M. MIHALIKOVÁ et al.: STATIC AND DYNAMIC TENSILE CHARACTERISTICS OF S420 AND IF STEEL SHEETS 543–546 STATIC AND DYNAMIC TENSILE CHARACTERISTICS OF S420 AND IF STEEL SHEETS STATI^NE IN DINAMI^NE NATEZNE LASTNOSTI PLO^EVINE IZ S420 IN IF JEKLA Mária Mihaliková1, Vladimír Girman2, Anna Li{ková3 1Technical University of Ko{ice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Materials Science, Letná 9, 042 00 Ko{ice, Slovakia 2P. J. [afarik University in Ko{ice, Faculty of Science, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, 042 00 Ko{ice, Slovakia 3Technical University of Ko{ice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Materials Science, Letná 9, 042 00 Ko{ice, Slovakia maria.mihalikova@tuke.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-07-27 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.125 Two automotive steels were investigated; the Interstitial Free Steel (IF) HSLA (High Strength Low Alloy) and the S420 micro-alloyed steel. The properties of these materials were determined by static 10–3 s–1 and dynamic 103 s–1 rate stress experiments. The plastic properties were determined after static and dynamic tests. The aim of examination of substructures was to determine the distribution of dislocations for various types of stress. The hardness of all the tested materials was higher at a slow rate of deformation. The greater strain hardening of the materials was confirmed by the dislocation distributions. Keywords: IF steel, micro alloyed steel (S420), dynamic tensile test, hardness (HV1), dislocation structure Preiskovani sta bili dve jekli iz avtomobilske industrije: jeklo brez intersticij (IF) HSLA (visko trdnostno nizko legirano jeklo) in mikro-legirano jeklo S420. Namen {tudije je bil dolo~iti spremembe lastnosti teh materialov pri stati~ni hitrosti 10–3 s–1 in dinami~ni hitrosti 103 s–1 obremenjevanja. Plasti~nost je bila dolo~ena na vzorcih po stati~nih in dinami~nih preizkusih. Namen preiskave podstruktur je bil dolo~iti razporeditev dislokacij pri razli~nih vrstah obremenjevanja. Skladno z izmerjenimi vrednostmi in s podatki iz literature je bila trdota vseh preizku{enih materialov vi{ja pri manj{i hitrosti deformacije. Ve~je napetostno utrjevanje materialov je bilo potrjeno z razporeditvijo dislokacij. Klju~ne besede: IF jeklo, mikro legirano jeklo (S420), stati~ni natezni preskus, dinami~ni natezni preskus, trdota (HV1), dislokacijska mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Strain rate, as a modifier of internal structure, is a significant external factor that influences the material behaviour in the forming process. In practice, an understanding of the behaviour of steel under extreme loading conditions is essential for the accurate prediction of material response when a material is subjected to a combination of severe load scenarios such as in colli- sions. Presently sheets of different qualities are used in the automotive industry. Therefore it is necessary to create research and development for innovation capabi- lities which could facilitate the rapid development of materials and their cost reduction. The strain rate influ- ences the strength properties through the internal structure and thus affects the material function.1–3 Special attention in research is paid to progressive IF Steels and Micro-Alloyed Steels. Interstitial Free Steel (IF) contains only a small amount of carbon (C <0.005%) and has very good deep-ductility, as result of its low yield strength (YS= 100–310 MPa). On the other hand, good deep- ductility requires higher ultimate tensile strength (UTS =140–450 MPa). The material ability to plastically deform without breaking is determined by the ratio Re/Rm.4–6 Micro-Alloyed Steels have a fine-grained ferrite-pearlite microstructure with small quantities (max. 0.15%) of precipitates of Al, Ti, Nb and V bound to C and N.7 The micro-alloying effects are related to the solubility of carbides (TiC, NbC, NC), nitrides (TiN, AlN) and carbonitrides (Ti (C, N)) in austenite and ferrite.7,8 An increase of strength can be obtained by grain refinement and precipitation hardening. High strength steels are considered as steels with a nominal yield stress equal to or above 420 MPa. The mechanical properties of the Micro-Alloyed Steels are largely a result of a microstructure which depends on the chemical composition and the processing method.9,10 2 EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Two steel materials, IF Steel and S420 steel with chemical compositions presented in Table 1 were investigated. Tensile testing at the specified strain rates was performed with a Zwick 1387 servo-hydraulic machine with a load capacity of 1000 kN (accuracy ±0.005 % of load capacity). In Figure 1 the size and shape of the test bars is depicted. Static tensile testing was carried out according to the EN ISO 6892-1 standard at three traverse speed loads.11 The strain rate was calculated according to Equation (1):12 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 543–546 543 UDK 67.017:620.17:669.15:622.023.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(4)543(2016)  = = t v L0 (1) Where: – relative deformation, t – duration of the deformation, L0 – working length of the test bar, v – speed of the load The dynamic tests were performed according to ISO 26203-1 and ISO 26203-2 standards on the rotary hammer RSO13,14 with the data evaluated using the Scope 4 program. Figures 2 and 3 show the effect of strain rate on yield stress and ultimate tensile strength of IF and S420 steels sheets. In Figure 4 the elongation of both steels (IF and S420) by quasi-static and dynamic con- ditions is given. The S420 steel demonstrated an increase of 48 % tensile strength at a strain rate of 100 s–2 showing its better formability by sheet metal forming. 