JUVENILE SECTION OF "NAPREDEK" CLEVELAND, OHIO, DECEMBER 16, 1936 WITH OUR JUNIORS By Michael Vrhovnik, Director of Vrtec and English Speaking Lodges The Season Millions and millions of boys and girls ali over this wide world, among them several thousand VRTEC raembers, are anxiously awaiting the dawn of another Christmas Day. Many of them, e v e n n o w , are c o u n t i n g the d a y s and the hours that remain till the arrival of Christmas Eve and are wondering in hope and prayer whether they have been good and obedient enough to warrant a stop-over by Santa for a few minutes, or longer, or at least long enough to slide down the chimney and drop a gift, or two, into the long f!ow- ing stocking hanging at the fire-place, behind the kitchen stove or at the foot of the bed. Trn sure not one of you need be reminded of the approach of this happiest and most joyful of annual holidays for every Vrtec member, whether he be- longs to an ACTIVE Vrtec, or an inactive one, looks forward to Christmas Day, with its countless joys, gifts, surprises, merry-making and ali kinds of good things to eat, as the most glorious and thrilling day of the whole year. For ... as one might express it in verse .. . 'No other day throughout the year Holds such a wealth of friendly cheer, No other day can bring to mind Such thoughts of love for ali mankind The Christmas špirit seems to be A light that shines o’er land and sea, May its bright rays bring Joy today— In ali you think, or do, or say.” Christmas Season, today and yesteryear, how nearly alike they are in špirit, joys and hap- piness. True enough, the times have changed and with them some habits and customs, but the ring of voices on the streets, in homes, in shops and plants, in Stores, in meeting rooms, in 's Greetings schools and churches and every- where else, remains pretty much at the same blended pitch. Ali of them, you know of course, do not ring with glad- ness for many are stili sad and low, some steeled with coldness and indifference, others with selfishness and hate; but, for the most part, they impart cheeriness and happiness in greater volume than any other time of the year. Many of our youngsters do not know what it is to feel the misery and the emptiness that comes when good old Chris is forced to hurry by your home without leaving something to remind you of him and the friends who have made his visit possible. On the other hand, many of you, as young as you are, have experienced the an- guish and the sorrovv associa- ted with “Forgotten” boys and girls. You know, only too well, why you were placed on the forgotten, under-privileged roli. This Christmas, judging by the increase of employment in the big work shops where San¬ ta and his fellow-workers are busily engaged and from ali other indications, promises to be the merriest merry Christ¬ mas since the year of the CRASH, the c r a s h heard around the vvorld and the din of which is stili faintly ringing in our ears. Orders for gifts such as dolls, electrical trains, sleds, skates, cowboy and Indian suits, base¬ ball gloves and bats, footballs and basketballs, etc., have been received on a much larger scale than ever before. More men and women have been put to work making things to play with, to wear, to travel in and to have around us as comforts. It goes without saying that the more help Santa hires to supply the needs and the wishes of everyone, the more easily will he be able to satisfy everyone. On top of that the transporta- tion and communication lines have been improved consider- ably over that of former years insuring, both, rapid and effi- cient delivery Service. Yes, my Vrtec friends, there is no rea- son why Santa should not visit the fire-side of every home in the land. Not one of you should be forgotten. Christmas is the time of the year when most of us, old and young alike, are included to for- get the urge and surge of the worries and cares of our every- day life and to think more seri- ously of the beautiful things, things which make life more worth living. Everywhere, with- in the circle of our SSPZ, joy- ous Christmas parties and pro- grams are being held. Some few have already been staged and reports sent in show them to have been successful in every way. For this we are, indeed, very thankful and hope that those, which will take