/UlERlSk/l Do MOV I IVI/| m 3 f i AHOUCAN IN SPIRIT IN LANCUAOS OM1Y StOVč HORNINC NCV AMERI$K^OMOVINMISS^0164^80X)^Frida^ebmar^0^984 VOL. LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Ameriški vojaki bodo zapustili bejrutsko letališče — Sprememba v Reaganovi politiki Angleži in Italijani tudi odhajajo WASHINGTON, D. C. — Pretekli torek je predsednik Reagan odredil, da bodo Bejrut zapustili ameriški vojaki. Odhod bo trajal več tednov, vojaki pa bodo odslej nastanjeni na ameriških bojnih ladjah v neposredni bližini libanonske obale. Reagan je spremenil svojo politiko glede ameriške enote v Bejrutu predvsem radi najnovejših spopadov v Bejrutu, v katerih so muslimanci veliko napredovali zoper enote redne libanonske vojske. Muslimanske čete sedaj kontrolirajo zahodni Bejrut, celo sodelujejo z ameriškimi vojaki, ki stražijo ameriško veleposlaništvo. Reaganov sklep je že imel druge posledice. V sredo je zapustila svoje položaje v Bejrutu 115-članska angleška enota, Italija pa je tudi izjavila, da bodo začeli njeni vojaki mesto zapustiti. Francija še ni spremenila svoje politike, ponovno pa je izrazila željo, da bi njene vojake nadomestile čete drugih držav, ki bi služile pod zastavo Združenih narodov. Tudi Anglija in Francija želita, da bi igrali posredovalno vlogo Združeni narodi, proti so pa ZDA. Odhod ameriških vojakov zaenkrat ne bo zmanjšala vloge, ki jo v libanonskih zadevah igrajo ZDA. Kot kaže, bodo odslej streljale ameriške bojne ladje na sirijske in druge muslimanske položaje tudi, če ne bodo vojaki ZDA, ki so še v Bejrutu, napadeni Granate ameriških bojnih ladij lahko zadenejo cilje, ki so oddaljeni do 15 milj. Mnogi vplivni kongresniki so podprli predsednikovo odločitev, naj zapustijo marinci Bejrut, želijo pa, da bi se vojaki vrnili v ZDA. Najbolj kritični so demokrati, tu pa predvsem predsedniški kandidati, a istega mnenja je tudi precej republikancev. Larry Speakes, tiskovni predstavnik predsednika, je zanikal, da pomeni umik marincev zmago za teroriste oz. Sirijce. Namen ukrepa je, da bi nudil boljšo možnost za kompromisno politično rešitev krize v Libanonu, je dejal Speakes. State Department svetuje ameriškim državljanom, naj ne potujejo v Libanon, ta teden so pa marinci evakuirali iz Bejruta več kot 50 svojcev ameriških diplomatov. Muslimanske skupine namreč grozijo, da bodo postali vsi Amerikanci tarče terorističnih napadov, ako ostanejo v mestu. Ameriška vlada je sedaj prepričana o lem, da igra Sirija odločilno vlogo pri vseh aktivnostih muslimanskih skupin v Bejrutu m okolici. Opazovalci libanonskih razmer menijo, da bo imela Sirija vedno večji vpliv v lej državi. Sirija je politično in gospodarsko. Prav tako tudi vojaško, tesno povezana z 2SSR. Poznavalci sirijskih razmer pa so prepričani, da Sovjeti ne bodo dobili odločilne-8a vpliva v Siriji. V naslednjih dneh bo pa Sirijo obiskal član sovjetskega politbiroja Gej d ar Alijev, ki je hkrati prvi podpredsednik sovjetske vlade. Astronavti nadaljujejo s poletom — Včeraj drugi sprehod po vesolju — Trije sovjetski kozmonavti v Sojuzu T-10 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Včeraj sln astronavta Bruce McCandless in Robert Stewart že drugič prosto sprehajala po veso-'Ju. Čeprav imajo astronavti težave z raznimi napravami in so strokovnjaki NASA precej nezadovoljni s celotnim uspehom poleta do-s*ej, sta potekala oba sprehoda zelo uspešno. Sprehod je bil važen, ker bo naslednja skupina astronavtov, katera bo izstreljena v vesolje aprila letos, ujela poškodovan satelit in ga skušala popraviti. Pristanek vesoljskega letala Challenger bo jutri, v soboto, zjutraj ob 7.21 in sicer prvič na Floridi. Vremenarji napovedujejo možnost dežja, zato bodo astronavti morda pristali šele v nedeljo. V sredo je Sovjetska zveza izstrelila trije kozmonavte v vesolju. Kozmonavti bodo najbrž ostali v vesolju dalj časa. Prvič v zgodovini je v vesolju kar 8 vesoljcev. Sovjetski Sojuz T-10, na katerem so kozmonavti, in Challenger, se ne bosta srečala, saj sta oddaljena drug od drugega najmanj 575 milj. Republikanci in demokrati govorijo o zmanjševanju primanjkljaja zveznega proračuna, a brez znaka uspeha WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Zadnje dni priča pred odborom zveznega kongresa načelnik zvezne rezervne banke Paul Volcker. V svojem pričevanju izrecno poudarja nevarnost za ameriško gospodarstvo ogromnih primanjkljajev v zveznih proračunih. Posledice bodo kratkomalo katastrofalne, trdi Volcker, ki je zelo upoštevan ekonomist. Kongresniki obeh strank soglašajo, niso pa enotnega mnenja glede ukrepov, preko katerih bi lahko občutno zmanjšali napovedane proračunske primanjkljaje. V vladni rezidenci Bla; House v glavnem mestu poiekajo pogovori meu vodilnimi predstavniki obeh kongresnih strank ter Reaganove administracije. Namen teh pogovorov je, najti kompromisno rešitev. Kot pa kaže, ta srečanja imajo le malo možnost, da bi vodila k rešitvi problema. Predsednik Reagan vztraja pri stališču, da zvezni davki ne smejo biti povišani ter da izdatki za obrambne namene ne smejo biti zmanjšani. Takšno stališče pa onemogoča, da bi bili primanjkljaji zmanjšani, trdijo demokrati in tudi precej kongresnih republikancev. Za letos in morda tudi prihodnje leto, pravi Paul Volcker, ne bomo občutili vseh posledic. Najbolj nevarno bo pa proti koncu tega desetletja. Egiptski predsednik Hosni Mubarak na obisku v ZDA — To nedeljo srečanje z Reaganom v Beli hiši WASHINGTON, D. C. — Na obisku v ZDA bo egiptski predsednik Hosni Mubarak. V zadnjem času igra Egipt vedno večjo vlogo na Srednjem vzhodu. Zopet je postal članica Islamske konference, iz katere je bila pred leti izključena zaradi podpisa mirovne pogodbe z Izraelom. Kot kaže, bo Mubarak skušal prepričati predsednika Reagana, naj ZDA opustijo podporo libanonskemu predsedniku Džemajelu in naj zavzemajo bolj nepristransko stališče do srednjevzhodnih razmer. Zimske olimpijske igre v Sarajevu potekajo brez večjih težav — Le vreme malo nagaja SARAJEVO, SFRJ — Preteklo sredo je Mika Špiljak, predsednik Jugoslavije, uradno odprl XIV. zimske olimpijske igre. Včeraj je močan veter nagajal športnike, vendar drugače potekajo igre brez težav. Jugoslovansko zastavo ob slovesni otvoritvi iger je nosil skakalec Jure Franko, zaprisego športnikov pa je v slovenskem jeziku podal Bojan Križaj. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pevska vaja prestavljena— Zbor Korotan ima ta teden pevsko vajo v nedeljo zvečer namesto v soboto. Ženski zbor začne vajo ob 7. uri, moški ob 7.30. Prodaja krofov— Jutri, v soboto, bo Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu prodajalo krofe in sicer ob običajnem času v društveni sobi avditorija. Pridite! Seji- Podružnica št. 25 SŽZ ima sejo v torek, 14. februarja, popoldne ob 1.30 v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Klub slovenskih upokojencev za St. Clairsko okrožje ima sejo v četrtek, 16. februarja, popoldne ob 1.30 v spodnji dvorani SND. Novi člani so dobrodošli. Po seji bo zabava za vse. Zadušnica— V nedeljo, 12. februarja, ob 8. uri zjutraj bo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu sv. maša za Anno Varšek ob 24. obletnici njene smrti. Lep spominski dar— Dr. Valentin Meršol, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, je daroval $100 v sklad za nov tiskarski stroj v spomir pok. očeta dr. Valentina Meršola in pok. dr. Franca Puca, oba požrtvovalna begunska zdravnika. Hvala lepa! Poizvedba— Alojzija Baš iz Slovenije išče svojega brata Ludvika Izlakarja, o katerem ve le, da se je 1. 