1 m I The Oldest Slovene Daily in Ohio Best Advertising Medium NAK _ Vricev. T >. \ --ubUcivk' od na delo za nase Vrtce.—Mirko G. Kuhel. je noč padla na fnorje in od nikjer ni bilo nobene pomoči, je Irec pokleknil in tiho molil. Anglež je kot gentleman iz spoštovanja za pobožnosti Irca snel klobuk. Škot pa, misleč, da bo Anglež s klobukom v roki pobiral prostovoljne darove, se je pognal v morske valove in utonil. Iz stare domovine Za vse diš, pri j at < 'tvoj dar. ! božič. ;1J> IZPRIČUJ [ ODSEKOM'i .i.isi pineal oitmo svoje-' Cleveland, O. j ga, plačal si tudi za tiste gospo-; (Dalje iz 1. str.) Minulo je staro leto minulo de' ki so ^ drobtinico v razliko med privatnimi in jav- je veselje, žalost in trpljenje, minulo je vse z odhodom stare- ni- loko,, da so te nekoliko oslepeli, jnimi posojili za vojne države Prijatelji, zakaj vpijejo in pišejo časopisi cele strani kadar ka- brez vednosti Bryana. ga leta. Ah je res to? Ne, m-1-' , .. , . , , . Morgan in Vanderlip sta pn- . . , 0 v j i ka kompamja kaj da, zakaj ne , , . „ . , \ kakor ne, to so samo nase do- / * J . , . : znala, da je ze v oktobru 1914 mišlije, nič drugo. Prišlo je de- | takrat ko odvzamejo, zakaj sa-; , , , . ... nastopila nova nevtralnostna , , , . . ,mo hvala, zakai se trdi ne gra- . , te mlado, veselo dvigalo roKe . TT . . , , . , politika in da ne moreta razu- , , , , , _ . ija? Hvala je zato ker je de- ^ .. „ . . . , ter predstavljalo novo leto. Pol- •; . , , . ... . meti Bryanove izjave od dne vr. , • ! lavstvo slepo, gluho, ne vidi in on . . noc je odbila, nastopilo je novo .... ,. . ... .. ... jan. 1915. , , * , . . ' , j, , i ne shsi tiste voditelje, kateri se leto, stan in mladi so si stiska-;, ... , , , AT __ ' . ..........• ! bojujeic v prid delavstva. Ne sa- Senator li roke ter si vosem vse najbolje j J , - i , . mo to, v novem ravno početem letu. L. ^ bo ^ y bran delaveai : kateri je Morganov partner Da Vse veselo m reootfno v obra- j ^ bomQ bo eb% za. | vidson Ma 1915 jaI an zih ob nastopu novega leta, par1 I bojujejo v prid delavstva. Ne sa- Senator Nye je danes mecl dIo izdali bomo tistega,j drugim prečital brzojavko, v minut po vsej radosti ti pa ši- češ d„ ip cPnntnr cm celi čas, kar obstoji delova-!!JC Skupnih društev v Clevelan-l11'' Ko sedaj stopamo v deseto t0' P°vdarja še, da delujemo naprej skupaj reka v roki, da boljšamo našo S. S. P: Z. Poročilo podpredsednice »e-stre M. Vidmar. Ona marljivo jleluje skozi pet'let in sedaj do-napreduje pri Vrtcu št. 11 kot nadzornica. Poročilo tajnika, obenem bla-c Jnika. On je vodil korespon- Candon, Anton Wapotich. Eraz-mus Gorshe in Jchn Renko. ■ Št. 26 Joseph Stefancich, Fr. Pucel, John Zaman, John Bohinc, Peter Šter. Št. 87 John Kardell in Frank Kavšca. Št. 204 Marge Vidmar, Fran-, lavcev proti sedanjemu sistemu, ces Pucel in Wanda Trebeč. j kateri nas biča in muči do gro-Št. 215 Anton Zupancich in' ba. V združenju je moč in v slo-Mary Bashel. ' gi j« boj, zatorej na delo za več- Torej malo bolj dolgo smo se'jo Slovensko Svobodomiselna zamudili, vendar je bilo vse mir- j Podporno Zvezo in v korist denim potom rešeno. Brat predsed- lavskih pravic. št. 120 Mary Cerkvenik in | nik še enkrat poživlja vse za-Agnes Jerich. ' stopnike in zastopnice na pri- št. 144 Gašper Segulin. hodnjo sejo in zaključi sejo ma- st. 198 Stanley Race, Ed-1 lo pred polnočjo, ward Centa, John Kikol in Char- John Kardell, les Koman. zapisnikar. DRUŠTVENE URADNE OBJAVE DRUŠTVO ŠTEV. 24 Milwaukee, Wis. Vsem članom društva "Balkan" št. 24 naznanjam, da sem prevzel tajniški posel za leto 3936. člani ste prošeni, da se v vseh ozirih tikajočih se društva obrnete na spodaj podpisanega. Sklep zadnje seje je bil, da se opozori vse starše, kateri imate otroke v odraslem ali mladinskem oddelku, da jih pripeljete na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 12. januarja, ob 9:30 dopoldne v navadnih prostorih. Vsem članom S. S. P. Z. želim srečno in veselo Novo leto! Joe Widmar 427 So. 3rd St., soba št. 1, 1. nadstropje DRUŠTVO ŠTEV. 104 Chicago, 111. Cenjeni bratje in sestre: — Kakor sem že zadnjikrat poročal glede veselice, katera se bo vršila dne 18. januarja, "1936, v Fleiner dvorani, ste naproše-ni, da se vsi udeležite in pripe- ga do nco in obenem dobro pazil na denar kam ali kako se ga shra-'u v kako korist se ga pora-fla ne bi zopet po nepotrebnem zmrznili, kakor nas je izu-uio Prejšnja leta. Št. 215 poroča, da imajo eno novo članico. Brat Stokel vpraša zaradi tega, ker je bilo sklenjeno, da se za delavce pri zadnji olimpijadi priredi malo večerje. Wavpotič in Koman odgovarjata, da se gotovo vrši na prihodnji seji, katera se bo vršila tretjo soboto' zvečer v januarju v Slov. Del, Waterloo Rd. Sedaj preide na vprašanje, kaj