DOMOVINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME slovenian morning daily newspaper NO. 223 cleveland, ohio, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22D, 1932 Leto xxxiv—vol. xxxiv L Prvo štetje poskusnega glasovanja daje predsedniku Hoover ju prednost New York, 20. septembra. Poznani tednik "Literary Digest" Je upeljal poskusno predsedniško glasovanje. V ta namen je razposlal po širni Ameriki 20,000,-M0 glasovnic, katere državljani spolnejo in vrnejo uredništvu, Te dni so bili prešteti prvi glasovi, in videti je, da je Hoover nekoliko naprej od Roosevelta. Vsega skupaj je dobilo uredništvo "Literary Digest" 60,327 glasovnic vrnjenih. Od teh jih le bilo oddanih za Hoover j a 28,-193 glasov, in za Roosevelta pa 27,654. To je 92.53 odstotkov glasov, ostalih 7.43 odstotkov glasov se pa razdeli med razne druge kandidate, med socialiste, komuniste in ostale. Glasovnice so bile poslane iz petih različnih držav, in kažejo, da je Hoover naprej v državi Indiana in New York, toda Roosevelt pa ima več glasov v Pennsylvaniji, Ohio in West Virginia. Rezultat štetja glasov bo priobčen vsak teden tekom prihodnih pet tednov. -o- Predstava v Barbertonu Društvo Majnik št. 28 S. D. 2. v Barbertonu, Ohio, priredi v soboto, 24. septembra, v dvorani društva "Domovina" na 14. cesti, mično in skrajno smešno burko "Davek na samce." Dra matične predstave v Barbertonu niso na dnevnem redu, zato jih Pa ljudstvo kaj rado obiskuje, kadar se vprizorijo, in tako vlada tudi sedaj prijetno zanimanje "Davek na samce." Društvo "Majnik" prijazno pozivlje za-vedne Slovence in Slovenke v Karbertonu, pa tudi v okolici, jn tudi člani S. D. Zveze iz Clevelanda so prijazno vabljeni k °bilni udeležbi. Društvo bo podarilo 10 odstotkov čistega dobička sirotnim družinam v Barbertonu, ostalo gre pa za društveno blagajno. Vstopnina k tej *ePi predstavi je samo 35 centov. Po predstavi se vrši ples in domača zabava. Vstopnina samo k Plesu je 25 centov, že precej ča-sa ni bilo v Be.rbertonu tako dobre zabave, kot se obeta v soboto- Blagi namen predstave in dobra zabava bo gotovo privabijo številno naših ljudi. Kdor ima trmo Bright Wilhelm, 1340 W. 106th St., je dobil ob Božiču leta 1929 Pink tiket" na svojem avtomobilu, ker je zapeljal svoj avto na Prepovedan prostor. Namesto da bi plačal $2,00 za t? prestopek, je Wilhelm obljubil, da bo pofik-sal policiste. Začel je s tožbo, v kateri je trdil, da je bil napačno aretiran in je tožil 6 policistov $25,000 odškodnine. Tožba je vlekla skozi tri leta po raz-nih sodni j ah, in ena sama obravnava je trajala štiri dni in pol. ^dvetniku je Wilhelm doslej pla-Cal že $250.00, poleg neštetih drug^ stroškov. Včeraj je pa Common Pleas sodnija odločila, Wilhelm zgubi tožbo. In pra-Vl> da bo tožil še naprej. Ali ima Preveč denarja ali pa trmo, na katero lahko vzame patent. Nova drevesa Oddelek za mestne parke nasanja, da je nemogoče zastonj saditi drevesa za lastnike hiš, ki Jih zahtevajo. Mesto nima de-^rja, da bi kupilo drevesa. Di-^ektor Matia pa je obljubil, da kdo sam kupi drevo, bo mest-vlada po svojih delavcih za-st°nj posadila drevo na prime-ren Prostor. Zanimive vesti iz življenja naših ljudi po ameriških naselbinah Kako se godi slovenskim farmarjem v Minnesoti in po kakšnih cen?,h prodajajo svoje poljske pridelke, je razvidno iz dopisov slovenskih farmarjev v naših listih. Iz St. Stephen, Minnesota, kjer se nahaja najstarejša slovenska farmarska naselbina. !se poroča, da tam ponujajo pre-kupci borih 15 centov za 100 fun-I tov krompirja. Za jajca se ondi I plačuje 6 centov ducat, mleko pa .splch cene nima. Krave so po $10.00. Pretekli teden je umrl v Chi-cagi Josip Mihelič, star 57 let, ^doma iz Gradca pri Črnomlju. Na svoji farmi v Willard, Wisconsin, je te dni nagloma, preminul rojak Peter Zel. Mož je bil star 72 let in je dalj časa bole-I hal. Doma je bil iz Zalega loga nad škof jo Loko. Zapušča dve ftčeri, Jennie in Ana, omožena I Štefane in enega sina Petra. Dne 6. septembra je v slovenski naselbini Bingham Canyon, Utah, izbruhnil požar, ki se je tako hitro razširil, da so si ljudje komaj rešili življenje. Prizadeti so sledeči rojaki: Math Pe-zel, Skala, Anton Strilich, Nick Bulich, Mike Jeglič, Peter Nik-šič, Lucija Kalan, John Pzelj, Frank Mahne, Kate Vranes in Nick Bogdan. Vsi navedeni in poleg njih mnogo bratov Hrvatov so zgubili avoje domove in so izročeni na milost in , nemilost kruti usodi. Zgoreli sta tudi dve društveni dvorani, zastave, re-| galije in enake vrednosti, škoda je ogromna, zavarovani pa niso bili nič. Jugoslovanski konzulat želi zvedeti za naslov rojaka Steve Balek, star okoli 40 let, doma iz Lucove pri Murski Soboti. Kdor ve zanj naj naznani generalne-| mu konzulu Jugoslavije, 840 No. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. -o- Delavec zblaznel Iz bližnjega mesta Dover, O., i se poroča, da je zblaznel včeraj j 64 letni delavec Harvey Harper, ki je prijel za revolver in je za-j čel streljati na 125 delavcev za-jposljenih pri Dover Manufacturing Co. Ubil je svojega formana in ranil dva druga delavca., na-kar je lastnemu življenju naredil konec. Dan prej je skušal Harper zastrupiti svojega formana, ko so ga dobili, ko je vlival neke kemikalije v mleko formana. Sokolske vaje Slovenski Sokol v Clevelandu vabi vse člaine telovadnega odseka, da pridejo k vajam v petek večer, 23. septembra, v S. N. Dom na St. Clair Ave. Dobili bodo tudi natančne informacije 0 Sokolskem zletu, ki se bo vršil 1933 v Clevelandu. Kdor misli tekmovati na tem zletu, mora biti član telovadnega odseka vsaj 6 mesecev. Pridite torej k vajam v petek večer. — Voditelj-ski zbor. Izmenjava pohištva V današnjem oglasu pojasnjuje Mr. Anton Grdina, da je upeljal tudi izmenjavo rabljenega pohištva za novo. Treba je samo poklicati po telefonu Grdino-vo prodajalno s pohištvom, pa vam pridejo precenit pohištvo na dom. O j ta štorklja! Na potu v južne kraje se je ustavila teta štorklja pri poznani družini Mr. in Mrs. Anton Potokar, 19850 Renwood Ave. in 1 jim pustila v oskrbo pridnega | sinčka, čestitamo! Ali dobimo $1000 za brezposelne družine? Od februarja meseca, ni bilo v največji slovenski naselbini Amerike, v Clevelandu, nobene splošne prireditve za naše slovenske brezposelne. Zadnja predstava, prirejena po "Ameriški Domovini" v februarju je prinesla nekako $1,300.00 čistega dobička, kateri denar se je ves vporabil za slovenske brezposelne družine. Danes ponovno apeliramo na dobrotna, slovenska srca v Clevelandu in okolici, da se odzovejo ponovno in s skupnimi močmi povzročijo uspeh velike nedeljske predstave v S. N. Domu. ko se vprizori krasna narodna drama "Domen" s petjem in godbo. Kot povtdanb gre ves dobiček prireditve za naše slovenske brezposelne družine. Tisoče in tisoče naših ljudi je v Clevelandu in okolici, ki trpijo, silno trpijo s svojimi družinami, pa nas je tudi tisoče, ki imamo še en dolar ali 50 centov, katerega lahko damo v pomoč onemu, ki je večji revež kot smo mi. V nedeljo, 25. septembra, bomo torej videli naše zavedne ljudi prihajati v Slov. Narodni Dom z dvojnim namenom: biti navzoč pri izvanredno pomembni in krasni narodni predstavi "Domen," obenem pa imeti zavest, da so po svoje pripomogli, da bo zopet stotine in stotine potrebnih dobilo tako nujno potrebno pomoč. Z ozirom na blagi namen predstave, se dobrovoljni prino-si pri blagajni tudi sprejemajo, kdor hoče in more. Cena, vstopnicam se je to pot izvanredno nizko določila. Nekaj vrst spodaj je po $1.00, in dve vrsti zgorej na balkonu po $1.00, vsi drugi rezervirani sedeži so samo 50 centov, kar daje slehernemu priliko, da je navzoč. Z ozirom na plemeniti namen predstave pričakujemo, da bo velika dvorana S. N. Doma v nedeljo napolnjena do zadnjega kotička, in da bodo tudi stojišča polna. Saj se naši igralci zastonj trudijo že več mesecev z mučnimi vajami, da pokažejo narodu nekaj lepega in značaj-nega. Mnogo je truda s tako prireditvijo, ako jo hočemo imeti perfektno, in "Ameriška Domovina" želi podati narodu nekaj v resnici prvovrstnega in vrednega. Prijazno pozivljemo ne samo naše Clevelandčane, pač pa tudi one iz Collinwooda, Newburga, zapadne strani, Nottinghama, Euclida, pa tudi iz Barbertona, Loraina, Akrona in ostalih naselbin, da pridejo. Vsi sedeži v dvorani so rezervirani, kar vam garantira, da dobite sedež, ako se pravočasno oglasite. Vstopnice so naprodaj pri Mrs. Mary Kush-lan v S. N. Domu, in ste prijazno prošeni, da jih nabavite takoj, da si zasigurate sedež. Nismo hoteli podati narodu težko razumljivo, naštudirano igro, katere marsikdo ne razume, pač pa priredimo lepo, domačo ,prav narodno igro "Domen," katere snov je izvzeta iz življenja, kot so ga živeli očetje« in matere. Videli boste domače predice, vaške fante in originale, burne prizore nesporazuma, jeze, sovraštva, maščevanja, a zopet čiste, priproste ljubezni dveh sirotnih src, kar vam bo seglo globoko v dušo. Poleg tega pa petje vaših fantov in deklet, petje junakinje igre, Josephine Lausche-Welf, dobro godbo, i skratka, imeli boste program, ki 'se more prirediti le, če se dobri [igralci združijo v plemenitem namenu medsebojne pomoči. Ponovno apeliramo na vso slovensko naselbino, da pohiti po | vstopnice za nedeljsko predsta-I vo. Enkrat ali dvakrat na leto lahko pridemo skupaj in vsak po 'svoji moči pomagamo lastnim bratom, ki so bolj nesrečni in potrebni kot ste sami. Prosimo! Hoover trdi, da vprašanje nemškega oboroženja ni ameriško vprašanje Washington, 21. septembra. Zahteva nemške republike, da se i ji pripozna enakost v oboroževanju, kot je priznana ostalim velesilam v P^vropi, ni zadeva, s katero bi se bavila Amerika, tako je danes izjavil predsednik ; Hoover glede tega kritičnega ! vprašanja, ki danes presunjai ! Evropo. Hoover je pa obenem i izjavil, da Nemčija radi tega vprašanj? ne bo izstopila iz združenja narodov, ki se borijo za razorožitev. "Edini problem, ki zanima Zedinjene države," je izjavil predsednik Hoover, "je razorožitev vseh narodov, korak za korakom. Zedinjene države ne j priznajo Versailles miru in slednjega niso podpisale. V tej mirovni pogodbi se zahteva od Nemcev, da vzdržujejo le maloštevilno armado, in vprašanje te armade je popolnoma evropsko vprašanje. Kar pa zanima Zedi njene države, je dejstvo, da mora Nemčija biti udeležena po svojih zastopnikih na razoroževal-ni konferenci, da po .svoje pomaga k boljši Mstopnosti med narodi veta. -o-—:- Šesturno delo Direktor javnih utilitet, Brueggeman, je včeraj odredil, da se v vseh oddelkih mestne elektrarne in vodovoda začne od 1. oktobra delati dnevno po šest ur, namestq po osem ur. Uslužbenci bodo plačani od ure, torej bo imel vsakdo dnevno za dve uri manj plačano od 1. oktobra naprej. Odredba je prišla, da se na ta način lahko najame nadalj-nih 300 mož, ki bodo delali pri javnih utilitetah. Po novem načinu bodo delavci zaslužili dnevno $3.60, dočim so sedaj služili $4.80. V j Herbert Hoover gre tudi v zapadne države Washington, 21. septembra Govori in nastopi demokratskega predsedniškega kandidata Franklin Roosevelta, so prisilili I predsednika Hooverja, da se je odločil, da gre na zapad in odgovori Rooseveltu glede farmarske-ga vprašanja. Dne 4. oktobra bo Hoover govoril v Des Moines, Jowa, glede problemov zapadnih farmarjev. To bo njegov edini govor na zapadli. Pozneje bo Hoover nastopil najbrž še enkrat nekje na vzhodu in skoro gotovo j v državi Ohio. Hoover se boji, da so zapadne države zgubljene za republikansko stranko. Malo jih umira Kar se tiče smrtnih slučajev v Clevelandu jih imamo manj kot 'jih je bilo še kdaj prej v zgodo-1 vini Clevelanda, Pretekli teden j je umrlo v Clevelandu samo 137 'oseb. Najmanjše število smrti v • letu 1931 na teden je bilo 156. j Vsa depresija ne more pomagati i smrti, se je izjavil mestni zdravstveni komisar. 380,000 registriranih Volivni odbor naznanja., da je danes že 380,000 volivcev registriranih za predsedniške volitve, Dnevno prihaja še kakih 250 novih državljanov, ki želijo voliti. Pričakuje se letos pri volitvah 8. novembra nad 400,000 volivcev, česar prej še nikdar ni bilo v zgodovini Clevelanda. I Postaje ulične železnice I V najkrajšem času nameravajo odpraviti 7 postajališč na ulični železnici po Euclid Ave. med 84. cesto in Public Square. lrgovec ustreljen po ropar jut ko se mu je zoper stavil v trgovini Cleveland. Samuel Hartstien, 32 let star, lastnik trgovine na 2154 Prospect Ave. je bil včeraj popoldne ustreljen po nekem roparju, katerega sedaj išče vsa mestna policija, štirje večji ropi so se pripetili včeraj popoldne v raznih trgovinah. Predno je Hartstien umrl, dve uri potem, ko je bil obstreljen, je povedal detektivom, da je dotični ropar prvič prišel k njemu okoli 2. ure popoldne. Zahteval je par nogavic mere 11. Ob 5:30 zvečer pa se je ropar zopet vrnil. Hartstien je bil tedaj sam v trgovini. Nahajal se je v ozadju trgovine in je šel novodošlecu nasproti. Bandit je potegnil revolver in zapovedal Hartstienu, da odpre register, ki se nahaja v ospredju trgovine. Toda ko je Hartstien hotel odpreti register, je ropar ustrelil in trgovec se je zgrudil na tla, Ropar je pobeg-j nil, ne da, bi vzel kaj denarja. ; Hartstien je pogosto pravil svojim uslužbencem, da če pride rO-jpar v trgovino, naj mu izročijo , denar, da ne bodo sicer ubiti. ; Neki uslužbenec v lekarni, ki se J nahaja takoj zraven trgovine [ustreljenega, je slišal strel in je prišel pogledat, kaj pomeni stre-[ ljanje. Videl je nekega moškega, ki je bil sklonjen nad Hartstien-om, toda ko ga je uzrl, niu je zagrozil z revolverjem, -~o--— Cleveland čaka Iz Washingtona so se vrnili odlični Clevelandčani, ki so šli tja pretekli pondeljek, da R. F. ;C. uradu predložijo zahtevo me-sta Cleveland za $3,800,000 pod-|pore za brezposelne Clevelanda V bodoči zimi. Zvezni urad za jodpomoč je' prijazno sprejel 1 prošnjo Clevelandčanov, o kateri se pričakuje, da bo rešena v petek ali v soboto. Ako dobi Cleveland to svoto, bo znatno olajšano krajevnim uradnikom | poslovanje