1950 naselil v Cleveland. Ako kdo od bralcev g. Izlakarja pozna, naprošen je, da pokliče Ann Opeko na tel. 531-7850. Nov odbor— Novoizvoljeni odbor Slo-vensko-ameriškega Primorskega kluba za leto 1984 je: Predsednik, Jože Cah; podpredsednik, Jože Jenko; tajnica, Hermina Bonutti - 29399 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124; blagajničarka, Marija Dekleva; odborniki: Vinc Sfiligoj, Frank Cendol, dr. Karl Bonutti, Štefan Durjava, Jože Delošt, Olga Valenčič, Karlo Družina ter Danilo Manjaš; redarja: Lojze Čenčič in Gino Bremec. Spominski dar za študente— G. in ga. Viktor N. Tominec sta darovala $10 za študente v Mohorjevih domovih v spomin nedavno umrlemu Branku Pfeiferju. Za dar se lepo zahvaljuje poverjenik Mohorjeve J. Prosen. Novi grobovi John Lenard V sredo, 8. februarja, je umrl 82 let stari John Lenard, brat Jerneja, Franja in Matije Lenarčiča (vsi v Jug.). Pogreb (dalje na str. 4) Za tiskarski stroj— Anton Petkovšek st., Cleveland, Ohio, je daroval $25 v sklad za nov tiskarski stroj. Margaret Maslar, Lake Shore Blvd., je prav tako darovala $25 v ta sklad. Ga. Slavka Stajan, Toronto, Kanada je prispevala $20 k novemu stroju. Rev. Janez Kopač, prav tako iz Toronta, pa je daroval $10 v podporo našemu listu. Vsem darovalcem naša i-skrena hvala za podporo! Skupno sv. obhajilo— To nedeljo pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj ima Društvo Naj sv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu skupno sv. obhajilo. Takoj po maši bo v cerkveni dvorani zajtrk in kratek sestanek. Pridite! Rojstni dan— Včeraj, 9. februarja, je praznovala svoj 85. rojstni dan ga. Apolonija Košir z E. 59. ceste. Čestitke! Novorojenček— Dne 3. februarja se je g. in ge. Janezu Sršenu, Mentor, Ohio, rodil sinček, prvorojen-ček, ki je dobil ime Marko Janez. Ob rojstvu je tehtal 6 funtov, 11 unč, visok ie bil 20 p?' cev. Stara starša že trn, sta g. in ga. Miha Sršen, earl Ave., ga. Marija Ribič pa petnajstič. Čestitke vsem! Zanimivi podatki— Lani je bilo pri Sv. Vidu 41 krstov (26 fantkov in 15 deklic), 42 otrok je prejelo prvo sv. obhajilo, birmancev je bilo 32, 22 parov je obljubilo zvestobo Bogu in drug drugemu, 64 faranov in nefaranov je bilo pokopanih iz cerkve, v šoli pa je bilo 321 fantov in deklet. Dva raznašalca iščemo— Raznašalca iščemo za Kil-deer, Cherokee, Arrowhead, Muskoka, Mohawk, Pawnee, Abby, Tyronne, Monterey in Shawnee ulice. Raznašalca za Ameriško Domovino iščemo za ulice E. 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, Grovewood, Brian, Nottingham, Creekview, Dillewood in Delavan. Ako se zanimate, pokličite našo pisarno na tel. 431-0628 ali pa se oglasite osebno. VREME Deloma sončno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 47 F. Spremenljivo do pretežno oblačno jutri z najvišjo tempe-‘raturo okoli 45 F. V nedeljo zopet spremenljivo oblačno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 42 F. Za ponedeljek napovedujejo zmerno oblačno vreme z možnostjo krajevnih neviht. Najvišja temperatura okoli 45 F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $1 5.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 611 7 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 No. 12 Friday, February 10, 1984 Sile odpora m. V prejšnjem delu navedene odlomke iz cerkvenega govora ljubljanskega nadškofa dr. A. Šuštarja sedaj dopolnjujemo še z javno izpovedanimi stališči glede uvedbe programskih jeder v slovenske šole teološke fakultete in njenih duhovniških kandidatov. Dodali bomo tudi izpoved slovenske škofovske konference z dne 1. decembra 1983 ter sklenili to poročilo z mislijo o vlogi slovenske duhovščine ob kritičnih trenutkih slovenske zgodovine, kakršnih enega -•oživljamo ravno v tem času. Slovenski škofje so na svoji konferenci podali izjavo, iz katere posnemamo glavne misli. »Delež, ki so ga imeli pastirji božjega ljudstva (duhovniki) pri prebujanju naše narodne zavesti in skrbi za naš materin jezik, je izredno pomemben in to izročilo tudi danes obvezuje Cerkev na Slovenskem... Vsi slovenski kristjani, zlasti še tisti, ki imamo v naši Cerkvi posebne odgovornosti,... moramo svoj narod spoštovati in ga ljubiti. Gojiti moramo lepo in čisto slovensko besedo... poznati narodno preteklost, jo ceniti in se iz nje učiti... Na vse to še posebej mislimo v času, ko ... sta naš jezik in kultura ogrožena, kar pomeni nevarnost za naš narodni obstoj... Priznanje in zahvalo smo dolžni vsem... ki so na obstoječe nevarnosti in nerešena vprašanja opozorili našo javnost in se zavzemajo za to, da bi slovenski otroci in mladina v šoli v vzgoji mogli dobro spoznati svojo narodno preteklost, kulturo in jezikovno bogastvo in biti na vse to ponosni. Vsa ta prizadevanja iskreno pozdravljamo, odločno podpiramo in jim želimo uspeha ob čim širšem sodelovanju.« Profesorji in študentje ljubljanske bogoslovne fakultete so na posebni akademiji govorili in recitirali o svobodi, narodu, kulturi, jeziku, Bogu, življenju, veri v »teh naših hudih časih o slovenski usodi, poti obupa...« Pesnik dr. Denis Poniž je vzkliknil: »Slovenskemu narodu se je zmešal jezik... Teži nas ista odgovornost. Ni in ne bo jugoslovanskega jezika, ne jugoslovanske nacije in tudi ne jugoslovanske kulture.« Teološka fakulteta, najvišja cerkvena znanstvena ustanova ugotavlja, da se je vsa slovenska javnost soglasno (tudi partijska in republiška oblast? op. pis.) opredelila za ustavno pravico, da si republika Slovenija sama ureja učni načrt. Podpira prizadevanja, da bi se jugoslovanski narodi zbližali med seboj, odklanja pa vsako javno ali prikrito izrečeno težnjo, da bi se zlili v en jugoslovanski narod. »Slovenski jezik in kultura sta naša skupna narodna dobrina, s katero se ne sme manipulirati... Protestiramo proti skupnih programskih jedrih nameravani okrnitvi poučevanja slovenskega jezika in kulture.« Od svojih začetkov v Jezuitskem kolegiju v Ljubljani v začetku 17. stoletja je teološka fakulteta razvijala humanitarno korenino človeške osebnosti, v kateri se stikata narodnost in religija. Slovenski duhovniki oblikovani v bogoslovjih v Ljubljani, Mariboru, Celovcu in Gorici so z religiozno vsebino posredovali tudi slovensko narodno zavest. Njena sedanja izjava v tem oziru se glasi: »Slovenska književna kultura je bila od svojih začetkov v Brižinskih spomenikih, prek vseh velikih stvaritev slovenskih protestantov in dela številnih narodnih buditeljev v 1 8. in 19. stoletju do našega časa tesno povezana z delom slovenskih du- ODGOVORIMO NA KLIC CLEVELAND, O. - »Vi ste sol zemlje; če pa so sol spridi, s čim se bo solila? Za nič drugega ni več, kakor da se proč vrže in jo ljudje pohodijo.« Tako smo slišali zadnjo nedeljo. Vsak ima svojo pot, pa tudi odgovornost, da se osebno zboljšuje v dobrega kristjana. Pokojni papež Janez Pavel L je v svojih pismih - združena v knjigi Ilustrissimi - pisal Jezusu, da ga je umel, ko je bil zavzet za trpljenje, ki ga greh povzroči, bolj kot kaznovanje človeka, ki krši božji zakon. Jezus je bil sol, ki se ni spridila, pa so Ga zavrgli in pohodili. Sol Njegovega trpljenja na križu je postala luč, ki tudi nam sveti: »Vi ste luč sveta. Mesto, ki stoji na gori, se ne more skriti. Svetilke tudi ne prižigajo in ne postavljajo pod mernik, marveč na svetilnik in sveti vsem, ki so v hiši. Tako naj Vaša luč sveti med ljudmi, da bodo videli vaša dobra dela in slavili vašega Očeta, ki je v nebesih.« Pod mernikom luč ugasne, na svetilniku pa sveti, a prepihi jo skušajo ugasniti. Da ne ugasne plamen, imamo zakramente in molitev, katerih se poslužujemo. V tem današnjem živ-žavu pa rabimo tudi čas, da premislimo in pregledamo dušno stanje. Taka prilika bo pri duhovnih vajah za može in fante, ki bodo od 24. do 26. februarja v domu duhovnih vaj na Lake Shore Blvd. Vodja duhovnih vaj bo lazarist g. Franc Sodja CM, iz Toronta, Kanada. Zelo težko je biti luč v družini, ko te vsi dobro poznajo, zato pa je prav, da nadoknadimo gorivo in gradivo, da bo naša pot h Kristusu temeljitejša, kar bodo prav gotovo pomagale duhovne vaje meni in Bernard Lavriša Glasbena Matica vabi na koncert in večerjo CLEVELAND, O. - Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica še živi! Nekateri so namreč mislili, da je to priljubljeno pevsko društvo prenehalo z delovanjem, ker je bil prisiljen odpovedati tradicionalni jesenski koncert. Pevovodja Vladimir Malečkar je bil tako zaposlen pri svojem podjetju, da enostavno ni imel časa, da bi vodil vaje, potrebne za koncert. Kot kaže, so v današnji slovenski skupnosti pevovodje kar zelo iskane osebe, ker jih je tako malo. Pri pevskem zboru Korotanu so imeli srečo, ker so dobili po upokojitvi inž. Frančka Gorenška sposobnega naslednika Rudija Kneza. V Chicagu je bil pevski zbor »France Prešeren«, v katerem sodelujejo večinoma potomci starih naseljencev, ki pa v veliki večini ne znajo slovenščine, v silnih težavah, ker mu je umrl dolgoletni pevovodja, kateri je bil češkega rodu. Da bi zbor lahko nadaljeval, se mu je začasno pridružil dr. Vendelin Špendov. Glasbena Matica bo imela svoj spomladanski koncert z večerjo in plesom v soboto, 10. marca, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Večerjo bodo začeli servirati ob sedmih, nato bo koncertni nastop, kateremu bo sledil ples, za katerega bo pa igral Don Slogar orkester. Slogarjev orkester bo tudi spremljal nekaj točk v programu samem. Vstopnice za večerjo, koncert in ples so po $12 in jih imajo člani Glasbene Matice. Lahko pa pokličete Cathy Hopkins na tel. št. 884-6143. Koncertni program bo tudi tokrat vseboval slovenske narodne in angleške pesmi. V zadnjih letih je morda nekaj preveč angleškega petja v nastopih Glasbene Matice - vsaj meni se tako zdi - pesmi so pa izvrstno podane, prav tako slovenske. Slovenski del letošnjega programa bo hovnikov... Tudi danes je slovenski duhovnik ne samo verski, temveč tudi obče kulturni delavec med našim narodom.