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25,*,1$/, ,1 5(352'8.&,-( ,==,9, ,1)250$&,-6.( '58ä%( 9LOHQND -DNDF %L]MDN _________________________ Oddano: 24.09.2001 – Sprejeto: 13.12.2001 3UHJOHGQL ]QDQVWYHQL þODQHN UDK 02 : 004.91 ,]YOHþHN = GLJLWDOL]LUDQMHP WUDGLFLRQDOQLK GRNXPHQWRY QDVWDMDMR Y NQMLåQLFDK QRYH ]ELUNH HOHNWURQVNLK SXEOLNDFLM YLURY ýODQHN REUDYQDYD QDþUWRYDQMH GLJLWDOL]DFLMH NQMLåQLþQHJD JUDGLYD QD WUDGLFLRQDOQLK PHGLMLK SRWUHEQH RGORþLWYH LQ SRVWRSNH VKUDQMHYDQMD LQ prezervacijo omenjenega gradiva, vpliv ciljne publike na digitalizacijo ter vprašanje avtorskih pravic. Pridobivanje in shranjevanje novih medijev bistveno vpliva na delo NQMLåQLF predvsem na SRGURþMX razvoja NQMLåQLþQLK zbirk. S temi spremembami se uveljavlja tudi nova strokovna terminologija, to je upravljanje informacijskih virov. Avtorica uvodoma aktualizira misel Walterja Benjamina o vplivu reprodukcijskih tehnik na status originalnih dokumentov, o ORþHYDQMX reproduciranega od tradicije. Sprašuje se, ali se z uveljavljanjem digitalizacije spreminjajo tudi principi nacionalnih NQMLåQLF da ohranijo nacionalno kulturno GHGLãþLQR .OMXþQH EHVHGH : digitalizacija, NQMLåQLþQR gradivo, elektronske publikacije, NQMLåQLþQH zbirke, upravljanje, informacijski viri Review article UDC 02 : 004.91 $EVWUDFW Due to digitisation of traditional documents new collections of electronic publications/resources are formed. The article deals with the process of planning of digitisation of library materials on traditional media, accompanying decisions and procedures, as well as methods of storage and preservation of digitised materials, the impact of target public on the decision about what to digitise and the questions of copyright. Acquisition and preservation of new media has an important influence on the work of libraries, especially on collection development. Parallel to these changes new technical terms develop, as for example information resources management. In the introduction, the author actualise the thought of Walter Benjamin on the impact of reproduction techniques on the status of original documents and on the separation of tradition from what was reproduced. The question whether digitisation changes the principles of national libraries underlying the preservation of national cultural heritage is raised. .H\ ZRUGV digitisation, library materials, electronic publications, collection development, information resources, management JAKAC BIZJAK, Vilenka: Originals and reproductions: information society challenges. .QMLåQLFD /MXEOMDQD xx-xx