja Anne." Takih otrok nam manjka, ki bi imeli ljubezen in spoštovanje do očeta in četrte božje zapovedi in svet bi se oddahnil od pritiska zaradi zločinov mladoletnikov. Na vzgoji staršev je veliko ležeče. Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Zadnja seja naše podružnice je bila dobro obiskana. Lep program smo imele v po-čast materam. Sestra Olga Plesetz-Saye je s svojo muzikalično skupino podala lep koncert, za kar ji prisrčna zahvala. Program je s pozdravom materam odprla podpredsednica Mary Mizkewiz ter predstavila 9-letnega Davida Girdaukas. Pozdravil je mamice v lepi slovenščini. Nato je nastopila desetletna Virginia Mueller, ki je tudi v izvrstni slovenščini in angleščini pozdravila vse matere. V počast naši častni materi sestri Uršuli Marver je David Krzen ganljivo zapel ,,Moja mamica", kar je sestro Marver ganilo do solz. Programu je sledil party za vse navzoče. Načelnica za naš kontest, ki ga vodimo v korist nove sestrske hiše, je podala poročilo o poteku istega ter apelirala za sodelovanje vseh članic. Denar, ki ga bo kontest prinesel, bo naložen v banko, da lahko od časa do časa k skladu še prispevamo. Tako bomo, na primer, ob času naše kartne zabave imele prodajo peciva in rezancev. Dobiček od te prodaje bo šel v sklad za sestrsko hišo. Kot že omenjeno, se bo naša kartna zabava vršila PRVO SREDO MESECA SEPTEMBRA. Načelnica zabave je sestra Mary Turk, podnačelnica pa sestra Anna Matzdorf. Odbornice, ki so se na zadnji seji prostovoljno priglasile za sodelovanje, za kar jim najlepša zahvala, so: Anna Modiz, Mary Vertacic, Anna Zoran, Frances Melanz, Frances Mayerle, Hermine Udovich, Mary Mizkewiz, Christine Sterle, Josephine Selak, Ursula Marver, Mary Godez, Millie Mueller, Terese Zagožen. S takimi finimi delavkami je uspeh kartne zabave zagotovljen. Meseca maja je praznovala svoj rojstni dan nadzornica Molly Zunter, ki je s svojo „lcaro“ vedno na razpolago za naše prireditve. Še na mnoga leta, Molly! Marie Prisland Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Na majski seji so bile počaščene vse navzoče matere-članiee podružnice. Vsaka je prejela lep robček, častna mati Mrs. Veronica Kolenko pa broško. Predsednica sestra Železnikar se je lepo zahvalila sestram, ki so sodelo- vale pri pridobivanju novih članic v pretekli kampanji ter tako pomagale doseči naši podružnici prvo mesto. Upamo, da bomo tudi v prihodnjih kampanjah vodilne. Kjer je volja — tam je tudi uspeh! Kot je bilo že poročano, se bo vršil Zvezin dan v Lemontu obenem z romanjem v nedeljo, 19. julija. Vse priprave so v rokah veščih članic in kakor doslej, je za pričakovati, da bo Zvezin dan dosegel vsestranski uspeh. Za članstvo naše podružnice, kakor tudi za druge romarje, bo na razpolago poseben bus, ki bo odpeljal izpred Tomažinove dvorane (vogal Cermak Rd. in Wolcott Ave.) v nedeljo ob !). uri zjutraj. Povratek iz Lemonta okoli 6. ure zvečer. Cena vožnje na obe strani za osebo $1.50. Vozni listki se dobe pri predsednici Josephine Železnikar in blagajničarki Mary Tomazin. Vabljene so tudi članice drugih bližnjih in daljnih podružnic, da se nam pridružijo v Lemontu v nedeljo, dne 19. julija. Za Zvezin oltar v Lemontu je naša podružnica darovala dosedaj nabrano vsoto $G0, za kar so prispevale: Podružnica št. 2, $25; Pevski klub podr. št. 2, $10; in članice, $25. Prosi sq Ribniška cerkev — v znamenju prenovitve Župnik č. g. Dobrovoljc in gl. tajnica SŽZ Mrs. Albina Novak si ogledujeta začetna zunanja popravila ribniške cerkve, lani meseca julija. Zob časa in zadnja vojna sta ji mnogo prizadejala — toda dobrosrčnost ameriških ro- jakov jo pomaga sedaj prenavljati. Bog daj, da bi cerkev dobila kaj kmalu lepše lice. Članice SŽZ so dosedaj v ta namen prispevaile že večjo vsoto denarja, nabirka se pa ie nadaljuje. Vsem dobrotnikom: Bog plačaj! tudi one sestre, ki se dosedaj še niso odzvale, da po možnosti prispevajo v ta namen. Pevski zbor naše podružnice iskreno vabi članice, ki imajo veselje do petja, da se zboru pridružijo. Za informacije se obrnite na predsednico Mrs. Železnikar, telefon VI. 7-6891. Prihodnja seja bo 11. junija. Udeležite se je v čim večjem številu. Tajnica prosi še posebej članice, da pogledajo v svoje plačilne knjižice, če imajo v redu plačan asesment. Albina Novak, zapisnikarica Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio.—Neprestano nas obiskuje kruta smrt in zmanjšuje našo podružnico. Umrla je zvesta članica Mrs. Mary Repar. Tri dni pred smrtjo je bila še vesela in zdrava in novica o njeni smrti nas je vse presenetila, Zares ne vemo ne ure ne dneva... Naj njena duša uživa večno plačilo v nebesih, truplo pa naj v miru počiva v ameriški zemlji. Pokojna je bila doma iz Iga pri Studencu v okolici Ljubljane. Naša predsednica Margie Naizer je bila v bolnišnici, sedaj se pa zdravi doma. Upam, da bo kmalu popolnoma okrevala. Prosim predvsem matere, da bi vpisale k podružnici svoje hčere. Upam, da ne bom naletela na gluha ušesa! ? Mary Fidel, tajnica Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — (Poročilo Šivalnega kluba.) — Zopet so krasni spomladanski dnevi, vse je lepo zeleno in ljudje hitijo pospravljat okoli hiš in po vrtovih. Od daleč se pozna, kje živijo Slovenci, ljubitelji lepih vrtov. Smrt najn je ugrabila dolgoletno čla-nlco-pionlrko Katarino Kushlan. Umrla je v starosti 83 let. Bog ji daj v miru počivati; družini pa naše sožalje. Na aprilski seji smo se prav dobro zabavale in po seji smo za kratek čas pokrivale številke. Tokrat sem bila jaz med srečnimd, ker je bilo vzdignjeno moje ime — dobila sem tri krasne prtičke, katerih sem bila prav vesela. Darovala jih je naša preds. M. Urbas. Hvala lepa, sestra Urbas! Pogrešale smo našo podpreds. S. Čebular. Bila je nekaj časa bolna, toda upam, da je sedaj že boljša. Članice vabim na junijsko sejo dne 9. junija. S tem bomo zaključile polletno sezono in bomo prekinile s sejami do septembra. Zato pridite na junijsko sejo v velikem številu. Sestram, ki se bodo podale na počitnice, kamorkoli že, želim, da bi se vrnile zdrave in vesele, posebno še tistim, ki bodo letos obiskale staro domovino. Pozdrav vsem skupaj, Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.—Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 3. junija v cerkveni dvorani, začetek ob 7:30 zvečer. Ker ne bo sej v mesecih julij in avgust, prosim članice, da pridejo na to sejo v večjem številu. Sedaj je v teku zopet članska kampanja in članice so vabljene, da vpišejo k Zvezi Bvoje hčerke in vnukinje. Vsaka dobro ve, koliko sester smo že pokopale — precej že samo v letošnjem letu, zato potrudimo se, da nadomestimo izgube. Hvala članicam, ki so se v tako velikem številu udeležile skupne sv. maše in prejele sv. obhajilo v nedeljo, 3. maja. Bil je res lep pogled na toliko število navzočih v cerkvi. Umrla je sestra Theresa Mohorko. Zapušča mioža in več otrok, katerim izrekamo sožalje. Blaga pokojnica naj v miru počiva in večna luč ji naj sveti. Sledeče sestre se nahajajo v bolnem stanju: Madeline Levar, Agatha Dežman, Mary Jeray, Anne Troger, Mary Bubnik, Kathie Stuller, Mary Wojvo-dich, Frances Pečovnik in Gerta Pintar. Želim jim hitrega okrevanja. Članice prosim, da jih obiščejo. Nadalje mi tudi sporočite, če vam je znano, da je katera bolna, da bo vsaka dobila od mene voščilno kartico za zdravje. Članice, ne pozabite plačati svoj asesment. Želim vsem prav prijetne počitnice:! Hvala Fathru Claude Okornu, našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu za njegove poučne članke v Zarji. Pozdrav gl. odbornicam in članicam, posebno pri podr. št. 12, Mary Schimenz Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Majniška seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana, kar ni zameriti nekaterim članicam, ker se udeležujejo večernih majniških pobožnosti. Odzvale pa so se v lepem številu dne 3. maja pri skupnem sv. obhajilu. Vsa čast udeleženkam. VSI NA ZVEZIN PIKNIK — 4. JULIJA! CLEVELAND, Ohio.—Kakor vam je že znano, bo skupni piknik podružnic SŽZ v Ohio in Michiganu veliko združenje članstva in prijateljev. Vsi, ki se zanimate za Zvezo, ven na dan! To je 4. julija v St. Joseph’s Park. Tam boste z vsem postreženi: bo za lačne, žejne, za mlade razne vrste iger, kot dirke itd. ter še več drugih zabav. Naše članice že mesece pripravljajo ta piknik in ga bo res vredno posetiti. Sestre prosim, da razprodajo listke, kolikor jih imajo še na roki. Predvsem je važno, da naročite buse za prevoz na pikniški prostor in nazaj. Vsak bus stane $44, lahko jih pa naročite tudi več, če je treba. Da ne b<) nepotrebnih težav, sporočite vsaj dva tedna poprej preds. Antonia Tanko, tel. EN. 1-7336. Povejte tudi, kje želite, da se busi ustavijo. Sodelujte, kjer koli mogoče, da bo ta naša prireditev velik uspeh. Ali že kaj ugibljete, kdo bo naša ..Zvezina kraljica"? Vsi na piknik, pa boste videli, katera bo dosegla to čast. Na sestanku podružnic dne 6. maja je preds. A. Tanko opozorila navzoče Meseca aprila smo izgubile mlado članico Terezijo Mohorko, mater sedmih otrok. Ista je bila tudi moja so-vaščanka. V zemlji, v mirnem grobu, počivaj brez skrbi; Bog naj Ti poplača vsa dobra dela v večnosti. To so želje članic naše podružnice umrli Tereziji. Apeliram na vse, ki se želijo udeležiti skupnega izleta v Lemont, da se čimprej javijo Mrs. Plesko, ki bo pravočasno naročila buse, ker poleti jih ni na razpolago. Tak slučaj se nam je pripetil lansko leto, da ni bilo mogoče bus nadomestiti. Vabim članice na sejo 3. junija, ker potem bomo imele počitnice in ne bo sej v juliju in avgustu. Ne pozabite zopet na septembersko seji. Upam, da boste takrat imele več novopristoplili. Treba bo tudi marsikaj važnega ukrepati v korist podružnice. Pozdravljam vse članice SŽZ po širni Ameriki in bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Mary Mesaric', zapis. Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Kakor na skoraj vsaki seji, tako zopet poročam žalostno vest, da sta v zadnjem mesecu umrli dve sestri: Mrs. Starman in Mrs. Ursula Gavtroža. Družini obeh umrlih se zahvaljujeta za molitve in udeležbo pri pogrebu. Naj blagi pokojnici počivata v miru in naj jima sveti večna luč. Naš skupni piknik 4. julija se hitro približuje. Treba bo preskrbeti za vse one, ki nimajo zasebne vožnje, prevoz na busu. Zato prosim članice, ki bodo šle na piknik in se želijo peljati tja in nazaj z bi.soin, da se priglasite do najkasneje 10. junija tajnici Pavli Cesar, IV 1-5764 ali pa predsednici Mollie na člansko kampanjo, ki je sedaj v teku in prinesla na dan idejo, da bi bile nove članice slovesno sprejete v Zvezo na državni konvenciji, 5. julija. Ali bi ne bilo lepo? Dne 5. julija bo ob 11:30 sv. maša v cerkvi sv. Vida, zatem zajtrk in nato zborovajije. Popoldne ob 4. uri bo „ltokošja večerja" z vsem, kar spada zraven. Odbornice in članice so vabljene, da se v velikem številu udeleže te državne konvencije. Dobrodošle so pa tudi druge žene, ki se zanimajo za delovanje Zveze. Zasledujte podrobna poročila v Ameriški Domovini. Zvezinega piknika se bo udeležila gl. tajnica Albina Novak. Na konvenciji bo pa Zvezo zastopala gl. predsednica Josephine Livek. Vsi še enkrat prisrčno vabljeni na Zvezin piknik, 4. julija. Članice in žene pa tudi na državno konvencijo 5. julija. Mary Filipovič poročevalka odbora za Zvezin dan podr. SŽZ v Ohio in Michiganu. Legat, IV 1-3194. Ti vam bosta povedali, kje čakajte na bus. Na pretekli seji je bila velika udeležba. Imele smo pa tudi za rešiti kar tri reči: Materinski dan, godovanje in igro. Bilo je dosti veselja in zabave. Naša tajnica Pavla Cesar je zopet vesela in zdrava med nami. Zahvali se za kartice in obiske ter darila, katera je prejela v času bolezni. Članice so za ta večer prinesle precej jestvin in pijače. V denarju pa so darovale sestre: F. Globokar, Zadnik, Stefančič, Leskovec, Tomazin, Cesar, Dermastija, Možina, Kavšek, Stražišar, Čebul, Rega in Vidovec. Vsem iskrena zahvala. Antonija Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio. — Kruta smrt nam je zopet pobrala dve članici — Mrs. Ella Huth in Mrs. Helena Zupančič. Obedve sta nam na-nagloma preminule in odšle iz doline solz v boljše življenje. Naj Jima sveti večna luč; preostalim naše sožalje in tolažbo ob težki izgubi. Kot vam je znano, bodo ohijske podružnice priredile skupni Zvezin piknik