« Kakšna velika resnica! Le pomislimo samo na Slomška in njegove sodelavce, koliko so storili na polju nedeljskega šolstva in s spisova-njem učbenih pripomočkov (Blaže in Nežica...I), pa s Slomškovo ustanovitvijo Družbe sv. Mohorja za razvitek splošne ljudske kulture! Ali pa na Jegličevo drzno ustanovitev popolne slovenske gimnazije (edine v Avstriji) in skrb za spi-sovanje šolskih učnih knjig za slovenski pouk. Vse to in še mnogo več je bilo mogoče na izobraževalni gladini uresničiti le s skupno podporo celokupne duhovščine. Kaj pa morje prosvetnih društev? Spomnimo se pri tej priliki na ogromno gospodarsko reševanje slovenskega kmeta z zadružnim gibanjem Janeza Ev. Kreka, ko so duhovniki po deželi ustanavljali hranilnice in posojilnice in jih sami vodili! Brez njih bi bil narod gospodarsko utonil v nemškem morju. In končno tudi na narodno-politični platformi. Klun, Kalan, J. E. Krek, Korošec, Kulovec so le nekatera znanih imen duhovnikov, ki so se borili za narodove pravice in njegovo suvereno svobodo, pa po vrsti umrli - brez denarja. Kdor se v vse to zamisli, mu tudi ob sedanji veliki krizi narodne eksistence postane lažje pri srcu. Slovenski duhovnik je velika, neprecenljiva manifestacija božje pomoči narodu v stiski. Kdor svoj narod resnično ljubi, naj se s so-rojaki strne v skupno gorečo molitev, da bi Vsemogočni dal narodu mnogo, mnogo duhovnikov. In naj se nič ne boji. Narod ne bo propadel. L. P. vključil, med drugimi, pesmi »Rasti rožmarin« in »Njega ni«. Pri Glasbeni Matici pojejo danes predvsem potomci slovenskih naseljencev, nekateri so mešane krvi, mnogi pa niso zmožni slovenskega jezika ali pa razumejo le nekaj besed in izrazov. Kljub temu, ostajajo zvesti izročilu svojih staršev in starih staršev. Pri zboru so člani in članice, ki pojejo pri njem že pol stoletja in več. Zaslužijo pohvalo in priznanje, prav tako našo navzočnost. Mnogi, ki vidijo samo današnje razmere in jih precej kritično ocenijo, pozabijo ali pa sploh nimajo pojma o bogati zgodovini mnogo teh starejših pevskih zborov in drugih kulturnih društev. Glasbena Matica je nastopila na odru Slovenskega narodnega doma z operami takih slovitih skladateljev kot so Verdi, Flotow in drugi. Težave, s katerimi se srečujejo kulturna društva, kot je Glasbena Matica, so danes splošen pojav. Zanimivo bo, če bodo druga društva tem težavam kljubovala - če že ne premagovala - tako sorazmerno uspešno, kot so jin1 Glasbena Matica, Jadran, Zarja in mnoga druga. Naj ne torej pozabimo na koncert Glasbene Matice v soboto, 10. marca, v SND na St. Clairju! Ur. Iz življenja Slovencev v Milwaukeeju MILWAUKEE, Wis. -Vem, da huda zima, ki jo imamo povsod po Ameriki, vsakemu od nas že preseda, če izvzamemo mladi svet, ki rad uživa beli šport, kakor ga je rad uŽi' val marsikateri od nas v mla' dih letih, morda še doma na domačih hribih in bregovih- Vendar, ker vsem čas brz‘ svojo pot naprej, se v vsakim dnem bližamo pomladi. Seve, moramo najprej še pričaka pusta, ki ni več daleč. Trig a vani se na to tradicionam pustno zabavo zopet d°b pripravljajo. Na svojem janU^ arskem sestanku so o tem raZ pravljali in sklenili, da bo za bava v soboto, 25. februarja; zvečer ob 6. v veliki dvora sv. Janeza na Cold Spring A ’ Za večerjo bodo priprav^ domače klobase, krvavice * pečenice s kislim želj6 ’ krompirjem ali ajdovimi Žga ci, kakor to vedno dobro P pravijo. Enkrat na leto °b ** pustnem času človeku klo a pošteno zadišijo. ^>ose},ei,aJi. še domači pustni krofi in a cati, s katerimi bodo ta ve vsem postregli. Vino je na čeno iz Kalifornije, pivo Pa domače - milwauško. Obetajo se tudi maškar k je doDrouuav., našemi. Za ples nači Button-B ci je zelo poz* Vstopnice se doP J laji PH odborn* tevilo pa je seve* Odpisana lastninska pravica Pokopališče pri Sv. Križu v Ljubljani, ki ga sedaj tudi Žale imenujejo, čeprav je ime Žale sprva veljalo le za Plečnikove mrliške kapelice, je bilo last ljubljanske nadškofije. Po »osvoboditvi« je pokopališče zasegla »družba«. Zgleda da »družba« ni bila prepričana o svoji juridični pravici. Sedaj je Po desetletnem »pogajanju« nadškofija prepustila lastninsko pravico nad pokopališčem za košček zemlje, kjer bodo sezidali novo župno cerkev. Pogodbo sta 20. decembra Podpisala nadškof dr. Alojzij Šuštar in predsednik bežigrajske občine Jurij Zavec. Družina o tem takole piše: V torek, 20. decembra, je bila v prostorih mestne skupščine podpisana pogodba o nreditvi premoženjsko-prav-nih razmerij v zvezi s pokopališčem Žale. V pripravi te pogodbe je sodeloval tudi ljubljanski pomožni škof Jožef ^vas, župnijo sv. Križa ter Pokopališki sklad je zastopal uPravitelj Anton Rojc, sklepna sestanka v prostorih testne hiše pa se je udeležil tudi dekan mesta Ljubljane Matija Ham. Že nadškof Jožef Pogačnik, Predhodnik sedanjega nadško-fn in metropolita Šuštarja, je bil pripravljen podpisati takšno pogodbo, seveda, pod posojeni, da Cerkev ohrani na niškem pokopališču ustrezne Rodnosti, predvsem pa, da bi Ji bila v bližini pokopališča dodeljena lokacija za novo cerkev. Župnija sv. Križa je namreč ena največjih ljubljanskih žup-^j. za bogoslužje pa ima na *°lio le skromno kapelo. Za redno župnijsko delo so po-rebni tudi ustrezni prostori: ^•Pnijski dom, učilnice in podobno. y blag spomin PRVI OBLETNICI SMRTI ^proga, očeta, brata 'n STAREGA OČETA F8anK STARE ^ ie zatisnil svoje blage oči dne 10. februarja 1983. je že leto dni, SniQr S‘ nas Ti. ko *** ^ vze^a Je življenje, % 'nčala Tvoje je trpljenje. a,hjoči: Pi^bno Stare - žena; f:r nk in John - sinova; £ ? ^ o e s Merhar, Marie Geraldine Scribben -1q sestre; Vnu^ov 'n vnukinj. ' ^na, Ohio, 10. feb. 1984. Lokacija za novo cerkev je bila povezana z mnogimi spremljajočimi pogoji, posebno s komunalno ureditvijo prostora, ki pa zahteva izredno visoke stroške. Lokacija nove cerkve je v bližini sedanjega župnijskega doma; preseliti je treba vrtnarijo ter zanjo zgraditi potrebne objekte. Nova cerkev bo v bližini Plečnikovih Žal, kjer tudi ne gre postavljati kakršnekoli stavbe. Težav torej dovolj! . Dogovori, pogajanja so sedaj uspešno dokončana. Pod- Izid volitev Na posebnih volitvah, ki so bile pretekli torek v našem mestu, so volivci zavrnili predlog 1, ki bi povišal davek na zaslužke tistih, ki so zaposleni v Clevelandu, za pol odstotka. Za predlog je glasovalo 46, proti pa je bilo 54 odstotkov volivcev. Že v sredo je župan Voinovich povedal, da bo mestna uprava odpustila iz službe kar 597 uslužbencev, od teh 290 policajev. Unije, ki predstavljajo prizadete uslužbence, se bodo obrnile na sodišče. Volivci so pa odobrili drugi predlog, po katerem bo lahko mesto uporabilo zvezni denar za gradnjo valjarne, v kateri naj bi našlo zaposlitev do 400 delavcev. Po volitvah je pa prišlo na dan, da obljuba firme, ki bi to valjarno gradila in lastovala, ni obvezujoča in da morda do gradnje celo ne bo prišlo. Voinovich tega ni pred voljtvami omenil, on in njegovi svetovalci pa so še vedno prepričani, da bo valjarna res zgrajena. pisana je pogodba, s katero je prešlo pokopališče v last bežigrajske občine, Cerkev je o-hranila nekatere ugodnosti na njem, župnija sv. Križa pa je dokončno dobila najustreznejšo lokacijo za novo cerkev. Škof Jožef Kvas je že v svoji prejšnji službi kot dekan in arhidiakon sodeloval pri omenjenih pogajanjih. Sedaj je urejeno. Na vprašanje, kakšen občutek ima ob podpisu te pogodbe, je dejal: »Če moremo majhno stvar primerjati z večjo, bi rekel takole: Najbrž je občutek pri obeh podpisnikih podoben, kakor so ga nekdaj imeli ob podpisu konkordatov. Obe stranki se zavedata, da sta dobili, kar sta želeli, obe pa tudi čutita, da sta za pridobitev precej žrtvovali.