SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 30/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23.7. 2023 16. NEDELJA MED LETOM 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORLD DAY FOR GRANDPARENTS AND THE ELDERLY Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ V današnjem evangeliju nas Jezus poučuje o potrpežljivosti in o upanju. Ob vsem slabem, ki napolnjuje svet, velikokrat razmišljamo: »Zakaj Bog ne poseže?« Hudobija in slabo, ki sta na svetu, vzpostavljata dvom o božji previdnosti, še več, pri nekaterih celo o obstoju Boga. Na to vprašanje Jezus odgovarja s priliko o ljuljki. Človek je na svoji njivi posejal dobro seme, sovražnik pa mu je vmes posejal ljuljko. Ko rastline zrastejo, se skupaj z dobrim semenom pojavi tudi ljuljka. S to priliko nam hoče Jezus povedati, da sta na svetu dobro in slabo med seboj pomešana. Služabniki gredo vprašat gospodarja: »Od kod prihaja plevel?« Ta jim razloži: »To je naredil sovražnik.« Služabniki se ponudijo, da to ljulko poberejo. A gospodar se ne strinja z njimi, da ne bi s pobiranjem ljulke populili tudi pšenico. Gospodar ukaže, da bodo stvari ločili ob žetvi. Ko se Jezus vrne v hišo, ga učenci prosijo za razlago te prilike. In Jezus jim pravi: »Sejalec dobrega semena je Sin človekov. Njiva je svet. Dobro seme so sinovi kraljestva, ljuljka pa sinovi hudiča. Sovražnik, ki jo je zasejal, je hudič. Žetev je konec sveta, žanjci pa so angeli.« Bog je potrpežljiv in ne posega vsak trenutek na izreden način. Vsakemu pušča realno možnost, da se odloči tako ali drugače. Spoštuje človeško svobodo. Ko o tem razmišljamo, se nam zdi to nekaj normalnega; ko pa gledamo, kako svet preveva hudobija, takrat pa vsi zahtevamo takojšnji božji poseg, da bi tako preprečili negativne posledice. Bog seveda ni takega mnenja. Spoštuje namreč človekovo svobodo in vsakomur pušča možnost, da deluje tako ali pa drugače. Nam se zdi težko sprejeti tak način božjega delovanja; vendar moramo razumeti, da je njegov namen zelo pozitiven. Prilika nikoli ne izraža vse stvarnosti: ko gre za ljudi, ki še »rastejo«, je še vedno možnost spreobrnjenja. Hudobnež lahko postane dober. Bog namreč zagotavlja: VESTNIK 2023 | »Nimam veselja nad krivičneževo smrtjo, marveč da se krivični spreobrne od svoje poti in živi« (Ezk 33,11). Bog vsakomur daje priložnost, da svoje življenje spremeni na boljše. Marsikdaj se spreobrnjenje zgodi šele na koncu, vendar je to zmaga dobrega, kar moramo vsi pričakovati in si želeti. Prvo berilo je skladno z evangelijem in zatrjuje, da se takrat, ko Bog ne poseže, to ne zgodi zaradi pomanjkanja njegove moči. Lahko bi posegel, ker je vsemogočen: vendar prav zato in ker je vsemogočen, tega ne stori. Bog je potrpežljiv in ne hiti s poseganjem v človekovo svobodo. Pisec Knjige modrosti zatrjuje: »Ti pa si gospodar moči, zato sodiš milo in nas vodiš z veliko prizanesljivostjo. Zakaj kadar koli hočeš kaj storiti, ti je mogoče.« Bog tudi dopušča, da se zmotimo, da hodimo po slepih ulicah; dopušča, da delamo krivico bližnjemu. Zakaj? Zato, ker nam na tak način kaže usmiljenje, da bi nas spodbudil k spreobrnjenju. »S takim ravnanjem si svoje ljudstvo poučil, da mora pravični biti prijatelj ljudi.« Ljubiti moramo vse ljudi, tudi hudobneže. Vsi so vredni ljubezni, kajti bili so ustvarjeni po podobi in sličnosti Bogu, sposobni so dobrega, čeprav je to včasih zelo zakrito. »,Svojim otrokom vlivaš veliko upanje, ker daješ po grehu čas za kesanje.« Božja dobrohotnost je za nas razlog za sladko upanje. Bog je potrpežljiv in želi, da bi končno prišli do spreobrnjenja, ki nam bo omogočilo vstop v občestvo z njim. Pavel nam nam v drugem berilu pravi, da niti ne vemo, kaj bi bilo ustrezno prositi. V svojih molitvah smo nekoliko slepi, ne vidimo jasno, kaj naj bi prosili in česa ne. Včasih bi hoteli prositi za darove, ki so za nas škodljivi. Vendar pa nam Bog pomaga s svojim Duhom, ki vodi in poglablja molitev verujočih. »Toda sam Duh posreduje za nas z neizrekljivimi vzdihi.