P. SEBESTOV A et al.: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AUTOCLA VED AERATED CONCRETE USING CIRCULATING ... 157–161 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AUTOCLA VED AERATED CONCRETE USING CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED-BED COMBUSTION FLY ASH EKSPERIMENTALNA [TUDIJA V A VTOKLA VU PREZRA^ENEGA BETONA IN UPORABE Z ZGOREV ANJEM V VRTIN^ASTI PLASTI NASTALEGA DIMNI[KEGA PEPELA Pavlina Sebestova * , Vit Cerny, Rostislav Drochytka Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveri 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic Prejem rokopisa – received: 2019-08-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2019-11-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2019.192 The research deals with the possibility of maximum utilization of FBC fly ash in AAC technology and its impact on the properties of AAC. In the research, fly ash was used as a partial substitute for binder components in the AAC formulation. The amount of fly ash substitution was chosen on a scale of 10 % to 100 %. Physical-mechanical properties such as compressive strength and bulk density were determined on autoclaved samples. XRD analysis, SEM/EDX analysis were performed. Using these analyses, the change in the microstructure of autoclaved aerated concrete was monitored with increasing amount of FBC fly ash used. EDX microstructural tests have confirmed the incorporation of aluminum ions into the crystalline CSH. Further, an amount of crystalline tobermorite in the samples was observed which was almost constant up to 50 % of the FBC substitution. Compressive strength also began to decline significantly when the 50 % FBC fly ash substitution threshold was exceeded. The results thus show that the maximum FBC fly ash substitution is possible up to 50 %. Keywords: AAC, FBC fly ash, tobermorite, emission reduction Uporaba dimni{kega pepela, nastalega med zgorevanjem premogovega prahu v vrtin~asti plasti (CFBC) v izdelkih za gradbeni{tvo, je zahtevna zaradi njegove visoke vsebnosti `vepla. Mikrostruktura v avtoklavih prezra~enega betona (AAC) pa se spremeni v hidrotermalnih pogojih in tvorijo se kristalini~ni kalcij-silikatni hidrati (CSH). Ti so sposobni vezati v svojo strukturo kalcijev sulfat, ki ga vsebuje CFBC dimni{ki pepel. V raziskavi avtorji ugotavljajo kak{na je {e maksimalna mo`na koli~ina dodanega CFBC dimni{kega pepela v beton, izdelan z AAC tehnologijo in njen vpliv na lastnosti tako izdelanega AAC. V raziskavi so avtorji nadome{~ali `ivo apno z dimni{kim pepelom v skladu z AAC receptom. Nato so iz izdelanega betona naredili preizku{ance in dolo~ili njegove fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti, kot sta: tla~na trdnost in volumska gostota. Rezultati raziskave jasno ka`ejo mo`nost uporabe nadomestka v obliki dimni{kega pepela v koli~ini do 50 %. Nadalje so izvedli {e XRD- in SEM/EDX-analize, ki so potrdile spremembe mikrostrukture prezra~enega betona zaradi uporabe pove~ane koli~ine CFBC dimni{kega pepela. EDX mikrostrukturne analize so potrdile vgradnjo aluminijevih ionov v kristalini~ni CSH. Klju~ne besede: v avtoklavih prezra~eni beton (AAC), zgorevanje premoga v vrtin~asti plasti (CFBC), dimni{ki pepel, tobermorit, zmanj{anje emisij 1 INTRODUCTION The reduction of CO 2 emissions is the major current world issue. With the use of fossil fuels, the concen- tration of CO 2 in the atmosphere increases. Today, the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere is 400 min –1 , which is 40 % more than in the pre-industrial period and con- tinues to rise by 1–2 min –1 /year. 1 One of the major sources of CO 2 emissions in the construction industry is the production of Portland cement and lime. 2–4 These basic binder raw materials are used in the production of AAC. Replacement-binder raw materials used in the autoclaved-aerated-concrete (AAC) production have not been determined so far. One of the possible solutions for replacing cement and lime can be the use of fluidized- bed combustion fly ash (FBC fly ash). FBC fly ash has pozzolanic properties. FBC fly-ash solidifies and hard- ens due to the reaction of active pozzolanic components with calcium hydroxide. 5 The literature describes the use of FBC fly ash as a substitute for Portland cement in cement composites, where its pozzolanic properties are used. 6 However, the use of FBC ash in cement com- posites is limited due to the high content of SO 3 and free lime. 7–9 FBC fly ash contains SO 3 in the form of calcium sulfate (II-anhydrite). This form of calcium sulfate reacts with water to produce much larger reaction products, which cause cracks in the material. Finally, calcium sulfate reacts with alumina hydroxide and calcium hydroxide to form ettringite, which increases its volume by up to 125 %. 