MAN AND KARST ČLOVEK IN KRAS BRANKA BERGE - BRATKO Izvleček: UDK 504.75(24) Branka Berce-Bratko: Človek in Kras V projektu Človek in Kras avtorica izhaja iz antropološke definicije kulture, predstavlja vse človekove dejavnosti in način življenja. Deli se na življenski stil, ki je oseben in odvisen od ožje kulturne identitete ter vsakdanji način življenja, ki predstavlja splošen ali biološki del, značilen za neko skupino oziroma kategorijo ljudi. To je lahko družina, socialno-ekonomska skupina, vaška skupnost ali prebivalci ene ulice. Projekt je predstavljen skozi raziskave identitete, predvsem identitete človeka in prostora, ekovasi in ekostavbarstva na konkretnem primeru za vas Žerovnica ob Cerkniškem jezeru. Ostali trije podprojekti so omenjeni v navezavi na imenovani primer. Kot rezultat te študije je bil prijavljen projekt Vzpostavitev Notranjskega parka in Biosfernega območja Notranjski Kras na program EU-Life, (1995-1997). Ključne besede: identiteta, kras, kultura, varstvo okolja, varstvo narave, planiranje, ekostavbarstvo, biološko kmetovanje, ekoturizem. Abstract: UDC 504.75(24) Branka Berce-Bratko: Man and Karst In the project Man and Karst the starting point was a man and the culture used in widest definition relevant for the cultural anthropology. The way of life and life style of people was used as terminus techniques. The basic unit is either family neibourhood, or local community. In the article the study of identity relating to man and place is presented in detail using the example of Žerovnica village for all aspects of identity. The project has different aspects dealt with in sub-projects. As a result of these studies the application to EU Programme Life was sent and approved for the Project: Establishment of Notranjski Park and Biosphere Reserve Notranjski Kras (1995-1997). Key words: identity, Karst, culture, protection of nature, protection of environment, town and country planning, eco-housing, eco-village, bio-farming, eco-tourism. Address - Naslov dr. Branka Berce-Bratko Jana Husa 90 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija introduction The project Man and Karst was research based knowledge accumulated as a platform to establish nature consevation and environment protection criteria for the designation and establishment of the Notranjski Regional Park and UNESCO-Biosphere Reserve Notranjski Kras. The research of the project was interdisciplinary, and more than twenty researcheres were involved in the project team. The basic aim was to establish the required knowledge, values and problems concerened nature conservation and development. The participation of inhabitants and the research of their culture was the main target of the study. The research was based on identity study and understanding of culture typical for anthropology. Culture is defined from the way of life; i.e. all man's activities. The terminus techniques way of life is divided into life-style identifiable individually and typical for an individual, and every-day life defining common; i.e. biological needs representing a group, a family, a neighbourhood, a street community. The study of identity is a basic element and the key tool for methodology which is comprised of culturological aspects in planning. For the purpose of planning the culturological concept is a model and in practical cases in planning are cultural patterns originating from the system of cultural values. Cultural values are incorporated into planning at first as a concept and in practice by the system of criteria, and values are the concept defining either individual or group. Cultural patterns are a system of norms, assessments, evaluations, knowledge, acceptability, and the environment is the identifier (M. Mead, 1970, 24, B. Berce-Bratko 1990 a) 18, B. Berce-Bratko 1993 b) 16). The system of cultural values has a direct impact on planning, originating from first phase of information gadering, phase of analyses and evaluation to the final phases of implementation. These values are criteria for the selection of possible and suitable development strategy. The culturological concept operates on a feed back basis, particularly for the proper evaluation of needs. In the preparation and adoption phase of the plan the culturological concept has indirect impact, but a direct and integral one for the procedure of planning. The importance of culture and culturological concept in planning are evident from the scheme below representing connections between planning as a procedure and environment. The concept is integral although is limited to physical planning in Slovenia. Scheme: CULTURE . i- Si-.