« Evangelij dodaja še priliko o gorčičnem zrnu in tisto o kvasu. S prvo Jezus pokaže, da ima božje kraljestvo na začetku zelo skromna pričakovanja. Gorčično zrno je najmanjše med vsemi semeni, vendar prav ta začetna majhnost povzroči nenavaden razvoj. Z druge strani pa nam prilika o kvasu kaže, kako se božje kraljestvo razvija na zelo skrit način. Današnja liturgija nas torej uči božje potrpežljivosti in človeškega upanja. 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Lord, you are good and forgiving. First Reading Wisdom 12:13. 16-19 God, who is all-powerful, shows strength in gentle judgement. Second Reading Romans 8:26-27 God understands our weakness and the Spirit expresses our yearning. Gospel Matthew 13:24-43 The world, God’s field of wheat, is invaded with darnel weed. Let it grow till harvest time. “Listen, anyone who has ears!” Illustration The city of Norwich, in the county of Norfolk, is the largest city in the East Anglia region of England. It’s well known for its two cathedrals, Anglican and Catholic, and its mediaeval cobbled streets, as well as for its football team, known as “the Canaries” because of the colour of their shirts. But it’s also known for Julian of Norwich, a woman who lived in the fourteenth century. Julian became an anchoress. Living her life alone in a cell attached to a church in the city, she devoted herself to prayer, meditation and study. It was as if she was dead to this world and alive completely to God. As such she was highly regarded by the people of the town, who valued her as a spiritual treasure and resource, to whom they would go for counsel and advice in the troubles of life. The world of those days had many trou(Prim.: Oznanjevalec 3, 2008) bles to cope with. The Black Death had deci- 326 | VESTNIK 2023 seems as if evil is all around us, and God does nothing. Such thoughts are very tempting. Indeed many people conclude that there can be no God if this is how the world is allowed to be. Jesus must have been aware of thoughts and attitudes such as these. Why does such cruelty and injustice go unpunished? Today we hear a story that Jesus told, a parable, a picture to help us understand why the world is the way it is. A field of wheat gently growing is damaged by the introduction and planting of darnel, which looks very much the same as wheat, but which is in fact poisonous. Shall we uproot it? No. Let things be till harvest time, and then all shall be put right. It is hard to be patient with the hurt and harm we see being done in our world. But we cannot mend this broken world ourselves, and violent force will not solve our problems. God is patient, which means God suffers, and that is the road we can follow. Application mated the population. Wars were frequent and there was and social turmoil all around. Julian had suffered her own bout of illness that had brought her to death’s door, and it was her recovery from that illness that led to her subsequent life of prayer, lived faithfully in the midst of a busy town. Long after her death, her writings were discovered and published as the book Revelations of Divine Love, in which Julian has left us a deeply powerful teaching about God’s love for us. In her own words she tells us, “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Gospel Teaching Our world, like Julian’s world, is full of woe. The airwaves are filled with noisy rancour and argument. Famine, drought and disease afflict people in many countries around the world. Climate change, and the environmental devastation that it can bring, is a growing threat. Wars continue and people struggle to live safe and secure lives. It is easy to lose heart, to give up the fight and to lose all hope for better days. At times it In the teaching of Julian of Norwich we hear that the love of Jesus for us is as a mother’s love. It is that tender, and that consoling, and that powerful. Love such as this, and only love such as this, can bring healing balm to our world. Love is the greatest healing power that we can know. It embraces us always and heals all our hurts. Such is the love of Jesus for us all. We see it displayed most powerfully in the arms of the Lord extended on the cross. This was the very vision that Julian saw in her own days of illness and near death. This is the message she gives for our salvation. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI devoted an audience talk to Julian of Norwich. In that talk he said the following: “Julian of Norwich understood the central message for spiritual life: God is love and it is only if one opens oneself to this love, totally and with total trust, and lets it become one’s sole guide in life, that all things are transfigured, true peace and true joy are found and one is able to radiate it.” Listen again to Julian today: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” VESTNIK 2023 | 327 328 | VESTNIK 2023 WOMEN OF THE FUR TRADE - FRANCES KONČAN Frances Končan is a writer, theatre director, and failed musician of mixed Anishinaabe and Slovene descent. Originally from Couchiching First Nation, she is now based in Treaty 1 Territory right here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Frances is a grad of the University of Manitoba (BA Psychology) and the City University of New York Brooklyn College’s Playwriting Program (MFA Playwriting). She does not have a degree in journalism but she used to watch A LOT of Anderson Cooper 360. Her work as a writer includes: That’s AWSM! (TV); Trendsettlers, Women of the Fur Trade, Riot Resist Revolt Repeat, zahgidiwin/ love, How to Talk to Human Beings, The Dance-off of Conscious Uncoupling, and Little Red (Theatre); Outdigenous (Film); and a bunch of opinion pieces on blogs scattered across the internet. As a director, she has directed many of her owns productions and has worked as assistant director on numerous plays including A Doll’s House Part 2, Seminar (RMTC/Mirvish), The Humans (RMTC), and Stripped Down Anthony & Cleopatra (SIR). She is low-key obsessed with the evolution of language, and strives to keep her vocabulary as lit as possible! ( Women of the Fur Trade: In eighteen hundred and something, somewhere upon the banks of a Reddish River in Treaty One Territory, three very different women with a preference for twenty-first century slang sit in a fort sharing their views on life, love, and the hot nerd Louis Riel. Marie-Angelique, a Metis Taurus, is determined to woo Louis (a Metis Libra) - who will be arriving soon - by sending him boldly flirtatious letters. Eugenia, an Ojibwe Sagittarius, brings news of rebel- lion back to the fort after trading, but isn’t impressed by Louis’s true mediocre nature. And Cecilia, a pregnant British Virgo, is anxiously waiting on her husband’s return from an expedition, but can’t resist pining over the heartthrob Thomas Scott (Irish Capricorn), who is actually the one secretly responding to MarieAngelique’s letters. This will all go smoothly, right? This lively historical satire of survival and cultural in - heritance shifts perspectives from the male gaze onto women’s power in the past and present through the lens of the rapidly changing world of the Canadian fur trade. vvv Stratford, je znan po gledališki dejavnosti. V gledališču Studio Theatre smo si v četrtek 20. julija, ogledali igro, Women of the Fur Trade - ki jo je napisala Frances Končan. Marta Demšar je, s svojimi pomočniki organizirala dva avtobusa iz Toronta, nekaj pa se nas je pridružilo tudi iz Hamiltona, St. Catharines in Londona. Lepo popoldne, zelo zanimiv nastop. Samo pet igralcev, pa vendar zelo izvirna in domiselna predstavitev vsebine. Več o vsebini si preberite v angleškem delu besedila. VESTNIK 2023 | 329 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - July 23, 2023 - Bled - Proščenje, Mass: 12:30 p.m. - August 4 - 7, 2023 - Slovenski Park - Civic Holiday Weekend - Sunday, August 6, Mass 1:00 p.m. - August 6, 2023 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park Picnic - August 12, 2023 - Breslau - Sava - Maša in Picnic - 1:00 p.m. READER - BRALEC Mary Miklavčič CLEANING OF THE CHURCH Aug. 5th - Jozica Vegelj and team Aug. 19th - Lojska Novak and team DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $150 - Marija Krenos v spomin na pok. Maksa Pavličič - $400 - Marija Krenos za gradbeni sklad - $100 - Toni n Marija Franc v spomin na pok. Jožeta Rajner - $200 - Vera Gonza in hči Sandy z družino namesto rož na grob pokojnega Jožeta Rajner Hvala za vaš dar. »OSTRŽEK« - LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE MARIBOR Nastopili bodo v nedeljo, 23. julija 2023 v Hamiltonu z lutkovno predstavo »Ostržek«. Something for the kids or the kids at heart: Support this act from Maribor, Slovenia - a remarkable show to share with your family! 