« (S.S., 19.1.84) Duhovnika zaprli zaradi protizakonite vsebine molitve Catholic Universe Bulletin v Clevelandu je poročal, da so oblasti v SFRJ aretirale duhovnika Filipa Paviča, ker je v neki verski reviji objavil molitev svetniku Leopoldu Mandiču, v kateri je izrazil nasprotovanje materializmu. Besedilo molitve je bilo: Sv. Leopold Bogdan Mandič! Molite Bogu skupaj z vsemi drugimi svetniki in blaženimi Hrvati za našo faro (Matkovič), za vse naše ljudi, da jih ne bosta prevzeli teorija in praksa materializma. Oblastniki so ukrepali zoper duhovnika Paviča, ker so smatrali vsebino molitve za protiustavno, ker nasprotuje marksistični socialno-politični ureditvi družbe. Kazen za č.g. Paviča: 50 dni zaporne kazni. Slovenski misijonar Albin Kladnik umrl V Južni Afriki je umrl misijonar Albin Kladnik. Doma je bil iz Luč v Savinjski dolini, kjer se je rodil leta 1914. Vstopil je k misijonarjem Srca Je- zusovega in bil posvečen med vojno leta 1942. V misijone je odšel v Južno Afriko leta 1949 in ostal tam do smrti. V Gorici se ga nekateri spominjajo, ker je bil prvi misijonar, ki jih je obiskal po zadnji vojni. o£ LXJ SPECIAL 30 Off the world famous SALAMANDER Winter Boots and shoes for the entire family from West Germany Large selection in all colors. Stefan Deubel Enterprises International 4164 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, O. 44113, Phone 651-6686 Business hours: Mo., Wed., Thurs., 9-4, Fri. 8-6, Saturday 8-5 Closed on Tuesdays UPOKOJENCI: POZOR! STANOVANJA Z 1 ALI 2 SPALNICAMA Zakaj ne bi živel v St. Clair Place — najboljše storitve, odlična skupina sosedov, klimatska naprava v vsakem stanovanju kakor tudi preproge, blizu grocerij in drugih trgovin, z najemnino, odvisno od vaših dohodkov. Kličite nas na tel: 439-3800 Ob osmi obletnici smrti našega ljubega očeta, starega očeta, brata in tasta. V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN Ob tretji obletnici smrti naše ljube mame, stare mame, sestre in tašče. Ob deseti obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, očeta, brata, svaka in tasta. - v - Sf FRANC PETEK Umrl 5. avgusta 1976 NEŽKA PETEK roj. Pahulje Umrla 23. januarja 1981 FRANCI PETEK Umrl 31. oktobra 1973 Ni med nami več Vaših predragih obrazov. Utihnil je Vaš glas. Vse predaleč za pogovor in pogled na Vas. A nikoli predaleč, da ne bi Vas misli naše dosegle. Žalujoči: JANEŽ v Sloveniji - sin EDA VOVK-PUŠL v Clevelandu, NEŽKA ŠKULJ v Torontu - hčerki Sestre, brata v Sloveniji, zeta, snahinji, vnuki in vnukinje. Toronto, Kanada, 10. februarja 1984. Ljubezniv spomin na Vas nikoli ne umre, čeprav leta teko in dnevi mine. Globoko v srcih ostal je spomin vtisnjen v nas. Na Vas, ki smo Vas ljubili in Vas nikoli ne bomo pozabili. MARJANA - žena in otroci: MARJANCA, ALEŠA, TADEJ, EDICA in FRANCI v Sloveniji JANEZ v Sloveniji - brat EDA VOVK-PUŠL v Clevelandu, NEŽKA ŠKULJ v Torontu - sestri; zeta in vnukinji. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) bo iz Zak pogrebnega zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. Čas pogreba ob tem poročanju še ni določen. Elsie L. Scott V sredo, 8. februarja, je v University bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrla 61 let stara Elsie L. Scott s 15920 Saranac Rd., rojena Pistotnik v Clevelandu, žena Harryja, mati Rayja (pok.), Johna (Kalif.), Peggy Nittskoss (Solon, O.), Henryja (Kalif.) in Michaela, 6-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, prostovoljno je pomagala v šolski knjižnici pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Na mrtvaškem odru bo nocoj od 6. do 9. v Želetovem pogrebnem zavodu na E. 152. cesti. Privaten pogreb bo jutri dopoldne. Frances Gorše V soboto, 4. februarja, je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele po kratki bolezni umrla 74 let stara Frances Gorše, rojena Cesnik v Clevelandu, prej bivajoča na 19131 Locherie Ave. v Euclidu, vdova po 1. 1968 umrlem možu Williamu, mati Williama (Xenia, O.), 2-krat stara mati, sestra Mary Ogrinc, Ann Cergol, Charlesa, Stephanie Tolar in Fredericka P. (pok.), članica SNPJ št. 642. Privaten pogreb v oskrbi Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda je bil v ponedeljek, 6. februarja, na pokopališču Lake View. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. Margaret M. Rožanc V sredo, 8. februarja, je u-mrla Margaret M. Rožanc, vdov^ po pok. možu Franku J., mati Thomasa J. in Sally L. Vista, 5-krat stara mati. Pogreb bo iz Brickmanovega pogrebnega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. dopoldne ob 9.30 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIM DRAGIM STARŠEM MATERI FRANCES LAURIC ki nas je za vedno zapustila 11. aprila 1970 OČETU HENRY LAURIC ki nas je za vedno zapustil 13. februarja 1974 Spomini k Vama vedno nam hite, kot večna luč nam svetijo v srce. Ko tudi nas zagrne groba noč. Mary J. Lozar V ponedeljek, 6. februarja, je umrla Mary J. Lozar, rojena Roytz, žena Louisa F., mati Louisa J. ml., Edwarda (Mont.) in Jamesa L., 6-krat stara mati. Pogreb bo iz Brickmanovega pogrebnega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. danes, v petek, v cerkev sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. dopoldne ob 9.30 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. MALI OGLASI House For Sale Euclid brick, off Chardon Rd. A-1 condition. Priced to sell. Call 235-2931 (12-19) Apt. for Rent St. Vitus area, off St. Clair. 2 rooms & bath. Furnished. $90 per month. 383-8314 after 6 p.m. (12-13) Apts, for Rent 368 E. 149 St. off Lake Shore. 5 rooms each. Call bet. 12 and 3 p.m. 731-8814. (10-13) Anion M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVAR'S DEPT STORE LaCorte — Trennel Complete Accounting and Tax Services Reasonable Rates Prompt Service 845-0614 £5ujlss Haus FAMILY STYLE RESTAURANT at Nordic Village 7480 Warner Road, Route 307 Madison, Ohio 44057 združila nas bo v raju božja moči Žalujoči: Frances M. Bartelme, hči San Diego, Calif. San Diego, Calif., 10. feb. 1984. FOR SALE Euclid Beverly Hills Area 4 bdrms, 1 1/2 bath, liv. rm., din. rm., dream kitchen, walk-in cedar closet. By appt. - $60’s. 486-0544 (12,14) FOR SALE Double home, 5 rooms in front, 3 in back. A-1 cond. Newly remodeled kitchen and bathroom. Bliss Ave. Call in morning or after 6:30 p.m. 731-6460. (FX) Open Sun. 1 to 4 21670 Ball Ave. 901 E. 237 St. 238 E. 266 St. WANTED: LICENSED SALES PERSON. George Knaus Real Estate 819 E. 185 St. 481-9300 Prijat el's Pharmacy SI. Clair Ave. & E. 68 Si. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. - AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spomlnikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! FOR RENT 2 rooms and bath. Private entrance. Completely furnished. E. 71 St. Call 391-5718. (x) FOR RENT 5 rooms down. St. Vitus area. Rug & stove inch $150 plus security. 431-9482. (9-12) DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 (FX) Apt. for Rent 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. Lakeshore & E. 185th. Adults. No pets. 398-9579. Also want custodian couple. (10-13) EUCLID BY OWNER Open Sun. 2 to 4 1730 Glenridge Rd. 4 bdrms. 2 1/2 baths. Custom home. Full basement. 2 1/2 car garage. Ideal for Ige. family. Mid 80’s. 486-6941. (10-13) Thomas G. Lobe ATTORNEY AT LAW ODVETNIK 833 Leader Building Superior and East 6th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Area code 216 621-2158 Probate, Wills, Real Estate Corporations, Personal Injury, Civil Trials Of Counsel for Law firm of: Lesser, Klein & Leser Associated with: Thaddeus F. Chrzanowski Certified Public Accountant LETNA SEJA lastnikov certifikatov Slovenskega društvenega doma Slovene Society Home 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio v nedeljo, 12. februarja, ob 2. popoldne Vljudno vabimo vse lastnike certifikatov in društvene zastopnike, da se te važne seje udeleže. Max Kobal, predsednik Elmer Nachtigal, tajnik George Carson, podpreds. William Frank, blagajnik V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIH UMRLIH SORODNIKOV OB ČETRTI IN PETI OBLETNICI: VEHOVEC STANISLAVA Umrla 16. februarja 1980 Mirno počivajta v tihem grobu, kjer ni bojev ne trpljenja, do angelskega klica, k obnovljenemu življenju. FRANK Umrl 9. februarja 1979 Gospod, daruj jima večni mir, naj večna luč jima sveta, ker Ti si vse dobroto vir, uživajta naj pri Tebi raj nebeški. Žalujoči: Brat - CIRIL VEHOVEC z družino; nečak - SLAVKO MILLER z družino in ostali sorodniki. Euclid, Ohio, 10. februarja 1984. Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American home Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 10, 1984 Kosirs Observe Silver Anniversary Paul and Cilka celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sat., Jan. 28 with a Mass at St. Vitus church concelebrated by Pastor Joseph Boznar and Msgr. Louis Baznik (who tied the knot 25 years ago). Their children gave them a surprise party ■n the company of friends at Frank Sterle’s Restaurant on E. 55th St., in Cleveland. Pictured above are (left to right) son Tom, Cilka, son Paul (in front) Paul Sr., daughter Martha, *nd son Mike. The Kosirs are owners of Pako Industries in Willoughby. They enjoyed a two week trip to Hawaii. Slovene Home Auxiliary News At the regular meeting of IT6 SHA Auxiliary held on 'nursday, Jan. 26 we were ^pnored to have Marie ^haver, President of the Board of Trustees, administer the oath of office m the new officers for 1984. The SHA has requested 0,unteers to man the eception board from 3 to 5 P-m. Even if you are not a member of the Auxiliary, if y°u can make a definite orrimitment or are willing 0 be a substitute, please pontact the Home ^o6-0268) and ask for eroline Anderson. A committee consisting of esident Jennie Trennel, eison officer Jean Kriz-j ar]> Gene Drobnič, Emilee Bertha Richter, and , eanor Pavey was formed t.