«: Mtawiiy caltButal wlu« ccoiHun^ «(>ei(Ml diviftlMilioii I ----- MSMHrtNAtrST prcscrv.iiirtii of iwiitre Both, nature conservation and environmental protection are closely linked to Country and Town Planning. Most of the procedures in protected areas depend on planning aspects, criteria, tools and procedures. The protected areas have been constantly in conflict between actions of protection and development. When protection of nature and landscapes is taken as potential for development of the area in accord with Agenda 21, it represents a partnership approach to conservation and development. The step forward is made from competition to co-operation in a balanced natural and economic environment. The right for development is formalized in the Wienna Declaration on Human Rights and particularly in Action Programme 1993 from the World Conference on Human Rights - Article 10. The human right to development is needed to equalize and balance required needs for development and environment for this and future generations. The protection and conservation strategies can be incorporated into development proposals and programmes on the partnership and stewardship basis. In such approach to national and regional parks, especially to Biosphere Reserves which are based on man's culture as equal element to nature conservation, inhabitants are stewards and partners with Protection Agency. The protection of nature and environment is not a narrow discipline but is rather a process comprised of many sectors of life, including planning and identity. In areas of special significance; i.e. protected areas, among those are the most important national and regional parks, the nature conservation identity is of prime importance and equals to habitats, red list of flora and fauna, and culture of man - inhabitants of the area. The core of this identity are: biodiversity of species and landscapes including culture. The former one is expressed in different kind of identity: personal, regional, economic, spatial-identity of place, societal, social, and cultural proper identifying the most important ones. IDENTITY OF PEOPLE AND PLACE The spatial identity is divided into local and regional identity. Regional identity on the level of cultural region defined by local identity coprised of proper local identity, social economic and cultural proper. The cultural patterns are the higher level of the regional identity. Local identity is a physical identity of the place; i.e. settlement, village and cultural landscape of the place. The physical identity is comprised of these elements: settlement morphology, architectural and building identity. Particular archetypes of houses are either values or problems. The quahty of local identity is highly dependent on local-spatial identity as a part of local cultural identity. Social identity is the identity of social environment in the area. On regional level is expressed as inter-neighbour relations, self help and friendliness among inhabitants of the area. The quality of social identity mainly depends on the capacity of social identity. Economic identity are all the economic relations and activities in the area, local economy, economic organisation scheme within spatial and societal identity. Proper cultural identity is on individual level based on traditions and change of the society and is expressed by the life style of an individual and groups in the area. Spatial-identity of place, societal, social, economic and cultural proper identity are pointers and criteria for the comparative evaluation of settlements and areas on the basis of expert assessment which is an evaluation of the area by anthropologist-ethnologist. The identity of place and people is integral, continuous and changing with generation and culture. The aim of this research is to have a solid base for preservation of culture in the area and proper development as a part of the human rights campaign, particularly the one of Article 10 and 11 of the Action Programme 1993. For this purpose of partnerships in development and conservation the expert assessment of places on the basis of their culture-identity is introduced. The method was developed as a qualitatively originated quantitave tool. ; » Expert Assessment The area selected was assessed by following categories: 1. ECOLOGICAL BALANCE ecological balance is comprised of spatial deteriorations and vulnerability of the environment to be affected. 