330 | VESTNIK 2023 Lutkovno Gledališče Maribor, translating to Maribor Puppet Theatre from Slovene, is located in a renovated 13th century monastery, in Maribor, Slovenia. The Maribor Puppet Theatre was founded on December 8, 1973 by the merger of two amateur puppet theaters in the city – the KUD Jože Hermanko Maribor Puppet Theater and the DPD Svoboda Pobrežje Puppet Theater. Considered one of the best modern puppet theatres in Europe, Lutkovno Gledališče Maribor thoughtfully and sensitively appeals to viewers of all ages through creativity, imagination, and an understanding of puppetry art. Sunday, July 23: 1-2 p.m., HCA Black Box Theatre, Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts, 126 James Street South, Hamilton - Papež Frančišek je leta 2021 določil, da se vsako leto četrta nedelja v juliju praznuje kot svetovni dan starih staršev in ostarelih. Ta nedelja je blizu praznika Marijinih staršev Joahima in Ane, Jezusovih starih staršev. Letos danes, 23. julija 2023, pod geslom: »Njegovo usmiljenje traja iz roda v rod« (Lk 1,50). Sunday Masses from July 2 nd to Sept. 17 th at 10:00 a.m. Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 21. julija 2023: - $179.856. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Svet e maše - Masses 16. NEDELJA MED † LETOM † †† 23. JULIJ † Brigita Švedska, redovnica † Krištofova nedelja † Svetovni dan starih staršev † in ostarelih †† DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Magda Udovč Joe Prša Norma in Ivan Tompa Max Pavličič Ivanka Hafner Max Pavličič Joža Šušteršič Pokojni člani društva Bled Žižek Petrone Zorko Zorko Radman Jožef Matteo Matilda Anton Jožica Sunday, July 24, 2016 Saturday, July 26, 1997 Sunday, July 28, 1996 Tuesday, July 28, 1998 Sunday, July 28, 2019 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Families Levstek & McLean Kathy, Emilia & Ivan Kathy Simončič Družina Groznik Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Milena Volčanšek Milena Volčanšek 12:30 P.M. Proščenje - Društvo Bled SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 331 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 24. JULIJ †† Pok. iz družine Cerjak Za razumevanje v družinah 7:00 P.M. Družina Vegelj Slomškovo oltarno društvo TOREK - TUESDAY 25. JULIJ †† Pok. iz družine Radovičevi Za zdravje † Max Pavličič 7:00 P.M. Angela Kobe z družino K. H. Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Krištof, mučenec Jakob starejši, apostol SREDA - WEDNESDAY 26. JULIJ Joahim in Ana, starša D.M. † Julijana Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Marija Volf † Martin Simončič Audrey Hawthorne Hči Olga Glavač z družino †† Marija (obl.) in August Smodiš ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 27. JULIJ †† Pavel in Paul Richard Novak † Elizabeta II. Goraz, Kliment in učenci Ciri† Ignac Korošec la in Metoda PETEK - FRIDAY 28. JULIJ Viktor I., papež SOBOTA - SATURDAY 29. JULIJ Marta, Marija in Lazar, svetopisemske osebe † Jožef Tompa Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Sestra Marija Ana Tadić † † †† † †† † † † Ana Nedelko Joe Lackovič George in Katica Jankovič Marija Berden Rozina in Mike Novak Mike Martin Max Pavličič Elizabeta Donko 5:30 P.M. Mož Ivan z družino Žena Vera z družino Mihael in Marija Fabina Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Marija Košir Terezija Prša z družino Za žive in rajne župljane Magda in Stane Udovč Ann Božnar Hugo Hapke Max Pavličič Izidor Fujs Štefan Dundek Pok. iz družine Balažic Štefan Črnko Jože Rajner 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Levstek & McLean Families John Božnar z družino Jožica Hapke Teresa Miga Aranka Dundek Aranka Dundek Matilda Bratuž Toni in Marija Franc Janez Lovrenčec †† † 17. NEDELJA MED LETOM † † 30. JULIJ † † Rufin, mučenec †† † † 332 | VESTNIK 2023 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino K. H. Žena Marija z družino