FOR Freedom AND Justice No. 59 Amerišk/ ^ i =1 m r AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, August 1 2, 1 988 MuRNlNli NEWSPAPER VOL. XC Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Prihodnji ponedeljek pričetek republikanske konvencije v New Orleansu — Bush kaže napredovanje napram Dukakisu NEW ORLEANS, La. — 106-članski odbor republikanske stranke, ki ima nalogo pripraviti strankin volivni program, končuje s svojim delom. Program bo odobren na strankini konvenciji, ki bo prihodnji teden v tem mestu. Ker kontrolirajo privrženci podpredsednika Georgea Busha veliko večino v odboru, večjih sporov glede posameznih točk v osnutku programa ni bilo. Nekateri liberalski republikanci, kot npr. sen. Lowell Weicker, so predlagali liberalne točke, a niso uspeli. Tako je želel Weicker vključiti v program točko, ki bi zahtevala močne gospodarske sankcije zoper Južno Afriko zaradi sistema apartheida. Te točke v strankini platformi pa ne bo. Današnji Wall Street Journal objavlja poročilo o najnovejši anketi javnega mnenja, ki kaže, da v zadnjem času Bush pridobiva na popularnost zoper demokratskega tekmeca Michaela Dukakisa. Volivci, o katerih je pričakovati, da bodo res volili novembra letos, ugotavlja anketa, da jih bo 49°7o glasovalo za Dukakisa, 39% za Busha. Takoj po demokratski konvenciji pa je bila Dukakisova prednost med temi volivci 17-odstotna. Pričakovati je, da bo razlika veliko manjša po republikanski konvenciji, nekateri politični analitiki celo menijo, da bo morda imel Bush pred Dukakisom vsaj tanjšo prednost. Med vsemi registriranimi volivci, tudi takimi torej, ki morda ne bodo Sli na volišča, vodi Dukakis 50% proti 36%. Anketa je pa ugotovila, da je še vedno veliko volivcev, ki Busha osebno ne marajo, Predvsem so v tej kategoriji ženske. Opazovalci ZN bodo nadzorovali fronto med Iranom in Irakom — Premirje bo začelo veljati 20. avgusta — Manjši spopad BAGDAD, Irak — Včeraj je Irak trdil, da so iranski topničarji na južnem delu Ironic obstreljevali iraške položaje. Izstreljenih naj bi bilo več sto granat. Iranci na to trditev Se niso odgovorili. Opazovalci poteka iran-sko-iraške vojne pa menijo, da taki incidenti uiso nepričakovani, kajti sta obe državi še vedno v vojnem stanju. Premirje, ki ga je Proglasil generalni sekretar Združenih narodov Javier Perez de Cueller, bo začelo veljati Sele 20. avgusta. Do tega datuma, bo posla-uih v Irak oziroma Iran do 350 posebnih opazovalcev, ki bodo v imenu ZN nadzorovali premirje ob 750 milj dolgi fronti. Po Pričetku premirja, naj bi se začela neposredna pogajanja, pod sponzorstvom ZN, med 'rakom in Iranom o mirovni pogodbi. Ta Pogajanja bodo v Ženevi, Švica. Napovedani konec iransko-iraške vojne utegne imeti negativne posledice za Izrael, kajti sta tako Irak kot Iran močna sovražnika izraelske države. Iraške čete so sodelovale v treh od vseh skupaj petih arabskih vojn zo-Per Izrael, sedaj pa je iraška vojska izkušena 'n sodobno opremljena in je kot taka za Izra-veliko nevarnejša kot kdajkoli v preteklo-st>. Med drugim, priznavajo izraelski vojaški strokovnjaki, predstavljajo iraške letalske s'*e posebno nevarnost, kajti so Iračani dokaj uspešno kljubovali sodobni iranski proti-letalski obrambi. Zmagoviti Iračani bodo sedaj imeli pri-0žnost, da z vso silo protivijo uporniški ^anjšini Kurdov v severnem delu države. *Urdi so sodelovali z Iranci zoper Irak, če-Prav je kurdska manjšina v Iranu tudi neza- dovoljna s svojim položajem. Letošnja suša katastrofalno prizadela pridelek koruze in soje — Pšenica manj prizadeta — Višje cene za hrano WASHINGTON, D.C. — Kmetijsko tajništvo je objavilo podatke o letošnjem pričakovanem pridelku koruze in soje. Podatki kažejo, da je letošnja suša v najbolj, rodovitnih predelih ZDA močno prizadela letino. Tako bo letošnji pridelek koruze kar za 37% manjši, kot bi bil v normalnem vremenskem letu. Pridelek soje bo pa manjši za 23%. Sreča je v tem, da razpolagajo ZDA z velikimi rezervami, tako da bo vpliv letošnje slabe letine na cene hrane manjši kol bi bil sicer. Ako bi pa imeli sušo tudi prihodnje leto, bi bile posledice veliko negativnejše. Včeraj je predsednik Reagan potrdil zakon, odobren od zveznega kongresa, ki namenja 3,9 milijarde dolarjev izredne pomoči najbolj prizadetim farmarjem. S to pomočjo bo več sto tisoč farmarjem moglo kljubovati finančnim posledicam suše. Ker bodo cene hrane višje zaradi suše, računajo v kmetijskem tajništvu, bo inflacijska stopnja višja za manj kot en odstotek, v letu 1989 pa se bodo cene hrane povišale za približno 6 odstotkov. Izgredi v Burmi terjali nekaj slo žrtev — State Department svetuje, naj Američani ne gredo v to državo — Vojaška vlada trdna RANGOON, Burma — V zadnjem tednu je prišlo do ponovnih izgredih v večjih mestih te dežele, ki je pod strogo vojaško vlado vse od L 1962. Povod za izgrede je bila upokojitev dolgoletnega voditelja generala Ne Wina, s tem pa prihod na oblast gen. Sein Lwina, ki je znan kot trdorokec. V izgredih so varnostne sile ponovno streljale na demonstrante. Vlada poroča, daje bilo v izgredih ubitih doslej 95 oseb, 240 pa ranjenih. Zahodni diplomati in novinarji pa menijo, da je bilo ubitih več sto ljudi. Predstavnica ameriškega State Deparl-menta je rekla, da svetuje State Department ameriškim državljanom, naj ne potujejo v Burmo. — Kratke vesti — Washington, D.C. — Včeraj je zvezni senat soglasno potrdil bivšega guvernerja Pennsvlvanije Richarda L. Thornburgha za novega pravosodnega tajnika. Zanj so glasovali tudi vsi demokratski senatorji, ki ga smatrajo za moralno in strokovno veliko boljšega od dosedanjega pravosodnega tajnika Edwina Meesea. Kot kaže, bo Thornburgh zaprisegel že danes. Washington, D.C. — Bela hiša je priznala, da so nekateri člani delegacije, ki pod novo raketno pogodo z ZSSR nadzoruje kraj v bližini mesta Semipalatinska, kjei izvedejo Sovjeti jedrski poskusi, pobrali in skušali poslali v ZDA razne predmete, ki bi bili koristni za ameriške strokovnjake. Sovjeti so poskus odkrili in protestirali. Ameriška vlada je krivdo priznala in obljubila, da ne bo več nobenih takih incidentov. Cape Canaveral, Ha. — Preteklo sredo so strokovnjaki NASA uspešno prižgali glavne motorje vesoljskega šuttlja Disco-vervja. Motorji so delali brezhibno. V Moskvi so pa poročali, da je na posledicah dolgotrajne bolezni umrl 47-letni Anatoly Lev-čenko, eden vodilnih sovjetskih kozmonavtov. Levčenko naj bi bil pilot na prvem poletu novega sovjetskega šuttlja. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Mali festival— Poletni mali festival pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo to nedeljo, od 2. pop. do 8. zv., v stari cerkveni dvorani. Na razpolago bodo igre, okrepčila in srečke. Vabljeni vsi farani in vsi rojaki! Športni dan na Pristavi— To nedeljo ste vabljeni na Slovensko pristavo na športni dan, ki ga organizira Slovenski športni klub. Prijave za razne tekme bodo sprejemali do 12.30 pop., ko se bodo tekme pričele. Od 4.30 pop. bo za veselico igral Alpski sekstet. Novi grobovi John M. Simčič V torek, 9. avgusta, je v Cleveland Clinic bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 79 let stari John M. Simčič, rojen v Primeru, Colo., v Cleveland je prišel L 1926 iz Jugoslavije, vdovec po Elsie, roj. Marn, oče Madelvn Zuber, Johna in Franka, brat Anne Cimperman, gostilničar po poklicu in od leta 1940 lastoval in vodil Gay Inn na St. Clair Ave., nato Top Hat na E. 185 St. in Maple Tavern v Wickliffu, od I. 1960 pa Simcic’s Tavern na E. 260 St. Znani Frankie Yan-kovie je dobil svojo prvo zaposlitev kot glasbenika pri g. Simčiču. Pokojnik je bil član SNPJ št. 28, Liquor Dealers Assoc, in vnet udeleženec ba-lincarskih tekem pri SDD na Recher Ave. Pogreb bo iz Že-letovega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v soboto, dop. ob 10. na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele ali American Cancer Society. Peter M. Mihalič Preteklo sredo, 10. avg., je v Holy Family Home po dolgi bolezni umrl 64 let stari Peter M. Mihalič z E. 151 St., rojen v Clevelandu, mož Mary T., roj. Makse, oče Michaela, Pa-tricie, Rev. Petra, Susan Grebenc in Katherine, 7-krat stari oče, brat Katherine Križman in Michaela, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, zaposlen kot policist pri mestu Clevelandu od 1948 do 1976, od 1980 do 1985 pa je bil uslužbenec clevelandske škofije pri katedrali sv. Janeza in semenišču Borromeo. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Jeroma dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Holy Family Home. (Palje na atr. 4) KRES vabi— Slovenska folklorna skupina Kres vabi na svoj nastop, ki bo 20. avgusta na Slov. pristavi. Ob 5. pop. bo sv. maša, sledi večerja, nato nastop. Po programu bo igral orkester Veseli Slovenci. Za več informacije, pokličite 732-8008 ali 692-1339. Koroški oktet »Suha«— V nedeljo, 21. avgusta, ob 2. pop. bo na SNPJ farmi na Heath Rd. nastopil koroški moški oktet »Suha«. Vstopnina je $2.50. Pevski zbor Gallus— V soboto, 27. avgusta, ob 7h zv. bo v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju nastopil koroški pevski zbor Gallus. Za vstopnice in rezervacije miz, pokličite Tomaža Gorenška na 944-5922. (Članek na str. 2). Belokranjci vabijo— V nedeljo, 28. avgusta, bo piknik Belokranjskega kluba na Slov. pristavi. Nekaj pesmi bo zapel zbor Gallus, igral bo Tony Klepec orkester. Rezervacije za kosilo si lahko rezervirate, ako pokličite čez dan 481-3308, zvečer pa 289-0843. Zahvala— Ga. Apolonija Košir se prisrčno zahvaljuje č.g. Jcnkotu za preteklo nedeljo na Pristavi darovano sv. mašo /a njene po vojni umorjene štiri sinove, Klubu pristavskih upokojencev za lepo organizirano prireditev, vsem prijateljem in znancem pa za udeležbo in za čestitke k njeni 90-letnici! Dvojno priznanje— Ohijski guverner Celeste je imenoval prof. dr. Karla Bo-nuttija za člana posebnega odbora, ki bo organiziral praznovanje v Ohiu 500-letnice prihoda Krištofa Kolumba v novi svet. Praznovanje bo seveda 1992. leta. Dalje, dr. Bonutti je bil izvoljen za enega od podpredsednikov zelo vplivnega Cleveland Roundtable organizacije. Čestitamo! Spominska darova— John in Marie Kromar, Joan Turek in John Turek so darovali $100 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške domovine v spomin na Franka Tureka. Lillian Goryance, Euclid, O., je pa poklonila $20 v spomin moža Stanlevja, ki je umrl 16. avgusta 1986. Vsem darovalcem naša iskrena hvala. VREME Sončno, soparno in vroče danes, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 94° F. Isto vreme tudi jutri, zopet z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 94° F. V nedeljo pretežno sončno, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 95° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 012400) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche American Home Slovenian of the Year 1987: Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države: $36 na leto; $21 za 6 mesecev; $18 za 3 mesece Kanada: $45 na leto; $30 za 6 mesecev; $20 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $48 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $28 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $21; Kanada: $25; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $28 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $36.00 - year; $21.00 - 6 mos.; $18.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $45.00 - year; $30.00 - 6 mos.; $20.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $48.00 per year; $28 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $21.00-year; Canada: $25.