plače in the immediate future, will smack of every delight and joy t common to the season. I wish I could be with you a 11 to join in the celebration and extend to you, in person, the greetings and well wishes of our great Society. I’d like to be there to feel the warmth of your handclasp, to give and re- ceive pats of fresh encourage- ment and to thank you for your loyal support, your hearty co- operation, jmur ever-willing and helpful Service and for ali other courtesies you have ex- tended to the SSPZ during the past twelve months. Through. this medium I extend to you, one and ali, a Christmas filled with the merriest cheer and GOOD WILL towards ali men and may the New Year bring added joys, comforts and hap¬ piness to you and yours. Vrtec 160 Di$play$ Talent And Shov/manship I shall not forget the pro¬ gram sponsored by Lodge No. 227 and Vrtec unit 160, featur- ing members of Vrtec units 160 and 139, and staged in the SN- PJ auditorium on Sunday after- noon, Dec. 6th. It was every- thing one could wish for and more. There was not a dull moment in the entire program altho it lasted more than two hours. I cannot help but mar- vel at the showmanship and the trouper špirit displayed by Mary Lou Gratchner and Mary Jo Townsley. These young ladies did several song and dance acts that warmed the hearts of every person in the audience and earned them sev¬ eral encores. The program’s feature attrac- tion was the play “Otrok Je Bolan’’ (meaning, “The Sick Child”), and here again, the audience was thrilled and over- joyed to see and to feel the ease and the smoothness with which each character perform- ed his or her part. I wish I could describe more in detail the excellence of action and speech as it actually took plače during the performance. But, perhaps, sometime in the fu¬ ture, arrangements will be made to show you movies \vhich vvere made during rehearsal of a number of its scenes. Then you can judge better for your- selves whether Rose Gradisher as Gospa Zajec, Angela Roka¬ vec as Gospa Muc, Angela Mo¬ žina as Kuharica Žlica, Wilma Gratchner as Kuharica Potica, Evelyn Možina as Dekla Mica and Rudolph Vidmar as Doktor Mazač did, or did not, do justica to the characterizations to which they had been so care- fully assigned by their director Stanley Možina and brother Victor Zupančič, Administrator of Vrtec unit 160. I’m sure, from the few scenes you will see, you will agree that the play was exceptionally good. And while we are on the sub- ject of movies, that is, movies of our plays, it is well to men- tion that more of this kind of work vili be done in the very near future. Not only do we intend to promote dramatics thru moving pictures here in Chicago, but vherever there is an ACTIVE Vrtec. Let, it also, be said that the SSPZ, among the Slovene Fratemal Societies, is first in the movie field of social and cultural develop- ment. (Continued on page 2) JTuveiiilc .SectJOd of "jVapiedeJc’' T^:—,—* <%'Cali 'Vandrovček\ A. Zaitz Božični prazniki v Sloveniji Mali Vandrovček, kakoršnega poznamo, je zgubil starše v rani mladosti. Že kot otrok je bil pri¬ moran, kot na stotine drugih, od hiše do hiše iskati kruha in dela. Premrazen in izčrpan v tem brezkončnem iskanju dela in dobrih ljudi, je potrkal na vra¬ ta slovenske družine v mestu. Družinica — napol odrasla hči, mali bratec in sestrica, so ravno vesek) prepevali, ko se odprejo vrata ter se pokaže naš ubogi vandrovček s culo. Mlajši bratec in sestrica zbežita, ker sta se u- strašile nenavadnega tujca. A- nici, starejši hčeri, se vandravč- ka smili ter mu na prošnjo pri¬ nese nekoliko okrepčila. Van¬ drovček je kakor da ni jedel že deset let, Anica pa ga skrajema opazuje. Radovedna, kaj ima v veliki škatli, ga povpraša, kaj ima notri. Vandrovček pove, da nosi s seboj svojo edino premo¬ ženje po svojem očetu —“čmr¬ lje”. Anica je' radovedna, kaj je to — čmrlji — pa ga nagovori, da pokaže, ih vandrovček veselo zaigra — na harmoniko. Ančka , strmi začudeno v tujca. “Ostani pri nas”, ga prosi, “ker tako le¬ po igraš”. Vandrovček pa se na¬ smehne ter odide naprej iskat službe. Anica je tako prevzeta od le¬ pega mladega tujca, da niti ne sliši, ko mamica vstopi ter jo vpraša, kaj je tako zamišljena. Molči ter mamici ne izda skriv¬ nosti lepega Vandrovčka, kate- x i je pred časom odšel. Par let ža tem se je v