6,10–12 These negative properties of FBC fly ash can be eliminated with an autoclaving process. 12 AAC consists of a microporous binder matrix and air macropores. 13 The macropores give the AAC the heat- insulating property and they are formed due to the reaction of aluminum powder with calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide. This process takes place in a still Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 2, 157–161 157 UDK 620.1:621.182.42:66.046.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 54(2)157(2020) *Corresponding author's e-mail: sebestova.p@fce.vutbr.cz (Pavlina Sebestova) uncured binder matrix. At this stage, it also begins to hydrate the cement to form amorphous calcium silicate hydrates (CSHs). After the binder matrix has hardened, the second stage of the AAC production takes place in an autoclave. At elevated temperature and pressure, AAC is exposed to hydrothermal conditions for the time necessary to form new crystalline phases, 1.1-nm tober- morites and well crystallized CSHs. 14,15 Our research examines the possibility of using FBC fly ash as the binder of AAC instead of lime and cement. The binder-component replacement is in a range of 10–100 %, increasing by 10 %. The tests were divided into two groups, testing the physical/mechanical proper- ties of AAC and the microstructure of AAC. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials AAC consists of silica sand, lime, cement and alumi- num powder. These raw materials are labeled as basic, which means that they are part of the reference mixture without FBC fly ash. These basic raw materials were mixed with water to form an aerated concrete suspen- sion. Calcium sulfate is the raw material supporting the formation of a thixotropic structure and the crystalli- zation of new phases. Instead of the natural calcium sulfate, calcium sulfate from thermal combustion was used here as it achieves high purity (CaSO 4 <95 %). Quartz sand was chosen due to its high amount of silica (SiO 2 <98 %). The FBC-fly-ash substitution for lime and cement was experimentally tested during the research. The FBC fly ash was subjected to a chemical analysis and the results are shown in Table 1. FBC fly ash was selected due to its high content of free lime, which is necessary for hydrothermal reactions. The mineralogical compo- sition of the fly ash included anhydride, quartz, calcite and lime. 2.2.1 Sample preparation AAC samples had dimensions of (00×100×100) mm. The raw-material mixture consisted of 5 % lime, 8 % cement, 52 % silica sand, 0.05 % aluminum powder and 2 % calcium sulfate. The amount of water was constant and the water-cement ratio was determined to be 0.52. Fluid fly ash replaced the dry-binder component (ce- ment, lime) in the range of 10–100 %. Lime, cement and FBC fly ash were dry homo- genized. A suspension was formed from the aluminum powder, degreasing additive and water. The next step was the production of a gypsum-sand suspension at a tem- perature of (40±1) °C. A dry mixture was added to the gypsum-sand suspension, followed by an aluminum suspension. The mixture was poured into molds and after 24 h the samples were demolded. The samples were autoclaved in a laboratory autoclave in the environment of saturated water vapor. The hydrothermal time was set to 7 h and the temperature to 190 °C. 2.2 Methods The compressive strength was determined on dried samples at (105±5) °C. The test was performed according to standard ^SN EN 679 "Determination of the compressive strength of autoclaved aerated con- crete". Each test specimen was placed in a press perpen- dicular to the mass growth and loaded at a constant rate of (0.1±0.05) MPa/s. The size of the test specimens was (100 × 100 × 100) mm). The bulk density was deter- mined in line with standard ^SN EN 678 "Determination of the bulk density in the dry state of autoclaved aerated concrete". The compressive strength and bulk density were tested on six samples. X-ray powder-diffraction data were collected using an Empyrean Panalitical diffractometer with Cu-K 1 radiation, and = 0.1540598 nm. Angular reproduci- bility was <0.0002°. The cores were prepared from the samples and ground to a maximum size of 0.1 mm using a vibratory mill in the first stage of the sample preparation for the microstructure study. The ground sample was further milled in an isopropanol suspension with an addition of a standard (CaF 2 ) in a MC Microne mill to a grain size <0.02 mm. The morphology and chemical composition of the synthesis products were analyzed with a TESCAN MIRA 3 XMU scanning electron microscope (SEM) at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV . Representative fragments of (5×5×5) mm were selected for the microstructural study. The samples were, therefore, sputtered with a fine layer of gold to prevent electric charging during the measurement. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Physical/mechanical properties The compressive strength and bulk density were analyzed for physical/mechanical properties (Figure 1). P. SEBESTOV A et al.: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AUTOCLA VED AERATED CONCRETE USING CIRCULATING ... 158 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 2, 157–161 Table 1: Chemical composition of raw materials Raw materials Chemical composition (%) Al 2O 3 CaO SO 3 Fe 2O 3 FeO K 2O MgO MnO Na 2OP 2O 5 SiO 2 TiO 2 Quartz sand 2.53 0.23 0.02 0.84 0.19 1.53 0.16 0.01 0.70 0.01 92.91 0.14 Cement 5.40 64.25 2.66 3.06 0.22 3.32 2.02 0.10 0.36 0.16 19.67 0.31 Lime – 95.62 0.07 – – – 0.79 ––––– FBC fly ash 14.2 35.67 26.6 6.76 – 1.19 2.16 0.08 0.38 – 26.6 0.78 The existing resources expect a decrease in the com- pressive strength with an increased content of FBC fly ash. 10,11,16 The compressive strength of the samples is the highest at a 10-% FBC fly-ash substitution. With an in- creased substitution, the strength is slightly decreased. The sample with a 30-% FBC fly-ash substitution achieves lower strengths than the reference sample. A gradual decrease in the strength continues up to the 50-% substitution of FBC fly ash. The 50-% FBC fly-ash substitution is the limit of maximum utilization. Up to 50 %, FBC fly ash can replace cement and lime due to its pozzolanic properties. This limit is surprisingly high. Within this limit, the formation of crystalline CSH phases is assumed, in parallel with the formation of amorphous CSH phases, which serve as the bonding matrix of silica-sand grains. Above the 50-% substitution of FBC fly ash, the strength of the samples decreases sharply and it is almost zero at 100 %. Thus, crystalline CSH phases are not expected to be formed above 50 %. The bulk density of the samples increases despite the decreasing strength. This trend indicates a higher bulk density of the non-crystalline CSH phases formed in the presence of FBC fly ash. 16 Further explanation of the bulk density increase may be due to the loss of lime at higher FBC fly ash substitutions. The aluminum powder reacts to form a lower volume of hydrogen. This phenomenon will be studied in the next stage of the research. 3.2. Microstructure The sample microstructure was monitored with SEM/EDX and XRD. The quality of the crystalline phases significantly affects the physico-mechanical pro- perties of the AAC. 17 The XRD analysis was carried out with respect to the intensity of the tobermorite diffraction line and its area below the diffraction line (Figure 2). The intensity of the tobermorite diffraction line is constant up to 40 % of the FBC fly-ash substitution and it only slightly decreases up to the 80-% substitution. These results indicate that FBC fly ash does not affect the crystallization of tobermorite. The results are surprising in view of the decreasing strength of the samples and therefore do not show the dependence on the physical/mechanical properties. Conversely, the area of the tobermorite diffraction line correlates with the compressive-strength results. Up to 50 % of the FBC fly-ash substitution, we can observe the same, or a slightly reduced, amount of tobermorite in the sample, but above 50 %, the amount of tobermorite decreases sharply. At 90 and 100 % of the FBC fly-ash substitution, tobermorite is not present in the sample. Thus, it is clear from the results that the amount of tober- morite is an important indicator of the AAC quality. As mentioned before, the amount of tobermorite is almost constant up to 50 %. However, the uptake con- ditions change when the amorphous CSH phase is converted into the crystalline CSH phase. A reduction in the calcium oxide content indicates a decrease in the formation of crystalline phases. Therefore, FBC fly ash must sufficiently replace both the lime component (cal- cium hydroxide) and the cement component (clinker). The calcium hydroxide content of fly ash is 14–38 %. Thus, with respect to the hydrothermal reaction, such an amount is sufficient for the formation of CSH phases. FBC fly ash can substitute cement due to its pozzolanic activity. Surface-element measurements were performed on tobermorite crystals (Figure 3). The two main indicators are the Ca/Si and Al/(Si+Al) molar ratios. As the FBC fly-ash admixture increases, we can see a reduction in the Ca/Si ratio. This result correlates with the expected result. Increasing the FBC fly-ash substitution decreases the calcium oxide content. In the absence of calcium oxide in the hydrothermal reaction, silicon-rich CSH phases are formed, thus reducing the Ca/Si molar ratio. 