z brezposelnimi v prihodnji zimi. župan, Ray Miller, je mnenja, da bo zvezni urad do-| volil Clevelandu, kar se je zahtevalo. i - Mati speakerja Garnerja je umrla Detroit, Texas, 21. septembra. Mrs. Sarah Jane Garner, 81 let stara, mati predsednika poslanike zbornice in kandidata za podpredsednika Zed. držav, je danes v tem mestu umrla. Mrs. Gar-jner je pričakovala, da bo živela toliko časa, da bo njen sin izvo-i Ijen podpredsednikom Zedinje-!nih držav. Registrirajte prešo Kdor izmed naših rojakov želi registrirati svojo stiskalnico za grozdje, lahko to stori v uradu "Ameriške Domovine." Kot znano, mora vsakdo registrirati stiskalnico, kdor bo prodajal j mošt. Da si prihranite pot v mesto na zvezni urad, lahko pridete k nam do 1. oktobra in se podpišete. Pozneje bo prepozno. Hrvatske državljanke Milan Boič, znani hrvatski kandidat za državno zbornico, je sinoči organiziral hrvatske žene v politilni klub. Zborovanje se je vršilo v dvorani na 36. cesti in Superior Ave. Lepo število hrvatskih žen je pristopilo v klub. Poceni preše Opozarjamo na oglas Za.vasky Hardware, kjer dobite preše, sode in vso drugo pripravo, ki jo boste sedaj v kratkem rabili, po | j ako nizkih cenah. Izbiranje porotnikov bo končano šele v soboto. Državni pravdnik Lieghley se je izjavil, da pri izbiranju porotnikov v obravnavi proti načelniku republikancev Maurice Maschketu, ki je obtožen poneverbe javnega denarja, pri njem ne bo odločevalo, ali je porotnik republikanec ali demokrat. Pač pa bo odklonil kot porotnike vse take, ki so bili aktivni v republikanski politiki v Clevelandu. Naročil je dvema pomožnima držav nima pravdnikoma, da gresta na volivni odbor in se prepričata, če je kdo izmed doslej zbranih porotnikov aktiven v politiki republikancev v Clevelandu. Tri dni so zbirali porotnike za obravnavo, in do srede večer so imeli izbranih osem žensk in štiri moške, katere so na večer zaprli v hotel Statler. Toda to še niso pravi porotniki, pač pa le začasni. Državni pravdnik je izjavil, da, bo najbrž odstranil izmed dosedaj izbranih dva ali tri, dočim so zagovorniki izjavili, da niso zadovoljni s šestimi ali sedmimi porotniki. Tako vse zgleda, da zadeva porotnikov še do konca tedna ne bo urejena. Dosedaj je bilo poklicanih že 50 državljanov na sodnijo, da izbirajo med njimi porotnike. 48 izmed teh jih je bilo zaslišanih, da so dobili 12 začasnih imen. Danes je poklicanih nadaljnih 34 mož in žen, da zbirajo med njimi druge porotnike. Eden izmed obtoženih republikancev, councilman Finkle, je bil včeraj navzoč, ko so zbirali imena bodočih porotnikov. Izjavil se je, da sistem izbiranja nikakor ni pravičen, nakar so mu povedali, da je sistem izbrala državna postavo-daja. Zlasti se je zanimal Maschke, kdo je izbran porotnikom. Kakor hitro je prišla nova oseba na vrsto, jo-je skrbno gledal. Dobival je skrivnostne pisane vrste, ! ki so pojasnjevale značaj doti-'čnega, in je neprestano govoril s 'svojimi zagovorniki, če bi bil ta ali oni dober za porotnika ali ne. |Končno je pa izjavil, da mu je vseeno, če ga sodi republikanski ali demokratski porotnik. Vsak kandidat za porotnika mora odgovoriti od 200 do 300 vprašanj, tako od strani zagovor- nikov obtožencev, kot od strani | državnega pravdnika. Kdorkoli je bil ali je v politiki, ali če je v sorodu s kakim politikarjem, te-'ga takoj odstrani državni pravdni. Izmed 30 kandidatov za porotnike se jih je 22 izjavilo, da so že prepričani, da so obtoženci krivi, kar jim država očita, i Sprememba naslovov Ako želite voliti predsednika, senatorje, governerja, kongres-mane, sodnike najvišje sodnije in druge javne uradnike, bodisi katerekoli stranke, tedaj je potrebno, da imate pravilen naslov v uradu volivnega odbora. Ako ste se preselili od zadnjih volitev, tedaj morate naznaniti spremembo naslova. To spremembo lahko storite v našem uradu, brez raizlike, kje stanujete v mestu. Pridite v naš urad in vam to storimo, ne da bi vam bilo treba hoditi v razne urade. Ako pa boste 8. novembra stari 21 let, in boste torej prvič volili, ako ste postali državljan od zadnjih volitev, ako niste volili pri zadnjih dveh volitvah, tedaj se morate registrirati v uradu volivnega odbora, v City Hall. Uradne ure so vsak dan od 8. zjutraj do 4. popoldne. Doba za registracijo bo v kratkem nehala, še nekaj dni imate na razpolago. 20 dni pred volitvami ne more nihče registrirati ali spremeniti naslova. Ako nečete zgubiti svoje največje pravice državljanstva, volitve, pazite, da imate registracijo v redu. -o—- Mleka ne bo? Včeraj se je zbralo v hotelu Carter v Clevelandu 195 farmarjev, ki pošiljajo dnevno mleko v Cleveland. Farmarji so bili skrajno nezadovoljni radi nizkih cen, ki jih dobivajo za mleko. Farmarji zahtevajo $1.75 za 100 funtov mleka, in izjavili so se, da bodo raje "dump,ali" mleko, kot da bi ga. prodajali v zgu-bo v mesto. Cena $1.70 pomeni, da bi dobivali farmarji nekoliko manj kot 4 cente za kvort. Farmarji dobivajo letos polovico manj za mleko kot lansko leto. Prohibicijski agenti v frakih in cilindrih New York, 20. septembra. Sedem prohibicijskih agentov, v frakih in cilindrih, se je podalo i v klub New Yorker, kjer so ime-jli dobro večerjo in izvrstno pija-ičo. Ko so plačali za vse to, so se izkazali kot vladni agenti, nakar !so nagnali 150 moških in žensk iz prostorov, nakar so aretirali 21 uslužbencev kluba, ker so kršili prohibicijsko postavo. Slabe oči Russell Reynolds iz Strongs-villa je šel na lov na veverice, in je bil tudi srečen, da je eno ustrelil, katero si je zatlačil v zadnji hlačni žep. Neki drugi lovec je pa opazil to mrtvo veverico, ko je stal Reynolds blizu nekega drevesa, in je mislil, da veverica pleza, po drevesu, pa je počil in zadel — Reynoldsa, že veste kam. Poroka mladega para V soboto se poročita Miss Jennie Turšič, hčerka poznane Tur-šičeve družine, in Mr. John Nah-tigal, ki je doma iz Novega m'e-sta. Mlademu paru iskreno čestitamo in želimo vso srečo v zakonskem življenju! Uslužbenci knjižnic 75 odstotkov uslužbencev javnih knjižnic v Clevelandu ni dobilo nobene plače že 2 meseca. Več se jih nahaja v obupnem stanju. Denar je sicer na razpolago, toda rabiti se ga n- GROZDJE JE ZRELO mmajmnmamammammmmmammmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm Stiskalnice so poceni No. 3, velika stiskalnica...........00 Malni po ........................$4.49 Rjuhe za stiskanje (40 inčev široke), jard............................15c 50 gal. parafiran sod, 6 obročev.....$3.50 50 gal sod, težak, zažgan, 8 obročev.. $4.75 Tudi posebne cene na zamaških za sode, Vehah, lijakih, kosih žvepla, lesenih pipah, obročih in drugih številnih predmetih PRI ZAVASKY HARDWARE 8011-13 St. Clair Ave. ENdicott 5141 Mlada, Rozi Planinšek, članica društva št. 22 SDZ je dobila prvo nagrado pri metanju valjarja v slamnatega moža. Kot nagrada je bil posrebren valjar, ki ga bo imela za balo, da bo dobil moziček že v početkv. rešpekt. Na sliki je Rozi Planinšek, poleg nje pa slamnati možic, ki jih je na pikniku SDZ mnogo prestal od naših žensk. Dnevna vprašanja Odgovori na vprašanja "Koliko otrok je bilo v vaši družini?" "Deset fantov nas je bilo i^ vsak je imel po eno sestro." "Joj, potem vas je bilo pa dvajset." "Ne, samo enajst." Penosa V........... 22 Penosa L........... 15 Susel.............. 20 Novak J............. 16 Urankar J.......19 Mihelich J......... 9 Pirnat............ 17 Podpadec.......... 16 Prah J............. 12 Turšič.............. 22 Malovašič.......... 12 Glažar.............. 17 Klemen............ 17 Peterka............ 13 Kren.............. 10 Sajovec............ 12 Gorjanc............ 23 Šinkovec .......... 8 Urankar A......... 11 Dolenc.............. 20 Ravnikar .. ........ 9 1. Ime velikega pristanišča v severni Belgiji? 2. Glavno mesto Belgije? 3. Glavno mesto Irske svobodne države? 4. Glavno mesto Nizozemske? 5. Kje se nahaja mesto Firen-ze? 6. Bivše glavno mesto Turčije? 7. Kje so kronali starodavne nemške cesarje? 8. Glavno mesto Danske? 9. Kako se pravilno imenuje glavno mesto češke republike? 10. Glavno mesto tretjega, največjega otoka na svetu, Ma-dagarskarja? 1. Anvers. 2. Bruxelles. 3. Cobh. 4. Den Haag. 5. V Italiji. 6. Istambul. 7. V Aachenu. 8. Kjobenhavn. 9. Praha. 10. Antanarivo. Rojaki, pozor! Namenil sem se opustiti trgovino z modnim blagom in obdržati samo trgovino z obuvalom najboljše vrste. Zato sem sklenil v petek in v soboto prirediti razprodajo na vsem blagu za moške, ženske in otroke, kot spodnje obleke, hlače, srajce, kape in lepe klobuke, in to po tako nizki ceni, da vam bo v veselje, da nekaj kupite. Razprodaja je tudi na vseh čevljih v naši trgovini. Rojaki, še enkrat vas opominjam na nizke cene, ki so v resnici tako nizke, da boste blago dobili skoro zastonj. Le pridite, da se boste prepričali. Se vam priporočam Jos. Koss 863 E. 185th St. (Sept.15.22.) V najem se odda lepo stanovanje v S. N. Domu, ima štiri čedne sobe, za gorkoto in gorko vodo skrbi S. N. Dom. Kdor želi imeti lepo stanovanje po nizki ceni, naj se takoj zglasi v uradu S. N. Doma. (224)" Stanovanje se da v najem, 5 sob in kopališče. Vprašajte na 1253 E. 60th St. (224) V najem se dajo tri sobe za $12.00 na mesec, štiri sobe za $14.00 na mesec, 5 sob za $17.00. Vprašajte na 1011 E. 64th St. (225) MACHINE SHOP Furnace and Sheet Metal Supplies Popravila na vsfeh modelih. Direktno k vam po cenah na debelo. Mcncrief Furnace Sales & Service Co. 15301 School Ave. GLenville 1162 BRUSS RADIO SERVICE 6026 ST. CLAIR AVENUE ENdicqft 4324 StrokovnjaSka popravila na vseh vrstah radio aparatov. Zmerne cene 7.a garantirano delo. Odprto od 0. zjutraj do 8. zvečer. Za izdelovanje iznajdb (toots) in vse, kar spada v to obrt. kakor tudi druira mehanična popravila po najnižjih cenah. Se priporoča LUSTREK & PETSCHE 1422 Larchmont Rd. off St. Clair 179th St. Tel. KEnmore 4116-W In da bo ustreženo vsem, smo cdredili v naši trgovini in na novo upcl.iali tudi ZAMENJAVO POHIŠTVA, da na ta način zadovoljimo oba odjemalca, in sicer: tistega, ki že ima še dobro ohranjeno pohištvo in bi rad novega, novomodernega in da ustrežemo onemu, ki bi rad dobil nekaj pohištva, četudi že malo rabljeno za mal denar, ker drugače si ne more kupiti v teh časih. Radi tega smo odredili tudi ZAMENJAVO pohištva, kakor zgorc.i omenjeno, da z enim korakom ustrcžtmo dvema in vsem, da tako omogočimo našim ljudem, da ne bodo hodili drugam, k tujcem po enake prilike. Naj trgovina ostane doma, in blago naj se prodaja in zamenjuje našim ljudem v naših domačih prodajalnah. Mnogi odjemalci ko nam večkrat pripovedovali, da bi radi kupili novo moderno pohištvo, če bi le nekaj dobili za svoje pohištvo, ki je še dobro ohranjeno. In ker .je mnogo povpraševanja še po dobro ohranjenem pohištvu od strani naših revnejših družin, bo na ta način mogoče ustreči obojim. Kdor je namenjen zamenjavo, naj se oglasi sedaj. Rade volje pridemo v njih stanovanje in precenimo pohištvo, ki se ga želi zamenjati. Radi se oglasimo, kadar jim drago. Telefon ali kartica ziv cent je dovolj in naš zastopnik se bo zglasil v njih stanovanju. To izvedeti ne stane nič in morda nam boste še hvaležni za uslugo in lepo priliko. Prav posebno vse opozarjamo, da sedaj, v teh časih ,nikar ne hodite v druge, v tuje prodajalne, ker se doma med svojimi tako potrebuje pomoči. Čas je prišel, da se končno vendar že enkrat zavedamo. Prav gotovo je, da belj ko mi narod, on potrebuje nas. Če govorimo zase., govorimo za vas. Vi ste nam dolžni, dolžni smo vam mi. Sedaj potrebujemo eden drugega, sedaj se pokažimo kakšen narod da smo. Naše, že nad 29 let obstoječe prodajalne v naselbini za narod naj bi bile osamljene in naši ljudje naj hodijo v tuje, neznane prodajalne po stvari) katere prodajamo mi? O, kakšna zavest bi to bila! Kako nelogično bi ravnali! Lahko bi se nam drugi smejali, lahko bi mi vsem očitali dobiček, mesto nas vseh bi drilgi spravljali, ki nas vseeno nikdar ne bodo priznali. Pridite ali nam naznanite, da pridemo z avtomobilom po vas, če istega nimate vi. To vas nič ne stane. Če kupite kaj, je dobro, če nič, tudi velja. A. MALNAR Cement Works 1119 Addison Rd. ENdicott 4371 žito je dražje Borzna poročila iz žitnih tržnic naznanjajo, da so se dvignile cene pšenici, ovsu, koruzi in rži. POZOR! Naročniki v Clevelandu in okolici, ki dobivajo "Ameriško Domovino" po pošti, naj sprejmejo v naznanje, da jih bo odslej naprej obiskoval naš stalni zastopnik Mr. Joško Penko, ki je opravičen pobirati naročnino, oglase in tiskovine. Prosimo cenjene naročnike, da sodelujejo v vseh ozirih z našim zastopnikom. Uprava Am. Domovine (x) A. Grdina in Sino-Vi •6019 St. Clair Ave., 15301 Waterloo Rd. Za trgovine pohištva: A. GRDINA, st J o s. Žele in Sinovi | POGREBNI ZAVOD Avtomobili in bolniškj voz redno in ob vsaki uri na razpolago. : Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo = E 6502 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Tel.: ENdicott 0583 =j COLLINWOODSKI URAD: E 452 E. 152D STREET Tel.: KEnmore 3118 = iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiii? DOBER PREMOG! ® Točna postrežba! © The Hill Coal Co. jlj 1261 MARQUETTE RD. © Stari Clmperm«uovl prostori » (S) IIEnderson 57»« ^ FRANK ARKO, zastopnik (©) MALI OGLASI IZ URADA S. N. DOMA 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tem potom se naznanja vsem cenjenim slovenskim staršem, da se bo zopet pričela šola. Jugoslovanske moderne umetnosti. Vpisovanje se bo vršilo v soboto, 1. oktdbra, v uradu S. N. Doma, ob 9. uri zjutraj, kjer bo navzoč učitelj te šole Mr. G. H. Perušek. Apelira se na vse slovenske starše, ki so pošiljali svoje otroke v to šolo v pretekli sezoni, ako želijo Še naprej pošiljati otroke v to šolo, da se zglasijo na omenjeni dan kot je navedeno. V globoki žalosti in potrtega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem tužno vest, da nam je kruta smrt ugrabila našega ljubljenega sinkota in bratca Rojen je bil dne 31. julija, 1920 v Clevelandu, O., ter umvl, previden z svetimi zakramenti za