je odbor za pravila ukrenil. Brat Pucel pojasnjuje da tu je preveč prizadeta naša Zveza, ko se odtrga sedem dni bolniške podpore; da s tem nam ni mogoče napredovati in to se mora takoj vzeti v poštev. Brat Gorshe stavi predlog, da bi se prečitalo kaj ie odber za pravila od Skupnih društev sklenil. Brat Lisch je mnenja, da bi bilo boljše ako se pošlje vsakemu zastopniku e-)io kopijo,-da vsaki lahko dobro preflčita in pojasni na prihodnji seji ako se strinja z vsemi toč- gT - kami, eno kopijo pa da se posije federaciji društev v Penn-svlvaniji ako se s tem strinjajo. Precejšnja debata se je vnela med zastopniki zaradi bolniške podpore in prišli smo do zaključka, da se da nalogo glavnemu odboru, da takoj spremeni iz se-dern dni na 5 dpi za odtrgan je bolniške podpore. Zopet se je vnela, ostra debata ko je večina zastopnikov protestirala zakaj se tira mladino pod 18. letom starosti iz mladinskega v odrasli oddelek. Zastopniki poročajo, da so clevelandska društva zelo prizadeta in da bodo izgubila veliko naših dobrih, mladih članov in članic po nepotrebnem. Kar se tiče preselitve glavnega urada bo poročano na prihodnji seji. Obenem je tudi zbornica odgla-sovala, da se iz blagajne Skupnih društev vsakemu delegatu plača dnevnico za tri dni, da bo vsako društvo bolj lahko poslalo delegata na prihodnjo konvencijo" Brat Candon poroča, da zbolel dne 12. decembra, umrl pa je 18. dec., ob 6:15 zvečer. Pokojni se je prehladil in nastopila je pljučnica, kateri je v šestih dneh podlegel. Rojen je bil leta 1882 v selu Volari na Hrvatskem, kjer zapušča soprogo Anno Karol in tri sinove: Paul, Joe in Steve ter hčeri Stello in Alice. Bodi ti, sobrat Karol, lahka ameriška zemlja! John Milakovich, tajnik in blagajnik. » * • DRUŠTVO ŠTEV. 227 Chicago, 111. Spodaj podpisani naznanjam, da sem prevzel tajniške posle pri društvu "Rožnik" ter prosim člane, da redno plačujete' svoje prispevke in tisti, ki pošiljate po pošti, pošljite prav gotovo do 20. v mesecu. Naznanjam članstvu sklep zadnje seje, da vsaki član plača v mesecu januarju naklado 25c v društveno blagajno. Vabim vse člane, da se udeležite prihodnje seje, ki se vrši dne 16. januarja, ob 8. uri zvečer v dvo-ljite svoje prijatelje, da se po rani br. P. Berger, 2653 South domače zabavamo, ker to gre za j Lawndale Ave. Na tej seji se bo društveno blagajno. Torej, ne vzelo pravila v pretres, ker bli-pozabite dobro oglašati to vese- ža se deveta konvencija in treba lico med svojimi prijatelji in bo kaj ukreniti ali se pošlje de-znanci. Ilegata cd našega društva ali ne, Obenem tudi prosim vse čla- |da. ne bo potem kakega preieka-ne, da .poravnajo svoje društve- nja. ne prispevke, ter da se udeleži-1 Na sviden je m Bliža se čas konvencije. Razprav o pravilih je prav malo: kot izgleda je vsem prav. Tu pa tam se kateri oglasi, kar je malenkost naprav številu našega članstva. Na drugi seji naših društev je nominacija delegatov, tretja seja v tem letu je pa še bolj važna, ker bodo volitve delegatov. Tukaj je treba izvoliti take člane, kateri so delavci za la lepe vence v spomin. Poleg gori omenjenih zapušča pokojni v stari domovini očeta, ki je že precej v letih, soproga mu je pa umrla pred 20 leti. Tebi, Frank, bodi lahka ameriška gruda! No, tukaj imate zopet vzgled kako dobro je če je človek pri kakšnem društvu ko pride nesreča! kajti nobeden ne ve kje ga smrt doleti. Torej, rojaki, ki še niste naši člani, pristopite k društvu št. 2 SSPZ v Claridge, Pa. in nihče se ne bo kesal. Vpišite tudi vaše sinove in hčere in ponosni boste. Sedaj pa še enkrat opomin jam našo Zvezo; naj ne govori prija- naše člane, da prav gotovo pla-teljstvo ampak zmožnost in res- j čate asesment do 24. v mesecu, na volja do dela za S. S. P. Z. in Ne dopustite, da se vas suspen-članstvo. Tu je čas, da podamo svoje mišljenje in razum, da pošljemo take na konvencijo, ki v resnici zaslužijo biti imenovani delegati. 4i:> Dopisi članstva Lepo čedno sobo z parno gorkoto se odda v najem poštenemu fantu. Poseben vhod; s hrano ah brez. Vpraša se na 7114 Donald Ave., Suite 2. dira. Pridite na sejo, ki se bdi vršila dne 19. januarja, da boste slišali poročilo nadzornikov in vedeli kako napredujemo. Tudi tisti, ki ste na posojilu, pridite redno plačevati v društvena blagajno, ker sami veste, da i-mamo vedno veliko stroškov. Anton Menart, taj. DRUŽABNI VEČER Dr. Naprej, št. 5 SNPJ v soboto 11. januarja k JI" Zoper revmatični bolečine "' kahtevajte »vetovno-žnanl ' ANCHOR PAIN-EXPELLER M hitro, gotovo pomoč te januarske seje, da zamoremo nekaj ukreniti zaradi y,fiselice. Frank Sustarsie, tajnik * * * Chicago, 111. Z bratski Ai 2334 So ,pnL v torej preide se na poročila ' ' Uštvenih zastopnikov. T' 20 P°roča, da imajo 3 no-, c člane in