2. THE CAPACITY FOR SANITATION-RESTORATION-RENATURATION (SRR) The SRR capacity is comprised of socio-economic capacity of inhabitants, particularly important is the psychological capacity, the capacity to use and acquire knowledge, and economic potentials as a sintetic criteria for technical, psychological and the state of preparation for sanitation, restoration and restoration. 3. THE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTITY The level of development depends on: 3.1. local-spatial identity 3.2. architectural identity 3.3. architectural pollution 3.4. capacity of social identity 3.5. capacity of cultural identity 4. LOCAL IDENTITY The local identity is a sintetic pointer comprised of the average from categories 3.1 to 3.5. 5. THE LEVEL OF VULNERABILITY The pointer showing how vulnerable and the level of flexibihty for different development proposals. 6. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF THE AREA-COLLECTIVE ASSESSMENT The development potential is a sintetic pointer comprised of average value of ecological balance and capability for SRR and the value of local identity. All mentioned pointers are assessed by a mark from 0 - 100. All of them have critical value- a threshold. The value below threshold are pointing to limitations of development and values above the threshold level are incentives for development. CRITICAL VALUES - THRESHOLDS 1. ECOLOGICAL BALANCE (60) 2. CAPACITY FOR SANITATION-RESTORATION-RENATURATION (SSR) CAPACITY FOR (SRR) (50) 3. IDENTITY (50) 3. 5.THE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL IDENTITY (70) 4. LOCAL IDENTITY (50) 5. THE LEVEL OF VULNERABILITY (50) 6. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF THE AREA (50) These critical values allow us to evaluate and compare different settlements in terms of their capacity for the development. In this manner twenty settlements were evaluated. Among them the Žerovnica Village had the highest score in all elements of identity, including the final development potential assessment, and therefore this village was selected as a pilot example for all six aspects of the project MAN AND KARST carried out in sub-projects. Example of Assessment for the Žerovnica Village: Žerovnica Village at Cerkniško lake was assessed by expert evaluation according to critical values. CRITICAL VALUES - THRESHOLDS 1. ECOLOGICAL BALANCE (60) 2. CAPACITY FOR (SRR) (50) 3. IDENTITY (50) 3. 5.THE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL IDENTITY (70) 4. LOCAL IDENTITY (50) 5. THE LEVEL OF VULNERABILITY (50) 6. AREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL (50) Conclusions and guidelines from the assessment for Žerovnica: Village has a relatively high local identity, particularly the architectural identity. The level of architectural pollution in general is low. The two most important factors for a positive development in the future are relatively very high; the capacity of cultural and social identity which both are rather unique for the area around the Cerkniško lake. The development potential mark is the highest in the region and therefore has the best chances for the development of tourism and economy related to cultural heritage preservation and development of nature conservation aspects of every-day life in the place. Iinel ordaiaa^ to idbntitj 31 • Iwet ofvTiinerabiUiv 98 75 m * «»logical balat« ♦ csfm^ti for SRR Tic Urvdl ssf De^^qwwnt of Idtemity locaL-qjatrnt identity . S3 ;irc!iil«tural i«teiUi?>' 73 ar^lütoctunü poUulios 25 cap;iwii> of «ocial kknUty 79 I* c::ip;»cu> cfcttltural icteiiUly 92 'ICH AI. IDENTITY 75 nn^ L-LOf'MENT PCrrENTlAL OF THE AREA. • ■CDl.U-.CnVE ASSESSMENT 63 eco-village The research of ecologially balanced urban development of settlements harmonised with land use. The majority of inhabitants are traditional farmers, they have in operation some mills which need to be re-introduced along the bank of Žerovnica stream. The particular emphasis was given to energy conservation in traditional village, organisation of buildings and village as settlement, farm production, market place and housing and social environment. See the illustration (P. Gabrijelčič) of wider and inner settlement below: ECO-HOUSING The main purpose of this kind of identity was to establish the design criteria of architecture, particularly for the vernacular one. The hypothesis was that people in that area were living sustainable, and we can re-discover and re-introduce the patterns of sustainable living in