umirajoče dne 1. avgusta cb 7:30 zvečer v bolnici. Pokopan je bil iz hiša žalosti po cerkvenem obredu v cerkvi Marije Vnobevzete na Holmes Ave. na Calvary pokopališče dne 4. avgusta ob 9:15 uri dopoldne po pogrebnem zavodu August; P. Svetek. Dolžnost nas veže, da se iskreno zahvalimo vsem darovale jm cvetja, ki so ga položili na mrtvaški oder nepozabnega sinkota in bratca. Obilni venci so nam bili v veliko telažbo ob dnevih bridke izgubs, ter globok izraz. prijateljskega sož^lja. Našo zahvalo naj prejmejo sledeči: Stara mama in stari oče Mr. in Mrs. John Kleindienst ter strica Stanley in Lovrenc Kleindienst, botra Mr. in Mrs. Frank Hočevar, družina Mr. in Mrs. Anton in Fani Kleindienst. stric in teta Mr. in Mrs. John in Kathsrine Kleindienst, stric in teta, Mrs. in Mrs. Joe in Josephine Klaindienst stric in teta, Mr. in Mrs. Matt in Sophia Kleindienst stric in teta, družina Josip Pretnar, Mr. in Mrs. Matt Wolf, družina Frank Vrabec, družina Mr. in Mrs. Marn, družina J. Kepič tsr R. C. A. Girls. Izraz naše globoke zahvale naj prejmejo za darove sv. maše, katere se bodo brale za dušo pokojnika sledeče družine in posamezniki: Družina, J. Jeraj, družina R. Kog, Mr. in Mrs. John Sašo, ter Mr. in Mrs. James Bartol. Darovi, kateri so bili v pokoj duše darovani, so nam bili dokazu izraz velikega prijateljstva in sočutja. Najlspšo zajivalo naj prejmejo vsi tisti, ki so dali svoje avtomobile brezplačno na razpolago in vsi tisti, kateri so prišli rajnega kropit, pri njem čuli, ali so ga spremili na zadnji poti ua pokopališče k večnemu počitku. Končno hvala vsem za vse, kar so nam dobrega storili ali so nas tolažili ob dnevih žalosti in tuge v hiši. Najlepša zahvala nosilcem krste: Frank Potočnik, Edward Pate, John Marn, Jim Reiley, Albert Božič in Stanley Turk, ki so rajnika krsto nosili in nam brezplačno dobro delo storili. Iskrena hvala Rev. Milanu Slajetu za opravljene cerkvene obrede in podelitev zadnje popotnice rajnemu. Dragi in nepozabni sinko, ljubljeni in dobri bratec. Kakor rosa v zgodnji pomladi si se kristalil mad nami in s sladkim posmehom klical mama in ata. Komaj si spoznal ljubezen ljubečih staršev in komaj čutil bratsko ljubezen v nedolžnem srcu, že je stopila med nas smrt in požela Tvoje nam nikoli pozabljeno bitje. Težko nam je preboleti bridko izgubo in težko misliti, da Te ni več med nami, toda tolažba, da tudi naša pota bodo Tvojim sledila nas v žalosti tolaži grob, kjer trohnijo Tvoje kosti nam je edin prostor, kjer najdejo naše solze uteho. Globoko žalostni Ti kličemo: Spavaj spanje v rodni zemlji in nja odeja naj Ti bo lahka na veke. — Žalujoči ostali: Frank in Mary Zakrajšek, oče in mati. Stanley in Edward, brata. SVOBODNJAK DŽUNGLE "Narava v Surovosti" — kot jo je našli-kal slavni slikar živali, Paul Bransom . . . navdahnjen od silne leopardove hojevilosli in brezsrčnega lova za plenom, ki ga je napravil za strah vsake zveri v afriški džungli. Prosvetni odbor S. N. D.—John Tavčar, tajnik. Delo išče priletna ženska, sposobna za vsa hišna opravila. Vprašajte na 6704 Schaefer Ave. (226) surov tobak v cigaretah nima mesta ITALIAN (g) line "ITALIA" —"COSULICH" 1000 Chester Avenue Cleveland, O. Cherry 6575 DIREKTNA ZVEZA V Trst in Dubrovnik Razkošni in ogromni parnikl. Od New Yorka do Trsta 11 dni. PRIHODNJA PLOVBA: 24. septembra..............................Saturnla 1. oktobra........................................Roma 8. oktobra........-..................................Rex 12. oktobra..................................Vnlcania 15. oktobra........................Conte Grande 22. oktobra..................................Augustus ZNIŽANE CENE t eno stran in round trip Izborne udobnosti. Izvrstna kuhinja Vprašajte lokalnega agenta ali družbo Redkokdaj Mila" - zato je temu finemu tobaku po primernem staranju in miljenju dana dobrota onega Lucky Strike čistilnega procesa, ki je opisan z besedami-"It'8 toasted." Zato pravijo ljudje v vsakem mestu, trgu in vasi, da sa I.uckies tako mile cigarete. Tega ni v Luckies , . . najmilejši cigareti kar ste jih kdaj kadili MI kupujemo najboljši in najfinejši tobak na celem svetu -toda s tem še ni povedano, zakaj ljudje vsepovsod smatrajo Lucky Strike za najmilejšo cigareto. Dejstvo je,da nikdar ne pregledamo resnice, da je "Narava v Surovosti Cleveland, O., 22. septembra, 1932, FRANK ZAKRAJŠEK "It s toasted" Ta igvojček milih Luckies POCREBNIK Invalidni voz na razpolago noč in dan. Cene najnižje. Postrežba najboljša. 1105 Norwood Rd. ENdicott 4735 "Ako mož napiše boljšo knjigo, ako ima boljšo pridigo ali h napravi boljšo mišnico kakor njegov med, bo svet napravil izhojeno pot do njegovih vrat, Mudi zgradi svojo hišo v gozdu." RAUH WALDO EMERSON Ali nc pojasni to, zakaj je širni svet sprejel in odobril Lucky Strike? Copr., 1932, The American Tobacco Co. Kmalu ne bo več naseljencev v Ameriko Washington, 21. septembra. Š kako strogostjo postopa ameriški državni oddelek glede naseljencev, se posnema iz dejstva, da je bilo v mesecu juliju po vseh ameriških konzulih po vsem svetu oddanih le 633 dovoljenj za Potovanje v Ameriko, dasi bi lahko bilo postavno pripuščenih 14,-838 novih naseljencev. Od postavno dovoljenega števila naseljencev jih je torej dospelo sem le 5 procentov. Leta 1927 na primer so v juliju mesecu pripustili v Ameriko 6,483 Mehikancev, letos v juliju pa le 133. Poziv 2,000,000 farmer- jev za štrajk I)es Moines, Iowa, 21. septembra. Nad 2,000,000 farmarjev v enajstih zapadnih državah je bilo pozvanih, da gredo na štrajk. Vsi farmarji so močno prizadeti radi nizkih cen in radi dolgov na svojih farmah. Kot se poroča se nameravajo farmarji v Min-nesoti, Iowi, Wisconsin, Indiani Nebraski, North in South Dako ti, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio iji Okla homa pridružiti stavkovnemu gi banju. SLOVENSKA MLADINSKA ŠOLA S. N. D. Naznanja se vsem cenjenim staršem, da se bo vpisovalo za šolo mladinskega oddelka v soboto, 1. oktobra, ob 9. uri zjutraj, v novem poslopju S. N. Doma, dvorana št. 2. Navzoče bodo tudi učiteljice Mrs. Simčič in Mrs. Ivanuš. Za odrasli oddelek se pa vrši vpisovanje v petek večer, 7. oktobra, ob 7. uri zvečer, v starem poslopju, soba št. 4, kjer bo navzoč učitelj Mr. Ivan Zorman. Prosvetni odbor S. N. D.—John Tavčar, tajnik. Naprodaj je grccerija, v bližini St. Clair Ave. in 64. ceste. Rent samo $20.00 na mesec. Cena $400.00. Konfekcijska trgovina na prodaj, v bližini St. Clair Ave. in 67. ceste. Rent $20.00 na mesec. Cena $600.00. Vprašajte pri McKenna, 1383 E. 55th St. Tel. HEnderson 5282. Naročite se na dnevnik Ameriško Domovino! Naprodaj sta dva soda za vino, po 400 galons. Se zamenjata tudi za grozdje. Vprašajte na 19404 Mohican Ave. Tel. KEnmore 4597-J. (228) Hiša v najem za eno drušino, 6 sob, vse moderno. Vprašajte na 13904 Kelso Ave. Tel. GLenville 6193. (223) Odda se stanovanje Štiri čedne sobe, spodaj. Kopališče furnez in garaža. Vse skupaj samo $18.00 na mesec. Stanovanje se nahaja na Astor Ave. v West Parku. Vprašajte pri Mr. Anton Ponikvar, 3769 E. 93rd St. Tel. Michigan 1934. (223) Soba se odda v najem ženski ali dekletu. Vprašajte na 6611 Bonna Ave. (223- Naprodaj je Dodge avtomobil, sedan, ali sc pa zamenja za truk za eno tone ali več. Dobra ponudba. Vpra šajte na 731 E. 185th St. Tel KEnmore 2282. (223; NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Frank Zakrajšek Jr. —in ■JV^ "jf^A" Da bo za vse prav Glasilo S. D. Z. «wtHiiiiniiiiriniH»»wtmmiiiiiiliiM>M)UimTmffltmmm«tmm«m«mtmm» Slovenska Dobrodelna Zveza The Slovenian Mutual Benefit Asa'n. UST. 18. NOV. 1910. V DRŽAVI OHIO INK. 13. MARCA 1914 V DRŽAVI OHIO Sedež v Cleveland-u, O., 6403 St. Clair Avenue. Telephone: ENdicott 0886. Imenik gl. odbora za leta 1932-33*34. UPRAVNIODBORt Predsednik: FRANK CERNE, 6033 St. Clair Ave. I. podpred.: JOSEPH OKORN, 1096 E. 68th St. II. podpred.: JULIJA BREZOVAR, 1173 E. 60th St. III. podpred.: JOSEPH ROSA, 1824 Vine Ave. S. W., Canton, Ohio Tajnik: PRIMOŽ KOGOJ 6518 Edna Ave. Blagajnik: JERNEJ KNAUS, 1052 E. 62nd St. Zapisnikar: JAMES DEBEVEC 6117 St. Clair Ave. NADZORNI ODBOR: Predsednik: FRANK KAČAH, 1233 Addison Rd. 1. nadzor.: JOSEPH JARTZ, 1364 E. 43rd St. 2. nadzor.: CECILIJA BRODNIK, 4592 W. 130th St. a. nadzor.: JOHN TRČE1C. 16506 Holmes Ave. 4. nadzor.: ALBINA POLJANO, 80 — 16th St., Barberton, Ohio FINANČNI ODBOR: Predsednik: FRANK M. JAKŠIČ, 6111 St. Clair Avq. 1. Financ!.: LEOPOLD KUSHLAN, 513 Ulmer Bids. 2. Finanč.: JOSEPH LEKAN, 3556 E. 80th St. POROTNI ODBOR: Predsednik: LOUIS BALANT, 1808 E. 32nd St.,'Lorain O. 1. porotnik: LOUIS JEftKIO, 727 E. 157th St. 2. porotnik: FRANK ZORIC, 6219 St. Clair Ave. GLAVNI ZDRAVNIKI DR. F. J. KERN, 6233 St. Clair Ave. GLASILO ZVEZE: AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Vse denarne zadeve in stvari, ki se tičejo Upravnega odbora, naj se pošilja na vrh. tajnika. Vse pritožbine zadevo, ki jih je reSiL druStvenl porotni odbor, se pošiljajo na predsednika porotnega odbora Louis Balant 1808 E. 32nd St., Lorain, O. Zdravje in bolezen _Dr. F. J. Kern- Mati kot prva zdravnica žene in matere so bile prve zdravnice. Bile so tudi prve bolničarke. Med tem ko so možje hodili na lov in se borili proti sovražnikom, so morale matere le-čiti in negovati otroke in streči možem, kadar so oboleli ali: bili ranjeni. Matere so tolažile bolne svojce in umrlim zatisnile oči. Kakor v prazgodovinski dobi', prav tako so žene do najnovejših časov nudile prvo pomoč bolnim in onemoglim v družini. Še zdaj navadno mati odloča, kdaj peljati otroka k zdravniku, petem ko je poprej sama poizkusila vse kar je znala, da bi otroku pomagala. Matere so prve učiteljice, ki učijo otroke higijene, učijo jih, kaj je po njih mislih zdravo in kaj je kvarno. Učijo jih telesne snage, opozarjajo jih na navadne nevarnosti okoli doma, ki lahko človeku škodujejo; svarijo jih pred pokvarjeno hrano in drugimi strupi; zavezujejo jim manjše ran,e ter jih tolažijo pri manjših bolečinah, predno pride zdravnik. Tako važna je naloga matere v higijeničnih osjirih, dg< bi morala vsaka dekle dobiti potreben pouk, kaj storiti v nujnih slučajih bolezni in kdaj klicati zdravnika. (Za matere z majhnimi otroki je delavski department izdal prav primerno knjižico "The Child from One to Six." Publication 30. United States Department of Labor. Knjižico dobite za vsoto 10 centov. Zvezni Spremembe med krajevnimi društvi S. D. Zveze za mesec avgust 1932 — Asesment št. 226 Ludwig Smolič, 6158 Anton Zulich, 6167 John Oštir, 6169 Anton Cettin, 10019 John Pirnat, 9911 Joseph Ko-vaoh, 9794 Joe Nahtigal, 9741 John Bukovnik, 9740 William Suhadolnik, 6378 Joseph Skerl, 7327 Joseph Bizjak, 8828 Paul Korenšek, 7421 Frank Likovich, 7471 Joe Likovich, 7859 Frank Okički, 8043 Edward J. Matjašič, 8233 Imbro Rescič, 8745 John Certalič, 8814 Anton Yereb, 8819 Ma-thias Drinovec, 8823 Joe Pirnat, 9062 Paul Korenšek Jr., 9275 Edward Feli-cijan, 9669 Anton Judnič, 9671 Joseph G. Vaupich. Svobodomiselne Slovenke, št. 2. Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 3842 Josephine Certalič, 1571 Ivana Vokač, 3772 Jennie Gorenčič, 1558 Jennie Pekol, 5114 Anna Stermole, 5235 Frances Zupin, 5785 Ivana Shiffrer, 9458 Anna Jereb, 9459 Julia Oblak, 1973 Alojzija Marijičič, 4672 Rose Paušič, 2158 Albin/i Braidech, 1699 Jennie Gasser, 3797 Mary Jakšič, 9591 George Braidech Jr., 1572 Josephine Kushan. Zvišala posmrtnino od 3'N na 2'N: 2343 Mary Špehek. Prvi mesec suspendirane: 3796 Frances Debelak, 5169 Anna Debelak, 6785 Christine Kebe. Drugi mesec suspendirane: 5113 Hedwig Strekelj, 6089 Paula Trugar, 9574 Caroline Hrovat, 3812 Josephine Zaje, 9292 Emma Modic, 1572 Josephine Kushan, 5757 Anna Bole, 6489 Mary Steblaj, 1111 Frances Zugovič, 1132 Anna Lenarčič, 692 Mary Frid-hofer, 4092 Elizabeto Belaj, 5544 Josephine Leveč, 7116 Elsie Leveč, 9795 Mary Mrak, 2311 Ivana Koss, 5249 Josephine Skrabar, 5786 Jožefa Leveč, 6786 Antonija Habjan, 8347 Frances Podobnikar, 5306 Olga Schutte, 5166 Mary Perhavec, 3301 Julia Tavzeli, 5175 Mary Candek, 9856 Molly Perhavec, 4278 Anna Malich, 5886 Antonija Žagar, 5626 Amalia Rebec, 3456 Ivana Hribar, 4760 Frances Hrvatin, 3947 Emma Sajher, 7117 Christine Smiči-klas,' 5652 Josephine Martič,'1131 Ivana Zaje, 625 Gertrude Soršek, 2156 Ivana Linger, 4531 Agnes Žagar. Slovan, št. 3 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 726 Rudolph Boltaužar, 2981 Jakob Gre-gorin, 3958 James Kis, 1937 Ciril Kun-Stelj, 3535 John Modic, 1057 Louis Stefančič, 9133 Frank Krancevich. Prvi mesec suspendiran: 2889 Math Modic. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 7871 Louis Gajšek, 3303 Joseph Belai, 4430 Joseph Pegritz, 4239 Joseph Mlinar, 7367 Alojzija Mlinar, 8963 Albert Mlinar: Črtana: 4862 Tony Bajuk, 3956 Raymond Legan. Znižal podporo od 2'B na 2'C: 7045 Joseph Champa. Sv. Ana, št. 4 Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 1153 Frances Čučnik, 6394 Antonija Prebil, 2368 Anna Ben, 3878 Uršula Trtnik, 6921 Mary Robas, 5790 Mary Mauer, 410 Mary Sadar, 1963 Mary Fumič, 2436 Mary Perušek, 3371 Mary Jur-lina, 3395 Josephine Lustik, 8055, Frances Leonard, 1964 Mary Pižem. 