dne 4. julija na Močilnikarjevi farmi (Chardon Rd.), na katerega ste vsi vabljeni. Ako še nimate tiketov za dobitke, jih lahko dobite pri tajnici Frances Novak, na 80. cesti. Dobitki so zares lepi in mogoče bo ravno Vas zadela sreča. V teku je članska kampanja in prav bi bilo, če bi se malo potrudile za nove članice, kajti število sedanjih se čedalje bolj krči. Na zadnji seji se je sklenilo, da v mesecu juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele seje. Zadnja seja bo 10. junija in nato v septembru. Vsem sosestram, katere so praznovale svoj rojstni dan v mesecih april, maj in junij — najlepše čestitke. Vsem bolnim želim skorajšnjega okrevanja, zdravim pa v poletnem času prijetne počitnice in mnogo razvedrila. Helen Mirtel, poročevalka Št. 16, So. Chicago, lil. — V prvi vrsti se prav iskreno zahvalim vsem, ki so se me spomnile s karticami in darili, ko sem se nahajala v bolnici. Vsem in vsaki posebej Bog plačaj! Ob priliki vam povrnem. Naša ..kokošja večerja" se je prav dobro obnesla. Vse navzoče so bile zelo dobro razpoložene, posebno ko je Mrs. Prebil pripeljala Mrs. Sašek. Kako smo je bile vse vesele; zelo smo jo pogrešale, ko je ni bilo med nami celo zimo. Sedaj čez poletje bo zopet tukaj in upamo, da ji bo mogoče posetiti naše seje. Sedaj, ko je v teku kampanja za nove članice, se potrudimo, da nadomestimo vsaj vrzeli, katere nam pri-zadaja nemila smrt. Zadnji mesec je Bog poklical k Sebi članico Mrs. Angeline Mish — v 53. letu je zapustila ta ubogi svet. Smrt v resnici ne izbira, mlad ali star, vsi se moramo ukloniti božji volji. Bog ji bodi dober plačnik. Preostalim naše sožalje. Pozdrav vsem članicam, Katie Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. — Na naši zadnji seji so se članice lepo odzvale in hvala vsem za udeležbo. Upale smo, da se nam bo mogla pridružiti tudi naša tajnica sestra Grebenc, vendar pa ji družina in oddaljenost onemogočata priti na seje. Zato smo si morale izvoliti novo v osebi Ane Strukel. Njen naslov je 534 E. 143rd St., Cleveland 10, Ohio; telefon MU 1-2083. Ona je zmožna, le pri slovenskih dopisih ji bom nekoliko pomagala. Tudi zame je bilo dosedaj predaleč za hoditi, zato bo tako najbolje. Naši Pepci se prav lepo zahvalim za njeno delo pri podružnici. Z njo smo se res dobro zastopile. Upam, da nas bo včasih še obiskala. Hvala tudi Ani Strukel, ki je moja svakinja, za prevzem odborniškega mesta. Nettie Strukel, preds. št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. — Ko romajo te vrstice v daljni svet, je povsod že opevan „krasni majnik". Baje isti res zasluži vso pohvalo cvetoče prirode, a tudi popularni mesec junij, ko uresničuje zaželjene nade mladostnih sanj ljubkim nevesticam, gra-duantom neštetih šol zidajočim v sinje oblake veselo bodočnost itd. je veren ideal. Za moj skromni vzrok tem vrsticam danes, pa mi je v veselje čestitati k rojstnemu in godovnemu dnevu društveni preds. podr. št. 18 Mrs. Nettie Štrukel, k pomembnemu dnevu! Še na mnoga srečna leta, draga sosestra! Sožalje celokupni podružnici izrekam tem potom nad ponovno izgubo ene ,,izmed naših". Čitala sem, da se je preselila v večnost — Mrs. Angela Zibert. Pokojna je bila dolgotrajno dobo naša zvesta članica, isto bile vse tri njene hčere: Christine Pirnat, Alice Novak in Anna Zibert. Ohranimo jih v blagem spominu! Družini Medvešek iz Goller Ave., Euclid, Ohio, ki je skrbela za pokojnico, naj Bog povrne vso njih dobroto za osamelo mamico Zibert! K sklepu teh vrstic, odkritosrčen izraz, da mi kar nič ne pade v glavo, kaj bi bilo vredno omenjati, da bi se kot pravimo: prijelo src posameznih. Prosim prijateljsko le vse članice podružnice št. 18, da se vsaj udeležujete mesečnih sej in da ostanete zveste med seboj za nadaljni obstoj z geslom: skušale bomo kar se da pridobiti v svoj delokrog še katero novo, da se vsaj smrtni slučaji nadomestijo! Tale je pa za „dessert“, in vem da ne ho nihče oporekal, da kdor je videl slikico male Slovenke (hčerko urednice ,,Zarje"), mora priznati, da čas res hitro beži; kako že ljubka izgleda v narodni noši... Well, Bog ji daj srečo in tudi v bodoče vso ljubav do slovenske domovine zavednim staršem! Pozdrav, Josephine Praust Št. 20, Joliet, III.—Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Ambrosich, iz Elizabeth St., sta v krogu svojih otrok in sorodnikov praznovala 40-letnico poroke 10. maja pri sedmi sv. maši. Mrs. Ambrosich je poznana med nami, ker vedno pomaga pri cerkvenih in drugih dobrodelnih prireditvah ter je tudi odbornica raznih društev. Tudi njen soprog vedno pomaga kjerkoli je pomoč potrebna. Oba sta zelo aktivna. Mrs. Ambrosich je naša članica že mnogo let. Na tem mestu naj prejmeta naše čestitke in Bog ju živi še na mnoga leta. Izgubile smo zopet eno članico, in sicer Catherine Klobutcher, iz N. Bluff St.. Pristopila je 19. aprila 1931. Predlagala jo je Jos. Erjavec. Pokojna je bila rojena 26. nov. 1987 v Šmarju. Bila je dvakrat poročena: prvi mož je umrl pred več leti; ona se je poprej pisala Papesh. Bila je dolgo bolna in smo jo pogrešale na naših sejah, saj je prej tako rada prihajala. Zapušča štiri hčere in štiri sinove, dva iz prejšnjega zakona. Bila je pokopana iz naše farne cerkve na hrvaško pokopališče Matere božje. Umrla je tudi Mrs. Margaret Susan Ruettiger, stara 86 let. Pokojna zapušča tri hčere in sina. Nadalje brata, sestro, sedem vnukov in 15 pravnukov ter mnogo drugih sorodnikov. Pokojna je mati naše članice Mrs. Marie L. Nemanich, katera vodi cvetličarno na N. Chicago cesti mnogo let, ter je bila tudi zvesta kegljačica naše lige. Tem potoni izrekamo sorodnikom pok. Klo-bucher, kakor tudi družini Ruetigger naše globoko sožalje, pokojnicam pa naj sveti večna luč. V bolnišnici so se nahajale Mrs. Mary Laurich, iz Marble St., katera se je morala podvreči težki operaciji, dalje Mrs. Mary TTmek, iz Ruby St., Zlata poroka v Evelethu, Minn. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Erklouts sta praznovala zlato poroko. Poročila sta se v cerkvi sv. Družine v Evelethu, Minn., 25. januarja 1909; poročne obrede je izvršil župnik č. g. Matthew Bilban. Čestitke in želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo srečnih let. (Slika je na strani 116.) Mrs. Erklouts je članica podružnice št. 19. Mary Lenich, tajnica ter Mrs. Mary Ramuta. Vsem bolnim želimo hitrega okrevanja in srečno vrnitev med svoje sorodnike in prijatelje. Svoj 88-letni rojstni dan je slavila v sredi svoje velike družine naša članica Mrs. Agnes Slcul, iz Vine St. Njene hčere so naše članice, in sicer: Mrs. Mary Schniitberger, Miss Agnes Skul, soproga sina, Mrs. Mary Skul, njene vnukinje, Mrs. Agnes Eovatti, Mrs. Genevieve Klainsek. Mrs. Skul je še kar dobro pri zdravju te dni kljub visoki starosti. Njej na čast so sorodniki priredili party ter ob tej priliki vsi skupaj čestitali mami Skulovi. Tudi naše članice enako čestitajo, da bi bila še mnogo let zdrava med nami. Zlato poroko sta obhajala Mr. in Mrs. Anton Smolich, iz Wilcox St. Častni sprejem je bil v St. Joseph’s Park dvorani, sv. maša se je pa darovala zjutraj ob sedmi uri. V družini je šest hčera in pet sinov. Dve hčeri Mrs. Jennie Dernulc in Mrs. Mary Strysik sta naši članici že mnogo let, kakor tudi mama Catherine. Zlato poroko sta obhajala tudi Mr. in Mrs. Math Grabrian, v sredi svojih prijatejev. Njihov edini sin je bil poklican v večnost pred nekaj leti. Obema paroma slavljencev želimo še mnogo let zdravja v sredi svojih sorodnikov in prijateljev. Za Materinski dan so bile počaščene mater e-članice Amer. Slovenskega doma z imenitno večerjo, katero so to pot skuhali možje. Posebno je bila počaščena Mrs. Bernice Suski, katera je prejela lep ,,loving cup“ v priznanje za njeno delo pri domu in kot izvoljeni ..materi doma" za to leto. Njen soprog Pred je pa predsednik Doma že drugi termin. Bernice je naša članica in pridna kegljačica. Tudi vse ostale matere, katere so prejšnja leta imele to čast, so bile navzoče. Naše iskrene čestitke, Bernice! Poročila se je naša dobro poznana Isabelle Musich, in sicer z Mi-. George Gulas. Isabelle je bila večletna predsednica prejšnjega vežbalnega krožka naše podružnice in zelo aktivna ter bila desna roka vaši poročevalki pri poznanem ,,drill team“-u. Vsa poročena dekleta jo bodo z veseljem pozdravila v njihovem Alumni krožku. Pred poroko so ji prijatelji priredili velik shower in so imele vse prejšnje ka-detke rezervirano svojo veliko mizo in tako so se po več letih zopet sešle. Poročni sprejem se pa je vršil v naši farni dvorani ob veliki udeležbi. Za prvo družico ji je bila Miss Jean Go-mabac, katera je bila tudi večletna kadetka in se bo sama poročila koncem maja. Iskrene čestitke, Isabelle! Mrs. Anna Mahkovec je poročala na seji, kako so odbornice Rdečega Križa hvaležne našemu alunini krožku ka-(letk za povoje (bandages), katere delajo vsak mesec na svojih sestankih. Na seji se je sklenilo, da se iz društvene blagajne daruje $10 v spomin Rev. Alexander Urankarju in Rev. Kazimirju Zakrajšku. Ker so pa članice dobile prošnje za darilo, lahko vsaka po svoje še posebej prispeva. Z letalom s skupino Mrs. Prisland potuje v staro domovino oče Mrs. Bernice Suski, kateri se vrača prvič po 50 letih. Želimo mu srečno potovanje. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland (W/est Park), Ohio. —Na zadnji seji, ki je bila združena z Materinsko proslavo, je bila lepa udeležba članic. Prinesle so veliko daril in jestvin, za pijačo pa je poskrbela sestra Frances Kožel. Door prize je prinesla sestra Palčič; dobila pa ga je sestra Frances Kožel. Po seji se je vršila zabava in nekaj srečnih je dobilo prav lepa darila. Naša predsednica je bila na žalost bolna in se ni mogla udeležiti seje. Sestra Weiss je pa zopet zdrava in smo jo z veseljem pozdravile na seji. Sestra Ivana Zalar se prav lepo zahvali za poklonjene cvetlice, ki jih je prejela kot častna mati. Sestra Tereza Kožuh je pred kratkim obhajala 40-letnlco zakonskega življenja. Slovesnost se je vršila v krogu družine. Članice ji želimo, da bi ona in soprog dočakala tudi 50-letnico. Bog Vaju blagoslovi in Marija, Kraljica majniška. V društveno blagajno sta darovali (vsaka po $2) sestri Josephine Struna in Josephine Intihar. Hvala lepa! Vsem slavljenkam rojstnih dni v tem mesecu moje čestitke! Bolnim pa želim hitrega okrevanja in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Važno! Kdor le more, se naj udeleži Zvezinega piknika dne 4. julija. Prijavite svojo udeležbo predsednici Mary Ilosta, ml. Vse lepo pozdravljam, Framces Kave, poročevalka Št. 28, Calumet, Mich.—Kakor vsako leto, tako smo tudi letos izvolile častno mater podružnice. Ta čast je bila podeljena sestri Mary Grahek, ki je ena od ustanovnih članice naše po-družnice in mati osmerili otrok. Na Materinski dan smo prejele sv. obhajilo in tako vredno pričele svoj praznik. Pa tudi kaj je lepšega za našo nebeško Mater Marijo, kot prejem sv. zakramentov. Kratka zgodbica o materi. — Dva ZA RIBNIŠKO CERKEV je darovala $5.00 Mrs. Mary Cvar iz Ely, Minn. Bog plačaj! — Nadaljni prispevki se hvaležno sprejmejo. A. Novak fantka sta šla k sosedu krast slanino. Eden od njih je pazil, da kdo ne pride, drugi pa je šel gori pod streho, kjer se je slanina sušila. Odrezal je hitro precejšen kos, ga prinesel doli in ga vtaknil prijatelju v žep. Ko sta se vračala, nista imela sreče. Izsledila ju je policija ter jih odpeljala k zasliševanju, Fant, ki je kradel slanino, se je brihtno izgovoril: „Jaz nisem kradel, jaz nimam mastnega žepa.