obenem so imeli od- na od društva št. 26, ki je zgubil nogo in so starši v slabih finančnih razmerah. Daruje se mu $10 da si bo kupil umetno nogo. Brat predsednik opozarja, da, smo že pozni in ker imamo še. volitev odbora za leto 1936, naj bo stvar končana do druge seje, nato zaključi sejo in otvori iz-vanredno sejo ali volitev novega odbora. Jj?r za Pravila, kateri se pa stri-' " Iavojjcni so vsi stari odbornika z odborom Skupnih društev, ki razen naše marljive in delav-St. 26 poroča, da so dobili 2 n°va člana 87 nimajo posebnega za Poročati. St. 120 poroča, da ima jo 3 no-c članice. Št. 144 ni navzoča. nc sestre Lunder, ki je preveč zaposlena, bo nam pa kaj dobrega skuhala, ker se dobro za-stopi v kuhinji. Torej, odborniki za leto 1936 so sledeči: Predsednik Krist Stokel, podpredsednica Marge Vidmar, taj Cenjeni mi bratje in sestre: Na zadnji decemberski seji smo volili novi odbor. Vsi člani društva so bili obveščeni naj se udeležijo v polnem številu, a žalibog malo je bilo uspeha, torej mora vsaki, kateri se ni udeležil seje, plačati 25c v društveno blagajno. Odbor je o-stal pri starem, razen predsednika, ki je sedaj Johan Wan-sech. Tem potom opozarjam vse člane, da bi se malo bolj zanimali za seje, ker drugače se skoraj ne izplača plačevati dvorano, ker za vsako sejo stane $2.50. Sedaj imamo tudi veselico pred vratmi. Kakor sem že opisal, naj bi vsaki član in članica dobro agitiral, ker čim večja bo udeležba, lepša ba zabava ter tudi večja pomoč za našo blagajno. Torej, vas prosim, da vabite svoje prijatelje kakor tudi društva, da se udeležijo naše zabave, katera se bo vršila dne 18. januarja, 1936 v Fleiner dvorani, 1638 N. Hal-sted St., ob 7:30 uri zvečer. Vstopnina z vstopnico bo 25c, brez vstopnice pa 35c. Kateri člani nimate še tiketov alt da jih še več potrebujete, se obrnite na tajnika, prijatelji in društva pa jih' lahko dobijo pri naših članih društva "Gorenc" št. 104 SSPZ. Torej vas še enkrat prosim, da se dobro pripravite za ta večer, ker društveni odbor bo gledal za najboljše postrežbo. Igrala bo dobro znana slovenska godba Pucell Trio. Vam kličem na veselo svidenje na veselici! Frank Sustarsic, tajnik * * * Cleveland, O. Wm. Candon Minulo je staro leto, ž njim je minula milijon-dolarska kampanja članskega oddelka, ostala pa ie še kampanja za. tri mesece časa mladinskega oddelka. Dolžnost naša je, da, se skupno podamo v boj za mladino. Ako nismo! storili svoje dolžnosti v članskem oddelku, storimo vsaj v mladinskem. Kaj bi bilo večje veselje za članstvo S. S. P. Z. kot to če bi bila stoprocentna kam panja? Resnica je, da se je komaj ena tretjina članstva udeležila dela, katerega bi mogli vr-šit£ vsi. Ako bi le storili korak za organizacijo bi gotovo dospeli do vrhunca. Čemu se jeziti? Stopimo sedaj še teh par tednov na delo in pokažimo, da smo za dobrobit naše Zveze. Vsak član in članica Slov. Svob. Podp. Zve- Claridge, Pa. Namenil sem se nekoliko poročati o razmerah v naši naselbini. Z delom gre še po starem, po 3 do 4 dni na teden. Drugih posebnih novic ni razen, da smo ! imeli mrzle božične praznike in Novo leto. No člani, zopet smo eno leto starejši in človek si misli kako je bilo in še kaj bo v tem novem letu. Za odrasli oddelek mislim, da bomo v tem letu bolj srečni pri dobivanju novih članov. Ko bi bili vsi ljudje v okolici taki kot so nekateri, bi bilo zelo slabo za naše organizacije. Dobijo se namreč taki, da ko se jih vpraša, da svoje sinove vpišejo v Vrtec odgovorijo, da jih ni treba, če bedo umrli, da bo že država skrbela za pogreb, če bodo bolni in potrebovali bolniško oskrbo in operacijo, bo isto tako. Vsako raztolmačenje pogojev pri naših organizacijah je takim ljudem zastonj: Sedaj ko se bližamo konvenciji, bi priporočal, da bodoča konvencija uvrsti v pravila še nekatere vrste operacije, kajti prepričan sem, da posebno pri mladini bi dobili novo članstvo ako bi to storili. Na letni seji našega društva št. 2 je bilo sklenjeno, da še nadalje ostanemo pri Federaciji in da vsaki plača 5 centov članarine v mesecu januar. Sledeči uradniki so bili izvoljeni v letu 1936: Predsednik Louis Surla, podpredsednik Blaž Likar, tajnik Anton Menart, Box 171, blagajnik William Kratofil, Box 213, zapisnikar John Mlakar, predsednik nadzornega odbora William Smučk, nadzornika: Louis Surla, Sr. in Martin Likar, zdravnika Silver in L. Ga-razanič. Kar se tiče Vrtca bomo tako poslovali do konvencije kot do-sedaj, potem se bo pa že kaj u-krenilo. Vas člane lepo prosim, da bi se bolj pogostoma udeleževali sej v bodoče. Asesment za člane Vrtca v mesecu december, je bil prost. Toliko v naznanje Novo leto! Anton Menart, tajnik va^iPoroča, da imajo 2 no-1 nik in blagajnik John Kikol, za"j ppxTŠTW? ŠTEV. 195 člana in vabijo vse članstvo! pisnikar John Kardell, nadzorni' ' . , . II prireditev, ki se bo vršila dne j odbor: Charles Koman, Frank I '-»nneaul, um ^februarja. Pucel in Anton Wapotich. | Tem potom naznanjam .