this area of special nature conservation importance. The result of the research were design guidelines for local plans, building permits and availability of some pilot housing designs for rehabilitation of buildings and built environment in villages which served as pilot examples. For Žerovnica detailed analyses were made for: the morphology, land use, inner spaces use, organisation of space, the quality of built environment. From the graphics below it is evident what are the site-seeing rarities and particulars of the settlement. The Žerovnica Village is particular in the morphology of the settlement beside the main village street. The organisation of farm and mills is also unique to the Žerovnica Village. See the illustration below (P. Gabrijelčič): eco-agriculture or bio-farming In this research we evaluated different farming methods, economic aspects against nature conservation, legislative background in the country and abroad. Assessment of traditional and industrial farming in the Notranjska region with special emphasis on Cerkniško lake region as a protected region with hmited and bio-farming production methods to be permitted in the place. The legislation on industrial farming was studied and comparisons made to suggestions and requirements for agriculture in Agenda 21. The map was produced were the quahtative data and natural resources and obstacles were identified for agricultural use. Industrial farming is damaging to the area, therefore traditional farming methods and agricultural endemic sorts of plants and their yearly distribution was studied. The result of the study were general and special guidelines for traditional and bio-farming with proposals for the legislation to change and a Reader on bio-farming in Notranjski park was prepared. The traditional organisation of space, housing environment and farm production utihties space is illustrated below for the Žerovnica Village (P. Gabrijelčič). y/////////. J ■. J I " 1, ■ cattle-house _ hen-house garden ; hay-racK main street , farm house farm building garage bam conclusions The eco-sanitation project dealt with infrastructure and Eco-tourism pilot examples were developed. For conclusion we can state the achievements, i.e. results of the project. The final result of the project were maps on: - agricultural use, - homogeneity of the proposed Notranjski Regional Park, - place names, - settlement patterns of the region, - eco-tourism farms to be developed. The legislation change was presented for agriculture and Country and Town Planning and Design Guidelines. The method of participation and formation of partnerships was suggested according to in-depth identity study of people and places. Conservation and preservation strategies were suggested in order to gain public support for the designation of the area as Regional Park. Proposal to the European Union Life Programme was made for the Project: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NOTRANJSKI REGIONAL PARK AND UNESCO BIOSPHERE RESERVE NOTRANJSKI KRAS. references B. Berce-Bratko: Kulturoloska analiza kot metoda merjenja vplivov na okolje in kot metoda za izboljšanje okolja, doktorat, september 1990, Univerza v ljubljani, E\GG. B. Berce-Bratko, L. Mahne, M. Mlinar: Notranjski park: razlogi za vzpostavitev in predlog globalne strategije, maj 1993, AREA d.o.o. B. Berce-Bratko: Application for UNESCO MAB Reserve Notranjski Kras, AREA d.o.o. B. Berce-Bratko: Culturological Analysis in Urban Rehabilitation: Cases in Slovenia and Scotland, November 1993, Ph. D., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. B. Berce-Bratko et. al.: Človek in kras, podprojekt: IDENTITETA, december, 1993, AREA d.o.o. B. Berce-Bratko: Establishment of Notranjski Park and UNESCO - MAB Biosphere Reserve Notranjski Kras, 1995, Life - EU Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana. J. 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Urbanistični terminološki slovar, UI RS, 1976, str. 146 Zakon o naravni in kulturni dediščini (UL SRS 1-3/81 z dne 13.1.1981 in kasneje dopolnjen UL RS 26/92 z dne 29.5. 