2.1 Substructure The substructure evolution was investigated on samples formed at a static strain rate of 8.33.10–3 s–1 and dynamic strain rates of (600, 2000, 3000 and 4000) s –1. Samples were imaged in a JEOL 2100F transmission electron microscope at 300 kV with STEM detector.15 Mechanically ground thin plates of 0.1 mm thickness were then punched out as discs with a diameter of 3 mm. The discs were then electrolytically polished using a double jet device (TenuPol5) in a solution of acetic acid and perchloric acid to obtain specimens for TEM inve- stigation15 of dislocations. In Figure 5 planar structures are mainly observed. Such stacking faults and planar dislocation structures (regular dislocation pile-ups, planar tangled bundles) were often observed. After dynamic strain of e = 4000 s–1, the dislocations were still mainly present as more evenly distributed planar structures (Figure 6), with stacking faults less often observed.16 Figure 7 shows the S420 steel after static strain with numerous dislocation arrangements close to a M. MIHALIKOVÁ et al.: STATIC AND DYNAMIC TENSILE CHARACTERISTICS OF S420 AND IF STEEL SHEETS 544 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 543–546 Figure 4: Influence of loading rate on fracture elongation of IF and S420 steel sheets Slika 4: Vpliv hitrosti deformacije na raztezek pri prelomu IF in S420 jeklenih plo{~ Figure 2: Dependence of yield stress with strain rate of IF and S420 steel sheets Slika 2: Odvisnost med hitrostjo deformacije jeklenih plo{~ IF in S420 ter mejo plasti~nosti Figure 3: UTS dependence on strain rate of IF and S420 steel sheets Slika 3: Odvisnost hitrosti deformacije jeklenih plo{~ IF in S420 ter raztr`no trdnostjo Figure 1: Size of the transverse test bars Slika 1: Velikost testnih pre~nih preizku{ancev Table 1: Chemical composition of IF and S420 steel (in mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava IF in S420 jekla (v masnih odstotkih, w/%) Material C S N Mn P Si Al Nb V Ti IF 0.0013 0.0105 0.0017 0.82 0.011 0.006 0.055 0.001 0.002 0.04 S420 0.12 0.002 - 1.44 0.009 0.05 0.046 0.035 0.2 0.016 grain boundary, whereas the dislocations in the middle of the same grain were much fewer. After dynamic strain  = 3000 s–1, the dislocation density was much higher than that of the static condition, with the dislocations distributed homogeneously (Figure 8). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experimental results indicate that the strain rate affects the basic mechanical properties of tested steels. The change of properties is greater by at higher strain rates (Figure 2) and potentially lead to a change in deformation properties (Figure 4).16–19 The dependence of the strength properties on the strain rates for the steels tested in the range from 10–3 to 103 s–1 is described by parametric Equations (2) and (3):20 R R Ae e  ln     = + ⋅ (2) R R Bm m  ln     = + ⋅ (3) Where: Re and Rm  are the yield stress and ultimate tensile strength at a given strain rate  . Re  and Rm  are the yield stress and ultimate tensile strength at a static deformation rate (10–3 s–1). The parameters A and B are material constants and express the steel sensitivity to strain rate. With higher A and B parameters, the steel is more sensitive to strain rate, presenting less obstruction to dislocation motion. A and B values of 24.1 and 20.4, respectively, were deter- mined for the IF steel and 16.61 and 24.9, respectively, for the S420 steel.20 The greater increase of the strength properties by dynamic stress than by static stress could be explained by increasing lattice resistance to the movement of dislo- cations. The assumption is if the deformation is dynamic M. MIHALIKOVÁ et al.: STATIC AND DYNAMIC TENSILE CHARACTERISTICS OF S420 AND IF STEEL SHEETS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 543–546 545 Figure 7: Dislocation structure of S420 steel in the static condition ( = 8.33·10–4 s–1) Slika 7: Struktura dislokacij pri stati~nem stanju jekla S420 ( = 8,33· 10–4 s–1) Figure 5: Dislocation structure of IF steel in the static condition ( = 8.33·10–4 s–1) Slika 5: Struktura dislokacij v stati~nem stanju IF jekla ( = 8.33·10–4 s–1) Figure 6: Dislocation structure of IF steel in the dynamic condition ( = 4000 s–1) Slika 6: Struktura dislokacij pri dinami~nem stanju IF jekla ( = 4000 s–1) Figure 8: Dislocation structure of S420 steel in the dynamic condition ( = 3000 s–1) Slika 8: Struktura dislokacij pri dinami~nem stanju jekla S420 ( = 3000 s–1) there is not sufficient time for it to pass through the best-oriented lattice planes and slip planes yielding higher critical shear stresses and greater stress is required for deformation.21,22 4 CONCLUSION The experimental results and calculations support the following conclusions: • The strength properties of tested steels increase with strain rate. • The dynamic yield strength is increased substantially with respect to quasi static strain. In an uninterrupted tensile test at a strain rate of 1 s–1 the yield strength (YS = 0.2 %) is increased by 16 % for IF steel and by 6 % for S420. With a strain rate 10 s–1, the yield strength was increased by 98 % for IF steel and 49 % for S420. The tensile strength also increased with increased strain rate. • IF steel with the coarse-grained ferritic structure was more sensitive to strain rate. For yield strength the sensitivity coefficient A = 24.1. • S420 steel with the fine-grained ferritic – pearlitic structure and precipitates had a lower sensitivity to the strain rate and the sensitivity coefficient for yield stress is A = 16.6. • The dynamic response can be associated with the regrouping of dislocations. • It is concluded that the IF steel had fewer barriers to the movement of dislocations than the S420 steel. The effect of strain rate reflects the resistance of lattice against the motion of dislocations and was more pronounced in dynamic load conditions. 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