“ Policija mu je verjela in zaprla fanta, ki je imel masten žep. Mati prvega fanta pa je rekla: „Moj sin je bolj moder kot sosedov, on noče hoditi okoli z mastnim žepom." — To zgodbica nam pokaže, kako zna mati otroške napake vedno na lepo obrniti. Bolnim članicam želim skorajšnjega okrevanja. S pozdravom, Mary Stefanich Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Na majniški seji smo imele lepo udeležbo, za kar vsem prisrčna hvala. Sprejeti sta bili tudi dve novi članici: Jennie Hiti in Dolores Jesberger. Dobrodošli med nami! Prečitana je bila prošnja nabiralne akcije za nov oltar, ki se bo postavil v Baragovem domu v Lemontu kot spomin umrlima patroma K. Zakrajšek in A. Urankar. Naše dobre članice so takoj posegle v torbice in darovale v ta namen $12.75, drugo smo še prispevale iz društvene blagajne, tako da znaša skupaj nabrana vsota $15. Bog plačaj! Sestri Ana Godlar in Terezija Potokar sporočata, da bodo ohijske podružnice imele piknik 4. julija na prostorih Društva sv. Jožefa ali bivši Močilni-karjevi farmi. V ta namen so listi na i-okah pri podružnicah In pri naši je najbolj pridna za razpečavanje Ana Godlar. Obenem se vabi vse naše članice, da se udeleže piknika in po svoji moči pomagajo k lepemu uspehu. V nedeljo 5. julija bo sv. maša v cerkvi sv. Vida ob 11:30 za žive in umrle članice Zveze in popoldne pa banket v šolski dvorani sv. Vida. Tista, ki se bo udeležila banketa, si naj priskrbi vstopnico pri odbornicah. Ne pozabimo na kampanjo za nove članice. Če hočemo napredovati, moramo skrbeti za nove. In tudi nagrade bodo razdeljene. Čestitke Mary Hočevar iz Miller Ave., ki je postala prvič stara mati, ko so pri hčerki Mary Ann dobili hčerko-prvorojenko. Poročam žalostno novico, da se je mož naše predsednice, Tone Potokar, ranil v tovarni. Upamo, da ne bo hudih posledic. Želimo mu hitrega okrevanja kakor tudi vsem drugim bolnim sestram. Po majski seji smo obhajale rojstne dneve in počastile matere. Prav dobro smo se imele in dobrote so darovale sledeče sestre: Agnes Jazbec, Ana Godlar, Mary Drobnič, Barbara Baron, Terezija Potokar. V denarju so ZBIRKA PRIRODE Stalno množi uvjek utamljuje, Toplina sunca ponovno oživljuje. Zvi jezde trepču vele-sjaja, Tajstvenom svemiru nema kraja. Mjesec najbliži zemlji planeti, Odnjeg sjena sunca noču svjeti. Voda hlapi i gomila oblake, Susreču munju i bojeve teške, Tutuja grmljavine blesak elekricite, Pljusak ki.še (dažda) na zenilju nalete, Ciklon oluja u krugu viliara NaSto naleti ono i pohava. Življenje je neprestano glodanje, Jedni druge i liajposljednje. Pojednači kada se svršava, Svih stvorova jedina je slava. Ne traži se posobnoga rada Sve jednako svrstava priroda. Bol ju stranu, narava ostvarila, Svakom biču obranu je dala, Da se gmiži njegovog življenja I na samog da se oslanja, Do obstanka u skladu narave Koja djeli svima jednake uslove. Pramalječe godišnjeg vremena, Iza zime zbudi se rastlina, Podbuja cvate i ponovno raste, Priroda stvara ovakve krasote, S pomoču zraka, vode i topline, Zemaljska čudesa vidjet’ na sve strane. Ptice pršu skakaču gnjezda pletu, I/eptiri kruže u svom sletu, Pčele sišu sok po eviječu, Kukci bube na zelenje nasrču. Kreketanje žaba u naokolo močvara, Melodija njihova posebnog je čara. Sunce grije, vjetar njiše, ltuža cvate i lnlriSe. Pred obzorjem šume-stjene, Zvjerad obitava na sve Strane. Rijekom morem ribe plove, Obliječu dublne i valove. Ne otkrivena tajna vasione. Planeta zemlja malo proučene, Obilazi u naokolo sunca, Četiri godišnjeg doba sjenu baca, Gdje djeluje različlta klima, Koju priroda darovala svima. JOS. BOGDANICH Eveletli, Minnesota, May, 1959. prispevale : Mary Knific, Jennie Strumbly, Mary Crček, Frances Perme, Angela Barkovič, Katarina Goli-nar, Frances Sokač, Ann Chinciiair, Mary Erčul, Josephine Femec, Pavlina Vrh In Angela Jarm. Prisrčna hvala vsem in na svidenje na seji. Frances Perme, zapisnikarica Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn.—Naš prihodnji sestanek bo na drugi četrtek v juniju, in sicer ob 7. uri zvečer. Upam in želim, da bi se udeležba članic vsaj podvojila. V nedeljo, 17. maja, bomo imele skupno sv. obhajilo. Po sv. maši pa se bomo zbrale v dvorani pod cerkvijo pri skupnem zajtrku. Upam, da bomo imele v svoji sredi našo drago predsednico Mrs. Johanno Zallar, ki je težko zbolela in se ji hvala Bogu zdravje zopet obrača na bolje. Zapustila je bolnico in je na okrevanju pri svoji hčeri Jennie Ahlin, na McKenley. Prisrčno vse želimo, da bi se zopet kmalu zdra- va vrnila na svoj dom na Biwabiku in med nas članice, ki smo sedaj kot ovce brez pastirja. Naši sestanki občutijo veliko praznoto ob njeni odsotnosti. V bolnici se tudi nahajata naši članici Mrs. Ana Bezek in Mrs. Katy Križe. Vsem želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Kristina Medved Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio.—Naša zadnja seja in Materinska proslava po seji, sta prav dobro izpadli. Vsaka mati je dobila malo darilo, predsednica Rose Pujzdar pa nas je vse okin-čala z nageljčki domačega izdelka, katere je naredila njena hčerka Diane. Obema prisrčna hvala. Za rojstni dan smo zapele sestri Jennie Klaus, ki je ravnokar okrevala po težki bolezni. Želimo ji najboljšega zdravja še mnogo let! Z raznimi dobrotami so nam izborno postregle sestre: R. Pujzdar, M. Mar-kel, M. Debevec, A. Rebolj, M. Cerjak in E. Starin. Od zabave po seji je preostalo za blagajno $6, še posebej v v blagajno pa so darovale sestre: F. Kern, N. Pintar, M. Plešec, K. Plemel, J. Klaus, A. Ogrinc in R. Strumble. Vsem skupaj iskrena hvala. Iz mladinskega oddelka je prestopila v razred A Eleanore Pintar. Dobrodošla, Eleanore! Za oltar v Lemontu v spomin p. Kazimirju Zakrajšku in p. Aleksandru Urankarju, smo odobrile vsoto $10. Prečitano je bilo pismo gl. tajnice Albine Novak, v katerem se zahvaljuje za sodelovanje tekom zadnje kampanje in nas navdušuje za novo kampanjo, ki je sedaj v teku „v čast našim državnim predsednicam". Vse članice ste naprošene, da se po najboljših močeh potrudite za nove. Ančka Rebolj, naša zapisnikarica, je pred nekaj tedni prestala malo, pa zelo delikatno operacijo na očesu. Vse smo vesele, da se je tako srečno izteklo. Po večmesečni odsotnosti je posetila sejo sestra Nellie Pintar, kateri se je zdravje preicej izboljšalo. Le žal, da se bo morala še enkrat podvreči operaciji, katera, želimo, ji bo pripomogla k popolnemu okrevanju. Z večmesečnega obiska v Floridi se je vrnila sestra Katie Plemel in se prav dobro počuti. Prijetno bivanje želimo v krasnem novem domu sestri Frances Kern in družini na 2148 Glenridge, v katerega so se pred kratkim vselili. Leipa hvala članicam, katere so kupile srečne listke za naš prvi Ohijski Zvezin dan, druge pa prosim, da pridno sežejo po njih, ker jih imamo še za prodati. Od tega bo tudi nekaj za dobrobit naše podružnice. Iskrene pozdrave vsem, Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Poročam žalostno novico, da nas je dne 5. maja nepričakovano zapustila ustanovna članica naše podružnice Anna Cvitan rojena Može. Pokojna sestra je imela veliko prijateljev, ki so ji izkazali zadnjo čast na dan njenega pogreba. Veliko so ljudje darovali za sv. maše, za knjige (library) in tudi cvetlic je bilo dosti. Pogreba se je udeležilo veliko članic in posebno lep je bil pogled na šest članic, ki so pokojno s svečami v rokah spremile do groba. Pokojna Anna je bila doma iz vasi Hudo, fara Prečna pri Novem mestu. Tukaj zapušča dva sina in dve hčeri, ki so vsi poročeni, in brata Josepha Može; v Sloveniji pa brata Franka Može in sestri Mary Kic ter Josephine Krai. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1913 in je tukaj prebivala do svoje smrti. Pri podružnici je vpisana njena hči Mary Progar, kakor tudi šest vnukov. — S.W.U. Home Office — $200. Branch 2, Chicago, III. $25: Branch 2, Chicago, 111.; $10: Branch 2 Choral Club; $5: Josephine Železnikar, Albina Novak; $2: Mary Muller, Corinne Leskovar, Josephine Amon; $1: Lucille Chemazar, Mary Kuncich, Anna Wihtelich, Josephine Debelak, Josephine Farkas, Antonia Vogrich, Frances Zibert, Mary Tomazin, Frances Gomilar. Total $60. Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo. $5: Branch 3, Pueblo, Colo., Anna Pachalc; $2: Theresa Centa; $1: Antonia Klune, Frances Simonich, Mamie Pugel, Elsie Pachak, Christine Bradish, Mary Poder, Angela Mikatich, Christine Mehle, Edith Tezak, Anna Cernac, Anna Gradishar, Jennie Jarc; 50tf: Jennie Kochevar, Johanna Skull, Mollie Jersin, Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Gacnik, Frances Golob, Cecilia Bradish, Hose Jesih, Anna Wodishek, Betty Prijatel, Mihaela Prince; 40«*: Mary Krasovich; 25^: Caroline Bregar. Total $30.15. Branch 9, Detroit, Mich. $1: Mrs. H. Van, Mrs. J. Burgess, Mrs. M. Stenek, Frieda Goldman, Clara Butala. Total $5. Branch 10, Cleveland, Ohio $5: Branch 10, Cleveland, Ohio; $2: Millie Novak, Lojzka Čebular, Mary Pavšek, Ursula Zrimšek, Mary Stran-car, Jennie Prime; $1: Mary Komidar, Gertrude Bokal, Mary Matoh, Jennie Koren, Mary Pancur, Mary Urbas, Mary Camloh, Jennie Kosir, Josephine Sustarsic, Tončka Repič, Frances Sal-mich, Antonija Hrovatin, Julia Vidmar, Mary Ižanec, Jennie Batich, Frances Marem, Helen Pavsek, Anna Novak, Hose Tivik, Mary Ostanek, Mary Penko, Mary Strauoa; 75«!: Theresa Kodelja; 25«!: Frances Krajc. Total $40. Branch 15, Cleveland, Ohio — $10. Branch 16, So. Chicago, III. $100: Branch 16, So. Chicago, 111.; $5: Katie Triller, Nick Kekič. — Total $110. Počivaj v miru božjem, blaga sestra, in prosi za nas! Saj Ti bomo tudi me kmalu sledile. Vse članice Te bomo zelo pogrešale, ker si nam bila vedno ustrežljiva. Otroci pokojne se lepo zahvalijo vsem, ki so njihovo pokojno mater obiskali na mrtvaškem odru, kakor tudi za prejete darove za sv. maše. Posebna zahvala Fathru Josephu D. Laboon za darovano sv. mašo-zaduš-nico in pogrebne obrede ter lepo pridigo v cerkvi. V bolnišnici se nahaja sestra Mary Sriner. Želimo ji skorajšnega zdravja. Pozdravljam vse članice in ne pozabite na Zvezin dan 14. junija! Frances Tomsic, tajnica Branch 22, Bradley, 111. $5: Branch 22, Bradley, 111.; Antoinette and Gabrielle Lustig, Margaret Hassett, Corinne Hassett, Elizabeth Kinder, Mary Rittmanic, Anna Stara-sinich, Mollie Starasinich, Paula Smole, Helen Sebastiani — together $7. Total $12. Branch 23, Ely, Minn. $10: Branch 23, Ely, Minn.; $13.65: Members; $1.35: Barbara Rosandich. Total $25. Branch 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — $5. Branch 28, Calumet, Mich. $1: Josephine Peschel, Mrs. George Mahaffay & daughters; Theresa Augustine, Mary Grahek, Theresa Su-starich, Anna Sustarich, Josephine Hubljan, Mary Murvich, Mae Kobe; 50«f: Ann Stanfel, Caroline Ozanlch, Gertrude Kastelic, Mary Plautz, Anna Slusarzyk, Theresa Bagatini, Mrs. Herbert Fee, May Gazvoda, Mary Grahek, Virginia Spolich, Mary Dusa, Mary Stariha, Mary Kuzma; 30«!: May Novak; 25^: Mary Klobuchar, Mrs. George Strucel, Anna Studoha, Theresa Larson, Mary Gregorich, Frances Jenich, Cecilia Kowaclc, Margaret Ge-shel, Mary Kocjan; 20«“: Mrs. Vairo. Total $18.25. Branch 29, Broundale, Pa. — $5. Branch 30, Aurora, III. — $10. Branch 33, Duluth, Minn. $10: Branch 33, Duluth, Minn.; $2: Anna Podgoršek, Helene Krall, Mary Shubitz, Katherine Karich, Anna Ste-pac, Ann Milich; $1.50: Emily Skull; $1.25: Mary Heski; $1: Frances Boben, Winifred Kaplenk, Kristina Zupančič, Johanna Skull, Helen Zilko, Anna Zilko, Anna Starcevich, Danita Coloslmo, Antoinette Panyan, Winifred Ellena, Angela Blatnik, Frances Danko, Mary Blatnik, Mildred Braye, Mae Delzotto, Mary Jaksha, Agnes Jerina, Anna Novak, Anna Puhl, Anna Sever, Suntina T. Spehar, Mary Špehar, Mary Stilinovich, Roseann Mun- sel, Marion Lasky, Barbara Giacomlni, Madeline Abbott, Alice Moretto; 75«!: Frances Blatnik; 50& 23, Ely, Minn. 103.95 6.50 .20 1.80 112.45 238 65 24, La Salle, 111. 81.70 8.70 .10 1.80 92.30 198 88 25, Cleveland, Ohio 386.90 17.40 7.35 411.65 859 178 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 48.90 1.20 .55 50.6i5 116 12 27, No. Braddock, Pa. 35.75 .70 .50 36.95 74 7 28, Calumet, Mich. 37.85 .40 .20 .75 41.20 85 4 29, Broudale, Pa. 18.65 2.50 21.15 43 25 30, Aurora, 111. 24 1& 31, Gilbert, Minn. 51.30 3.90 .40 .40 56.00 113 40 32, Euclid, Ohio 59.50 2.50 .80 62.80 126 25 33, Duluth, Minn. 40.60 3.60 .90 45.10 96 36 34, Soudan, Minn. 22.60 .70 .10 23.40 49 7 35, Aurora, Minn. 45.00 5.30 .20 .75 51.25 90 53 37, Greaney, Minn. 15.60 1.20 .60 17.40 39 12 38, Chisholm, Minn. 68.75 .90 1.50 71.15 155 9 39, Blwabik, Minn. 18.65 2.20 .30 21.15 46 22 40, Lorain, Ohio 41.10 .40 1.50 43.00 99 4 41, Cleveland, Ohio 91.50 4.30 2.95 98.75 230 43 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio 19.20 19.20 43 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 47.45 9.90 .30 57.65 113 100 45, Portland, Ore. 27.70 .80 .15 28.65 63 8 46, St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .20 .15 14.25 31 2 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 43.80 1.10 1.05 45.95 100 12 48, Buhl, Minn. 6.60 .40 .10 .15 7.25 16 4 49, Noble, Ohio 20.35 .10 .10 20.55 49 1 50, Cleveland, Ohio 73 15& 51, Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 .30 8.10 18 52, Kitzville, Minn. 25.20 .80 .35 26.35 43 8 53, Cleveland, Ohio 23.65 1.20 .15 25.00 39 12 54, Warren, Ohio 38.06 6.50 .30 .15 45.00 84 66 55, Girard, Ohio 36.00 1.60 .15 37.TO 80 16 56, Hibbing, Minn. 52.75 1.30 .10 54.15 124 14 57, Niles, Ohio 33.80 2.90 36.70 72 30 59, Burgettstown, Pa. 48.30 2.70 1.35 52.35 34 9* 61, Braddock, Pa. 27 6 62, Conneaut, Obio 16.60 .10 1*3.70 34 1 63, Denver, Colo. 54.20 5.80 .40 .35 60.75 113 57 64, Kansas City, Kans. 77 4 65, Virginia, Minn. 33.85 2.70 36.55 74 27 66, Canon City, Colo. 27.25 2.20 ,4i5 29.90 58 22 67, Bessemer, Pa. 46.30 5.10 .50 51.90 92 51 68, Fairport, Ohio 16.15 .20 16.35 31 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. 