^J" vabi vsd članstvo na t Društveni zastopniki za leto ue !';;rLy- ki se bo vršil dne 20. ja- j 1936 so pa sledeči: emila smrt ugrabila iz da je naše ze naj vpiše samo enega člana za Vrtec, ker to lahko stori vsaki ywu* članstvu želim srečno brez izgovora. Idite kamorkoli hočete, za 15 ali 20 centov mesečno se vsi starši podajo in vpišejo svojega otroka v društvo a-li Vrtec. Marsikateri gledajo sari H) za članske 'otroke; to je bilo nekdaj ali sedanja pravila nam dovoljujejo, da je vsaki dobrodošel. Otroci članov ali nečlanov, vse, kateri potrebujejo kako zavarovalnino, sprejmemo v našo sredo. Tudi nas naj nc moti politika ali veroizpoved. Svo bodno mišljenje pri naši organizaciji gleda samo za napredek in dobrobit članstva pa naj bo največji rudečkar ali pa katoličan, vsak po svoje Boga moli. Kaj je najpravilnejša pot za vsakega? Stori kot ti um veleva, ker prisiliti ne moremo nobenega, da bi mogel trobiti v i-sti rog kot kateri drugi, glejmo Claridge, Pa. Sporočati hočem žalostno vest iz naše naselbine, namreč, da jej naše društvo št. 2 zopet izgubilo enega izmed svojih članov. Na novega leta dan zjutraj so dobili obešenega v sobi Franka, Bratkoviča, starega 60 let. Doma je bil iz Dolenjskega. V Claridge zapušča samo brata, tri hčere in dva sinova pa bivajo v Chicagi. Pogreb pokojnega se je vršil na Manor pokopališče dne 4. januarja po civilnih obredih ob 2. uri popoldne. Udeležba pri pogrebu je bila velika. Bil je član dveh društev, ki sta mu darova- uuarja. jsre.de našega dobrega člana in FRANK ZAKRAJŠEK Slovenski pogrebnih 1105 NORWOOD RD. ENdicott 4735 JOS. ŽELE IN SINOVI POCPvEBNl ZAVOD 6502 ST. CLAIR AVE. ENdicott 0583 Avtomobili in bolniški voz redno in cb vsaki uri na razpolago, Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo COLLINWOODSKI URAD: 452 East 152nd Street Tel. KEumore 3118 GRDINAS Pre-Inventory Sale SILK CREPE, light and dark shades including new spring prints at a special price $3.88 DRESSES VALUED UP TO $16.50 $4.85 & $5,82 A special lot at $L94 HOSE OUR FAMOUS MOJUD HOSIERY, CHIFFON AND SERVICE Regular 79c, 3 pairs for $2.00 Regular $1, 3 pairs for $2.55 HATS FELTS .AND VELVETS 97c SWEATERS SPECIAL AT 97c and $1.49 SKIRTS $1.49 and $1.94 SILK LINGERIE A very special lot at 79c SLIPS Regular $1.00 special at 84c ■Extra sizes — built up shoulder at 49c With lace trim at 49c Pošteni družini pa, da stopimo na strani delav-'se odda v najem stanovanje s škili struj; učimo našo mladino, 4 sobami, spodaj: kopalnica in) da ♦?<> organizira v skupino, v ka- pralnica. Na jemnina $12.00 St. 20 Krist Stokel, William sobrata Aleksandra Karol, ki jo terih se deluje za skupen boj de- .Vprafe m se na 16011 Saranac Ed. Al! other articles in store including party, formal, bridal and bridesmaid outfits at a 15% discount. Will hold bridal outfits until needed, until needed. This sale iloes not afl'ect cosmetics of Harriet Hubbard Ayers THIS SALE WILL LAST ONLJT THESE (3) DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, January 9-10-11 Gill ST. U,AU< AVUNLIfc STRAN 4, BNAKOPR SITOST 8 januarja, 16Š6. Beginning The New Year By IjAT)I TOME Ladi Tome LOTS OF RESOLUTIONS Each yeni' as the year begins we make a lot of resolutions, the pred. ominating ones being that we shall abolish certain habits, reform ourselves in some respects, and in general Improve upon our past performances. How many of us Include in our resolutions to resolves to do better by our fellow man? How many of us pledge ourselves to promote friendship and good will toward our fellow beings? To spread a ray Of sunshine in their midst? To encourage them in their ambitions and desires and aid them in any undertaking which would better or advance humanity? Where can we display such a resolution better than in our fraternal circle. Where can we practice friendship, and lend a helping hand with true sincerity, better than in our own lodge. When does a more appropriate opportunity to practice and fulfill these principles occur, than now at the start of the new year. STANLEY TISOL, PRESIDENT Why, with the aid of the new officers we have installed, should this be a difficult task to attempt? With brother Stanley Tisol acting as president we have at our helm a character who needs no introduction. As the first president of the Trail Blazer lodge and charter member of the first English-speaking lodge we are indeed honored to have him presiding over the meetings during this ensuing year. We need have no fear that he will fail us in making this resolution come to