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published Tuesday & Friday except 1st 2 weeks in July & the week after Christmas No. 59 Friday, August 12, 1988 »3 Tista bomba nad Hirošimo Bilo je dne 6. avgusta 1945 ob 8,15, ko sta se na nebu Hirošime pojavila dva ameriška bombnika; letela sta zelo visoko. Sirene niso zatulile, saj je šlo samo za dva bombnika in ne za roje letal, kot so jih bili Japonci vajeni v tistih dneh. Odgovornim v mestu se ni zdelo primerno, da z alarmom zavoljo dveh samih letal ustavljajo vse delo tega živahnega industrijskega mesta. Točno ob 8,15 se je iz enega od dveh letal spustila črna pika, padala je proti zemlji in se v višini nekaj sto metrov od tal razpočila. Mož, ki je z okna svoje vile v okolici Hirošime opazoval to črno piko, opisuje ta trenutek takole: »Zdelo se je, da se je zabliskal magnezijev naboj ogromnega fotografskega aparata.« »Magnezijev« naboj in njegove posledice Posledice tega ogromnega »magnezijevega« naboja so bile strašne: 71.000 mrtvih v trenutku. Kar ni bilo porušeno, je zaradi vročine začelo goreti; celo mesto je bilo v plamenih in ljudem ni bilo rešitve. Požari so ponehali šele proti 1 6. uri, ko se je ulila silovita ploha. Toplota bombe je izsušila vodo tudi iz morja in ko se je ozračje nekoliko ohladilo, so se vodni hlapi zgostili v oblake, zato je začelo deževati. Šele tedaj je bilo mogoče prvim reševalcem, da so predrli ognjeni zid in mogli v mesto. Prizor je bil apokaliptičen: grmade zoglenelih teles, iz vodnih kanalov, kamor so se zatekli pred požari, so vpili tisoči in tisoči opečenih ljudi, ki jim ni bilo več pomoči. Ponoči je visoka morska plima z oceana preplavila vse. Tako opisuje ta dan in te dogodke, ko je padla prva atomska borna, jezuit p. Arrupe, ki je vse to doživel in gledal z okna svojega stanovanja ter bil med prvimi, ki so prinesli prvo pomoč prizadeti Hirošimi. Prvi čas se nihče ni zavedal, kaj se je pravzaprav zgodilo. Tudi japonsko vojaško poveljstvo ne. Šele ko so čez kak dan Amerikanci odvrgli še drugo slično bombo nad Nagasaki, je poveljstvo uvidelo, da imajo njihovi nasprotniki novo strašno orožje, ki se mu ne moreš ubraniti. Zato je cesar Hirohito na svojo odgovornost zaprosil za premirje. In druge svetovne vojne je bilo konec. Stopili smo v atomsko dobo Ko je svetovna javnost slišala o teh dveh strašnih bombah, se nihče ni zavedal, da stopa človeštvo v novo dobo, ki jo imenujemo atomska doba. Človek je odkril novo do tedaj nepoznano energijo, skrito v malem atomu. Toda atomski bombi se je kmalu pridružila še hujša, vodikova bomba. Ti dve bombi visita sedaj nad človeštvom. In vse kaže, da se za 40 let relativnega miru na svetu moramo zahvaliti tem bombam, ki jih imata v izobilju oba svetovna bloka držav. Živimo torej v miru iz strahu. Prestali smo hladno vojno v petdesetih letih, prestali vojno na Koreji, v Vietnamu, obljublja se pomiritev med Irakom in Iranom in tudi v Kambodži. Morda še kje drugje. Ce bi oba bloka držav ne bila v posesti atomske in vodikove bombe, ali ne bi tega ali onega Koroški zbor GALLUS prihaja ... CLEVELAND, O. — Pred 14. leti, od 27. avgusta do 9. septembra 1974, je gostoval v Združenih državah in v Kanadi pevski zbor Gallus iz Koroške. Letos, točno ob 14. obletnici, ga bomo zopet slišali na koncertu, ki bo v soboto 27. avgusta ob 7. uri zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju. Prinesel nam bo pozdrave iz prelepe Koroške in mehko zveneče koroške pesmi, saj bo večji del sporeda posvečen koroški umetni in narodni pesmi. Med njimi bodo vedno lepe in v srce segajoče: Nmav čez jizero, Tam, kjer teče bistra Žila, Pojdem u Rute in Rož, Podjuna, Žila. Med odmori pa nas bo razveseljeval ansambel »Korenika« z valčki in polkami mladega koroškega komponista Hanzija Artača na besedila priljubljene koroške pesnice Milke Hartman. Zbor Gallus pride 24. avgusta v New York. V petek, 26. avgusta, bo imel koncert pri fari sv. Križa v Fairfieldu, Conn. V soboto, 27, avgusta, pa prispe v Cleveland. Naslednji dan, v nedeljo, bo prepeval med slovensko sv. mašo ob 10 30 pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Collinwoodu. Popoldne pa bodo pevci obiskali Slovensko pristavo v Genevi, kjer bo imel Belokranjski klub svoj piknik. V ponedeljek si bodo ogledali mesto Cleveland, v torek pa že odidejo v Chicago in naprej v Kanado, kjer imajo na sporedu koncert v Torontu 3. septembra in v Hamiltonu 4. septembra; 5. septembra pa se vrnejo domov. Napolnimo v soboto, 27. avgusta, dvorano Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clairju in pokažimo, da stojimo trdno ob strani našim koroškim bratom, ki se borijo za slovenski živelj na Koroškem! Za vstopnice in rezervacije miz lahko pokličete Tomaža Gorenška na 944-5922. Dro! Koroška! Rudi Knez Belokranjski klub vabi na svoj piknik EUCLID, O. - Belokranjski klub prireja svoj vsakoletni piknik na Slovenski pristavi letos v nedeljo, 28. avgusta. Na ta naš belokranjski praznik vljudno vabimo naše prijatelje in znance od blizu in daleč. Saj je Slov. pristava ena najlepših od vseh, obdana s čudovito lepo naravo. Kot že več leti, tudi letos bomo začeli s sv. mašo ob 11.30 pri spominski kapelici. Mašo bo daroval za vse pokojne belokranjske škofe in člane kluba č.g. Viktor Tomc. V slučaju slabega vremena, bo maša v Pristavskih prostorih. Kmalu po maši bo na razpolago okusno kosilo. Po kosilu, upamo in pričakujemo, se bo razvil vesel popoldan. Ta dan bo gostoval na Pristavi koroški zbor Gallus — 45 pevcev in pevk iz slovenske Koroške. Okrog 3. ure bodo podali kratek nastop ter zapeli venček slovenskih narodnih pesmi. Tako bo zopet po 14 letih zadonela pesem koroškega zbora Gallus na Slov. pristavi. Tako, dragi rojaki in rojakinje, ne zamudite te prilike, udeležite se v nadvse velikem številu. Z vašo navzočnostjo bodo Gallusovi pevci odnesli lep vtis iz Slovenske pristave, kajti uvideli bodo, da mi tukaj v Ameriki imamo veliko zanimanje za slovensko pesem. Za zabavo in ples bo igral orkester našega člana Toneta Klepca iz Girarda, Ohio. Pri kuhinji bodo na razpolago različne dobrote ves popoldan, pri bari pa bodo postregli z dobro kapljico. Za rezervacijo kosila, kličite 289-0843 (zvečer) ali pa 481-3308 (podnevi). Na svidenje 28. avgusta na Belokranjskem pikniku na Slovenski pristavi! Veseli Belokranjci Romanje v Frank, O. CLEVELAND, O. - Letošnje romanje v Frank, Ohio, bo približno en mesec prej kot je bilo običajno v prejšnjih letih. Vemo, da je ta sprememba datuma nekaterim prekrižala namen, da se udeležijo tega romanja, ker so pač za ta čas skoraj vse nedelje zavzete za eno ali drugo prireditev. Datum romanja pa ni spremenilo Društvo SPB, ki ta romanja organizira, ampak ga je določil novi župnik v Franku, Ohio, dočim je prejšnji sam vsako leto rezerviral zadnjo nedeljo v septembru za naše romanje. Letošnje romanje bo 28. avgusta. Spored bo približno isti kot prejšnja leta: ob 12. uri bo sv. maša v novi cerkvi. Glavni maševalec bo prevzv. škof dr. Edward Pevec ob somaševanju Rev. df. Pavel Krajnika, župnika v Lorainu, O., in patra Fortunata Zormana iz Lemon-ta, lil. Spovedovanje v slovenščini ali angleščini bo kakšno premagala skušnjava, da začne tretjo svetovno vojno? Verjetno bi se bilo to zgodilo za časa Stalina. Tako smo pa le preživeli 40 let relativnega miru in prišli do upanja v bolj mirne čase. Sedaj tudi zavoljo »perestrojke« in »glasnosti« sovjetskega voditelja Gorbačova ter njegove politike popuščanja mednarodne napetosti. Atomska bomba v Hirošimi je zahtevala ogromno nedolžnih žrtev. Toda če se je z njo začela nova doba »atomskega« miru na svetu, ohranimo v častnem spominu vse tiste žrtve. Človeštvo naj pa rado roma k njihovemu spomeniku, da se utrjuje v zavesti, kako neprecenljiva vrednota je mir med narodi. Katoliški glas (4. avg. I9XX) uro pred sv. mašo. Takoj po maši bo čas za kosilo. Tikete za kosilo lahko kupite Pred mašo ali tik pred kosilom, cena $5.50. Popoldne ob 2.30 uri bo križev pot po gozdiču, nato pe|e litanije v novi cerkvi. V vse pobožnosti bo letos vključena tudi pobožnost zaključka Marijinega leta. Letošnje romanje sovpada skoraj točno tudi s tragedijo na Grčaricah in Turjaku, torej s prv'' mi komunističnimi masovnimi poboji ob kapitulacije Italije-Naročeni so trije avtobusi-Nekaj mest je še praznih. Cena je $9.00 na osebo. Prijave še sprejemajo: Lojze Bajc________ 486-3515 Vinko Rožman______ 881-201' Pri Sv. Vidu______ 361-1444 Mary Kokalj_______ 835-941^ Avtobusi bodo odpeljali >z' pred Marije Vnebovzete ^ Holmes Ave. ob 8. uri zjutraj 28. avgusta, in izpred Barag0' vega doma na 6304 St. Clair Ave. ob 8.30 zjutraj. Vrnilise bomo okrog 6.30 zvečer. P°' leg treh avtobusov, ki ji*1 ll naročilo Društvo SPB, še nf" katera društva ali skupin‘ organizirajo svoje avtobusi za le-tc udeleženci vedo, km1111 se naj prijavijo. Romanje bo ob vsakem vre menu, saj je čestokrat bil v Clevelandu dež, tam pa s011 čen dan. Za vsak dober nam*11 pa mora biti človek pripf8' Ijen tudi kaj žrtovati. LeP° vabljeni tudi vsi, ki prihaja11 na to romanje s svojimi av|0 mobili. Jože Mela^' Zahvala Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristav^ CLEVELAND, O. - Od^ Kluba upokojencev Slovenj pristave se lepo zahvaljuje0 nom in prijateljem za tako obisk na našem pikniku. ’ , srčno smo počastili našo starejšo članico, gospo AP1 nijo Košir. Hvala preč. g- jeti' kotu, da je maševal na Pr'slS vi. Ameriški domovini in ' Milanu Pavlovčiču lepa za oglaševanje, g. Slapniku pa za darovane f0 Pri sv. maši smo se še p0* ^ no spomnili pokojnega ^ , Hočevarja, člana našega ^ ba, katerega smo prej.šnj' ^ den pokopali. Ženi Anici’ ^ novom in hčerkam naše isK no sožalje. ± U.F., "j"' Anton M. Lavris^ attorney-at-la'*' (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Servi^iC Income Tax-Notary Pu 18975 Villaview Ro»d at Neff 692-1172 Prijat el s Pharrfltfl St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 3®* (jt IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDR^ivf ZA RAČUN POMOČI DR** OHIO. — AID FOR AGP PRESCRIPTIONS, I j 1 1 1 j 2 ) V tl d f s ti { 0 n 1 v n k st k it I s I L, ft Pi v ti, i Slovenska folklorna skupina KRES praznuje poletni program na Slovenski pristavi v Geneva, Ohio V soboto, 20. avgusta, 1988 Sv. maša ob 5. popoldne nato pa večerja in program Za več informacije, pokličite 732-8008 ali pa 692-1339 Stalinizem se v SFR Jugoslaviji nezadržno širi Prve obsodbe, ki jih je skonstruirala srbohrvaška vojska nad Slovenci, so izrečene. Obsojeni so štirje Slovenci. Zastavnik Ivan Borštner na 4 kia, Janez Janša in Franci Za-Vrl na leto in pol, David Tasič Pa na 5 mesecev. Hkrati z obsodbo so bili zavoljo močnega Potiska slovenske javnosti, ki Je vse dni sojenja bučno in slikovito protestirala pred voja-k>ni sodiščem, vsi izpuščeni aa Prostosti, dokler ne bo sod-a Pravomočna. Franci Zavrl, 1 se je edini branil s prostosti, Je Uglasitev sodbe bojkotiral. Hudi dnevi pa se sedaj šele ^Čenjajo. Janez Janša je ta-°j> ko je prišel s sodišča, izja-ri*) da so z obsodbo padli vsi aPi o pravni državi. Naslednji an pa je na časnikarski kon-erenci pogumno rekel še eno poznanje, namreč, da od pri-0^be na višjo inštanco ne pri-akuje nič drugega kot le še Ostrejšo kazen. Višje sodišče je nantreč v Beogradu, ki je v Zadnjern času poleg jugoslo-Vanske postal še prestolnica ne°stalinističnih kuhinj. Zastopniki neostalinizma Ključni osebi neostalinizma, 1 ie začel pustošiti po državi, I a Šef srbskih komunistov Mi-,°evič in novo izvoljeni šef 8°slovanskih komunistov v Ljubeč spomin TRETJI obletnici, °dKar je v gospodu Lju 2AspALA NAŠA UBLJENA ŽENA in MAMA ^lka ferkul V; 13. avgusta 1985. V‘, v grobu tam; l 'ezni trajni boš ostala, abna dobra nam. 