13.15 .60 14.10 15 3? 71, Strabane, Pa. 53.95 1.80 .15 56.90 118 18 72, Pullman, 111. 16.45 .50 .40 17.35 40 5 73, Warrensville, Ohio 36.00 2.90 38.90 91 30 74, Ambridge, Pa. 24.55 .60 25.15 47 6 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 23.60 3.00 .30 26.90 61 30 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. T otal Memb Jun. 78, Leadville, Ohio 63.90 4.80 68.70 31 12% 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 16.40 2.10 .70 .15 19.35 37 21 80, Moon Run, Pa. 21.00 21.00 25 @ SI, Keewatin, Minn. 10.40 .30 10.70 28 83, Crosby, Minn. 10.05 .70 .50 11.25 22 7 84, New York City, N.Y. 78 8 85, DePue, 111. 12.35 .50 .10 12.95 29 5 86, Nasliwauk, Minn. 7.00 .30 7.30 15 3 88, Johnstown, Pa. 35.05 3.20 .30 38.55 72 33 89, Oglesby, 111. 40.65 5.50 .30 .30 46.75 101 55 90, Presto, Pa. 27.70 1.90 .10 29.70 68 19 91, Oakmont, Pa. 27.80 1.10 28.90 52 13 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 10.75 .20 10.95 20 2 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 31.35 .40 .50 32.25 74 4 94, Canton, Ohio 20 7& 95, So. Chicago, 111. 119.10 7.00 .20 126.30 215 70 96, Universal, Pa. 51.00 .60 .60 .20 52.40 55 3@ 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. 13.55 1.10 14.65 27 13 99, Elmhurst, 111. 10.66 10.65 23 100, Fontana, Calif. 19.05 1.10 .80 20.95 42 11 102, Willard, Wis. 9 3# 104, Johnstown, Pa. 11.70 11.70 28 105, Detroit, Mich. 6.65 .50 7.15 16 5 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 11.20 .20 11.40 22 2 Total — Skupaj $4,090.80 260.40 10.60 60.55 $4,422.35 9599 2736 Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Na prvo nedeljo v maju, ko se je vršila naša seja, je bilo prav lepo vreme. Zato je bila tudi udeležba zadovoljiva. Pogrešale pa smo našo predsednico Jacky Mayzak in Mrs. Mary Mayzek, ki sta bili takrat na obisku pri sorodnikih v Illinoisu. Nekaj drugih članic se tudi iz gotovih vzrokov ni moglo udeležiti seje. Majska seja je bila predvsem posvečena Materinskemu dnevu in med nami je bila častna mati podružnice št. 100, Anna Petrich. Ko smo ji pripele šopek na prsa, so ji stopile solze v oči. Zahvalila se je v kratkem govoru, ki je bil drhteč in pomešan s solzami, zato pa tembolj prisrčen. V imenu vseh članic: Bog Te živi še na mnoga leta, draga sestra in naša častna mati. Po seji se je vršil party. Upam, da so bile vse članice zadovoljne. Vsa čast naši oddaljeni članici Mrs. Fili-pich, ki je dospela iz Los Angeles-a. Dasi je precej daleč od nas — 50 milj — nas od časa do časa vseeno obišče. Zahvalim se Fathru Horvat za lep govor članicam. V imenu vseh srečno potovanje v domovino in veselo vrnitev ter mnogo prijetnih spominov na rojstno domovino. Dobrodošla Mrs. Kocjan, ki se je preselila v Fontano iz Minnesote. Pri nas imamo vsako leto šmarnično pobožnost na tretjo nedeljo v maju. Posebnost za letos je bila, da smo bili v novi cerkvi, ki je bila pred kratkim posvečena. Cerkev je bila polna ljudi, ki so prišli od blizu in daleč. Preneka-teri je užival krasoto slovenskega petja, ki ga je vodila Mrs. Florence Strnad. Po maši mi je nekdo rekel: „Oh, že 30 let nisem bil tako srečen." Hvala Fathru Horvat za vso njegovo požrtvovalnost. Vidite, tako je pri nas v Fontani. Na svidenje na junijski seji! Mary Vidergar Št. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Seja meseca aprila pri Mrs. Pauline Adamic se nami je dobro obnesla. Pauline, kot ponavadi, nas je lepo sprejela in dobro postregla. Imele smo se dobro. Je vedno veselo, če nas je dosti skupaj. Zato se moramo zahvaliti tudi sestram, ki vozijo avtomobile — Mrs. Zimmerman jih je pripeljala poln avto in tako tudi Julia Panzica. Hvala obema za trud. Darilo, ki ga je poklonila Pauline, je dobila Mrs. Ault. Stokrat hvala za vse, Pauline! Naša predsednica Julia Panzica bo odpotovala na obisk k sestri v Arizono. Dobro se imej in srečno se vrni z dobrimi novicami. Mrs. Ault nas je povabila na njen dom za prihodnjo sejo. Na svidenje! Rose Jamnik Slovenska 2enska Zveza nudi največ za najnižji asesment! ČLANSKA KAMPANJA do 1. okt. 1959 #—Assessment paid in January &—Assessment paid in February $—Assessment for March and April %—Assessment from March until June @—Assessment for Feb. and March *—Assessment paid for Jan., Feb., Mar. Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members — Članarina od članic ................’.........$4,422.35 Rental income in March, 1959 — Najemnina v marcu ......................... 150.00 Interest on bonds and savings — Obresti ................................. 412.50 Total — Skupaj ..............$4,984.85 Disbursements — Stroški: Funeral Benefit Claims paid for the following deceased members — Smrtnine: Anna Zajtz, Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wis....................................... $100.00 Mary Zalar, Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wis......................................... 100.00 Frances Stopar, Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio ...................................... 100.00 Anna Grozdanic, Branch 15, Cleveland, Ohio ............................. 100.00 Frances Kastelic, Branch 15, Cleveland, Ohio............................. 100.00 Helen Mutz, Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois ...................................... 100.00 Anna Kromar, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ...................................... 