^0, Bertha Richter, and , eanor Pavey was formed feview the By-laws and recommendations for Visions if necessary. Kri> er *he meeting Jean man served delicious refreshments consisting of appetizers (hanky pankies and goose liver spread on crackers), strawberry gelatin salad, chocolate-marshmallow squares, nut rolls, apricot squares, Yugoslav tea, and coffee. Thank you, Jean — the members were most appreciative. Reminder — Please remember to send 1984 dues of $3.00 to new treasurer, Anne Ryavec, 400 E. 214 Street, Euclid, OH 44123. If you have any questions as to your standing, call Anne Millavec, 531-1474 as she is closing the 1983 records. Mark your calendar to attend the regular meeting on February 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Laurich Room. You are needed. Bring a friend! Eleanor Cerne Pavey Reporter Raffle to Help Home F|aj^.ernbers of the Fund S|0vln9 Committee of th( are 6ne ^ome f°r the Agee F)ev50mP|eting plans for < Frin/86 Raffle to be helc the yClevening. Feb- 17 a Hom t>lovenian Nationa Fae> E. 65th and St. Clair P-m 'Vities be9in at 6:3( 80ciai: cocktails anc Slove i9- A full-course by otn'an dinner, preparec staff f'ie Smolič and he P.m Vk111 be served at 7:3( ©Veni h® main event of the Win f®9' the Reverse Raffle r®Qnif 0w- The Pr'ce of e $eD 'art t'cket is $50.00 ate guest tickets fo cocktails and dinner are $15. Tickets may be purchased at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road or from any member of the Board of Trustees. They may also be reserved by calling Jean Križman at 692-2489. The sponsoring group is all volunteer. The proceeds are targeted to the Home’s Building Fund toward the payment of the one-and-one-half million dollar mortgage. Cecelia M. Wolf Catholic Missions “What does MZA stand for?” asked a young lady brightly, recently. For a moment 1 was taken aback. MZA are the initials for Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija. Translated from the Slovenian it means Missionary Stamp Action. Originally MZA’s purpose was to collect cancelled postage stamps. These stamps were washed, mounted, and sold to interested parties. The proceeds were then distributed to missionaries throughout the world. The co-ordinator of MZA was the Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. As a missionary, he spent time in the Far East missions, particularly in China. More recently he was an instructor in French at the seminary conducted by the Vincentian Fathers in Princeton, N.J. At present he is pastor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Toronto. He is also the spiritual director of MZA. Our Canadian brothers and sisters, who are interested in Slovenian Catholic missions, can contact Rev. Wolbang at 131 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, Ontario, MIN 3J7. t t t On Mission Sunday this year, Pope John Paul II celebrated a solemn Mass in the basilica of St. Paul, Rome. During the ceremonies he presented the Mission Cross to 240 missionaries. This symbolic presentation is traditionally given to the men and women going to the four corners of the world to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. t t t This year the Church of Iceland celebrated its 1000th anniversary of the evangelization of the country. First missionaries came to the island toward the end of the year 1.000 A.D. Present seat of the diocese is a Reykjavik. There have been 32 succeeding bishops during this, period. In the 17th century, under pressure of the Danish king, Icelanders began converting to the Lutheran faith. Among the 230.000 inhabitants today, about 1,000 have returned to the Catholic religion so far. t t t Sister Marija Andreja became the first Slovenian accepted by the Missionaries of Love, an organization founded by Mother Theresa in Calcutta. Sister Marija Andreja had spent two years in the novitiate there before taking her solemn vows. t t t The Rev. Andrej Majcen, one time missionary in the Far East, celebrated his golden anniversary Mass in the Church of Mary, Help of Christians, Ljubljana, Slovenia. “44 years as a missionary, 50 years a priest” read the banner on this festive occasion. t t t The United States Postal Service is planning to issue a commemorative postcard, honoring Bishop Frederick*Baraga. Bishop Baraga was a missionary among the Indians of the Upper Great Lakes. He is a candidate for sainthood in the Catholic Church. A controversy has arisen regarding the postcard, some persons claiming that the postal action was a violation of the separation of church and state. Joseph Zelle Reader Responds to Kuhar Editor: It was with great interest that I read Stan Kuhar’s article, “Where To Now, St. Clair Avenue?” published in the January 13 issue of the American Home. Stan graphically describes the area, its makeup and primarily concentrates on the business sector of the area. I am certain that his intention was not meant to focus on the business establishments as the source of the area’s problem, but only to point out that a full, well rounded line of businesses is essential and necessary for the betterment of the St. Clair community. Stan further on, in his article, expresses his thoughts on what steps he feels are necessary to bring about a revitalization of the business sector. Again, I would hope that Stan means a revitalization of the total community. New businesses are not willing to open shop in a declining area. Attempts have been made in the past to entice needed businesses and professionals into the area without success. Show these businesses that you have a well established community with potential for growth, and you will spark their interest. I applaud your interest and concern and I know that you have stirred others with your article. Do not let it rest. I would nevertheless, urge you to give more concentration to the community as a whole and its need to survive. We in the 60 plus age bracket have long witnessed the decline and changes within the community. It has burdened many with fear and anxiety. Most seek security they once enjoyed. It is to the younger generation, those in the 20, 30, and 40 age groups that we must look for leadership and support. They need to be drawn to the cause. There is a need for their active participation to make this a viable and desirable community to live in. Together with the involvement of all phases of the community: business, professional, religious, civil and The Federation of Slovenian'National Homes will again be printing a special edition of the American Home newspaper in March to be inserted in each Ameriška Domovina as well as given to each of the 10 Homes. The section will be devoted to the Federation Man and Woman of the Year as well as the honorees from each of the 10 Homes. These outstanding persons will be honored at the banquet to be held Sunday, March 18 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. The Fifth Edition political sectors, community groups, combined with the various age concerned residents, It Can Happen. In conclusion: The Perry Homeowners Association was initially organized to be concerned for the preservation and welfare of the community. It was a very active and forceful group for many years. Today there is very little evidence of the group’s activity. Let us hope that your article has drawn its attention, also. If it still is a voice in the area, let it be heard. Stanley J. Frank Cleveland, O. Newspaper will contain information from reporters from each of the Halls. It will contain pictures, articles, upgraded histories of the hall and the honored guests. Also projected programs for 1984 will be included in the paper. Also there will be features on culture found in the Slovenian Homes. Advertisements are now being accepted for the special “collector’s edition” from any of the 10 Slovenian Homes, or by contacting John Habat, president, 15910 Holmes Ave., Cleveland 44110. Slovenian Homes Prepare ‘Special’ AH Edition Memo From Madeline Križman, Perme begin service partnership By Madeline Debevec Frederick E. Križman of Euclid is announcing the formation of a partnership with Michael Perme to provide services under the name of “Life Care Associates”. They are currently in the process of obtaining a Certificate of Need for a Nursing Home in Michigan and working with Brentwood Hospital in the development of the mall/campus concept including all levels of care. This week Mr. Križman is on the faculty for the National Health Lawyers Association’s Ninth Annual Symposium on Long Term Care and the Law at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He will be a guest speaker on “Nursing Home Administration.” Križman is an attorney and licensed nursing