'i°ei ostali: aluj, Ferkul ~ soprog; , °' Stanko, Pavle in C? ~ sinovie; in o lrscriegger, Marija .Barbara Perkins — Jakobi2 družinami; v " Kostanjevec — oče, V geniji; ralo sorodstvo tu in v K, 0ver>iji. -6land n. 'Uh,o 12. avg. 198» Stipe Šuvar. Poleg ostalih, ki sodelujejo v tem evforičnem tropu, je tudi slovenski pred-stavryk v jugoslovanskem predsedstvu Stane Dolanc, ki v zadnjem času deluje izrazito proti slovenskemu narodu. Na seji slovenske mladine 28. julija so zato zahtevali njegov odstop; poleg njega pa še šefa slovenske policije Tomaža Ertla in predsednika slovenske skupščine Mirana Potrča. Vsi trije so v zadnjih mesecih močno sodelovali v gonji proti Sloveniji. Za svoje sodelovanje z nesposobnimi, ki na vsak način hočejo obdržati obstoječo oblast, je bolje, da takoj sami odstopijo, kot pa da bodo čakali na sramotno de-tronizacijo s pomočjo razbesnele javnosti. Ob teh našetih »protisloven-cih« je potrebno omeniti vsaj še Dušana Šinigoja, predsednika slovenskega izvršnega sveta, ki je na sramoten način izsilil od delegatov, da so potrdili slovenski delež pri povišanju zveznega proračuna. Delegati najprej niso hoteli glasovati za povečanje, tako da je moral Šinigoj odločanje o tem prestaviti za en teden. V tem času so delegate na različne politične načine mehčali, tako da so slednjič povečanje zveznega proračuna gladko sprejeli. Znaten del tega denarja bo šel za vojsko, ki ji je prav v prihodnje odmerjen večji delež, kot pa je bil do sedaj. Povečanje deleža za vojsko so seveda izsilili neostalinisti v Beogradu. Srbski pohod na Ljubljano? Ko so pol meseca nazaj naredili nahujskani srbski nacionalisti pohod na Novi Sad, kjer so zahtevali odstop vojvodinskega vodstva, ki je Miloševiču trn v peti, so se slišale tudi napovedi, da bodo po »zmagi« v Novem Sadu prišli tudi v Ljubljano. V hvaležen spomin ob tretji obletnici smrti našega dobrotnika, msgr.dr. Pavla Robiča Umrl 13. avgusta 1985. Sedaj čaka vstajenja na pokopališču Oliver, B.C. Kanada. Naj Vam bo dobri Bog bogat plačnik za vse, kar ste nam dobrega storili v času našega bivanja v Italiji. Hvaležni rojaki Taki pohodi so skozi zgodovino precej poznani. Najprej lačne in brezposelne zmanipuliraš z nacionalističnimi parolami, tako da začnejo verjeti prav tistemu, ki jim ni sposoben dati kruha, mu nato vzklikajo ter prisegajo, nato pa jih s pomočjo agentov oz. vodij pelješ, kamor hočeš ter počneš z njimi kar rabiš. V Ljubljani se o tem napovedanem prihodu srbskih nacionalistov že šušlja. Zaenkrat prevladuje mnenje, naj bi to nahujskano srbsko čredo, če bo prišla, sprejeli s popolnim bojkotom. Ulice naj bi se izpraznile, tako da bi se bolj videlo njihovo bedno početje. To je zaenkrat le ena, bolj mirna varianta bližnjega srečanja najbolj ogabne vrste. Slovenski vojaki v JLA Izrečene obsodbe »tolpi štirih« v Ljubljani nikakor niso prve tovrstne sodbe. Že sredi junija so v Sarajevu obsodili slovenskega vojaka Toma Bogataja na eno leto zapora po zloglasnem anahronističnem 133. členu kazenskega zakonika. Po tem zloglasnem členu se v Jugoslaviji sodi mišljenjskim in verbalnim deliktom. Tomo Bogataj je bil žrtev najbolj podlega stalinističnega konstrukta, ki je za dobo, v kateri živimo, prav neverjeten. V kasarni »Kozara« v Banja Luki so že vsaj od leta 1986 oficirji organizirali med slovenskimi vojaki pravi peklenski način uničevanja mladih fantov, ki je potekal kratko povedano tako: Določenega vojaka-Sloven-ca je drugi vojak Slovenec povabil v določen prostor ter tam navezal z njimi komunikacijo. Drugi je bil provokator in je postavljal prvemu med dolgotrajnimi pogovori tudi zelo provokativna vprašanja oz. insinuacije. Skozi na videz sproščene pogovore, ki so bili seveda snemani, se je povedalo marsikaj. Ko je napočil pravi trenutek, so iz snemanega materiala zrežirali tekst, ki je provociranega močno bremenil. Ker mu je grozila obsodba, je po navadi pristal na sodelovanje ter podobno komunikacijo navezal ter izvedel z naslednjim izbranim Slovencem. Zadnji je bil letošnjo pomlad provocirani Tomo Bogataj. V položaju, ko je vojska potrebovala pogrom nad Slovenci, so srhljivo verigo v Banja Luki pretrgali ter zadnjega provociranega postavili pred sodišče in mu na osnovi fantastičnih izjav, ki bi naj jih izrekel, sodili. Bogatajev primer je seveda rabil določenim časopi- SLOMŠKOV SIMPOZIJ Hamilton, Kan., 17.-18. sept. 1988 — SPORED — Sobota, 17. september: 2. pop. —- Otvoritev simpozija v cerkvi: Molitev, petje, nagovor (g. dr. M. Jezernik: O pomenu in poteku Slomškovega procesa), in odkritje Slomškovega kipa. Sledi kulturni spored v dvorani: 1. Zborna deklamacija mladine 2. Moški zbor Majolka: Slovenec sem 3. Predavanje z diapozitivi, rev. Celec 4. Mladinski pevski zbor župnije Brezmadežne, Tor. 5. Recitacija — Rev. Dobršek, 1. del 6. Moški zbor: Slomškova: Sloven'c Slovenca vabi 7. Recitacija — 2. del 8. Zenski zbor Hamilton: Preljubo veselje (Slomšek) 9. Recitacija — zaključek 10. Mešani zbor Hamilton: Hišica Očetova Razstava iz Slomškovega življenja in dela — spodnji dvorani. 6. zvečer — Večerja 8. zvečer — Družabni večer: Veseli Pomurci - ples, folklora, petje Nedelja, 18. septembra Slavnostna sv. maša — 10. dop. Somaševanje vodi torontski pomožni nadškof g. Alojzij Ambrožič, pokrovitelj simpozijar Nagovor: p. Bruno Korošak: »Slomšek in Marija«. Pri maši posebej sodelujejo člani Slomškovih društev iz Kanade in ZDA. Po maši: videotrak o Slomšku v spodnji dvorani. 1. pop. — Slavnostno kosilo v glavni dvorani in predstavitev gostov simpozija. 3. pop. — Večernice s predavanjem dr. Ivana Štuhec: »Slomšek in slovenska kultura« — in zaključek simpozija. Slomškov krožek v Clevelandu je naročil avtobus za Slomškov simpozij v Hamiltonu in sporoča vsem članom krožka in drugim častilcem škofa Slomška, da se za avtobus čimpreje prijavijo. Pokličite enega od sledečih odbornikov: Julka Smole______________________ 391-6547 Vinko Rozman______________________881-2015 Frank Urankar_____________________531-8982 Predsednik Slomškovega krožka v Clevelandu, g. John Petrič, je resno bolan in ga priporočamo v molitev. Odbor Slomškovega krožka som, da so lahko napadali Slovence. Sarajevsko »Oslobo-denje« in »Večernje novine« sta svoje tekste o Bogatajevem sojenju naslovila: »Mladinin učinek mržnje« in »Naučen, da mrzi«. Žrtve in žrtve Ti postopki, s katerimi hočejo na »jugu« očrniti Slovence, so tako vedno hujši in v zadnjem času nekateri že prav fantastični. Tudi slovenske politike (npr. Smoleta) so začeli v Beogradu že kar vidno, pred televizijskimi kamerami ignorirati ter se iz njih posmehovati. Ce je slovenska politika hotela v tem nezadržnem pohodu neostalinizma obstati, je morala začeti žrtvovati poleg velikih podarjenih finančnih sredstev, ki so že kar nekaj normalnega, sedaj še ljudi in časopisje. Revija »Mladina« je bila tako žrtvovana kot najbolj kritični časopis. Obsojeni so njen odgovorni urednik Franci Zavrl, urednik David Tasič ter njen komentator Janez Janša. Zlato tele žrtvovanja je nedvomno Janez Janša, ki je postajal kot pronicljivi Mladinin komentator ter eden od kandidatov za predsednika slovenske mladinske organizacije z odličnim reformnim programom, eden najbolj perspektivnih slovenskih mladih politikov. Aretiran je bil v trenutku, ko so Slovenci že začutili, kako kvalitetna je jasnost in reformnost njegovih pogledov. Žrtvovanje Janše, BorŠtner-ja, Tasiča in Zavrla je žalostno dokazovanje lojalnosti slovenske politike beograjski politični čaršiji. (dalje na str. 4) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 774. Jezuit Vladimir Kos iz Tokia nadaljuje svoj sestavek za Marijino Leto, pod zaglavjem: »Vmesni ali misijonski del sv. rožnega venca« takole: Prva skrivnost vmesnega dela...Jezus, ki Ga je hudič skušal v puščavi. Isti hudič lahko odvrne kristjana v zaledju in kristjana na misijonski fronti — od zavzetosti za misijone. Ne smemo niti za hip pozabiti, da zlo, poosebljeno v hudiču in članih njegovega kraljestva, zares živi in deluje in bo delovalo do konca sveta; šele takrat bo »princ sveta« (Jezusova označba Satana: Jan 14:30), »ki je bil zapeljeval narode, vržen v jezero gorečega ž zmeraj« (Raz. 20:10). Druga skrivnost....Jezus, ki je kljub silno neugodnim razmeram uslišal Svojo Mater. Čudež v Kani Galilejski nam ima toliko povedati! Koliko stvari prosimo za misijone, čeprav ne moremo zmeraj vedeti, ali je to, kar prosimo, v zaželeni obliki res prava pomoč; morda pa so druge stvari večje važnosti; toda naše prošnje postanejo s pomočjo zaupanja Marijine prošnje in ona že ve, kako jih bo posredovala Jezusovemu Srcu, ki Ga najbolje pozna. Tretja skrivnost... Jezus, ki je odkrival Nebeško kraljestvo v parabolah. Lahko se ustavimo pri priliki, ki jo je zapisal samo sv. Janez (10:7-10): Jezus je ne le Dobri Pastir, ampak tudi Vhod za »življenje v polnem smislu besede« (10:10). Ali ni celotno misijonsko delovanje izžarevanje te božje ljubezni, da bi čim več ljudi zaživelo to življenje v polnem smislu besede, ki nujno vsebuje tudi odnos ljubezni do presvete Trojice božjega bitja? Lahko se ustavimo pri tisti tako grafično od Jezusa podani priliki o Sejavcu in premišljujemo o vzrokih, ki ovirajo širjenje božje besede tako doma kot v misijonih. In na tisto priliko tudi ne bomo pozabili, ki nam zagotavlja, da je Božje kraljestvo nenehoma rastoče drevo, tudi če te rasti ne moremo zmeraj in povsod statistično izmeriti, posebej ne takrat, ko zadene dele Božjega kraljestva preganjanje. Lahko se tudi ustavimo pri Podobi, ki jo podaja edino Marko (9:48) in kjer Jezus razodeva, da tiste, ki so vrženi v pekel, na veke razjeda skrivnostni črv in na veke muči skrivnostni ogenj, en razlog več, da skušamo rešiti ljudi, ki so posebno izpostavljeni nevarnosti Pekla, ker in dokler ne poznajo pravega Boga. Da je še vedno moderno, računati s prisotnostjo zlega duha in možnostjo pekla, nam kliče v spomin tudi 2. vatikanski zbor: »Bog je poslal svojega Sina v Učlovečenje, da po Njem iztrga ljudi izpod oblasti teme in Satana (prim. Kol. 1:13; Ap. 10:38)« (Ad gentes 3). In: »Zli Duh često zavede ljudi, da se zamotajo v škodlji- va razmišljanja in nadomestijo resnico o Bogu z lažjo in tako služijo raje stvarem kot pa Stvarniku (prim. Rim. 1:21.25). Razen tega so ljudje, ki žive in umro v svetu brez Boga, podložniki brezupa.« (Lumen gentium, 16). Četrta skrivnost....Jezus je obujal od mrtvih. Npr. mladeniča iz Namia, Jairovo hčer, in Lazarja. Zato ker je Jezus kot božji Sin pot, resnica, in življenje. Tisti pravi Bog, ki ga mi oznanjamo, »ni Bog mrtvih, ampak Bog živih« (Mat. 22:32; Mk 12:27; Lk 20:38) — kakšna tolažba za pogane, ki jih skrbi smrt dragih in njihova lastna smrt! Če je človekov odnos do smrti pravilen, je pravilen tudi njegov odnos do kulture, do lastnega naroda in do tujih narodov — vedeti moramo, da »so (zdaj) svet, življenje, smrt, sedanjost, in prihodnost — naši služabniki; mi pa spadamo h Kristusu in Kristus k Bogu.« (1 Kor 3:22.23.) Peta skrivnost....Jezus, ki je pri Zadnji večerji ustanovil presveti oltarni Zakrament, da na poseben način ostane med nami, z nami in v nas; da tako lahko povemo vsem, ki Boga še ne poznajo, kako dobro je poznati Ga, Vanj verovati, Vanj zaupati in Ga ljubiti; pri vsem tem je On tisti, ki »nas je najprej ljubil« (1 Jn 4:19). V mesecu maju krasimo oltarje Marijine in stavimo pred njene kipe rože za našo nebeško Mamico; z rožami — molitvami sv. rožnega venca jo takrat razveseljujemo in jo prisrčno prosimo pomoči za misijonski svet; sam papež Pavel VI. pravi v okrožnici o mesecu maju 29. aprila 1965, da je to »mesec, v katerem se kristjani v cerkvah in po svojih domovih napotijo k Deviški Materi z darovi gorečnosti, večje ljubeznivosti in češčenja; in zato nas v tem mesecu obsipavajo večji darovi usmiljenega Boga, darovi, ki nam jih posreduje Materin prestol tam zgoraj.