3228 Anna Hren, 3421 Anna Krampel, 3754 Sophie Pate, 9841 Anna Virant, 9842 Josephine Vidmar, 6517 Amalija Plntar, 1575 Rose Eckart. Zvišale podporo od 2'N na 2'C: 2750 Alice Kretič, 6406 Vera Champa; od 5'N na 5'C: 3813 Marjana Puc. Prvi mesee suspendirane: 1238 Ro-zalija Hitti, 5549 Angela Bogolin, 1607 Frances Nosse, 6500 Frances Japel, 3971 Frances Čolnar, 4834 Mary Ab-ram, 5633 Mary Fink, 5783 Alojzija Železnik, 8965 Mary Doljak, 3974 Ros? Troha, 579.0 Mary Maver, 1296 Agnes Matjašič, 5121 Jennie Kovač, 3607 Frančiška Košir, 3801 Mathilda Sta-rič, 3911 Rose A. Novak, 3914 Frančiška Suhadolnik, 3990 Emma Lisjak, 40,08 Pauline Stefančič, 4274 Angela Kobe, 4629 Frances Senk, 5682 Jane Ljubi, 7653 Anna Rauher, 8751 Mary Blatnik, 9799 Anna Nahtigal, 4743 Josephine Nosse-. Drugi mesec suspendirane: 1716 Je-ra Zamejc, 2616 Mary Novak, 345,7 Jc-la Jurankc, 6186 Mary Ladiha, 6504 Barbara Zevnik, 3627 Anna Drenšek, 3844 Cecilija Starin, 4268 Terezija Turk, 6094 Mary Novak, 10006 Anna Smole, 9857 Frančiška Mihevc, 3629 Mathilda Thomash, 6638 Ross Guste tič, 5423 Rose Franko, 8056 Mary Nosse, 1416 Mary Jerič, 6092 Emma Volf, 5343 Josephine Virant, 8750 Bertha Samsa, 1956 Marjana Zabukovee, 709.2 Julija Lužar, 7881 Stella Zabuko-vec, 9797 Alice ?abukovec, 1902 Mary Mohorčič, 6210 Anna Evenmarg, 2166 Mayy Petek. Umrla: 3135 Antonija Hostnik. Znižala podporo od 2'C na 2'N: 8460 Anna Brodnik. Znižala posmrtnino od 2'B na 3'C: 9843 Antonija Kastelic. Napredni Slovcnci, št. 5 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 9677 Anton Spelič, 8163 Thomas Jereb, 2756 John Štefe, 5256 John Martinčič. Prestopila od št. 27: 3520 Mary Ausec. % Prvi mesec suspendirani: 7372 Ili-ja Cvetkovič, 1584 John Erbežnik, 2799 Louis Kralj, 7596 Mary Pirnat, 8290 Frances Zakrajšek, 5933 John Čebul, 5018 Andrej Zakrajšek, 186 John Pirnat, 6225 Anton Znidaršič. 7057 John Pirnat Jr., 8213 John Erbežnik. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 3584 Anna Kožel, 7602 John Gorišek, 2915 Fiank Kovačič, 7685 Mary Jazbec 1476 Andrej Vidergar, 2757 Louis Katera, 4835 John Gerbec, 2965 Frank Sivec, 2729 Martin Boldan, 3887 Martin Boldan Jr., 6095 Louis Kožel. Črtan: 7882 Anton Virant. Znižal podporo, cd 2'B na 2'C: 5256 John Martinčič. Slovenski Dom, št. 6 Suspendirani zopet spyejeti: 937 Frank Skufca, 939 Frank Slajpak, 6536 Jennie Virant, 7697 Anna Cece-lich, 8240 Joseph Virant, 9071 Anna Lukasko, 4309 Mary Kaušek, 5836 Angela Slajpak, 6794 Karoline Kaušek, 6658 Joseph Cecelich, 5003 Johan Ba-bich, 4306 Anton Geržinčič. Prestopila od št. 8: 5977 Frances 0.paia Prvi mesec suspendirani: 8059 Mary Pezdir, 3818 Joseph Skufca, 5184 Frances Novak, 8293 Andrej Pezdir, 3294 Mike Lorbef, 8841 Jennie Skufca, 9864 Louis Koljat, 5937 Mary Ko-ljat, 414 Frances Lopatich ,611 Anton Skulj, 2385 Joseph Turk, 8296 Helen Lerbav. "9021 Matilda Lorbar, 9,60.0 Anton Skulj. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9234 Katarina Turk, 4459 Jennie Bregar, 6539 Jakob Peklenk, 6792 Frank Jak-še, 7476' Edkard Zehe, 9235 Joseph Tuyk, 9#G1 Johan Arko, 2541 Frank Slajpak, 4616 Anna Stupica, 7605 Frances Mramor, 7717 Stanley Slajpak, 8295 Frances Smajdek, 9185 Anna Blatnik, 8930 Ros,e Ju,yglich, 4,640 Frank Stupica, 4907 Johan Korošec, 6550 Johan Jurglich, 6647 Mary Bu-dan. Črtani: 5686 Louis Zakrajšek. 6534 Albert Zalar, 8241 Frank Samsa, 501 Leopold Mevžek, 6653 Agnes Zakrajšek, 5438 Frances Resar, 5439 Louis Resar, 6532 Jennie Janchar, 6652 Josephine Janchar, 8404 Anna Resar, 9551 James Janchar Jr., 9599 Mike Mitrovich. Novi Dom, št. 7 Suspendiran zopet. sprejet: 4470 Anton Anigoni. Prvi mesec suspendiran: 3233 Frank Kravčar. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 5937 Joseph Zalokar. Znižal podporo od 4'B na 4'C: 2327 John Zavodnik. Kras, št. 8 Pristopila: 10174 Stephania Marin-čič. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 9427 Ernest Renkel, 3656 Joe Rogell, 6048 Anton Hočevar, 7821 Jerica Kolini, 197 Anton Centa, 7434 Mary Paušič, 8524 Karolina Gulič, 9920 Stanko Mahnič, 3017 Frank Rupert, 6016 Peter Gulič, 2740 Angela Centa, 3968 Mary Rogel, 6809 John Tomšič, 6882 Uršula Su-taršič, 6015 Ivana Cermelj, 6024 Rudolph Cermelj, 4317 Martin Sustar-šič, 8202 Anna Zagorc, 3057 Lukas Rottar, 7477 John Sega, 9073 Louis Petrovčič, 6816 Anthony Malečkar, 2923 Anton Malečkar, 6053 James Dežman, 3027 Martin Peterlin, 820 Josephine Peterlin, 4645 Jakob Baraga. 9289 Josephine Končan, 5964 Ciril Jejčič, 586 Joe Končan, 1648 Jožefa Končan, 3234 John Zibert, 3852 Andrej Malečkar, 9075 Marianna Malečkar, 5260 Louis Kalin. Zvišal podporo od 3'N na 3'B: 3712 Anton Tomažič. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 4023 Louis Kozlevčar, 6053 James Dežman, 6057 Anton Može, 1182 Jakob Srebot, 3823 Mary Vihtelič, 4787 Anna Celin, 3119 Jennie Prišel, 3018 Louis Resetič, 6083 Louis Paulič, 6375 Frank Celin, 5292 Frank Jevnikar, 89.74 Ernest Cermelj, 3715 Jack Sedej, 945 John Pevec, 5956 Matt Kastelic, 6024 Rudolph Cermelj, 6014 Ivana Cermelj, 5948 Frank Ci-goj, 6099 Frank Smrdel j, 6006 Frank Žigman, 3150 Mary Dremelj. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 5316 Louis Opara, 5062 Michael Zevnik, 6985 Anton Koloini, 7480 Anton Kapelj, 3688 Frank Sibernik, 7375 Joe Miljavec, 8081 Mary Barbo, 8298 Frank Sibernik, 8582 Joe Sturm, 8525 Louis Zagcrc, 3058 Johanna Kerž-manc, 9603 Charles Košir, 4744 John Osliaben, 5891 Ciril Blaško, 7203, Edward Bedenko, 8356 Vivian Bedenko, 1837 Steve Jursinovec, 4320 Louis Skerl, 5976 Antonija Kapelj, 6810 6810 Anton Bradač, 8201 Alice Boje, 690 Angela Skerl, 949 Anton Keržmanc, 2905« Michael Barbo, 9601 Vinko Zgo-nik, 4363 Anna Petrovčič, 5839 Mary Kolin. Umrl: 6013 Leopold Lah. Prestopila k št. 6: 5977 Frances Cpara; k št. 51: 8244 Anton Kalin. Znižala podporo od 4'B na 4'C: 8713 Mary Sturm, Znižala posmrtnino od 2'B na 3'C: Martin Peterlin, 820 Josephine Peterlin. Glas Clevelandskib Delavcev, št. 9 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 4549 Jakcb Konjar, 8087 Thomas Milich, 7376 John Petrič, 8245 Marco Trinco, 1659 Joseph Plešničav, 6822 Anton Zadnik, 3722 John Brodnik, 3923 Joseph F. Lovšin, 5019 John Hlad, 9380 Frank Kranjc, 223 Frank Zabukovee. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 3067 Matevž Žejn, 7720 Charles Turk, 6241 John TekaVep, 3029 Filip Cendov, 7895 Joseph Stampfel, 3149, Frank Skrabar. 3891 Joseph Simončič, 6248 Frank Korošec, 6243 Albin Gredenc. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 7472 Joseph Rolih, 5080 John Rožanc, 4477 Ignatz Lužar, 7441 John Strogin, 8084 John Yerše, 478 Joseph Modic, 2993 Frank Rebec, 9752 John Trinko, 7879 Joseph F. Zelle, 6249 Charles Zelle, 2181 Jernej Ban. Znižala podporo od 2'B na 2'C: 7376 John Pctiič: od 3'B na 3'C: 4551 Brank Lesar. Mir, št. 10 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 2223 Andre f Šinkovec, 9869 Frank Sreber-nak, 7210 Frank Pobega, 3598 Julia Mustar, 26.39 Mary Šinkovec, 4085 John Srebernak, 5917 Mary Gliha, 8866 John Kic Jr., 1617 Joseph Riž, 3241 Mike Potepan, 5574 Frank Vrh, 8370 George Blatnik, 1624 John Zaje, 1613 Anton Zurc, 5214 Anton Godec, 3201 Josip Kuhelj, 2447 Anna Zore, 2857 Frank Novak, 3122 Joseph Robel, 3202 Alojzij Merhar. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 4481 Louis Kastelic, 4064 Anna Skerl, 4554 Josephine Mulh, 9753 John Rodic, 1452 Frank Hrovat, 2059 Anton Skerl, 2223 Andrej Šinkovec, 2448 Frank Smre-kar, 2445 Josephine Smrekar, 2452 Frank Mulh, 2628 Mary Maver, 2856 Louis Perhavec, 5214 Anton Godec, 6258 Frank Miklavčič, 8246 Louis Baric, 8469 Josephine Mulh, 9685 Joseph Glivar, 9869 Frank Crebernak, 7211 Jchn Bordon, 2461 Frances Kužnik, 3123 Alojzija Černc. 3152 John J. Fcrfolia, 3598 Julia Mustar, 4336 Anton Fink Jr., 854 Anton Fink, 876 Fiank Rodic, 1367 Michael Gnidovec, 1385 Michael Chample, 1627 Jce Čer-ne, 2637 Mary Šinkovec, 2809 Josephine Fink, 3283 Anton Ferfolia, 4070 Anna Zupančič, 4084, Frank Jernej-čič, 4085 John Srebernak, 4718 Victor Zupan, 4849 Paula Vičif, 6673 Albina Smrekar,' 7862 Josephine Smrekar, 9515 Anten Skerl, 9607 Mary Janežič, 9608 John Janežič, 1617 Joseph Rižnar, 2623 Andrej Ulle, 2976 Louis Zupančič, 4341 Mike Vičič, 8870 George Blatnik, 1931 Louis Prhne. Drugi mssec suspendirani« 6663 Blaž Modic, 8768 Helen Cergol, 8769 Jchn Cergol, 2342 Frank Terlep. 3175 Jennie Novak, 45,57 Frank Novak, 6670 Flcrijan Oberstor, 7825 Pete Marovec, 8527 Mary Hočevar, 8860 John Pav-čič, 2451 Frank Hočevar, 4046 Frank Hočevar, 6825 Anton Lovše, 2460 Josephine Terlep, 4773 Antonia Gnidovec, 2462 Joseph Terlep, 3122 Joseph Rogel, 3202 Alojzij Merhar, 4068 Rose Lovše, 7271 Caroline Hočevar, 7377 Frank Janežič, 8715 Anton Janežič, 5047 Joseph Pečjak, 9247 Frank Pa-pe?, Znižali podporo, od 2'B na 2'C: 2053 Johan Kaplan, 3,241 Mike Potepan, 5574 Frank Vrh. Da«ica' 11 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 5050 Frances Klun. Drugi mesec suspendirane: 1556 Josephine Centa, 4820 Mary Matjašič, 9313 Justine Klančar, 703 Mar.v Modic, 1334 Jennie Zelle, 90,30 Emily Zelle, 7772 Frances Oniek, 4346 Mary : Urbas. Ribnica, št. 12 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 5666 John Benich, 6845 Frances Modic, 8738 Joseph Nosan, 6575 Frank Klein-dienst, 6562 Anton Tavželj. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 4099 John Pucelj, 7905 Frank Mrvar, 6682 John Saurich. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 6835 Antonija Skufca, 3644 Thomas Klun, 6832 Franš Škufca, 3655 Anton Nosan, 9518 John Cue, 3544 John Marinček, 5667 Peter Radovanich, 7830 Anna Smole, 6573 Frank Lonchar, 6686 Frank Truden. Umrl: 260 Nick Vidmar. Znižala podporo od 3'B na 3'C: 6834 Paula J. Durjava, 6837 Joseph Durjava. Clevelantlski Slovenci, št. 14 Pristopil: 10175 Jakob Sušel Jr. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 2193 Frank Stupar, 2775 August Pečjak, 924 Frank Stupar, 2594 Mike Frigel, 3207 Joe Eckart, 9032 John Pečjak. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 311 Frank Hrovat, 1159 Jakob Lenaršič, 4908 Andrej Zalaznik, 4650 Joe Bartol, 4109 John Markich, 302 Lovro Hrova-tin, 1943 Frank Lenaršič, 2677 Frank Rodic, 6930 Louis Hrovatin. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 6578 Jakob Turk. Črtana: 116 Frank Lah, 9926 Mike Koss. Anton Martin Slomšek, št. 16 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 7489 Anthony Baraga, 4724 John Jeraj, 7102 Louis Košir, 6848 Anton Klun, 4578 John Valenčič. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 4371 Joseph F. Čelesnik, 2882 Louis F. Jalovec, 6847 Mathias Jager, 279 Frank Novak, 4577 Steve Novak, 1967 Joseph Perpar, 1353 Domijan Tomažin, 9757 George E. Znidaršič, 2468, Allton Hlapše, 532 Joseph Leskovec. France Prešcrn, št. 17 Suspendiran zopet sprejet: 2640 Frank J. Turk. Prvi mesec suspendirana: 1944 Frank Vičič, 9927 Joseph F. Vičič. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 3250 Joseph Alič, 7492 Andrej Sila, 4799 Joseph Seme. Sv. Ciril in Metod, št. 18 Pristopila: 10176 Anna Hočevar. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 3253 Angelo Cicigoj. 5820 Frank Glavan, 3000 Ignac Vidmar, 3733 Joe Glavan, 4495 Frank Cevka, 7505 John J. Volf, 9489 Frank Cevka, 9690 Joe Gabriel, 2960 Frank Skulj, 3320 Louis Skulj. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 5715 Adolpli Brezovar, 8105 Albin Merhar, 9559 Rudolph Sajovec, 2132 Ignac Merhar, 3255 Louis Skulj, 5298 John Dejak, 6592 VVincenc Svetina, 6594 Math Arko, 9982 Joseph Blatnik. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 2573 Victor Kompare, 5455 Anton Novak, 4123 Jce Bedene, 6851 Rudolph Nose, 5636 John F. Volf, 3450 Steve Zadra-vec, 3735 Frank Perko. Znižal podporo cd 2'C na 2'N: 9612 Joseph F. Lausin. Bled, št. 20 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 8773 Louis Arko Jr., 8890 Frank Bricel, 6071 Nick Bracika, 2227 Alojzija Fey-folia, 4l35 Mary Fabjan, 8725 William Gregorčič, 2089 Andrew Jan, 1993 Joseph Kcstelic, 2545 Frances Kostelic, 3566 Frank Mesojedec, 2843 Joseph Novak. 3323 Edward Volcanšek, 4945 Angela Volcanšek, 2019 Frank Žiber-na, 6272 Joseph Vidakovich, 9523 Mary Vidakovich, 2022 Ignac Koračin. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 8725 William Gregorčič, 10066 Alfred Huth, 2068 John Kuhel, 1993 Joseph Kostelic, 2545 Frances Kostelic, 3549 John Novak, 2683 Frank Papeš, 2041 Joseph Strah, 4590 Frank Sustaršič, 1987 Fred Škufca, 9148 Mary Tomažič, 9932 Rose Tomažič, 2414 John Tomažič, 2019 Frank Žiberna, 4133 Agnes Zura, 2024 Joseph Zura, 4137 John Stautihar, 4146 Mary Stautihar, 2014 Anton Železnik, 4354 Anna Železnik, 8775 Anton Železnik. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 4141 Anna Garagus, 9287 John Kramar, 7169 Theresa Kodeh, 4139 Julka Ma-govec, 8881 Rose Papeš, 2020 Anton Rodic, 2021 Frank Škufca, 1313 Joseph Tomažič, 6699 Frank Zore, 4695 Peter Preclovič, 2062 Anton Peper, 6703 Joseph Andriosy, 9761 Julia Bizjak, 8629 Stephania Grodanič, .4876 Lcuis Kvas, 1988 Frank Ozemik, 2124 Mary Ozemik, 9614 Joseph Peper, 4142 Jernej Tomšič, 7175 Mary Tomšič, 6272 Josepeh Vidakovich, 9523 Mary Vidakovich, 5585 Mike Budalec, 2035 Matija Bchajemec, 6701 Frank Jazbec, 5808 John Lipoglavšek, 2331 Mary Lipoglavšek, 7170 William Lipoglavšek, 4130 John Sraj, 2818 Mary Sraj, 2635 Apolonija Tomažič, 2064 John Tomažič. Umrl: 157 Joseph Zupan. American SlSovenians, št. 21 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 2610 Frank Mahnič, 9034 Charles Urbas, 2689 Anna Urbas, 2522 Joseph Urbas, -7695 Bernard Urbas, 2791 Louis Za-kiajšek, 3347 Agnes Zakrajšek, 9819 Barbara Rcbek, 3870 Mary Rohek, 2783 Joseph Robek, 4501 Katarina Stare, 2898 John Stare, 6706 Joseph Urbas, Prvi mesec suspendirani: 4502 Mary Ctubak, 8110 Frank Matičič, 9330 Frank Gradišek, 9034 Charles Urbas, 2689 Anna Urbas, 2522 Joseph Urbas, 7695 Bernard Urbas. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9325 Jacob Tomažič, 3388 Dora Škoda, 3114 Sam Škoda, 4498 Joseph Lovrenčič, 9333 Anton Jevec, 2886 Anton Erjavec. Črtani: 4550 Stanislav Russ, 4504 Louis Mislej, 8310 Frank Jevec, 9035 Ignatz Pavlich, 9037 Joseph Pavlich Jr., 9818 Frank Pavlich. Znižal podporo cd l'B na 2'C: 2977 Frank Rangus. Ccllimvocdskc Slovenke, št. 22 Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 5673 Josephine Legan, 6279 Josephine Go-doc, 6284 Josephine Godec, 4371 Mary Bradech, 3736 Frances Boldin, 4367 Mary Wraneza, 4598 Pauline Anzelc, 3604 Uršula Legan, 6862 Jennie Turk, 4865 Mary Legan, 9710 Frances Yarc. Zvišala podporo od 2'N na 2'C: 6880 Anna Koželj. Prvi mesec suspendirane: 5673 Josephine Legan, 4371 Mary Bradech, 9766 Mary Yersan, 3738 Anna Urban-čič, 9848 Anna Urbančič. 