1992) Zakon o varstvu okolja (UL RS 32/93 z dne 17.6.1993) Zbornik mednarodnih predpisov o naravovarstvu - priloga k RRP nosilke projekta B. B. Bratko: Raziskava primernih strokovnih osnov za vzpostavitev Notranjskega parka 1992-1993, AREA d.o.o. man and karst - človek in kras Povzetek V projektu ČLOVEK IN KRAS smo izhajali iz najširše definicije kulture, in sicer antropološke definicije. Kultura predstavlja vse človekove dejavnosti in jo lahko enačimo z načinom življenja. Le ta se deli na življenski stil, ki je oseben in je odvisen od ožje kulturne identitete ter vsakdanji način življenja, ki predstavlja splošen ali biološki del, ki je značilen za neko skupino oziroma kategorijo ljudi. Ta skupina je lahko družina, lahko je socialno-ekonomska skupina, ali pa vaška skupnost ali pa prebivalci ene uUce. Preučevanje identitete ljudi in prostora v območjih posebnega pomena kot so zavarovana območja je pomembno zaradi ugotavljanja pripravljenosti prebivalcev območja, da sprejmejo park kot del njihovega načina življenja in gosodarjenja s prostorom. Preučevanje identitete v najširšem pomenu te besede, ki zajema: osebno, krajevno, lokalno, regionalno, prostorsko, socialno, gosporarsko, ožje kulturno in širše kulturno identiteto. Le to navezujemo na planiranje in urejanje prostora, ker bodo zavarovana območja, ki nimajo kategorije nacionalnega parka v največji meri odvisne prav od prostorske zakonodaje in pravil igre ter kontrole, ki bodo veljale v navezavi na urejanje prostora. Kot metodološko podstat uporabljamo kulturološki koncept, in sicer kulturološki koncept za planiranje. Znotraj planiranja je kulturološki koncept model za posamezne praktične primere pa se pojavlja kot sistem kriterijev. Kot kriteriji rabijo kulturni vzorci, le ti pa izvirajo iz sistema kulturnih vrednot. Pomembost kulture znotraj procesa planiranja so razvidne iz okrnjene sheme povezav med planiranjem in okoljem, ki ga razumemo integralno, čeprav je trenutno pri nas okrnjeno na zgolj fizično planiranje. Shema: KULTURA ide^itm vtcdnote kuitunu iTOfd pLÄMmmm fst^oi^ca iiEpofisdiiiev OKOLJE ohrsi^tije amm io V območjih posebnega pomena je pomembna naravovarstvena identiteta, ki je istovetna s habitati in s seznamom zaščitenih vrst ter rdečih seznamov flore in faune. Bistvo te identitete predstavlja biološka raznovrstnost in endemičnost vrst. S tovrstno identiteto se ukvarjajo naravovarstveniki in naravovarstvene službe. Skladno z mednarodno sprejetimi konvencijami se naslanjamo na "RIO 1992" in njeno Agendo 21: 1. socialno-ekonomski razvoj mora biti ustrezen razmeram družbene skupnosti, 2. zagotovljeno mora biti varovanje naravnih virov (resursov), 3. zagotoviti moramo okrepljene socializacijske funkcije - partnerstva, 4. razvoj mora slediti kriterijem trajnostnega razvoja (načini naj sledijo ciljem). Iz tega izhaja, da sta točki 1. in 4. osnovi za planerja in pravni sistem družbe - države. Sklicujemo se tudi na Dunajsko Deklaracijo in Akcijski program, 1993 na Svetovni konferenci o človekovih pravicah, kjer je pravica do razvoja ena temeljnih človekovih pravic točka št. 10... "Kot je določeno v Deklaraciji o pravici do razvoja, je človekova osebnost središčna točka razvoja. Države morajo medsebojno sodelovati pri zagotavljanju razvoja in odpravi ovir za razvoj. Trajni napredek v smeri uresničevanja pravice do razvoja terja učinkovite razvojne politike na državni ravni, pa tudi enakopravne gospodarske odnose in ugodno gospodarsko okolje na mednarodni ravni." Ter v točki št. 11... "Pravico do razvoja je treba uresničiti zato, da bi enakopravno zadostili razvojnim in ekološkim potrebam sedanjih in prihodnjih rodov." Torej varstvo okolja ni samostojna disciplina, mora pa biti sestavni del vseh sektorjev življenja in dela, in s tem tudi planiranja. V vseh šestih podprojektih projekta ČLOVEK IN KRAS smo skušali preko raziskav različnih oblik identitete, in sicer v ekokmetijstvu ali biološkem kmetijstvu, ekostavbarstvu, ekovasi postaviti temelje kulturološkega vidika planiranja in soudeležbe in partnerstva prebivalcev in drugih akterjev prostora, ki so pomembni za uspešno delovanje zavarovanega območja bodisi narodnega bodisi regionalnega parka, ki ga razglaša država oziroma parlament. Ta del smo nadgradili z infrastrukturnim podprojektom o ekosanaciji in ekoturizmu. Slednji je poleg kmetijstva in gozdarstva, najpomembnejša dopohiikia gospodarska dejavnost v zavarovanem območju. Zastopamo stališče, da sta področji varstva in razvoja v nasprotju samo takrat, ko ju gledamo "sektorsko" po posameznih vejah konservatorstva, ko pa pogledamo varstvo kot razvojni potencial nekega območja ob omejitvah, ki nam jih nalagajo naravovarstveni režimi in sprejete mednarodne konvencije, pa je mogoče varstvo vkomponirati v strategijo trajnostnega razvoja in menimo, da je tako pojmovano varstvo možno izvajati preko sistema celostnega in odprtega planiranja. Na teh območjih pa žal veljajo tudi resorni zakoni, poleg Zakona o urejanju prostora.