pass. VICE-PRESIDENT VICTOR TOME Brother Victor Tome shall occupy the chair of vice-presidency. In him also we may rely to do his utmost to promote good fellowship and interest in lodge activities. Vic also is a charter member of the Trail Blaaers and a faithrul one also. Sister Alice Puzell will again tabulate the minutes as recording secretary for the current year. Tho not a charter member, Alice has been with the Trail Blazers for a number of years and has always been willing to do her part and ~ more, to keep the embers of cheer forever glowing in our folds. Brother John Frankovicli shall repeat his efforts as treasurer for & second term. John at one time was prescient of our lodge and his devotion to his duties at that time shall never be forgotten. We feel he shall not relax in his sense of responsibilities as a treasurer and shall continue to serve us as he has in the past. THIRD YEAR AS SECRETARY Brother Ladi Tome shall for the third consecutive year hold the position as financial secretary. Being another charter members of Trail Blazers, Ladi has leajned to know each member individually thru his association with them as secretary and thru the long years of companionship with fellow members. He has learned to know the trials and tribulations they have encountered during these past lean years. He has shared the misfortunes of come and the faith of others. He resolves this year to serve the members more faithfully than ever before. STANLEY TOME ADMINISTRATOR Brother Stanley Tome has been elected as administrator for the Trail Blazer Juniors. His daily contact With students in high school has enabled him to understand the whims and fancies of the younger set. We feel that he will do- all in his power to create interest in our juniors and devote his time and energies toward making Vrtec number 139 the biggest and best. With this staff of officers we may feel certain that 1936 is going to be a big and prosperous year for the Trail Blazers Lodge. We can rest assured that with the cooperation of the membership the foregoing resolution shall be fulfilled and a bigger and better Trail Blazer lodge shall be the result. Let us all attend the first Trail Blazer meeting of this year at Stancik's Hall, 205 E. 115 St., at 8:00 p. m. on Thursday, January 16 and send these servants of ours off to a flying start and new fields to conquer. Let us show our sincerity in them by being present and encouraging them. Last, but not least let us firmly resolve to do our part and shoulder our burdens as real men and women should. OIUM MEDIUM OF MEMBERSHIP'S EXPRESSION Official Announcement:' CALL FOR ELECTION OF DELEGATES AND THEIR ALTERNATES OR THE NINTH REGULAR CONVENTION OF THE S. S. P. Z. PIRATE JUNIORS HOLD ELECTION Eddie Lounder Offers New Name For Vrtec TWO MICROPHONES AND FOUR loud speakers will thrust Charles Stenross' music from the walls of the Slovene Auditorium and Annex at Inter-Lodge Day affair 9ft 9fi 9ft ANGELINE TURKOVICH, SPARTAN, has won a shirt selling contest which entitles her to a Bermuda trip. Congratulations Angy. •ft ^ ¥ ELIZABETH HOSTNIK, SPARTAN, has her attractive signs for Inter-Lodge Day on display in front of Slovene Auditorium, f' '1 * * * CELEBRITIES OF NATIONAL baseball fame will be present at Inter-Lodge day. AI Milnar of the Cleveland Indians, Dan Pavlovic of the Detroit farm and others. ¥ V CHALLENGERS ATHLETIC CLUB Meeting tonight. Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month. f ♦ * * SSPZ LODGE OF BLACK DIAMOND, Washington will bold a combined dance with SNPJ and JSKJ lodges Saturday, January 18th. ELECTION OF DELEGATES is to take place at February meetings of your local lodge. EURGETTSTOWN, Pa. — Seeing that no Pirate Junior member has taken it upon himself to report our proceedings, members who haven't the initiative or desire to express themselves concerning our many activities, 1 have again taken it upon myself to acknowledge some interesting facts and statements. For one is the election of new officers for the year 1936. The following were elected: President .............. Frances Sage Vice-president ........ Evelyn Pompe Financial and Recording Secretary ........... Eddie Lounder Eeach year we expect to achieve more, so let us see a great improvement now that new officers were elected. Another fact that I wish to state is the wonderful cooperation senior lodge-Pirates have given us in preparation of the Christmas Party. Although a few members failed to attend, all others enjoyed themselves in a lively manner. Our younger members particularly found pleasure in the presence of Santa Claus. Several parents attended and none have expressed themselves that they were sorry they came. Now I have a third and final statement to offer. It may be that I am a little tardy with the suggestion to be a candidate for the contest prize, nevertheless I believe it not too late to give my favorite name to replace the name Vrtec. My idea of an appealing name would be "VOX POPULUS." Meaning of course—"The Voice of the People." I believe the name is suitable for the following reason. We juniors are part of the people. We have freedom of expression at our meetings and through our official organ in writing. Our lodge and. organization promotions are conducted by democratic means of the membership in our society. Few members in our organization do not dictate to us. We voice our ideas, our plans as people. Do we not have delegates representing our senior lodges, and this year we will also have delegates from our juvenile department, who attend conventions every four years to plan constructively our progress for years in advance? Wouldn't it give young members a true and spirited motive if we had a name that would imply to freedom of expression through the "Voice of the People" comprising our youthful group? 1 suppose many members of other active Vrtec lodges wonder sometime "What's wrong with the Pirate Juniors? We so seldom hear from them." Well, I guess it's the same with us as most lodges. Some take no interest at all, others just do as little as possible, a few others do it all. So the case is with us. In behalf of the Pirate Junior lodge and myself, we extend all Vrtec lodges and members of the SSPZ hearty good wishes for a prosperous year of 1936. Eddie Lounder The ninth regular convention of the SSPZ will convene for its initial meeting on the Third Monday in the month of May, 1936, in the City of Eveleth, State of Minnesota. The convention will be composed of: a) Members of the Supreme Board; b) delegates elected by their Lodges. Any member in good standing, who is 21 years of age, insured in all benefit funds, literate, member of the local Lodge at least six (6) months preceding the election of delegates and a member of the Society not less than two (2) years,—may be elected delegate. Any Lodge that numbered twenty-five (25) or more members as of December 31, 1935, may elect and send one delegate to the convention. Lodges numbering one hundred (100) or more members may elect two (2) delegates, and Lodges having three hundred (300) or more members may elect three (3) delegates. Lodges that cannot qualify toward electing their own delegate may unite with other small Lodges for this purpose and elect a common delegate. The candidates for delegates shall be nominated at the regular Lodge meeting held in the month of February, and the election o£ delegates shall take place at the regular Lodge meeting during the month of February, and the election of delegates shall take place at the regular Lodge meeting during the month of March, 1936. The alternates shall be nominated and elected in the same manner, the delegates and alternates separately. The election of delegates shall be governed by the same rules as for election of Lodge officers. To Society will pay the cost of transportation of delegates from their home town to Eveleth, Minn., and return, (excluding Pullman sleepers), but per diem shall be paid by the Local Lodge. INTERPRETATION OF THE BY-LAWS The Representation at the Convention and the Election of Delegates is embodied in Article 2 of the By-Laws. Members are requested to study and follow this article to clarify any uncertainty in connection with the nominations and elections of delegates. Explanation of various Sections of Article 2 follows: 1) This Section explains how many delegates may be sent by one Lodge according to the number of members on December 31, 1935. It gives the privilege to smaller Lodges to unite for PROGRESSORS" DANCE, JAN. Nth Lee Barret Will Play For 1st Anniversary the. purpose of electing united may send only less of the number of Lodges. Lart, Lodr. delegates, according right to unite with oth ?s to1 ,vnth Each group of Lodges so - i o the convention, regard-un this particular group of ualified to send one or more ■ in this Section, have no the purpose of sending one n. add4.lio,utl delegate to the om in a novel fashion. Each contributing an idea or two that will make the celebration a colorful affair. We extend an invitation to all neighboring lodges, Challengers of Cannonsburg, Pirates of Burgettstown, Panthers of Renton and the Blue Eagles of Republic. It has been many a moon since we have seen representation from the latter lodge. Then we continue to invite those pleasant brothers and sisters from Cleveland, Rudy Lisoh, Charles Koman, Rose Hočevar, Antonia Zagar, Stanley and Jack Zagar, Ken