Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 15/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 08.04.2012 VELIKA NOC THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Dear friends, "The Lord is risen! The Lord is truly risen!" May the Easter proclamation be a source of immense joy for each of you and all of you! Dr. Viktor Frankl, author of the best-selling book, Man's Search for Meaning, once said, "What would give light, must endure burning!" Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, willingly endured the humiliation and suffering of the Cross. He calls his followers "light for the world" and sends us to the ends of the earth to "proclaim the Gospel". We know that when we follow in His way, we are lead directly to the Cross. To love as Christ loved means generously giving oneself totally for the good of others - the common good. Easy to say, never easy to do! But, for us, it does not end at the Cross, for we believe that when we take up the Cross as did Jesus, we attain life in its fullness - we come to "the light of God's face", as we pray in the new translation of the Roman Missal. The joy of our Easter celebration is just that: we are co-heirs with Christ to the fullness of life with God - we rise with Him! On His final journey to the Cross, Jesus received caring support from Simon of Cyrene, Veronica, and Joseph of Arimathea. I encourage you to be a sign of Easter blessing by reaching out to care for those who struggle with life concerns - whatever they might be! Whenever we do so, we share with others the light and the love of the living God! Alleluia! Happy Easter! Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton cvetna nedelja v slovenski župniji sv. gregorija velikega Na praznovanje Cvetne nedelje so se na poseben način pripravljali člani plesne skupine Venec, ki so med tednom napravili 120 butaric. Zaradi vremena smo blagoslov zelenja začeli v spodnji dvorani. Ob petju mešanega pevskega zbora in veliki udeležbi smo se po blagoslovu v procesiji podali v cerkev. Tam nas je pesem »Množice gredo s cvetjem in palmami Odrešeniku naproti...« uvedla v samo praznovanje s pomenljivimi besedami. Sveto mašo smo nadaljevali kot običajno. Tokrat je somaševal tudi g. Lojze Hribšek, ki je prišel na obisk. Trapljenje našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa smo prebrali po vlogah in tako bolj doživeto spremljali zadnje dogodke Jezusovega življenja. Enajsto sveto mašo je vodil Fr. Frank Kelly, salezijanec iz Toronta. Pri maši je pel angleški zbor, več bralcev pa je prav tako sodelovalo pri branju Pasiona. Z g. Bogdanom sva po slovenski maši odhitela v slovensko skupnost v Kitchener-ju. V dvorani društva Save so, pod vodstvom g. Magdalene Razpotnik , otroci in odrasli, sodelovali pri bogoslužju z branjem beril, pasijona in s petjem. Mašo je vodil g. Bogdan Kolar. Po končali maši so gospodinje pripravile dobro kosilo. Ob štirih popoldne smo nadaljevali praznovanje cvetne nedelje pri Londonski skupnosti. Tokrat v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Lepa udeležba in sodelovanje pri bogoslužju je vsem, posebej mladim pomagala, da so lepo obhajali sveto mašo. Po maši smo se, kot je tam že navada, zbrali v dvorani, kjer smo se okrepčali z dobrotami, ki so jih pripravile gospodinje. Sunday's Readings The Resurrection of the Lord - Easter First Reading Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter proclaims the message that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven. Second Reading Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8 Paul teaches that when Christ is revealed, his followers too will be revealed in all their glory with him. Gospel John 20:1-9 or Mark 16:1-7 Very early on Easter morning, Mary Magdalene comes to the tomb. What she finds sends her running to fetch Peter and the beloved disciple "For they did not yet understand the scripture that he had to rise from the dead." Illustration Were we to stand in the high street and ask passersby, "What do you think is the greatest festival in the Christian calendar?", the majority would probably say, "Christmas." Few, if any, would answer, "Easter." It is like living in two worlds: the world of the high street and the world of our Christian faith. Coming into the beautifully decorated church this morning, we've left behind that other world of Easter eggs, fluffy chicks and Easter bunnies, for a time at least, to seek the source of it all. What are we celebrating, what does it mean? Easter is an invitation to come out of the darkness and the shadows into the light: a proclamation of Christian faith that Jesus is truly risen. Gospel Teaching It began in the early morning of that Passover sabbath, still in the hours of darkness, when Mary Magdalene, in defiance of the Jewish Law, left her home to go to the place where they had laid the body of Jesus. It was a brave and a dangerous thing to do. She is the first to see the empty tomb, and, distressed, wonders where they have taken the body of her Lord. In Matthew's account of the Passion we hear how the chief priests asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb of Jesus, for they remembered his promise that he would rise, and they feared that his disciples would come and steal the body away and, as the chief priests put it, "This last imposture would be worse than the first" (27:64). Which brings us to the crux of the matter: what did happen on that first Easter morning? There are no witnesses to the rising of Christ - only the empty tomb and the shroud clothes left behind. So under- standably there are, and have been, many who cannot accept the fact of the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Some suggest that the resurrection of Jesus was a hysterical invention of his followers who refused to accept the death of their master. Yet this is the central belief of the Christian faith and underpins all that we profess to believe. St. Paul put it very forcefully: if Christ is not risen, then all our preaching is in vain. The empty tomb and the testimony of the women and the disciples are our evidence, together with the promise of Jesus that he would rise. Application If death had spoken the last word about Jesus, it would have been only a matter of time before everything about him would have been reduced to a historical curiosity in the long history of humanity. The Gospels do not explain the resurrection. The resurrection explains the Gospels. Belief in the Lord rising from the dead is not a footnote in Christian faith. It is the Christian faith. It is God who has the last word, reminding us that the best is still to come. Jesus is raised to new life by the sheer compelling energy of the Father's love: the tomb could never be his permanent home. Despite the determined efforts of many down the ages, and now, to relegate Christianity and this fundamental belief to the dust of history, the empty tomb still poses a vibrant and challenging question that refuses to go away and cries out to be answered. Ultimately it is not about proof but about faith which, faltering and hesitant though it may be, enables us to say: "I know my Redeemer lives." The good news for us who believe is that the Father's affirmation is not restricted to his beloved Son, but is given to all who are able to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. St. Paul again, in the reading today to the Colossians, says: "When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory." When we are confronted with the stark reality of the death of loved ones, the world offers us nothing other than, "This is our only life; there is nothing else after it." That loved one, that wonderfully gifted person, is gone for ever, there is nothing left but memories. But the Easter Gospel, the message of Christ's resurrection, keeps hope alive: death has been vanquished; death is not the end. kanadski slovenski kongres_ "Kanadski slovenski kongres vabi vse slovenske rojake na redni letni občni zbor v nedeljo 29. aprila 2012 ob 4:00 h popoldne. Občni zbor bo v župnijski dvorani 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Easter Food Hunt Help us discover the hidden treasures this Easter We need your help! You CAN make a difference! Here's a list of the items we need the most: Baby Formula, Baby Food (Jars), Peanut Butter, Tuna/Salmon, Pasta Sauce, Pork and Beans, Kids Snacks, Canned Pasta, Kidney Beans, Chick Peas, Black Beans, Canned Soups, Canned Stew or Chili, Mr. Noodles, Canned Vegetables, Rice, Jell-O, Crackers, Cereal, Instant Oatmeal, Pancake Mix and Syrup. Thanks once again for your Faith in People. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor Najprej bi se rad zahvalil pevcem, dirigentu Johnu Horvatu, organistu Karlu Veglju in tudi angleškemu zboru, ki ga vodi Ivan Mertuk, za sodelovanje pri Velikonočnem praznovanju. V četrtek, 12. aprila NE BO vaj za župnijski mešani zbor. Naslednja vaja je v četrtek 19. aprila, ko se bomo pripravljali za mašo, ki bo 22. aprila, ob spomladanskem banketu. cwl - kžz: sreda 11. april_ Our April General Meeting will change to Wednesday, April 11 immediately following 7 pm Mass. This change was decided at our March meeting. Members are asked to please attend this important meeting as well as encourage and invite someone with them who would consider being a member. folklorna skupina venec- breakfast fundraiser - april 15 (9:00-12:30) It's that time again! Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting the 2nd Annual Breakfast Fundraiser on April 15, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the church hall. Please help support F.S. Venec, as we promote our Slovenian culture through traditional dance and music. Join us for a great family event, with great food and live music! Tickets are available through members of Venec, or by contacting Matej Glavač at (905) 8701120 or društvo sava - breslav: 50 letnica V soboto, 14. aprila 2012 Slovensko Društvo "SAVA-BRESLAV" vljudno vabi vse člane in prijatelje na slavnostni gala banket ob 50. obletnici praznovanja društva. Poseben program slovenskih trubadurjev g. Marjana Zgonca in g. Tomaža Vrhovnika. Ob 5:00 pm - koktajl, nato kulturni program, ob 7:30 pm večerja in po večerji zabavni program z ansamblom Murski