družini Anice veliko spremenilo. Oče je zgubil delo v tovarni in prišla je na vrsto Anica kot najstarejša v družini, da mora po isti poti kot pred. leti Vandrovček. Od hiše do hiše hodi in spra¬ šuje za službo, ampak nikjer nič, povsod se izgovarjajo, da ne rabijo pomoči. Vsa obupana se¬ de na stopnice neke hiše, da bi si malo odpočila. Zdajci ji uda¬ ri na uho znana melodija har¬ monike, nekdo igra v tem po¬ slopju. Vstane in potrka. Vrata se odpro — pa stoji pred njo čedno oblečen mladenič. “Kaj želite?” “Iščem službe in kruha. Sli¬ šala sem nekoga igrati ter se spomnila melodije, katero sem slišala nekje davno poprej” “Kako vam je ime?” Anica odgovori. “Kaj pa znate?” “Znam peti in igrati.” “Zapojte!” In Anica je zapela tako lepo in ganljivo, da je Vandrovček ostrmel, ni se mogel več prema¬ govati. “Ali se spominjate nekega tujca s “čmrlji” pred leti?” Anica se zamisli. “Da”, reče veselo, “ti si tisti . tujec s “črmlji”, kateremu sem takrat dala večerjo.” Spoznata se ter se veselo ob¬ jameta. Vandrovček jo sprej¬ me v službo. On je namreč od tistega časa, ko je bil postrežen od Anice z večerjo, našel službo pri godbi. Napredoval je, da je imel svojo sobo ter hodil igrat na predstave in zabave, Anica mu je prišla ravno prav na pred¬ večer, ko je imel igrati na neki veliki zabavi, za katero bi moral poleg sebe najeti drugo pomoč. Sedaj mu je ne bo treba. Skupno z Anico bosta igrala. V tem veselem razpoloženju takoj pričnete z vajami. Van¬ drovček zaigra na harmoniko, kakor še ni nikoli poprej. Anica ga spremlja s petjem nakar za¬ stor pade. To je izčrpek igre “Mali Van¬ drovček”, katera je bila spisana za naše Vrtce ter bo uprizorje¬ na na božičnici dne 20. decem¬ bra Igra ima tri kratke prizo¬ re. Glavni vlogi imata: Vandrov¬ ček — W. Tersel, Anica—Fran- ces Tersel. Br. Mike Vrhovnik bo skušal igro filmirati. Tako bo SSPZ zopet za eno sliko boga¬ tejša. VOLK IN KOZE Nekoč so šle tri koze v gozd, da bi objedale listje. Prva je imela en trebušček, druga dva, tretja tri. Vse tri so se prav zadovoljno gostile. Koza z enim trebuščkom je bila prva sita in je šla domov. Zdajci ji je prišel volk naproti in ji rekel: “Hitro teci, sicer te bom po¬ žrl!” — Koza je odgovorila: “Nikar me ne požri! Kmalu bo prišla tista koza, ki ima dva tre¬ buščka, od tiste boš še bolj sit!” Volk je pustil kozo. Nato je prišla druga koza. Tudi ta je rekla volku: “Nikar me ne požri! Precej za menoj bo prišla tista koza, ki ima tri trebuščke. Od tiste se boš prav do sitega nažrl!” Volk je pu¬ stil tudi to kozo, da je odšla do¬ mov. Zdaj je prišla tretja koza. Volk je zarenčal: “Hitro teci domov, sicer te bom požrl.” Ta pa ga je brcnila tako močno, da je volk padel z viška v dolino in si zlomil nogo. Iz vasi pa so pritekli kmetje in volka pobili. Iz češčine R. D. Gustav Strniša: PRIŠEL ČAS JE KROG BOŽICA Prišel čas je krog Božiča, bele na okrog gore, k dvorom bliža se lisica, v snegu zajčje so steze. Mrzla polja so, gozdovi, mraz in mrak v deželo gre, snega polni so vrhovi, zvečer poti so težke. Mlin ne gre več zaporedom, voda čezenj manj šumi, potok skriva se pod ledom, curek skozenj čist blešči. To so zimski, zimski časi. sever poti je zamel, Božični prazniki so pred dur¬ mi. Vsak je najrajši doma v svojem kotu. Nocoj je sveti ve¬ čer ali badnjak. Pravega dela ni nikomur mar, zlasti moškim ne. Vsi se potikajo okolo pe¬ či, ki danes puhti posebno do¬ brodejno toploto od sebe. Ma¬ ti ima veliko peko. Po vsej hi¬ ši sc širi tisti dobri vonj po poticah in gibanicah. Za čudo pridni so danes o- troci. Vsi so v hiši, vsi se gne¬ tejo za mizo. Tihi so, da je kar neverjetno. Že sinoči je prišel njih starejši brat, ki se uči v mestnih šolah. S seboj je pri¬ nesel vsega, kar je potrebno za jaslice. Že zjutraj so se o- troci napotili v log nabirat ma¬ hu. Prinesli so ga poln koš. Za pet takih jaslic bi ga zado¬ stovalo. Ko so bili otroci v logu, je hlapec utrdil v kotu desko. Na to desko stavi zdaj starejši de¬ ček jaslice. Iz mahu napravi goro. Po gori se vije cesta. Po¬ suta je z najdrobnejšim pes¬ kom. Cesta drži v Betlehem, ki stoji v kotu vrhu gore. Pod goro postavi hlevček. Vanj po¬ loži na slamico božje dete. Ob straneh mu stojita osliček in volek. Poleg je božja Porod¬ nica s svetim Jožefom. Potem razpostavlja po gori drevesa, ovce, krave, voliče in pastir¬ ce. Spredaj utrdi vrsto