Williams, the Gru-dens and the many other Spartans, Utopians and their friends. Our specific invitations cannot be complete without hoping to see our brother Vrhovnik who hasn't set foot on Pennsylvania's affairs for quite some time. We are banking on you member^ of the SSPZ to help make our first anniversary a welcome one and a spotlight of our 1936 activity. This coming Saturday is the _ date—January 11th, at Bridgeville, Pa. A Progressor BRIDGEVILLE, Pa. — The Progressors are taking this opportunity to extend to each and every one of you a cordial invitation to their largest and most important affair of the year. OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY! It will take place at the Slovene Hall on Liberty St., Bridgeville, on Saturday, January 11th, 1936. Lee Barretts delightful dance tunes will have the power to transport you to a new and wonderful land, causing you to forget today's trials and tomorrow's troubles. Dancing will begin at eight o'clock and will continue until 12 midnight. Admission is only 35 cents. "May we have the pleasure of seeing you January 11th at Bridgeville?" Alma Milavec, Rec. Sec'y VICTORIANS CHICAGO, 111. — Lest you forget during the excitement of the holidays, the January meeting date has been changed to the second Thursday of the month—January 9th, instead of the usual first Thursday. Because the regular meeting date falls on the day after New Year, members agreed that the change would insure a better attendance. Please note that thru-out the remainder of the year the meeting date will be as it has in the past—the first Thursday of every month. Our January meeting will be one of great importance. An entire new staff of officers will be installed to take T, . , . , , . ,, . 0 ,. ,, , ,, _ j _ . up the leadership of the lodge for It is also provided in this Section that the Lodge Secretary i936_ They are: must furnish the Home Office with the names and addresses of the elected delegates and their alternates not later than April 30, 1936. For this purpose special blanks will be forwarded to each Lodge. 4) This Section provides that the balloting for delegates and their alternates shall be in the same manner as for Lodge Officers. How these are nominated and elected see Article 17, Section 3. 5) This Section provides that the Society will pay the traveling expenses (mileage) of all the delegates, and that other compensations to the delegates will be paid by individual Lodges. Surcharges for sleepers, observation, smoker and other "extra" cars will not be paid by the Society. This provision is proper, although somewhat old. It pertains to "railroad fares" as standard for remuneration, although it is not definite. The convention itself will have to define "mileage" for those who will travel by bus, aeroplane or private automobile. It is recommended that only those qualifying members be elected delegates who can understand and speak both English and Slovene (or Srbo-.Croat) language. Discussions and debates at the convention will most certainly be spoken in both languages. The Third Monday of May falls on May 18, 1936,—the opening of the Convention. Dated at Chicago, 111., and Cleveland, O., December 30, 1935. VATRO J. GRILL, Supreme President WILLIAM RUS, Supreme Secretary CONSTANT FACTIONS Meeting Thursday; Initiate Officers Joseph Potscli ............. President Frank Pouhe ......... Vice-president Mary Novak ........ Sec'y and Treas. Andrew Obosla .. Recording Secretary Nancy Novak ..... Sargeant-at-srma The interests of the lodge are in capable hands. |May they enjoy Good Luck and Success in all that they may undertake. Good Leadership is essential to every lodge but without the cooperation of every member the officers can accomplish very little. You can do your part by paying your dues promptly. If you find that you cannot attend the monthly meeting make it a point to mail your money order to the secretary not later than the 20th of each month. This will give the secretary a few days to make up the report to the supreme office which must be mailed by the 26th of the month. Your cooperation in this way will eliminate unnecessary correspondence and make the secretarial duties lighter. Sister Novak shall take up the secretary's duties at the January meeting. Address all mail to her at—7310 Vin-cennes avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Don't forget! The meeting date is January 9th. Let's start the new year with a record attendance. May the year of 1936 bring good tidings to my coherts and fellow fraternal members. Marie Trampush, secretary There are two forces constantly at work in our Society, one of w?h ich, many times offsets the other in securing permanent results. Let