15 In contrast, the Al/(Si+Al) molar ratio is higher with a higher FBC fly-ash substitution. This means that under hydrothermal conditions, tobermorite is formed, in which aluminum ions are bound. The resulting phases therefore arise from the hydration products of the pozzo- lanic reaction of the FBC fly ash. This result is consist- ent with the ones previously reported 18–21 , confirming the possibility of binding aluminum ions to the structure of tobermorite. However, those articles only dealt with the P. SEBESTOV A et al.: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AUTOCLA VED AERATED CONCRETE USING CIRCULATING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 2, 157–161 159 Figure 2: Intensity and area of the diffraction line of tobermorite for the samples with FBC fly ash Figure 1: Compressive strength and bulk density of a sample with the FBC fly-ash substitution replacement of silica oxide and thus our result may be helpful for further studies. The SEM image of the reference sample pre- dominantly contains acicular tobermorite (Figure 4). Further SEM images (Figure 5) show that with lower FBC fly-ash substitutions, thin tobermorites are formed, emerging from non-crystalline CSH phases. This trend can be observed up to a 20-% FBC fly-ash substitution. At 30 %, tobermorite leaves begin to form. With a 30-% FBC fly-ash substitution, small leaves without split tips are formed. A gradual cleavage of the tobermorite tips can be observed at higher FBC fly-ash substitutions. This phenomenon has not been reported for AAC using FBC fly ash. The cleavage is probably related to the decrease in the Ca/Si tobermorite molar ratio. At a 60-% FBC fly-ash substitution, most of the crystals with split peaks are already present. At 80 %, very long and thin tober- morite crystals are seen, which means that the crystals have already frayed. At 90 and 100-% FBC fly-ash substitutions, crystalline phases no longer form. Only the flocculation of unreacted fluidized fly ash that encircles sand grains can be seen. 4 CONCLUSIONS The research dealt with the possibility of a lime and cement replacement, using FBC fly ash. Based on the results, the following conclusions can be drawn: • It is possible to use up to 50 % of FBC fly-ash replacement of lime and cement in AAC. • Up to the 50-% FBC fly-ash substitution, the same, or a slightly reduced, compressive strength is maintained, compared to the reference sample. • Up to the 50-% FBC fly-ash substitution, the tober- morite content in AAC is maintained or only slightly reduced. • As the FBC fly-ash substitution increases, the AAC bulk density increases. P. SEBESTOV A et al.: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF AUTOCLA VED AERATED CONCRETE USING CIRCULATING ... 160 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 2, 157–161 Figure 5: SEM images of the samples with a FBC fly-ash substitution Figure 4: SEM image of the reference sample Figure 3: Molar ratio of tobermorite of the samples with the FBC fly-ash substitution • As the FBC fly-ash substitution increases, the Ca/Si molar ratio of tobermorite decreases and the Si/(Si+Al) molar ratio of tobermorite increases. The results showed a high potential of the use of FBC fly ash in AAC. The main aim of our research was to elucidate the behavior of fly ash as a substitute for the binder component. However, the issue of a binder replacement must be further studied. Acknowledgment This paper was carried out within project No. (17-14198S) "Kinetics of silicon microstructure for- mation in dependence on hydrothermal conditions and type of used materials", and was also funded under (FAST-J-19-6008) "Research into the possibility of maximum utilization of secondary raw materials and aerated concrete in aerated concrete production tech- nology". 5 REFERENCES 1 H. Stripple, C. Ljungkrantz, T. Gustafsson, R. Andersson, CO2 uptake in cement-containing products, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd., B 2309 (2018), 1–66 2 G. Moumin, M. Ryssel, L. Zhao, P. Markewitz, C. Sattler, M. Robinius, D. Stolten, CO 2 emission reduction in the cement industry by using a solar calciner, Renewable Energy, 145 (2019), 1578–1596, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.045 3 Z. He, X. Zhu, J. Wang, M. Mu, Y. 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