drob¬ nih svečic. Naposled obesi na dolgo konjsko žimo od stropa doli angela, ki nosi v rokah napis: “Slava Bogu na višavah in mir ljudem na zemlji!” Ko starejši sin vse to ureja in nastavlja, sede mlajši bratje in sestrice okrog njega. Mirni so, kakor bi bili pribiti. Ne premaknejo oči od jaslic. Ne¬ beška radost jim sije z zado¬ voljnih obrazov. Danes so po¬ zabljene vse igre. Celo jesti jim ni mar. Zadovoljujejo se s hlebčki, ki jih je mati nalašč spekla zanje. Domačemu psu Belinu pa ne gre v glavo, da se danes nihče izmed otrok ne zmeni zanj. Gleda jih in gleda. Naposled skoči na klop in se nerodno ri¬ ne mednje. Otroci ga popolno¬ ma prezirajo. Nekdo ga celo brcne po gobčku. Belin se ne¬ voljen zopet zavleče pod klop pri peči, se zvije in dremlje skozi okno zrem po vasi, skoro bi kosminke štel. Josip Murn-Aleksandrov report of elections dalje. Po Franu Erjavcu WJTH OUR JUNIORS Vrtec Xma$ Party, Program And Dance On Chicqgo's South Side (Continued from page 1) On Sunday, Dec., 29th, Vr¬ tec unit 139 (Trailblazer Jrs.) will sponsor a Christmas Party, program and dance. By then movies will, also, be taken of several nuhmers of their ex- tensive program and, if possi- ble, will be shown on the 20th. Another feature will be sound movies. Stili another will be a Slovene play written and direct- ed by brother Anton Zaitz, as- sistant Supreme Secretary. And to round-off the program, there will be a score or more instru- mental and vocal solos and 9 duets, declamations, recitations, singing by SLOVAN, the old- est Slovene singing society in Annuai Election Meeting In January Some of our Vrtec units have already held their elections, but as provided in Section 22 of the Juvenile By-laws, the officers of ACTIVE Vrtec UNITS are elected for a term of one (1) year at the regular meeting in January . . . Officers to be elected are President, Vice President, Secretary and Trtas- urer who comprise the Execu- tive Committee. The Sergeant- at-Arms may, also, be elected if the members decide so by a majoi'ity vote; othenvise, he is appointed by the President at each meeting. The Auditing Committee, Social or Entertain- ment, Athletic and Initiation Committees should be elected. A letter of instructions and a form has America, and a talk or two by the Supreme. Board members present. In addition, members of Vrtec unit 160 will be on hand to repay a similar visit and participation in the pro¬ gram of Dec. 6th by Vrtec unit 139. Incidentally, members of Vrtec unit 139, who were called upon to make their Chicago Westside debut, were William and Frances Tršar and the Schweiger sisters, whose first names, I’m sorry to say, I do not recall at this writing. Suf- fice it to say, however, that each did justice to his selection and upheld the fine tradition already established by their Vr¬ tec. been mailed to each Vrtec Sec- retary. It is the duty of each member to comply with the By- laws and instructions as close- ly as possible. One cannot em- phasize too stronglv, the im- portanee of electing the most capable, loyal and efficient members to the responsible po- sitions of the managing bodies. It is highly essential to the continued successful progress of the you.th movement within our Society that a course be adopted that \vill assure our Vr¬ tec units the leadership neces- sary to bring about co-ordina- tion and a broader development of our fraternal instincts . . . Vrtec members! Attend your Januarg Meeting 100%! Elcct 'for gour officers capable, effi¬ cient and loyal members! Aviation now has over 30 landing at Kansas C\ty Kad years of progress behind it, and failed bim. Tlie report said th- - this progress has so altered the Kansas City radio range wbs France Bevk denem škor “Kam naj pa ca?” je vprašal. “Daj ga komu! Kdo bo po po¬ ti pazil na to žival?” “Saj ga ponesem jaz! In če . . bi ne pustili ... ga bom zaprl v kovčeg “Da se ti zaduši. Bedak! Po¬ leg tega bomo imeli še kake sit¬ nosti z njim.” “Bedak! Bedak!” mu je vpil škorec. Lukec se ozrl po njem. V ti¬ stem hipu mu je bil še ljubši. “Kje si kupil tičnik?” je vpra¬ šala mati. “Jutri ga ponesem nazaj, da mi vrnejo denar.” Mati ni bila še nikdar tako odločna. Lukec ji ni ugovarjal. Spoznal je, da bi bila vsaka be¬ seda zaman. Povečerjali so. Škorec je za¬ dremal v svojem kotu. Mati je pomila posodo. Legla je v po¬ steljo. Tudi Lukec je legel na klop. Vsak večer je naglo za¬ spal, tega večera mu ni bilo do spanca. Rad bi bil sanjal o A- meriki. Toda vsake sanje o A- meriki brez škorca bi bile nič . . On bo hodil po tujih krajih, a škorec — kje bo škorec? Morda ga bo imel Peter . . . Smejali se mu bodo. Lahko, da bo škorec celo poginil. Lukcu je stopila žalost v gr¬ lo, požrl jo je. Skozi okno je po- sijal mesec. Lukec je zaprl oči, a je videl škorca pred seboj. Zdelo se mu je, da mu sedi na ramenu in mu vpije v uho: — “Potep! Potep!” Znova je odprl oči. Posluhnil je. Mati je vzdihnila. Ni spala. Lukec se je ozrl. Tudi njen, od mesečine obsijan obraz je gle¬ dal v strop. Lukec je mislil dolgo, dolgo, slednjič se je odločil. Natiho se je spustil s klopi na tla. Natiho je šel do postelje. Vse je trepe¬ talo v njem. “Mati!” Marjeta se je začudeno ozrla. “Zakaj ne spiš?” Lukec je govoril ponižno, pro¬ seče: “Mati, ali smem vzeti škorca s seboj? Priden bom. Vse vas bom ubogal.” Mati je molčala. Bila je do¬ bra, predobra, njeno srce se je mehčalo. Govorila je mirno, mi¬ loba in ljubezen je bila v njenem glasu. “In če bomo imeli sitnosti ra¬ di njega ? Če ti ga ne bodo pusti¬ li vzeti na parnik? Morda bo treba zanj še celo plačati . . .” “Če ga ne bodo pustili vzeti s seboj, ga bom že kje pustil,” je dejal Lukec počasi. “In če bo treba zanj plačati . . . tudi . . ” Mati je pomislila. “Na, pa ga vzemi.” Lukec je bil neizmerno hva¬ ležen. Veselo mu je zapelo v srcu. Skočil bi bil k škorcu in ga objel. Po prstih je šel do klo¬ pi in legel. Olajšan je v hipu za¬ spal. Sanjal je, kako se tepe z mor¬ narji za svojega škorca. Že so ga premagovali. Klepec je pla¬ nil po njih. Okljuval jih je in jih ozmerjal. “Potepi! Bedaki!” Pustili so ga . . . Mesec je vi¬ del srečen nasmeh, ki se je raz¬ lezel čez Lukčev obraz. Smejal se je tudi on in do jutra čuval nad samotno kočo. 7 Prišel je čas odhoda. Mati in sin sta spala zadnjo noč pod do¬ mačo streho. Marjeta ni zatis¬ nila očesa. Tudi Lukec je spal nemirno. Sanjal je. Sanje niso bile podobne prav¬ ljici . . . Padel je v vodo. Pla¬ val je, ni se mogel rešiti. Odpi¬ ral je usta, ni vogel vpiti. Vroč pot mu je lil po telesu . . . Rešila ga je mati, ki ga je bila poklicala še pred zarjo. Lukec se je naglo umil in se oblekel. Na klopi sta stala kovčega. Ne¬ kaj stare obleke in živeža je ma¬ ti zavezala v veliko ruto. Denar in papirje je zapela v bluzo. Lukcu je bilo čudno pri sr¬ cu. Bil je nemiren, nestrpen. Sto¬ je le pil kavo in gledal skozi o- kno. Zunaj se je delal dan. Ob¬ risi gora in drevja so vstajali iz teme. Materi je bilo še težje v srcu nego sinu. Jedla je počasi, gle¬ dala predse v mizo. Pustila je kruh in kavo in si dala nekaj o- praviti okoli kovčega. Ali je skrivala žalost? “No, Lukec! Zdaj pa je treba iti.” V kotu je spal škorec. Ni se bil še dodobra prebudil. Pri luči je pokukal z enim očesom. Nato je nevoljen obrnil glavo v kot. Dremal je dalje. Lukec je sto¬ pil k njemu in ga podrezal. “Klepec, zdaj pa gremo.” Škorec se je predramil. Ni se mu ljubilo iz svojega kota. Ali je slutil, da mora po svetu, v do- godiščine, o katerih se mu ni sanjalo? Zaplesal je, a Lukec ga je zgrabil in postavil na mizo. “Potepin ,potepin,” se je drl ptič. “Parana!” “Da, v Parana gremo,” ga je pobožal Lukec. “Na! Še en groz- dič. Pozoblji ga, a naglo!” Klepec si ni dal dvakrat reči. Z eno nogo je stopil na pecelj in trgal jagodo za jagodo. Tičnik je bil pripravljen. Lukec je bil razširil vratca. Tudi dve paliči¬ ci je bil odstranil, da bi imel škorec dovolj prostora. “Luka!” je poklical ptič po zajtrku. Opazil je kletko in jo je radoveden ogledoval. Vtaknil je kljun skozi vratca in se ozrl po Lukcu. Ta ga je zgrabil in ga potisnil v tičnik. To je bilo za škorca novo. ftu- mena žica ga je opletala ko paj¬ čevina. Osuknil se je ko brglez. Od veselja in začudenja je začel vpiti. Lukec je zaprl vrata. Ško¬ rec je bil v ječi. (Dalje prihodnjič) original airplane design that the present-day plane can hard- ly be recognized as the- same type machine as the one the Wright brothers took off the ground for the fiest successful motor-d ri ven, heavier- than-air flight in 1903. It is, therefore, surprising to learn that 25 years before the Wright broth¬ ers’ flight at Kitty Hawk two Frenchmen patented an air¬ plane the general deseription of vvhich