val. Vstopnina in večerja $60 po osebi. Za rezervacije pokličite Zinko Mirt - 519884-6194 ali Marijo Prilesnik - 519-884-4736. narodni dom lipa park: 15. april Narodni Dom Lipa Park St. Catharines Ontario vljudno vabi vse člane in prijatelje v društveno dvorano na Koncert Slovenskih Trubadurjev g. Marjana Zgonca in g. Tomaža Vrhovnika. S tem koncertom bomo začeli naše praznovanje 45. obletnice obstoja Lipa Parka. Praznovanje se bo odvijalo še z drugimi prireditvami preko leta. Ob 12:30 pm bo kosilo in ob 14:00 koncert. Po koncertu vam bosta naša nastopajoča gosta iz Slovenije poskrbela za razvedrilo ob glasbi. Vstopnina in kosilo $30 po osebi. Rezervacije sprejemajo: Maryanne Barič na-1-905-945-3750, Anica Orešar na1-905 684-0036 in Francka Seljak na 1-905-735-5207. spomladanski banket: 22. april Letošnji velikonočni prazniki so precej zapolnjeni z raznimi prireditvami v naši župniji. Skoraj vsako nedeljo se nekaj posebnega dogaja. Drugo nedeljo po Veliki noči, t.j. 22. APRILA imamo naš SPOMLADANSKI BANKET. Pri velikonočnem pismu ste prejeli tudi prijavnico za spomladanski banket. Prijavnico lahko oddaste v župišču ali pa se prijavite telefonsko pri Jožici Vegelj /905-664-5240/ ali pri Tereziji Sarjaš /905-561-1218/. Vsi darovi, ki jih boste namenili ob banketu bodo namenjeni za gradnjo dvigala in obnovo stranišč v naši dvorani. Ob izgradnji dvigalaNa banki smo odprli poseben račun za gradnjo -Building Account. Te dni smo oddali ponudbe za gradnjo in do 12. aprila morajo zainteresirani izvajaci prinesti ponudbe s cenami. Potem bomo izbrali najboljšega ponudnika, da bo prevzel gradnjo, ki naj bi se začela po naši birmi obhajilu, to je v začetku meseca junija. Vsem faranom in prijateljem, v svojem imenu in v imenu vseh društev, želim globokega duhovnega praznovanja Velikonočnih skrivnosti, da bi se ob vstalem Gospodu vsi navzeli veselja in radosti, ki nam jo prinaša. Naj bo radostna aleluja na naših ustnicah in tudi v naših srcih. divine mercy sunday: April 15 Papež Janez Pavel II. je prvo nedeljo po Veliki noči, t.j. belo nedeljo razglasil za nedeljo Božjega usmiljenja. Bogoslužje tega dne najpopolneje slavi Boga v skrivnosti njegovega usmiljenja. Praznik usmiljenja ne sme biti le dan posebnega češčenja Boga v skrivnosti usmiljenja, temveč mora biti za vse ljudi, posebej za velike milosti, če so skladne z božjo voljo. Prav s tem praznikom povezal velike obljube. Največjo med njimi je povezal s svetim obhajilom, ki ga prejmemo na ta dan - to je obljuba »popolnega odpuščanja krivde in kazni«, oziroma obljuba take milosti, kakor jo prejmemo samo pri zakramentu svetega krsta. Oseba, ki pristopi k spovedi in k svetemu obhajilu, prejme popolno odpuščanje krivde in kazni. Na ta praznik se pripravljamo z devetdnevnico, ki jo začnemo na veliki petek, in vsak dan zmolimo rožni venec božjega usmiljenja. V naši župniji se bomo spomnili tega praznika pri mašah v nekaterih angleških župnijah pa bodo imeli popoldne tudi posebno bogoslužje. ❖ JESUS I TRUST YOU! Please join us for DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, April 15th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul the Apostle Church, 2265 Headon Rd., Burlington. Refreshments and a video will follow in the church hall. For more information call 905335-6902. Od 08. 04. 2012 Do 15. 04. 2012 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY 08. April VELIKA NOC Julija, redovnica za žive in rajne župljane f Martin in Terezija Vinčec, obl. f pokojni starši in sorodniki 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Olga in Janet Tilka Vengar z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 09. April Velikonočni pon. f Dragica Bolko f Marija Marič ff Bratanič in Vogrinc f Klepec Dore 8:15 a.m. John Žunič Družina Štadler Milena Družina Klepec Torek - Tuesday 10. April Ezekiel, pre. f Frank Drvarič f Tončka Demšar f Štefka Rihar f Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Družina Drvarič Družina Gergyek Janko Demšar Marija Pavlič Sreda - Wednesday 11. April Stanislav, šk-muč. f Tomaž Langenfus f Anton Vukšenič f Slavko Štern f Slavko Štern 7.00 p.m. Mama Sonja Manja Erzetič Jože Ftičar Francisca D'Costa & Eng. Choir Veliki - Thursday 12. April Viktor, muč. ff Alojz, Angela, Tjaša Šribar f Marija Marič ff Mihael in Megan Mes f Slavko Štern 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič Družina Mes Družina Mes Ernest Zrim Petek - Friday 13. April Martin I., papež f Slavko Štern Bogu v zahvalo f Franc Provne Za zdravje Ludvik Hull Ludvik Hull Manja Erzetič Štefan Kolar Sobota - Saturday 14. April Valerijan, mučenec ff Anka in Marica f Angela Kovač ff Matilda in Avgust Berkovič f Terezija Oseli ff Martin in Marija Ternar 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sorodniki Marija Glavač Zlatko Berkovič z družino Olga Čulig Terezija Zadravec 2. VELIKONOCNA-BELA 15. April Ned. Božjega usmiljenja Sunday of Divine Mercy za žive in rajne župljane ff pokojni člani folklorne skupine 9:30 a.m. ff Alojz in Angela Kocmut 11:00 a.m. Plesna skupina VENEC vabi na zajtrk Plesna skupina Tone in Marija Bukvič 4îf svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.