« (1. odst.) Marijino leto se bliža koncu, saj ga bomo zaključili 15. avgusta, na praznik Marijinega Vnebovzetja. In 21. stoletje se naglo bliža; lahko smo prepričani, da bo Satan napel svoje sile, da to stoletje pridobi zase, in to tembolj, čimbolj napredek človeštva lahko osreči ljudi v svetlobi božje resničnosti — ali pa jih pahne v še večjo in bolj razširjeno suž-nost. Naša moč pa je v Njem, o katerem je zapela Marija, da »premaguje vse, kar je ošabnega srca« (Lk 1:51). (Konec) Smo mi vsi v Marijinem letu postali za spoznanje boljši? Je naša misijonska ljubezen bolj predana in resen nagib za naše sodelovanje pri MZA in drugih organizacijah, podvigih, farah, ki se na svojski način trudijo za rast božjega kraljestva in molijo ter podpirajo naše misijonarje ter misijonarke po vsem svetu raztresene v delu za tiste, ki iščejo Boga in ga z njihovo pomočjo mnogi tudi najdejo? Na MZA pikniku v Milwaukee, Wisconsin, so 24. julija opazili veliko večjo udeležbo naših rojakov iz mesta in okolice, pa tudi iz Chicaga in Joli-eta, ki so bolj oddaljeni. Maševal je g. dr. Jože Gole, ki se je ravno iz obiska domovine vrnil in s seboj prinesel veliko pozdravov od vseh, ki jih je ob obisku tam srečeval. Glavna tajnica Ferjanova se je srečala tudi s sodelavci MZA Joliet, pohitela na o. Filipa Ferjana grob v Lemont in srečala v Westmont bolno go. Ivanko Puc ter predsednico MZA Chicago go. Marijo Remčevo. Čim bomo imeli poročilo o pikniku pri rokah, bomo o njem več poročali. Izvedeli smo, da je v ZD na obisku in da je predaval v Joli-etu in Milwaukeeju frančiškan o. Hugo Delčnjak iz Afrike, kateremu so rojaki zbrali lepe vsote misijonske pomoči. Ali smo ob koncu Marijinega leta bolj za misijone velikodušno darežljivi? Koliko letno odločimo za to vrsto potrebnih v misijonskih deželah? Blagoslovljeni smo, da imamo v clevelandski Ameriški domovini tedensko »Misijonska srečanja in pomenke«. Ali jih redno beremo? Ni li čudno, če kak teden niti ne opazimo, da je bilo to in ono, za vse va- žno in zanimivo, v MSIP obdelano? Urednik »Ognjišča« msgr. Bole je v Clevelandu govoril o verskem tisku v Sloveniji. Sam sem z njim izmenjal vrsto lepih misli o misijonskem delu MZA in njihovem delu v Sloveniji na zlati maši g. Janeza Kopača, ki se je ravno vrnil iz praznovanja v Sloveniji nazaj med svoje rojake v Torontu. Zelo se je zanimal, kako MZA deluje in vesel je bil njene iznajdljivosti. Omenil je tudi, kako je težko iz domovine kako pomoč poslati na misijonski teren. Mi te težave v svobodi ZD in Kanade nimamo. Smo li Bogu za to svobodo hvaležni in radi dajemo od tega, kar lahko utrpimo, ker nas božja Previdnost tako z vsem blagoslavlja? Morda se marsikdo lahko poboljša ob sklepu Marijinega leta in začne sodelovati bolj velikodušno. Iz Pariza nam sodelavka s. Marija Goretti poroča, da je v domovini letos na obisku s. Vida Gerkman zaradi zdravja in s. Terezija Pavlič, obe usmiljenki. Poslala nam je tudi nekaj lepih znamk. Mrs. Agnes Leskovec in Mrs. Mary Zupančič iz Clevelanda želita prevzeti vzdrževanje novega domačega bogoslovca. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Stalinizem v Jugoslaviji (Nadaljevanje s str 3) Sojenja — obračun s Slovenci Z aretacijami ter sojenjem se je pokazala tudi mentaliteta vojske in njena moč. Prav tako je prišla sedaj jasno do izraza sama narava vojske. Sedanji razpleti jasno kažejo, da je njena prvenstvena naloga, obramba sistema ter politične garniture na oblasti. Vojska je pri sojenju ljubljanski četverici z lahkoto samovoljno uporabljala vse pravne norme v najbolj rigoroznih oblikah. Če je že predmet obtožbe čisti konstrukt, so pač morali ta konstrukt ustvariti predvsem s tistimi členi kazenskega zakonika, ki so bolj splošno obarvani in so zato raztegljivi. Sojenje je bilo torej pritisk oz. obračun s Slovenci. Mnogi komentirajo, da jc proces ljubljanski četverici bil potreben tudi zato, da se bo lažje razlomilo slovenske zahteve pri bližajočih ustavnih spremembah. S sojenjem sredi Ljubljane v neslovenskem jeziku je bila grobo kršena ustava Slovenije oz. slovenska suverenost. Javnosti, ki je močno protestirala, se je morala ukloniti tudi slovenska politika. Tako so poleg ostrih protestov slovenskih pisateljev ter mnogih drugih združenj tudi politiki morali izraziti svoje proteste. Jezik kot simbol je seveda pomemben, vendar je še pomembnejša usoda konkretnih ljudi, ki jih je slovenska politika žrtvovala za svoje stolčke. Aretacija in sojenje sta močno mobilizirali slovensko kritično javnost. Vojska je poslala osovražen sloj. Množičnim protestom v domovini so se pridružili tudi ostri protesti iz zamejstva. Demokratična javnost kot temelj modernih družb se tako postavlja na noge. Upajmo, da bo vedno odločnejše. Sojenje v Ljubljani nikakor še ni končano. Obsojeni so trenutno sicer na svobodi, kjer čakajo vročitev obsodb, na katere se bodo potem v roku 15 dni pritožili. Boj za njihovo svobodo ter seveda s tem za svobodo celotnega slovenskega naroda bo še zelo hud, kajti stalinisti ne bodo popustili. Kocelj I'osrvilouil I . Siemensov (Kul. ulus. ■I.K.IVNH/ Novi grobovi (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) Anne M. Navish Dne 9. avgusta je na svojem domu v Willowicku po dolgi bolezni umrla 75 let stara Anne M. Navish, rojena Horvath v Clevelandu, vdova po Johnu, sestra Helen Rakowski ter že pok. Roberta in Michaela, zaposlena pri Graphite Bronze 20 let, do svoje upokojitve. Pogreb bo iz Želctovega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes dopoldne, v eerkev sv. Marije Magdalene in od tam na pokopališče Western Reserve Memorial Gardens. MALI OGLASI Help Wanted Lady to work 8 hrs a day, 5 or 6 days a week, to do cooking & light housework. 481-6549 (59-62) MALI OGLASI For Rent 3 rms near St. Vitus Church. 9 175. Newly renovated, new kitchen, new bath, newly carpeted. Mature adults only. No pets. $200 security dep. Call 261-5121. (FX) Open Siimla) 1 to 4 20450 Ball A%e. Euclid oil E. 200 St. Brick bungalow 3 bdrms A I cond. 2 car garage ft frontage Euclid brick double Excellent cond Good rental Asking .>66,900. George Kuans Real Eslate 481-9300 <59 601 For Rent 4 rms, dn St. Vitus area Prefer male adult 361-7328 evenings V NAJEM 1-družinska, 3-sobna hiša, v okolici sv. Vida. Kličite po 4 uri pop. -- 432-0332. (58-59) For Sale 2 homes on 1 lot. Off E. 53 St. Moving out of state Looking for quick sale. $10,000. Call 289-9463 eves, after 6, or 292-5500, Ext. 364 days. (56-59) For Rent 3 rooms, up. St. Vitus area-Refrigerator & stove inc. Call 881-8353. (58-59) Hiše barvamo zunaj in zno-tiaj. Tapeciramo. (We wall' paper). Popravljamo in dela' mo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska it1 mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNI* Pokličite 423-4444 (x) Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 i_____________________J K P tr P tc a, P. a. SI fi< Ei Al da av P j sio SN % h I j'te K din ha foi 'h. •tol % "'ill M At "it Cl TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. 90SIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolag0 podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! SP Cii "o, »e \k h 'J1 ii 'Vi, ^1« Av S9 je k t Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 Coming Events August 12, 13, 14 25th Anniversary of the Points orchestra group with a Polka Festival at German Cental Farm, 7863 York Rd., arnia, Ohio. Music Friday 6 10 1 a.m.; Saturday 5 to 1 a,nT. and Sunday noon to 10 p,ni- Polka Mass Sunday at 11 a'm- Jam session each day. Sunday, Aug. 14 Super Sports Competition at 'ovenska Pristava, Harpers-'e'd. Sign-ups before 12:30. Jvents begin after 12:30. , '"Pine Sextet band plays for ancing starting at 4:30. Food bailable. Wednesday, Aug. 17 . deration of Slovenian Pen-^oner Clubs Annual Picnic at „ grounds at Heath Rd. Otubination Chicken & Pork ditim ers available by advance lcket purchase ONLY. Danc- ! 'n8 to Krivec Band. Everyone | ^Icome. Saturday, Aug. 20 Kres Folkdancers Sum-erfest at Slovenska Pristava, l,iieneva> Ohio. Mass 5 p.m., ^ner from 6 - 8:30 p.m., pro-f0Hm at dusk. Dance music to °w by the Duke Marsic Or- ltaStra- For tickets ”92'l33g call 39 or 732-8008. Friday, August 26 Si Gal>us singing group will qi ' a concert in Holy Cross (Sv. Križ) in Fairfield, Wj|] i^ct*cut at 8 p.m. There ^ be dancing after the con- Saturday, Aug. 27 \t • ^^orus Celovec ^r*a '0 Concert at Slove Sir - °nal Home’ 6417 St V at 7 p.m. Music by Slovenci. Donation $7. tlckets call 944-5922. Sunda Pil Ju,,uay’ Au8* 28 01386 to Frank, Ohio SVelSOr6d by DSPB, Sti a?d’ Ff°ly Mass at 12 Sg^^b Bishop A. Edward Si ’ celebrant, Revs. raJnfk and Fortunat Sl an’ co-celebrants. At Stations of the ^d Sung Litany of So D^0r reservations call \\ Rozman 881-2015 or St. ( 'ms —“an OOl-ZUl 3 or SI. SiSRrectory 361-1444, or ISlrt ajc 486-3515. Bus will ICCoLta 8:30 a.m. from St. % u '"“n"'ood and 9 a.m. p ____________ •Oq, °St f°r the bus trip is |S. para8a Dorn on St. Clair 1 ^llin'w ay’ AuS«s* 28 5jSl i^q0^ ^*ovenian Home »?,'Po1?meCOming Day with •)>% ahrtS ^usic all after- VaH-e^en‘ng- Tbis year | "Hy y 1 Mii,:adnal will be honored Usici an °f the Year. Sat., Sun., Sept. 3, 4 Bishop Frederic Baraga Days in Marquette and Negaunee, Michigan. Sept. 3 Slovenian Mass 7 p.m. in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette. Sept. 4, 4 p.m. Liturgy at St. Paul Church In Negaunee with Bishop Mark Schmitt of Marquette as primary celebrant and Bishop Aloysius Wycislo, retired bishop of Green Bay, Wis., as guest homilist. Annual Meeting of Bishop Baraga Association at 6:30 p.m. at Northern Michigan University. Tickets $8.00. Reservations must be made directly with motel of your choice. Brochures are available from Marquette Chamber of Commerce, 501 5. Front St., Marquette, MI 49855. Sunday, September 10 Fantje na Vasi Concert, St. Clair Slovenian National Home, instrumental music by Ansemble Veseli Slovenci. Saturday, Sept. 10 First Annual Homecoming of West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130th St. featuring local button box ensembles and musicians plus a variety show with singers and dancers. Sunday, Sept. 11 Federation of Culture Gardens “One World Day Celebration” hosted by the Slovenian Garden which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Yugoslav Cultural Gardens. Saturday, Sept. 17 Newburgh Slovenian National Home presents a Night at the Races — Donation $5. For tickets call 676-6824, 341-7540, 641-9072. Sunday, Sept. 18 Spaghetti and Meatballs Benefit Dinner for St. Mary’s Church, Collinwood, in school cafeteria from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $5, children $2.50. Sunday, Sept. 25 St. Vitus Altar Society Annual Dinner in Auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 25 Slovenian Women’s Union Ohio-Michigan Convention hosted by Branch 10 with 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary (Collinwood) followed by luncheon and meeting. All 18 branches are asked to attend. Sunday, Oct. 2 Friends of Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Sunday Brunch at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 23 Clambake sponsored by Newburgh Slovenian National