6885 Mary Vodopivcc, 4566 Theresa Žiberna, 3942 Mary Zupančič, 9620 Theresa Zakrajšek, 9769, Mary Heister. Drugi mosec suspendirane: 4403 Elizabeth Smolič, 9254 Angela Zakrajšek, 8896 Anna Vogrin, 10091 Antonija Skozier, 9253 Elizabeth Urbančič. Prestopila k št. 51: 9700 Louise Marzlikar. Združene Slovenke, št. 23 Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 9493 Mary Novak, 8595 Mary Sila, 5465 Mary E. Ulčar, 7127 Aiice Ulčar. 234 Josephine Jantez, 3666 Justina Smoly, 2350 Rose Boštjančič, 3525 Jennie Do- lenc, 8596 Pouline Brate. Prvi mesec suspendirane: 2673 Frances Fabjan, 9434 Justina Jeler-čič, 5872 Albina Kralič, 8898 Louise Mrhar, 22951 Mary Mihelčič, 4171 Lena Tekavčič, 8183 Antonija Wise. Drugi mesec suspendirane: 7836 Vilma Poje, 5090 Josephine Farrell, 5623 Uršula Snyder, rtana: 5700 Alice Intihar. KralHca Miru, št. 24 Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 6709 Frances Banič, 7279 Mary Petelin, 6887 Mary Paulin, 6722 Angela Gregorčič, 2893 Antonij^ Česnik. Prvi mesec suspendirane: 6303 Josephine Zore, 6719 Mary Hrovat, 2869 Mary Škufca, 9344 Josephine Godec, 2893 Antonija Česnik, 6292 Pauline Godec, 7278 Theresa Godec, 6722 Angela Gregorčič, 4686 Margaret Zupane. Drugi mesec 'suspendirane: 6300 Rose Strgar, 8604 Anna Bobnar, 7347 Mary Zupančič. Dom, št. 25 Suspendirana zopet sprejeta: 9093 Mary Blatnik. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 2932 Anton Prosen, 9938 Agnes Prosen, 7349 Amalia Hrovat, 4181 Frank Jelušič, 418.0 Victoria Jelušič, 7066 Frank Stavec, 8782 Joseph Stavec, 9939 Mary Stavec. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 6436 Joseph Blatnik, 6729 Matt Zalar, 8117 Matt Zallar, 6925 Albin Zallar, 6894 Rose Zallar, 1997 Mike Femec, 2244 Julia Femec, 8606 Mary Femec. Blejsko jezero, št. 27 Pristopila: 10177 Marija Troha. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 3794 Joseph Rasperger, 6123 Vincent Stay-man, 6130 Mary Jelerčič, 6339 Joseph Šivec, 10072 Joseph Strauss, 10136 Anna Longar, 8789 Frank Komin. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 4860 Valentin Pečjak, 3821 Josephine Samsa, 5463 Mary Fisher, 6041 Joseph Poznik, 6131 Cornilius Vodopivec, 8925 Frank Ule. 8926 Jack Rastresen, 10073 Tony Furlan, 10036 Anna Longar, 10068 Jela Bratel. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 7353 La-tinka Zulalia, 5305 Frank Mervar, 8551 Joseph Mervar, 7354 Louis Jerman. Črtani: 5466 John Yanc, 8915 Jo-soph Polanz, 9293 Frank Jereb. Odstopil: 6122 Joseph Omahen. Prestopila k št. 5: 3520 Mary Ausec. Majnik, št. 28 Pristopili: 10178 Anthony Skraba, 10179 Joe Skraba. Prvi mesec suspendirana: 4900 Verona Bombach, 4901 Andrew Bom-bach. Odstopila: 5108 Marjana Otoničar. Euclid, št. 29 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 2734 Frances Nemec, 485 Matija Nemec, 1152 Mary Ponikvar, 735 Adolph Petrič, 4303 Helena Petrič, 5603 Mary Baitt, 9708 Mary Bučar. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 7522 Bol-tažar Linich, 9155 Frances Miškerich, 8791 Anna Stušek, 8128 Anton Stu-šek, 7972 Johan Verh, 2334 Johan Vrh. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 5204 Johan Oštir, 5156 Frank Strumbelj, 540 Anton Omahen, 5202 Frank Podsenik, 9050 Adolph Petrič. Črtana: 9049 Jack Ponikvar, 7373 Louis Ponikvar. Znižal podporo od 1'B na l'N: 735 Adolph Petrič. Triglav, št. 30 Suspendiran zopet sprejet: 5276 Joseph Shetina. Warrensville, št. 31 Pristopila: 10180 Mary Cokar. Suspendirani- zopet sprejeti: 8014 Forrest Fischer, 5328 Matt Rogel, 9102 Anton Čcrne Jr., 8613 Harold Fischer, 4075 Leo Keglovich, 5334 Angela Keg-lovich. Prvi mesec suspandirana: 7978 Amalia Juh. Drugi mesec suspendirana: 3781 Anna Mlatkovich, 3780 John Mlatko-vich. Bratska sloga, št. 32 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 9888 Julia Bogovich, 10137 James Hegler. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9887 Katarina Baškot, 9891 Millie Kosanovich, 9719 Dane Kosanovich, 9886 Frank Kcrnich, 5604 Štefan Novosel. Črtana: 9885 Lewis Laushina, 5605 Imbro Kalčovič. Državljan, št. 33 Suspendiran zopet sprejet: 5391 Frank Leban. Pivi mesec suspendiran: 5396 John Strauss. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 7401 Le opold Ladiha. Znižal podporo od 3'C na 3'N: 9721 Frank Kutnar. Danica, št. 34 Suspendiran zopet sprejet: 5507 Kari Znebel. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 9317 Frances Pcčkaj, 5405 Louis Počkaj, 3324 Vincenc Bubnič, 4041 Anna Bub-nič, 5710 Frances Jakulin. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 8002 Peter Segulin. Znižala podporo od 2'B na 2'C: 2542 Louis Matko; od 3'B na 3'C: 4666 Mike Stradiot. Valentin Vodnik, št- 35 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 8323 Anna Kotar, 9397 William Perušek, 8995 Frank Race, 9637 Jce SuSstaršič, 9723 Mary Sustaršič, 6465 Matija Zakrajšek, 8324 Matija Zupančič, 8321 Matija Zupančič, 8321 Nettie Zakrajšek, 8322 Terezija Zupančič, 6469 Gotfried Klun. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 5513 Frank Rigler. Odstopil: 9160 John Lunder Jr. Znižal podporo od l'B na.l'C: 5538 Jchn Prišel. Slovenian Young Men's Club, št. 36 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 6987 Joe Prebil, 8624 Joe Prosek, 4664 Jack Tekavec, 9596 Matthew Oberstar. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 5264 Frank Yerse, 7005 Boris Kushlan. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 6734 Victor J. Svete, 7003 Martin Strauss, 10105 Charles Lausche, 10106 Herbert Seheller, 5613 Harold R. Lausche, 7228 Joe Tomažin, 7535 William Vihtelič, 1010.4 Charles Debelak, 10102 William Simcnis, 8811 John Ajster, 4279 Charles Slapnik, 9496 Mathew Oberstar, 8136 Anthony Papeš, 9400 Frank Udo-vich, 5619 Edward Champa, 5818 Anton Novak, 7459 Frank J. Prijatelj, 8190 Frank Adamič, 5618 Frank Pen-gov. Prestopil k št. 1: 9002 John Gr-danc. Sv. Cecilija, št. 37 Suspendirane zopet sprejete: 8006 Frances Okorn, 5756 Jennie Dobre. Prvi mesec suspendirana: 8330 Antonia Gerbec, Drugi mesec suspendirane: 6610 Margaret Tomažin, 8192 Rose, Lenaršič. Umrla: 5747 Mary Peterlin. Martha Washington, št. 38 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 6912 He-dwiga Champa. Volga, št. 39 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 31"9 Josephine Rosa, 3434 Joseph Vovk, 4842 John Rencelj, 7412 Steve ŽirQ-vich, 6947 Matt Klainski. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 6749 Matt Peričak, 7850 Mike Majeticb, 6753 Frank Gerbec, 7412 Steve Žiro-vich, 6750 Blaž Odar, 6757 Josephine Odar. Črtan: 9004 Marko Banda. Znižali podporo od 3'B na 3'C: 3434 Joseph Vovk, 7412 Steve Žirovich. 6941, Matt Klainski; od 2'B na 2'C: 4842 John Rencelj. Claiwood. št. 4Q Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 9987 James Finžgar, 9403 Henry Zalokar Jr., 6918 Joseph Zalokar, 8796 Anthony Pozelnik, 9638 Louis Novak. 9784 Edward Klopčič. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 6954 Helen Samsky, 6588 Frank Oblak, 7U* Albert Zupančič, 7155 Joseph Sam-ky, 7466 John Merhar, 7640 Anthony Zcbec, 8796 Anthony Pozelnik, 9533 Lillian Zupančič. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 6965 Charles Lah, 7009 Edward A. Pike. Črtan: 8812 Frank Hrovat. Slovenska Bistrica, št. 42 Pristcpili: 10181 Sam Godec, 1Q182 Anna Godec, 10183 Louis Muster. Zvišala posmrtnino od 3'C na 2'B: 7416 Anton Gabrovšek; od 3'C na 2'C: 9732 Mary Gabrovšek. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 8270 John Rozman Jr., 8266 John Rozman, 8269 Gec^ge Rozman, 8265 Ivana Rozman, 8334 Steve Devorich, 9497 Mary Devorich Jr., 8,335 Mary Devorich. Znižal podporo od 2'C na 2'N: 7035 John Hočevar. Sloga, št. 43 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 7074 Mike Ycrina, 7071 Theresa Yerina. Znižal podpoyo od. 3'B na 3'C: 8427 Jack Yerman. Modern Crusaders, št. 45 Pristopili: 10184 Frank Videmšek Jr., 10185 Jack Troha, 1Q186 Frances Permuš. Suspenzu ani zopet sprejeti: 7363 Leo Perušek, 7361 John Perušek, 8741 Victor Turk, 10143 George Kochman, 4608 Lo,uise Kochman, 5105 Mildred Perušek,'5814 Mary Cerar, 7325 Frank Znidaršič, 7319 August Znidaršič, 8699 Edward Znidaršič, 7303 Frances Znidaršič, 7364 Frances Anderson. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 7303 Frances Znidaršič, 7325 Frank Znidaršič. 7319 August Znidaršič, 7345 Josephine Mihelčič, 9948 Albert Smith, 7311 Martin Valetich, 10167 Ann Bogolin, 10109 Rose Picely, 5362 Mary Mihelčič, 7309 Helen Moškerc, 7314 Anthony Somrak, 7306 Joe Tekaučič, 4861 Anton Mihelčič, 9354 Victoria Tomažič, 5920 John Yanchar, 7364 Frances Anderson. Diugi mesec suspendirani: 10110 Steffie Mustar, 9946 John Tolar 9647 Frank Mcdlc, 10,077 Anthony J. Pirc, 10056 Maiy Stekay, 10032 Joe Kovač, 6784 Frances Trobentar, 8747 Alice Smith, 9535 Louise Levstik, 10075 Frank Žigman, 9009 Charles Pirih, 8550 Martin Pierce, 6858 Mary Lonchar, 7324 Anthony Kumel, 10076 John J. Potočar, 8445 Joe Vraneža, Znižal podporo od 2'B na 2'C: 8699 8699 Edward Znidaršič. Edward Znidaršič. Jutranja Zarja* št. 46 t Suspendirana zopet sprejeta: 8149 Rose Konjar. Prvi mesec suspendirane: 8144 Anna Grasa, 9272 Louise Konte. Črtane: 7745 Mary Lovriha, 9355 Anna Stambol, 9273 Anna Stambolič, 8018 Fanny Rangus. Odstopila: 8016 Fanny Baraga. Magic City Juniors, št. 47 Suspendirana zopet sprejeta: 7797 Angeline Vinšič. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 7807 Frances Germitch, 8155 Frank Germitch, 7629 Frances Polk, 5078 Anna Sig-mond, 10115 Stanley Polk. Drugi mecec suspendiyan: 7798 Fran Beltich. Breoklynski Slovenci, 'št. 48 Susepndirana zopet sprejeta: 8037 Jakob Česnik, 9648 Julia Česnik. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 6262 Johan Stebel. Conneaut, št. 49 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 8553 Ivanka Ljubi. Naš Dom, št. 50 Prvi mesec suspendiran: 9792 Valentin Oblak. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 8743 John Sestan. Črtana: 9165 John Dolinar, 9653 Frances Orehovec. Eastern Stars, št. 51 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 10147 Charles Kushlan, 6807 Stanley Kozely, 8702 John Laurich, 10152 John Nagy. 7433 William Kozely, 8435 Alice Miš-maš. Prestopil od št. 8: 8244 Anton Kalin; od št. 22: 9700 Louise Marzlikar. Prvi mesec suspendirana: 10147 Charles Kushlan, 6807 Stanley Kozely, 8702 John Laurich. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 10151 Charles Godic, 8703 ■ Victor Sustaršič, 6935 Edward Kromar, 10153 John Velkovar, 9135 Alice Rossa, 7433 William Kozely. Črtan: 8437 Anton Sedej. Massillon, št. 52 Prvi mesec suspendirana: 8565 Sapi Majcen, 8566 John Majcen. Gclden Star, št. 53 Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 8647 Anthony Sterle Jr., 8645 Helen Ster-le, 7857 John Andreluh, 6357 Matevž Paušič. Comets, št. 54 Pristopila od 30-year plan: 10187 Stella M. Noch. Suspendirana zopet sprejeta: 7971 Stella M. Noch. Prvi mesec suspendiran: 8117 Robert Topolovich. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9123 Clmrles Stusek, 9129 Vincent Peskar-Črtana: 9122 Mary Mlhevic. Odstopila od 20-year plan na life plan: 7971 Stella M. Noch. Srca Jezusovega, št. 55 Prvi mesec suspendiran: 9413 I&" nac Zadravec. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9360 Sabina Kostrek, 9362 Joseph Kostrek, &S03 Magdalena Francis, 9907 Joseph Densa. Črtana: 9363 Anna Kavaš. Ilirija, št. 56 Pivi mesec suspendirane: 1507 Julija Molan, 649 Johanna Rifflnar, 7101 Antonia Jeršan, 5191 Anna Jeršan. Modern Knights, št. 57 Prvi mesec suspendirani: 10117 Rudolph Loirber, 913,4 Frances Deben-jak, 10118 John Sterlekar. Drugi mesec suspendiran: 1012" Frank Aubel. Primož Kogoj, glavni tajnik. f urad jih lahko naroči večjo mno+ žino in jih razda mladim materam.) Kaj je pred vsem potrebno, če se naseli bolezen v hišo? Jaz bi rekel: Zdrava pamet in ne preveč razburjenosti. Večino bolezni ozdravi narava sama, druge ozdravijo zdravniki, nekaterim bolnikom Pa ni pomoči razen tolažbe in dobre postrežbe. Strah, razburjenje od strani matere in drugih članov družine le poslabša položaj bolnika, ker ga prične še bolj skrbeti bodočnost. Vse to pa slabo vpliva na ozdravljenje. Upanje v boljšo bodočnost in pri, neozdravljivih boleznih vdanost v božjo voljo sta poleg drugih pripomočkov najbolj priporočljivo zdravilo. Ta dušni lek pomiri duha in blagodejno vpliva na telesni organizem. n URADA DRUŠTVA DOM ŠT. 25 SPZ Maple Heights, O.—članstvu našega društva se naznanja, da od sedaj naprej se, ne more za nobenega več založiti iz društvene blagajne. Vzrok je, ker je društvena blagajna docela izčrpana. Do sedaj se je za vas založilo za prvi mesec brez vsakega vprašanja. Za naprej, ako ne plačate asesmenta prvi mesee, ste suspendirani- Zatorej vas, cenjeni člani in članice prosim, da pridete na seje, da se vam pomaga v kolikor je moč, da ostanete še nadalje član Slovenske Dobrodelne Zveze v teh težkih časih. Poskusite tako ustreči odboru, odbor pa vam v vašo korist. 1 Charles Hochevar, tajnik. ■n_ Slovencc, št. 1 pristcpili: 10171 Frank Mihelčič, 10172 Martin Rogelj, 10173 John Gr-danc Jr. Suspendirani zopet sprejeti: 8 Joseph Ogrin, 88 Mike Franko, 92 John Lustik, 130 Anton Tomše, 199 Frank Globoka,!', 266 Anton Ogrlnc, 330. J9-ccph ferlin, 337 Jernej Anžur, 554 Frank Antončič, 15,61 Petpr Jalovec,. 1683 Brank Dragolič, 2428 Math Ko-lar, 2538 Martin Matkovich. 3089 George Juranko, 3182 Anton Gijtrbas. 3262 Rudolph Brodnik, 3668 Kuzman Harambasha, 3746 Anton Tauzelj, 3767 .John Papež, 4214 Anton Pevec, 4223 Jcseplji Chertalich. 4741 Leopold Goltcz, 6143 Jqhn Geronič, 6165 Andrej Železnik, 6779 Anton Anžur, 7195 Satn fapež, 7676 Anton Lužar, 8156 Joseph Martinčič, ' 104 Frank Marn, 401 Louis čučnik, 675 Anton Felicijan, 1258 Edward Krcčič, 1788 John Stey-lekar, 8814 Ayi|ton Jereb, 9275 Edward Ftlicijin, 9741 John Bukovnik, 8569 Frank Likovic|i,, $821 John Cergol, 8831 Vincent Župančič, 9130 Frank V. Opa l;v, 9450 Anthony Tomše. Prvi mesec suspendirani: 6165 Andrej ielczmk, 6,7.81 Rudolph Ptirme. 