100.00 Mary Marsowicz, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ............................. 100.00 Mary Zakrajšek, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ............................. 100.00 Mary Colman, Branch 32, Euclid, Ohio.......................................... 100.00 Mary Moliar, Branch 41, Cleveland, Ohio....................................... 100.00 Benedictine Press, Zarja-The Dawn, March ....................................1,182.65 Salaries and administration — Plače gl. odbor, in za administracijo .. 859.4G Annual awards to secretaries — Tajniške nagrade .............................. 531.00 Bowling Tournament prize money — Kegljaške nagrade ........................... 304.00 Printing of monthly reports — Tiskovine' (mesečna poročila) .................. 132.00 Accrued interest — Dozorele obresti .......................................... 154.33 Postage, telephone, sundries — Poštnina, tel., razno ......................... 247.67 Rent of Home Office — Najemnina za gl. urad.................................... 50.00 Total — Skupaj .................$4,561.11 Balance, February 28, 1959 — Preostanek 28. feb. 1959 ....$409,442.17 Income in March, 1959 — Dohodki v marcu 1959 ............................ 4,984.85 Total — Skupaj...............$414,427.02 Disbursements in March, 1959 — Stroški v marcu 1959 .... 4,561.11 Balance, March 31, 1959 — Preostanek 31. marca 1959 .....................$409,865.91 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN IN OUR ORGANIZATION! S.W.U. Membership Campaign ... until Oct. I, 1959 JUNIOR'S PAGE Hi, Boys and Girls! It’s “Donna time” again—we should be well acquainted since this is my third message. Now I’m going to ask a big question? How many of you really read and enjoy the Junior page? Don’t answer all at once, just a short note will do. How about it? Do you like to receive news about our Junior members? Remember the picture oil our April Magazine. They are both Junior members of Branch No. 2 in Chicago. Wasn’t it just darling? Well, maybe some day your picture can be printed on the first page if you have anything exciting going on in your branch. How about that; your picture on a magazine cover just like a movie star. Sometimes boys and girls make up poems—some silly ones and some very serious ones, and if you do, why not send them to me? I would enjoy reading them very much or maybe you have a favorite game you play in your home town. Let us know about them too, so we could all enjoy playing them. Or, how about your baby sister or brother? Sometimes they say very amusing things to make you laugh. Write and tell me all about it. What about your pets? This time I have news about our cat. We call her “Mutzi”. Well, Mutzi had her first litter of kittens last week—four of them: a calico mark kitten—a grey one—black and a white one. As soon as they can walk around, I’m going to take a picture, so you’ll all be able to see them. My brother and I take turns feeding Mutzi and seeing that she always has enough to drink. We all think Mutzi was a very smart cat because, do you know where she had her kittens? In the furnace room, where it’s always very cozy and warm! Boys and Girls please write to me, so I can let all the Junior members know what other branches are doing for the boys and girls—and this means Cleveland, too! Just because I live in the same city, I know you do different things, too—and I do want to hear all about them. Donna Sietz, 30S Richmond Rd., Cleveland 24, Ohio. FLAG DAY, JUNE 14th! Many accounts have been given of the origin of the Stars and Stripes design. The oft-repeated claim that Betty Ross not only made the original flag but assisted George Washington and others in planning it is now credited by most historians. When were the Stars and Stripes created ? On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress created the Stars and Stripes by passing this resolution: “That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” When Vermont and Kentucky came into the Union in 1791, the flag was changed to 15 stripes and 15 stars; but, Congress ruled in 1818 that the number of stripes would be limited to 13, but that “on the admission of every new State into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flag.” Thus, we celebrate, on June 14, the creation of the first real American Flag. History of Father’s Day— June’s Favorite Holiday! Mrs. John Bruce Dodd of Spokane, Washington, conceived the idea of Father’s Day as her tribute to her own father, William J. Smart, who reared his motherless family alone; and in 1910, she, with two others, petitioned the Spokane Ministerial Association asking support in establishing the day. The petition, approved by the Association, reads: “The beautiful custom of Mother’s Day suggest the question: Why not a Father’s Day?” Gradually through support from various organizations and newspapers, the movement spread, and now, Father’s Day is widely celebrated on the third Sunday in June, this year on June 21st! God Bless our Fathers! iv;ary Sutulovich 2 3L53 S. Pulaski Rd. Chicago 23, 111. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. JUVENILE FURNITURE — Dial GL. 2-7711 RAMM’S FUNERAL HOME 1500 Block, S. 12th St. SHEBOYGAN, Wis. JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $12,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od IG. do 00. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois THE NORTH AMERICAN BANK COMPANY Rendering Sound and Conservative Banking Service Main Office: 6131 St. Clair Ave. Collinwood Office: 15619 Waterloo Rd. East 93 - Union: 3496 East 93rd St. CLEVELAND, Ohio DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST Westchester Community Clinic 1938 S. Mannheim Rd., Westchester, 111. Tel.: Fillmore 5-2580 Chicago tel.: Bishop 7-7179 PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN -.-coo Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H.GRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar In dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-5890 Cleveland 10, Ohio