Home, E. 80th St. Bake or steak'$13.00. For tickets call 676-6824, 341-7540, or 641-9072. Do You Remember? I often feel uneasy when, during the course of an interrogation on a TV detective show, the policeman demands to know, “And where were you between the hours of 9:00 and 10:00 on the night in question?” Of, course, the suspect always provides just the right answer quickly because the actor who plays him has carefully memorized the alibi written in the script. These pat answers, though, make me feel uneasy because, if I had to answer the same question, I’m certain that 1 would confuse the time I was at a specific place, as well as identify the wrong people 1 was with, and never really know just eactly what the date of “the night in question” was. Therefore, I’d be arrested on the spot. How about you? Can you state quickly where you were last week Tuesday between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 PM? How about what you were doing last year on this date? Can you remember what your boss was wearing two days ago? Maddening, isn’t it? Now let’s make matters even more maddening. What do you remember about 1974? If given enough time (and research materials) you might remember that the Miami Dophins won the Super Bowl; that the Oakland A’s won their third World Series in a row; that a little known actor named Robert De Niro was amazing audiences with his portrayal of a young Don Cor-leone in The Godfather Part 11’ that Leonid Brezhnev ruled the USSR: that Richard Nixon was the first president to resign the office in August of the year in question. Do you remember that later in the month of August of 1974, the mixed chorus Callus from the Carinthia (Koroška) region of Austria toured the US and Canada? It certainly does not seem like 14 years have passed since Cleveland Slovenians enjoyed the fine performances of Callus. It does not seem that long because the echoes of their music still resound in our cars. Our hearts are still inspired by the melodies they brought of the Koroška, the place where the Slovenian culture, heritage, and identity was born. And now Callus will return after 14 years to entertain us once more. Under the direction of Rev. Jože Ropitz, the group will perform a concert on Saturday, August 27, at 7:00 PM in the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue. Tickets are $7 and may be obtained in advance by calling Tom Gorensek at 944-5922 or at the door. After the concert Duke Marsic and the Happy Slovenians will provide music for your dancing pleasure. Indianapolis-On July 24, over 100 Slovenians from throughout the Indianapolis area gathered at the Slovenian National Home to vote yes to the formation of the Slovenian Cultural Society (Slomšek Kulturno Društvo). For over six months preparations, discussions, and a mass mailing of newsletters had taken place to organize for the first meeting and call out for the SCS. The Slovenian Cultural Society was formed to address a need in the Slove-nian community in the Indianapolis area. Members of the organizing core group felt a need to reawaken our pride, rediscover who we are, and build a greater sense of community and identity in Indianapolis, a city void of ethnicity. The SCS felt that to remain a viable community, support, membership, and coordination of efforts, by the local fraternals and other Slovenian organizations here should be promoted by the SCS, in addition to our own planned activities. It is the hope and goal of the Slovenian Cultural Society to inspire pride and interest in Slovene culture, especially the language. This is why the. Slovenian name for the society is the Slomšek Kulturno Društvo. Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, probably the most dynamic historical figure in Slovenian history, is well known for his development of the modern day Slovene language, his efforts at book publishing, poetry, and cultural awakening of the Slovenian people. The SCS will try to achieve its goals by starting a Slovenian language class, inviting guest lecturers, beginning an archival heritage room, maintaining a newsletter highlighting Slovenian activities in the area, creating heritage-discovering group activities for members, and taking group trips to other Slovenian events in the midwest. Other activities under con- Plan now to attend so that if anyone asks, “Where were you after 7:00 PM on the night in question, August 27, 1988?” you will be able to answer quickly and have hundreds of people as your alibi. Mojca Slak sideration are the formation of a local accordian club, a collection of colorful, local, immigrant stories, a map of Slovenia where members can locate where their relatives em-migrated from, and the creation of a data base that would include Slovenian families from throughout the area. The SCS also wants to make its membership more aware of the greater Slovenian American community, events occurring in Slovenia today, and the various Slovenian activities and places to visit throughout the United States. To do this, the SCS will encourage subscriptions to the Ameriška Domovina. The Society will be meeting quarterly and dues have been set. The directors of the SCS are currently working on plans for the October meeting, the Charter and by-laws, and our not for profit status. Perhaps readers of the Ameriška Domovina in other communties might be interested in our activities. P.A. Barborič Slovenian Visitors Drago Ovsenik, Jani Ovsenik, Metka Ovsenik, and Jana Ovsenik of Predoslje, Slovenia are currently visiting the Ovsenik family of Willoughby Hills, Ohio. They are here for the wedding of their cousin Annette Ovsenik and Andrew Celestina which took place last weekend at St. Noel’s church in Willoughby Hills. Barbara Vidmar of Perry, Ohio reports, “We will be taking them to see the sights of Cleveland and Washington, D.C., and Niagara Falls during their three week stay”. In Loving Memory Twenty dollar donation was received from Lillian Goryance in memory of her husband, Stanley L. Goryance, who died two years ago on Aug. 16, 1986. Slovene Cultural Society Formed in Indianapolis AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 European trip beyond wildest expectations! by James V, Debevec For 16 days during the end of June, Madeline and I traveled through seven European countries for a dream come true 25th wedding anniversary vacation. The trip was educational. First of all, we learned there are about 450 ways to flush a toilet. While discovering the various water disposal systems, we were introduced to the infamous European “Dragon Lady.” She is the one who stands in front of the doors of the lavoratory and demands money for admittance to the throne rooms. If a female tries to hurriedly sneak past, she’ll grab you by the throat and squeeze until the 20 or 30 cents comes out. It was an interesting situation where sometimes the ladies had only a few minutes before the bus was leaving and the Dragon Lady would demand more compensation than the girls had on them and they.had to run out and borrow funds from friends. In Venice, for example, the toilette is at the very extreme end of St. Mark’s Square and the tour guide said the Dragon Lady’s fee was 200 lira, or about 20n Switzerland instead of through the llmile long tunnel. The week before the pass had beef blocked by snow, and it 'va near the end of June. Oar driver said he’d give it a we started up the side of the 6,935-foot mountain. The & cursion to the top of *haI mountain was one of the m° thrilling experiences of ol)r, lives. Some said it was one the highlights of the entife trip. There were hairpin turt’s and places where one veh'C could and that’s pass, aim mat * ^ Often the front or back end 0 th£ the motor coach hung over side of the mountain. It was exciting adventure which 11 one will ever forget. ■ Late that afternoon we pu* into Lucerne for a two mg stay- kS The city is located by La Lucerne and the mounts behind the lake. ‘ highest peak is Mt. Pilatu0 The next day we took are cable cars to the top mountain. The first car four-passenger enclosed i cle. The second was a suSP^ ed cable car capable of ho*13 ^ I 40 persons in which every0 had to stand. That was the s«' cond most thrilling ride of0^ trip. The ride down was i*1 ^ steepest rail car in the ^ with 45° angle down. « The city of Lucerne has ^ dreds upon hundreds 5 stores. Most of the ll,,'jCeS went shopping, but the P ^ of were so high because u‘ falling American dollar’ yi everyone went home 'vl the Swiss watch they had P ned to purchase there (Continued on nex< P9|! ;e) I Madeline and Jim at St. Mark’s Square in Venice. Jim inside the Colosseum in Kome. European Trip... (Continued from page 6) Madeline also loved the c'ty of Paris. The French people like visitors to speak their language so if you don’t know some of the basic words you have to do a lot of jester-•ng. Fortunately on our first stop Madeline walked into the restaurant and her knowledge of French returned quickly and she was ordering the food for most of the passengers. Our three days in Paris were • a dream come true. Our sightseeing included the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, Madeleine Church, the Opera House, and Notre Dame. A Person could spend a month there and not see everything. We ventured on our own to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory and Michelangelo’s self sculpture. We did some shopping, and had lunch at an outdoor cafe. We were out late and had to take the subway hack to our hotel. The next night our tour Package included an illumination drive through Paris which was magnificent. We had a four-hour dinner across from the Moulin Rouge where an accordion player livened the evening with his vast knowledge of songs. With the Musical accompaniment, Madeline sang “Moon River” to me which was our theme s°ng and earned the applause °f the 200 in the restaurant. Eventually we headed north hack to England and took a hovercraft from Calais to the ^hite Cliffs of Dover. It was astonishing to still see the German cement machine-gun ^placements along the water- ffont. Hpon our arrival in London °ur hotel for the last night on |hc Continent was the Hotel ’ ower which was the best °tel on the trip. It’s about 25 .eet from Tower Bridge which ^the national landmark over Thames River. We walked °Ver it and then underneath it and discovered the Tower of London was next door to our hotel. That is where the Crown Jewels are kept. The trip was an educational experience rather than a relaxing vacation. We saw a lot, we learned a lifetime of history, and made some friends with an exceptionally compatible group of persons from beginning teens to the late 70s. We had fun, and were amazed that we saw so many interesting landmarks and experienced the varied customs of Europe in such a short period of time. As we entered each country we took the money from the last stop and exchanged it for the t? The impressive Eiffel Tower. new currency. We have been hooked, and look forward to other trips to Europe. Travel arrangements were by Kollander World Travel. The only time we handled our luggage was when we left Cleveland and arrived back, or went through customs in England and New York. Our The Tower Bridge in London as seen from our room in (he Hotel Tower. airplanes were on time and our hotel rooms were waiting for us at each stop, and we saw everything as outlined on our itinerary. It was a trip of a lifetime and dream come true and far beyond our wildest expectations and a perfect 25th wedding anniversary celebration. One World Day Cultural Gardens Sunday, Sept. 11 at 2 ,j'llT> the Cleveland Federa-°n °f Cultural Gardens is Crating the 43rd anniver-(|)ry of “One World Day” at e Jugoslav Gardens. re American Slovene Club, Q^esentatives to the Cultural th^en Federation, is hosting event in conjunction with SOth anniversary of the !