7365 Joseph s^mtfe 16,n Frank K9-strevc 7676 Anton Lužar, 8042 Nicholas PqPP, 3345 Victor Matjašič, 8455 Edward Skvarca, 8509 Frank Likovich, 8569 Andrej Renko, 9132 Frank Mah-nich, 10038 Ludwig Misley, 37 Frank Mervar, 39 Frank Oblak, 41 John Ve-gelj, 78 Frank Vadnjal. 123 Michael Vuk, 159 John Skvarca, 803 Joseph Matjašič, 982 Mike Arh, 1087 Joseph Zupančič, 1120 George Krištof, 1412 Herman Volpe, 1440 Anton Udovich, 1501 Joseph Kodrich, 1677 John Smrekar, 1898 John .Pucelj, 1970 Anton Kernc, 2110 Štefan Kovačič, 2381 John Cernelich, 2478 Andrej Čeh, 2533 Jjohn Trante, 2536 Fraiik Budič, 2659 Martin Rožanc, 2949 Joe Jernejčič, 3182 Anton Garbas, 4613 John Judež, 5543 Edward Legan. -5674 Anton Sket-"tle, 6163 Anton Seliškar. Drugi mesec suspendirani: 9 Frank Matjašič, 19 Louis Priselj, 21 JoseRh Likovich, 54 Frank Baskovich, 149 Frank Kaprol, 39.5 Anton Jalovec, 9.79 Frank Knaus, 999 Mike Stefe, 1036 Frank Grandovec, 1424 Vid Markuzic, 1437 Louis Patte, 1500 Frank Kuhar, 1521 Martin Kuhar, 1540 John Fer-luga, 2260 Lours Koprol, 2306 Joseph Grandovec, 2535 Joseph Urajnar,' 2963 Frank Kraje, 3041 Frank Skabar, 3049 Mrke Seller, 3134 Ferd Starin, 3214 Bernard Martich. 3SI7 Lonis F. Trugar, 3480 John Novak, 3809 Frank Saje, 4215 Andrew Bole, 422; Frank Hribar, 4617 Luke Gustetič, 5057 Steve Skrobot, 5622 Frank Matjašič, 6146 OUR GOAL! DOUBLED MEMBERSHIP IN 1932 S. 2). Z*. JVebus OUR GOAL! DOUBLED MEMBERSHIP IN 1932 By SOPHIE KLEMEN Comets, No. 54 SDZ Monday Sept. 12, marked the passing of the Comets meeting and social at Spelkos. The Eastern Stars and Modern Knights were well represented. Where were all of the Modern Crusaders and Clairwoods? Cess Koons and his Melody Lads did the entertaining. If you want to get acquainted with some of the most courteous young men attend the dance on Oct. 8 on Holmes Ave. and get to know some of those "Blue Boys," who are sponsoring the affair. Ed Skull can surely make a piano talk and if you are ever in need of a fiddler ask Michael Lah Jr. I'm sure he'll be of a great assistance. What! A fiddling president? . The Eastern Stars baseball team will play at Gordon Park No. 4 this coming Sunday afternoon. Let's all be there to see these boys take over the Spartans. A victory will put them in the Interlodge B finals. The Comets wish to congratulate the Modern Crusaders baseball team. Here's hoping the boys win many more championships ! The Comets have changed the date of their Harvest Dance in deference to the Community Welfare Club who are holding their annual Charity Ball on the same day. Watch the S. D. Z. News for further information concerning this dance! PERAT REGAINS PREXY LEAD Just 8 More Days to Go THE END IS NEAR! A LITTLE OVER A WEEK REMAINS BEFORE ESSDEE-ZEE NAMES ITS FIRST PRESIDENT. BALLOTING CONTINUES HEAVY! AND THE RESULT IS STILL IN DOUBT. HAVE YOU VOTED YET? IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DO SO! BE SURE AND VOTE NOW BEFORE THE POLLS CLOSE. REMEMBER, ONLY EIGHT DAYS REMAIN! CAMPAIGN FACTS EASTERN STARS TO PRESENT HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL NEXT MONTH By MICKEY Spooky shadows creeping behind sheaves of corn stalks; large pumpkins, hideous cats, false faces, costumes, blaring horns and whistles, and novel games made more eerie by dimmed lights, will be in effect at the Hollowe'en Social, spon sored by the Eastern Stars. This affair, which is expected to be one of the largest ever held by any S. D. Z. lodge, will take place at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave., Oct. 26, 1932. You are again assured of a Wonderful evening spent amongst cheerful and hospitable young people. For reference take into consideration the social held last July by the Eastern Stars. Wasn't it an enjoyable evening ? Everyone had the time of their lives, except a certain group who were on their vacation in Villa Mu-zikant and were therefore unable to attend. NAME: The campaign will be known as the Essdeezee Election Campaign. DATE: Campaign opens at sunrise, April 1, and closes midnight, Sept. 30. OBJECT: The object of the campaign is to get one new member for every old member. CANDIDATES: The president of each English-conducted lodge is a candidate for the presidency of Essdeezee. The other officers of each lodge are candidates for governor of their state. All members are candidates for mayo? of their city. VOTING: Voting is done by enlisting new members. Each new member entitles a lodge to a number of votes, depending upon quota. BALLOTS: Each new member has the voting power of three ballots. One for mayor for the member introducing the new one. One for governor and one for president. CAMPAIGN REPORTS: Campaign reports made out by the secretary or campaign manager should be in the Election Headquarters every Monday of the campaign by noon. EASTERN STARS, SPARTANSCLASH AT GORDON PARR Modern Knight News By A BACHELOR It seems as if an apology is in order for the readers of the S. D. Z. News. (Boy! get me out my fan mail!) The writer was unable to contribute his weekly articles for reasons best known to himself, but he does Sympathize with the readers, who were in constant fear and worry lest their favorite writ-ter should be forced to discontinue his articles. Yes, he knows exactly how they feel. So settle back in your arm Winner to Meet Holy Name Juniors for Class B Title By MICKEY Sunday, Sept. 25, the Spartans and Eastern Stars tangle at Gordon Park, diamond No. 4, for the right to meet the strong Holy Name team for the Class B Interlodge championship. The Eastern Stars, as you all know, held the lead for the majority of the season, only to weaken at the finish and dropped down to share second place honors with the Spartans. To all the S. D. Z. members, who are looking for a place to spend an afternoon filled with thrills, chills and laughter, we ask you to attend this game. Everyone knows that when a team is a little down-hearted, there is nothing like a few hundred people to brace them up with their cheers and help them win. So come on, S. D. Z., help us win! The game follows the • second of a three-game championship series between the Orels and the Pioneers, who are fighting for the Class A title. POLLS 66 VOTES IN WEEK'S BALLOTING; LAH RECEIVES 24 IN DROPPING TO SECOND Joe Kogoy Supplants John Gornik in Third Place for Only Other Change in Essdeezee Presidential Race Climaxing a week of feverish vote getting, the Modern Crusaders rallied behind James Perat and restored him once again to the lead in the race for the presidency of the mythical country of Esdeezee. In the balloting, the Modern Crusaders candidate polled 66 votes to raise his total from 462 to 528, while Michael Lah Jr., who last week staged a brilliant spurt to grab the lead from Perat, failed to maintain the pace and fell behind as his cohorts collected but 24 votes to raise his total to 489. With only eight more days to go, Perat now enjoys a lead of 39 votes over his political rival. —~~ * The continued drive on the polls of the Modern Crusaders and Eastern Star supporters practically eliminates the five other candidates, Joe Kogoy, John Gornik Jr., Marie Bam-bich, Mary Lebar and Helen Petroff, jrom further and noth-tion in the scramble and nothing short of ^ miracle would place any one of them ahead of 'either Lah or Perat. But, though the race has dwindled to a two-man affair, the election is far from being decided. Political experts feel confident that before the campaign closes, Essdeezee is sure to witness another deluge of votes for Lah, similar to the one staged by him last week to supplant Perat in the lead for the first time since the drive opened on April 1. But even as the Eastern Star State has proven its ability to cast votes in large quantities, there Is no discounting the fact that the State Modern Crusaders will spare nothing to bring about the election of its favor- HEAR YE! PEACE AND PROSPERITY WITH PERAT! He wears no man's collar! (No man ivill let him borrow' one) Let the MODERN CRUSADER shoiv Essdeezee the ivay to greater accomplishments. Make Perat your choice for President! DIRT DISHING By YANCY YINCHfeLL Hello! every body, back again and retfdy to bring you this week's chat about nothing in particular and everything in general. • / :< Until the present this scrivener has attempted with little avail to o b t a i n news of our Clairwoodians. By a stroke of luck I stumbled onto a very interesting bit of news of the Clair wood proxy Joe Kogoy. He, I have been informed, is a very efficient bowler and promises to be the threat man of the Clairwood's bowling team. Bowling altho his favorite, is not his only sport, he also in his boyhood days enjoyed the title as the star neighborhood pitcher, performing the iron-man stunt many times. Joe also piloted the Superior Home Supply baseball team, but because of his position is unable to participate in his hobby, called sports. Another interesting personality and prominent member of the Clairwood is Joseph Surtz, brother of Frank M. Surtz, president of the Central Committee. Joe is another baseball addict and always plays the initial sack which is his favorite position. Jo, who somewhat resembles his brother Ernie, the East Tech track star, is also a member of the entertain- KIBITZING By COPY CAT HEAR YE! All Citizens of the State of EASTERN STARS should do their duty and cast a vote for MICHAEL LAH, JR., candidate for the presidency of Essdeezee. MICKEY'S PLATFORM Longer working hours and shorter bread lines. LEST YOU BE LEAD ASTRAY! What Essdeezee Needs is a Feminine Touch vote for HELEN PETROFF for the presidency of this great nation. The Magic City Junior candidates stands for cleaned government, better home made pies and bigger socials. VOTE THE STRAIGHT MAGIC CITY TICKET chair and read the latest scandal. I wish to thank all those who contributed their support to our First Grand Social. It surely was a success and I hope that our next doing will be far more successful. ! I have heard, yes, I have | heard, that the Comets affairs, ! too, are being put over in grand style. That's the old S. D. Z. spirit. The Eastern Stars are staging a Social on Oct. 26. Be there, as the admission is only 15 cents. On Oct. 15, the Comets step ; into the lime-light with a Harvest Dance. The admission tickets are priced at 25 cents and a good time is assured to I all who atetnd. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF as the MARTHA WASHINGTON S are prepared to march on to victory with MARIE BAMB1C She makes no campaign promises she can't keep— therefore she makes no campaign promises. What more could the voters ask? ing committee. The Clairwood entertaining committee consists of seven members, five of whom answer to the name of Joe. Wonder what's happened to Miss "This 'n That?" We certainly miss her column, and hope she returns soon. Frank Gregorčič of the Eastern Star celebrated his (?) birthday last Friday. Steve Rackar and Frank Oblak made trips to Toledo for the past two Sunday's (I wonder why, is there an S. D. Z. lodge there?) Joe Vraneza and Joe Muzic (Jolly Pal organizers), can be seen constantly together. Wonder what's up their sleeves? -o- LEADING LADY Too bad the Central Committee doesn't meet on a day other than Friday. We are certain that more of the members would like to enjoy the delicious ham sandwiches that are served at the luncheons following the meetings. Of course, they can eat the cheese sandwiches if they care to. Personally, however, I think the cheese is alright in its place, but its place has burned down. Fay Debenjak- is now going in for horse back riding in a big way. Taking to the bridle path several times weekly. The Modern Knights secretary claims she is preparing for next year's Olympics. Copy Cat believes it is a bridal path that is luring her. We see where Yancy Yin-chell is back in print again. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, Yancy. Paging tenors, bases, baritones, altos and sopranos! Yes, it looks as- if the Central Committee is going to sponsor a Glee Club. Start training your voices now. This column recommends a "Lena Gargle" (Sohio Motor Fuel). Did you know that Tillie Kle-men's weakness is motorcycle riding. That's a tip for all you aspiring swains. No charge, boys, no charge! Last Monday night representatives of Collinwood lodges proved that a Model T Ford can hold 12. Too bad that Cat wasn't along. We have always believed that 13 is a lucky number for cats, model T Fords and S. D. Z. lodges. Helen Petroff continues to set the pace for the female office seekers, the Magic City Junior leader holding fifth place over Marie Bambich, Martha Washington ,and Mary Lebar, Comets, who bring up the rear in the order named. -o—--- CLAIRWOODS' SOCIAL Keep Nov. 17 open, as that is the day the Clairwoods are planning a social. KEEP KOOL with KOGOY! Don't let the heat of political arguments get you down A vote for JOSEPH KOGOY, JR., is a vote for bigger beer steins, stronger pipes, and moi e Krazy Kat Komedies. What this country needs is laughs, elect Kogoy and you'll get them! YOUTH MUST BE SERVED! and JOHN GORNIK, JR. must be the first president of Essdeezee SLOVENIAN YOUNG MEN'S CLUB indorses him as the savior of the nation. Give us Johnny and Johnny will" give us, f ull dinner pails, full wine cellars and fool government Modern Knight Flashes By SMILES It looks like a busy season for all lodges—not that any of us object. Practically all of the ' Snglish-conducted organizations of the Association are planning affairs for the coming two months. It appears very much as if we will all be leading a married life attending them. On Oct. 26 a Hallowe'en Dance is being given by the Eastern Stars at the Holmes Ave. Slovenian Home. Admission is only 15 cents and there is no need telling you that you will get your moneys worth. A snappy dance orchestra has seen hired for the occasion. VIore about the social later. Another social will be given by the Clairwoods on Nov. 17. It appears to be a long way off, 3ut we advise you to sta;rt saving your pennies now. It is going to be a big time in a big lome by a big crowd. Twenty-five cents is all that it will cost you to attend the Comets Dance at Spelko's Gardens on Saturday, Oct. 15. Its going to be a masquerade affair, and there will be prizes of plenty. Get out the false faces and trick costumes, you may be one of the lucky, winners. Add current appologies: One to Popeye for this columns error in reporting that he was assisted by members of the Eastern Stars in making up the dummy for the rolling pin throwing contest at the recent S. D. Z. Olympics. Evidentually your correspondent got out of bed on the wrong side, the morning that was written. With the S. D. Z. Olympics now a thing of the past, the Central Committee is focusing its intention on the coming celebration to be held at the Slovenian National Home on Nov. 6. Its going to be an all-day affair and there are many pleasant surprises for those attending. OUR SYMPATHY The S. D. Z. News, in behalf of all the members of the Slovenian Mutual Benefit Association, extends its heartfelt sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. James Perat upon the death of their daughter Mary Ann. The four-year-old girl was struck by a true k when crossing a street in front of her home, 15708 Calcutta Ave., early Tuesday morning. She was rushed to Emergency Clinic where she died at 12 o'clock. The little girl was one of the youngest members of the Modern Crusaders of whicK her father is president. ite son. Witness the rally to the Perat banner staged this week when it became public that the Eastern Star representative had grabbed the lead in the contest. Unquestionably, the outcome of the campaign is as much in doubt today as it was five and one-half months agao when the membership drive opened, and the election depends entirely upon the work of the two organizations in the final week. Another interesting item of the week's voting is that Joe Kogoy, Clairwood candidate, polled sufficient votes to move into third place in the race, passing up John Gornik Jr., Slovenian' Young Men representative. FOLLOW THE COMETS' Trail to the finer things in life with a vote for MARY LEBAR When bigger and better governments are made the girls ivill make them! Start noiv by electing Lebar to the presidency of Essdeezee You can't go wrong in a Packard! This V That By BILLY TOFANT Joe Patronite's Naso Beauty Shoppe» annexed the Class B second division title by edging the Detroit-W. 117th St. Merchants, 2 to 1, at Gordon Park last Sunday. Butch Fisher, diminutive shortstop, sparkled for the Nasos with a triple and two walks. He tallied both their runs. Ihnot coruscated for the losers. Sunday the Nasos will meet the Ha-ber Auto Wreckers for the right to face the Brazis Bros, for the crown. A triple and a brace of singles by Heinie Laurich, the aggressive little shotrstop, featured the St. Beneditcs' 6 to 0 victory over the Verhovay Aid Society in A C semi-final duel. Krejci of the Saints held the losers to two hits. A. if. J. Announces Its Annual All-Star AMERICAN HOME BENEFIT SUNDAY Stage Slovenian Play 'Domen at Second Performance for Needy Slovenian Families Louis Oblak to Direct Drama That Has Mrs. Josephine Lausche-Welf, Well Known Radio Artist, in Principal Role A. H. J. 1932 ALL-INTERLODGE TEAMS Nossek, Nachtigal and Yelitz batted the Mavec Decorators to a 6 to O triumph over the Reliable Merchants. Frankie Hrovat, Ed Dailly and Boris Kovacic wielded big bats to lead the Carson Undertakers to a 11 to 3 decision over the Ejbl Drugs. The defeat eliminates the Drugs from the C race. Three hits by Petrovcic, a double and a single by Zupančič, Lou Dolsak's three-bagger and a homer by Lunder enabled Charley Saxe's Yankee to down the St. John Cantius nine, 5 to 3. Bogovich, Yank mound ace, limited the Saints to nine scattered hits and whiffed six batters. The first game of the series that the Cornelia Sports and Cuyahogfa Truckers are staging for the Major Indoor championship terminated in a 10 to 10 dead-lofck last Sunnday. Ernie Zupančič cracked out a double and two singles for the Sports. Tony Melbar and Art-well were other hitsmiths for the Sports. Rudy Kalister lined out a double and a single last Sunday as Doik Novario's Quaker Sugars downed the McWilliams Surveyors, 5 to 1, in an exhibition at Warrensville last Sunday. Joe Dol jack held the Surveyors to five safeties. "Tee Wee" Jurcisek and Danny Pav-lovic scintillated with the stick as the Haber Auto Wreckers upset the Kaye Dry Cleaners, a fast semi-pro team, by a 3 to 1 score last Saturday. TICKETSFORBALL ON SALE BY WELFARE CLUB The George Washington Bicentennial Charity Ball committee of the Community Welfare Club is greatly enthused by the splendid spirit of co-operation being evidenced by club members, merchants and their friends in the community in the coming affair. Dr. William J. Lausche, ace Slovenian maestro, and his renowned orchestra will furnish the music for the dancing, which will last from 9 p. m. to 2 a. in., assuring everyone attending good music and plenty of time in which to enjoy it. Tickets are now being sold by all club members. Get yours now and be prepared to spend a most enjoyable evening, while doing your bit for charity. Presenting "Domen," a five-act drama at the Slovenian National Home, Sunday evening, the American Home Publishing Co. hopes to duplicate the success of last year's benefit show, which attracted a record crowd to the hall. As was the case last year, the entire proceeds of the coming performance will go for the benefit of the needy jobless Slovenian families of the community. In "Domen," the Ameriška Domovina is presenting a most talented cast under excellent directorship, guaranteeing all who attend the charitable affair a most enjoyable and entertaining ever ning. The play is of a musical nature and features many popular Slovenian folk songs, which are to be presented by Mrs. Josephine Lausche-Welf, talented performer and recording and broadcasting artist, in whose capable hands lies the leading feminine role. The Slovenian artist has time and again distinguished herself before the footlights and microphone and it is expected that in the lead role in the pl.1y for which she is ideally suited she will surpass any of her past successes. Supplying the musical background to the show will be Dr. William J. Lausche and his popular orchestra, which scored such a smashing triumph in last year's benefit vaudeville performance. Dr. Lausche's position as one of the nation's greatest Slovenian musicians is unquestioned and his appearance in Sunday's presentation arouses the excellence of the musical end of the proceedings. The talented cast has long been hard at work on the production and Director Louis Oblalc has surpassed himself in moulding cast, plot, scenic effects and music into a most noteworthy offering. Oblak has already won a position as one of the community's leading directors by his masterful handling of the first presentation of the Slovenian Passion Play. At that time Oblak was not only confronted with a large and inexperienced cast, new costumes and scenery, but likewise had to carry the lead role of Christ in the mammoth production. The success he adhieved was astounding and theatrical critics the city over were unanimous in their corn-reservations as soon as possible. All seats are reserved. INVITE MAYOR RAY T. MILLER TO MEETING Mayor Ray T. Miller will be invited to attend the Civic Night meeting of the local Boy Scouts to be held on Friday, Oct. 14, at the St. Clair Library. This announcement was made by the tribe committee following its meeting last Friday. The Silver Fox Tribe will present to the city of Cleveland a framed print of Washington in commemoration of the tribe's observance of the Washington Bicentennial being celebrated this year throughout the entire country. The mayor will be asked to accept this gift personally, on behalf of the city. In addition to this presentation, which will be a demonstration of scout activities and a Washington play. The Civic Night meeting will be open to all scout parents and adults interested in scouting. Admission will be free, but tickets must be secured from members of the tribe. These will be available within 10 days as well as information where they may be obtained. POPULARSINGER OPENS STUDIO Mrs. Mitzi Grdina has opened a studio for the culturing of voices in her home, 1053 E. 62d St. Mitzi studied under the internationally renowned concert artist, Mme. Summers, and following a lengthy preparation under this famous teacher she made her debut last season in a joint concert with the Slovenian operatic star, Anton Šubelj. That successful concert at the Slovenian National Home marked the opening of a series of similar concerts presented by the pair throughout the country. Besides her concert work, she also won considerable local recognition by her broadcasts over Radio Station WTAM . Anyone desiring to train his voice should call the studio, HEnderson 2088, for further information and particulars regarding the courses. -0- INTERLODGE BOWLERS NOTE A meeting will be called in the very near future. Plans which should prove satisfactory to everyone will be proposed. mendations of his work. Tickets which are now on sale at Kushlan's Confectionery are selling for $1 and 50 cents, and are moving rapidly. There are still some choice seats remaining, however, and all who are planning on attending the charitable performance are urged to make their ORELSWirUTO 1, FROM PIONEERS IN INITIAL TILT FIRST TEAM POSITION SECOND TEAM J. HABIAN, Pioneers..............C ..............J. KOSTANSEK, Orels BRAIDIC, Pioneers....................IB—.FABIAN, George Washington P. KOSTANSEK, Orels............2B..J....................BARBIC, Pioneers F. KUHEL, Betsy Ross............3B........................MARINKO, Orels SIMONIS, S. Y. M. C...............SS............................ORAZEM, Orels N. HABIAN, Orels....................LF................TEKAVEC S. Y. M. 0. D. PAVLOVICH, Pioneers......CF................HOFFER, Betsy Ross E. ZUPANČIČ, S. Y. M. C.....RF...................STRAINIC, Pioneers T. KUBILUS, G. Washington RS................................SODJA, Orels MILJENOVIC, Pioneers..........P ....................YERSE, S. Y. M. C. JERAY, Orels............................P ....OPALEK, George Washington HONORABLE MENTION Skufca, Betson, Radel and Zalokar, George Washingtons; Leskovec, C. Lausche and Secolic, S. Y. M. C.; Koresic and Brauer, Betsy Ross; Brancelj and Zabukovec, Orels; Bajac and Spretnak, Pioneers. SURPRISE KOBE Mr. Ernest Kobe, son of Mrs. Frances Kobe, 1050 E. 62d St., was surprised with a party last Saturday evening, the occasion being a celebration in honor of his 26th birthday. There were 50 guests present, who enjoyed an evening of dancing at Knaus' Hall, where the party was held, to the music of Pete Srnoversnik's ac-cordian and Frank Martincic's banjo. -0- LOU DUSIC RETURNS Mr. Louis (Sheeper) Dusic of Glass Ave. is back in the neighborhood once more after a lengthy road trip that carried him throughout the West. Lou plans to stay in town for a few weeks, then embark on a tour of Mexico and South America. -0- VIRANT IS GUEST Leo Virant, Democratic candidate for state representative from Lorain, 0., was a guest of Mr. Brunner of Columbus, O., at a lu/icheon rally held at the Deschler-Walleck Hotel there last week. The principal speaker at the gathering was Gov, White, candidate for reelection. Among the several speakers prominent in the state Democratic Party was Leo T. Virant. -o- SILVER MASK SOCIAL Last Saturday evening the Silver Mask Club brought its summer social season to a most successful close with another wiener roast at Petkovsek's farm. The affair, like the other six that preceded it, was well planned and a large crowd was in attendance. The party lasted until late Sunday morning. Non-members from Collinwood and Miles Heights were guests of the club at the frolic. -0- LEAVES FOR O. S. U. Miss Helen Knaus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jernej Knaus, 1052 E. 62d St., leaves Saturday for Columbus, O., where she will resume "her studies in mt-Uicine at the Ohio State University. "Iggy" J e r a y Pitches and Bats Team to Victory If the Orels can overcome the Pioneers Sunday, at Gordon Park, they will be crowned the 1932 Interlodge champions and be avenged for last year's defeat at the hands of the same Pioneers, who are the present defending champs. Sunday's tilt is scheduled to get under way at 1 o'clock sharp in order io pei mit some of the players to play league baseball in the present C. B. F. elimination scramble. At 11 a. m., before the A tussle, the Spartans will tussle with the Eastern Stars for the right to meet the Holy Name Juniors and battle for the Interlodge Class B title. Win First Game The Orels won the post-season opener by a 4 to 1 score last Sunday, before a crowd of 3,000 people at Gor don Park. Last year the Pltiheers won the first game, lost the second, but captured the third tilt and with it the gonfalon. "Iggy" Jeray held the hard-hitting Pioneer team scoreless after the initial inning, in which they tallied one run He permitted only six blows, while striking out seven batters and flanking one. On the other hand, Teddy Milje-novic was touched for nine safeties and whiffinng five. The winners took the lead in the third when they chalked up two markers, and repeated in the sixth frame to clinch the game. The Pioneer six hits were evenly distributed among three of the players, las J. Habian, Braidic and A. Yurkovitch 'collected two apiece. Beside hurling a 'wonderful tilt, Jeray was the only Orel hitsmith to garner more than one hit, getting two singles in three times at bat. Three Pioneer errors were instrumental in handing the champs their first defeat of the three-game series. Orels AB R H PO A E Marinko, 3b .......... 