home administrator in the State of Ohio and is a frequent writer and lecturer on legal aspects of nursing home administration. He was a contributor to the Administrators Desk Reference Manual, a national publication, published by the American College of Health Care Administrators. * * * St. Vitus Slovenian School Sponsors Dinner Feb. 26 The Slovenian School of St. Vitus is sponsoring its annual dinner on Sunday, Feb. 26 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at St. Vitus Auditorium. The menu will include soup, roast beef or roasted chicken complete with all the trimmings. Donation is $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for children. Tickets are available from all officers or call Mario Percic at 732-8082. * * ★ Raymond-Telich Wedding Annoucement Leslie Raymond and Mark Telich were married on December 10 in a candlelight ceremony at St. Christopher’s-by-the-River in Gates Mills. The groom, active in Euclid community service, is in private law practice with offices on East 185th Street. The bride is Personnel Administrator for Synthetic Products Company in Cleveland. The couple will reside in Willoughby Hills. Congratulations! * * * The Loyola Society of St. Ignatius High School cordially invites you to attend their “Camellia Luncheon” on Wednesday, Feb. 29 at Stouf-fer’s Inn on the Square. There will be informal modeling by the Higbee Company. Luncheon will be served at noon. Tickets are $16.00. For reservations contact me at the American Home 431-0628 or Anne Tomsick 531-2745. If you care to attend alone, or with a group of friends, we will be very happy to have you join us at our table for a lovely afternoon. Reservation deadline is Feb. 17. * * * Tim McNeill of Macedonia, Ohio and formerly of Bonna Ave. received his certification as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) recently. Congratulations Tim and much success from your family and friends. ★ * * Fantje na Vasi (the young men’s choral group from Cleveland) made their debut at the Miss SNPJ 1984 dinner dance at the Slovenian Hoprie in Sharon, Pa. last weekend. The audience was thrilled with their performance especially the Žabe (frog) song. * * * Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Modic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Modic of E. 157 St. who has recently passed her medical exams to be a licensed physician in the United States, and is presently completing her internship at a Youngstown hospital. Dr. Modic is a former student of St. Mary’s grade school, Villa Angela high, and John Car-roll University. She has been a licensed physician for the past two years in Ljubljana where she attended medical school. * * * Križaj Stars in Ski Olympics Last Sunday night Channel 61 featured an Olympics 84 Special for world ski championships. Among the top contenders is Bojan Križaj of Slovenia. Yugoslavia is banking on its only world contender to bring in an Olympic medal this year. Holder of the Silver Medal, Križaj’s most serious competitor is Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden, holder of the Gold Medal. American ski champions are expected to place third and fourth. Križaj has been skiing from early childhood. He hails from Kranjska Gora in Slovenia, where his family has always had great enthusiasm for skiing. At age 27, he feels this will be his last try in the Olympics for the Gold Medal. Married, with two children, he has missed the family life to which Slovenians are accustomed. Racing takes him out of his environs some eight months of the year, which means his two youngsters have been growing up in his long absences from home. After retirement, Križaj hopes to become a ski instructor, to train and teach Yugoslav youngsters for the Olympics in succeeding years. The American Home has reported on the successful skiing career of Bojan Križaj in the past. We wish him success in his quest as a golden medalist. * * * St. Vitus Altar Society is sponsoring a Krofe Sale on Saturday, Feb. 11 in the Social Room. * * * Lonchar-Brown Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lonchar of Milan Avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Michelle to Douglas Alan Brown, son of Douglas and Joyce Brown of Thistlewood Road in Mentor. The bride-to-be, a 1980 Euclid graduate, formerly worked for WEWS-TV and is currently a layout artist at the Sun Newspapers’ main office in Valley View. Her fiance, a 1982 Mentor alumnus, is studying accounting at Lakeland Community College while working at Fazio’s. A June 30 wedding at Št. Paul’s Church is planned. Congratulations! * * * Pomp and pageantry will fill the stage when Cleveland Ballet presents “Slavonic and Hungarian Dances” at the Music Hall March 23, 24, and 25. Using folklore as its base, Dennis Nahat, artistic director of Cleveland Ballet, choreographed this ballet in 1978 in recognition of Cleveland’s large ethnic community. A smashing success, “Slavonic and Hungarian Dances” is a brightly colored production that contrasts the earthy peasant dances of Hungary with the stately court dances of the Slovenian people. Set to the music of Antonin Dvorak and Johannes Brahams, both 19th century composers, the ballet utilizes the techniques of classical ballet intertwined with popular folk and court dances. Also on the same program will be one of the greatest love stories of all time, “Swan Lake”, Act II, plus “Canonade” a pure classical ballet, danced to Bach’s Piano Concerto No. I. Tickets, which range in price from $5.00 to $30, may be charged to Visa, MasterCard or American Express by calling (216) 621-3634. Group rates are also available by calling 621-2260. * * * Travel News Mary Wolf of Richmond Heights, Ohio, visited Commander Ernest and Gay Ryavec in Santa Monica, California. Mary reports the two week vacation was superb with weather in the 80’s. The Ryavecs were excellent hosts and tour guides with trips to various museums, gardens, and Universal Studios. drove her to San Diego and visited Ernie’s brother Al Ryavec. Mary enjoyed the lovely dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Nada Stopar of Westminster, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zebot were also guests. Thanks for your donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the AmeriSka Domovina: Max Ovnic, Geneva, O. — $2.00 Apolonia Kosir, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Sleme, Cleveland — $7.00 Jakob Kovacic, Euclid — $2.00 Anonymous — $100.00 Anonymous — $25.00. Ludwig Mursec, Milwaukee — $2.00 John Rajk, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Anna Hozjan, Cleveland — $2.00 Carl Dekleva, Euclid — $2.00 Max Stanonik, Geneva, O. — $2.00 Louis Nose, Pueblo, Colo. — $22.00 Ann Tekavec, Cleveland — $5.00 Cecilia Goles, Cleveland — $10.00 Joseph Podržaj, Euclid — $2.00 John Korošec, New Smyrna Beach, Fla. — $2.00 Ivan Gostic, Cleveland — $12.00 Ivana Cerar, Cleveland -$2.00 Euclid Pensioners Hold Dinner-Dance The Slovenian Pensioners of Euclid Annual Dinner-Dance will be held on Sunday, Feb. 19 at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue. Full course dinner, including chicken and pork will be prepared by Mary Ster and her staff from 5 to 7 p.m. The Vadnal Orchestra will provide dance music. Everyone is welcome to attend this annual event. Donation is $9.00. Tickets may be obtained at Tony’s Polka Village, from various club members, or call Emma Cesen, 486-5311. Rev. Leopold Mihelich, Denver, Colo. — $22.00 Angela Gospodaric, San Francisco, Calif, v spomin pok. Kulturniga delavca Janeza Ovsenika — $10.00 Franc Ahlin, Rexdale, Canada — $10.00 Anonymous, Cleveland — $7.00 Baškovič Family, Cleveland, in memory of Rose Baškovič — $50.00 Balincarski Klub of Waterloo Rd. — $10.00 Marijana Žagar, Barberton, O. — $1.00 Maria Ribic, Richmond Hts., O. — $7.00 Anthony Štepec, Richmond Hts., O. — $7.00 John Rems, Joliet, III. — $2.00 Jennie Trennel, Euclid, O. — $5.00 Anton Svetek, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Joseph Bojnec, Fairfield, Ct. — $2.00 Joseph Tegef, Bensen-ville, III. - $2.00 Josephine Grdina, Euclid — $5.00 Frank Jamnik, Euclid — $10.00 Alois Dolenc, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Mrs. Joseph Tominc, Richmond Hts., O. — $12.00 Frank Svečnikar, Richmond Hts., O. — $5.00 St. Cyril’s Church, New York, NY — $4.00 Mary Kebe, Ottowa, Ont., Canada —- $10.00 Joseph Delost, Cleveland — $1.00 Dr. Valentine Kalan, Jackson Hts., O. — $2.00 Alois Jozelj, Georgetown, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Henry Batich, Cleveland - $7.00 Jernej Sušnik, Toronto, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Frank Zakrajšek, Willowick, O. — $2.00 Mrs. Josephine Gruden, Leadville, Colo. — $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Mirko Longar, Euclid — $10.00 Mr. Metod Zerdin, Chicago — $12.00 Mrs. Anna Milautz, Cleveland — $5.00 Maggie Lockemer, Fair-view Park, O., in memory of her deceased great-uncle Joseph Konchan for pnn‘ ting press — $20.00 Matt J. Mlinar, Parma, O. — $10.00 . Victor Kmetich, Richmond Hts., O. — $12.00 Jacob Grum, Euclid $7.00 Birthday Greetings Mary Pangonis of f^e American Home celebrates her special day on February 13th. Fondest best wishes from her five children, brother Dan Postotnik ana Mollie, sister Dorothy Ann Sittley, and Mickey, ana from the entire staff of th American Home. Josephine Trunk’s family held a lovely party in ber honor at the Hofbrau Haus, Next month Jo will be the honoree from the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid at the Federation o Slovenian Homes awards dinner, set for March 18 3 the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. Jo is secretary of Ou Lady of Fatima Lodge No-255 KSKJ and is active in the Slovene Home for m Aged Auxiliary, DaW Choral Group, Euclid Pen sioners, United Slovenian Society and numerous other groups. 