‘inal dedication of the °Venian Section of the ,u8oslav SloOV,5iav Gardens with Venian Cultural Program Of I!, behalf of the Federation k. uLural Gardens and our tliail ifram Committee we cor- nemb I v * • y invite you and your ers to attend. i enevieve Jaksic Drobnič Ms. Terry Hočevar Ms. Emiiee Jenko GRDINA **£s**:wmm uneral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 85 years. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) 20% SALE All merchandise is reduced at least 20%. Some merchandise is reduced 50% or half price. Now in Progress. Anzlovar Dept. Store 6214 St. Clair Ave. Is- AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 s uO CO O) Memo from Madeline detsy Voinovich, daughter of and Janet H OT 3 O ^ Mayor George .Voinovich, recently graduated 2 with a Master’s Degree in > creative writing frStli Stanford ^University in Pdlo Alto, CA. 5 She has since accepted a posi-°Jion with the Robert Goodman ^Agency, a television produc-^tion firm in Baltimore, MD., abut will retmusJo Cleveland ^this fall to work full-time on her father’s campaign for the US Senate. She is also one of the recipients of the Trans-Atlantic Review Award, offered by the Henfield Foundation to encourage the top young writers in the country. The $1,000 prize was awarded to Betsy, based on short stories she wrote. ' Betsy attended Stanford University on a creative writing fellowship. Last summer, she completed an internship with MTM-TV (Mary Tyler Moore) Productions in Los Angeles. In 1987, Betsy graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Case Western Reserve University. She was a National Merit Scholar, and graduated from Villa Angela Academy. * * * Marian statue to tour 25 diocesan parishes During the month of August the Cleveland diocese will have a unique way of celebrating the end of the Marian Year. The diocese will be hosting the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The statue’s 25-parish tour is sponsored by the Cleveland Division of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Venerating the statue and recalling the Fatima message is a special way for members of the diocese to commemorate the Marian Year, said Dennis Razayeski, Division President of the Blue Army. “This is a significant experience for the diocese,” Razayeski said. “This is not an ordinary statue; it is miraculous. In this Marian Year called for by our Holy Father we are privileged to have Our Lady’s sacred image visit our diocese. A lot of people just don’t know how to celebrate this Marian Year. How do you do something special? This solves the problem. The idea of a traveling statue ' dates to 1947, one year after the original statue of Fatima was crowned in Portugal. A Fatima youth congress wanted to carry a copy of the Fatima statue to Russia. A statue was then fashioned from a block of cedarwood by Portugese sculptor Jose Thedium according to the specifications of Sister Lucia, one of the Fatima children. The statue has been seen and venerated by more than 200 million people or> its journeys through Europe, Africa, Asia, Betsy Voinovich Earns Trans-Atlantic Award and a few Soviet-bloc countries. It has been blessed by Pope Pius XII and Pope Paul VI. The statue has also become known as the “Weeping Madonna” since it has been reported to have shed human tears on 22 occasions. “The statue seems to cry at times of crises or great sorrow,” Razayeski explained. “It really takes a mother’s sorrow seeing mankind reject Christ so readily in our world.” Accompanying the statue is Louis Kaczmarek of the Blue Army national office in Washington, New Jersey. An important dimension of the Marian Year and the visit of the statue is the power of conversion, of bringing people back to the faith, Razayeski said. “One of the things people tend to forget is that the Blessed Mother is so responsible for getting people to come back to the faith,” he said. “It has happened to me and to a lot of other people.” The statue will be at the following locations: Aug. 15St. John Cathedral, Cleveland 6:30 am-2pm St. Mary, Cleveland (Collin-wood) 7 pm. Aug. 19 St. Noel, Willoughby Hills, 10 - 12 noon. Aug. 20St. Cyrian, Perry 5 pm. Aug. 23Ursuline Convent, Pepper Pike 7 pm. Aug. 24 St. Gregory, South Euclid 7:30 pm. Aug. 25Holy Cross, Euclid 7 pm. Gallus Chorus of Celovec, Austria, will perform in concert Saturday, August 27 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. at 7 p.m. Music by Veseli Slovenci. Donation is $7. Tickets are available by calling Tom Gorensek at 944-5922. Suhadolnik Honored by Veterans State Sen. Gary C. Suhadolnik, R-24, of Parma Heights, is one of four recipients of a 1988 legislative award from the Ohio Catholic War Veterans. Suhadolnik is the first Greater Cleveland legislator to receive the award since its inception in 1984. Legislators are nominated by area Catholic War Veterans to a statewide commission that makes the final decision based on the legislators’ voting records on veterans’ issues. Suhadolnik, a graduate of Cleveland State University, has been a state senator since 1981. He is chairman of the Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Environment Committee and the Joint Committee on Agency’Rule an4’'Re,view. He also serves on tlie Finance, Left to right, Cleveland Mayor George Voinovich, son George, Betsy and Peter. Left to right. Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič, wife, Madeleine, and son resort of Portland, Maine. John in the beautiful seaside John Žnidaršič, center, during the performance The Mystery of Kdwin |)rood. Health and Human Services, and Financial Institutions and Insurance committees. Before becoming a state senator, Suhadolnik served as a Parma Heights City Council member. St. Mary’s Parish (Collin-wood) is sponsoring a summer mini-festival on Sunday, August 14th from 2:00 pm until 8 pm. Baked goods, foods and games of chance for all in the old church hall. ’• ’J. y.,.4) bi ■ i ' (Continued on page II) Michael Beyer and Barbara Vidmar Joseph Cimperman Anns Gather Yearly to Observe Name’s Day The eight July birthday Anns are, bottom, left to right, Ann Adams, Ann Cedansky, top, left to right, Ann Rovanšek, Ann Kokal, An" Terrek, Ann Safred, Ann Cebul, Ann Kelly. * Ančka Sterle, Ann Kern, Ann Tomsick, Ann Mrak Ann Kristoff, Ann Muhic, Ann Rovanšek Ann Hočevar, Ann Apanites, Ann Cetina Ann Terček of Euclid, Ohio has been gathering people with the name of Ann together for a luncheon for each of the last four years. The social always occurs around the feast of St. Ann which is July 26. “We started with 18 Ann’s and this year we have grown to 34 with six unable to attend. “We have our luncheon in a different restaurant every year. Our first year was at Sterle’s and we repeated our meal there this year. I have to really scout around to get a place big enough so that all the Anns can be together. “The Anns are asked, ‘Do you know why you were named Ann?’. ‘Who has the most children, the most grandchildren, and most greatgrandchildren.’ This year it was won by Mrs. Ann Sterk of St. Clair area who took all three gifts. This year the oldest is Ann Filipič, 90, and the youngest is Ann Skebe at 61. “The person who came the furthest was Ann Safred from Rocky River, Ohio. There were eight who had birthdays in July. “Our first-time Mother and Daughter were with us this year. They are Mrs. Ann Cebul and Ann Adams. Also for the first time, we had Ann Novak and her husband (only male) with us who played his accordion for a happy sing-along. All Anns love to sing, especially the Slovenian songs. “Being president of Branch 50 of Slovenian Women’s Union of America with 480 members I can find a lot of Anns from our roster, although other Anns are welcome. “The Ann’s came from Rich-_mond Hts., Highland Hts., Wickliffe, Willoughby! Cleveland, but most of them are from Euclid. Ann Tomsick always presents the birthday cake. Ančka Sterle of the Slovenian Country House, being an Ann, also received a name tag. She serves us personally. “The Anns really enjoy this day and look forward to the next one again. God willing, we will all get together next July.” \ I Anne Ryavec, Ann Terček, Ann Tomsick Ann Slapnik Petkovšek, Ann Glavic Ann Požar, Ann Rossman, Ann Kokal Ann Skebe (youngest), Ann Lukek, Ann Evanetich ^est Park Homecoming Sept. 10th ^ghh °rder to alert the ?b°ut ,khood of West 130th ,he W est Park Slovene are walking the •‘'eets j ' a,c waiKing tne %le a^lvering Byers to the P^rx. . * Ourc ic O _____ t* 5e°Ple °ies 9Urs is a variety of ^ 'Eluding Slovenes, I NitL C^ry nationality in- fi^ish iacks’ Asians> and (u After *hey read the pa ^ wil1 be aware of the W c°rnp Slovene Home on (? ' ISA.! 01 McGowan and ^ily r 1 across from -the:-ri° Restaurant. ^ We are announcing our first annual Homecoming Day, a day dedicated to two of our finest salespeople who go out of their way from one end of the city to the other to sell the public on West Park, and the functions at our community center. The Board and members are sponsoring a day of festivities for Saturday, Sept. 10 at 3 p.m. Therp will be several button box ensemWesh known from Lorain to Euclid and Parma who are welcome to perform. They will be scheduled every 1/2 hour or 15 minutes, depending on response. Other musicians are invited for variety. We will also have rockette dancers, duets, quartets, barber shop, rock groups, and who knows, we may have an animal act or “Shamu” - or maybe a wire-walker. Please come and ^jdy"fo6ti,' entertainment and dance at 4583 W. 130th St. h' - uto Join “Doc” Ray F. Loushin sept. 8 Cruise & Tour ALASKA/o/* 12 Day, via Holland American & West Tours for information G. McIntosh aH .wsi 831-1700 or 261-0059 AMERISK^DOMOVINA^XUGUST 1 g. 1988 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 rT’fr* On July 22, a busload of our members enjoyed the day at the Sharon, Pennsylvania Summer Festival. Mollie and I did not go along on this trip, since our grandchildren, Lauren and Robert were vacationing here from Dallas Texas. Understandably, we spent that time with them. While our rpftnjbers were enjoying the SftarcNi Festival, we took Lauren and Robert to the Cleveland ,Qtil$rens Museum, and then tpured the city via Lolley the jljflpllcy. Although I cannot givejrtfQH a first hand report on jhf-iSharon trip, 1 spoke to sptripryvho were there, and all ofi^^ir reports were very favorable. Next week, on Wednesday, August 17th, at 12 noon, our chartered bus will roll out from East 65th and St. Clair, and wind its way to Heath Road in Kirtland, to the SNPJ Grounds, to take part in the Federation of Pensioners Annual Picnic. Bus reservations went fast and I doubt if any seats will be available as you read this. But if suddenly you have decided to join us, call me at 391-9761 and you may be lucky. If not, some will be traveling by private car, and.... Susan Wendling, a registered nurse from the Cataract Eye Center, guest speaker at our July meeting, gave an explanation of cataracts, and outlined the services available to Senior Citizens, through their “Outreach Optic” program. Basically, we were told, that with Medicare