was strikingly similar to that of the modern transport. A translation of the patent, as it was filed in 1876 in France, vas published recently in the New York Times and it- re- vealed that not only were many of the awkward features of the first successful airplanes not included in the deseription but that some of the most recent improvements such as variable pitch propellers and retraeta- ble landing gears were. As conceived, d e s c r i b ed, and sketched by Messrs. Penaud and Gauchot, the inventors, the 1876-model airplane, a mono- plane, had an enelosed fuselage not greatly different from the fuselage of the new flying boats. In fact, with its land¬ ing gear retraeted, this plane vas a flying boat, according to a specific statement by its in¬ ventors. In the deseription it vas said that the airplane vas to be dravn through the air by tvo motor-driven propellers placed in the leading edge of the ving on either side of the noše of the ship just as the propellers of the modern tvin- motored traiisports are placed. It vas further stated that the eonstruetion of the propellers vould be such that their pitch could be changed during flight. While the tail arrangement vas almost exactly the same as that of the plane of today and there vas even a tail skid, the land¬ ing gear consisted of four vheels instead of tvo. But even vith this difference the French patent deseribes a n air¬ plane more like those of today than earlier ones. Even its vings became narrover near the tips as is true in present- day design, and the aileron system of maintaining equilibri- um developed by the Wrights 25 years later vas mentioned. Of course, regardless of the good ideas contained in it, .this plane added nothing to aviation because it vas never built. The Senate committee inves- tigating the air crash near Kansas City, Mo., in May, 1935, in vhich Senator Bronson Cut- ting vas killed, recently made its report. Signed by Senators Copeland, Clark, and Donahey, the report placed the blame for the crash on the Bureau of Air Commerce because the three bureau aids upon vhich the pi¬ lot of the ill-fated ship vas forced to depend after being obliged to pass up his regular off course; the radio station. at Kirksville, Mo., vas veak, arul the light beaeons useless. Itn this - report in vhich it placed the blame for the accident upe n the Bureau of Air Commerce the committee suggested a nuni • ber of changes to be made in the bureau. It said Direeior Eugene Vidal lacks the firm ness to develop a n efficient or- ganization and that Assistant Director Rex Martin does not possess sufficiently vide e:<- perienee to qualify him for M« present position. Besides it m criticism of the persomr I vhich, it pointed out, vas not meant to reflect in any vay on the characters of the persons • mentioned, the committee stig- gesied several changes in tim set-up of the bureau itself. -This placing of blame on the Bureau of Air Commerce is direetlv-op - posite the findings of the bur- eau’s ovn in vesti gation foliov/ • ing the crash. It placed til ■ blame on the eperating com • pany and found. the latter gruli / of seven violations of regalu, tions. ' Fines of $500 for each violation were imposed but these ha.ve not yet been pa ul pending the outeome of an ap peal. A $50,000 air race from Lon¬ don to Cape Tora vili probabl/ . be held this fall. Hovever, trn- ... like last years London-to- Mel- boume dash, this race- vili b-> - open onlv to flyers and planeš of the British Empire. Maryse Hiltz, French avkv- trix, claims to have set a sev/ vomen’s altitude record by • >, | recent flight to a height of 45,275. The vomen’s altitudo 2 recoid has been held sinc-e last year by Marquise Negrone, of Italv, vho took it from Miša Hiltz by flying to a heigfct of 39,511 feet. After its third trip to tim United States the Hindenburg has been declared a success by the officials of the German Zep¬ pelin company. About 3,500 aeres of puip vood are required to make m day’s supply of paper for United States nevspapers, according to estimates of the Pennsvlvani i Department of Forests mul Waters. ^ ^ s> ga. F 3 ' -*• A.~3, s. ”v.~ • a, ••• :Ji..:-rjSk --^.