'd Candy Urbancich celebra a her birthday on Feb- ‘ Fondest wishes from n family and friends. By Dan J. Postotnik Do you know that I met an angel? This is not one with halo and wings, but an earthly one. Although I remember her when she still lived on Prosser Ave. way back in the thirties and forties, it was only some three years ago that we met again through a common friend. She is personable Agnes Marie Klemenčič Bradek, who now resides at 8167 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio. It so happened that I was able to secure an Aug. 1949 issue of a magazine called ‘‘The Woman”, in which Agnes was lauded as Woman of the Month. I began to realize how much this handicapped lady has done and is still doing for people, and I believe she deserves a lot of credit. The subtitle reads: She spends her time and money helping others because her own life taught her about handicaps. The article went on to tell its readers about her Good Samaritan activities. Rushing pregnant women to the hospital was only one of the neighborly things Agnes was noted for. She supported an average of eight destitute families, washed clothes for the feeble, took the infirm to the doctor and then footed the bill, visited many bedridden, went out of her way to find jobs for the needy, and had enough time left over to operate the only woman founded and operated retail coal business in Cleveland. And although she is now Setting up in years, I found out that our angel is still ready to help out anyone despite her fragile health. In, fact, I have been a Witness to it a number of times. She has had another operation only last month, adding to her numerous ones during her lifetime. Miss Agnes, as/her Ohiployees called her then, 'Ought a continuing battle With bodily pain. Born with Dan’s Diaty- a dislocated hip, she underwent surgery for the first time when she was 18 months old. At age three, she had polio. Braces and crutches were her constant companions. After high school graduation, she applied for a job in a downtown department store. The employment manager politely reminded her of her handicap. She remembers telling him that she would sell his products with her hands, not with her feet. But she did not get the job or others for which she had applied. Her pastor, Rev. Bartholomew Ponikvar gave her temporary employment at the parish rectory. It was in that office that she got hold of herself. She began to pray more than ever, and trusted completely in God. Later, despite her crutches, she landed a neighborhood job at the Cimperman Coal Co., which was going down. She decided to buy out the company and managed to get a loan for $8,000.00, despite advice against it from her friends. That was in 1943. Coal wholesalers provided as much coal as was then possible. Her Good Samaritan activities began with ownership of the coal company. As soon as she could get to some extra funds, she would use it to help the poor. Then came the East Ohio Gas explosion of October 1943 which hurt her business quite a bit, but she struggled through it. Business picked up as time went by, and so did the visits at her office by the indigent. She never let anyone down. Mrs. Bradek was also able to help out her family financially after a while, setting up her two brothers, Mike and Rudy, in business, and purchasing a nine room home for her parents in Cleveland Heights. She often invited handicapped persons there for lawn parties. ^mtrvTrrr*K SQABAHljEfl $ NDEPENDENT ►AV1NGS Agnes married Joseph Bradek and they reared two children. Her husband died on the day before their 25th Wedding Anniversary. She has been a widow since 1974. Prior to Mr. Bradek’s death, they had operated the Mentor Motel in Mentor,\Ohio for some years. A woman who has definitely proved that a handicap is not a deterrent to doing good and to success in life, Agnes has won the admiration of the people of Cleveland. Agnes Marie Klemenčič Bradek,' by remembering the handicaps of others, has forgotten her own. t t t Happy Valentine’s Day to all you sweethearts out there! Here are some special birthday observances: Mike Kolar, 79th, 1/3 John Hudoklin, 94th, 1/6 Louis Hlad, 65th, 1/29 Joseph Gornick, 79th, 2/3 Konrad Peklar, 60th, 2/14 Franc Sleme, 88th 2/19 Jože Cendol, 60th, 2/27 Emil Goršek, 60th 2/28 Happy Birthday wishes to all of the above and also to Louis Brodnik of Indianapolis, Ind., my brother-in-law, who celebrated on Feb. 8th, and to my sister, Mary Pangonis who will observe her day on Feb. 13th. t t t The Big Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, sponsored annually by the St. Vitus Holy Name Society, will be held this year on Sunday, March 11 at the Auditorium from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the rectory and from the membership. t t t St. Vitus HNS Monthly Corporate Communion will take place at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Sunday, Feb. 12. A short breakfast meeting will be held immediately after in the church basement. Bring a friend! Glasbena Matica Concert Sings Into Spring Mar. 10 «/o cneching “The weather outside is frightful” as the song “Let It Snow” says, and it certainly has been frightful. But what a delightful evening is being planned as the Glasbena Matica Singing Society presents its annual dinner-dance, “Sing Into Spring”, on Saturday, March 10 at the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. The chorus will endeavor to sing away your winter blues as we vocalize such numbers as “Singing In The Rain” and a unique choral arrangement of “Down In The Valiev”. Several narodne pesmi, or songs of Slovenian national origin will also be performed including “Rasti Rožmarin” and “Njega ni”. In addition, a portion of the program will feature accompaniment by the Don Slogar Orchestra, and several solos, duets, and a trio will highlight the evening’s entertainment. Our decorating committee West Park Krofe Sale Slated for Feb. 14 What treat could be better to take home on Valentine’s Day than a box of candy? There is no need for guessing. Surprise your family by bringing home a bag full of Slovenian krofe. Bright and early the Ladies Auxiliary of the West Park Slovenian Home will be busy in the Slovene Home kitchen preparing krofe to fill in your orders. To order call Joan at 676-6340. Pick up orders on Valentine’s Day is between 5 and 8:00 p.m. at 4583 W. 130 St. Theresa Stefanik Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will have a krofe sale on Sat., Feb. 11 at the usual time and place. Office 881-8956 will undoubtedly do a stupendous job creating the aura of spring, with blooming spring flowers and brushes throughout the hall and stage and lovely table centerpieces, intended to uplift your spirits as you enter the auditorium. A delicious, family-style dinner, complete with all the trimmings will be served at 7 p.m., with the musical program following immediately afterwards. At the conclusion of the program, the Don Slogar Orchestra will instrumen-talize as we dance away our cares into the “wee” hours. Tickets are $12.00 per person and can be obtained from chorus members or by contacting Cathy Hopkins at 884-6143. We look forward to welcoming you and to the pleasure of your company. Na svidenje. Dolores Sierputowski Fairport Button Boxers Appear at Swiss Haus The Fairport Harbor Button Box Group performs every Wednesday evening at the Swiss Haus Restaurant, Route 307 in Madison, Ohio. In addition to the regular menu, Slovenian specialties such as