us refer in simple terms, to these forces as "Gaining" and "Holding." It was during our membership campaign, which ended on December 31st, that we Stanley Tisol gRve forth thg ut_ most of zeal and energy. Week after week, our Official Organ poured out hundreds upon hundreds of words giving encouragement, suggestions, advice, plans and thoughts of stimulation. Awards were offered and local campaign managers appointed, who were charged with the handling of the membership drive in their locale, and who were to labor as a united driving force with its own specific duty in the building up of the membership of the Society. This was the "Gaining" force, which was to be constantly on the alert for new candidates to swell the ranks of the organization. STRONG HOLDING FORCES The significance of the "Holding" force, which is just as important, or even more so, than the "Gaining" force, was never impressed upon the lodge officers or the membership as a whole. We must admit that here is where our work lies, and this, because of the fact, that holding an old member is just as important and valuable as a new member gained. KEEPING MEMBERS IS NEEDED In stimulating the importance of the "Holding" force, we must consider, that at times members are tempted to let their membership lapse for the sake of the little money that they may save at the time. It is only too true that money is scarce. But no saving, certainly not the small amount of a monthly assessment, would justify the short-sighted move of lapsing their membership. The protection that the Society gives the members, particularly during these trying times, is worth many times its cost. If the head of the family should be the one to fall ill, the sick benefit may well mean the very food that sustains his depend ent family. Few members, who have gone through the past depression, have enough money- ahead to meet such emergencies. And a member of our organization facing an unforeseen occurrence finds sure comfort in tho knowledge thut hie mortuary benefit will atrp))' cover and free his loved ones from the last terrible burden, the cost of burial. From a practical dollar and cents point of view, a member cannot afford to let his J membership lapse. It is his best investment, a posses- , sion, whose value has not been reduced by the depres- | sion. GETTING THEJVI BACK The reasons are obvious, and they apply equally to 1 all the members. Business is picking up, gradually, of course, but steady. Members are going back to work- : So, the officers of the lodge, and especially the secre- | tary, should go over the list of suspended members, and | the members who were lapsed within the past two { months for non-payment of their assessments. Then make personal calls on them, and you will learn that the majority of these members are suspended or lapsed j not from choice, but because of pinched pocketbooks. 1 Most of them will be eager, with a little urging, to pay } their delinquent assessments, particularly when they are called upon personally and told of their delin- I quency in the privacy of their homes. But they must I be told! And they want to be asked! SWING INTO ACTION Now is the time for the officers of the lodge to I swing into action, to make those personal calls upon the delinquent members, or to put the invitation to return \ into writing a brotherly and friendly letter. Remember that anyone, who has been a member of the J Society knows its worth. He does not have to be sold on the idea in the same manner as a new candidate, f but he may have to be encouraged, to be made sure i that he is wanted and welcome back to the lodge. Therefore, let us not only avail ourselves of the ; "Gaining" force, but let us endeavor to concentrate on 1 the "Holding" force. REMEMBER AN OLD MEMBER RETAINED IS ; A MEMBER GAINED!'! 16 i i- f SPARTAN JUNIOR MEETING SATURDAY, JAN. 11th Slov. Nat'l Home — 7 p. m. — Room No. 2 # * * SPARTAN MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th Slovene National Home * w * INTER-LODGE BASKETBALL GAMES TONIGHT and Every Wednesday hereafter—St. Clair Bath House. * # * INTER-LODGE DAY, JANUARY 18th — Slovene Auditorium — Charles Stenross' Band ^ V ^ SPARTAN NINTH ANNIVERSARY DANCE FEB. 22nd Slovene Auditorium. V V V PROGRESSORS' FIRST ANNIVERSARY DANCE SATURDAY, JAN. 11th— Slovene Hall, Bridgeville, Pa- Sfi 9ft 9$ SECOND WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE of the Strabanc Challengers is in preparation. V CHALLENGERS TAKE TOP HONORS IN CAMPAIGN ended December 31st. $549,000 TOTAL SUM OF CAMPAIGN. * * * MONTH OF DECEMBER HIGHEST WITH $113,500 worth of insurance. * * * MICHAEL VRHOVNIK'S REPORT ON CAMPAIGN' will cover details in next week's issue.