3 1110 0 Orazem, ss ............ 3 0 10 3 0 N. Habian, If ........ 4 1 13 0 0 Brancelj, lb .......... 3 1 19 0 0 J. Kostansek, c ..... 4 0 1110 0 Zabukovec, rs ........ 4 0 0 2 0 0 Adamic, cf ............ 4 0 10 0 0 P. Kostansek, 2b.... 4 0 0 12 0 Pristov, rf .............. 3 0 10 0 0 Jeray, p .................. 3 1 2 0 0 0 Totals ................. 35 4 9 27 5 0 Pioneers AB R H PO A E J. Habian, c............ 4 1 2 8 0 1 Strainic, rf ............ 3 0 0 2 0 1 Bajac, 3b ................ 4 0 0 4 0 0 Braidic, lb ............ 4 0 2 8 0 1 Barbie, 2b.............. 3 0 0 0 5 0 D. Pavolic, If.......... 3 0 0 0 0 0 A. York, cf.............. 3 0 2 0 0 0 M. Pavolic, ss........ 3 0 0 12 0 Spretnak, rs .......... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Miljenovic, p ........ 3 0 0 0 1 0 Totals ................. 33 I 6 27 8 3'' Orels ................ 002002 0 0 0—4 Pioneers .......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 Two-base hits—N. Habian, Braidic. Three-base hits—J. Kostansek, Braidic. I Stolen base—Marinko. Sacrifice—Ora-jzem. Bases on balls—Off Jeray 1, off Miljenovic 2. Struck out—By Jeray 7, by Miljenovic 5. Umpires—Mental and Flannigan. -0- BOWLERS IN DEBUT The Norwood Home League is scheduled to open Wednesday, Sept. 28, with 10 teams entered in the loop. This year they will bowl on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. One game will be played on the first date and two games on Thursdays and Fridays. The better keglers have been scattered among all the teams in order to make the league more even and not have one outstanding quintet. A1 (Lefty) Mlinar to Go South Next Year for a Tryout With Cleveland Indians Two Slovenian youths already have ascended the trail that leads to the big leagues. They are Joe Kuhel of the Washington Senators and Frank Dol-jack, now with the Detroit Tigers. Now a third ball tosser of Slovenian extraction seems destined to follow in needed more experience. So Doik up and grabbed him off for the Quakers. Doik secured games with some of the best semi-pro and professional teams in the state and sent Mlinar in to twirl. The result? Why, just a couple of two-hit games, a few one-hitters and -A L MILNAR. VICTOR ANDERSON HAS HIGH DEGREE OF EAGLE SCOUT Member of Local Silver Fox Tribe for Five Years History was made in the local Boy Scout troop when Victor Anderson, tribe chief and newly designated junior assistant scoutmaster, was invested with the rank of Eagle Scout on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the central Court of Honor held at the Broadway M. E. Church. Eagle Scout Anderson is the first member of Silver Fox Tribe to attain this rank, which is the highest achievement to be earned in the Boy Scouts of America. The local group is eight years old, Victor has been a member for almost five years. He has held every office in the tribe, which includes scribe, quartermaster, assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, assistant tribe chief and tribe chief. His elevation by the tribe committee to the position of junior assistant scoutmaster places him on the officers staff of his own tribe. To attain Eagle Scout rank, Anderson had to qualify and pass 21 merit badges, including camping, bird study, swimming, life saving, pioneering, first aid, first aid to animals, cooking, civic, pathfinding, athletics, personal health and public health. The new eagle is also a senior American Red Cross life saver, and is a sophomore at East Technical High School. He is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Anderson of 1264 E. 71st St. MAGICIANS^ BENEFIT SHOW DUCATS ON SALE FRANK SIMMS TO LEAVE SATURDAY With the advent of fall weather and another indoor boxing season, Frankie Simms, most prominent Slovenian in the national cauliflower patch, has decided that it's high time for him to he winding his way to a warmer and more suitable climate. This coming Saturday the hard-hitting heavyweight gladiator will embark upon a trip to Miami, Fla. Last winter Frankie spent his time in California. While there, he engaged in half a dozen fights, winning five and being held to a draw in the other. Frank has been rather inactive in the ring game for the past few months, his last start being against "Red" Barry of Washington, D. C., in the recent heavy tourney staged in New Ycrk. Barry was awarded the decision, hut Hype Igoe, Joe Williams and other New York boxing experts credited Frank with having won the duke. In Miami, Frankie plans to take a brief rest and then begin getting himself into first-class physical condition for the coming campaign. HOLY NAME CLUB GIVES FIRST HOP The Junior Holy Name Society of St. Christine's Church is having its first dance Sunday, Sept. 25. Frank's Tune Tappers, a popular orchestra, will appear at St. Christine's Hall for the first time that evening, and will furnish the music for the dancing, which will begin at 8 p. m. Joseph Janchar, Jack Tersek, William Muhich, Louis Orazen and Edward Gabrenya, the committee jn charge of the affair, promise a good time to all who attend. Tickets can be purchased from any member of the society. --0-T SIMMS BOYS ENTERTAIN The two Simms brothers, Frankie and Eddie, will be featured in an entertainment program given tonight at Joe Kelly's Gymnasium, 5902 Euclid Ave. Eddie will accompany Billy Wallace, lightweight crooner, with his accordion and Frank will box an exhibition on the eight-bout program. Phil Zurich will also appear in one of the bouts. Tickets for the forthcoming Night of Magic performance, which is being sponsored by the United Lodges of St. Vitus' Church at Slovenian National Home on Oct. 9, are now on sale at Kushlan's Confectionery. The pasteboards are selling at 50 and 75 cents, and every seat in the house will be reserved. Those who are planning to attend the mammoth presentation, which is for the benefit of the new church, are advised to purchase their admission tickets at their earliest possible convenience, as a capacity house is expected. Mr. John J. Grdina, dean of the active members of Cleveland Assembly of the Society of American Magicians, who are donating their services for the show, is in entire charge of the production and at the present writing is hard i at work on arrangements and leaving no stone unturned to give the people of the community a very pleasant, entertaining and mystifying evening. A Punch and Judy show has been the latest attraction added to the matinee bill which is being scheduled for the benefit of the youngsters. Tickets for the matinee are priced at 15 cents. Some of the other features to comprise the performance are Chinese magic, spiritualism, mind reading, chalk talks, rag pictures, comcdy magic and burlesque magic. Remember to secure your tickets early. -0- The team was chosen by Eddie Kovacic, A. H. J. sports editor; Ernie Novak and Joey Brodnik, A. H. J. official scorekeepers, after a lengthy consideration. J. Habian, Pioneers, behind the bat. He was given preference over J. Kostansek because of his ability to steady his pitchers. Although hitting only .244, as compared to Kostansek's .345. Johnny has two homers, two triples and a pair of doubles in his extra base column to make him a dangerous hitter. Braidic, Pioneers, at first base. A .297 average with three homers to his credit aided Braidic in making the first team. His closest rival was Fabian of the George Washingtons, who clouted the pill for k .333 total. P. Kostansek, Orels, qt second base. He led the second base hitters with a .288 average. His fielding was also on par with the loop's best keystone players. Simonis, S. Y. M. C., at short. Bill was unanimously elected for the shortstop berth. His brilliant fielding made him an outstanding star far above that of any of his opponents. He ended the season with a .279 batting average. Skufca and Orazen threatened with high batting averages. Kuhel, Betsy Ross, at third base. Kuhel's batting proclivities earned for him the position at the hot corner as he terminated the campaign with a high .344 average. Marinko,, last year's-choice, ran Frank a close race, but was not as good as in the 1931 flag chase and slumped to a poor .191 from a .300 hitter. D. Pavolich, Pioneer, in center field. Danny edged "Lefty" Hoffer, Betsy Ross outfielder, in the final selection due to the fact that he played in 11 games, whereas the Flagmaker saw action in only six tilts. The latter wound up with a .434 batting average and vl'.e former with .371. N: Habian, Orels, in left field. Although outhit by many outfielders, "Lefty" certainly stood out above the rest in his ability to "shag" flybslls. He covered plenty of territory and won many a game for the Orels with his fine defensive work. He also hit three homers. E. Zupančič, S. Y. M. C„ in r'ght field. Ernie, one of ;ht league's deadliest fielders, is also about the fastest man in the circuit. He cloulcd the onion for a .323 percentage. T Kubilus, George Vashingtons, in njjltt short. Tony paced«all the In*er-ii:dse hitters grand .447 a:.d consequently was a sure'!>et to place on our All-Star team. Miljenovic, Pioneers, and Jeray, Orels, the pitchers. Teddy, a veteran of many seasons, lias been making a comeback this year and finished with a ucord of 10 w iis and 2 losses, p'.acing hi:-, team in fi u place. This was his first whole year with the Pioneers. Iggy" Jeray again pitched his outfit to the league championship series with the Pioneers. Last Sunday he won the first game from the defending champs as he allowed only six hits. Johnny Habian and Danny Pavolic were the only players to make last year's team. The American Home Juniott second team is one comprised of many good i.all players, and a game between the two cufitts would be worth while witnessing. -0- HOLD SHOWER ON MISS MARZLIKAR HOLD PARTY FOR FRANCES MARKIC Last Saturday evening Miss Frances Markic, 14102 Westropp Ave., was tendered a rather delightful birthday party by her mother, Mrs. Frances Markic. The gala affair was attended by some 30 young ladies and gentlemen. At the conclusion of the formalities pertaining to the introductions, the guests were all hurried down to the basement, which was transformed into a mystery party soon. After participating in games and dancing to the tuneful strains of Al Fisher's accordion, the guests were served a delicious buffet luncheon. The birthday celebrant was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts from those attending. -0- ORELS HOLD DANCE A baseball dance will be given Oct. 15 at Grdina's Hall by the Orels. Red Brancelj and his Rhythm Rioters will furnish the tempo for the dancing. About 200 guests surprised Miss Mary Marzlikar, 1025 E. 62d St., at a shower given in her honor at her home last Saturday evening. Games were played and Steve Zimmerman and Martin Pusnik furnished accordion music for dancing. The bride-to-be was the recipient of very many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Helen Marzlikar and Anna Marzlikar, mother and sister of the honored guest, were the hostesses for the elaborate affair. A buffet luncheon consisting of various salads, dainty sandwiches, potica, cakes and beverages was served. The Batter's Box the footsteps of Kuhel and Doljack. He is Al (Lefty) Mlinar, southpaw fire-ballcr for Doik Novario's Quaker Sugars. Mlinar, it was revealed- by Novario last week, has signeci a contract with the Cleveland Indians. Billy Evans, general manager of the Tribe, confirmed the statement in an interview with a member of the American Home Junior sports staff. Local scouts, fans and managers have had their eyes on Mlinar ever since he twirled for the Mlinar Sweets in Class E. He went into Class D with the same outfit and in both years it was his stellar pitching that enabled his club to finish in the finals. Last year his sensational twirling was the main reason why the Superior Tire Service nine was able to cop the Class C championship. All this time Doik Novario, a shrewd judge of baseball stock, was watching the youngster develop into a star. He tipped off Bill Bradley, scout of the Cleveland Indians. Bradley said he a long list of strikeouts. Many an out-of-town scribe and two or three scouts commented favorably on his work, his style and most of all on his blistering fast ball. And if you think he doesn't have a fast ball, ask some of the batters who faced his slants. His mound work was one of the highlights of the Class A season, recently closed, and a bright spot in the Sugars' belated but futile drive for the cup. While the season was yet in progress, he was approached by Bradley and tendered a Cleveland contract. Right now he's working out daily with the Redskins and is acquiring some first rate knowledge and pointers from members of the tribal hurling staff. Evans, when queried about Mlinar, expressed his opinion that he's about the best prospect turned out of Cleveland since George Uhle deserted the amateur ranks. Evans further stated that he may be sent out for a little more seasoning, most probably \o Burlington in the Class B Mississippi Valley League. Interlodge Aggregation Backstop and Center Field Positions Present Problem in Choosing of Yearly Team Pioneers Place Four, Orels Three on Team, While S. Y. M. C. and Betsy Ross Have Two and George Washingtons One Following its annual custom of selecting an All-Star Interlodge team, the American Home submits the above players č-s. members of its 1932 Interlodge Aggregation. The Pioneers placed four and the Orels placed thre e players on the All-Star squad, with the S. Y. M. C. and Betsy Ross giving two and the George Washingtons one.