štrukle, plum dumplings and tripe stew are available. The restaurant’s Cleveland phone number is 942-1433. Padre Pio Meets The Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 4:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid, Ohio. For further information contact Rose KoVacic at 486-4843 between 9’a.m. and 6?p.m. Home 729-1430 Bo Tax Income Tax Service 7502 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Gordon Turske Pat Turske (FX) 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 /31-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 ANNUAL MEETING (LETNA SEJA) Membership Certificate Holders of Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio Sunday, February 12, 1984 - at 2. p.m. We invite all certificate holders and lodge representatives to attend this important meeting. Max Kobal, President Elmer Nachtigal, Secretary George Carson, V. President William Frank, Treasurer Deaths ALICE G. HRIBAR Alice G. Hribar, the last surviving child of Josef Turk, Cleveland’s, first Slovenian settler in 1881, died at Euclid General Hospital on Tuesday, January 24, 1984 at age 91 of cardiac arrest. She had lived in the Coilinwood area for 68 years in the house she and her late husband, Bartholomew, who died in July, 1982 at age 101, built in 1915. During the entire 71 years of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Hribar never experienced a death in their own family, which numbers 58 lineal descendants, many of whom have traveled and lived all over the world, including many who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and all of whom still survive. Mrs. Hribar had a sharp mind and remarkable memory, could recall accurately dates and events which occurred during her entire lifetime, kept family records and had recently been called upon for information and documents relating to the founding of St. Vitus Catholic Church by her husband’s uncle, Monsignor Vitus Hribar, in 1894. Born in Cleveland and able to speak English and Slovenian, Mrs. Hribar acted as an interpreter for and was devoted to aiding and helping many Slovenian women, friends and relatives solve their business and personal problems. She was an astute businesswoman, obtained a real estate license and helped her husband operate his real estate business. For many years she worked with the Catholic Resettlement Program for refugees after World War II and was selected as Mrs. Santa Claus by the Cleveland Press. In 1956 she received a Papal Blessing from Pope Piux XII. A lifetime interest was her affiliation with the Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association, Branch 713, holding all offices. She is survived by three sons, Paul J. of Euclid, Laurence B. of Mentor, and Albert F. of San Diego; two daughters, Margaret M. Walton of Mentor-on-the-Lake and Alice Dorothy Rock of Shaker Heights; 28 grandchildren and 25 greatgrandchildren. C. J. Smith Funeral Home, 15319 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, handled funeral arrangements. The funeral mass was at St. Joseph Catholic Church, St. Clair and E. 144 St., Cleveland at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27, ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel, st, 361-3112 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Grdina Funeral Homes 1053 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road A531-1235 REASONABLE 8 DIGNIFIED LUNCHEON & COMMUNITY ROOMS AVAILABLE 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills (1 Block East of Bishop Rd.) 585-5100 Susan Zak Cosic - Funeral Director and interment in St. Paul Cemetery on Chardon Road in Euclid. JOSEPH ZABUKOVEC Joseph Zabukovec, 95, of 13368 Lakeshore Blvd., formerly of 17415 Neff Road died at home after a long illness. He was born in Pijava Gorica and came to Cleveland in 1915. He worked as an assembler at White Motor Co. for over 45 years and retired in 1954. He is survived by his wife of 66 years Mary (nee Gabrenja); son Joseph Zab (AMLA Supreme Board member), and daughter Helen Ponikvar of Russel, N.Y. He was grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather of three. He was a member of AMLA Lodge No. 1. Private funeral services were held at Zele Memorial Chapel with burial in All Souls Cemetery. ROSE KOBAL Mrs. Rose Kobal (nee Ver-tovec), dear wife of the late Mathew; mother of Mathew and Virginia Mishic; grandmother of six and greatgrandmother of five died recently. She was also the daughter of Andrew and Rosalie (nee Bizjak) (both dec.); and the sister of many of Yugoslavia (all dec.). Mrs. Kobal was a member of Maccabees lodge. Funeral was from the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Services at St. Vitus Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. FRANK MERVAR Frank Mervar (Marvar) died Monday, Jan. 23 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. He was 99. Mr. Mervar was the husband of Mary (nee Jakse) who died in July of 1969; the father of Frank Mervar, Mary Mramor, Joe Mervar, John Mervar, Ann Reese, Louis Mervar, Edward Mervar, and Josephine Ambrose; the grandfather of 17; the great-grandfather of many; and the brother of Tony Mervar of Yugoslavia and the following deceased: Mike Mervar, Mary Globokar, and Anna Macerol. He had been employed by American Steel and Wire for approximately 35 years. He was a member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of KSKJ and Lodge No. 1 of AMLA. He was the last surviving charter member of AMLA. He was born in Yugoslavia. The funeral Mass was Friday, Jan. 27 at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen Church on Lloyd Rd. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were handled by A. Grdina & Sons, Inc. MARY FINK Mary Fink (nee Glinšek), 82, died on Feb. 2 at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. She was the dear mother of Edward Fink (dec.), mother-in-law of Carmela Fink (Richmond Hts., O.); beloved sister of Ann Brancel (Tampa, Fla.), Frank Glinšek (Euclid); aunt, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Zak Funeral Home, 6016 Clair Ave. handled arrangements. Funeral Mass was Monday, Feb. 6 at St. Vitus Church, interment at Calvary Cemetery. ELIZABETH A. VERDERBER Elizabeth J. Verderber (nee Grabensteiner), 103, died Jan. 27 at the Mt. Alverna Home in Parma. She was the widow of Jacob who died in 1953; the mother of Rudolph, William, and the following deceased; BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Zele Funeral Home ✓ Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postreibo Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director Ernestine, Helen Hays, and Margaret; the grandmother of 14; the greatgrandmother of many; and the sister of Barbara Dasler (dec.). Mrs. Verderber came to the U.S. in 1920 from her birthplace of Vienna, Austria. She was a homemaker. The funeral Mass was Monday, Jan. 29 at St. Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home handled funeral arrangements. MARY J. MOTT (nee Komin) Mary J. Mott (nee Komin), died Wed., Feb. 1 at Euclid General Hospital after a short stay there. She was the widow of William J. Mott who died in | 1982; the mother of William j F., Robert A., Richard J, and Bernice Beverly Tram-sak; the grandmother of 15, the great-grandmother of 3; and the sister of Jennie Stetz and the following deceased: Christine Zivoder and Dorothy Komin. She was also an aunt and a great-aunt. Mrs. Mott belonged to the St. Catherine Lodge No. 29 of the Western Slavonic Association. She had been employed in bindery work at Central Lithograph for 20 years. The Mass of the Resurrection was Sat.; Feb. 4 at St. j Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., handled funeral ar' rangements. MARY BARON Mary Baron (nee Brajdič), mother of Helen Frank, Edward, the late Thomas and Frank, grandmother of 10, great-grandmother of 22 an great-great-grandmother o one, was buried at Calvary Cemetery January 27. Services were held at St. Paul’s Church, with Zak Funeral Home (St. Clair) h1 charge of arrangements. Mrs. Baron, who was ^ member of Croatian Fraterna Union No. 47, also is survived by sisters Catherine Kastelan and Margaret Basar. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to Oj allowing residents of l'1 Slovene Home for the Agea vho celebrate their days irl 7ehruary: 2-05-19, Josephine Weiss, i5, born in Cleveland. 22-08-02, Louis Debeljak 82, Slovenia, Sodražica 2-14-07, Helen MihelicO, 77, Cleveland 2-18-91, France5 Abramovič, 93, Slovenia 2-20-00, Rose Lausche, Cleveland 2-25-98, Anna Zadnik, »°’ Velike Lašče, Slovenia 2-28-92, Johanna Brice'-92, lg, Slovenia 2-28-10, Joseph Stebiey-74, Cleveland 2-29-92, Julia Yerman, Slovenia