-a -S. Stran 4 Juvenile Section of Letters From Our Vrtec Members “UNCLE” CHARLIE WISHE S YOU A MERRY XMAS CLEVELAND, O. — Christ- mas just around the corner and ali good little boys and girls anxiously await Santa’s arri- val. Expecting good things to eat, toys, dolls, dresses, etc., each and everyone knowing Santa will not forget them. After Xmas another great day—New Year’s Day. The start of a new year. New things to do, new ideas, and resolutions to be made. Each resolving in his or her own way to do better and bigger things in the future. Vrtec members, the start of the new year means greater progress, increasing the membership by thousands, new ideas to be worked out, doing ali and everything in your power to make our SSPZ the organization we want it to be, bigger and better. Upon you Vrtec members de- pends the suceess of each new venture tried by our organiza¬ tion. Upon you, in future years, svili fall the responsibility of keeping up the good work of your parents, their parents, and your older brothers and sisters. They have ali put their heart and soul in making the SSPZ the most oustanding of ali Slo- vene organizations. English- speaking lodges and Vrtecs are the ones to keep up the wonder- ful example of our predeces- sors, always working forward vvith newer and better ideas. Your resolutions for the Corn¬ ing year should be: To attend ali Vrtec meetings. Attend ali social affairs and partake in sports and other af¬ fairs. Cooperate to the best of your ability with your lodge officers, administrators or administra- trices. Make your lodge meetings in- teresting, enjoyable, a plače to meet your many Vrtec mem¬ bers, friends ali. We have the members, co- operation, best insurance poli- cies, willingness to work to make our SSPZ more known, increase our membership to three and four times more than at present. _ Therefore everyone to work, attend ali meetings and social affairs, boost the SSPZ everywhere and always and I’m sure this year will be one of the greatest in SSPZ history. Wishing ali members the merriest Xmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year. “Uncle” Charlie CHRISTMAS PARTY OF VR¬ TEC NUMBER 1 VANDLING, Pa.—Now that the winter is here, probably some of the Vrtec contributors for the Vrtec Page will write more articles. Hoping that the winter will solve this problem of getting articles for the Vr¬ tec Page. We Vrtec members from different Vrtec units asked for the Vrtec Page, and now when we have it we don’t contribute articles. As a New Year resolution, let’s ali send at least one article a month for the Vrtec Page. Vrtec No. 1 is going to hold its regular monthly meeting on Sunday, Dec. 20 at Zaitz’s Hall at 10 or 1(5:30 a. m. A definite time hasn’t been decided upon, but word will be sent to ali members telling them the de¬ finite time. The meeting will be held in the morning because of the play which we are put- ting on will be held in the aft- ernoon. At this meeting, of course, the election of officers will take plače. At the meeting held by Lodge No. 27, SSPZ., Jos. Drašler, our present administrator, w a s again unanimously reelected to act as our Administrator for 1937. Congratulations! The Xmas play of Vrtec No. 1 will take plače on Sunday, Dec. 20 at 2 p. m. at Zvon Hall in Forest City. At previous Xmas entertainments Mr. Zaitz ga ve Slo vene declamations and a play, but now that he has left everything is English. Vr¬ tec No. 1 welcomes ali friends and parents to attend this play. We will try to do our best in expressing our talent. After the entertainment pro¬ gram, the members of Vrtec No. 1 will receive a gift. “Wishing you ali a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness.” Angy Pevc, Vrtec No. 1 VOLK IN MEDVED Volk in medved v loži tihi srečala sta se: — Kam pa, kam? vprašuje volkec. In kako vam gre? — Veš, svoj kožuh, težki kožuh rad hi zdaj prodal, saj sem slišal, da ti tudi sanj si barantal! —Saj ni res, moj striček dragi, vse je grda laž samo, komu kožuh naj ponujam, če pa ljubim vas srčno? —E j ponudil bi ga volkec, morda si ga tudi že, sleči le mi ga ne upaš, moje te moči plaše! ‘ ‘Napredek" _ Burke in šaljivi poskusi Kako je mogoče vzeti denar iz¬ pod klobuka, ne da bi se dotaknil klobuka? Položi kakšen denar na mizo, pokrije ga s klobukom in reci, da ga bodeš vzel izpod klobuka, ne da bi se zadnjega dotaknil: sezi nato pod mizo, kakor bi ho¬ tel denar v roko položiti, potr¬ kaj na mizo in reci: “Ena, dve, tri, presto! marš!” Zdaj lahko