coverage, one can get this service at no cost to the patient. At the conclusion of her talk, Nurse Wendl- ing responded to questions from the members, and invited them to call her if needing further information or help at some later date. We thank Susan Wendling for her interesting and very informative talk. The date of our next meeting is Thursday, August 18th. Yes 1 know that this is the day after the Federation picnic, but we hope that you will all attend the meeting too. We have scheduled a speaker from the'- Cardinal Retirement Village, who will tell us about a new type of living available to Senior Citizens. Come and hear what is available to us in the way of carefree living. Bring a friend along too. Our speaker assures us that she will not come empty handed. A pleasant treat is part of their program. Are you ready for the next bus tour??? Be prepared to make your reservation at the coming meeting. According to our tour coordinator, one is in the planning. Attend the meeting and learn the details. Member Julia Kamber, who is now living at the Gateway, in the Euclid Family House, wishes to thank those who sent her cards or remembered her in some way. She states that at age 92, it is so nice to know that someone still remembers and cares. By the way, Julia fell recently and has her foot in a cast. I’ll bet a card from you would cheer her up. Our president, Marge Kaus, is still depending upon her walker to get around, but promises to discard it GLADLY as soon as possible. She misses attending our meetings, and we in turn miss seeing her, presiding at our meetings with her gavel in hand. In the meantime, our V/P, Antoinette Krajc, has capable taken up the slack during Marge’s absence, and has the full support of the members. By the way, did you know that Antoinette is the proud mother of Ray Krajc of the popular Fairport Harbor Button box group??? Our recording secretary, Jan Krivacic and her husband, who both were hospitalized some time ago, arc at home now and much improved. We hope to see Jan back with us soon also. John Zarnick’s recovery now allows him to attend an occasional community affair or function. Stella Strauss tells us that husband Frank, our member, is making steady progress. Ann Milautz can be seen almost daily, as she takes short strolls with her walker. With determination and the help of her niece, Olga Marinič, she is bound to get better. I have had no other reports of ailing members, so I can only assume that they are in satisfactory shape. 1 would love to say “excellent shape”, but who would 1 be kidding. A wise old codger once said, “I know that my health will not gel better, but as long as it doesn’t get worse, I will be grateful.” Final reminders: Those going by bus to the Federation Picnic. The bus will be in front of the SNH on St. Clair at 11:30 am, and will leave soon thcrafter or at the latest at 12 noon. Remember our meeting on Thursday, August 18lh, at 1:30 pm in the Annex of the SNH. See you there. Stanley J. Frank, Secretary “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” Independent sPavings bank • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. 'Balances $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. MEMBER FSIJC ' Federal Saving, • Loan Ineurance Corp [--------------i Your Saving* Insured to $100.000 Holmes Pensioners Enjoy Picnic On Wed., July 12 the Holmes Ave. Pensioners held a picnic at St. Joseph’s grounds on White Rd. The picnic began at 12 noon. Roast beef sandwiches, prepared by Julie Zalar, were served by members. Baked goods were donated by members. A short business meeting was held at 1:30 p.m. by president Gus Petelinkar. Music was by Chuck Krivec band and members. Bingo was played and the caller was Joe Zabukovec. Thank you, Joe. And the winners are... Chuck and ITi ilii .Ij ij n Jtllnii III Bil'I Ml Mtltn place in the wafer balloon contest. Games were played and again we thank Jennie and Carl Schultz for all the planning and the photos. The water balloon contest was won by Chuck and Bertie Erzen. There was a pie eating contest and a diaper contest. We thank all participants who were such good sports. We thank all members, friends and guests who attended to made it such a success, and all members who worked in any way. Don’t forget the Federation Picnic which will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at SNPJ Farm. Cook for the dinner is Julie Zalar. This is a time when you can meet other pensioners from other clubs. On July 20 a bus trip was taken to Bear Creek, Ohio. We had a stop for breakfast, then Schwebel’s Bakery. A buffet luncheon was enjoyed at Bear Creek and a hay ride. On the return trip we stopped at Chagrin Falls, then headed Jiome. We appreciate Carl and Jennie Schultz for all the trips and photos. More trips are planned and are posted at each meeting. Our get well wishes are sent to our president Gus Petelinkar who had surgery. All members, and friends wish you a speedy recovery. Ann Stefančič John Kausek and Christine Bolden won the “Diaper Contest’ at the Holmes Pensioners Picnic July 13 at St. Joseph’s PicnR' Grounds in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Memo from Madeline (Continued from page 8) The Chancery of Cleveland has announced the appointment of Father Joseph J. Lieberth, to co-chaplain, University Hospitals of Cleveland, with residence at St. Mary (Slovenian), Cleveland, from co-director, permanent diaconate office and residence, St. Michael, Independence, effective Aug. 16. * * » Pilgrimagc-to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, (Frank) Ohio, on Sunday August 28th. This will be “Slovenian Day” at the shrine and Bishop Edward Pevec will he the main celebrant at the 12 Noon Mass. For bus reserva-tions and for more info call Vinko Rozman at 881-2015. * * * On Sunday August 28, 1988, Collinwood Slovenian Home, located on 15810 Holmes Ave, w*ll have its Annual Homecoming under the, big •ent honoring Tony Vadnal. There will be music, food, refreshments, and free balloons for the kids. Admis-sion is free. A parade will start from the >CA Hall at 15901 St. Clair Ave. at 1:00 PM and end at lhe Collinwood Slovenian Home parking lot. Par-bcipants interested in par-t'cipating in the parade should he at 15901 St. Clair Ave at 12 Noon. Music for dancing all after-n°on by Homes Hall But-tonaires, Corky Godec Band, Mike Wojtila Orch., Art ^erko Orch., Bob Schauer ^rch., The Sumrada Brothers, Northern Ohio Players, and Cecilia Dolgan and Children of Circle 2. The conclusion of the festivities will be held at 8:30 M in the upper hall at which |lrile Tony Vadnal will formal-i he honored, after which °hnny Vadnal and his band 'v'll play for dancing. Vidmar-Beyer Engagement Announcement is made of vid engagement of Barbara ^ar, daughter of Mr. and Qlrs- Frank Vidmar, 3030 Red ak Drive, Perry, to Michael 2 Beyer, son of Gloria Beyer, * Parmly Road, Perry, he bride-to-be is a 1987 arirfUatC Perry hf‘8h School Sj( at,ends Edinboro Univer-fi y °f Pennsylvania. Her is a 1984 graduate of fjrry High and attends tgt) 'ay College. He is assis-C ' manager at Rent-A-‘n Painesville. ai he wedding is May 27, 1989 Cl Vitus levHand. Church in •». * * * Th vvgs e Brendan Carey Award Cini Presented to Joseph M. rec Peri«an of Cleveland, in ’ioa nil’0n of his total dedica-St. | anc* oommitment to the nat'us High School Pro-4h(| s generosity of time ''0a ^ has been an inspira-his classmates, his .» i . vii: 'i. - ».»ti* school and the community. Joseph also received honors and was the Most Promising Artist for 1988. Later this month he will begin classes at John Carroll University. He is the son of Joe and Majda Cimperman, and brother of Sister Maria Cimperman O.S.U., Cleveland, Ohio. * * * Congratulations to Slovenian golfer Richard Zukol of Ed-mondton, British Columbia, Canada who finished in 10th place in last weekend’s PGA St. Jude Classic Golf Tournament held in Memphis, Tenn. Zokol shot 279 was only four strokes off the winning score. For his efforts he received $21,143. A feature article on Zokol along with a picture of his family including twins, appeared on the Cultural Page in the March issue of American Home. He is related to a number of Slovenians in the Greater Cleveland area. His cousin Tony Grdina and his wife, Betty travel around the country watching him shoot golf in various tournaments. Another Slovenian golfer David Ogrin of Illinois, scoicd a 284 in the same tournament and was in the first half finishers with $5,521 in prize money. * * * Congratulations to John Žnidaršič formerly of Euclid, Ohio and presently teaching in New York City, who is spending this summer with the Sanford, Maine Stage Company. Žnidaršič is choreographer and has the lead role in the musical play, ‘‘The Mystery of Edwin Drood” where the audience votes for their choice of who is the villian. The Mystery of Edwin Drood is loosely based on an unfinished story by Charles Dickens. It played at the Imperial Theater beginning in 1985 and closed after 608 performances playing to full houses when it closed on May 16, 1987 and won five Tony Awards including Best Musical and Best Original Score. Žnidaršič has directed, produced and choreographed and performed in a wide variety of plays, musicals and operas. Roles include Charley in Where’s Charley, Grocho in Minnie’s Boys and the man in Marry Me a Little. As a director/choreographer, John has been responsible for such productions as Hello Dolly, Irene, Babes in Arms, You Can’t Take It With You and Story Theatre. He has worked extensively with the New York Grand Opera, New Jersey State Opera and Connecticut Grand Opera. A native of Cleveland, John has studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music, The Julliard School and has recently returned from an extensive opera program in Florence, Italy. . i (>•- li'.H • < iilU. ti - jl '.a .iolod0) >(lfi His parents are Dr. Adolph and Madeleine Žnidaršič of Cleveland who rented a condo and with sister Margaret flew to Portland, Maine. John’s brother Michael also came up from Baltimore to see the play. Cheering their cousin were Mary Lourdes and Joseph Ogrinc of Bratenahl, Ohio. Ray and Lil Novak of Strongsville, Ohio drove to Portland and stayed at the same condo complex across from the Žnidaršič clan for three days. The entire group met the cast after the performance and Lil said, ‘‘They were a delight to be with, and all are very talented.” John Žnidaršič played the deranged uncle and received Rave Reviews from the tough Sanford Drama Critic. The Mystery of Edwin Drood played from July 27 to Aug. 13. The Novaks continued their holiday and enjoyed the cool -Jempei aun'c ""■■I lovely scenery at Campobello, the summer home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Campobello Island, off New Brunswick, Canada. They also stopped at Lake Placid, New York, and Nova Scotia. * * * Get well wishes to Bandleader Joseph Tomsick who was hospitalized in Euclid General Hospital as a result of an automobile accident last week. He is now recuperating at home. - *-* • Fantje na Vasi will hold their annual concert this year on Saturday, Sept. 10 at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. The concert begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed by a dance and social featuring Duke Marsic’s “Veseli Slovenci” orchestra. Tickets arc $6.00 and may be obtained by contacting Mark Jakomin (289-2559), John Srscn (946-9607) or John Tominc (382-2530/). Best Wishes Emilee Jenko of Emilee’s Beauty Salon extends birthday greetings to Nancy Walden, Jerry Rovanšek, Ted Janas, Theresa Marie Vegh, Mary Azman, and Jennie Medved. Also a special birthday wish to Mickey Sadowsky from Emilee and Rikk. Anniversary wishes to William and Marie Azman, Frank and Mary Vadnal, Frank and Lena Siewiorek, and August and Ann Ryavec. Friday, Nov. 25 Collinwood Slovenian Home sponsors a Thanksgiving Dinner-Dance with music by Johnny Vadndl Orchestra. Saturday, Dec. 31 Newburgh Slovenian National Home, E. 80th St. New Years Eve sit down dinner includes bottle. $50 per couple. For tickets call 676-6824, 341-7540 or 641-90-72. .. ", m'jai yba- u — Recent Deaths — n JOHN SIMCIC John Simcic, 79, owner of Simcic Tavern, died of cancer on Tuesday, Aug. 9 at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. He was born shortly after the turn of the century near Trinidad, Colorado. His father became homesick and returned to Slovenia with his family. The young Simcic grew up in Sapjane, Yugoslavia but returned to the United States as a young man in 1925. He was owner of a Euclid tavern for 35 years and loved providing customers with polka music, eating, drinking, and dancing. M- Simcic was named Euclid Man of the Yeai in 1986 and received a plaque from then Mayor Anthony J. Giunta. He earned his award for his work with immigrants. He is survived by two sons, Frank of Burton and John of Euclid; and a daughter, Madelyn Zuber of Euclid. His wife since 1938, Elsie, died in 1984. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 13 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Donations to The American Cancer Society and Slovene Home for the Aged in his memory would be appreciated. Visitation Friday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Carst-Nagy Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 486-2322 “Serving the Slovenian Community. BERNADETTE KRIBBS Bernadette Kribbs (nee Avsec), 39, died suddenly Saturday, July 30 at Euclid General Hospital. She was the wife of Dale and mother of John and Mark (dec.); daughter of William and Mary (nee Hochevar) Avsec (both dec.); sister of William D. Avsec of Lorain and Sister Mary Avsec, SND of ChardoH;,r,bfid aunt of seven. Services were'Held Thursday, Aug. 4 at-nStV William’s Church in Eiicfi^l with burial at All Souls Cemetery in Char-don. Zak 'Ftitieral Home handled the afrtthgements. The family Wibiuld appreciate contributions to the Sisters of Notre Dame, 13000 Auburn Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. Bloodmovile at St. Vitus Aug. 15 The Red Cross will be at St. Vitus Catholic Church on Monday, Aug. 15 between 1 and 7 p.m. to collect blood from donors. In Memory Marie Kromar, Joan Turek, and John Turek, donated $100 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Frank A. Turek. Mr. Turek was a former editor of Ameriška Domovina. Meeting Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 50 will have a Pot Luck Dinner on Monday, Aug. 15 at 6 p.m. at the Euclid Park Club House, 0. 222 and Lake Shore Blvd. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • Ho Branches nor Affiliations p Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director JRoy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 12, 1988 12 Kres Folkdancers at Pristava Aug. Slovenian Folklore Will Sparkle Again at Its Best!!! The youth of Cleveland’s Slovenian community, engaged in the continuation and preservation of the rich Slove- I Ulcers I Peptic ulcers are sores or raw spots that develop in the lining of the digestive tract. They can form in the stomach (gastric ulcers) or in the duodenum (duodenal ulcers), the tube that leads from the stomach to the intestines. Ulcers form when the acidic digestive juices that break down food burn through the mucus and secretions that normally protect the stomach and duodenum. Patients with peptic ulcers generally cannot tolerate normal amounts of stomach acid or acid in combination with certain enzymes. A burning or gnawing pain in the abdomen is a common symptom, occurring shortly after eating, hours later or even in the middle of the night. It lasts from a half hour to three hours at a time. At first, eating or taking an antacid relieves the discomfort. The pain usually occurs daily for several weeks, subsides for a time, then recurs. Some people feel no pain until serious complications occur. An ulcer may bleed slowly, which leads to anemia, or suddenly, sending the body into shock. An ulcer which perforates the duodenum allows stomach contents to leak into the abdominal cavity, infecting its lining (peritonitis). A severe ulcer may block food from passing into the intestine. The complications cause bloody or dark, tar-like stools; excruciating abdominal pain; and vomiting. Physicians are not sure why ulcers form in some people. They do know that certain factors add to a person’s chances of developing an ulcer; family history of ulcers; heavy drinking; heavy cigarette smoking; long-term use of aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs (as in the treatment of arthritis). Stress seems to be a factor in some cases. nian heritage, will hold their annual folklore celebration with an outdoor performance of Slovenian folk dances and customs. The Slovenian folk dance group Kres, which means bonfire, will present its yearly program on an outdoor stage at the Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio on Saturday evening August 20. The evening begins at 5:00 p.m. with a Mass celebrated at the memorial chapel on the grounds. A delicious dinner, featuring pork roast or charcoaled steaks, will then be served from 6 until 8:30 p.m. The program will follow at sunset. With the dusk settling on the Alpine facade which serves as the backdrop for the stage, the spotlight will focus on the beautiful Slovenian costumes, from the many different regions, twirling in a blaze of color and glitter. The audience will also be able to join the youths in happy danc- ing, after the performance, to the music of the Duke Marsic Orchestra. To find the Slovenska Pristava, take 1-90 East and exit at the Guieva exit (exit no. 218). Next, turn right off the freeway and onto Rt. 534. Follow Rt. 534 for approximately 2 miles and then turn right onto S. River Rd. About 1 mile down, one would turn right onto Brandt Rd. The Slovenska Pristava is at the end of the street. Admission will be $4 per person, with children 14 years of age and younger being allowed to come for free. There will also be a $1 per car parking charge for all non-members of Slovenska Pristava. For ticket reservations and any further information, contact Mark at 732-8008 or Peter at 692-1339. Cleveland’s Slovenian youth cordially welcome all to their evening and promise an enjoyable time for everyone. M.P. ---T Josefs Hair Design Richmond Heights, Ohio 461-8544 or 461-5538 Attention All Brides The American Home Publishing Co. offers a complete line of Wedding Invitations and Accessories for the bride-to-be. Several books are available to choose from and all at a 20% discount for Ameriška Domovina subscribers. Shop around and compare prices. You will agree the 6117 Si. Clair Ave. American Home offers the BEST Cleveland, OH 44103 IN QUALITY AND PRICES. Tel- 361-4088 Slovenia’s Role in Yugoslavia Now Under Very Serious Discussion The recent conviction by a Yugoslav military court in Ljubljana of four persons, who were accused of having in their possession a copy of a secret military document, has intensified a discussion within Slovenia about the constitutional position of Slovenia in the Yugoslav federation. Slovenia economically is by far the most advanced of the Yugoslav republics and provinces. It produces a disproportionate share of the country’s wealth, has the highest standard of living, and in political terms is the most liberal and pro-western of all the areas of Yugoslavia. At the same time, Slovenia pays an equally disproportionate share in subsidizing the economically — and politically — more backward parts of the country. Increasingly, Slovenes chafe at what they regard as their subordinate position in Yugoslavia. The recent military trial in Ljubljana was conducted in Serbo-Croat, not Slovene, a deliberate slap at the Slovene people, as asserted by Božidar Debenjak, a member of the ruling Slovene Communist Party’s Central Committee. In recent days reports have been printed in the Slovene media which describe how military security police have engaged in systematic efforts to compromise Slovenes serving in the armed forces. They have pressured some Slovene soldiers to get fellow Slovenes to say negative things about the Yugoslav military, Yugoslavia, non-Slovenes, etc. The conversations have been taped and used in subsequent trials. It is part of a systematic attempt by the military hierarchy, which is Serb-dominated, to blacken Slovenia and Slovenes in the eyes of other Yugoslav citizens and thus lay the groundwork for overt pressure to stop the political liberalization process Slovenia is spearheading. The most recent threat to Slovenia is that of having a large number of Serbs and others from the southern parts of Yugoslavia come to Ljubljana to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with what is going on in Slovenia, to demand that Slovenia go along with proposed constitutional changes that would reduce Slovenia’s autonomy vis-a-vis the rest ol Yugoslavia, and in general to agitate in behalf of the antidemocratic elements who have consolidated their control over Serbia and other southern republics. There is now a debate in Slovenia over how to respond to such a provocation. Since it is clear the organizers ol a kind of “March on Ljubljana” hope to provoke violent incidents, which would prove to the rest of the country and the world how chaotic things are in Slovenia, the suggested response by Slovenes is to ignore completely such a demonstration. No Slovene would leave his home on the day of the demonstration; streets would be completely empty. This would avoid any incidents and at the same time display the contempt Slovenes would have for the demonstrators and, especially, those 'n the background who would he manipulating them. The anti-Slovene campaign coming from Serbia and othet areas of Yugoslavia, coupled with the disastrous — ^ worsening — economic situation in Slovenia and Yug0‘ slavia (the most recently available figures from Slovenia if dicatc a 188% annual inflatio11 rate), has led more and more’ Slovenes to consider whether the Slovene people would no1 be better off outside the Yug0' slav state, whether an indepef dent Slovenia would not be a more viable option. Other5 argue for a restructuring 0 Yugoslavia into a true conie-deration of states, such as Sl°' venia, Croatia, etc., each 0 which would in most respee15 be virtually independent. u course, in present circuf stances, such discussions arC more informal than anythin else, since all such specula^0,11 is treated particularly by an Slovene elements in YugOs*a via as “separatism” and equivalent to treason. Yet t* a clear sign of how much * ^ economic and political sib13 lion in Slovenia and Yug°s*a via has deteriorated in the If few vears that talk about a ' . nl' independent Slovenia is ^ ever more prominent topic conversation. . — Rudolph M. *llsC In Loving Memory of My Parents and Brother Anton Može Sr Helen Može Father Mother 1886-1955 1896-1982 Louis Moze Brother 1926-1943 Fondly missed by their son & brother Anton Moze Jr. and wife Kay Cleveland, Aug. 12, 1988.