rečeš, da je denar izginil. Goto¬ vo bode kakšen radovednež po¬ vzdignil klobuk in če bi se to ne zgodilo, poprosi koga, naj vza¬ me klobuk proč. Kakor hitro pa se to zgodi, moreš denar vzeti z mize, ne da bi se bil dotaknil klobuka. Aajboljši skakač ne more pre¬ skočiti slamne bilke. Skakaču se stavijo ti-le pogo¬ ji: kolen ne sme celo upogniti, pa tudi telo mora ostati negib¬ no. Ložje pa je še, ako se položi slamna bilka ob steno in skakač je ne bode mogel preskočiti. Stavo za denar dobiti. Komu izmed družbe se reče, naj ti da srebrn novec. Nato greš staviti, da oseba ne bode mogla na tri vprašanja odgovo¬ riti z odgovorom: “Moj srebrni novec!” Kot stava zapade ti da- nar, ki ga držaš v roki. Nato po¬ kaži osebi novec in vprašaj: —• “Kaj je to?” — Odgovor bode: “Moj srebrni novec.”/ Zdaj se delaj začudenega in reci: “Vi že ja poznate vprašanja? Kaj mi date, ako zgubim stavo?” — Odgovori oseba: “Moj srebrni novec!” tedaj si stavo dobil in zahvališ se prav lepo za denar. Ako se ti pa odgovori: “Nič ne dobite!” shrani tudi denar, ker si tudi zdaj dobil stavo. Oseba namreč ni odgovorila: “Moj sre¬ brni novec!” kakor bi morala reči. Pri odprtih durih ne moreš vre¬ či kakšne reči skozi duri. Tisti, kateri bi imel vreči, naj se postavi kakšne štiri korake od duri, tako da bode gledal v sobo. Samo glavo sme obrniti na levo stran in pogledati proti du- rim, truplo pa mora ostati pri miru. Zdaj se mu da v 'desnico kakšna reč, ki se ne stere in to naj vrže pri durih ven. Sicer se mu bode zdelo to prav lahko in tudi drugim se bode zdelo tako. Toda reč se ne bode dala izpe¬ ljati in predmet bode odletel ve¬ dno kam drugom. Da se ti po¬ sreči, moraš predmet vreči ta¬ ko, kakor bi ga hotel dva do tri korake proti desni strani pogna¬ ti v steno. Trije koščki kruha. Pazite! Tukaj na mizo denem tri klobuke. Pod vsak klobuk sem dal po en košček kruha. — Zdaj vzamem košček za ko¬ ščkom izpod klobuka in snem vse tri kosce. Ste-li videli? Kaj ne? Toda glejte! Začaral bom kosce in kmalu bodo vsi trije 16. decembra, 1033 Branko prijatelj ptičic “činčarara, to se je pa pri¬ leglo našim praznim želodčkom! Sedaj se pa le stisnite vsaka v varno zavetje pod smrekovo ve¬ jico ali kamor si bodi, da vam bo topleje!” — Tako je govo¬ rila stara sinica mladičem, ki so skakljali okrog deščice, na kateri je bilo natreseno razno semenje. “Čakaj, mamica, da še tole peško izluščim pa pozobljem. Zdi se mi, da je še dovolj pro¬ stora zanjo v mojem želodčku!” se oglasi mlada siničela. “No, le privošči si jo! Saj sama veš, koliko ti je treba, da ne boš več lačna,” pravi starka. “Mamica, mamica, jaz sem pa že tako sita, da me kar tre¬ bušček boli. Pa počila menda ne bom, kaj praviš, mamica?” zakliče siničelka. “Cicifuj — cicifuj, jaz bi pa tudi rad imel kaj pečenke,” se oglasi prešerni siničelček. “Ve¬ ste kaj, sestrice, tjale v sadov¬ njak poletimo! Tamkaj gotovo dobimo kaj mrčesa za posla¬ dek!” “Saj res, saj res, — činčara, cicifuj, cicifuj, cicifuj,” zakli¬ čejo vesele, in ne meneč se za burjo in sneg, je odletelo ži¬ vahno krdelce na bližnje hruške in jablane, črešnje in češplje, kjer so preiskale sinice sleherni list in listič, prebrskale s kljun¬ čki vsako skorjico lubadi — pa vlačile na dan premrle gosenice in drug mrčes. Kar je bilo le živega, vse je moralo v želod¬ čke . . . Tako življenje je na Branko¬ vem vrtu vsak dan. Zjutraj natrese Branko pred hišo na de¬ ščice bučnih pešek, zrnja od solnčnic in drugega semenja, ki ga rade luščijo sinice, zato pa so dan na dan na bližnjem sad¬ nem vrtu, kjer trebijo drevje raznih škodljivcev. Ko pa se v topli pomladi drevje prebudi in ga posuje Stvarnik s snežnobelim cvet¬ jem, ne bo gosenic, ki bi ga uni- čečvale, drevje pa bo rodilo o- bilo okusnega sadja, ki ga Branko tako rad je! Otroci, ali bi vi ravnali dru¬ gače? Prav tako, kajne? Da¬ jajte pridno hrane koristnim pticam kakor Jurček in Bran¬ ko, saj vam obilo poplačajo ta trud. Fr. Črnagoj pod mojim klobukom, katerega položim tukaj na mizo. Kako se bode to zgodilo? Ali ve kdo? Odgovor : Klobuk bom dal na glavo. Kako ne more kdo sam vstati. Katerega izmed družbe posa¬ di na stol, njemu nasproti vse- di se tudi ti. Zdaj naj poskusi sam vstati. Kakor hitro vstane on, vstani tudi ti. Če ne pride še na šalo in reče: “Saj sem ven¬ dar sam vstal!” odgovori mu: “Ne, ker sem vstal tudi jaz.”